Alternative History

The following is a repository of unorganized canon topics related to the Russian America timeline.

Alaskan-Based Companies[]


Unorganized List


Yakovlev logo

Yakovlev Logo (OTL/RELATED).

  • Yakovlev (Яковлев)
    • This universe's equivalent to the Yakovlev Design Bureau.
    • Formed by Aleksandr Yakovlev (Russian immigrant).
    • Aleksandr's father (Sergey Yakovlev) was an employee of Branobel (OTL).
      • With the backing (or reassurance) of Branobel, Sergey opts to relocate his family to Alaska after 1917.
      • Aleksandr was a teenager at the time and would follow his family to Alaska.


Azy Logo (Russian America)

Azy Logo.

  • Azy (Азы)
  • Gosudarstvenny Bank Alaski (Государственный банк Аляски) • Bank Alaski (Банк Аляски)
    • This timeline's equivalent to the National Bank of Alaska.
    • Founded by Andrew Stevenson* (potentially of Scandinavian descent).
    • Controlled by Edward Rasmuson* (Swedish immigrant) and his son, Elmer* (Swedish descent).
    • Does not merge with Vells-Fargo (see below) and remains a major bank in Alaska.
  • Vells-Fargo (Веллс-Фарго) • Uells-Fargo (Уэллс-Фарго) • ViF (ВиФ) • UiF (УиФ)
VTB Logo 2018


  • VTB (ВТБ) — Vneshtorgbank (Внешторгбанк)
    • Abbreviation for "International Trade Bank" (Внешнеторговый банк, Vneshnetorgovy bank).
    • Formed from the Alaskan (and foreign) assets of the Russian Bank for Foreign Trade.
    • Not to be confused with VTB Bank of OTL (which may be butterflied [at least in name] out of existence in TTL).


  • Magnavoks (Магнавокс) — Gromky Golos (Громкий голос) — GG (ГГ)
    • This universe's equivalent to Magnavox.
    • Founded by Peter L. Jensen* (Danish immigrant).
      • Jensen relocated to California (OTL) to work for the Federal Telegraph Company.
      • It was because of this that Magnavox was founded in Napa, California.
      • For this to work (ATL) we'd have to assume that Jensen opts to work for an Alaskan-based company (perhaps STiT) and remains in Alaska.
  • Orekhov (Орехов) — Orekhovsky (Ореховский)
  • Yezhevika (Ежевика)
Unorganized List
  • "Duracell" — Invented by Samuel Ruben* (Ukrainian descent).[3]
    • Originally established under a partnership with P. R. Mallory and Co Inc (100% American).
    • Given that Duracell (in name only) was only established in 1964 as a brand of Mallory (unsure who coined the term) it's unclear whether the name would even exist here.


  • Baskin-Ryabinov (Баскин-Рябинов) — BiR (БиР)
    • This universe's equivalent to Baskin-Robbins.
    • Founded by Burt Baskin* (Russian Jewish descent) and Irv Robbins* (original surname was Rabinowitz; Russian Jewish descent).
      • Baskin is already a Russian surname. Ryabinov approximate Russification of Rabinowitz.
  • Bitkom Nabity Orekhami (Битком набитый орехами)[4]
    • This universe's equivalent to Chock full o'Nuts.
    • Founded by Vasily Chernov (Russo-Lithuanian-Jewish immigrant).[5]
    • It would be interesting to see the restaurant chains still operating and expanding across Alaska (along with the coffee brand).
      • This may be a stretch due to the restaurants being limited to New York City (OTL) and their overall image of cleanliness.
  • Feygo (Фейго)
    • This universe's equivalent to Faygo.
    • Founded by brothers Perry* and Veniamin Feygenson (both Russian immigrants).
  • Gospodin Ponchik (Господин Пончик) — G-n Ponchik (Г-н Пончик)
  • Karvelev (Карвелёв, Karvelyov)
    • This universe's equivalent to Carvel.
    • Founded by Foma Karvelev (born Athanasios Karvelas; Greek immigrant).
      • Karvelev/Karvelyov is an approximate Russification of Karvelas.
  • Konradi (Конради)
    • Formed from the Alaskan (and foreign) assets of the Konradi Chocolate Factory.
    • Moris Morishovich Konradi (grandson of the company's founder) would emigrate to Alaska instead of Switzerland.
      • Due to this, Moris isn't radicalized to the point of assassinating Vatslav Vorovsky (Bolshevik and Soviet diplomat).
      • Instead, he'd be motivated to resurrect the brand and honor his family.
      • He may use his company to help promote anti-communist movements and spread propaganda. This would make things exciting post-1990s.
  • Malenky Tsezar (Маленький Цезарь)
Logo of Otkryty Kofeynik (Russian America)

Otkryty Logo (OUTDATED).

  • Otkryty (Открытый) — Otkryty Zavarnik (Открытый заварник)
    • This universe's equivalent to Dunkin' Donuts.
    • Founded by William Rosenberg* (Russian descent).[7]
    • Otkryty is the Russian word for "open" and is in reference to the original name Open Kettle.
      • A direct translation of the English dunkin[g] donuts isn't workable within Russian (or at least doesn't sound good as a company name).
      • There isn't a Russian word for kettle (at least not in the same manner as in English).
      • The closest equivalent would be chaynik, which literally means "teapot" (which sounds too limiting).
      • Given that the company has begun to rebrand itself as Dunkin', this makes using a single-word name workable.
      • Alternative names for the company could include:
        • Otkryty Zavarnik (Otkryty zavarnik) — "Open Kettle" (zavarnik could be a neutral term for kettle).[8][9]
        • Otkryty Kofeynik (Открытый кофейник) — "Open Coffee Pot"
          • "OK, Let's Go!" («ОК, пойдём!», "OK, poydyom!) — potential slogan based on abbreviation OK.
  • Ranza (Ранза) — Rantsa (Ранца)
    • This universe's equivalent to Runza.
    • Founded by Sally Everett* (Volga German descent).[10]
    • Would emerge as one of the biggest Alaskan fast food chains. Would have restaurants across Alaska and the world.
    • Would be the first Alaskan chain to open in the Soviet Union (potentially in the Latvian SSR) by the early-1990s.
  • Schastye (Счастье) — Chistaya (Чистая)
  • Znamenity Natan (Знаменитый Натан)[11]
    • This timeline's equivalent to Nathan's Famous.
    • Founded by Natan Khandverker (Galician/Polish immigrant)[12] and his wife Ida (Russian descent).[13]
    • Znamenity Natan literally translates as "Famous Nathan" in Russian.
      • This is because trying to translate "Nathan's Famous" into Russian would be too complicated for a business name.


ESP Logo (Russian America)

ESP Logo.

  • ESP (ЕСП) — Yedinaya Sluzhba Posylok (Единая служба посылок)


  • Bratya Voronovy (Братья Вороновы) — BraVoronovy (БраВороновы) — BraVo (БраВо)
    • This universe's equivalent of Warner Bros.
    • Founded by brothers Harry*, Albert*, Sam*, and Jack L. Warner* (all Polish Jewish immigrants).
      • Voronov is an approximate Russification of Wonsal and/or Wonskolaser.
Paley Logo (Russian America)

Paley Logo (WIP).

  • Paley (Палей) — Paley Radio System (Радиосистема «Палей», Radiosistema "Paley")
    • In a loose sense, this universe's equivalent to CBS.
    • Founded by Vasily Paley (Ukrainian ancestry) and brothers Isaac* and Leon Levy* (unknown ancestry).
    • CBS would still exist in the United States (at least in name only).
    • Potential nicknames would include:
      • Rushnik Network (сеть рушника, set rushnika) — In reference to the rushnyk-inspired logo.
      • Nordstryom Network (сеть «Нордстрём», set "Nordstryom") — In reference to Nordstrom (also an Alaskan company). Alluding to the "Tiffany Network" moniker of CBS.
RKA Logo (Russian America)

RKA Logo.

  • RKA (РКА) — Radio Company of Alaska (Радиокомпания Аляски, Radiokompaniya Alyaski)
    • In a loose sense, this universe's equivalent to NBC, ABC, and the Broadcasting Company of America.
    • Founded by David Sarnov (Belarusian immigrant).
    • NBC (and likely ABC) would still exist in the United States (at least in name only).
    • The name is in homage to the Broadcasting Company of America and the Radio Corporation of America (RCA).
    • Founded as a subsidiary of STiT (telecommunications) and Pavlov (electronics).
      • Due to this, RKA's history would follow an alternate history of the BCA under AT&T.
    • The peacock logo would be incorporated here (instead of TTL's American NBC) due to the following:
      • Sarnov was instrumental in the development and adoption of color television (which the original version of this logo showcased).
      • The logo was designed by Herb Lubalin* (original) and Ivan Chermayev (modern). Both are of (likely) Russian descent.
    • Potential nicknames would include:
      • Peacock Network (сеть павлина, set pavlina) — For obvious reasons.


  • Layka (Лайка) — Khaski (Хаски)
Unorganized List


  • Bayevsky (Баевский)
    • This universe's equivalent to Myer.
    • Founded by brothers Elcon* and Sergey Bayevsky (both Russian immigrants).
Domashny Sklad Logo (Russian America)

Domashny Sklad Logo.

  • Domashny Sklad (Домашний склад)
    • This universe's equivalent to The Home Depot.
    • Founded by Bernard Marcus* (Russian Jewish descent) and Arthur Blank* (Jewish descent).
    • Not to be confused with Domashny Sklad[20][21] of OTL (which may be butterflied [at least in name] out of existence in TTL).
  • Pravaya Pomoshch (Правая помощь)
    • This universe's equivalent to Rite Aid.
    • Founded by Alex Grass (Belarusian Jewish descent).
  • Skhemnoye Selo (Схемное село) — Pogruzochnaya Ploshchadka (Погрузочная площадка) — Vradskoy (Врадской) — Vid i Zvuk (Вид и звук)
    • This timeline's equivalent to Circuit City.
    • Founded by Samuil Vurtsel (Russian and Austrian descent).[22]
    • Skhemnoye selo translates as "circuit village" (keeping with the alliteration).
    • Alternative names for the company could include:
      • Vradskoy (Врадской) — In reference to the name Wards, which was a made-up name based on the initials of the Wurtzel family.[23]
        • Vrads (an anagram of Wards) is combined with the suffix «-кой» so it sounds like a real Russian surname.[24][25]
      • Vid i Zvuk (Вид и звук) — "Sight and Sound" (in reference to Sight-n-Sound).
      • Pogruzochnaya Ploshchadka (Погрузочная площадка) — "Loading Area" (in reference to the name Wards Loading Dock).
  • Zeyer (Зейер/Зеер)
    • This universe's equivalent to Zayre.
    • Founded by brothers Max* and Morris Feldberg* (Russian Jewish immigrants).
    • The name comes from Yiddish zeyer ("very").
      • The Russian spelling could be either «Зейер» or «Зеер» (both transliterated as Zeyer).
      • I prefer the latter spelling as it looks more unique.

This article is part of the "Russian America" timeline