The Atnosian Religion is a polytheistic philosophy that holds Atnos at its chief deity. Its philosophies place importance on creating things and doing deeds that will far outlive one's own mortal life. This approach to life has created several schools of thought and various sects and cults in Atnosis itself. It has roots in proto-Yannian and Ri'Kivan pantheons. The caustic geography of Atnosia plays a key role in Atnosian faith and has allowed the ancient Atnosians to create monuments and great works that stand as fantastic sources of information in the ancient world.
The primary deity is Atnos, Dralachamir, who is responsible for killing nearly all other Dralachamir. He created mankind as a wedding gift to Silac, though they turned out to be disappointing. Furious at their frequent blasphemies and betrayals, he kicked the world so hard it began to spin, thus creating time itself. The world still has a hole due to his outburst, from whence lava frequently flows. This hole in the world is called Atnosia.
Creation Theory[]
The Atnosians believe that reality itself was created after the end of a past world, called Dralacham. This barren landscape was ruled by draconic beings called Dralachamir - huge serpents that spoke incomprehensible languages. At their whims, things were created or destroyed. As they often played tricks on one another, while one Dralachamir created one thing, the next Dralachamir would quickly destroy it. Because of their fighting, Dralacham was a land of chaos. It was ruled by Grolenac, who created the Dralachamir. Each physical, natural object had a patron Dralachamir. Atnos, who was a young Dralachamir and had not created anything, fell in love with Grolenac's daughter Silac. She had created water and was coveted by all the other Dralachamir. The two met in secret and created the first man, named Toa. It was the first creation of Atnos and his favorite.
When Grolenac discovered the love between Silac and Atnos, he was furious. He killed Toa and trapped Silac in a single drop of water. Atnos, seeking a place for his wife and revenge for his creation, sought to destroy what Grolenac had created - the Dralachamir themselves. One-by-one, Atnos slew the dragons who ruled Dralacham. His anger, however, caused such violence in the crust of Dralacham that the world exploded into a massive, eternal volcano. The Dralachamir that died in the eruption became the stars while all the land on Dralacham was thrown into the sky, forming the planets, moon, and Earth. The ruin of Dralacham became the Sun. Atnos took a liking to Earth, as it had water. There, he released Silac into the ocean and made more humans. However, these humans rebelled against Atnos after hearing what he did to the rest of the Dralachamir. They tried to give the world back to Grolenac, who was still trapped on the Sun. To punish the humans, Atnos and Silac invented time, forcing them to grow old and die. Each night was intended as a reminder of what Atnos did to the Dralachamir, and each day was a reminder that mankind yet lived and could still make things with the time they have.