Alternative History

Revenants are undead creatures created by an infection of the Black Death. They have an indefinite lifespan and can only be killed by an injury to the brain. They are most often found in giant groups called hordes, where they blindly march towards any source of food. Their intelligence is low aside from certain exceptions. Although the disease does not have a 100% chance of lethality, it always results in the creation of a revenant.


There is no known patient 0 for the Revenant variant of the Bubonic Plague, although the variant originated in Mongolia before being brought to Europe by the Golden Horde.

Once zombies began to spread in Europe, they quickly overran most small towns. Eventually overrunning the cities as the infection spread from within.

Society fractured as a result and an era known as The Anarchy (1340-1450) occured, where the world broke down into basic survival.

Only now is the world recovering from the horror as they begin to outgun the horde.



They have very little intelligence, simply walking towards any living being and hunting in large hordes. There is an exception however, some people who survive the disease retain their intelligence upon turning into a revenant. These are called Liches and they retain all the intelligence and memory they did in life. Liches have all the other attributes of revenants.