Alternative History
  • (The World Map is not currently up to date and is not accurate to the world of Regina Americana, please do not rely on the information it conveys until it has been updated.)

As we all know, the United States is one of the worlds most powerful and influential nations, declaring it's independence from Great Britain in 1776 and eventually gaining it in 1783, and then waltzing and waring across North America to fulfill it's beliefs of Manifest Destiny. Known for it's natural beauty, the Auto Industry, pop culture, fast food, and many other things, it is hard to imagine a world where the United States dosen't end up becoming a global power.

But for just a moment, imagine if Joseph Galloway and the Loyalists were to have been successful in what they had hoped for. Had Galloway's Plan of Union been passed by one vote, Galloway and the Loyalists could've easily achieved the outcome they were looking for. What would such a nation look and act like? How would this affect the World? What would the world be like had there been a Regina Americana?

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The World of Regina Americana[]

Below is a political map of the nations of the world circa 1987 (Regina Americana's current year).

Current date in Regina AmericanaJuly 11, 1987.

  • Note: The map (and list) may change as the timeline progresses or is updated.
    Corrupted sunshine timeline map

Rank Name Capital Largest City Population
1 Flag of China (1949-Present) People's Republic of China Flag of Beijing (CS) Beijing Flag of Shanghai (CS) Shanghai 1,067,221,740
2 Flag of India (1947-Present) (CS) Harmonious Federal Republic of India Flag of New Delhi (CS) New Delhi No flag Bombay 819,720,120
3 US Flag with 62 Stars (Variant) United States of America Flag of Washington DC (1938-Present) Washington Flag of New York City (1977-Present) New York City 366,931,310
4 Flag of the USSR Union of Soviet Socialist Republics No Flag Adopted Yet Moscow 287,675,880
5 Flag of Indonesia (Pantone) Republic of Indonesia No flag Jakarta 147,726,235
6 Flag of Brazil (1968–1992) Federative Republic of Brazil Bandeira da cidade do Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janerio Bandeira da cidade de São Paulo São Paulo 130,553,000
7 Flag of Nigeria (1960) Federal Republic of Nigeria No flag Lagos 109,839,500
8 Flag of Bangladesh People's Republic of Bangladesh No flag Dhaka 109,839,500
9 Flag of Pakistan Islamic Republic of Pakistan No Flag Adopted Yet Islamabad No Flag Adopted Yet Karachi 104,609,050
10 Flag of Japan (Different Palette) State of Japan Flag of Tokyo Prefecture Tokyo 96,959,445
11 Flag of Mexico (CS) Empire of Mexico Flag of Mexico City Mexico City 83,687,230
12 Flag of South Africa (CS) Federal Republic of South Africa No Flag Adopted Yet Pretoria (and 3 others) Flag of Johannesburg (1970-1994) Johannesburg 71,145,510
13 Flag of Vietnam (1976-Present) Socialist Republic of Vietnam Flag of Hanoi Hanoi No Flag Adopted Yet Ho Chi Minh City 62,765,420
14 United States of Germany flag United Confederation of Germany Flag of Frankfurt (Variant) Frankfurt am Main Flag of Hamburg (CS) Hamburg 59,821,160
15 Flag of the Phillippines (Variant) Republic of The Phillippines Flag of Manilla Manilla Flag of Quezon City Quezon City 57,534,970
16 Flag of Italy (1946-2003) Republic of Italy Flag of Rome (CS) Rome 52,304,525
17 Flag of the UK (1801-Present) United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Flag of London London 51,002,775
18 Flag of France (1830-Present) French Fifth Republic Flag of Paris Paris 49,092,895
19 Flag of Turkey (1923) Republic of Turkey No Flag Adopted Yet Ankara No Flag Adopted Yet İstanbul 47,820,930
20 Flag of Egypt (1972) Arab Republic of Egypt Coat of Arms of Cairo (modified) Cairo 46,704,530
21 Flag of Thailand (1917-Present) Kingdom of Thailand Flag of Bangkok Bangkok 55,000,000
22 Flag of Iran (CS) People's Republic of Iran No Flag Adopted Yet Tehran 55,000,000
23 Flag of Ethiopia (1987–1991) People's Democratic Republic of Ethiopia No Flag Adopted Yet Addis Ababa 47,700,000
24 Flag of East Africa (CS) East African Federation No flag Arusha No flag Dar es Salaam 42,950,820
25 Flag of South Korea (1984-1997) Republic of Korea Flag of Seoul (1946 - 1996) Seoul 42,400,000
26 Flag of Burma (Shorter Proportions) Socialist Republic of the Union of Burma No flag Rangoon 39,900,000
27 Flag of Spain (1981-Present) Kingdom of Spain Bandera de Madrid Madrid 39,200,000
28 Flag of Poland (1955-1990) People's Republic of Poland Flag of Warsaw Warsaw 37,900,000
29 Flag of Zaire (1971) Republic of Zaïre Flag of Kinshasa (1971-1997) Kinshasa 34,000,000
30 Flag of Argentina (1861-Present) Republic of Argentina Bandera de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires Bueños Ayrés 32,400,000
31 Civil Ensign of the New Grenadan Republic Republic of New Granada Nic Flag of Bogotá Bogotá 32,300,000
32 Flag of Canada (CS) Dominion of Canada Flag of Ottawa, ON (1901-1987) Ottawa Flag of Toronto (Variant) Toronto 26,200,000
33 Flag of Morocco (CS) Kingdom of Morroco No Flag Adopted Yet Rabat Flag of Casablanca (1976-1997) Casablanca 25,400,000
34 Flag of Nubia (CS) Democratic Republic of Nubia No Flag Adopted Yet Khartoum 25,000,000
35 Flag of Algeria Republic of Algeria Algiers pre 1962 by lavergonha-d9fhsf4 Algiers 24,700,000

Global News Network[]

The GNN will bring you all the latest news from Corrupted Sunshine.

Flag of the United States (CS) June 17th, 1987, Biscayne, United States - With the death of the last known dusky seaside sparrow, a subspecies native to the State of Pantanosa, becomes extinct.

Flag of Portugal (1911-Present) April 13th, 1987, Lisbon, Portugal - The Governments of the Portuguese Republic and the People's Republic of China sign an agreement in which the territory of Portuguese Macau will be returned to China in 1999.

Flag of Chad (CS) January 2, 1987, N'Djamena, Chad - Chadian Forces overrun Libyan Forces with during the Battle of Fada, resulting in a Chadian victory.

Flag of the United States (CS) July 5th, 1986, Washington, United States - After the Sino-Iranian oil deal, The Department of State looked to make diplomatic relations with an oil rich country to keep up with their growing automobile industry. On July 5th, the United States signed a deal with Venezuela to have US companies mine for Venezuelan Oil, with the Gas Race now beginning.

Flag of China (1949-Present) June 25th, 1986, Beijing, China - After a few deals with Iran, the Chinese were able to set up their state run companies in Iran to mine for oil, with the country now able to get a steady supply of oil for their growing automobile industry.

Flag of Saudi Arabia (1930s Variant) June 17th, 1986, Mecca, Saudi Arabia - The King of Saudi Arabia announced the Pan-Arabic Joint Security Organization, an alliance of Arab nations for collective security, seeing itself as the defender of the Arabic faith. Mecca would be the headquarters of the alliance, with the founding members being Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Egypt, Syria, and Lebanon.

Flag of France (1830-Present) May 28, 1986, Paris, France - The Fifth French Republic went through a constitutional crisis, with President François Mitterrand and 13/15 of his cabinet being impeached for large reports of corruption, and replaced by his successor, Charles Liberman; the problem being that Charles was born in Belgium and had no right to the presidency of France. This was an issue since the last remaining member of the cabinet, Jean Lecanuet, being in the hospital after falling down 2 flights of stairs and unable to pursue the duties of the office of President.

Flag of Libya (1977–2011) April 15, 1986, Trābulus, Libya - The United States has launched an aerial bombardment of Libya in retaliation for Libyan support of terrorism and attacks on US Personnel in Germany and Turkey.

Flag of West Germany (CS) April 5, 1986, West Berlin, Germany - On April 5th, a group of 9 Libyan sponsored terrorists would carry out an attack on West Berlin, with 46 German and 79 American casualties reported.

US Flag with 62 Stars (Variant) March 12, 1986, Goshen, United States - Interstate 80's final segment has been completed, linking Leonia NJ with Yerba Buena CA.

Flag of Haiti (CS) Febuary 6, 1986, Port-au-Prince, Haïti - Dictator Jean-Claude Duvalier has been overthrown and killed by a military uprising.

Flag of Quebec (Variant) June 21, 1985, Montréal , Québec - Air India Flight 182 has been blown up over Québecois waters due to a bomb placed in it's luggage compartment; and has been declared the greatest act of terrorism in the world.

Flag of Guinea-Malabo (CS) July 4, 1984, Malabo, Guinea-Malabo - Guinea-Malabo has gained independence from the United States, becoming an independent nation.

Flag of Brunei January 1, 1984, Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei - Brunei has gained independence from the United Kingdom, becoming an independent nation.

Flag of Grenada October 29, 1983, Saint George's, Grenada - Communist forces have been defeated, and democracy in Grenada has been restored.

Flag of Grenada October 25, 1983, Saint George's, Grenada - The United States leads an invasion of Grenada, initiated by a military coup in 1979 that transformed the nation a socialist state. The United Kingdom, Barbados, Jamaica and other Commonwealth forces assist American military forces.

Flag of Lebanon (1943-Present) October 23, 1983, Beirut, Lebanon - Two trucks have bombed building housing American and French military forces, resulting in the death of 287 American and 164 French servicemen. The organization ''Islamic Jihad'' has claimed responsibility for the bombing.

Flag of the UK (1801-Present) July 14, 1982, Stanley, United Kingdom - Argentina has surrendered and relinquished all claims to the Falkland Islands, with the islands remaining British territory.

Flag of the UK (1801-Present) April 2, 1982, Stanley, United Kingdom - Argentina has invaded the Falkland Islands, and war has been declared; Commonwealth and other military forces have been deployed.

Flag of Antigua and Barbuda February 5, 1981, Saint John's, Antigua and Barbuda - Antigua and Barbuda has gained independence from the United Kingdom, becoming an independent nation.

Flag of Timor-Leste (CS) July 17, 1980, Dili, Timor-Leste - The Timor War has ended, Indonesian and other troops have withdrawn from the nation and the country recognizes Timor-Leste as an independent nation.

Flag of Spain (1981-Present) April 14, 1980, Madrid, Spain - After a hard fought battle, Adolfo Suárez won the Prime Minister election and began rapidly reforming the government to lean toward a Republic, with many members of the Spanish parliament and military plotting to place the king in a fully ceremonial position.

Flag of Coastal Africa (CS) April 12, 1980, Monrovia, Coastal Africa - A Coup d'Etat has resulted in President William Tolbert's execution, and civil unrest within the country has skyrocketed; and American Military Forces have been sent to assist Coastal African Forces.

See Also[]

Credit to my friend for making the US Flag star pattern!