Alternative History

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Republica Unida de Castilla y Leon
Timeline: 1983: Doomsday
Flag Coat of Arms
Flag Coat of Arms
Capital Leon
Largest city Leon
Other cities Astorga, Reinosa, Llanes
Language Spanish
Vice President
Population Est. 650,000 
Currency Peseta Castellano Leonesa

The Republica Unida de las Comunidades de Castilla, Leon, Asturias y Cantabria - shortly called Republica Unida de Castilla y Leon or colloquially Republica Comunera - was formed a few years ago as the union of several Juntas of the northwest of former Spain. At west it borders on the Republica de Galicia, at north it borders on the Republica de Asturias and and has a small outlet to the sea. In the south and the east the borders are not clear, the boundary is confused with other actors (warlords, small communities, etc..)

The Republic is the more recent of the successor states in Spanish mainland. It was formed in 2001 when the Junta of Leon joined with other smaller Juntas of Northwest to form a confederal State with its capital in Leon.  


The victory of the Junta of Leon against Galicia in the Second Bierzo´s War placed it ahead of other boards of the Northwest of the Peninsula. Six comunities joined in 2001 to Leonese Junta and formed the Republica Unida de Castilla y Leon.To avoid the dominance of the Board of Leon in the United Republic, other governments imposed the division of this Board in six autonomous governments.

History of the Junta of Leon

Shortly after the attacks of 26 September, by October 83 is constituted a first Junta (Board) of Emergency in Leon soon to be subordinated to the Junta General of Castile and Leon, which in turn was subordinated to the Junta Suprema de Coordinación (Supreme Coordination Board sortly named "La Suprema" or also known by its acronym JSC).

Among the units that refused orders to evacuate the Peninsula in 85 were the rocket launcher Artillery Regiment Number 62, stationed in the garrison of Astorga and Leon military airfield instead of leaving their garrisons decided to serve the Civilian Junta of Leon that in 1985 took again the power in the province, in union with the militias, former policemen and civil guards and other recruits formed the embryo of the army of the Junta of Leon who successfully maintain control of much of the former province, but could not prevent certain mountainous areas outside the control of the Board as Liebana, Somiedo and El Bierzo where an independent republic was declared.

Followed years of grueling battles on several fronts: in the east against the Republica del Bierzo (first supported by Galicia and then absorbed by it) to the north against the independent mountain communities south and southeast against the bandits of the Duero Valley.

Curiously, the Junta of Leon never proclaimed its independence, it was considered an interim government until future reconstruction of Spain, when after years of isolation that hope faded then it proposed the alternative of to establish an independent nation, by then already initiated talks of fusion with other political entities of their environment, a nd only once achieved this union arose the opportunity for independence, within a larger entity.

History of the Junta of Torrelavega

In 1987 survivors in the province of Cantabria and refugees fleeing from government Falangist of Burgos, from Euskadi and from other regions formed a government in Torrelavega in the former province of Cantabria, after the collapse of government in Burgos this rule extended to the south and in 1995 the Junta (that take the name of Junta General de Castilla in this year) included the center of Cantabria and North of the former provinces of Burgos and Palencia, including the cities of Pancorbo, Reinosa, Cervera de Pisuerga and Aguilar de Campo.

In 1996 talks began with Leon for the union of the two governments, that talks culminate in agreements of Campoo in 2000. One year later officialy born the new United Republic.

Cantabria and East Asturias

The nuclear explosion in Bilbao directly destroyed nearly half of the former province of Cantabria and caused massive displacement of surviving people to Asturias.

Jose Antonio Rodriguez Martinez became the factual ruler of the area, in the name of the "Suprema" but dead a few months later in december 1983. He was replaced by Angel Diaz Entresotos who established a government based in San Vicente de la Barquera and in 1985 refused the evacuation order.

Between 1985 and 1995 was formed several small estates and earldoms in the area, apart from the government formed in San Vicente, called himself General Junta of Cantabria, they was: Liebana, Llanes, Ribadesella, Ribadedeva and Cangas de Onis. After the unification of Leon and Castile (Torrelavega) most of these small governments were absorbed by the new United Republic.
