Alternative History

Welcome to Rise of the South, a map game about the rise of the Confederate States of America during the American Civil War.

On the date of April 2, 1865, Lieutenant General Nelson Appleton Miles of the Union launched an attempt to capture the Sutherland Station of Dinwiddle County, Virginia to cut off the supply lines of General Robert E. Lee of the Confederate States of America. In the end Lieutenant General Miles assault to capture the station has failed, suffering more than 4000 casualties and failing his objective to take the station.

Following the unsuccessful attack to cut off General Lee's supply lines, General Ulysses S. Grant has still initiated the third assault to capture the town of Petersburg, Virginia in the Third Battle of Petersburg. When the battle started, Union troops failed to capture to Fort Mahone, suffering extreme casualties including the destruction of the IX Corps, and the death of commander Major General John Grubb Parke. As the IX Corps fail to take Fort Mahone, General Ulysses S. Grant tries one last attempt to take the strategic position, which ends in catastrophe, following the death of more than 9000 Union soldiers and also the death of Ulysses S. Grant.

After the Third Battle of Petersburg, Union troops were forced to fall back across the Potomac River, allowing Confederate troops commanded by General Robert E. Lee to retake land that was occupied by Union forces. Following the death of Ulysses S. Grant, Union troops have been heavily demoralized and war wearied.

As of 1872 the war has ended with the Confederate States of America remaining independent in peace with its rival to the north.


The rules are required to be read by all players.

Main Article: Rules (Rise of the South Map Game)


The Timeline is required to be read by all players joining

Main Article: Timeline (Rise of the South Map Game)

Wall of Shame[]

Warman555 - Plagiarism, and removing his name (Permanently)


Head Moderator[]


Junior Moderator[]

Mod Trials will begin when the game starts.

Map Makers[]


Map discussion will be on the talk page.

RTS1886 Extra Fixes2



If nation has (X) written next to it please read the "Picking a Primary Nation" section on the rules page.

Everybody is obliged to start making their nation page.

Keep in mind players who want to play as colonies of a greater nation can kick the current player out of that spot if the current player is also playing as the main state.

  • Example: If I want to play as Cuba which belongs to Spain, and the player of Spain is currently signed up as Cuba you can sign yourself up as Cuba. This also goes for vassals and puppet states.

North America[]

  • US flag 37 stars (X) United States of America -This is UglyTurtle, Signing off. 02:29, September 12, 2013 (UTC)
  • CSA FLAG 28.11.1861-1.5.1863 (X) Confederate States of America - The Doctor is in... 23:29, September 26, 2013 (UTC)
  • Flag of Mexico Mexico - LightningLynx89
  • Flag of British Honduras British Honduras (Colony of the British Empire) -Mafia (talk) 20:08, September 8, 2013 (UTC)
  • Flag of Guatemala Guatemala -
  • Flag of Honduras Honduras -
  • Flag of El Salvador El Salvador -
  • Flag of Nicaragua Nicaragua -
  • Flag of Costa Rica (state) Costa Rica -
  • Flag of Canada Canada (Nation of the British Commonwealth) - Willster22 (User talk:Willster22) 02:45, September 21, 2013 (UTC)
  • Flag of Spain (1785-1873 and 1875-1931) Cuba (Territory of the United States of America) - Flag of Nazi Austria (No Belgium)Cancom2Octavian, Hail Marius (Play With Oct!) Cancom2Flag of Nazi Austria (No Belgium) 20:09, September 8, 2013 (UTC) Conquered by the US 
  • Flag of Haiti Haiti -
  • Flag of the Cayman Islands Cayman (Colony of the British Empire) -Mafia (talk) 20:08, September 8, 2013 (UTC)
  • Jamaica (Colony of the British Empire) -Mafia (talk) 20:08, September 8, 2013 (UTC)


  • Flag of the United Kingdom (X) Great BritainMafia (talk) 20:07, September 8, 2013 (UTC)
  • Romanov Flag (X) Russian Empire - User:Edboy452 Flag of Romania Flag of Germany (1935–1945) Flag of Israel Flag of the Soviet Union (talk) 18:36, September 8, 2013 (UTC)
    • Duchy of Finland -
  • Flag of Austria-Hungary 1869-1918 (X) Austro-Hungary - Tr0llis (talk) 22:01, September 10, 2013 (UTC)
  • Flag of the Ottoman Empire (X) Ottoman Empire -
    • Blue TurkeySultante of Turkey -
    • Flag of Kingdom of Syria (1920-03-08 to 1920-07-24)Sultanate of Syria -
    • Flag of Baghdad (No Napoleon)Sultanate of Baghdad -
    • Flag of PalestineMost Holy Levantine Protectorate -
    • Drapeau de la République Arabe Islamique (Union tuniso-libyenne)Caliphal Lands of Mecca and Medina -
    • Flag of EgyptSemi-Autonomous Egyptian Kingdom -
    • Flag of TunisiaBarbary States of Tunis and Tripoli -
    • Civil Flag of SerbiaPrincipality of Serbia -
    • Flag of the United Principalities of Romania (1862 - 1866)Principality of Romania -
    • Flag of BulgariaPrincipiality of Bulgaria -
  • Flag of Switzerland (Pantone) Switzerland- Daeseunglim (talk) 02:33, September 10, 2013 (UTC)
  • Flag of Luxembourg Luxembourg -
  • Flag of Liechtenstein Liechtenstein -
  • Flag of France France - Eiplec - ಠ_ಠ (talk) 18:39, September 8, 2013 (UTC)
  • Flag of the German Empire (X) German Empire - Mscoree (talk) 21:51, September 11, 2013 (UTC)
  • Flag of Spain (1785-1873 and 1875-1931) Spain - (Oct refused to agree to terms of treaty, removed again) (Ally of Britain)
    • Galicia (British Vassal)Mafia (talk) 19:08, October 2, 2013 (UTC)
    • Andalusia (British Vassal) Mafia (talk) 19:08, October 2, 2013 (UTC)
    • Huelva (Brazilian Territory now part of Portugal) #LivinLikeFeudal (talk)
  • Flag of the Netherlands Netherlands -Mr YOLO (talk) 12:16, September 9, 2013 (UTC)
  • Flag of Belgium Belgium - Rcchang (talk) 01:44, September 25, 2013 (UTC)Rcchang
  • Flag Portugal (1830) Portugal - #LivinLikeFeudal (talk)
  • Flag of Italy (1861-1946) Italy - Kytax (Talk) 11:13 September 11, 2013 (UTC)
  • Kingdom of Greece Flag Greece - Sine dei gloriem (talk) 00:15, September 23, 2013 (UTC)
  • Flag of Denmark Territories of Denmark - Darwin is God (talk) 00:23, September 16, 2013 (UTC)
  • Union Jack of Sweden and Norway (1844-1905) Swedo-Norwegian Empire-
    • Flag of SwedenState of Sweden -
      • Aland -
      • Gotland -
      • Oland -
    • Flag of NorwayState of Norway -
    • Flag of SvalbardSvalbard -
  • Malta (Colony of the British Empire) -Mafia (talk) 20:07, September 8, 2013 (UTC)


Middle East[]

  • Flag of Saudi Arabia Jabal Shammar - Survivor321
  • Ha'il -
  • Flag of Bahrain (1820-1932) Bahrain (Protectorate of the British Empire) -Mafia (talk) 20:12, September 8, 2013 (UTC)
  • Oman -
  • Kalat -
  • Flag of Persia (1910-1925) Persia - RazorFangZ14 (talk) 14:17, September 18, 2013 (UTC)
  • Flag of Afghanistan (1901–1919).svg Afghanistan -Captainjohnrex (talk) 05:15, October 2, 2013 (UTC)
  • Flag of swedenSwedo-Norwegian colony of Arabia- Aternix (talk) 22:07, October 7, 2013 (UTC)

South America[]


  • Cape Colony (Colony of the British Empire) -Mafia (talk) 00:27, October 5, 2013 (UTC)
  • Merina -
  • Flag of France French Equatorial Africa (Colony of France) - Eiplec - ಠ_ಠ (talk) 01:15, September 9, 2013 (UTC)
  • Flag of the Orange Free State Orange Free State - KingLucasP (talk) 07:41, October 5, 2013 (UTC)
  • Flag of the Empire of South Africa (RTS)Transvaal - GO OCTi (talk) 19:44, October 5, 2013 (UTC)
  • Flag of Portugal Mozambique (Colony of Brazil) -  #LivinLikeFeudal (talk)
  • Flag of Portugal Angola (Colony of Brazil) -  #LivinLikeFeudal (talk)
  • Gabon (Colony of Brazil) #LivinLikeFeudal (talk)
  • Cameroon (Northern) (Colony of Brazil) #LivinLikeFeudal (talk)
  • Zambia (Colony of Brazil) #LivinLikeFeudal (talk)
  • Flag of the Gold Coast Gold Coast (Colony of the British Empire) -Mafia (talk) 20:17, September 8, 2013 (UTC)
  • Dahomey (Colony of France) - Eiplec - ಠ_ಠ (talk) 13:17, September 10, 2013 (UTC)
  • Liberia -
  • Gambia (Colony of the British Empire) -Mafia (talk) 20:17, September 8, 2013 (UTC)
  • Senegal (Colony of France) - Eiplec - ಠ_ಠ (talk) 13:17, September 10, 2013 (UTC)
  • Flag of Ethiopia (1897-1936; 1941-1974) Ethiopia -
  • Flag of Morocco Morocco -
  • Sierra Leone (Colony of the British Empire) -Mafia (talk) 20:17, September 8, 2013 (UTC)
  • Toucouleur -
  • Sokoto -
  • Bornu -
  • Quaddai -
  • Darfur -
  • Dahomey -
  • Oyo -
  • Benin -
  • Bunyoro -
  • Buganda -
  • Zanzibar -
  • Rwanda -
  • Burundi -
  • Yeke -
  • Lunda -
  • Kazembe -
  • Dendi -
  • Ashanti -
  • Reichskolonialflagge German Colonial Empire - Mscoree (talk) 20:52, September 30, 2013 (UTC)
    • Flaggenentwurf 7 Südwestafrika 1914 German South-West Africa
      • Namibia
    • Flag of the German East Africa Company German East Africa
      • Zanzibar
      • Tanzania
      • Kenya
    • DWAG German West Africa
      • Cameroon
    • German Congo Flag German Congo
  • Flag of Japan Colony of Jubaland: TOB

The Game[]


Yohannes IV is crowned Emperor of Ethiopia in Axum, the first ruler crowned in that city in over 500 years.

Rex, the most famous parade on Mardi Gras, parades for the first time in New Orleans for Grand Duke Alexei Mikhailovich of Russia.

Execution of the Filipino priests Jose Burgos, Mariano Gomez, and Jacinto Zamora, collectively known as Gomburza, in Bagumbayan Fields, Manila, Philippines by the authorities of New Spain on charges of subversion arising from the 1872 Cavite mutiny.

An earthquake with an estimated magnitude of 7.2 strikes Lone Pine, California.

Afghanistan: We continue to ... WESTERNIZE!

Russia: Autonomy of the Duchy of Finland and the Kingdom of Poland continue to increase. The large majority of peasants in the Russian Empire, starts a large spread of curiosity throughout the government. Many government officials believe that an uprising could occur throughout the majority of the population because of this. Due to this we increase tax spending on attempting to increase the wealth of the peasant class. We ask to start a military alliance between the two nations of Austro-Hungary and the German Empire called the League of Three Emperors in order to ensure the security between our nations. Our army score 0.50 to 2.50. Military vessels continue to be docked in the United States of America, as well as our territory of Alaska.

Empire of Brazil: The Emperor of Brazil, Emperor Dom Pedro II fresh off of many successes such as the victory of the Paraguayan War, begins to encourage a distinct increase in Industrial Capability, as well as expansion of Agriculture. He encourages expanded agriculture in Coffee production, as well as allowing the previously expanding rubber industry to continue with its huge growth and profit over the years allowing the Empire to secure a larger portion of the rubber trade towards Europe and North America. Along with this Dom Pedro II meets with advisors who agree that Railroads currently throughout the country must be expanded incrementally and at a decent pace to help the expansion of many industries. The Navy and Civilian builders also begins looking towards better and more efficient steam propulsion on ships looking towards building steam barges to help transport goods from the Interior provinces and farms. The State of Acre which officially Bolivian is continually settled by Brazilians with the rubber production taking total control of the area and Brazil's hold over the area is even more solid than Bolivian hold. A Brazilian trade ship lands in OTL Gabon establishing a small grouping of trade posts.

The Empire also begins a notable program of holding its military at its current numbers intent of creating a strong internationally respected nation. 250,000 troops are left in the military with their training expected to be expanded to help with more climates and a better understanding of tactics. The Imperial navy, however, begins the more notable expansion working on establishing the ability to fight outside the coastal waters of the Empire. Many blue water capable ships are constructed at the order of the Minister of the Navy with Broadside Ironclads being developed with help from US, and British advisors. However, the possibility of developing a new system is considered with the revolving turret system of the USS Monitor considered. The main idea behind this was to have the largest ships in the navy (such as battleships or other heavy ships of the type) mounted with a breech-loading naval cannon of at least 12 inches and a .45 caliber. However, more designs and guns are being considered in order to develop a truly unique ship that shows off Brazilian rising power and prestige. Along with this the search for a new service rifle for the army begins and the clash begins for domestic development or foreign purchase. The army training allow for an increase in our Army score to 1.5.


The Emperor personally greets many of the many European Immigrants that arrive in Rio de Janeiro as with Brazil growing international recognition almost 40,000 European immigrants arrive. The population of the Empire grows to about 10.15 million as population growth continues as well. The Emperor also in collusion with the Parliament and the Judicial system agree on a modification to the Lines of Succession to the Throne of the Empire with the most directly blood related Male Heir to the Brazilian throne put at the top of the line to take the throne. This allows any male child that the Emperors daughters have (in which the first daughter's male child will take precedence of the the younger sister), if no sons are alive or able to take the throne, to become next in line of succession and receive the Royal education program. This is done as it is known that the emperor's daughters - especially the one currently in line for succession - is vastly unpopular and deemed by many of the middle class and nobility as unfit to claim the throne to the empire. The Emperor alongside this encourages his daughter to start a family and have a male child so that a new heir apparent to the Brazilian throne is born and the Monarchial line can continue. The Emperor being revitalized by his decision to allow this type of thing to happen takes a more active stance in the empire politics running more things and getting effective legislation passed. The Emperor with direct support from parliament seeking larger international recognition sends multiple envoys to the United States, Mexico, Great Britain, Germany, and attempts to re-establish diplomatic ties with Portugal.

Dom Pedro II, however, remembers his ancestral ties and strengthens his claim to the succession of the Portuguese throne citing his direct relation to kings of Portugal, and with a more direct bloodline to previous kings. Dom Pedro II officially lays total claim to the throne of Portugal and her colonies by rights of succession.

  • Empire of Brazil Dip:We request more involved and expanded trade of agricultural and industrial goods to Europe. With rubber and coffee currently being some of the prime and highly desired exports. The same offer is extended to the United States and Mexico.
  • United States Dip: We recognize the Empire of Brazil and accept their trade offer. We also offer the Empire of Brazil and alliance.
  • Empire of Brazil Dip: We agree to the alliance and ask for assistance in the Naval department as well as weapons for the Army.
  • United States Dip: We agree in the assistance in naval department and supply the Imperial Army with extra weapons from the American Civil War.
  • Great British Dip: We recognise the Empire of Brazil, accept the trade offer, and request an alliance. We also send several shipbuilders to the Empire, to aid them in construction of warships.
  • Empire of Brazil Dip: We agree to both the trade offer, and alliance and immediately devote the shipbuilders to naval buildup such as building ironclad warships.
  • Swiss Diplomacy: We offer to trade Brazil the Vetteri Bolt Action Rifle for artillery pieces.
  • Japanese Dip: We asks for an alliance.
  • Spain Dip: We ask for a non-aggression pact.
  • Brazil Dip: Only on the condition Spain recognizes Brazil's claim to the throne of Portugal, and all her colonies and territories.
  • Britain: Recognises Brazil's claim to the throne of Portugal.
    • The British-Portuguese Alliance really can't break... it is the oldest ongoing alliance in the world's history, from the 1300s. What can happen is Britain simply states that they support Emp. Pedro's right to ascension of the Portuguese throne.

Joseon: The army is built up and its score is improved by 0.25. Meanwhile, King Gojong announces his assumption of direct royal rule. Heungseon Daewongun is forced to retire and soon Queen Min gains complete control over the court.

Portugal: We agree to the alliance with Austria as a popular revolution spreads the nation installing Amedo of Asota to the throne. That also means we will be a Vassal of Spain to avoid influence from Brazil.

  • That is extremely implausible ... can I get a mod on this?? Really. Portugal would've never been Spain's vassal at this point - especially when the Portuguese colonial empire was larger than Spain's at the time, not to mention the Portuguese monarchy wouldn't be overthrown like this without a large civil war. #LivinLikeFeudal (talk)

That wasn't my crossout. That was mscoree's ... once again I'm asking the mods to please handle this and let oct know that I didn't cross that turn out and that a moderator did. Could we also restore the crossout? #LivinLikeFeudal (talk)

I have recrossed out Portugal's turn. Currently Edboy452 is looking into whether or not Ratc needs a ban. Octavian - don't undo moderator decisions like that again. Mscoree (talk) 00:57, September 21, 2013 (UTC)

Ratc won't be banned, but if he does this again he will be permanently banned. User:Edboy452 Flag of Romania Flag of Germany (1935–1945) Flag of Israel Flag of the Soviet Union (talk) 00:54, September 21, 2013 (UTC)

Spain: We outlaw executions. We also ask to ally with the Ottomans, USA, Portugal, and Japan. We send a fleet of men to OTL Equatorial Guinea to set a new city and colony, New Barcelona and New Catalonia. We create a new defense pact called the MDC. To join the MDC there are three requirements. Italy, Portugal and Greece are invited.

  1. The King of Spain will be given the title Emperor of the Meerttrian.
  2. Acceptance of human rights.
  3. Approval from the council of Nations.

Japanese D: Accepts.

Ottoman Empire: Accepts the Alliance on the conditions of a Mutual Defensive pact.

United States of America: With the American Civil War over we start reconstruct heavily damaged towns and farms near the Union-Confederate border including Lone Pine, California. We set up a defensive line along the Union-Confederate border as well with 5000 troops in total. With the war over we increase our industrial capacity expand our agriculture. Because of this, we upgrade our industry by 0.50.  We produce steamships in order to control trade and population movement along the Mississippi River and we continue expansion of the Trans-Continental Railroad in order to control trade and population movement across land. Meanwhile, the government discusses slave rights. With an alliance secured with Brazil, we offer an alliance to Mexico, hoping to form the Pan-American Coalition (PAC).

  • United States of America: Because of our shared culture and language we offer the United Kingdom an alliance as well as France, hoping to form the Trans-Atlantic Coalition (TAC).
    • British Diplomacy: Accept the alliance.
  • Empire of Brazil Dip: We also support this looking to get economic solidarity and Security with the US and with Mexico being part of Central America and in fact a very well to do stopping place for trade between the US, Mexico, and Brazil. We encourage Mexico to drop any long standing issues or grudges against the United States in order to form a militarily and economically sound alliance between the Brazil, the US, and Mexico. The Empire of Brazil desperately wishes Mexico to join this military and economic coalition to allow for a quicker, but also more structured approach to economic growth while the american nations come into their own. With this we wish the Mexicans to consider the offer, and once again foster good relations between the US, with Brazil acting as the middle man to prevent any further issues and expedite the process of Pan American peace and co-operation.

Italy: We begin building up our army which adds 0.25 to the army score. As of 1872 King Victor Emmanuel II has ruled for two years but, a democratic movement is rising around the young nation. The Emmanuel II wants Italy to become a colonial empire

  • Swiss Diplomacy: We request to purchase a thin strip of land so we can construct a port city.
  • Spain Dip: We ask for an alliance.

Germany: With the German constitution adopted by the Reichstag less than one year ago, the foundations for the new parliament are in place. Universal male suffrage allows for many diverse political views to be expressed in the new parliament. We begin a rapid expansion of industry to catch up to other European powers. The steel giant Krupp continues to grow to become one of the largest steel manufacturers in Europe, improving our national economy, thanks in large part to the protection from American and British competition afforded by tariffs and cartels. Coal plants are expanded to locally power our nation. Important mines along the valleys of the rivers Ruhr, Inde, and Wurm are modernized to be safer and more efficient. Numerous small industrial centres begin to spring up, focusing on ironworks using local coal. Our iron and steel works begin buying mines, and erecting coking ovens to supply their own requirements in coke and gas. These integrated coal-iron firms ("Huettenzechen") became numerous with the growth of the industrial sector. The average output of a mine in 1850 was about 8,500 short tons; its employment about 64. We hope to grow these numbers, drastically increasing our output. Total Ruhr coal output rose from 2.0 million short tons in 1850, and is expected to rise to 22 by 1880. The miners in the Ruhr region are divided by ethnicity with Germans and Poles, and religion with Protestants and Catholics, splitting the miners into several unions, with an affiliation to different political parties. Mobility in and out of the mining camps to nearby industrial areas is high. German banks begin to play a central roles in financing German industry. Different banks form cartels in different industries, and Cartel contracts become accepted as legal and binding by German courts, although illegal in Britain and the United States. The process of cartelization begins slowly, but the cartel movement is expected to rise. The government plays a powerful role in the industrialization of the German Empire, during a period known as the Second Industrial Revolution. We supported not only heavy industry but also crafts and trades, to maintain prosperity in all parts of the empire. Local procedures are put in place, so even where the national government does not act, the highly autonomous regional and local governments are expected to support their own industries. Each state is expected to be as self-sufficient as possible. Railroads become crucial in the transfer of German goods across Europe, and modern engines begin to replace outdated models in our nation. Bismarck’s new tariffs on imported grain and the introduction of the sugar beet as a main crop helps to grow agricultural yield. Farmers begin to abandon traditional, inefficient practices, adapting modern farming practices, such as the use of new fertilizers and tools. The knowledge and tools gained from the intensive farming of sugar and other root crops helps to quickly elevate Germany to one of the most efficient agricultural producers in Europe. With the economic push toward industrialization and urbanization, heavy industry (coal and steel especially) become important in the Ruhr, and manufacturing growing in the cities, the Ruhr, and Silesia. Based on its leadership in chemical research in the universities and industrial laboratories, we begin to become dominant in the world's chemical industry. Big businesses such as BASF and Bayer led the way in their production and distribution of artificial dyes and pharmaceuticals during the Wilhelmine era, leading to the German monopolisation of the global chemicals market. A nationwide currency is planned to be introduced known as the German Goldmark, which will eventually replace the Vereinsthaler, South German Gulden, Bremen Thaler, Hamburg Mark, French Franc, and other local currencies, beginning new economic unity. The German Army is expanded with the goal of using ground and sea assets to protect the German Empire, and its interests. The armies of the former German Confederacy states are placed under the control of Prussia, while the contingents of the Bavarian, Saxon and Württemberg kingdoms remain semi-autonomous. The term "German Army" begins to be used in various legal documents such as the Military Penal Code, but otherwise the Prussian, Bavarian, Saxon and Württemberg armies maintain distinct identities, under the command of Chief of the German General Staff Helmuth von Moltke. The expansion of our army increases our score by 0.50. Supreme command of the navy is vested in the emperor, but its first appointed chief is Infantry General Albrecht von Stosch. Kiel on the Baltic Sea and Wilhelmshaven on the North Sea become the Navy's principal naval bases. The former Navy Ministry becomes the Imperial Admiralty on 1st February 1872. Initially the main task of the new Imperial Navy is to ensure coastal protection. The Imperial Navy's tasks are then to prevent any invasion force from landing and to protect coastal towns from possible bombardment. We open a German Imperial Naval Academy at Kiel for training officers, followed in May by the creation of a 'Machine Engineer Corps', and we plan to create a 'Medical Corps' by early 1873. We begin a ten year program to institute the modernise of the fleet. Our new plan calls for the creation of eight armoured frigates, six armoured corvettes, twenty light corvettes, seven monitors, two floating batteries, six avisos, eighteen gunboats and twenty-eight torpedo boats, at an estimated cost of 220 million gold marks. The building plan is approved by the Reichstag, which controlls the allocation of funds, although one-quarter of the money came from French war reparations, allowing the modernization of our fleet to begin. We also hope to begin the colonization of Africa, although we first wish to expand our naval capabilities. We accept the offer from Russia to form the League of the Three Emperors, as long as Austro-Hungary accepts. We also ask for a trade agreement and an alliance with Italy, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark and Sweden.

France: A year after defeat of the Second French Empire by the Prussians, the shift to the French Third Republic is still heavy. Many still support a monarch who currently would be Henry V, but only if he was limited by a constitution. Henry V, however, refuses the throne because of this, and the use of the tricolor flag as he wishes to be an absolute monarch like his grandfather before him. Despite this, support still stays for a monarch, and the people wait for his childless death as Phillip VII has been recognized as his most possible heir. While waiting for the death of Henry V, and the succession by Phillip VII, the republic government currently serves only as a regency council due to Henry V's refusal to the throne. While they rule, the status quo is maintained in all French politics, save for their recent policy of inflating the French Franc by moving it over to a pure gold standard to halt the increasing deflation. We upgrade our military through an increase in arms shipments to colonial armies, and upgrade our army by 0.50.

  • French Equatorial Africa: Through continental French shipments, the colonial armies become better armed and uniformed, in order to enforce French law and assimilation upon the native populations. The colonial government begins to "hand out" assimilation rights, which actually require a renunciation of current land holdings, allowing for the colonial government to take hold of lands, and "civilize" the natives.
  • French Dahomey: Continental French shipments allow for the small colonial army to become better armed and uniformed in the wake of recent Dahomey Kingdom raids, which sets much of the coastal colony on edge for a possible war to break out between the formally friendly colony and nation.
  • New Caledonia: Continental French shipments allow for the small colonial police force to become better armed and uniformed in the wake of recent waves of European immigration from the discovery of nickel in 1864. Since then, colonial population has been ever increasing, and native population slowly decreasing, although tensions are very high.
  • French Senegal: Continental French shipments allow for the colonies armies to become better armed and uniformed. The doctrine of missionary work and abolitionism is still promoted as preparations for another war with the remaining Sengali chiefdoms begins in order to curtail their slave trade and end their pagan practices, as well as gain access to numerous mining ventures.
  • French Indochina: Continental French shipments allow for the large colonial armies to become better armed and uniformed. Soldiers are stationed near the Sino-Indochinese border as support for expansion of the French colonial provinces and Catholic faith is advocated for by the governor of the colony.
  • French Guiana: Continental French shipments allow for the larger colonial armies to become better armed and unformed. Guard presence is increase as more prisoners are sent to the colony. Recently, however, focus has shifted for its governor from focus on the penal aspects of the country, to the discoveries of gold in 1854, as some immigrants from France come, hoping to become very wealthy in gold trade.
  • Swiss Diplomacy: We request to purchase a thin strip of land so we can construct a port city.

Switzerland: The army begins to construct border fortifications with all nations. Designs for artillery are made and a factory is retooled to produce some small artillery pieces. The volley guns are deployed to the Swiss-French border due to some instability. The government begins to improve agriculture by subsidizing farmers.

The border fortifications include guard towers, artillery walls, spikes to slow infantry, armed troops, and the volley guns. The fortifications are built at mountain passes to eliminate enemy troops need be.

Army increases score by 0.25 due to the complete deployment of the Vetteri Bolt Action Rifle and the fortifications.

We request that all nations recognize our neutrality as of right now.

  • Britain: Recognise neutralty.
  • Ottoman Empire: Recognize neutrality.
  • Japan: Recognizes neutrality.

United Kingdoms of Sweden and Norway: We begin to spread large amount of influence to Norway to convince the people to stay within the Union. Some of our best education and technologies are being sent to Norway to help out relations along with lots of money given to their economy to try to balance both Sweden's and Norway's economic status. We begin developing large factories to produce artillery and rifles. We try to improve our relations with Russia.

Denmark: We have begun to start a system of government that outdates any previous kind of power in Denmark, we now have 200 people in the higher ranks and ten people of this number represent Denmark and its Territories to the people and the world. We also have a new way to decide what is best for the country, if something has been put forward to the 200 officials then they write a report on the topic and hand them out to all citizens over the age of 24 who are capable of supporting themselves, then each citizen of this description votes to either allow the motion or deny the motion. And to make sure that nothing happens simply because one person tipped the scales either way, at least 75% have to agree to the proposal for it to be allowed. This way we know that the people are getting what is right for them and not what someone thinks is right for them.

Netherlands: More expeditions in the Dutch Indies are held to fond new spices and/or to find good agricultural grounds there. We officialy recognize the CSA and Brazil. A woman named Aletta Jacobs is the first woman to finish university and she becomes a doctor. With this, the first 'feministic wave' kicked off. The parliament, jealous about Belgium's industry, begins a large industrial project with plans of dozens of factories. With this, our economic scores upgrade to 1.25.

UK: Economy improved. Military improved. Relations with Brazil strengthen. Shipbuilders begin to design metal warships. We offer to sell artillery to Switzerland. Industry Score Upgrades to 2.25 to deal with the shipbuilders requests for metal, and factories spring up everywhere, increasing the employment opportunities. The idea of an Imperial Federation is proposed, and begins to gain popularity.

  • Swiss Diplomacy: We offer to trade for 30 Armstrong Breech-Loading 12 pounder 8 cwt for 30,000 Vetteri Bolt Action rifles.
  • UK Dip: OK
  • Japanese Dip: offers an alliance.
  • UK Dip: Accepts.
  • USA Dip: We ask for an alliance with the United Kingdom because of our shared history and culture. We offer France an alliance as well, hoping to form the Trans-Atlantic Alliance.

It's implausible to even have an alliance with Great Britain at this time without making large political maneuvers and possibly starting protests within your own nation.

Japan: After the political reforms removing the samurai, and giving more power to himself (Meji), a few samurai rebellions pop up. These are easilly suppressed. Trade with the west begins to open up, and an alliance with the UK, Brazil, And France is asked for. We also ask for western countries to trade with us up to date military technologies. Industries pop up across the country, and a main railroad between the islands of Honshu and Kyushu. The military increases rapidly, with all healthy men after age 21 to serve for five years, although implementing thids is suspected to take some time, and then can opt to join the work force or continue in the military. The army score increases to 1.25.

Brazil Dip: We agree to trade, and a purely DEFENSIVE alliance.

Mexico: With recent develpoments across the world Mexico begins to try to not fall behind in the world, using the United States as a model to look at to how a country should run. With tensions seeming to come between the USA and CSA, Mexico begins moving a majority of its defense force to its northern border, we increase our army by 0.50. Mexico begins to look for nations willing to trade for its many resources that cover the land.

US D: We accept a trade offer with Mexico and ask Mexico for an alliance with us and Brazil in order to form the Pan-American Coalition.

Austro-Hungary: We accept the offer from Russia and Germany to create the League of the Three Emperors. We also begin upgrading our military, increasing our score by 0.50. Railroads from the west begin to spread to cover much of the empire, increasing mobility across our nation.

Ottoman Empire: Sultan Abdulaziz continues the Manzipat era of "Reorganization". We spread "Ottomanism," a pan-national movement that can be spread amongst all people of the Empire. We allow non-Turks more and more freedoms, especially of self-government. The Ottoman government, along with the Sultan, encourage secularization. Attempts to influence Persia, Morocco and the Saudi continue, with mild success. The millet system continues with surprising progress. We grow our army by 0.50. We propose an alliance with Britain, and an alliance with France in exchange for their lands in Algeria (or thereabouts). Finally, we also raise a new tax for non-Ottoman goods passing through the Bosporus, and an additional tax for the Dardanelles.

CSA: We build our industry by 0.50. We begin to rebuild the country and restore internal trade. We offer an alliance to France and Mexico.


A military alliance has been formed between the nations of Austro-Hungary, Germany and Russia now known as the League of Three Emperors.

Military buildup across the French-Swiss border has brought serious concern on French leaders, questioning Switzerland's neutrality in the world, as promised in the Congress of Vienna. People start protesting this unnecessary military buildup.

Leaders of the Ottoman Empire are concerned about the newly established alliance with the German Empire, the Russian Empire and Austro-Hungary. Some politicians feel the need to start a coalition against this uprising threat.

Sorry I wasn't able to post the mod event today guys. I had to do something before the mod event had to be posted and just arrived back home. I tried to contact Mscoree but he never replied.

United States of America: Industrial build up, agricultural expansion, rebuildment of damaged towns/farms, production of steam ships, and construction of the Transcontinental railroad, the defenisve (Lincoln) line on the Union-Confederate border, and co-operation with the Empire of Brazil all continue. Now that the American Civil War is over we pledge to sign the Freedom Pact with the Empire of Brazil in order to gradually phase out slavery.

  • Swiss Diplomacy: We request to purchase ten river patrol boats/gunboats.
  • Afghanistan: Afghanistan

Empire of Brazil: The Empire continues its expansive program into Industrial expansion, and cash crop agriculture, developing coffee and rubber plantations. However, the government under the encouragement of Emperor Dom Pedro II asks these farms and plantations to be legitimate businesses with employees rather than slaves. The Emperor also in order to prevent mass anger from the nobility agrees that every man who frees his slaves will be paid a sum for the amount of slaves owned in a gradual program to phase out slavery. This is done to prevent the nobility from being angered by the mass freedom of slaves. However, some softer hearted nobles agree that any farms or plantations they own will be converted for a wage based business model and their slaves are freed immediately. The Emperor signs legislation put forward by parliament that officially ends Brazil's involvement in the slave trade as well as the slaver ships being used to transport along with this Brazil signs the Freedom pact with the United States agreeing to gradually phase out slavery. Whatever African slaves who want to return to Africa which ends up being quite a sizeable number. Along with this the slaver ships are converted willingly into major trade vessels as the rubber, coffee and crop industries take off and more ships are needed for the trade to the US Great Britain and other trade partners. A small Brazilian fleet of 12 warships accompanies trade ships to Europe and make their first appearance off the coast of Brazil on their way to Gibraltar. With the sudden intervention of the British the Fleet of 12 ships as well as groups of trade ships with hired guards aboard manage to bring together a force of about 5000 (including mercenaries) to make a landing in Portugal after the British make their assault. We officially declare war on the Portuguese monarchy which with the illegal successor we declare their monarchy defunct and ours the rightful rulers of Portugual, the Algarves and all her colonies. 

Casus Belli: Political Blunder (-2) Objective: War of Unification (0)

With the Empire's economy expanding and with assistance from both the US and the British Empire the Empire of Brazil continues Naval construction and development continuing its work towards the breech-loading cannon for its new capital ship class which is still currently being designed. The Turret design is also continually worked on with some setbacks coming from the how the turret turns and how to load it inside the turret. The Weaponry which we Buy from the United States is used to gradually phase out some of our more outdated weaponry. Along with the the Imperial army marches forward with expansion of its influence and power conducting raids against criminals among other people throughout the amazons who wish to operate independantly of the country. These men, however, are few and far between. With this, the Brazilian army also trains itself in Amphibious landings. The better equipment and advanced training increases our army score by 0.50. With Portugal declaring an illegal heir and British intervention over this, the Brazilian armed forces begin to appropriate Brazilian owned ships and pay the owners for their use. Large top of the line ships such as slaver ships are used as Capital ships due to their size. while smaller ships are declared frigates, torpedo boats among other things. This brings in 18 ships and about eight more from the navy proper are brought in placing ship numbers at 26 ships. Troops ships are also used to transport thousands of Troops across the Atlantic to Portugal with the total original number of troops sent to be at almost 10,000 soldiers of the Imperial army. They depart and are expected to arrive for occupation or war duty immediately in a few months. A general officer is appointed to the army and is sent with the army.

With increased immigration and population growth the Empire Brazil Reaches a population of just over 11 million. The Empire uses its rising status to begin advertising itself for immigration on the world stage. With the increased economic output and influence, as well as the British Empires recognition of Brazilian claim to the throne of Portugal, the Emperor Dom Pedro II continues strengthening his claim to the throne subversively delivering propaganda to the Portuguese people claiming that their current period of decline is because of their inept leadership. The Emperor Dom Pedro II even with his dislike of being the Emperor decides that his work must take precedence over his interests at least until a Suitable heir can take his place, He Even talks with his trusted advisors that while he does not enjoy being the monarch he does a good job and must recognize that he mut serve the people over himself. The Emperor continues to encourage his daughter to have a child but she remains unable to conceive. Dom Pedro also begins strengthening relations with her daughter's husband, Gaston the Count of Eu taking him personally on a hunting trip wishing to discuss many things about the future of the country especially the education of their future son and his inheritance of the throne. The trading post in OTL Gabon expands into a true Trading colony with a population of about 100.

  • Empire of Brazil Dip: We ask Portugal to recognize House of Bragança of Brazil as the legitimate successor to the Portuguese throne. We also ask the nations of the United States, Mexico, and France to recognize our claims to the throne of Portugal.
  • Spain D: We recognize the claim, but only if Brazil does NOT vassalize.
  • Brazil D: We plan to integrate Portugal and her colonies into the empire proper not as vassals.

Joseon: The infrastructure is improved. Some Confucian, Buddhist and Taoist Temples are built.

Russia: Autonomy of the Duchy of Finland and the Kingdom of Poland continue. Alexander II addresses the nation about the newly formed alliance with the German Empire and Austro-Hungary. Railroad tracks are excessively placed across the nation, mainly funded by the rich class and high end private companies. Tax cuts are made on the peasant class of the population and taxes increase for the rich in order to maintain a steady economy and lower the chances of a civil uprising. Miners in Alaska have struck gold deposits across the territory, bringing riches to the nation. Military score increases by 0.50. Our military vessels continue to be docked at the United States of America and Portugal.

  • Portuguese Diplomacy: We ask for the Russian, Austro-Hungarian and German peoples to accept us into the League of Three Emperors and request that you recognize Alfonso Salazo of Bragança's claim to the throne. We also ask for a Free Trade Agreement between Russia and Portugal to stimulate our economies.
  • Brazil Dip: We would like to remind Russia that Portugal is allied to Russia's enemy by proxy, and the Portugal has preferred the British multiple times over the Russians when it came to wars and prevented Russian ships from docking.
  • Russian Diplomacy: We decline the allowance of Portugal joining the League of Three Emperors due to their non loyal acts and not allowing us to dock ships during our wars with the British.
  • Swiss Diplomacy: We request to purchase 45 mountain artillery pieces for a price named by the Russians.

Switzerland: We continue to remain internationally neutral, and inform France that all of the emplacements are for defense. The military begins to fortify the borders with the German Empire and Austro-Hungary. We offer to send 2000 troops to defend Liechtenstein.

Afghanistan: 'Afghanistan:

The government begins to fund the design of a new artillery piece. It is a breech-loading 120 mm cannon. Also, a new rifle is under design. Many Swiss approve of the fortifications, but want to remain neutral. Due to the fortifications out army increases by 0.25.

Ed, Liechtenstien had no military, and relied on Switzerland for defense because they were both neutral. I am NOT annexing him. Daeseunglim (talk) 03:12, September 22, 2013 (UTC)

Yeah, I just searched that up and that actually did happen. User:Edboy452 Flag of Romania Flag of Germany (1935–1945) Flag of Israel Flag of the Soviet Union (talk) 03:21, September 22, 2013 (UTC)

Netherlands: Industrialization program continues and military also begins to build up just for defence.

Qing Dynasty: In January, there was a giant fire in the Forbidden City. The fire started in the imperial garden and quickly spread throughout the entire complex. Although Emperor Tongzhi escaped in relative safety, Empress Dowager Cixi was dead, as are 8700 eunuchs and concubines. The fire spread through Beijing City, destroying large amounts of housing and killing another 20,000, including many officials. Hence, Tongzhi was forced to move to Nanking and reside in the Forbidden City of Nanjing, while Beijing was rebuilt. There, he associated himself with many foreign merchants, who resided in nearby Shanghai. Moreover, to rebuild Beijing, he was forced to ask for a loan from HSBC, Standard Chartered and Barclays Bank. The Emperor also began using more open-minded officials, who are from the sea-faring provinces of the Yangtze River, rather than nobility, who hadn't moved from their Northern Chinese homes. These western-minded officials, coupled with the need to improve industrial output to repay the debt forced Tongzhi to begin a series of social reforms. First, he stripped nobility of their land rights and leased it to peasants. However, the peasants have to give a higher tax to the government for their own land. Moreover, he began the planting of cash crops in the traditional less-arable regions. First, Sinkiang became a planting region of grapes, which are turned into wine for trade with foreign nations. In the wetter parts of China, sugarcane and coffee are being planted. More laws were passed, including the first ever Chinese law that allowed private ownership. This made peasants work harder, since before that, all land belonged to the emperor and there was no motivation for work. In June, to promote more artisans and merchants to increase social wealth, Tongzhi officially used the ranking Shi-Shang-Gong-Nong (Official - Merchant-Artisan-Farmer) rather than Shi-Nong-Gong-Shan (Official-Farmer-Artisan-Merchant). We improve our economy score by 0.25, after we received 10% more than the taxes last year in August. We begin reforming our military and we build an arsenal in Beijing, Nanjing and Guanzhou. We also begin work on a railroad from Harbin to Guanzhou and we begin asking foreign companies to assist us.

Japan: The trade agreement with Brazil helps in westernizing the country, but they need more. A trade agreement to Britain and France  is asked for again. The military is improving, with gun industries creating better weaponry then previously owned. The general public is kept happy with there mopre modernized lifestile, and a sense of nationalism sweeps through the country. The plan for all healthy men to serve five years is implemented in a few cities such as Kyoto and Tokyo at first because the process of modernizing and having a strong industry isn't nearly completed and Japan is still behind the west. Navy improves by 0.50.

  • French Diplomacy (My Bad): We accept the trade agreement.

Portugal: We decide to start building up on military and spend on military forces, upgrading our military by 0.50. A Portuguese scientist successfully discovers penicillin by accident after a little attempt to experiment with bacterium. We begin to use this to our knowledge to develop vaccines for smallpox, ebola and polio. We also begin a massive spending on infrastructure to industrialize the country. We decide to name a successor known as Alfonso Salazo of Bragança as the successor to the throne and refuse the Brazilian claim to our throne.

  • Brazilian Dip: We demand one more time that Portugal recognize Dom Pedro II as the legitimate successor to the claim of the Portuguese throne or it will mean a war of succession that most know Brazil will win as the power of Portugal has waned considerably.
  • Spain D: We ask that Portugal join the MDC and we ask to buy part of North Angola
  • Portuguese Diplomacy: We are not going to be vassalized by our own colony so we refuse to recognize the new successor. However, we will give you the penicillin discovery.
  • Pretty sure Spain buying any Portuguese colonies is grossly implausible. #LivinLikeFeudal (talk)
  • You are not allowed to randomly invent Penicillin. Smallpox was already vaccinated for. Ebola was discovered in 1976, Polio was first vaccinated in 1952. Ed, can you deal with it? Mafia (talk) 18:50, September 22, 2013 (UTC)

Denmark: We have started our factories making cannons and will make an estimated 10,000 for sale to other countries such as England, Spain, Portugal and any other nations or empires in Europe willing to form a trade alliance with us. We have also started building a wall that will separate a section of ocean in Iceland and we will run a system of pipes to heat the section of ocean with the natural hot water springs located on the island. Anyone wanting to go on a holiday in any Country is allowed to use this area when it is finished, we estimate completion in one year.

France: The population awaits the death of the current French monarch as the republic government still rules in his self-imposed absence. The policy of inflating the French Franc continues to counter increasing deflation. Another policy is establish, which allows employees to take over a former bosses business if they fled France, or any city, in the wake of the Franco-Prussian War. In order to protect more colonial shipments, both in arms and non-military supplies, we upgrade our navy by 0.50 through several reforms aimed at increasing the amount of ships in service, and better training for sailors, rather than just "on the job" war training.

  • French Equatorial Africa: Through continental French shipments, the colonial armies become better armed and uniformed, in order to enforce French law and assimilation upon the native populations. The colonial government begins to "hand out" assimilation rights, which actually require a renunciation of current land holdings, allowing for the colonial government to take hold of lands, and "civilize" the natives.
  • French Dahomey: Continental French shipments allow  for the small colonial army to become better armed and uniformed in the wake of recent Dahomey Kingdom raids, which sets much of the coastal colony on edge for a possible war to break out between the formally friendly colony and nation.
  • New Caledonia: Continental French shipments allow for the small colonial police force to become better armed and uniformed in the wake of recent waves of European immigration from the discovery of nickel in 1864. Since then, colonial population has been ever increasing, and native population slowly decreasing, although tensions are very high.
  • French Senegal: Continental French shipments allow for the colonies armies to become better armed and uniformed. The doctrine of missionary work and abolitionism is still promoted as preparations for another war with the remaining Sengali chiefdoms begins in order to curtail their slave trade and end their pagan practices, as well as gain access to numerous mining ventures.
  • French Indochina: Continental French shipments allow for the large colonial armies to become better armed and uniformed. Soldiers are stationed near the Sino-Indochinese border as support for expansion of the French colonial provinces and Catholic faith is advocated for by the governor of the colony.
  • French Guiana: Continental French shipments allow for the larger colonial armies to become better armed and unformed. Guard presence is increase as more prisoners are sent to the colony. More French immigants arrive to the colony, prompting the governor to expand the city of Cayenne to account for more ships coming to French Guiana.
  • Swiss Diplomacy: We again request to purchase a 25 mile wide strip of land to the ocean in order to construct a port city. We offer 12 million Swiss Francs and 30,000 Vetteri rifles.
  • French Diplomacy: The regency council refuses this purchase, saying that Swiss military buildup and wanton requests to other nations do not aid our decision to their favor.
  • Brazilian Dip: We ask for trade with the nation of France hoping to sell rubber, coffee and multiple agricultural goods to France.
  • French Diplomacy: We decline the trade agreement due to their current war, as the regency council wishes not to be too involved in one side or the other while the war continues.

Spain: We upgrade our navy by 0.25.

  • Cuba: Cuba begins construction on a large Spanish navy.
  • New Catalonia: New Barcelona grows as 10,000 Spanish citizens are recruited to move to New Barcelona with each newcomer being payed 10,000 USD. SECRET: The governor, against the wishes of the people and the Spanish government, begins a top secret move that no one knows about. The move is to install a racist society. He establishes a secret police that gives out a secret constitution to the blacks.

Article I: Every black family shall only be allowed one child.

Article II: If a Spaniard wants it he gets it.

Article III: Blacks must have a pass to live in New Catalonia.

Article IV: This only applies to people in the claimed grounds of New Catolinia (OTL Equatorial Guinies).

Britain: As Portugal makes an unlawful heir, we declare war. We land a huge force of troops at Gibraltar, and march them across Spanish Land to Portugal. We launch an assault on Lisbon. Casus Belli: Political Blunder, Objective: Free People

You cannot just move troops across another country without an algorithm. User:Edboy452 Flag of Romania Flag of Germany (1935–1945) Flag of Israel Flag of the Soviet Union (talk) 17:43, September 22, 2013 (UTC)

Local, I think you need a Casus Belli here. #LivinLikeFeudal (talk)

  • US Dip: We send military and medical supplies to aid the British invasion of Lisbon.
  • Swiss Diplomacy: We request that all sides back out, and offer to host peace talks rather than a war be fought.
  • Spanish Dip: We blockade Gibraltar to stop the British from attacking. multiple British men are held captive for illegale entrance. We send supplies to the Portuguese.
  • Switzerland Diplomacy: We protest the war, and again request peace and offer to host talks.
  • British Diplomacy: Following the Spanish unlawful ATTEMPT to arrest our army (How would you go about arresting an army Oct?), we declare war on them also. After the Spanish Blockade Gibraltar, we declare war.

Austro-Hungary: We accept the offer from Russia and Germany to create the League of the Three Emperors. We also begin upgrading our military, increasing our score by 0.50. Railroads from the west begin to spread to cover much of the empire, increasing mobility across our nation. Over the last few decades private interests have conducted almost all rail construction. The northern and western parts of the nation have gained about 7,952 km (4,941 mi) of track, and Hungary has built almost 5,839 km (3,628 mi) of track. Many cities and towns join the railway system and the existing rail networks gain several connections and interconnections. Widespread rail transportation begins to become common, and also the integration of transportation systems in the area. We increase our army score by 0.50.

Germany: With the German constitution adopted by the Reichstag less than one year ago, the foundations for the new parliament are in place. Universal male suffrage allows for many diverse political views to be expressed in the new parliament. We begin a rapid expansion of industry to catch up to other European powers. The steel giant Krupp continues to grow to become one of the largest steel manufacturers in Europe, improving our national economy, thanks in large part to the protection from American and British competition afforded by tariffs and cartels. Coal plants are expanded to locally power our nation. Important mines along the valleys of the rivers Ruhr, Inde, and Wurm are modernized to be safer and more efficient. Numerous small industrial centres begin to spring up, focusing on ironworks using local coal. Our iron and steel works begin buying mines, and erecting coking ovens to supply their own requirements in coke and gas. These integrated coal-iron firms ("Huettenzechen") became numerous with the growth of the industrial sector. The average output of a mine in 1850 was about 8,500 short tons; its employment about 64. We hope to grow these numbers, drastically increasing our output. Total Ruhr coal output rose from 2.0 million short tons in 1850, and is expected to rise to 22 by 1880. The miners in the Ruhr region are divided by ethnicity with Germans and Poles, and religion with Protestants and Catholics, splitting the miners into several unions, with an affiliation to different political parties. Mobility in and out of the mining camps to nearby industrial areas is high. German banks begin to play a central roles in financing German industry. Different banks form cartels in different industries, and Cartel contracts become accepted as legal and binding by German courts, although illegal in Britain and the United States. The process of cartelization begins slowly, but the cartel movement is expected to rise. The government plays a powerful role in the industrialization of the German Empire, during a period known as the Second Industrial Revolution. We supported not only heavy industry but also crafts and trades, to maintain prosperity in all parts of the empire. Local procedures are put in place, so even where the national government does not act, the highly autonomous regional and local governments are expected to support their own industries. Each state is expected to be as self-sufficient as possible. Railroads become crucial in the transfer of German goods across Europe, and modern engines begin to replace outdated models in our nation. Bismarck’s new tariffs on imported grain and the introduction of the sugar beet as a main crop helps to grow agricultural yield. Farmers begin to abandon traditional, inefficient practices, adapting modern farming practices, such as the use of new fertilizers and tools. The knowledge and tools gained from the intensive farming of sugar and other root crops helps to quickly elevate Germany to one of the most efficient agricultural producers in Europe. With the economic push toward industrialization and urbanization, heavy industry (coal and steel especially) become important in the Ruhr, and manufacturing growing in the cities, the Ruhr, and Silesia. Based on its leadership in chemical research in the universities and industrial laboratories, we begin to become dominant in the world's chemical industry. Big businesses such as BASF and Bayer led the way in their production and distribution of artificial dyes and pharmaceuticals during the Wilhelmine era, leading to the German monopolisation of the global chemicals market. A nation wide currency is planned to be introduced known as the German Goldmark, which will eventually replace the Vereinsthaler, South German Gulden, Bremen Thaler, Hamburg Mark, French Franc, and other local currencies, beginning new economic unity. The German Army is expanded with the goal of using ground and sea assets to protect the German Empire, and its interests. The armies of the former German Confederacy states are placed under the control of Prussia, while the contingents of the Bavarian, Saxon and Württemberg kingdoms remain semi-autonomous. The term "German Army" begins to be used in various legal documents such as the Military Penal Code, but otherwise the Prussian, Bavarian, Saxon and Württemberg armies maintain distinct identities, under the command of Chief of the German General Staff Helmuth von Moltke. Supreme command of the navy is vested in the emperor, but its first appointed chief is Infantry General Albrecht von Stosch. Kiel on the Baltic Sea and Wilhelmshaven on the North Sea become the Navy's principal naval bases. Initially the main task of the new Imperial Navy is to ensure coastal protection. The Imperial Navy's tasks are then to prevent any invasion force from landing and to protect coastal towns from possible bombardment. We open a German Imperial Naval Academy at Kiel for training officers, followed in May by the creation of a 'Machine Engineer Corps', and we plan to create a 'Medical Corps' by early 1873. We begin a ten-year program to institute the modernise of the fleet. Our new plan calls for the creation of eight armoured frigates, six armoured corvettes, 20 light corvettes, seven monitors, two floating batteries, six avisos, eighteen gunboats and twenty-eight torpedo boats, at an estimated cost of 220 million gold marks. The building plan is approved by the Reichstag, which controls the allocation of funds, although one-quarter of the money came from French war reparations, allowing the modernization of our fleet to begin. We also hope to begin the colonization of Africa, although we first wish to expand our naval capabilities. We are glad the League of the Three Emperors is now in place.. We also ask for a trade agreement and an alliance with Italy, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark and Sweden. We upgrade our army score by 0.50.

CSA: We build our industry by 0.5. We begin to rebuild the country and restore internal trade. We offer an alliance to France and Mexico. Virginia is the first state to pass an Emancipation Law, making every child born after January 1st, 1874 free of chains.


British troops in Gibraltar are currently suffering supply shortages due to the Spanish blockade of the small territory.

What? Are you genuinely saying that the Spanish could blockade Gibraltar? They couldn't. Not even slightly.


Russian miners in Alaska have found gold within the rural territory. Leaders of Russia are feeling less obliged to sell this piece of land and protect it against other nations.

Due to a fire in China in the Forbidden City, more than 20,000 lives were lost.

German and Austrian leaders begin to feel threatened due to Switzerland's unnecessary build up on the border. Political cabinets of the German Empire and Austro-Hungary urge their leaders to send troops to counteract any possible invasion from the small nation.

Many Serbs in Herzegovina begin to riot against their Ottoman rulers. Resistance groups have risen up, many smuggling weapons.

Upgrading has now changed to 0.25 by every other turn.

Mexico: We respond to the US offer to join the Pan-American Coalition and we accept their offer, we hope that this will bring future prosperity to Mexico. We increase our industry by 0.25.

United States of America Dip: We are happy that Mexico has joined the Pan-American Coalition and we seek to have years of co-operation and development between Mexico, Brazil and the United States, We send left over weapons from the civil war and open up trade with Mexico.

Qing Dynasty Dip: We ask to purchase three cruisers.

Joseon: The infrastructure is improved. Some more Confucian, Buddhist and Taoist temples are built.

Qing Dynasty: We ask for a military base in Hwaseong and a navy base in Incheon.

Switzerland: We continue to construct reinforcements, but withdrawal the troops back into the nation. We leave 1,500 troops at the French-Switzerland border (down from 23,000); 6,000 troops on the German-Switzerland border (Down from 40,000); 1,000 on the Italian-Swiss border (Down from 7,000); and 5000 at the Austro-Hungary border (Down from 21,000; including 2,000 in Liechtenstein).

Empire of Brazil: The Emperor Dom Pedro II while continually dreading his role as emperor continues his war against the Kingdom on Portugal intent on leaving the Empire strong and seeing the Monarchy continue. Realizing this He makes a speech to his people declaring his intent to see his monarchy continue with his future grandson and shows that taking Portugal and her colonies will be extremely beneficial. With this The people agree and show a national resolve not seen since the nations independence all those years ago. The Economy continues to increase with rubber exports increasing exponentially with Brazil maintaining almost a direct monopoly over the export of rubber worldwide as the Amazon is one of the few places Naturally occurring rubber can be cultivated which is used in many things relating to industry which is co-incidentally exported to the US and Great Britain primarily allowing the reaping of huge profit. More Brazilian settlers arrive in Acre, which continues to fall heavily under Brazilian settlement and control. The rubber industry now dominant in Brazil and the Railroad system being constructed, allows for cheap rubber to be sold in Brazil, with Brazilian Industry profiting exponentially as the expansion is made much easier by this. Some Iron Companies become more involved in steel production but their direct sale to the navy is allowing for the easier construction of Ironclad warships of the Brazilian navy. The population of Brazil reaches 11.2 million.

With the war in Portugal continuing and Great Britain's attack yet to come, the Brazilian armed forces pay/recruit 5000 more mercenaries from multiple countries preparing for a massive attack on the City of Porta. With this the Brazilian navy bolstered by re-inforcements from the homeland bring the navy around Portugal to a grand total of 38 warships. The 20,000 troops are used in a mass amphibious invasion of Porta with the navy running interference to prevent the Portuguese from harassing the invasion forces. Almost 20 ships are used to support the assault on Porta directly with some support from the United States and the British Empire. With this assault across the sea the navy acquires another ten warships only half of which are ironclads, to be sent on an escort mission with another 5000 troops to re-inforce the other forces of Brazil moving on Portugal currently. (Algo complete). With the City of Porto secured and much of the northern areas of Portugal secured along with it due to the relatively small numbers of the Portuguese armed forces. A front is set up to push from Northern Portugal to Southern Portugal. The people of Porto and the northern parts of the country are treated well with food and supplies provided to them and people allowed generally free movement throughout the city with little questioning. as the Soldiers are only interested in keeping the peace rather than oppressing the people. Multiple Portuguese ships are seized in the port and appropriated for the Brazilian navy as well.

The Empire also continues its expansion in Gabon with profitable trade occurring between Brazil and the natives and some soldiers preventing slave traders from taking slaves. This increased trade and work to prevent the slaving increases the prestige of the Brazilians in the area. Along with the increase in the Brazilian colony, the Empire begins preparing an exploratory expedition throughout Gabon expected to take place in 1876. The Brazilian colony becomes the temporary home to 2000 mobilized soldiers of the Navy and Army from Brazil proper intent on going to the Portuguese trading outposts/minor colonies in Africa. The Empire continually phases out its usage of slavery with many moderate and lower end echelons of slave owners now paid off. Brazilian soldiers escort the French explorers in the Amazon for their own safety, and to prevent them from taking anything they shouldn't be from the forest. It is not an option for the party.

  • US Dip: We send supplies, 5000 soldiers, and 15 warships to aid the Brazilian invasion of Portugal.

Italy: We declare our neutrality in the current European diplomatic crisis we also begin building up our navy by 0.25 our government also states that it's open to any trade with anyone.

  • Swiss Diplomacy: We request to purchase a strip of land to construct a port. We offer to pay 30 million Swiss Francs and 29,000 Vetteri Bolt Action Rifles.
  • Italian Dip: Very well, we accept this offer.
  • Swiss Diplomacy: We thank the Italians for accepting the purchase. Since both our nations are neutral, we offer a neutrality pact to supply one another if the other is invaded.
  • Italian Dip: We accept and hope that this will help both nations.

United States of America: Industrial build up, agricultural expansion, rebuilding of damaged towns/farms, production of steam ships, and construction of the Transcontinental railroad, the build up of the Lincoln line on the Union-Confederate border, and economic, military, and anti-slavery co-operation with the Empire of Brazil and Mexico all continue. With the recent acquisition of 21 million dollars we invest it all in industry and thus increase our industrial score by 0.25. 

  • Swiss Diplomacy: We request to purchase the USS Catskills (1862), the USS Wyendotta (1864), and the USS Nantucket (1862) for 21 million US Dollars.
  • American Diplomacy: We accept the Swiss offer.

France: The popularity of a constitutional monarchy begins to wane as time goes on and the current French monarch has yet to die. As such, the inability of the French Regency government to effectively rule for any extended period of time leads to the creation of the French Third Republic. Three acts are quickly passed through the council, establishing a senate, the organization of the government as a whole, and the relationship between governments. At its apex was a President of the Republic. A two-chamber parliament. featuring a directly elected Chamber of Deputies and an indirectly elected Senate is created, along with a ministry under the "President of the Council", who is nominally answerable to both the President of the Republic and parliament. Patrice de Mac-Mahon is appointed President of the Republic, and Jules Simon is appointed to Prime Minister of the French Parliament. In order to secure support from the people in the new republican government, railroads and schools become a top priority for construction, especially in the lacking rural areas of France. Plans for military reforms are to take place within the next year. More opportunities are given for colonists to travel, the government encouraging immigration to the colonies, for missionaries and businessmen alike by offering to pay for a quarter of their travel fees. 

  • French Equatorial Africa: Through continental French shipments, the colonial armies become better armed and uniformed, in order to enforce French law and assimilation upon the native populations. The colonial government begins to "hand out" assimilation rights, which actually require a renunciation of current land holdings, allowing for the colonial government to take hold of lands, and "civilize" the natives.
  • French Dahomey: Continental French shipments allow for the small colonial army to become better armed and uniformed in the wake of recent Dahomey Kingdom raids, which sets much of the coastal colony on edge for a possible war to break out between the formally friendly colony and nation.
  • New Caledonia: Continental French shipments allow for the small colonial police force to become better armed and uniformed in the wake of recent waves of European immigration from the discovery of nickel in 1864. Since then, colonial population has been ever increasing, and native population slowly decreasing, although tensions are very high.
  • French Senegal: Continental French shipments allow for the colonies armies to become better armed and uniformed. The doctrine of missionary work and abolitionism is still promoted as preparations for another war with the remaining Sengali chiefdoms begins in order to curtail their slave trade and end their pagan practices, as well as gain access to numerous mining ventures.
  • French Indochina: Continental French shipments allow for the large colonial armies to become better armed and uniformed. Soldiers are stationed near the Sino-Indochinese border as support for expansion of the French colonial provinces and Catholic faith is advocated for by the governor of the colony.
  • French Guiana: Continental French shipments allow for the larger colonial armies to become better armed and unformed. Guard presence is increase as more prisoners are sent to the colony. More French immigants arrive to the colony, prompting the governor to expand the city of Cayenne to account for more ships coming to French Guiana. Several French explorers are sent into the Amazon to document the various wildlife and plants, and are instructed to bring back both animals (dead or alive), and plants and their seeds.
  • French Diplomacy (needs mod response): In order to alleviate Egyptian financial troubles (which held a debt of over 45,000,000 pounds sterling before the game began), we offer to purchase all 176,602 Egyptian shares in the Suez Canal for 25,000,000 pounds sterling.

Denmark: We will accept the trade alliance offered by Germany and as an act of good faith we send a wagon of supplies containing; steel, flour, gunpowder, leather and, if they need any help, 300 soldiers to help ease the tension between Germany and Switzerland. We hope that this trade alliance will benefit both of our countries in the present and the future.

  • Swiss Diplomacy: We are fortifying our borders against foreign invasion, and will not violate other nations sovereignty. We request a non-aggression pact with Denmark.

Qing Dynasty: The rebuild of the forbidden city continues as the major gates were finished. The emperor added new designs, where he wanted an imperial museum and a western-themed Building for foreign-treaties to be signed in. He also asked to build another department, The Department of Westernization. The nobles finally move to Nanking, although they have fell out of favour to the western-minded officials. We begin dispatching teams of 100 people, taught English from Jesuits, to Britain, France, Prussia, Italy, Spain, United States of America, Austro-Hungary and Russia to learn Western Customs. Tongzhi Emperor makes a speech to the people, declaring his intent to let China to re-emerge as a nation more powerful than any European nations and one that can defend itself against all wars against Europe. He also begin promoting legalism, which promoted change in contrast to the stagnating Confucianism. The economy continues expanding as the country makes its first rubber, coffee and wine exports. We begin planting rubber in Southern China for export and industrial uses. As the number of merchants and skilled artisans increase, we begin approaching British train-rail companies for the construction of a trans-Chinese railroad.

To modernize Chinese thinking, Tongzhi promoted legalism as opposed to Confucianism and gives a law to change 50% of the schools in China to teach science, mechanics and for richer schools, a foreign language. The Emperor orders an entire ship full of books on Western thinking to educate the court. The Emperor also commissioned the construction of the University of Beijing, the first Westernized University in China.

We begin modernizing our military and we start by buying a cargo of 100 rifles from Prussian Arms Dealers. Then, our entire imperial science association was devoted on studying the rifles to reproduce them. Meanwhile, we have mastered the art of constructing muskets. The Department of Military commissioned three arms factories making ammunition in Tiangjing, Guanzhou and Wuhan. We also construct naval bases in Tamsui, Shanghai, Shengzhen and Qingdao. We begin developing naval ships as we send iron and coal from Shangxxi to Shangdong, where they are built into tiny battleships. We begin studying the ways to build a battleship and we plan to reverse engineer bought battleships, dreadnoghts and cruisers. We begin to send 30 students every year to foreign nations to educate them. Our army begin promoting professionalism as we begin firing criminals banded into armies and begin offering a salary for military work. We hope to reach an army of 600,000 by 1876 and 1,000,000 by 1885. We begin to have large amounts of drills in the military and those who fail will be kicked out. We begin projecting our military power throughout our sub-states and we begin to build a province militia.

Learning about the colonization progress of European powers, Tongzhi also would like to establish Chinese colonies and he set his eyes on the Great Lakes region of Africa.

Battleships, dreadnoughts, and cruisers weren't really made until the near end of the Victorian Era.

CSA: We build our indsutry by 0.25. We continue to rebuild the country and restore internal trade. We offer an alliance to France and Mexico. North Carolina passes an Emancipation Bill similar to Virginia's. The first free black is born in Virginia.

Britain: Algorithm against Portugal (Casus Belli: Political Blunder, Objective: Free People, Install New Government (Dictatorship),):  

  • Britain: 54
  • Portugal: 49.25

​Algorithm Against Spain:

  • Britain: 52
  • Spain: 37.33

After the fall of Lisbon, Cavalry Troopers are sent into the City, securing the Royal family before the Infantry descends on the city. The King and Royal Family recognise the Emperor of Brazil as Lawful heir to Portugal and her colonies. The false heir to the throne of Portugal is executed by firing squad. His body, and the royal family and king, are sent to the Brazilian forces in the north, with an escort of cavalrymen, with orders to kill them if there is any risk of escape. Army is upgraded by 0.25. We begin constructing more cruisers.

  • Australia: We build up our military, training them here. The production of silver and copper increases. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money.
  • British Honduras: We build up our military, training them here. The production of mahogany increases. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money.
  • Cayman: We build up our military, training them here. People from Britain with high incomes begin to emigrate here, as it is a tax haven. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money.
  • Jamaica: We build up our military, training them here. The production of sugar increases. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money.
  • Malta: We build up our military, training them here. The mining of Limestone increases. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money.
  • British Raj: We build up our military, training them here. The production of cotton, rubber and grains increases. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money. 
  • British Burma: We build up our military, training them here. The number of merchants stopping here between India and China increases. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money.
  • New Zealand: We build up our military, training them here. The production of wool and meat increases. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money.
  • Malacca: We build up our military, training them here. More opium is imported. Th tax on this brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money.
  • Bahrain: We build up our military, training them here. We begin to industrialise. Doing this causes Britain to give us a grant for independence. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money.
  • British Guiana: We build up our military, training them here. The production of sugarcane increases, and mining, rice farming begin to grow in importance. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money.
  • Falklands: We build up our military, training them here. Farming sheep increases, and the export of it begins to increase the GDP. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money.
  • Saint Georgia: Royal Engineers for the Royal Navy begin to construct a Naval Base here.
  • South Africa: We build up our military, training them here. The production of gold and sugar increases. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money.
  • Gold Coast: We build up our military, training them here. The production of gold increases. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money.
  • Gambia: We build up our military, training them here. The farming of Groundnuts increases. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money.
  • Sierra Leone: We build up our military, training them here. The mining of Diamonds increases. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money.
    • Japanese D: asks to buy five cruisers
    • British Diplomacy: Will sell them for £8,000,000 each, totalling £40,000,000

Britain only has one cruiser at this time period.

Netherlands: Military continues to build up and first factories are finished. A new place where we can cultivate more spices. With this new source of income we renovate the "Palace on the Dam". We begin constructing forts around our borders and new trade and battleships are built.

Russia: Tax cuts for the peasant class of the nation are still, as well as rising taxes for the rich. Gold continues to be excavated from Alaska, bringing many riches to the empire. Leaders have now discussed that this piece of land is too valuable to sell.

Japan: Westernization continues, and diplomats are sent all across the west. This trade contributes to the buildup of the military. The trade also greatly improves the economy. Meji, wanting to expand there sphere of influence, looks over to other east asian countries. A plan in his head, ships and men are placed in the East China Sea, and many of men are entered into the military.


Rebels in Herzegovinia have risen to power, starting civil unrest within the Ottoman Empire in the Balkans. A rebellion of 200,000 strong are currently at arms, waging an insurgency on the Ottoman Empire.

English vessels have forced the Spanish navy to withdraw from Gibraltar.

Brazilian forces, with the co-operation of a large coalition have removed the wrongfully placed Portuguese throne. However, nationalists and conservatives still battle in pockets of small resistance across the northern portion of Portugal.

See Treaty of Lisbon.. Currently the Portuguese monarchy is in the custody of Brazilian armed forces and Portugals forces have been crushed in two of their biggest cities with Porta and Lisbon currently under Coalition control. 'I believe I can force surrender at this point.


Treaty of Lisbon


Big question was Spain put in all the algos. Flag of Nazi Austria (No Belgium)Cancom2Octavian, Hail Marius (Play With Oct!) Cancom2Flag of Nazi Austria (No Belgium) 21:17, September 23, 2013 (UTC)


You sent supplies after I did the algo, so they don't count unless it was done before. I'm on Skype with Ed about this right now and that's exactly what he said. #LivinLikeFeudal (talk)

High ranking conservatives within the Qing Dynasty begin to question the modernization of the Forbidden City in Beijing.

You mean the high-ranking conversatives who fell out of favor and/or was burned to death in Beijing? Ninjasvswarriors (talk) 05:11, September 24, 2013 (UTC)

Joseon: The infrastructure is improved. Some more Confucian, Buddhist, and Taoist Temples are built. Emperor Gojong accepts the Qing Dynatsy's offer and allows them to build a military base in Hwaseong and a navy base in Incheon. Meanwhile, some more ships are built and the navy is built up. The navy score is increased by 0.25.

Qing Dynasty Dip: We ask to establish a naval base on Jeju Island.

Joseon Diplomacy: Emperor Gojong accepts the Qing Dynasty's offer and allows them to build a naval base on Jeju Island.

British Empire: We send troops north to aid in the crushing of the last of the resistance. Skirmishes with the Spanish in the South continue, but after our decisive victory, they lack the strength to face us. We complete one of the cruisers.

  • Australia: We build up our military, training them here. The production of silver and copper increases. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money. Support for an Imperial Federation increases.
  • British Honduras: We build up our military, training them here. The production of mahogany increases. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money. Support for an Imperial Federation increases.
  • Cayman: We build up our military, training them here. People from Britain with high incomes begin to emigrate here, as it is a tax haven. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money. Support for an Imperial Federation increases.
  • Jamaica: We build up our military, training them here. The production of sugar increases. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money. Support for an Imperial Federation increases.
  • Malta: We build up our military, training them here. The mining of limestone increases. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money. Support for an Imperial Federation increases.
  • British Raj: We build up our military, training them here. The production of cotton, rubber and grains increases. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money.  Support for an Imperial Federation increases.
  • British Burma: We build up our military, training them here. The number of merchants stopping here between India and China increases. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money. Support for an Imperial Federation increases.
  • New Zealand: We build up our military, training them here. The production of wool and meat increases. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money. Support for an Imperial Federation increases.
  • Malacca: We build up our military, training them here. More opium is imported. Th tax on this brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money. Support for an Imperial Federation increases.
  • Bahrain: We build up our military, training them here. We begin to industrialise. Doing this causes Britain to give us a grant for independence. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money. Support for an Imperial Federation increases.
  • British Guiana: We build up our military, training them here. The production of sugarcane increases, and mining, rice farming begin to grow in importance. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money. Support for an Imperial Federation increases.
  • Falklands: We build up our military, training them here. Farming sheep increases, and the export of it begins to increase the GDP. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money. Support for an Imperial Federation increases.
  • Saint Georgia: Royal Engineers for the Royal Navy continue to construct a Naval Base here.
  • South Africa: We build up our military, training them here. The production of gold and sugar increases. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money. Support for an Imperial Federation increases.
  • Gold Coast: We build up our military, training them here. The production of gold increases. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money. Support for an Imperial Federation increases.
  • Gambia: We build up our military, training them here. The farming of Groundnuts increases. This brings more money into the colony, and people begin to have more money. Support for an Imperial Federation increases.
  • Sierra Leone: We build up our military, training them here. The mining of Diamonds increases. This brings more money into the colony, and people begin to have more money. Support for an Imperial Federation increases.

Japan: The army is improved by 0.25. With the officials in Qing questioning the modernization, and the preaching of legalism over Confucianism, Meji sees this as a golden opportunity. Secretly men are sent over there to organize these people wishing to go back to the ways of the old empire, in hopes of causing a revolution. This is popular among peasants and officials disagreeing with  westernization. Arms given to us from the west are given to these revolutionaries. More ships and men are stationed in the east china sea. Reforms continue,  giving more power to Meji.

Empire of Brazil: With the Success in Portugal the Emperor is delighted to hear that his daughter has had a son establishing direct line to the Brazilian Throne. He gives a speech which in fact highlights the many accomplishments of the empire as of late including the securing of Portugal and its throne now very close to being tied with Brazil's. The Emperor also tells his people with delight that the Brazilian throne can continue as his Grandson recently born inherits the title to the throne to be assumed when he is considered of Age. With this the People of Brazil are delighted and with the recent successes of the Empire the economy begins to increase. rubber, coffee, rice, wheat, and beef exports continue their expansion with profit being pulled in heavily. The Railroad system is continued with rubber plantations now being linked into the network of railways which allows from their quick transportation towards the coast for export. This increase in exports increases our economy by 0.25. The population of the Empire of Brazil reaches 11.9 million with population growth continuing to expand.

Following the Battle of Porta and securing Northern Portugal and with the British securing Lisbon the Brazilian armed forces land another 30,000 troops in Lisbon taking control of the city along with the British and deploying all throughout Central and Southern Portugal allowing for the full occupation of the country. Any surviving rebels in the Country are kept fully isolated with Brazilian forces putting them down whenever possible. The Occupation of Portugal is undertaken with near 45,000 soldiers of the Brazilian armed forces with the 5000 US soldiers left in Porta for light duty and transportation home whenever requested by their government. The people are treated relatively nicely and trade within Portugal is monitored highly but isn't heavily restricted allowing people to move around preventing the look that an aggressive dictatorship has taken control of their country. However, in ports and military areas equipment such as cannons, rifles and even full scale warships are seized by the Brazilian military for use by their own forces, to cut down the costs on supplies. Trader ships are finally allowed to leave with large payments made out to them to make up for the loss of profit from the distraction from their trade missions. Brazil, however, still limits civilian travel between Brazil and Portugal still saying its dangerous. Along with the Occupation of Portugal all of her colonies are occupied as well with 2000 troops sent to Angola and Mozambique respectively, with about 500 troops for Goa, East Timor respectively. The Occupation of Portugal has commenced.

The Colony of Gabon continues to expand with about 600 Brazilian nationals living there full time. The colony does begin to expand to include some African peoples who were saved from slavers. The Slave program in Brazil is slowly paid off as well with more slaves being released into their freedom with the possibly of all the slaves being freed by 1880. The Brazilian armed forces especially the navy continues its research into the Turret Main and Secondary battery systems. More ships are built specificially ironclads.

Denmark: After several years of having a small defence force in our country we decide to start increasing our number of soldiers from 1000 to 10,000. This will be a Defence force only but in times of strife for either us or our allies it will become a small army. We are also making a police force that will have access to flintlock pistols and will take the soldiers job of guarding the streets. This will result in less crime while the bulk of the defence force is away. We have started building a building in Copenhagen, this building will be a large Diplomacy building containing all the current alliances and treaties in the world and it will be constantly updated.

Switzerland: We begin to construct a port on the recently purchased territory in Italy. Much of the plains and flat land in Switzerland is used for farming. We continue to design the new artillery piece, and plan to construct three more ironclads from the US designs.

The army continues to withdraw from the borders of the surrounding nations, and fortifications continue to be built, with forts and defenses starting to be constructed in the Alps as a secondary defense. Underground bunkers are constructed along with hidden artillery spots, and areas for snipers.

'Italy: 'The Democratic movement rises within the country which makes minor protests begin. We also begin to build a port in the South Eastern part of the mainland. A few ships are secretly sent out to colonize parts of  Western Africa for our nation of Italy.

Spain: A new program called revive de armada begins. Navy Upgraded By 0.25.

  • Cuba: Five New ironclads run out, and countless more are being made.
  • New Catalonia: The official size of the colony reaches 15,000. The corrupt governor Cèsar secretly creates a fake terrorist attack where his secret police kill 12 civilians blaming it on the Fang ethnic group. The Spanish send troops to help.

There is no way you can build that many ironclads in about a year. Give it about three years just for one at this time period.

Furthermore, self-destruction of your nation is prohibited and against the rules, also a colony cannot just immediately have a large population in only three years. User:Edboy452 Flag of Romania Flag of Germany (1935–1945) Flag of Israel Flag of the Soviet Union (talk) 23:39, September 23, 2013 (UTC)

United States of America: As a direct result of of the 21 million USD investment into industry there is a huge industrial boom across the nation with a sudden surge of coal, iron, and steel factories in the nation. Because of all these new factories there are new jobs in which people can work and with this money people spend on food, drink and shelter. Because of more people buying food farmers are more successful and thus further expand their farms in order to feed more people and get more money. The construction of the transcontinental railroad is in its final stages and should be complete by next year. Economic, military and freedom co-operation with Mexico and Brazil continue. We congratulate the Empire of Brazil's success over Portugal as it is the first time ever a former colony came back and took over the main state of the empire and we also thank the British for their co-operation. As such American and British relations increase positively.

  • Sweden-Norway: We ask for a trade agreement to better strengthen our realtions and to better each nations economy.

Russia: Gold miners in Alaska continue to extract gold out of large deposits within the Earth in the territory. With this large amount of profit made from this raw material, large military expansion has started, with the priorities of researching new weapons, ships, and equipment. Dry docks have been ordered to construct three large armored cruisers of the General-Admiral class which will complete in about five years. Other ships that are currently on order are about ten screw corvettes that are going to range in different classes (Not ten of each class). Due to the naval build up our navy score increases by 0.25. Our leader asks the Empire of Brazil whether are ships are still allowed to dock at Portugal or not to prevent political schisms.

  • Empire of Brazil Dip: We respond that we are waiting for the situation to calm down. However, we do wish to establish relations in the near future with Russia for trade, and co-operation.
  • Russian Diplomacy: We will accept a trade agreement and a non-aggression pact.
  • Sweden-Norway Diplomacy: We ask to be able to join the Russian, German, Austrian alliance in hope that it will benefit the nations of central and eastern Europe. We also ask for a trade agreement to better strengthen our relations. We state now that we will not be asking for the Finnish region back from the Russian Empire and we hope to support Europes major nations.
  • Russian Empire Diplomacy: Your nation is not led by an emperor. (Hence the name the League of Three Emperors, the name of the alliance).

It would be implausible for the United Kingdoms of Sweden and Norway to even join an alliance with the Russian Empire without making large political movements since the Russian Empire conquered large parts of Sweden in the 1700s and early 1800s. User:Edboy452 Flag of Romania Flag of Germany (1935–1945) Flag of Israel Flag of the Soviet Union (talk) 19:47, September 24, 2013 (UTC)

'United Kingdoms of Sweden and Norway: 'We make it once again a high priority to protect and make the people of the Norwegien region feel as if they are part of a strong unification between Sweden and Norway. We give lots more educational and economical advantages to the Norwegien peoples including military support by our navy. Farms and mining areas are being established across our nation. We begin urther development of naval yards including trade yards. We announce that we support the United States not the confederate states by offering a trade agreement.

France: The current French Patrice de Mac-Mahon, a monarchist who favors putting the French kings back onto the throne, makes one final attempt to revive the monarchy in the wake of the Republic. He dismisses President of the Republic, Jules Simon, replaces him with Monarchist leader Duc de Broglie. He then dissolves the Parliament and sets up for national elections in October to decide whether or not a monarchy will be established or not. His plan backfires, and he is accused of a constitutional coup d'etat. Due to his sudden upopularity from his actions, the Opportunist Republican party becomes the majority in the parliament after the October elections lead to Opportunist Republican majority. He remains President of the Republic, however, but current debates rage whether or not to firmly limit the power of the President. With the Opportunist Republicans in power, they quickly begin work to establish themselves and the Third Republic, passing the Jules Ferry Laws, which allow for free, mandatory, and secular education. Railroads and new public schools continue to be a priority for the French government. Reforms in the military are delayed by one year for the recent political controversies, but our economy upgrades by 0.25 from increased profit and travel to our colonies. The French army recruits Alfred Dreyfus as a general, and he begins training in Paris.

  • French Equatorial Africa: Through continental French shipments, the colonial armies become better armed and uniformed, in order to enforce French law and assimilation upon the native populations. The colonial government begins to "hand out" assimilation rights, which actually require a renunciation of current land holdings, allowing for the colonial government to take hold of lands, and "civilize" the natives. The colony begins expansion to the south, beginning with missionary work, then French colonial volunteers.
  • French Dahomey: The French 12th Foreign Legion is established in French Dahomey and the 19th Army Corp sends more soldiers to French Dahomey, in order to protect the colonists against the increasingly aggressive Dahomey Kingdoms. 
  • New Caledonia: Continental French shipments allow for the small colonial police force to become better armed and uniformed in the wake of recent waves of European immigration from the discovery of nickel in 1864. Since then, colonial population has been ever increasing, and native population slowly decreasing, although tensions are very high.
  • French Senegal: Continental French shipments allow for the colonies armies to become better armed and uniformed. The doctrine of missionary work and abolitionism is still promoted as preparations for another war with the remaining Sengali chiefdoms begins in order to curtail their slave trade and end their pagan practices, as well as gain access to numerous mining ventures.
  • French Indochina: Continental French shipments allow for the large colonial armies to become better armed and uniformed. Soldiers are stationed near the Sino-Indochinese border as support for expansion of the French colonial provinces and Catholic faith is advocated for by the governor of the colony.
  • French Guiana: Continental French shipments allow for the larger colonial armies to become better armed and unformed. Guard presence is increase as more prisoners are sent to the colony. More French immigrants arrive to the colony, prompting the governor to expand the city of Cayenne to account for more ships coming to French Guiana. Out of the thirty-five French explorers that went on the expedition, fifteen died in the whole expedition. They return to French Guiana, and travel back to France, with about three thousand different plant seeds, two-hundred and fifty of these being the Amazonian Hevea rubber tree, and one hundred of these being the Cinchona Officinalis tree.

If he was in the Amazon he was in Brazil, and last turn  specified his explorers were accompanied by men from the Brazillian military which prevented him from taking anything he wasn't supposed to. you couldn't have taken the rubber trees while my men "escorted you" #LivinLikeFeudal (talk)

That is like me getting an armed patrol for every explorer of the Sahara Desert. Also, I don't believe the expeditioners made public their venture. Also, you posted the "Armed Guards" for my expedition team AFTER I made my turn, which was after your turn. You can't try to adapt your turn willy-nilly. If you could, what's the use of having new turns? Eiplec - ಠ_ಠ (talk) 22:05, September 24, 2013 (UTC)

  • French Diplomacy (Needs Mod Reponse): In order  to allieviate Egyptian financial troubles (Which held a debt of over 45,000,000 pounds sterling before the game began), we offer to purchase all 176,602 Egyptian shares in the Suez Canal for 25,000,000 pounds sterling.

Qing Dynasty: The rebuild of the forbidden city continues as the major palace was finished. The government begin collecting Chinese art and sculptures for the museum while Lee Hong Zhnag became the head of the newly formed Department of Westernization. To counter against the questioning politicians, we show them how our taxes have risen and that we have replenished the royal coffers. More importantly, we have increased in our military skill and have made Westerners willing to talk with us. We learnt more from European powers, especially the economical fruit of capitalism from Great Britain. Thus, we raise our economy score by 0.25. Tongzhi Emperor makes another speech to the people, declaring his intentrekindle legalism in China and allow China to turn into a powerful nations with a strong law binding its people. He talked about the promised glory of wealth of the future China and sowed the seeds of hope into the people. The economy continues expanding as the country makes its first rubber, coffee and wine exports. We begin selling more cash crops as it replenished our royal coffers and allowed more people to not die of hunger. We ask Great Britain to support us in building a trans-China railroad.

To modernize Chinese thinking, Tongzhi promoted legalism as opposed to Confucianism and gives a law to change 50% of the schools in China to teach science, mechanics and for richer schools, a foreign language. He ordered the reorganization and translation of Wesern science books and replaced Doctrine of Men by Han Fei Zhi, a legalist classic. To counter the people against legalism, we wrote new laws against corruption and it satisfied the peasants, who were angry about wide-spread corruption.

We begin modernizing our military and we start by buying a cargo of 100 rifles from Prussian Arms Dealers. TWe continue learning how to reproduce muskets. Many more naval bases, ammunition factories, arms factories and arsenals are built in major cities and major ports. We begin developing naval ships as we send iron and coal from Shangxxi to Shangdong, where they are built into tiny battleships. We continue studying the ways to build iron steamboats. Students are sent to foreign nations, where their main goal is to study mechanics and the sciences. Our volunteer army has reached 200,000 men and it is steadily increasing every month. We hope to reach an army of 600,000 by 1876 and 1,000,000 by 1885. We begin to have large amounts of drills in the military and those who fail will be kicked out. We begin projecting our military power throughout our sub-states and we begin to build a province militia. To counter the Japanese movement of troops into East China Sea, we ask Joseon if we can establish a naval base of Jeju Island. We also establish larger naval fleets in Shanghai and Taipei and have routine drills on the East China Sea.

Learning about the colonization progress of European powers, Tongzhi also would like to establish Chinese colonies and he set his eyes on the Great Lakes region of Africa. We begin organizing colonizers, promising free land.

Netherlands: More factories are build and due to the recent military buildup, we ugrade it with 0.25. More of Indonesia is colonized and more expedition are sent out.


Rebels in Herzegovina continue to spread havoc across the Ottoman controlled Balkans of Europe.

Ottoman troops have managed to calm the rebellion down, destroying many insurgents camps, quieting down the situation.

Conservatives and their ideology in the Qing Dynasty have been overthrown by continuous westernization.

Brazilian forces have made the unconditional surrender of the current Portuguese throne, who were inprisoned for the past year.

Message From Oct: The whole reason the Italian thing happened was a succession crisis. That means that there is no more of the blockade. Everyone who wrote something about it please delete it now. Flag of Nazi Austria (No Belgium)Cancom2Octavian, Hail Marius (Play With Oct!) Cancom2Flag of Nazi Austria (No Belgium) 12:18, September 25, 2013 (UTC)

You are still patrolling their waters. Mafia (talk) 16:43, September 25, 2013 (UTC)

It does not matter even if you're blockading them or not anymore, you've already done the action and its consequences are already affecting your nation User:Edboy452 Flag of Romania Flag of Germany (1935–1945) Flag of Israel Flag of the Soviet Union (talk) 19:20, September 25, 2013 (UTC)


If this was one giant misunderstanding of the situation, everything about the blockade and the coalition against Spain will have to be retconned as well. However, the one colony of New Catalonia will also have to be retconned since Spain is on the verge of economic collapse. User:Edboy452 Flag of Romania Flag of Germany (1935–1945) Flag of Israel Flag of the Soviet Union (talk) 22:54, September 25, 2013 (UTC)

Japan: Secret funding of the peasants movement in the Qing Dynasty continues, the group being popular among the poor, minorities, and people opposing the legalism over Confucianism stance. They fund nonviolent protests around the nation, while secretly stockpiling of guns. The buildup along the East China Sea continues, but China is reassured that this is only for defense purposes. Meji is scared of the bases put in Japan and sees it as a threat to national security. The military continues to grow and guns and other weaponry continue to be bought from western dealers. The economy continues to improve.

Joseon: The infrastructure is improved. Some more Confucian, Buddhist and Taoist temples are built.

Italy:The king dies from a disease. However, the Democratic movement grows so much that a Democratic election is held instead of choosing the king's eldest son. Agostino Depretis is elected as the first prime minster of Italy. Meanwhile the sea, the colonists that were sent to go colonize a part of West Africa for Italy have almost reached their destination.

  • Spain Dip: The current king of Spain is next in line of the throne. We demand that our king is installed. One year is given.
  • Italian Dip:Sorry but we can't let the King of Spain be the King of our nation. We do not want a Spanish King  to make Italy a puppet state! However, if your king wants to rule Italy he can run for Prime Minster of Italy in three years.
  • Russian Diplomacy: We offer Italy a defensive alliance in order to ensure the stability of Europe in the region.
  • Spain Dip: We offer an alliance called the coalition of the Savoy. We ask that Italy invade Morocco with us.

Self-Destruction of your nation is prohibited and you cannot just turn into a republic that quickly. The Kingdom of Italy was only founded in 1861. User:Edboy452 Flag of Romania Flag of Germany (1935–1945) Flag of Israel Flag of the Soviet Union (talk) 00:45, September 25, 2013 (UTC)

Empire of Brazil: With the war in Portugal over, and the occupation going about smoothly of Portugal proper and all her former colonies, The Empire begins to invest in increased trade between Brazilian business, and Portuguese business, using the trade expertise and finesse of the Portuguese former trade empire, and Brazils rising industrial strength a large inter-imperial network is set up bringing in large profit to Brazil as well as the wealth of Brazil being allowed to semi flood to Portugal, and the Empires new colonies. The Empire begins to encourage increased settlement of all population types to the colonies intent on turning formerly small population colonies such as Angola and Mozambique into a Paradise in Africa. The mass exodus of former slaves in Brazil particularly move to these areas intent on creating a new life for themselves. The government also begins a Quota of at least 10,000 people per year moving to the colonies intent on securing population growth throughout. The Former nation of Portugal in general is treated well with full civil liberties and a new constitution is drafted and put in place within months copying the Brazilian constitution highly, and establishing Portugal inside the Empire. The new investment into Portugal begins putting Portugal on track for reliance on Brazil of raw Materials in order to expand. However, this is seen as okay as Portugal is a set stopping point for many of the trade items from Asia before their eventual transport to Brazil. The rubber trade also continues to expand with seeds being escorted to Angola, Mozambique, and East Timor, respectively intent on increasing the growth of rubber. The transport of rubber, coffee and other agricultural and export products is made more efficient with more and more railroad systems beginning to link up to agricultural areas. The Brazilian population with the inclusion of Portugal and normal population growth reaches a population of 17.3 million people. The Emperor also begins trying to establish legislation to make Former slaves now free men recognized citizens of the empire with the same rights. These same rights are established in Portugal, and all the new Colonies of Brazil.

The Brazilian military in order to cope with 45,000 troops in Europe increases to a solid 300,000 to make up for some of the numbers. The Navy of Brazil is continually improved with two more ironclad ships coming out of the dry docks. The possibility of a Turret system is continually researched with the first design for a ship laid out and its possibility of being constructed by 1880. The Brazilian army also continues searching for a new service rifle - looking to buy a service rifle from another nation as well as rights to produce a Brazilian Version. Previous research done towards refining guncotton ( a propellant for guns) is done in order to make a more powerful, and less smoky gun propellant. The Research begins rather broadly as the Brazilian empire has not experimented heavily in refining or working with this kind of thing before.

With the acquisition of Colonies the Brazilian government especially encourages immigration to Gabon with the colony growing for almost 500 to 2500 over the year with even more growth expected in the coming years. The Brazilian government with Portugal once a strong sovereign nation wrestles with what to consider the nation and for now considers it a Limbo Area, with the Parliament wanting to wait a few years for the area to be economically viable and stable enough to be made a Dominion of the empire. However, the Rule of Dom Pedro II as monarch in Portugal is starting to be widely respected by people due to the way Portugal has been treated, and how many people were even allowed to continue their every day lives while the conflict was going on. Brazil also heavily invests in Rebuilding Lisbon and Porta repairing a lot of the damage quickly and expediently to help earn the trust of the people. Families separated by the Previous Brazilian war of independence are finally allowed to reunite for the first time in years. Multiple trading posts are founded up and down West Africa from Gabon to Angola looking to secure more legitimate trade from the sub-saharan region of Africa. (Gabon, Equatorial Guinea, and Congo).

  • Portugal: Portugal, now under control of Brazil and now with their investment and trade, begins a program of reviatlization using its new trade with Brazil and lack of a military budget to finance increased business leading to economic expansion. However, some police forces are trained by the Brazilian army to help maintain public order.
  • Goa: The colony of Goa continues its trade of spices and other things from India and some seeds for rubber trees are planted intent on turning Goa into a cash crop colony. Brazilian forces reach about 500 here recruited from locals and trained heavily. The officers are a mix of Brazilians, and Indians. The Portuguese men which have surrendered are allowed to go to where their families live without having to pay.
  • Macau: Macau continues to funnel trade from China but now by default it Fronts to the Empire of Brazil beginning to increase the Asian base of trade to Brazil.
  • East Timor: The economy is continually based around cash crops with coffee being a huge export as well as rubber trees beng planted for better cultivation.
  • Angola: Angola continues its economic production of gold, spices, diamonds, with plantation economy coming on the rise with agricultural products coming into play. Rubber trees are planted in Angola to help expand Brazil's growing rubber industries. The immigration from Brazil and Portugal continue to expand the colony quite a bit pushing territorial control farther inland. Slave and Exploitation based labor are phased out with legitimate industries being made out of them with fair wages being a staple. This actually establishes better output at the people are less inclined to hate their new leaders due to the new economic policy.
  • Mozambique: The Colony of Mozambique continues its cash crop and plantation economy substituting Native exploitation with true and fair wages which in turn help the impoverished gain a better life foothold but in doing so actually give the Plantations increased output.
  • Gabon: The Colony of Gabon expands to 2500 and is considered a true colony of the Brazilian empire with growing influence in the Gabon Area due to the prevention of Slavers, and the growing respect by Africans to the Brazilian settlers.

United States of America: The industrial boom last year was a great one. However, such huge booms open up the chance for industry to crash immediately after and therefore we invest in stabilizing the economy. This causes our industrial score to go up by 0.25 and we finally reach an industrial score of 2.0. The transcontinental railroad is finally completed. This allows for greater movement of goods and people across the nation. Everyone who has worked on such a feat is thanked and is greatly appreciated for their hard work and effort. Co-operation with Mexico and the Empire of Brazil continue. With the war in Portugal officially over we recall our troops back.

Spain: Revive de Armada is in full swing. Navy upgraded by 0.25. We invade Morocco.

Casus Belli: None +5 dissent

Objective: Conquest +4 dissent

Total: +9 dissent

This is rigged wrong. I am going to fix it and the algos. GO OCTi (talk) 02:33, September 27, 2013 (UTC)

Rigged Right One

Casus Belli: Political Blunder: -2

Objective: Add to sphere of influence: +2

Total: +0 Dissent

Italian Dip: We see this as an act of war but hesitate to declare war on Spain. We demand that the blockade on Rome is lifted, Spain stops sending propaganda, and that they stop trying to make Italy a Spanish vassal. If Spain refuses to accept these demands Italy will declare war upon them.

  • Spanish Dip: The blockade is stopped, but Spanish warships still patrol Italy.
  • Sweden-Norway Diplomacy: We see the acts of Spain as highly unacceptable and we offer support to Italy if a war were to happen between your two nations.

United Kingdoms of Sweden and Norway: We increase our focus on developing farmland for our nations economy. We continue to strengthen trade ports and we develop larger roads for quicker travel and trade time. We also develop some more logging camps. We are now reseacrhing into the development of quicker mining and rescource gathering techniques. We also do some small research in Svalbard including geographical research. We continue development of modern naval ships and we complete a destroyer. We upgrade our navy by 0.25.

  • Denmark Dip: We are wondering if you would be willing to come to a conference with our leaders and discuss the bad blood between our Nations. We wish to end this trivial matter and form a trade alliance and help each other out in times of strife.

Destroyers weren't made until the end of the Victorian Era since they were used to counteract submarines. Also Sweden made their first destroyer in the early 60s. User:Edboy452 Flag of Romania Flag of Germany (1935–1945) Flag of Israel Flag of the Soviet Union (talk) 00:48, September 25, 2013 (UTC)

All right, we complete a small battleship. Aternix (talk) 01:06, September 25, 2013 (UTC)

Russia: Due to the instability of Western Europe and Spain's unnecessary course of actions against Italy, our nation's leader Alexander II requests to meet with leaders of the League of Three Emperors, Italy, and Switzerland to create a coalition against Spain's random aggressiveness. Gold from Alaska continues to draw in large profit, allowing our nation to research into large military projects. Construction of large armored cruisers continue, as well as the development of them. Focus on the peasant class of the Russian Empire continues to prevent future revolts and uprisings. We invite the Empire of Japan into the League of Three Emperors and ask for the votes of the German Empire and Austro-Hungary to decide whether they're granted permission to join the organization.

Japanese Dip: We are happy about this invitation and hope we are welcomed in by the other two nations. We will hopefully be able to benefit each other.

Mexico: We continue to try to catch up with the rest of the world to hopefully become an economic powerhouse, we increase our industry by 0.25.

Switzerland: We protest the Spanish patrolling of Italian waters. The navy deploys the ironclads to defend the maritime border. Some Swiss want the nation to ally with three major powers, but the majority prefer neutrality.

Fortifications continue to be built and the army upgrades by 0.25 due to these defenses.

Greece: Seeing the events on the Balkans it secretly asks the leadership of Britain, France and Russia to aid in releasing the Balkans under one banner, a Neo byzantine banner and a Balkan banner, yet in this moment the government of the Greek monarchy begins opening up towards a democratic government allowing several institutions made to interact with the Hellenic peoples, the government asks the French and british to allow the creation of a Greek colonial empire in Africa, and it would ask to where may the Greeks be allowed to settle and to pacify and civilize within Africa.

  • Empire of Brazil Dip: We recommend northwestern Africa above Gabon.
  • Spanish Dip: Above Gabon is the Spanish colony of New Catalonia.
  • French Diplomacy: We recommend that a conference be created and attended by all European nations that are currently colonizing, or have intents to colonize in the near future, in order to avoid wars over colonial possessions.

Denmark: We are half way finished the Diplomacy Building in Copenhagen, this will contain the current records of all World Treaties, Alliances and Trade Agreements and will be open for the public to use and see what is going on in the worlds current affairs. A man named Wilhelm Hellesen has been working on a way to make batteries easier to transport by putting wheat flour in battery electrolyte. He is only scratching the surface of this new idea but he believes it will be a huge success.

France: With President Jules Grevy in power, the Opportunist Republicans control the entire government of France. Their control leads to more liberalization laws, including the additional laws attached to the Jules Ferry Laws, allowing for increased freedom of speech and freedom of the press that was more controlled and abscent in the previous Monarchial Empires. Railroads and public schools continue their construction in both urban and rural French areas. The reforms to the military begin, mainly under the War Minister Georges Ernest Boulanger, who starts his reforms with a more morallic one by allowing soldiers to grow beards, with actually military uniforms planned for the next year. Alfred Dreyfus continues training in Paris.

  • French Equatorial Africa: Through continental French shipments, the colonial armies become better armed and uniformed, in order to enforce French law and assimilation upon the native populations. The colonial government begins to "hand out" assimilation rights, which actually require a renouncement of current land holdings, allowing for the colonial government to take hold of lands, and "civilize" the natives. The colony begins expansion to the south, beginning with missionary work, then French colonial volunteers.
  • French Dahomey: The French 12th Foreign Legion is established in French Dahomey and the 19th Army Corp sends more soldiers to French Dahomey, in order to protect the colonists against the increasingly aggressive Dahomey Kingdoms. 
  • New Caledonia: Continental French shipments allow for the small colonial police force to become better armed and uniformed in the wake of recent waves of European immigration from the discovery of nickel in 1864. Since then, colonial population has been ever increasing, and native population slowly decreasing, although tensions are very high.
  • French Senegal: Continental French shipments allow for the colonies armies to become better armed and uniformed. The doctrine of missionary work and abolitionism is still promoted as preparations for another war with the remaining Sengali chiefdoms begins in order to curtail their slave trade and end their pagan practices, as well as gain access to numerous mining ventures.
  • French Indochina: Continental French shipments allow for the large colonial armies to become better armed and uniformed. Soldiers are stationed near the Sino-Indochinese border as support for expansion of the French colonial provinces and Catholic faith is advocated for by the governor of the colony.
  • French Guiana: Continental French shipments allow for the larger colonial armies to become better armed and unformed. Guard presence is increase as more prisoners are sent to the colony. More French immigants arrive to the colony, prompting the governor to expand the city of Cayenne to account for more ships coming to French Guiana. The plant seeds that were retrieved from the Amazon are sent back to the Jardin des Plantes, the botanical garden of the French Republic. There, trees such as the Hevea Brasiliensis (Para rubber tree), and Cinchona Officinalis tree (quinine bark tree) are planted to have them germinate outside of the Amazonian Rain forest.
  • French Diplomacy (Needs Mod Reponse): In order  to alleviate Egyptian financial troubles (which held a debt of over 45,000,000 pounds sterling before the game began), we offer to purchase all 176,602 Egyptian shares in the Suez Canal for 35,000,000 pounds sterling.
  • French Diplomacy (Needs Mod Response): We send a diplomat to the Dahomey Kingdoms, offering semi-autonomy under French Rule in Africa.

Qing Dynasty: The Forbidden city is completely rebuild and the emperor moved back with the modernizing officials. We continue our influence of the conservative officials and begin to use examples from the Han and Tang Dynasty of how adapting foreign technology and culture allowed China to become more powerful. Emperor Tongzhi begin to go on a tour around China to convince people to adapt to Western technologies. We learned more from European powers, especially the economical fruit of capitalism from Great Britain. we begin our train rail construction and begin working on one from Tiangjing to Beijing. The economy continues expanding as the country makes its first rubber, coffee and wine exports. We begin selling more cash crops as it replenished our royal coffers and allowed more people to not die of hunger. We learn more about building railroads.

To modernize Chinese thinking, Tongzhi promoted legalism as opposed to Confucianism and gives a law to change 50% of the schools in China to teach science, mechanics and for richer schools, a foreign language. He ordered the reorganization and translation of Wesern science books and replaced Doctrine of Men by Han Fei Zhi, a legalist classic. To counter the people against legalism, we wrote new laws against corruption and it satisfied the peasants, who were angry about wide-spread corruption. We also begin to have a parliament and we feel that we should construct a constitutional monarchy to satisfy the people's desire for their own say in the government, despite their education. This idea is loved by many, especially those who got a bad score in the Imperial exam.

We begin modernizing our military and we start by buying a cargo of 100 rifles from Prussian Arms Dealers. We learn how to reproduce rifles and the first rifle factory is bild in Wuhan. Many more naval bases, ammunition factories, arms factories and arsenals are built in major cities and major ports. More navies are sent on patrol in the East China Sea. We begin developing naval ships as we send iron and coal from Shangxxi to Shangdong, where they are built into tiny battleships. We continue studying the ways to build iron steamboats. Students are sent to foreign nations, where their main goal is to study mechanics and the sciences. Our volunteer army has reached 400,000 men and it is steadily increasing every month. We hope to reach an army of 600,000 by 1878 and 1,000,000 by 1885. We begin to have large amounts of drills in the military and those who fail will be kicked out. We begin projecting our military power throughout our sub-states and we begin to build a province militia. To counter the Japanese movement of troops into East China Sea, we ask Joseon if we can establish a naval base of Jeju Island. We also establish larger naval fleets in Shanghai and Taipei and have routine drills on the East China Sea.

Learning about the colonization progress of European powers, Tongzhi also would like to establish Chinese colonies and he set his eyes on the Great Lakes region of Africa. We build our first colony, after sailing there with a fleet of 50 ships, in OTL Zanzibar. The settlement constructed there was called Ya Fei Dao, which meant African Island

British Empire: We send troops north to aid in the crushing of the last of the resistance. Skirmishes with the Spanish in the South Continue, but after our decisive victory, they lack the strength to face us. We complete another of the Cruisers. Furious with the Spanish arrogance at blockading another nation, and already at war with them, we send the fleet out from Malta, forcing the Spanish out of Italian waters. Two ironclads are completed, with another five on the way. Army is upgraded by 0.25 We also send troops from Gibraltar to aid Morocco, and the fleet to keep the Spanish Forces away whilst we deal with whatever forces they already have there.

Casus Belli: N/A: Already at war. Objective: Free People.

  • Australia: We build up our military, training them here. The production of silver and copper increases. This brings more money into the colony, and people begin to have more money. Support for an Imperial Federation increases.
  • British Honduras: We build up our military, training them here. The production of mahogany increases. This brings more money into the colony, and people begin to have more money. Support for an Imperial Federation increases.
  • Cayman: We build up our military, training them here. People from Britain with high incomes begin to immigrate here, as it is a tax haven. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money. Support for an Imperial Federation increases.
  • Jamaica: We build up our military, training them here. The production of sugar increases. This brings more money into the colony, and people begin to have more money. Support for an Imperial Federation increases.
  • Malta: We build up our military, training them here. The mining of limestone increases. This brings more money into the colony, and people begin to have more money. Support for an Imperial Federation increases. The fleet is launched against Spain.
  • British Raj: We build up our military, training them here. The production of cotton, rubber and grain increases. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money. Support for an Imperial Federation increases.
  • British Burma: We build up our military, training them here. The number of merchants stopping here between India and China increases. This brings more money into the colony, and people begin to have more money. Support for an Imperial Federation increases.
  • New Zealand: We build up our military, training them here. The production of wool and meat increases. This brings more money into the colony, and people begin to have more money. Support for an Imperial Federation increases.
  • Malacca: We build up our military, training them here. More opium is imported. The tax on this brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money. Support for an Imperial Federation increases.
  • Bahrain: We build up our military, training them here. We begin to industrialise. Doing this causes Britain to give us a grant for independence. This brings more money into the colony, and people begin to have more money. Support for an Imperial Federation increases.
  • British Guiana: We build up our military, training them here. The production of sugarcane increases, and mining, rice farming begin to grow in importance. This brings more money into the colony, and people begin to have more money. Support for an Imperial Federation increases.
  • Falklands: We build up our military, training them here. Farming sheep increases, and the export of it begins to increase the GDP. This brings more money into the colony, and people begin to have more money. Support for an Imperial Federation increases.
  • Saint Georgia: The Naval Base is complete.
  • South Africa: We build up our military, training them here. The production of gold and sugar increases. This brings more money into the colony, and people begin to have more money. Support for an Imperial Federation increases.
  • Gold Coast: We build up our military, training them here. The production of gold increases. This brings more money into the colony, and people begin to have more money. Support for an Imperial Federation increases.
  • Gambia: We build up our military, training them here. The farming of Groundnuts increases. This brings more money into the colony, and people begin to have more money. Support for an Imperial Federation increases.
  • Sierra Leone: We build up our military, training them here. The mining of Diamonds increases. This brings more money into the colony, and people begin to have more money. Support for an Imperial Federation increases.
  • Gibraltar: We send out the fleet, cutting the Spanish off from Morocco, and send troops in to liberate Morocco from any Spanish soldiers already there. 
    • Algorithm:
      • ​Britain: 65.25
      • Spain: 12.2

Germany: With the German constitution adopted by the Reichstag less than one year ago, the foundations for the new parliament are in place. Universal male suffrage allows for many diverse political views to be expressed in the new parliament. We begin a rapid expansion of industry to catch up to other European powers. The steel giant Krupp continues to grow to become one of the largest steel manufacturers in Europe, improving our national economy, thanks in large part to the protection from American and British competition afforded by tariffs and cartels. Coal plants are expanded to locally power our nation. Important mines along the valleys of the rivers Ruhr, Inde, and Wurm are modernized to be safer and more efficient. Numerous small industrial centres begin to spring up, focusing on ironworks using local coal. Our iron and steel works begin buying mines, and erecting coking ovens to supply their own requirements in coke and gas. These integrated coal-iron firms ("Huettenzechen") became numerous with the growth of the industrial sector. The average output of a mine in 1850 was about 8500 short tons; its employment about 64. We hope to grow these numbers, drastically increasing our output. Total Ruhr coal output rose from 2.0 million short tons in 1850, and is expected to rise to 22 by 1880. The miners in the Ruhr region are divided by ethnicity with Germans and Poles, and religion with Protestants and Catholics, splitting the miners into several unions, with an affiliation to different political parties. Mobility in and out of the mining camps to nearby industrial areas is high. German banks begin to play a central roles in financing German industry. Different banks form cartels in different industries, and Cartel contracts become accepted as legal and binding by German courts, although illegal in Britain and the United States. The process of cartelization begins slowly, but the cartel movement is expected to rise. The government plays a powerful role in the industrialization of the German Empire, during a period known as the Second Industrial Revolution. We supported not only heavy industry but also crafts and trades, to maintain prosperity in all parts of the empire. Local procedures are put in place, so even where the national government does not act, the highly autonomous regional and local governments are expected to support their own industries. Each state is expected to be as self-sufficient as possible. Railroads become crucial in the transfer of German goods across Europe, and modern engines begin to replace outdated models in our nation. Bismarck’s new tariffs on imported grain and the introduction of the sugar beet as a main crop helps to grow agricultural yield. Farmers begin to abandon traditional, inefficient practices, adapting modern farming practices, such as the use of new fertilizers and tools. The knowledge and tools gained from the intensive farming of sugar and other root crops helps to quickly elevate Germany to one of the most efficient agricultural producers in Europe. With the economic push toward industrialization and urbanization, heavy industry (coal and steel especially) become important in the Ruhr, and manufacturing growing in the cities, the Ruhr, and Silesia. Based on its leadership in chemical research in the universities and industrial laboratories, we begin to become dominant in the world's chemical industry. Big businesses such as BASF and Bayer led the way in their production and distribution of artificial dyes and pharmaceuticals during the Wilhelmine era, leading to the German monopolisation of the global chemicals market. The nation wide currency that has been planned for several months, known as the German Goldmark, is accepted as the national currency, replacing the Vereinsthaler, South German Gulden, Bremen Thaler, Hamburg Mark, French Franc, and other local currencies, beginning new economic unity. Our military continues to be expanded, upgrading our army score by 0.25. The armies of the former German Confederacy states are placed under the control of Prussia, while the contingents of the Bavarian, Saxon and Württemberg kingdoms remain semi-autonomous. The term "German Army" begins to be used in various legal documents such as the Military Penal Code, but otherwise the Prussian, Bavarian, Saxon and Württemberg armies maintain distinct identities, under the command of Chief of the German General Staff Helmuth von Moltke. Supreme command of the navy is vested in the emperor, but its first appointed chief is Infantry General Albrecht von Stosch. Kiel on the Baltic Sea and Wilhelmshaven on the North Sea become the Navy's principal naval bases. Initially the main task of the new Imperial Navy is to ensure coastal protection. The Imperial Navy's tasks are then to prevent any invasion force from landing and to protect coastal towns from possible bombardment. We open a German Imperial Naval Academy at Kiel for training officers, followed in May by the creation of a 'Machine Engineer Corps', and we plan to create a 'Medical Corps' by early 1873. We begin a ten year program to institute the modernise of the fleet. Our new plan calls for the creation of eight armoured frigates, six armoured corvettes, twenty light corvettes, seven monitors, two floating batteries, six avisos, eighteen gunboats and twenty-eight torpedo boats, at an estimated cost of 220 million gold marks. The building plan is approved by the Reichstag, which controls the allocation of funds, although one-quarter of the money came from French war reparations, allowing the modernization of our fleet to begin. We also hope to begin the colonization of Africa, although we first wish to expand our naval capabilities. We plan to hire the famed explorer Henry Morton Stanley upon arrival home from Africa to explore land for us. In the meantime we send a small naval expedition to chart the area north of British South Africa, making contact with the Herero and Khoisan People. Expeditions are also launched into the African Cameroon delta and the mainland coast across from Zanzibar, with a few thousand people and soldiers planning to settle the areas. We agree to allow Japan to join the League of Three Emperors.


Ottoman forces have turned the tide on the Herzegovina rebellion although Ottoman forces have taken many losses.

British troops begin to easily take out a large portion of Spain's present military within the nation with ease. Many citizens support the British due to the current leader's acts.

Conservatives in the Qing Dynasty have started to rise up again in small numbers, protesting against modernization of the nation.

With the approval of the Russian and German Empire and the abstaining decision of Austro-Hungary, Japan has been allowed to join the League of Three Emperors, now called the League of Four Emperors.

Japan:  The bases in korea fear many officials. Funding continues. More ships are put in the East China Sea, and patrol  the area. Trade continuesThe Industry is upgraded by 0.25




You cannot just randomly declare war on other nations, or even say what is happening in other nations. User:Edboy452 Flag of Romania Flag of Germany (1935–1945) Flag of Israel Flag of the Soviet Union (talk) 20:16, September 25, 2013 (UTC)

Furthermore, just because you're in an alliance with three other nations doesn't mean that they'll aid in your cause. User:Edboy452 Flag of Romania Flag of Germany (1935–1945) Flag of Israel Flag of the Soviet Union (talk) 20:17, September 25, 2013 (UTC)

You do not even have any reason to invade the Qing so your causi belli would be none, anyway this is retconned. User:Edboy452 Flag of Romania Flag of Germany (1935–1945) Flag of Israel Flag of the Soviet Union (talk) 20:20, September 25, 2013 (UTC)

so it would be Casus belli (none +5) Objective(annex territory: +1) 6?.

Yes but either way this is implausible. User:Edboy452 Flag of Romania Flag of Germany (1935–1945) Flag of Israel Flag of the Soviet Union (talk) 20:26, September 25, 2013 (UTC)

He built bases on Korea, which is in both of our interests for influence, which is one of the causes of the OTL war    Tob

Joseon: The infrastructure is improved. Some more Confucian, Buddhist and Taoist temples are built.

British Empire: We continue to push into Spain.

  • Australia: We build up our military, training them here. The production of silver and copper increases. This brings more money into the colony, and people begin to have more money. Support for an Imperial Federation increases.
  • British Honduras: We build up our military, training them here. The production of mahogany increases. This brings more money into the colony, and people begin to have more money. Support for an Imperial Federation increases.
  • Cayman: We build up our military, training them here. People from Britain with high incomes begin to immigrate here, as it is a tax haven. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money. Support for an Imperial Federation increases.
  • Jamaica: We build up our military, training them here. The production of sugar increases. This brings more money into the colony, and people begin to have more money. Support for an Imperial Federation increases.
  • Malta: We build up our military, training them here. The mining of limestone increases. This brings more money into the colony, and people begin to have more money. Support for an Imperial Federation increases. The fleet continues preying on the Spanish Ships.
  • British Raj: We build up our military, training them here. The production of cotton, rubber and grain increases. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money. Support for an Imperial Federation increases.
  • British Burma: We build up our military, training them here. The number of merchants stopping here between India and China increases. This brings more money into the colony, and people begin to have more money.Support for an Imperial Federation increases.
  • New Zealand: We build up our military, training them here. The production of wool and meat increases. This brings more money into the colony, and people begin to have more money. Support for an Imperial Federation increases.
  • Malacca: We build up our military, training them here. More opium is imported. The tax on this brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money. Support for an Imperial Federation increases.
  • Bahrain: We build up our military, training them here. We begin to industrialise. Doing this causes Britain to give us a grant for independence. This brings more money into the colony, and people begin to have more money. Support for an Imperial Federation increases.
  • British Guiana: We build up our military, training them here. The production of sugarcane increases, and mining, rice farming begin to grow in importance. This brings more money into the colony, and people begin to have more money. Support for an Imperial Federation increases.
  • Falklands: We build up our military, training them here. Farming sheep increases, and the export of it begins to increase the GDP. This brings more money into the colony, and people begin to have more money. Support for an Imperial Federation increases.
  • Saint Georgia: The Naval Base is complete.
  • South Africa: We build up our military, training them here. The production of gold and sugar increases. This brings more money into the colony, and people begin to have more money. Support for an Imperial Federation increases.
  • Gold Coast: We build up our military, training them here. The production of gold increases. This brings more money into the colony, and people begin to have more money. Support for an Imperial Federation increases.
  • Gambia: We build up our military, training them here. The farming of Groundnuts increases. This brings more money into the colony, and people begin to have more money. Support for an Imperial Federation increases.
  • Sierra Leone: We build up our military, training them here. The mining of Diamonds increases. This brings more money into the colony, and people begin to have more money. Support for an Imperial Federation increases.

Away for a few days, not posting. Can someone repost ^ every turn please. Thanks! Mafia (talk) 22:02, September 25, 2013 (UTC)

Denmark: The Diplomacy Building is complete and is now opwen to the genereal public. Several schools have already boooked in excursions and a few of the government representatives are taking a huge interest to see that the records are correct. This Building is in no way a means to check any violation of treaties it is simply a building where people can learn and discover. We are still waiting for a reply from Sweden as to whether they will attend the conference of ending the bad blood and join together in a trade alliance. Constuction has bugun of a large naval dock in Esbjerg and is estimated to take around three years to complete.

Empire of Brazil: The empire continues its new policy of Plurocontinentalism and begins adopting a new social stigma which turns heavily away from the previous views on Africans and other peoples of non-European descent, which is intended to allow heavy and peaceful coexistance of people throughout the empire. The population now with Portugal's addition and growth reaches 18.3 million based on population growth and immigration and now including former slaves and African nationals with the total population estimated just above 19 million. The economy continues to expand with the rubber trade continuing to advance along with other agricultural products. The Industry with cheap rubber and domestically produced materials allows for large scale expansion which leads to the Brazilian armed forces considering producing their own rifle rather than buying foreign as nobody has made any offers. The Brazilian armed forces begin considering a new system that uses a bolt action. however the Issue of Corrosion is still unable to be fixed as black powder causes a lot of grit and residue. The research into a smokeless and more efficient gun propellant is continued with gun cloth, with the issues being narrowed down and certain chemicles being used to try to work with this. The increase in industry and economy expansion upgrade the industry score by 0.25.

The Brazilian military makes another push towards modernization buying more repeaters from the US military to bolster the armament of the army. The Navy also continues expansion with another ironclad and several wooden ships coming off the line. The first Turret based ship is continually built, but it is done slowly to prevent mistakes and allow for a top notch protoype. The Military recruits its first loyal Portuguese soldiers equaling about 5000 with the mercenaries finally paid off and sent home to their respective countries. The Brazilian armed forces continue to prevent illegal slavers around all their colonies gaining prestige and respect of their new colonists.

The Brazilian economy continues to advance with Colonial trade and economics now helping push the economy forward. The push towards turning the colonies and their plantations and specific industries into businesses continue. The Brazilian trade posts continue to be set up across Western Africa using the new prestige and wealth to set up across the area managing to establish a near unbroken sea trade system from Gabon to Angola. Brazil continues to invest heavily in all her colonies expanding their territorial area and population with almost 17,000 recorded immigrants to the colonies. Two trading posts begin to advance in their growth (Cameroon, and Equatorial Guinea). Brazil declares from Angola, to Equatorial Guinea and Cameroon a sphere of Brazilian colonial interests and request other nations to remain out of the area due to the large presence of Brazilian interest.

Unless it is the first Turret ship for Brazil, it is not the first one in the world. Eiplec - ಠ_ಠ (talk) 12:42, September 26, 2013 (UTC)

its the first going off the main and secondary battery designs #LivinLikeFeudal (talk)

The British created one in 1871 Eiplec - ಠ_ಠ (talk) 01:01, September 27, 2013 (UTC)

  • Portugal: Portugal now under control of Brazil and now with their investment and trade begins a program of reviatlization using its new trade with Brazil and lack of a military budget to finance increased business leading to economic expansion. However, some police forces are trained by the Brazilian army to help maintain public order. Portuguese troops are officially added to the Brazilian armed forces with 5000 loyal Portuguese troops relieving the 5000 hired mercenaries. Portugals steps towards becoming a Brazilian Dominion continue if all continues on schedule.
  • Goa: The colony of Goa continues its trade of spices and other things from India and some seeds for rubber trees are planted intent on turning Goa into a cash crop colony. Brazilian forces reach about 500 here recruited from locals and trained heavily. The officers are a mix of Brazilians, and Indians. The Portuguese men which have surrendered are allowed to go to where their families live without having to pay.
  • Macau: Macau continues to funnel trade from China but now by default it Fronts to the Empire of Brazil beginning to increase the Asian base of Trade to Brazil.
  • East Timor: The economy is continually based around cash crops with coffee being a huge export as well as rubber trees beng planted for better cultivation.
  • Angola: Angola continues its economic production of gold, spices, diamonds, with plantation economy coming on the rise with agricultural products coming into play. Rubber trees are planted in Angola to help expand Brazil's growing rubber industries. The immigration from Brazil and Portugal continue to expand the colony quite a bit pushing territorial control farther inland. Slave and Exploitation based labor are phased out with legitimate industries being made out of them with fair wages being a staple. This actually establishes better output at the people are less inclined to hate their new leaders due to the new economic policy. Angola begins to expand inland a bit and manages to establish a rudimentary trade road up the West African coast to trading posts just north of Angola, and with expansion up too Gabon and Equatorial Guinea expected.
  • Mozambique: The Colony of Mozambique continues its cash crop and plantation economy substituting Native exploitation with true and fair wages which in turn help the impoverished gain a better life foothold but in doing so actually give the Plantations increased output.
  • Gabon: The Colony of Gabon expands to 3500 and is considered a true colony of the Brazilian empire with growing influence in the Gabon Area due to the prevention of Slavers, and the growing respect by Africans to the Brazilian settlers. The Colony now with about 1000 Brazilian troops expands up and down the coast simultaneously in attempts to prevent slaving but also in expanding the plantation ability of the colony.

United States of America: With our industrialization and economy stabilized we have been informed that Spain has invaded Morocco despite its economic and political decline. We have received further intellegence that the current Spanish colonies are in horrible condition and that half of the people in the colonies don't even get basic needs. Many wonder why is Spain invading another nation when it can't even support its own colonies decently. Because of this there is public outcry of Spain's action and the majority believe that it is the United States of America obligation to put Spain's colonies under our control because we are stable and modern. Thus we declare war on Spain (Casus Belli: Political Blunder (-2) Objective: Annex Territory: +1) We send 5,000 troops to invade Cuba and send 5,000 troops to attack the Philippines. We ask permission from the Empire of Brazil to use Macau as a naval base for the invasion of the Philippines.

  • Brazi D: We allow the US forces to use Macau as a base
  • USA D: We thank Brazil for allowing our forces to use Macau as a base.

Belgium: We ask for trade agreement with England. We ask Great Britain and USA to sell us weapons and guns to defend ourselves. We begin to improve our economy and build factories, therefore increasing economy score by 0.25.

Switzerland: We begin to construct a port city. The navy ships upgrade the navy by 0.25. The government continues to fund the national redoubt. We offer a non-aggression pact with the League of Four Empires.

Ottoman Empire: Ottoman forces are busy in the Balkans, attempting to calm Bosnians and Serbs. Large monetary and financial offers are made to Serbs who will willingly put aside their arms, including tracts of land in the African frontiers. The acceptance of a number of Serbs leads to the growth of the Ottoman empire into the southern tips of Arabia and into the deserts of Africa. Sutlan Abdulaziz continues the Manzipat era of "Reorganization". We spread "Ottomanism," a pan-national movement that can be spread amongst all people of the Empire. We allow non-Turks more and more freedoms, especially of self-government. The Ottoman government, along with the Sultan, encourage secularization. Attempts to influence Persia, Morocco, and the Saudi continue, with mild success. The millet system continues with surprising progress. We grow our Navy by 0.25. We begin a lengthy process of drafting an alliance, intended to include the Ottomans, Britain, France, Brazil/Portugal, the United States, and China. See: Grand International Alliance. In the meanwhile, each of these states are offred an alliance. Finally, we also raise the recent tax for non-Ottoman goods passing through the Bosporus, and an additional tax for the Dardanelles. These taxes are meant to pay for the troops in Bosnia.

  • Empire of Brazil: The Empire of Brazil (not Portugal they are currently a territory/future dominion) will consider this alliance but it must be run through our parliament and the other social, military, and economic implications must be considered.

'France: Railroads and public schools continue their construction in both urban and rural French areas. The reforms for the military continue under the watch of War Minister Ernest Boulanger, who's popularity also begins to rise, expanding our military by 0.25. 'Alfred Dreyfus continues training in Paris. The Parliament, in an attempt to take support away from the monarchy, break up and sell the French Crown Jewels. Paul Vieille begins working on his version of smokeless powder, basing it off previous Prussian and Austrian powders, and works to improve them. In order to expand the industrial capacity of France, new economic laws are established that allow steel factories, petroleum factories, and paper mills to be exempted from many taxes if they build a certain number of factories, based on their current size. The seeds planted in the Jardin des Plantes germinate. However, out of the three thousand seeds, only two hundred of them germinate. The germinated trees, mainly the para rubber tree and quinine bark tree are sent into various French colonies, sich as French Equatorial Africa, French Guiana, and French Indochina for their cultivation and use for France.

  • French Equatorial Africa: Through continental French shipments, the colonial armies become better armed and uniformed, in order to enforce French law and assimilation upon the native populations. The colonial government begins to "hand out" assimilation rights, which actually require a renunciation of current land holdings, allowing for the colonial government to take hold of lands, and "civilize" the natives. The colony begins expansion to the south, beginning with missionary work, then French colonial volunteers.
  • French Dahomey: The French 12th Foreign Legion is established in French Dahomey and the 19th Army Corp sends more soldiers to French Dahomey, in order to protect the colonists against the increasingly aggressive Dahomey Kingdoms. 
  • New Caledonia: Continental French shipments allow for the small colonial police force to become better armed and uniformed in the wake of recent waves of European immigration from the discovery of nickel in 1864. Since then, colonial population has been ever increasing, and native population slowly decreasing, although tensions are very high.
  • French Senegal: Continental French shipments allow for the colonies armies to become better armed and uniformed. The doctrine of missionary work and abolitionism is still promoted as preparations for another war with the remaining Sengali chiefdoms begins in order to curtail their slave trade and end their pagan practices, as well as gain access to numerous mining ventures.
  • French Indochina: Continental French shipments allow for the large colonial armies to become better armed and uniformed. Soldiers are stationed near the Sino-Indochinese border as support for expansion of the French colonial provinces and Catholic faith is advocated for by the governor of the colony. French missionaries are sent into Vietnam and Cambodia to promote Christianity in Asia.
  • French Guiana: Continental French shipments allow for the larger colonial armies to become better armed and unformed. Guard presence is increase as more prisoners are sent to the colony. More French immigrants arrive to the colony, prompting the governor to expand the city of Cayenne to account for more ships coming to French Guiana. 
  • French Diplomacy (Needs Mod Reponse): In order  to alleviate Egyptian financial troubles (which held a debt of over 45,000,000 pounds sterling before the game began), we offer to purchase all 176,602 Egyptian shares in the Suez Canal for 35,000,000 pounds sterling.
  • French Diplomacy (Needs Mod Response): We send a diplomat to the Dahomey Kingdoms, offering semi-autonomy under French Rule in Africa.

Qing Dynasty: We continue our Westernization and we begin exerting influence. We continue our influence of the conservative officials and begin to use examples from the Han and Tang Dynasty of how adapting foreign technology and culture allowed China to become more powerful. We ask the conservatives why are they protesting of, since the modernization movement has allowed China to become a stronger country. Emperor Tongzhi first arrived in Nanking, where he spoke to turn Nanking into a "London of the East" and turn Nanking into a metropolis able to fuel China's great industrial need. We learned more from European powers, especially the economical fruit of capitalism from Great Britain. we begin our train rail construction and finish the one from Tiangjing to Beijing. The economy continues expanding as the country makes its first rubber, coffee and wine exports. We send a small team of explorers to Amazon for "Scientific study", although there main goal is to collect plant seeds to produce more cash crops. We begin selling more cash crops as it replenished our royal coffers and allowed more people to not die of hunger. We 

To modernize Chinese thinking, Tongzhi promoted legalism as opposed to Confucianism and gives a law to change 50% of the schools in China to teach science, mechanics and for richer schools, a foreign language. Tongzhi also set a 0.5% property tax, which is used to construct a system of compulsory education. All Chinese children would have to have an education from the age of six to 12 of science, Chinese, math and the arts. There will also be voluntry high school education and those who are rich and extremely intelligne may go to the completed University of Beijing. The University of Beijing is now open, teaching Chinese, math, mechanical science, physics, history and art. The first Chinese science book is written and it consolidated all European scientific thought from 1600-1850 in a hefty 200 page text book. The book is then named Kei Jin (The Classic of Science) and replaced the boook of documents. The government also began the writing of the New Shi Jin of Chinese History from Xia to Qing. To counter the people against legalism, we wrote new laws against corruption and it satisfied the peasants, who were angry about wide-spread corruption. We also begin catching and punishing corrupt officials. We also begin to have a parliament and we feel that we should construct a constitutional monarchy to satisfy the people's desire for their own say in the government, despite their education. This idea is loved by many, especially those who got a bad score in the Imperial exam. We continue constructng a parliament.

We begin modernizing our military and we start by buying a cargo of 100 rifles from Prussian Arms Dealers. We learn how to reproduce rifles and the first rifle factory is bild in Wuhan. Many more naval bases, ammunition factories, arms factories and arsenals are built in major cities and major ports. More navies are sent on patrol in the East China Sea. We begin developing naval ships as we send iron and coal from Shangxxi to Shangdong, where they are built into tiny battleships. Our soldiers begin receiving rifles and swords and axes are taken away to modernize the military. Hence, we raise our army score by 0.25. We continue studying the ways to build iron steamboats. We build our first iron steamboat in Shanghai. Students are sent to foreign nations, where their main goal is to study mechanics and the sciences. Our volunteer army has reached 600,000 men and it is steadily increasing every month. We hope to reach an army of 1,000,000 by 1885. We continue to have large amounts of drills in the military and those who fail will be kicked out. We begin sending more soldiers to Jeju Island as we have a routine patrol in the East China Sea. We send many of our soldiers to Manchuria to secure it from soem Japanese influence. We begin to influence Kyushu.

Ya Fei Dao expands and the settlers begin to establish some smaller settlement on the coast to get resources, while Ya Fei Dao is used as a defensive settlement.

  • Chinese D to United Kingdom, United States and France: To combat this new League of Four Emperors I suggest that we should have an alliance of United Kingdom, France, United States and China named the Quadruple Alliance
800px-Matériel de l'artillerie-p32-canon de 90

Swiss mountain artillery, circa 1877

Switzerland: Construction of border defenses continue, and some government officials propose constructing an Alpine Defensive Line to act as a stronghold. The government orders SIG to begin production of the new artillery piece, with a breech-loading system. 16 are produced and put into four field artillery units. Two small single gun river monitors are produced to patrol the Swiss lakes.

Russia: Gold continues to be mined out of Alaska at exponential rates. Petrologist have also struck oil, benefiting the nation with large quantities of petroleum to run the industry. With the middle-class growing due to the aid of the government, many have started creating local businesses, benefiting the economy. Dry-Docks have finally finished constructing three large armored cruisers of the General-Admiral Class, as well as six Screw Corvettes over the past couple years. We would like to address that the League of Four Emperors is not a threat to the world, and we suggest that a peace council should be in commission, with the objective to ensure that war does not occur between two large entities that will destroy the global economy, and kill millions. If Switzerland will allow it, and with the consent of the Grand International Alliance, we would like to jointly construct and fund a councilor building to appease both sides and prevent a large diplomatic divide between our large borders. The building will be constructed in Geneva. We offer Germany, Austro-Hungary, and the Empire of Japan the proposal of joint military production of our nations most efficient equipment. This will benefit our economies as well as ensure effecient collective security between our nations. We upgrade our navy by 0.25.

  • Swiss Diplomacy: We accept the request, and ask for Russian help to improve our rail lines and bridges. We request that no foreign troops are stationed at the building, the Swiss will guard it.
  • Russian Diplomacy: We will help in partially funding the construction of bridges and railroads for the next five years, and that it is all right if Switzerland guards the building.


Rebels in Herzegovinia have been defeated by the large Ottoman military, however the Ottoman's have taken massive casualties. More than 300,000 are dead both civilian and military.

With the creation of two massive alliances, a large diplomatic rapture occurs, between the nations of the League of Four Emperors and the Grand International Alliance. States within the Balkans that have been once a part of the Ottoman Empire have started to side toward the League of Four Emperors for protection from the Ottoman Empire and their new allies. Romania and Serbia have been considered defensive allies of the League, with Greece currently having governmental disputes.

Chinese conservatives have started to uprise in large numbers, setting fire to trading ships from major modernrized nations across the globe including Germany, Italy, the United States, Britain, France, and Russia. However, the current Chinese government is currently attempting to solve the current situation.

British troops continue to fight through Spain taking large amounts of territories. With large amounts of civil dissent within Spain, Britain has been aided by various rebel groups.

Due to the autonomous state of Egypt's large national debt, they were forced to sell their stocks to France to aid their economic recession and pay their debts.

Japan: WIth the patrols in the east china sea, and now the influencing of yushu, which wants no part in becoming chinese. china is told to stop influencing kyushu and get your ships out of the east china sea, or we will invade. The conservatives in china are FUNDED more than ever, with weapons and money going to them to help fight off the Qing. Our railroad , after 4.5 years of building, is completed connecting the two most populated cities, Kyoto and Tokyo. Navy score is increased by 0.25.

'United States of America: With the formation of of the Grand International Alliance in order to counter the League of Four Emperors we feel that a world war is coming soon and thus we build up the Lincoln Line. The Lincoln Line consists of ten thousand troops and moderate fortifications. A four stage army training/fort building program shall take place over the next four to eight years. The first stage of the of the army training begins with basic training and thus army score goes up by 0.25. 'We demand that Spain surrenders Cuba and the Philippines.

Empire of Brazil: The Empire officially recognizes dominion government in Portugal with the head of local goings on a prime minister/governor of the territory/dominion but the de facto head of state remains Emperor Dom Pedro II. However the current governor/Prime Minster is in fact a Brazilian minister jointly considered and appointed by the Emperor, parliament, and Emperors ministers. Along with this Portugal closely watched and Pro Plurocontinental propaganda is put in place pointing out the mass increase in trade, as well as better standard of living as part of Brazils empire. The same propaganda is put in all of the Colonies as well. The Empire and its parliament seeing the increased productivity from the freeing of the slaves, and more business and industry oriented officially supports only previously a public ideology of non-racism, equality, and non superiority allowing for previously opressed peoples to achieve in some cases the same status's as whites in the Brazilian society. The Brazilians also semi-adopt Portuguese colonial policy in which colonists are not discouraged from intermarrying with the natives. The Emperor also officially begins the personal education of Prince Pedro De Alcântara aiming to educate him well right from the beginning so he make take the throne from Dom Pedro II in the near future. Interacting with his Grandson greatly envigorates the Emperor with him showing signs of increased happiness and vitality as well as less disdain for the monarchy. With rubber plantations dotting the take of Acre, Brazil continues to administer the areas much like a Brazilian state and begins working around the Bolivian government in the area. Using our previous alliance in the Paraguayan war the Empire of Brazil begins to promote a better relationship with Argentina exploiting our already busy trade relationship. The empire makes it extremely illegal to take seeds among other things from the amazon and all foreigners with intent to go are either given an Escort and if they refuse are completely turned away.

The Military continues its research into smokeless powder showing signs of a breakthrough as a new type of mostly smokeless gunpowder is developed, however its need to be refined into a more well to do and efficient product is undertaken. With the development of the powder by itself Brazil continues its development of a bolt action rifle intent on using the new powder and new rifle to outfit its armed forces in a more modern fashion. The Turret ship under construction is continued and one of its turrets is tested to work. The ship continues its slow but very careful and deliberate construction. The Brazilian military sells military equipment to its new dominion of Portugal intent on keeping control of the dominion through trade and total monopoly of its arms industry. However, the propaganda appears to be working as the cultural ties and notable economic improvement seems to be working and people are generally positive of Brazil's role in Portugal. The Empire of Brazil elevates another Regionary General in Brazil.

    • Argentinian Diplomacy: We would like to ask for a commercial alliance with the Empire of Brazil.

The Brazilian economy continues to advance with Colonial trade and economics now helping push the economy forward. The push towards turning the colonies and their plantations and specific industries into businesses continue. The Brazilian trade posts continue to be set up across Western Africa using the new prestige and wealth to set up across the area managing to establish a near unbroken sea trade system from Gabon to Angola. Brazil continues to invest heavily in all her colonies expanding their territorial area and population with almost 17,000 recorded immigrants to the colonies. Two trading posts begin to advance in their growth (Cameroon, and Equatorial Guinea).Brazil declares from Angola, to Equatorial Guinea and Cameroon a sphere of Brazilian colonial interests and request other nations to remain out of the area due to the large presence of Brazilian interest. Brazilian Trade posts now dot the coasts of West Africa from the Colony in Cameroon, to Angola preventing any other major colonizers from getting a foothold in the Area. Nigeria however is left out of Brazils current colonization policy. Brazil begins subversively sending propaganda to Venezuela.  The population of Brazil grows by almost a full one million people over the past year with the increased population growth in Brazil, Portugal and the colonies bringing the empire to about 20.5 million people.

  • Dominion of Portugal: Portugal now seeing the benefits of Brazils role in Portugal develops a small armed force of About 20,000 under the control ofd the Dominions local leader, and under the full control of the Emperor of Brazil. The Dominion also uses its economic and trade standing to help out its economy and for the first time in decades has intermarriages with people from Brazil such as businessmen and even some of the Brazilian Soldiers stationed in the Dominion. The military increase increases our army score by 0.25.
  • Goa: The colony of Goa continues its trade of spices and other things from India and some seeds for rubber trees are planted intent on turning Goa into a cash crop colony. Brazilian forces reach about 500 here recruited from locals and trained heavily. The officers are a mix of Brazilians, and Indians. The Portuguese men which have surrendered are allowed to go to where their families live without having to pay.
  • Macau: Macau continues to funnel trade from China but now by default it Fronts to the Empire of Brazil beginning to increase the Asian base of Trade to Brazil.
  • East Timor: The economy is continually based around cash crops with coffee being a huge export as well as rubber trees beng planted for better cultivation.
  • Angola: Angola continues its economic production of gold, spices, diamonds, with plantation economy coming on the rise with agricultural products coming into play. Rubber trees are planted in Angola to help expand Brazil's growing rubber industries. The immigration from Brazil and Portugal continue to expand the colony quite a bit pushing territorial control farther inland. Slave and Exploitation based labor are phased out with legitimate industries being made out of them with fair wages being a staple. This actually establishes better output at the people are less inclined to hate their new leaders due to the new economic policy. Angola begins to expand inland a bit and manages to establish a rudimentary trade road up the West African coast to trading posts just north of Angola, and with expansion up too Gabon and Equatorial Guinea continued and areas paved for a road all the way up to the trade colony in Cameroon. Propaganda from Brazil is diffused through the colony and some of the first Brazilian-African marriages are held.
  • Mozambique: The Colony of Mozambique continues its cash crop and plantation economy substituting Native exploitation with true and fair wages which in turn help the impoverished gain a better life foothold but in doing so actually give the Plantations increased output.
  • Gabon: The Colony of Gabon expands to 5000 and is considered a true colony of the Brazilian empire with growing influence in the Gabon and Cameroon Areas due to the prevention of Slavers, and the growing respect by Africans to the Brazilian settlers. The Colony now with about 1000 Brazilian troops expands up and down the coast simultaneously in attempts to prevent slaving but also in expanding the plantation ability of the colony. The colony also begins to include hundreds of Africans seeking work from the Brazilian industries and plantations developing in the area.
  • Cameroon: The Cameroon colony established a few years ago reaches a population of 300 which is a mix of Portuguese and Brazilian lower classes looking for a new life. The Population also begins to include about 200 African natives that wish to profit from the trade the Brazilian empire is bringing. The Colony also helps in the West African monopolization by Brazil helping secure the Trade and colony rights from Cameroon, to Angola.
    • French Diplomacy: The War Minister sends an offer to Brazil to co-develop the smokeless powder, due to scientists of both nations attempting to develop it into a better form.
    • Brazil Dip: We thoughtfully accept and wish for the researchers to make their way to Rio De Jeneiro for the tests of our own refined substance currently.

Joseon: The infrastructure is improved. Some more Confucian, Buddhist and Taoist temples are built. King Gojong is worried about the situation in China. He soon begins plans to modernise and industrialise Korea so that Korea could defend itself from other major powers. Meanwhile, the navy is built up and more ships are built, the navy score is increased by 0.25.

Italy: The ship sent to west Africa begins colonize  directly south of Morocco. Sadly only 50 colonists surhvied the trip a plan to send supplies to the new colony every three months has started. Back in Italy the Democratic movement begins to lose popularity. A few naval harbors are built which adds 0.25 to the navy score.

  • Russian Diplomacy: We would like to aid and support your colony, financially and supply wise.
  • Italian D: We accept your support. If your country ever needs anything we will be happy to help.
  • Spain D: We ask Italy to get involved to free us.
  • Switzerland Diplomacy: We offer to arm the Italian army with the Veretti rifle.

The Confederate States of America emerges from silence on the international scene, monitoring the situation in the Caribbean. We offer to purchase Cuba, Puerto Rico and any other Spanish Caribbean possessions to prevent them from falling in Yankee hands. In the years of silence, we've been having a Reconstruction after the devastating war, allowing us to upgrade industry by 0.25. Robert E. Lee was recently elected President, succeeding Jefferson Davis and Alexander Stephens. He asks the United States for a peaceful co-existence, saying that "This devastation is far behind us. Let us move on our separate ways. We shall not interfere with you, nor you with us." Several abolitionist groups are in protest over a recent overturning of the unconstitutional "Emancipation Bills" in Virginia and North Carolina. They are kept under control, though several vigilante groups attack and harass them. We approach the international community for alliances."

  • Japanese D: although I canot speak for all of the alliance, but as the USA has joined the GIA, Japan would appreciate another member of the alliance.

The USA hasn't joined the alliance.

  • Brazil Dip: The Empire of Brazil asks the CSA to back off its purchase of Cuba and other Spanish colonies as they are currently not under Spanish control and are under the jurisdiction of the United States not Spain. We also request to trade with the CSA wishing to procure their cotton for industrial production. We also request the CSA immediately embark on programs to alleviate Slavery.
  • USA Dip: Before even considering peace we demand that the CSA makes a great effort to abolish slavery.

Quick note. The league already turned down certain people because they do not have emperors. It is a league of emperors. You can't  invite them into an alliance when they are not an empire and do not have an emperor when it is a league of emperors. #LivinLikeFeudal (talk)

United Kingdoms of Sweden and Norway: After years of spreading enfluence to Norway, our bond between our two nations is slightly stronger and we continue to give the people of Norway economical, technological and educational benefits to continue to strengthen our bond. The research into mining technology goes bad after a new system called the armed drill expodes killing many of its users. We continue to find a safer and more efficiant option for mining. We also do a lot of agricultural building and we also improve our presence and enfluence to some of our island regions. Our army goes up by 0.25.

  • Sweden-Norway Diplomacy: We do not accept Denmarks offer for a trade and a peaceful resolution between our nations as our people would not be pleased if we were to accept. We have had a long history of fighting and the tension is still high. We refuse.

Greece: the military and navy are built up, the Military is increased by a 0.25, and the colonization of Aithiopeia (Nigeria begins) as well as Africa Anatole (in Tanzania) and both are expanded, Greece contacts Secretly the British and french governments to see if they are interested on an assault to help the Greeks on retaking the Greek territories, but for now the Kingdom remains neutral in any affair in the balkans, and asks the Bulgars and the Serbs for a border treaty in the balkans to avoid future conflicts.

Russia: We ask France if we can support the purchasing of shares from the autonomous state of Egypt. Trade restriction are placed on the Qing Dynasty for radical conservatives burning down merchant vessels. The building will be constructed in Geneva. We offer Germany, Austro-Hungary, and the Empire of Japan the proposal of joint military production of our nations most efficient equipment. This will benefit our economies as well as ensure effecient collective security between our nations. Alexander Andronikashvili has been recruited as a general and is currently under training.

  • Greece secretly asks the Russian if they would aid us in a war with the Ottomans.
  • Russian Diplomacy: A defensive alliance with the League of Four Emperors would be beneficial to both of our nations and the members of the League.
  • Spain asks to join the league.
  • Empire of Japan Dip: accepts.

Spain: A big democratic reformation happens turning it into the empire of Spain a contstutionial monarchy with colonys haeing voting rights. WE ASK TO JOIN THE LEAGUE.

  • Cuba: Military bases are sold to the CSA and the Spanish Virgin Islands are also sold. Under one condition:. they bring the USA out of the Caribbean. The people begin rioting and killing US occupiers chanting "Death to the USA, no more oppression". 
  • The Philippines: Riots also begin.

You don't control these colonies anymore, they were won in a very landslide-like algorithm. Furthermore, even if you did have control, you can't sell colonies to other nations without diplomacy. Eiplec - ಠ_ಠ (talk) 04:04, September 27, 2013 (UTC)

Casus Belli: Political Blunder: -2

Objective: Add to sphere of influence: +2

Total: +0 Dissent

Switzerland: The government offers Belgium to join the defense pact. 10 more artillery guns are built, and two ironclads are laid down. The government begins construction of the building to house the two alliances. Military personnel guard it.

Construction of the Alps Defensive Lime continues. The navy score increases by 0.25.

Denmark: With the plans for a peace talk with Sweden out of the question we have looked elsewhere for trade alliances with other nations. The Large Naval Dock in Esbjerg is on shcedule and is expected to continue doing so. two years remaining until completion. Industrial production is up and has increased its efficiency by 12%. Industry score increased by 0.25.

Qing Dynasty: We continue our Westernization and we begin exerting influence. We continue our influence of the conservative officials and begin to use examples from the Han and Tang Dynasty of how adapting foreign technology and culture allowed China to become more powerful. Tongzhi speaks in front of the conservatives, saying their actions may lead to a third Opium War and that they are destroying China rather than helping China. He then says that Confucianism has its perks, but then associate them with slavery and Chinese racial degradation. We learned more from European powers, especially the economical fruit of capitalism from Great Britain. we begin our train rail construction and finish the one from Tiangjing to Beijing. The economy continues expanding as the country makes its first rubber, coffee and wine exports. After taking a few rubber seeds, we bring them back to China and plant them in Yunnan. We begin selling more cash crops as it replenished our royal coffers and allowed more people to not die of hunger. We begin sending groups of 10,000 soldiers in major coastal cities and places where ships are burned. The soldiers, who goes to Shanghai, Nanking, Wuhan, Xiamen, Guanzhou, Ningbo, Qingdao and Tiangjing, arrests and jails the radical ship-burnign conservatives.

To modernize Chinese thinking, Tongzhi promoted legalism as opposed to Confucianism and gives a law to change 50% of the schools in China to teach science, mechanics and for richer schools, a foreign language. Shin Shi Jin is finished and replaced Spring and Autumn in the Five Classics. To counter the people against legalism, we wrote new laws against corruption and it satisfied the peasants, who were angry about wide-spread corruption. We also begin catching and punishing corrupt officials. We finished our parliament and two houses are built. The upper house, from the nobility and officials and the lower house from representatives of every million Chinese people. We begin trying to hold.

We begin modernizing our military and we start by buying a cargo of 100 rifles from Prussian Arms Dealers. We learn how to reproduce rifles and the first rifle factory is bild in Wuhan. Many more naval bases, ammunition factories, arms factories and arsenals are built in major cities and major ports. More navies are sent on patrol in the East China Sea. We begin developing naval ships as we send iron and coal from Shangxxi to Shangdong, where they are built into tiny battleships. Our soldiers begin receiving rifles and swords and axes are taken away to modernize the military. Hence, we raise our army score by 0.25. We continue studying the ways to build iron steamboats. We build our first iron steamboat in Shanghai. Students are sent to foreign nations, where their main goal is to study mechanics and the sciences. Our volunteer army has reached 600,000 men and it is steadily increasing every month. We hope to reach an army of 1,000,000 by 1885. We continue to have large amounts of drills in the military and those who fail will be kicked out. We begin sending more soldiers to Jeju Island as we have a routine patrol in the East China Sea. We send many of our soldiers to Manchuria to secure it from soem Japanese influence.

Ya Fei Dao (Not finished yet)

China had zero interests in South America. You also have no trade relations with Brazil so you have literally zero reason to be in South America. It's implausible for you be doing this in South America so please remove that from your #LivinLikeFeudal (talk)

Feudal, you are not a mod, and cannot try to control the actions of another person's nation for the benefit of your own. Eiplec - ಠ_ಠ (talk) 12:39, September 27, 2013 (UTC)

I didn't cross anything out. Besides it's completely true. China had absolutely zero interests or need to go to a country they had zero trade or diplomatic relations with. It's like the Japanese visiting the Inca.

Belgium: We ask for an alliance with Great Britain. We also improve our armies and ask Britain and Prussia to sell us some arms.

France: Railroads and public schools continue their construction in both urban and rural French areas. The reforms to the military end for this year, and the current War Minister begins to look towards increasing hostility in both Africa and Asia. Pail Vieille travels to Rio de Jenaro for development of the smokeless powder. Through the new economic laws, many more steel, petroleum, and paper factories are built, greatly increasing the industrial capacity of our nation. We await the results of our plants sent to our colonies in order to grow our economy even further, and allow quicker colonization of Africa. From our increased influence in Egypt from buying the shares of the Suez Canal, we request Egypt to install two Frenchmen as their minister of finance and minister of public works.

  • French Equatorial Africa: Through continental French shipments, the colonial armies become better armed and uniformed, in order to enforce French law and assimilation upon the native populations. The colonial government begins to "hand out" assimilation rights, which actually require a renouncement of current land holdings, allowing for the colonial government to take hold of lands, and "civilize" the natives. The colony begins expansion to the south, beginning with missionary work, then French colonial volunteers. The plants sent to the colony begin cultivation in various farms.
  • French Dahomey: The French 12th Foreign Legion is established in French Dahomey and the 19th Army Corp sends more soldiers to French Dahomey, in order to protect the colonists against the increasingly aggressive Dahomey Kingdoms. 
  • New Caledonia: Continental French shipments allow for the small colonial police force to become better armed and uniformed in the wake of recent waves of European immigration from the discovery of nickel in 1864. Since then, colonial population has been ever increasing, and native population slowly decreasing, although tensions are very high.
  • French Senegal: Continental French shipments allow for the colonies armies to become better armed and uniformed. The doctrine of missionary work and abolitionism is still promoted as preparations for another war with the remaining Sengali chiefdoms begins in order to curtail their slave trade and end their pagan practices, as well as gain access to numerous mining ventures.
  • French Indochina: Continental French shipments allow for the large colonial armies to become better armed and uniformed. Soldiers are stationed near the Sino-Indochinese border as support for expansion of the French colonial provinces and Catholic faith is advocated for by the governor of the colony. French missionaries are sent into Vietnam and Cambodia to promote Christianity in Asia. The plants sent to the colony begin cultivation in various farms.
  • French Guiana: Continental French shipments allow for the larger colonial armies to become better armed and unformed. Guard presence is increase as more prisoners are sent to the colony. More French immigrants arrive to the colony, prompting the governor to expand the city of Cayenne to account for more ships coming to French Guiana. The plants sent to the colony begin cultivation in various farms.

Argentina: January 4th, General Julio A. Roca succeeds Adolfo Alsina as War Minister, and during this month the Barros Arana-Elizalde treaty is signed, conforming the territorial limits with Chile, however the precise terms about such limits are still fuzzy (particularly the Magellan Strait and the Isla Grande) and the negotiations continues. Los malones (Indians attack groups) acts in a big front reaching even the south of Córdoba. In Corrientes a conflict arises, and the Colonel Azcona is sent, defeating the armed forces of governor Manuel Derqui. Law 947 is approved, this plan later will be known as the Conquest of the Desert. Law 954 is approved, with this the governation of la Patagonia with its capital on Mercedes de Patagones is created. City of Resistencia is founded with a strong cntingency of criolles and Friulans immigrants. European immigration is being Incentivated through a series of political measures (land sells, colonies, Urban improvements). A pronounced economical improvement is noted, by the budget, after several years, is finally showing a superavit. Frigorific Ships are sending tons of meats through the Buenos Aires Ports, while the flour became an internal (and external) major industry.

  • Argentinian Diplomacy: We would like to ask for a commercial alliance with the Empire of Brazil.
  • Empire of Brazil Dip: The Empire of Brazil accepts the Trade deal/Commercial alliance. We also Extend an offer to Argentina to Join the Pan American Coalition. An alliance currently composed of the US,Mexico, and Brazil, and with Brazils previous alliance with Argentina in the Paraguayan war we would like to see Argentina be accepted as a member of the PAC.
  • Argentinian Diplomacy: We happily accept your request to join the Pan American Coalition.


Conservatives continue to rise up across China, burning down government structures in an attempt to protest against modernization of the Qing Dynasty and colonization in far away distant lands.

With a large portion of Spain's colonial empire captured by various nations, government officials within Spain are currently attempting to draw peace.

The Kingdom of Zulu has declared war on British Empire, considering them as tyrants towards world peace. Guerrilla fighters from the Kingdom of Zulu have crossed in South Africa, killing hundreds. Within a couple months British troops have managed to be victorious of the small state of Zulu.

Empire of Brazil: The Empire continues to push its research into smokeless powder making a major breakthrough with the help of the French. The first true amounts of smokeless powder are produced but the formula is currently kept a secret by the Brazilian and by extension French Scientists and industries. The Bolt action rifle that was previously under development is tested with great success and is named the 1879 Afonso Rifle after the small company which developed it. Afonso Arms Industries. While a small and relatively new business its success with its new rifle sees its business expand almost ten-fold with orders flooding in from the Brazilian military. The Rifle uses a cartridge to allow for multiple rounds loaded in the gun and a  8mm round. The Brazilian navy also continues its slow and deliberate construction of its Turret ship expected to be finished the next year and launched for extreme testing. The Brazilian empires population reaches about 21.4 million with European immigration to the nation fueling a cultural melting pot as the ideologies of racism among other things is continually phased out in favor of equality. Industries continue to expand with rubber continuing to dominate the Brazilian market but with an increasing shift towards beef, food products and industrial production of certain goods coming to a front. The Cultural mixing of the colonies is encouraged more as well with more intermarriages occurring.

Brazil begins to Actively Patrol its sea trade routes continuing its build up of Iron-clad and steam ships of the line to begin full competition with other seagoing powers and with the major premise of securing its own sea trade routes. The Brazilian navy demonstrates its new abilities on daring and powerful shows of force against moderate pirate enclaves in Central West, and Southwestern Africa. The Brazilian Army also begins a larger program of Colonial Recruitment for militaries intent on Turning Angola and Mozambique into some of the military and economic powerhouses of the Empire by also encouraging population growth. The Monarchy begins considering adding the African populations of Mozambique and Angola to the Empires actualy population statistics with new legislature bringing more equality to the Peoples of the colonies as well as the homeland. The Anti Racism and Pro Equality movement continues to push foreward with more minds being changed by the day as the Empires new prosperity begins to show that equality and legitimate business can be supremely beneficial to the empire rather than blatant racism and subjugation.

The Brazilian economy continues to advance with Colonial trade and economics now helping push the economy forward. The push towards turning the colonies and their plantations and specific industries into businesses continue. The Brazilian trade posts continue to be set up across Western Africa using the new prestige and wealth to set up across the area managing to establish a near unbroken sea trade system from Gabon to Angola. Brazil continues to invest heavily in all her colonies expanding their territorial area and population with almost 15,000 recorded immigrants to the colonies. The rubber trees planted in multiple colonies begin to grow heavily with their expected harvesting date in the next couple years. Two trading posts begin to advance in their growth (Cameroon, and Equatorial Guinea). Brazil declares from Angola, to Equatorial Guinea and Cameroon a sphere of Brazilian colonial interests and request other nations to remain out of the area due to the large presence of Brazilian interest. Brazilian Trade posts now dot the coasts of West Africa from the Colony in Cameroon, to Angola preventing any other major colonizers from getting a foothold in the Area. Nigeria however is left out of Brazil's current colonization policy. Brazil begins subversively sending propaganda to Venezuela.  The Population of Brazil Grows by almost a full one million people over the past year with the increased population growth in Brazil, Portugal and the colonies bringing the empire to about 20.5 million people. This increases our economy by 0.25.

  • Dominion of Portugal: Portugal now seeing the benefits of Brazils role in Portugal develops a small armed force of About 20,000 under the control of the Dominions local leader, and under the full control of the Emperor of Brazil. The Dominion also uses its economic and trade standing to help out its economy and for the first time in decades has intermarriages with people from Brazil such as businessmen and even some of the Brazilian soldiers stationed in the Dominion.
  • Goa: The colony of Goa continues its trade of spices and other things from India and some seeds for rubber trees are planted intent on turning Goa into a cash crop colony. The rubber industry begins to take off as Trees more near to their ripe age are harvested in Goa and money starting to flow into the colony.
  • Macau: Macau continues to funnel trade from China but now by default it Fronts to the Empire of Brazil beginning to increase the Asian base of Trade to Brazil.
  • East Timor: The economy is continually based around cash crops with coffee being a huge export as well as rubber trees beng planted for better cultivation. Rubber begins to develop more with plantations for it beginning to take precedence over others.
  • Angola: Angola continues its economic production of gold, spices, diamonds, with plantation economy coming on the rise with agricultural products coming into play. Rubber trees are planted in Angola to help expand Brazil's growing rubber industries. The immigration from Brazil and Portugal continue to expand the colony quite a bit pushing territorial control farther inland. Slave and Exploitation based labor are phased out with legitimate industries being made out of them with fair wages being a staple. This actually establishes better output at the people are less inclined to hate their new leaders due to the new economic policy. Angola begins to expand inland a bit and manages to establish a rudimentary trade road up the West African coast to trading posts just north of Angola, and with expansion up too Gabon and Equatorial Guinea continued and areas paved for a road all the way up to the trade colony in Cameroon. Propaganda from Brazil is diffused through the colony and some of the first Brazilian-African marriages are held. Rubber is also heavily predicted to be a big grower in Angola, with the plantation economics beginning to gear towards the inclusion of rubber. The Colony begins to help other colonial expansion securing much of the West African coast for Brazil and her colonial interests.
  • Mozambique: The Colony of Mozambique continues its cash crop and plantation economy substituting Native exploitation with true and fair wages which in turn help the impoverished gain a better life foothold but in doing so actually give the Plantations increased output.
  • Gabon: The Colony of Gabon expands to 7000 and is considered a true colony of the Brazilian empire with growing influence in the Gabon and Cameroon Areas due to the prevention of Slavers, and the growing respect by Africans to the Brazilian settlers. The Colony now with about 1000 Brazilian troops expands up and down the coast simultaneously in attempts to prevent slaving but also in expanding the plantation ability of the colony. The colony also begins to include hundreds of Africans seeking work from the Brazilian industries and plantations developing in the area. The possibility of putting nearby colonies under Gabons jurisdiction is brought up and is to be considered by Brazil.
  • Cameroon: The Cameroon colony established a few years ago reaches a population of 700 which is a mix of Portuguese and Brazilian lower classes looking for a new life. The Population also begins to include about 400 African natives that wish to profit from the trade the Brazilian empire is bringing. The Colony also helps in the West African monopolization by Brazil helping secure the Trade and colony rights from Cameroon, to Angola.
    • Swiss Secret Diplomacy: We offer to trade designs for our volley guns, artillery pieces, and rifles to make sniper rifles for the recipe for smokeless gunpowder.

Spain: Colonial ships are sent to Cameroon and Niger claiming them for Spain. Refusing to surrender many people move to new Catalonia which is now up to 20,000! Two small teams of men invade Cuba spreading Spanish influence and aid. We create an alliance which hopes to be associated with the League called the Union of Princes, Presidents and Kings. We invite Italy, CSA and Greece.

Just -_- User:Edboy452 Flag of Romania Flag of Germany (1935–1945) Flag of Israel Flag of the Soviet Union (talk) 23:43, September 27, 2013 (UTC)

How are you funding this? Also new Catalonia can't have 20,000 the German empire spend upwards of 30 years colonizing and only have 25,000 people. Also your at war with the British empire and the USA and your establishing colonies with ships you wouldn't even have anymore. Can I have mods on this please#LivinLikeFeudal (talk)

Joseon: The infrastructure is improved. Some more Confucian, Buddhist and Taoist temples are built.

Colombia: Movement towards the Catholic Church continues, much to the dismay of the Colombian Conservatives. The military improves in case of another civil war. Colombia offers trade pacts with the CSA, as the nation is very politically aligned to the southern nation. The infrastructure improves, aiding the economy as well.

  • Empire of Brazil Dip: We wish to establish larger scale diplomatic relations and extend a Trade Agreement to the nation of Colombia in an attempt to better the Relations with out Northern Neighbor.

Argentina: Minister Victorino de la Plaza suddenly dies of an Heart Attack, so Avellaneda selects a new unknown (yet extremely smart) figure named "Jose Luis Charpentier" as his Economy Minister, in no more than Two months he while continuing Plaza's measures includes a small industrialization program (currently concentrated in Buenos Aires) destined to supply the neighboring countries while improving the local consuming. European Immigration continues heavily while the conquest and colonization of the Patagonian and Chaco regions improve the productive space available; under this new economic ministry, Argentina adopts a more active commercial politics instead of receding to the previous Agro-Exporter system, situation possible thaks to the fact that Europe is currently at war and they keep needing resources, while Asia and America requires more manufactures, situation that Argentina will take advantage of. a new commercial fleet is put into production, impulsed by the State and mostly paid by local burguesois and Landlords (sweet-talked into by minister Charpentier). Population reached 7.1 millions, with this our Economy increases by 0.25. Finally taking advantage of th U.K. Being busy in Spain we send an small fleet with two brigades and a colony (mostly Spaniards and Italians Immigrants and people from the Southern Buenos Aires) succesfully retaking the Falkland Islands, renaming them once more, "Las Islas Malvinas".

  • Empire of Brazil Dip: We don't support this action and ask Argentina to pull out of the Falklands due to their status as a British Colony, and the British Empire being an ally of the Empire of Brazil we cannot condone this whatsoever.
  • Ottoman Empire Dip: As an ally of the British Empire, and a nation with the best interest of global security foremost in the minds of our Sultan and his viziers, the Ottoman Empire hereby condemns the Argentians for a blatant violation of recognized borders. We demand their immediate withdrawal and compensation to the British Empire.
  • Switzerland: We protest and condemn the invasion and request that Argentina withdrawal.

Belgium: We continue to build an army and ask France and Britain to sell weapons to us. We also ask for an military and economic alliance with Britain and France.

Switzerland: The government continues to construct the Alpine Defensive Line. The army constructs 12 more artillery pieces. The navy launches two ironclads and four lake gunboats. The navy upgrades by 0.25. Many Swiss desire to remain outside of any government organization. The government lowers taxes and opens a bank. The port city is still under construction to be finished by 1884.

Denmark: With the Construction of the naval dock in Esbjerg expected to be finished in another year we are beginning to gather people and resources to make a small combat worthy battleship. the expected time for the development stage is two years and will begin immediately. The construction time will be decided once the designs are all complete and have been approved. A factory wesat of Copenhagen is now devoted to the production of medium rtange artillery weapons and will start mass producing them once a system is set up to export them to any country wanting to purchase them.

Ottoman Empire: The Ottoman Emperor, along with his current grand vizier, decides that the culmination of Tanzimat is to begin next year. This, he announces, will be the Ottoman's new period of "Westernification," where all new Western technologies will be adopted into the Ottoman empire. In order to prepare for the "Westernification" the Sultan orders new internal divisions to be made up, with each division being equally autonomous and free. Abdulaziz calls this "The uttermost interpretation of the millet - individual states in which the imperial presence is no longer a constant threat but a unifying factor which will be used to maintain the overall protection from nearby states." Even as crazy is the creation of three grand vizier positions, to be elected by the Ottoman citizens. Each vizier will represent one of the three millets, and one vizier will be the chief vizier, to report to the Emperor. Industry increases by 0.5. The following new states are created:

  • Blue TurkeySultante of Turkey: Formed out of the most Ottoman lands, this is considered to be the "Ottoman heartland." Constantinople is officially renamed Istanbul, as part of the Tanzimat reforms. Turks begin to investigate science and the arts, and they are probably the most happy of Ottoman citizens. Some feel that the creation of other Sultanates have diminished the Turkic role in government, but only a few rabble really are upset at this.
  • Flag of Kingdom of Syria (1920-03-08 to 1920-07-24)Sultanate of Syria: Syria is generally happy at the division of states, and Syrians feel that their people are now equal to the Turks. This leads to a positive feeling of multi-nationalism, where ethnic Turks and ethnic Syrians are considered equals in society. This leads to an economic growth in Damascus, which is quickly growing in importance as the newly chosen capital of the sultante.
  • Flag of Baghdad (No Napoleon)Sultanate of Baghdad: Baghdadis, also frequently called Iraqis enjoy the same privileges as Turks living in Baghdad. Kurds, which were relatively well protected since they were Turkic often move into Turkey proper. This allows more, valuable, land to become available to the Iraqis, and their economy begins to be agricultural, although the sciences are still important in the inner-city of Baghdad.
  • Flag of PalestineMost Holy Levantine Protectorate: The Levant, as it is commonly called, is under the direct authority of the grand vizier, who is now to be elected every eight years. This democratic system is viewed even more fairly when put into the perspective that the Levant, as a protectorate, follows the Jewish, Christian and Muslim millets. All three religious groups get their own vizier, as a result, and there are now three grand viziers.
  • Drapeau de la République Arabe Islamique (Union tuniso-libyenne)Caliphal Lands of Mecca and Medina: Medina and Mecca are both directly under the command of the Caliph, who is also the Emperor. Medina is still the most powerful city economically, but Mecca begins to grow in importance as wealthy Arabians set up tourist industries to cash in on the hajjis.
  • Flag of EgyptSemi-Autonomous Egyptian Kingdom: After a troubling period of debt, the Egyptian Kingdom is more or less fiscally sound, thanks to the French. This new fidcal policy is helpful, and cities along the Suez gain loads of business. A discussion is taken up by the King with his local viziers to discuss the benefits of a buy-in on the Canal, and a potential tariff, modeling after the Bosporus tariff.
  • Egypt sold every share they had in the Suez Canal. They have no control over it, other than having it in their nation. Also, their debt is still very high because no-one paid the full million pounds sterling debt they held years ago. Eiplec - ಠ_ಠ (talk) 13:22, September 28, 2013 (UTC)
  • Flag of TunisiaBarbary States of Tunis and Tripoli: Tunis and Tripoli, long past their pirating days, are now engaged in a relative "Berber competition" to see who can gain a greater market share of the south Mediterranean. Our big trading partners are the Italians, French and Spaniards.
  • Civil Flag of SerbiaPrincipality of Serbia: Serbians, along with their Balkan counterparts, like the Bosnians, are probably the most happy about the new arrangement. Talks of rebellion had been brewing in the Serbian provinces prior to the division, but the people were shocked to find great autonomy. Loyalty to the Ottomans, especially the new Christian vizier, soars.
  • Flag of the United Principalities of Romania (1862 - 1866)Principiality of Romania: Similar to what has happened in Serbia, Romanians are now extremely grateful of the reforms, and can't wait to see what Abdulaziz has in store for the near future. The new Prince of Bucharest declares "Let Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia and all of our brother Ottomans prosper for another 500 years!"
  • Flag of BulgariaPrincipiality of Bulgaria: Bulgarians, who are probably more integrated, due to proximity, to the Turks, aren't as grateful towards the Emperor, because they consider the action to have improved the Bulgarian condition little - they did well under the central empire. Nonetheless, the exodus of Turks into Turkey leads to a new era of self-government for the Bulgars.

Anything regarding propaganda about your people will be considered your government views, as the Ottoman Empire is on the verge of losing its territories during this time period. User:Edboy452 Flag of Romania Flag of Germany (1935–1945) Flag of Israel Flag of the Soviet Union (talk) 05:13, September 28, 2013 (UTC)

Is what you are saying is that all the statements of "grateful towards the Emperor" are not applicable? Because I, for one, think this new system is much better for the Europeans. The Chief of Government is a Christian! This is a HUUGE step forwards! This is unfathomable, really. I should think gratitude is in order.

And no, this isn't ASB. Abdulaziz I was a mastermind behind the millet, and this policy is just an extension of the millet. In OTL he was assasainated. In this ATL, he still lives! That was a large cause behind the Serbian revolts, his successors, Murad V and Abdul Hamid II. Without these two tyrants (and their viziers), the Empire could've held on for a few more years. Reximus Maximus  05:46, September 28, 2013 (UTC)

Qing Dynasty: We continue our Westernization and we begin exerting influence. We begin utilizing our military to crush the protests and we also send out government pamphlets for people to move into Tibet. "A province of old traditions and never-changing life. Wake up everyday by the rooster and depend your life on the weather. No trade would be needed, since you are only allowed to provide yourself with whatever you need. New technology will be looked down upon and prepare to work manually no matter what." was written on the pamphlet, which satisfied the conservatives and they begin to move into Tibet. However, we disguise some of our soldiers as bandits and attack the immigrants along the way. Also, we begin periodically "forgetting" rice shipments to Tibet to starve the conservatives out. We learned more from European powers, especially the economical fruit of capitalism from Great Britain. we begin our train rail construction and finish the one from Tiangjing to Beijing. The economy continues expanding as the country makes its first rubber, coffee and wine exports. After taking a few rubber seeds, we bring them back to China and plant them in Yunnan. We begin selling more cash crops as it replenished our royal coffers and allowed more people to not die of hunger. We continue capturing the conservatives although releasing them if they agreed to move to ultra-conservative Tibet.

To modernize Chinese thinking, Tongzhi promoted legalism as opposed to Confucianism and gives a law to change 50% of the schools in China to teach science, mechanics and for richer schools, a foreign language. Shin Shi Jin is finished and replaced Spring and Autumn in the Five Classics. To counter the people against legalism, we wrote new laws against corruption and it satisfied the peasants, who were angry about wide-spread corruption. We also begin catching and punishing corrupt officials. We finished our parliament and two houses are built. Our first election is held and 400 representatives are chosen. We begin slowing our modernization as a direct result of the parliament.

We begin modernizing our military. We ask Britain to buy 100 rifles. Many more naval bases, ammunition factories, arms factories and arsenals are built in major cities and major ports. More navies are sent on patrol in the East China Sea. We begin developing naval ships as we send iron and coal from Shangxxi to Shangdong, where they are built into tiny battleships. Our soldiers begin receiving rifles and swords and axes are taken away to modernize the military. We continue studying the ways to build iron steamboats. We build our first iron steamboat in Shanghai. Students are sent to foreign nations, where their main goal is to study mechanics and the sciences. Our volunteer army has reached 900,000 men and it is steadily increasing every month. We hope to reach an army of 1,000,000 by 1880. We continue to have large amounts of drills in the military and those who fail will be kicked out. We send many of our soldiers to Manchuria to secure it from soem Japanese influence. We stop influencing Kyushu.

You need a diplomacy to buy rifles from another country. Eiplec - ಠ_ಠ (talk) 13:22, September 28, 2013 (UTC)

We already bought them a while ago, I'm deleting itNinjasvswarriors (talk) 14:26, September 28, 2013 (UTC)

Ya Fei Dao continues its expansion.

France: Railroads and public schools continue their construction in both urban and rural French areas. The reforms to the military end for this year, and the current War Minister begins to look towards increasing hostility in both Africa and Asia. After being in Brazil, and the smokeless powder being a success, we begin to work on a new rifle that will be able to effectively use the new smokeless powder. The recent development of the smokeless powder still allows our army to upgrade by 0.25 because of its several other military applications rather than just rifle powder. We await the results of our plants sent to our colonies in order to grow our economy even further, and allow quicker colonization of Africa. We continue to increase our influence in Egypt.

  • French Equatorial Africa: Through continental French shipments, the colonial armies become better armed and uniformed, in order to enforce French law and assimilation upon the native populations. The colonial government begins to "hand out" assimilation rights, which actually require a renouncement of current land holdings, allowing for the colonial government to take hold of lands, and "civilize" the natives. The colony begins expansion to the south, beginning with missionary work, then French colonial volunteers. The plants sent to the colony continue cultivation in various farms.
  • French Dahomey: The French 12th Foreign Legion is established in French Dahomey and the 19th Army Corp sends more soldiers to French Dahomey, in order to protect the colonists against the increasingly aggressive Dahomey Kingdoms.
  • New Caledonia: Continental French shipments allow for the small colonial police force to become better armed and uniformed in the wake of recent waves of European immigration from the discovery of nickel in 1864. Since then, colonial population has been ever increasing, and native population slowly decreasing, although tensions are very high.
  • French Senegal: Continental French shipments allow for the colonies armies to become better armed and uniformed. The doctrine of missionary work and abolitionism is still promoted as preparations for another war with the remaining Sengali chiefdoms begins in order to curtail their slave trade and end their pagan practices, as well as gain access to numerous mining ventures.
  • French Indochina: Continental French shipments allow for the large colonial armies to become better armed and uniformed. Soldiers are stationed near the Sino-Indochinese border as support for expansion of the French colonial provinces and Catholic faith is advocated for by the governor of the colony. French missionaries are sent into Vietnam and Cambodia to promote Christianity in Asia. The plants sent to the colony continue cultivation in various farms.
  • French Guiana: Continental French shipments allow for the larger colonial armies to become better armed and unformed. Guard presence is increase as more prisoners are sent to the colony. More French immigrants arrive to the colony, prompting the governor to expand the city of Cayenne to account for more ships coming to French Guiana. The plants sent to the colony continue cultivation in various farms.
    • ​French Diplomacy: We send various diplomats to Great Britain, Belgium,and the Netherlands, requesting they send delegates to Paris to discuss alliances, trade agreements, and colonization.

Germany: We begin a rapid expansion of industry to catch up to other European powers. The steel giant Krupp continues to grow to become one of the largest steel manufacturers in Europe, improving our national economy, thanks in large part to the protection from American and British competition afforded by tariffs and cartels. Coal plants are expanded to locally power our nation. Important mines along the valleys of the rivers Ruhr, Inde, and Wurm are modernized to be safer and more efficient. Numerous small industrial centres begin to spring up, focusing on ironworks using local coal. Our iron and steel works begin buying mines, and erecting coking ovens to supply their own requirements in coke and gas. These integrated coal-iron firms ("Huettenzechen") became numerous with the growth of the industrial sector. The average output of a mine in 1850 was about 8,500 short tons; its employment about 64. We hope to grow these numbers, drastically increasing our output. Total Ruhr coal output rose from 2.0 million short tons in 1850, and is expected to rise to 22 by 1880. The miners in the Ruhr region are divided by ethnicity with Germans and Poles, and religion with Protestants and Catholics, splitting the miners into several unions, with an affiliation to different political parties. Mobility in and out of the mining camps to nearby industrial areas is high. German banks begin to play a central roles in financing German industry. Different banks form cartels in different industries, and Cartel contracts become accepted as legal and binding by German courts, although illegal in Britain and the United States. The process of cartelization begins slowly, but the cartel movement is expected to rise. The government plays a powerful role in the industrialization of the German Empire, during a period known as the Second Industrial Revolution. We supported not only heavy industry but also crafts and trades, to maintain prosperity in all parts of the empire. Local procedures are put in place, so even where the national government does not act, the highly autonomous regional and local governments are expected to support their own industries. Each state is expected to be as self-sufficient as possible. Railroads become crucial in the transfer of German goods across Europe, and modern engines begin to replace outdated models in our nation. Bismarck’s new tariffs on imported grain and the introduction of the sugar beet as a main crop helps to grow agricultural yield. Farmers begin to abandon traditional, inefficient practices, adapting modern farming practices, such as the use of new fertilizers and tools. The knowledge and tools gained from the intensive farming of sugar and other root crops helps to quickly elevate Germany to one of the most efficient agricultural producers in Europe. With the economic push toward industrialization and urbanization, heavy industry (coal and steel especially) become important in the Ruhr, and manufacturing growing in the cities, the Ruhr, and Silesia. Based on its leadership in chemical research in the universities and industrial laboratories, we begin to become dominant in the world's chemical industry. Big businesses such as BASF and Bayer led the way in their production and distribution of artificial dyes and pharmaceuticals during the Wilhelmine era, leading to the German monopolisation of the global chemicals market. Our military continues to be expanded, upgrading our army score by 0.25. We hire the famed explorer Henry Morton Stanley to explore land for us. He begins an expedition into the Congo. We negotiate a trade agreement with the Herero and Khoisan People, claiming the Namibian coast for Germany. Expeditions are also launched into the African Cameroon delta and the mainland coast across from Zanzibar, with a few thousand people and soldiers have begun to settle the areas. Expeditions are also sent to German New Guinea and Samoa. Stanley's settlement becomes known as Fredrickville.

  • Russian Diplomacy: We offer Germany, Austro-Hungary, and the Empire of Japan the proposal of joint military production of our nations most efficient equipment. This will benefit our economies as well as ensure effecient collective security between our nations.

United States of America: Stage One of military build up and fort construction continues on the Union-Confederate border and occupation of Manila and Havana continue. Hayes is nearing his end of his second term and thus the elections begin with the main issue being how to deal with the Confederates and the secondary issue is how to deal with world politics. Democratic candidate William S. Hancock (A Gettysburg General) supports military build up against the Confederates and less involvement in world politics while James A Garfield supports more co-operation with the Confederates and more involvement in world politics.

Russia: Mining of gold and oil continues in Alaska at exponential rates, bringing a couple thousand barrels of oil each day. Taxes begin to lower on the peasant class of the population in attempts to bring down future civil unrest. Our navy score increases by 0.25. Alexander Andronikashvili continues to be trained.

Greece: The Military and navy is built up, It asks an alliance with Britain, France, Brazil and the Russians, and the colonial settlements in Nigeria and Tanzania continue growing, a small outpost is made in Patagonia called Nea Athina begins a taxation policy to avoid the bankrupcy of the nation and the creation of a military politic to avoid civil war, as well as an aperture to the people of greece by the establishment of a senate Military is increased by 0.25


Mod event will be added later. I'm currently a little busy today. User:Edboy452 Flag of Romania Flag of Germany (1935–1945) Flag of Israel Flag of the Soviet Union (talk) 19:46, September 28, 2013 (UTC)

Japan: Navy score increases by 0.25. more boats are sent to patrol the waters. The rebels in the qing continue to be funded. With chinas cololny in Africa, Japan decides to start a colony in OTL Somalila. People and food and other necessities are gathered, and they are expected to set sail in 1881

Empire of Brazil: The construction of the 1879 Afonso Rifle continues with outfitting of the military with this weaponry continuing. Brazils First Turret Ship named the Dom Pedro II is launched and it is named a top notch ship of the line, its plans however begin to be adapted as the ship begins its tests. The Ships designs however are adapted with new developing propulsion technology and the possibility of using steel on a warship considered the designs begin to be Adapted with the first of the class to be finished by 1885-1887. The Empire also uses its ever increasing funds and trade between multiple nations particularly Great Britain, Mexico, and the US to bolster its Armed forces adding almost 50,000 soldiers to the military. These Troops are deployed in Eastern Brazil near Bolivia.

The Railroad expansion programs successfuly reach many more rubber, coffee and sugar plantations adding to the efficiency to the separate industries inent on maintaining the large practices and businesses in Brazil through increased and better ability of transport and better ability to take the products to ports and other countries for trade. The Empire also reasserts its control over the Amazon deploying police, and reservists throughout camps and bases throughout the edges of the forest and going as far as to establish bases in the northern sections of the forest in order to help watch and fully secure the borders of Brazil. The Empire also begins developing a Coastal Road/Highway system but allows for separate State economies to handle it and the Government just dole out certain portions of funding to each state involved. The Education of the Emperors grandson continues with a Structured Regency beginning to be developed for him if Dem Pedro II dies before his Grandson is of age to take the throne. The Education program is continued for him and he is given several high class tutors from Great Britain to begin Teaching him the mechanics of running a large spanning empire, A tutor from Brazils Own Foreign ministry to help him learn some of the arts of diplomacy and peace. A tutor from the United States to teach begin teaching him how to run a successful and highly increasing economy. And the Empire himself teaches him about population control, Appeasement, and management. At this young age only very easy to grasp and basic concepts are covered. The Emperor also takes much time along with the boys to teach him many things about the world and valuable life skills.

The Brazilian economy continues to advance with Colonial trade and economics now helping push the economy forward. The push towards turning the colonies and their plantations and specific industries into businesses continue. The Brazilian trade posts continue to be set up across Western Africa using the new prestige and wealth to set up across the area managing to establish a near unbroken sea trade system from Gabon to Angola. The Government also highly encourages expansion of the colonies into the African Interior intent on securing much of the African Interior to prevent more ruthless colonial empire from securing the areas. The rubber trees planted in multiple colonies begin to grow heavily with their expected harvesting date in the next couple years. Brazilian Trade posts now dot the coasts of West Africa from the Colony in Cameroon, to Angola preventing any other major colonizers from getting a foothold in the Area. Nigeria however is left out of Brazil's current colonization policy. Brazil begins subversively sending propaganda to Venezuela.  The population of the Empire grows to about 22 million with the consideration of Adding other colonial African population to the numbers to truly include the policies in all aspects of the empire. Brazil seeing the active role colonists are taking begins to sectionalize investment into the colonies attempting at working at domestic improvement as well. New immigrants as well as previous slaves are used to either start new plantations, or hired as wage labor for plantations as well as industry intent on securing positions for an advancing economy.

  • Dominion of Portugal: Portugal now seeing the benefits of Brazils role in Portugal develops a small armed force of About 20,000 under the control of the Dominions local leader, and under the full control of the Emperor of Brazil. The Dominion also uses its economic and trade standing to help out its economy and for the first time in decades has intermarriages with people from Brazil such as businessmen and even some of the Brazilian soldiers stationed in the Dominion. The Portuguese with direct involvement by jointly owned businesses in Portugal and Brazil begin industrialization of Portugal intent on making Portugal more of a member of the Empire. Portuguese and Brazilians continue Cultural integration in the country intent on mixing the populations of the countries to a degree. However the every increasing growth of the Brazilian population definately keeps Portugals growth and importance in check. The Portuguese with their economic improvement and their status within the Empire continue to look Favorably at Brazil the population seeing the notable improvement of their country following integration into the Brazilian empire. This increases our economy by 0.25.
  • Goa: The colony of Goa continues its trade of spices and other things from India and some seeds for rubber trees are planted intent on turning Goa into a cash crop colony. The rubber industry begins to take off as trees more near to their ripe age are harvested in Goa and money starting to flow into the colony.
  • Macau: Macau continues to funnel trade from China but now by default it Fronts to the Empire of Brazil beginning to increase the Asian base of Trade to Brazil.
  • East Timor: The economy is continually based around cash crops with coffee being a huge export as well as rubber trees beng planted for better cultivation. Rubber begins to develop more with plantations for it beginning to take precedence over others.
  • Angola: Angola continues its economic production of gold, spices, diamonds, with plantation economy coming on the rise with agricultural products coming into play. Rubber trees are planted in Angola to help expand Brazil's growing rubber industries. The immigration from Brazil and Portugal continue to expand the colony quite a bit pushing territorial control farther inland. Slave and Exploitation based labor are phased out with legitimate industries being made out of them with fair wages being a staple. This actually establishes better output at the people are less inclined to hate their new leaders due to the new economic policy. Angola begins to expand inland a bit and manages to establish a rudimentary trade road up the West African coast to trading posts just north of Angola, and with expansion up too Gabon and Equatorial Guinea continued and areas paved for a road all the way up to the trade colony in Cameroon. Propaganda from Brazil is diffused through the colony and some of the first Brazilian-African marriages are held. Rubber is also heavily predicted to be a big grower in Angola, with the plantation economics beginning to gear towards the inclusion of rubber. The Colony begins to help other colonial expansion securing much of the West African coast for Brazil and her colonial interests. The Expansion into the Interior continues with Brazilian funding and Investment through trade allowing for full scale securing of the Interior.
  • Mozambique: The Colony of Mozambique continues its cash crop and plantation economy substituting Native exploitation with true and fair wages which in turn help the impoverished gain a better life foothold but in doing so actually give the Plantations increased output. The Expansion into the Interior begins with more settlers escorted by members of the military staking claims further into Mozambique aimed at securing more resources. The Colonial population continues to look more favorable towards Brazil and the status of Brazils investment into the colonies.
  • Gabon: The Colony of Gabon expands to 7000 and is considered a true colony of the Brazilian empire with growing influence in the Gabon and Cameroon Areas due to the prevention of Slavers, and the growing respect by Africans to the Brazilian settlers. The Colony now with about 1000 Brazilian troops expands up and down the coast simultaneously in attempts to prevent slaving but also in expanding the plantation ability of the colony. The colony also begins to include hundreds of Africans seeking work from the Brazilian industries and plantations developing in the area. The colonial jurisdiction of Gabon is extended to include colonies around it greating the Greater Gabon Colonial Jurisdiction. Which masterminds the securing of more internal Territory aiming to gain a large foothold in the interior over the next few years.
  • Cameroon: The Cameroon colony established a few years ago reaches a population of 1200 which is a mix of Portuguese and Brazilian lower classes looking for a new life. The Population also begins to include about 700 African natives that wish to profit from the trade the Brazilian empire is bringing. The Colony also helps in the West African monopolization by Brazil helping secure the Trade and colony rights from Cameroon, to Angola. The colony with its expanded territory as well begins bringing in more natives as securing the Interior becomes a prime directive of many of the incoming settlers from Brazil and Portugal.
    • Brazil Dip: We offer a Trade Agreement to the German empire in order to fuel their aggressive industrial growth.
  • Mexico: All is fine. We increase our army by 0.25.

Belgium: We agree to Germany's trade agreement and join Switzerland's defense pact. We also ask for an alliance with Great Britain. The people of Belgium see Britain, France, and Spain's several colonies and want a colony too. Some brave men and women have even volunteered to go to the colony if they were formed. King Leopold II, too, wants a colony of Belgium's and looks to the Congo Free State in Africa. The king builds the army and increases the economical factory production.

  • Brazil Dip: We offer a trade agreement, and also regret to inform Belgium that currently Congo for all purposes has been colonized by Brazil. Any ships that show up will find thriving settlements under the Flag of Brazils empire.
  • Belgian Dip: We agree to the trade agreement and also ask for an alliance. We apologize for looking to Congo and look to Rwanda instead.
  • Brazil Dip: We will consult the Pan-American Coalition into letting you join as an associated (non American) Member. This is the only offer the PAC can make due to Belgium's status as a European nation and PAC's Amero-centric styles. However this will also guarantee you trade with all members which include the US, Mexico, Brazil, and possibly Argentina. if you decline our trade agreement just between the two of us will stand.
  • Chinese D: We ask to buy 100 rifles.
  • French Diplomacy: We request an alliance and a trade agreement between our nations.

Argentina: Gral Julio Argentino Roca after urding several aliances within the "Partido Autonomista Nacional" wins the elections and consagrates himself as the new President. Civilian Liberties and the creation of strong National Capitals are the main objective. The Coin is uniformed, (Gold Pattern determined as unique system). Tierra del Fuego, Chubut, Santa Cruz, La Pampa, Neuquén, Río Negro, Chaco, Formosa, Misiones are consagrated as National Territories. The Conquest of the Desert continues (captured territories are exploited through the colonization of uninhabited land in the pampas and the advance of the railway creating new villages in what were depopulated areas before. Railroads grows greatly connecting main cities and main Source Materials, with the Main Port in Buenos Aires. To the main export: agricultural products, was added the export of sheep meat and beef. Growing industrial complex are advancing in Cordoba, Santa Fe and Corrientes. The Merchant fleet is growing and starting to reap the Atlantic routes. Thanks to the European Immigration the population has increased to 8.6 millions 7.9 millions. The Army is being modernized by external contractors (mainly from the U.S.) so our Army is Increased by 0.25. the Pacific Ocean routes are being analyzed for potential use, while a diplomatic team is sent to negotiate peaceful relationship with the nations of Dutch East Indies, Philippines and finally Japan (reached during December).

  • Argentinian Diplomacy: We would like to begin peaceful and friendly relationships with the Sovereign Nations of Netherlands and Spain through your Continental territories and Oceanic Colonies.
  • Belgian Dip: We ask Argentina for an alliance/trade agreement.
  • Argentinian Diplomacy:  We accept your proposal to sign an Alliance (Currently a Non-Aggression Treaty) and a Trade agreement with your Nation, to begin the most friendly International relations.
  • Empire of Japan Dip: We ask for a trade agreement
  • Argentinian Diplomacy: We agree to sign a Trading Treaty and we are Happy to begin Commercial Relationships with your sovereign Nation.

Denmark: The large Naval Dock in Esbjerg in now complete and a temperary compound is set up around it for administrative purposes and will be used as a storage area for contraband. The design for the small battleship is still one year from completion but the build time is estimated to be around two years. after being active for one year the amount of medium range artillery has gone from zero to 2342. any nations wanting to purchase this artillery can contact us at any time but any conflicts that could occur with the transaction of these weapons will be taken into account.

Joseon: The infrastructure is improved. Some more Confucian, Buddhist and Taoist temples are built.

United Kingoms of Sweden and Norway: Norway, after many years of receiving enfluence and support by Sweden begins to form a stronger partnership between our two nations and thus making the union stronger. Trade between the two nations have increased and the use of the Swedish language in Norway has grown. We continue research into technologies for mining and we have come up with a nw method after three years of research. It is called the Asalando drill. It is a much more efficiant way of mining and has so far not caused any deaths. It has increased tunneling times by 20% and the machine is mass produced to all tunnel mines in Sweden and Norway. Any nation who wants the buy the Asalando drill can do so. We also finish a few smaller battle vessels capable of protecting our shores. We increase our trade output. We increase production by 0.25.

CSA: President Lee announces that he is seeking reconciliation with the Yankees, asking for trade between the two Americas. He makes a statement about Cuba, saying "We will not further interfere with the United States' Caribbean interests. However, we wish to see Cuba left to rule itself, not turned into some glorified Yankee colony." Forts along the Union and Mexican borders are built up, just in case. The army is upgraded by 0.25. The economy is stagnating, and Lee is in declining health. Several new political parties are formed, populists and socialists among them.

  • Argentina Diplomacy: we are interested in buying your nation, a gun park and several new rifles, as well as at least one or two Battleship you have to dispose to improve our outdated armed forces.

Qing Dynasty: We continue our Westernization and we begin exerting influence. We begin utilizing our military to crush the protests and we also send out government pamphlets for people to move into Tibet. At least five million conservatives have died due to the Great Immigration and we decide to begin somethings slightly more brutal. We begin to dress at least 60,000 soldiers as bandits and raid Yaan, Aba, and Deqing, areas where immigrants pass through. Then, another 20,000 soldier will show out and the bandit-soldiers will escape. Then they will change their clothing and say the bandits are defeated and tell the immigrants to calm down. Another three million immigrants were murdered this way. We begin sending more legalist propaganda and says that conservatism will need to destruction of Qing. We ask them to stop their destruction of government buildings and wait patiently to see how modernization has done China much good. We learned more from European powers, especially the economical fruit of capitalism from Great Britain. we begin our train rail construction and begin one from Beijing to Guanzhou. The economy continues expanding as the country makes its first rubber, coffee and wine exports. We begin selling more cash crops as it replenished our royal coffers and allowed more people to not die of hunger. We continue capturing the conservatives although releasing them if they agreed to move to ultra-conservative Tibet.

To modernize Chinese thinking, Tongzhi promoted legalism as opposed to Confucianism and gives a law to change 50% of the schools in China to teach science, mechanics and for richer schools, a foreign language. Shin Shi Jin is finished and replaced Spring and Autumn in the Five Classics. To counter the people against legalism, we wrote new laws against corruption and it satisfied the peasants, who were angry about wide spread corruption. We also begin catching and punishing corrupt officials. We finished our parliament and two houses are built. We begin slowing down modernization, although we sped up education and made schooling compusory under a fine of 200 taels of silver. We begin starting a paper currency and turn our economy into gold-based.

We begin modernizing our military. We ask to buy 100 rifles from Belgium. Many more naval bases, ammunition factories, arms factories and arsenals are built in major cities and major ports. More navies are sent on patrol in the East China Sea. We begin developing naval ships as we send iron and coal from Shangxxi to Shangdong, where they are built into tiny battleships. Our soldiers begin receiving rifles and swords and axes are taken away to modernize the military. We continue studying the ways to build iron steamboats. We build our first iron steamboat in Shanghai. Students are sent to foreign nations, where their main goal is to study mechanics and the sciences. Our volunteer army has reached 1,000,000 men and it is steadily increasing every month. As a result, we raised our army score by 0.25. We continue to have large amounts of drills in the military and those who fail will be kicked out. We send many of our soldiers to Manchuria to secure it from Japanese influence.

Ya Fei Dao continues its expansion and New Hangzhou is founded in OTL Dar Es Salaam. We expand more and the first factory is built in the colony, now named Qing Ya Fei Jia.

Switzerland: The infrastructure score upgrades by .025 due to more roads and rail lines being built. The port city continues to be worked on, and is going to be commissioned in 1882. The Swiss government finishes up the Swiss Redoubt.

Ottoman Empire: After last year's amazingly shocking information about the "Westernification," and Abdulaziz's efforts to maintain his empire by giving his people more liberty and promising them greater freedoms and protection from foreign powers. The Emperor reminds his European subjects that if they were to seek independence, the Austrians or Russians would easily dismantle their freedoms, and assures his people that the liberties that they are receiving from the Ottomans is greater than what they can receive from anybody else. The Muslim grand vizier begins to spread propaganda very discreetly throughout the empire. The new grand vizier system kicks off this year, with the first notable elections in Ottoman history taking place. A large turnout appears, and from the viewpoint of many of the emperor's courtiers, they believe he is trying to eliminate the Emperor to be only a figurehead, with the real power in the hands of the people. In order to achieve this, he encourages his autonomous regions to create their own local parliaments, and says a national parliament will be organized next year. The chief grand vizier has called for a census to be had this year. The autonomous regions do the following:

  • Blue TurkeySultante of Turkey: Turkey continues to be a sight of massive industrialization, with factories sprouting in every major city, and with agriculture rising vastly due to the new techniques brought about by industrialization. With all of the growth, the population rises to a staggering 20 million, mostly Turks, with a small minority of Armenians and Greeks.
  • Flag of Kingdom of Syria (1920-03-08 to 1920-07-24)Sultanate of Syria: Syria is also undergoing many of the important industrializations as Turkey, with factories sprouting in Damascus and Aleppo, and farms growing around oases. New technology also allows farming to be done with less water. All of this is causing a baby-boom, and the population reaches five million. Damascus is becoming extremely important in the region for trade.
  • Flag of Baghdad (No Napoleon)Sultanate of Baghdad: Baghdadis, now almost always called Iraqis enjoy the same privileges as Turks living in Baghdad. Kurds, which were relatively well protected since they were Turkic often move into Turkey proper. This allows more, valuable, land to become available to the Iraqis, and their economy begins to be agricultural, although the sciences are still important in the inner-city of Baghdad. The population is six million, and is ever-growing due to the prevalence of new technology.
  • Flag of PalestineMost Holy Levantine Protectorate: The Levant, The importance of the Holy Land is continuing, and the grand viziers personally lead Jerusalem. Elections go over extremely well, and Christians, Jews and Muslims are all happy. The Levant has a population of about one million, which is somewhat stagnant, since the major industries are small in comparsion to those around them.
  • Drapeau de la République Arabe Islamique (Union tuniso-libyenne)Caliphal Lands of Mecca and Medina: Medina and Mecca are both directly under the command of the Caliph, who is also the Emperor. Medina is still the most powerful city economically, but Mecca begins to grow in importance as wealthy Arabians set up tourist industries to cash in on the hajjis. The population, which is growing rapidly to three million, and forces the continuation of expansion into Yemen, and the populace has reached Aden.
  • Flag of EgyptSemi-Autonomous Egyptian Kingdom: After a troubling period of debt, the Egyptian Kingdom is more or less fiscally sound, thanks to the French. This new fiscal policy is helpful, and cities along the Suez gain loads of business. Cairo and Alexandria continue to be major cities that play a huge role in Egypt. The king continues the expansion southwards, and now we share a large border with Ethiopia. Industry and agriculture are doing really well, and a baby boom is entered. This spurs the population to 12 million, and also helps to reduce the debt by the creation of new jobs.
  • Flag of TunisiaBarbary States of Tunis and Tripoli: By trading with the Italians, Spaniards, French, and Swiss, the Berbr competition is heating up. Large amounts of pressure are placed on Algiers, their fellow Barbary nation, to take up pan-Barbarism, a movement for unification of all north African states. The population reaches about five million, as food production and industrial production grow in the main cities.
  • Principality of Serbia: Serbians, along with their Balkan counterparts, like the Bosnians, are probably the most happy about the new arrangement. Talks of rebellion had been brewing in the Serbian provinces prior to the division, but the people were shocked to find great autonomy. Loyalty to the Ottomans, especially the new Christian vizier, soars. In large cities like Sarajevo and Belgrade, people begin to urbanize, and industry starts to grow along. This is carefully managed, however, by the vizier. Population has reached four million.
  • Flag of the United Principalities of Romania (1862 - 1866)Principiality of Romania: Similar to what has happened in Serbia, Romanians are now extremely grateful of the reforms, and are appreciative of the "Westernification" which allows them to be competitive in the Austrian and Russian markets. Rural people move into cities like Bucharest, and industry begins to grow by large amounts due to the "Westernificiation". Population hits five million.
  • Flag of BulgariaPrincipiality of Bulgaria: Bulgaria, which is already the most advanced, and most Turkish, of Ottoman Europe, continues to advance, although less gains are made here than in the other regions, because more infrastructure existed beforhand. Nonetheless, farming techniques and industrial manufacturing in Sofia continue to grow, and the economy grows powerful from the Black Sea. With the ongoing baby boom, the population of Bulgaria has reached four million.
  • In total, the population of the Ottoman Empire is 70 million. We ask to become an associated member of the PAC (see Talk Page). We ask Great Britain and France for a three-way, mutual defense, military alliance, called the Euro-Asian Coalition. We also ask the NPC Saudi Kingdom to become an autonomous region of the Empire, and benefit from it growth in industrialization.

In OTL the Ottoman Empire at this time only had a population of around 30,000,000.

'France: Railroads and public schools continue their construction in both urban and rural French areas. The reforms to the military end for this year, and the current War Minister begins to look towards increasing hostility in both Africa and Asia. After being in Brazil, and the smokeless powder being a success, we continue to work on a new rifle that will be able to effectively use the new smokeless powder' because of its several other military applications rather than just rifle powder. We await the results of our plants sent to our colonies in order to grow our economy even further, and allow quicker colonization of Africa. We continue to increase our influence in Egypt.

  • French Equatorial Africa: Through continental French shipments, the colonial armies become better armed and uniformed, in order to enforce French law and assimilation upon the native populations. The colonial government begins to "hand out" assimilation rights, which actually require a renouncement of current land holdings, allowing for the colonial government to take hold of lands, and "civilize" the natives. The colony begins expansion to the south, beginning with missionary work, then French colonial volunteers. The plants sent to the colony continue cultivation in plantations now.
  • French Dahomey: The French 12th Foreign Legion is established in French Dahomey and the 19th Army Corp sends more soldiers to French Dahomey, in order to protect the colonists against the increasingly aggressive Dahomey Kingdoms.
  • New Caledonia: Continental French shipments allow for the small colonial police force to become better armed and uniformed in the wake of recent waves of European immigration from the discovery of nickel in 1864. Since then, colonial population has been ever increasing, and native population slowly decreasing, although tensions are very high.
  • French Senegal: Continental French shipments allow for the colonies armies to become better armed and uniformed. The doctrine of missionary work and abolitionism is still promoted as preparations for another war with the remaining Sengali chiefdoms begins in order to curtail their slave trade and end their pagan practices, as well as gain access to numerous mining ventures.
  • French Indochina: Continental French shipments allow for the large colonial armies to become better armed and uniformed. Soldiers are stationed near the Sino-Indochinese border as support for expansion of the French colonial provinces and Catholic faith is advocated for by the governor of the colony. French missionaries are sent into Vietnam and Cambodia to promote Christianity in Asia. The plants sent to the colony continue cultivation in plantations now
  • French Guiana: Continental French shipments allow for the larger colonial armies to become better armed and unformed. Guard presence is increase as more prisoners are sent to the colony. More French immigrants arrive to the colony, prompting the governor to expand the city of Cayenne to account for more ships coming to French Guiana. The plants sent to the colony continue cultivation plantations now.

United States of America: William S. Hancock wins the election by a slim majority and thus the military development program on the Union-Confederate border continues and thus Stage 2 of the military program, defensive training, begins. This increanses our army score by 0.25. President Hancock also writes up the Treaty of Havana, which shall officially bring Cuba and the Philippines into American hands. Since Hancock one by a slim margin, however, there is devision in Congress regarding the Confederacy. It was eventually decided that there should be temparory peace with the CSA. As such a five to ten year non-aggression pact is offered to the CSA.


Nations within the Balkans under Ottoman Rule begin to protest for complete independence, with many nationalist groups rising across the Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria, and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

British troops within Spain begin to easily travel across the nation without pause.

The USS Jeannette is crushed in an Arctic Ocean ice pack.

Sorry I wasn't able to post better mod events guys, I'm currently busy trying to fix something in my house. User:Edboy452 Flag of Romania Flag of Germany (1935–1945) Flag of Israel Flag of the Soviet Union (talk) 19:39, September 29, 2013 (UTC)

The revolts are a bit crazy in the Ottomans. The Prime Minister (grand vizier) is a Christian, who is presumably from the Balkans. Also, the Bulgarians and Romanians aren't really so much Balkan as the others. Finally, the people have a great deal of autonomy. We don't even tax them on the federal level, we just provide protection. Therefore, you must provide some form of reasoning because I do not know why a people would rebel simply for the lolz.  Reximus Maximus 

Yeah, can we stop with the severe targeting of the Ottomans? It's getting kind of ridiculous - especially when he's making decent efforts to Improve things. #LivinLikeFeudal (talk)

It's one Islamo-Turkish Sultan over Christian Serbians the conflict is ever present. Eiplec - ಠ_ಠ (talk) 23:49, September 29, 2013 (UTC)

No, there is a Turkish Emperor, but he is officially just a figure head this turn.

Here is why Serbia is protesting, be happy they are still under your rule right now, as they should already be completely independent in 1833. Here is why Bulgaria is protesting, and the lack of taxes on them, actually should lead to an Ottoman state bankruptcy, which in turn, does not bode well for any empire. Here is why Romania is protesting. Eiplec - ಠ_ಠ (talk) 12:47, September 30, 2013 (UTC)

Japan: The military continues upgrade. A small population boom occurs. enough people are signed up, and the first four ships set sail for what they want is OTL Merca. After a good six months of sailing, they land near OTL Kismaayo. Out of the about 200 (is this a plausible number?) people who sails, 35 died. They begin constructing a small village and starting farms to live. They begin to trade with the local people. Funding of the rebels in the qing continues. Army score is increased by 0.25.

Joseon: The infrastructure is improved. Some more Confucian, Buddhist and Taoist temples are built. The army is built up and its score is increased by 0.25.

  • Argentinian Diplomacy: We would like to sign a trading treaty with your sovereign nation.
  • Joseon Diplomacy: King Gojong accept Argentina's trading agreement offer.

Empire of Brazil: The Brazilian Emperor once again starts becoming disillusioned with the monarchy only taking active role in some of the larger goings on of the empire allowing the many programs he has enacted and ministers to handle many of the situations that arise. The Emperor for the most part  takes exclusive interest in his Grandson, continuing to teach him about running an empire and takes his fifth birthday to go hunting and teach him of the outdoors with his father as well. The Development of a weak Regency to take place of the Emperor in case of his death is to take the place of the Grandson Pedro, until he can take the throne of the Empire. A Failsafe is built into the Regency that if the Regency attempts to seize power than some of the Emperors most trusted generals and advisors would dissolve the regency and run the country until the Emperor came of age. However with the many advisors many believe that the Emperor could take the mantle as early as the age of 16 with close advisors.

The Railroad expansion programs successfuly reach many more rubber, coffee and sugar plantations adding to the efficiency to the separate industries inent on maintaining the large practices and businesses in Brazil through increased and better ability of transport and better ability to take the products to ports and other countries for trade. The Empire also reasserts its control over the Amazon deploying police, and reservists throughout camps and bases throughout the edges of the forest and going as far as to establish bases in the northern sections of the forest in order to help watch and fully secure the borders of Brazil. The Empire also begins developing a Coastal Road/Highway system but allows for separate state economies to handle it and the Government just dole out certain portions of funding to each state involved. The education of the Emperor's grandson continues with a Structured Regency beginning to be developed for him if Dem Pedro II dies before his Grandson is of age to take the throne. The Education program is continued for him and he is given several high class tutors from Great Britain to begin Teaching him the mechanics of running a large spanning empire, A tutor from Brazil's own Foreign Ministry to help him learn some of the arts of diplomacy and peace. A tutor from the United States to teach begin teaching him how to run a successful and highly increasing economy. And the Empire himself teaches him about population control, appeasement and management. At this young age only very easy to grasp and basic concepts are covered. The Emperor also takes much time along with the boy to teach him many things about the world and valuable life skills.

The Brazilian economy continues to advance with Colonial trade and economics now helping push the economy forward. The push towards turning the colonies and their plantations and specific industries into businesses continue. The Brazilian trade posts continue to be set up across Western Africa using the new prestige and wealth to set up across the area managing to establish a near unbroken sea trade system from Gabon to Angola. The Government also highly encourages expansion of the colonies into the African interior intent on securing much of the African Interior to prevent more ruthless colonial empire from securing the areas. The rubber trees planted in multiple colonies begin to grow heavily with their expected harvesting date in the next couple years. Brazilian Trade posts now dot the coasts of West Africa from the Colony in Cameroon, to Angola preventing any other major colonizers from getting a foothold in the Area. Nigeria however is left out of Brazil's current colonization policy. Brazil begins sending ''''subversive propaganda to Venezuela.  The population of the Empire grows to about 22.9 million with the consideration of Adding other colonial African population to the numbers to truly include the policies in all aspects of the empire. Brazil seeing the active role colonists are taking begins to sectionalize investment into the colonies attempting at working at domestic improvement as well. New immigrants as well as previous slaves are used to either start new plantations, or hired as wage labor for plantations as well as industry intent on securing positions for an advancing economy. The Push or Brazilian peoples in Congo continues with legitimate settlements springing up throughout the central area.

  • Dominion of Portugal: Portugal now seeing the benefits of Brazils role in Portugal develops a small armed force of About 20,000 under the control of the Dominions local leader, and under the full control of the Emperor of Brazil. The Dominion also uses its economic and trade standing to help out its economy and for the first time in decades has intermarriages with people from Brazil such as businessmen and even some of the Brazilian soldiers stationed in the Dominion. The Portuguese with direct involvement by jointly owned businesses in Portugal and Brazil begin industrialization of Portugal intent on making Portugal more of a member of the Empire. Portuguese and Brazilians continue Cultural integration in the country intent on mixing the populations of the countries to a degree. However the every increasing growth of the Brazilian population definately keeps Portugals growth and importance in check. The Portuguese with their economic improvement and their status within the Empire continue to look Favorably at Brazil the population seeing the notable improvement of their country following integration into the Brazilian empire. This increases our economy by 0.25.
  • Goa: The colony of Goa continues its trade of spices and other things from India and some seeds for rubber trees are planted intent on turning Goa into a cash crop colony. The rubber industry begins to take off as Trees more near to their ripe age are harvested in Goa and money starting to flow into the colony.
  • Macau: Macau continues to funnel trade from China but now by default it fronts to the Empire of Brazil beginning to increase the Asian base of trade to Brazil.
  • East Timor: The economy is continually based around cash crops with coffee being a huge export as well as rubber trees beng planted for better cultivation. Rubber begins to develop more with plantations for it beginning to take precedence over others. Some Settlers from East Timor move to New Guinea establishing a small trading outpost.
  • Angola: Angola continues its economic production of gold, spices, diamonds, with plantation economy coming on the rise with agricultural products coming into play. Rubber trees are planted in Angola to help expand Brazil's growing rubber industries. The immigration from Brazil and Portugal continue to expand the colony quite a bit pushing territorial control farther inland. Slave and exploitation based labor are phased out with legitimate industries being made out of them with fair wages being a staple. This actually establishes better output at the people are less inclined to hate their new leaders due to the new economic policy. Angola begins to expand inland a bit and manages to establish a rudimentary trade road up the West African coast to trading posts just north of Angola, and with expansion up too Gabon and Equatorial Guinea continued and areas paved for a road all the way up to the trade colony in Cameroon. Propaganda from Brazil is diffused through the colony and some of the first Brazilian-African marriages are held. Rubber is also heavily predicted to be a big grower in Angola, with the plantation economics beginning to gear towards the inclusion of rubber. The Colony begins to help other colonial expansion securing much of the West African coast for Brazil and her colonial interests. The expansion into the interior continues with Brazilian funding and investment through trade allowing for full scale securing of the Interior.
  • Mozambique: The Colony of Mozambique continues its cash crop and plantation economy substituting Native exploitation with true and fair wages which in turn help the impoverished gain a better life foothold but in doing so actually give the Plantations increased output. The expansion into the interior begins with more settlers escorted by members of the military staking claims further into Mozambique aimed at securing more resources. The Colonial population continues to look more favorable towards Brazil and the status of Brazil's investment into the colonies. The possibility of a Trans-African Railroad is brought up going from Angola to Mozambique in an attempt to allow for more connections throgh the colonies.
  • Gabon: The Colony of Gabon expands to 7000 and is considered a true colony of the Brazilian empire with growing influence in the Gabon and Cameroon Areas due to the prevention of Slavers, and the growing respect by Africans to the Brazilian settlers. The Colony now with about 1000 Brazilian troops expands up and down the coast simultaneously in attempts to prevent slaving but also in expanding the plantation ability of the colony. The colony also begins to include hundreds of Africans seeking work from the Brazilian industries and plantations developing in the area. The colonial jurisdiction of Gabon is extended to include colonies around it greating the Greater Gabon colonial jurisdiction which masterminds the securing of more internal territory aiming to gain a large foothold in the interior over the next few years. expansion into the interior continues.
  • Cameroon: The Cameroon colony established a few years ago reaches a population of 2000 which is a mix of Portuguese and Brazilian lower classes looking for a new life. The Colony also helps in the West African monopolization by Brazil helping secure the trade and colony rights from Cameroon, to Angola. The colony with its expanded territory as well begins bringing in more natives as securing the Interior becomes a prime directive of many of the incoming settlers from Brazil and Portugal.

Italy: 100 people are sent to the colony in West Africa, supplies were also sent. A second town is being started. Meanwhile back in Italy, the Democratic Movement is not as strong as it use to be. However the citizens of Italy are given a few more rights.

  • Italian Diplomacy to Spain: Unfortunately we can not help your nation fight against your British invaders due to fact that the UK is the strongest nation in the world. We are a neutral country - but we do wish you the best of luck.

Belgium: We quickly begin to rapidly boost our economy by building factories and businesses to industrialize. We increase our economy by 0.25.

  • French Diplomacy: We request a trade agreement and an alliance between our nations.

Switzerland: The port city is almost complete. The government begins to plan an emergency contingency in the case of an invasion. A non-aggression pact is offered to Belgium. 18 more artillery pieces are built and sent to fortify the coast until permanent structures are constructed.

  • Belgium Dip:  We agree to the non-aggression pact.

Colombia: The military and economy is increased. The Brazillian offers are accepted. The infrastructure of the nation improves as more jobs are created. The offer for trade deals to the CSA still stands.

  • French Diplomacy: We request to construct a canal between the Pacific and Atlantic oceans through a strip of land in Panama, which will be surveyed and then dug out by the architect of the Suez Canal, Ferdinand de Lesseps.
  • Argentinian Diplomacy: We would like to sign a trading treaty with your Sovereign Nation.
  • Colombian Diplomacy: Accepted, but we want a 15% cut of all goods travelling through this canal you propose. The Argentinian deal is also accepted.
  • French Diplomacy: The conditions are accepted, and Ferdinand de Lesseps will travel to the land in Panama to survey very soon.
  • CSA: We accept graciously.

Ottoman Empire: So far, by giving an increased amount of freedom to the semi-independent states, by promoting "Westernification" which includes a great economic boost to the Empire, and by implementing three, millet based, grand viziers, the Ottoman Emperor is widely loved by the populace of the Empire. He notes that "there are some who wish to seize all of the power for themselves and ignore the benefits of our relationship." The Christian vizier appeals to the Roman Catholic Pope, who holds massive influence in the Christian regions, urging him to recognize the importance on Christianity in the Ottoman Empire, and the growth of the faith under the current Sultan. The Parliament of the Empire is officially introduced this year, and political parties begin to form, surprisingly not based around religious affiliation but by political ideology of Labour vs Conservative vs Liberal (similar to the UK at the time). A few nationalistic parties are also formed, but are normally under 5% and forced to be in a coalition with the smallest of the "Big Three" - the Labour party. The Parliament is considered a large success. The military grows. (Note: All posts will now only include nations that have an interesting role to play in the current year's affairs) The autonomous regions do the following:

  • Drapeau de la République Arabe Islamique (Union tuniso-libyenne)Caliphal Lands of Mecca and Medina: Expansion into Yemen continues.
  • Flag of EgyptSemi-Autonomous Egyptian Kingdom: Expansion into Egypt continues.
  • Civil Flag of SerbiaPrincipality of Serbia:  The Prince of Serbia, under large, yet hidden, pressure from the Christian vizier announces his intentions to remain in the Empire. He also calls Independentists "a small fragment of those who are not economically sound enough to maintain themselves - let alone our nation!"
  • Flag of the United Principalities of Romania (1862 - 1866)Principiality of Romania: Similar to what has happened in Serbia, Romanians are now extremely grateful of the reforms, and are appreciative of the "Westernification" which allows them to be competitive in the Austrian and Russian markets. The Prince also calls Independantists "the lower-crust of our society."
  • Flag of BulgariaPrincipiality of Bulgaria: Bulgaria, which is already the most advanced, and most Turkish, of Ottoman Europe, continues to advance. The baby-boom continues. Independence movements are almost non-existent in the most fortunate - and appreciative - of Ottoman Europe.
  • I will not be able to post on Monday or Tuesday. Please, do not disband my empire. Thanks.

Chinese D: We ask to buy 100 rifles and rifle blueprints.

Belgium: We tell the Chinese that we agree to sell rifles as long as China agrees out trade agreement and non-aggression pact.

Denmark: The design for the small battleship is finished and we have begun construction. This new class of ship will be called "Voyager". We are only making one to start with and if that is successful we will make another four in the following years. The numbers of our military force have increased past the expected amount by a subtantial amount and is expected to exceed numbers of 60,000. More jobs in agriculture are created to cater for this increase of soldiers. Further research is being put into the dry cell and is showing good signs of working.

  • French Diplomacy: We wish to begin trade relations with the Kingdom of Denmark.

United Kingdoms of Sweden and Norway: The Asalando drill is mass produced. Mining increases a lot due to this. We finish off a medium sized battle vessel and we contiinue to strengthen ties between Swedes and Norse peoples. We begin development of some artillery weapons and other weapons that can be used on our naval vessels. We increase our medical reseach into unknown deseases. We expand our geographical research in Svalbard as we look into ice structure to tell the past. Many thing discovered show a longer history than expected which drives many scientists across our nation to research into Earths history.

  • Sweden-Norway Diplomacy: We invite international scientists to Svalbard.
  • Belgian Diplomacy: We send a team of 50 of our best scientists over. We also ask for an trade agreement with Sweden-Norway.
  • French Diplomacy: We wish to begin trade relations with the Kingdom of Sweden-Norway.
  • Chinese Dip: We send our expert scientists, who attempt to steal rifle secrets from Sweden and Norway

Belgian Dip: We to buy some weapons and cannons for our army and fleet to defend ourselves. We also declare that we will be neutral in all wars for the next 30 years. Lastly, we look to Rwanda to make a colony. If any other country if already is or wants to colonize Rwanda too, please let us know.

France: The railroads and public schools continue their construction in both urban and rural French areas. In order to further our industrial output and the rights of industrial workers in France, a series of labor reforms are paraded under the Waldeck-Rousseau Acts, named after the French Republican Pierre Waldeck-Rousseau who is currently the largest advocate for reforms. The first part of the act lifts the ban on trade unions within France to allow for a more organized workforce which allows for greater employment and industrial growth. The second part of the reforms creates the Inspection du travail (Labor inspection board). The board consists of establishing a body of 15 divisionary inspectors, and several departmental inspectors, who are in charge of surveying of employement in the workplace and trade unions within firms. These reforms increase our industrial ability by 0.25. Work continues on the French rifle designed for smokeless powder, and we continue to influence Egypt.

  • French Equatorial Africa: Through continental French shipments, the colonial armies become better armed and uniformed, in order to enforce French law and assimilation upon the native populations. The colonial government begins to "hand out" assimilation rights, which actually require a renouncement of current land holdings, allowing for the colonial government to take hold of lands, and "civilize" the natives. The colony begins expansion to the south, beginning with missionary work, then French colonial volunteers. The plants sent to the colony continue cultivation in plantations now. Missionaries are now also sent into Ottoman Tunisnia.
  • French Dahomey: The French 12th Foreign Legion is established in French Dahomey and the 19th Army Corp sends more soldiers to French Dahomey, in order to protect the colonists against the increasingly aggressive Dahomey Kingdoms. French Missionaries are sent into the Dahomey Kingdoms.
  • New Caledonia: Continental French shipments allow for the small colonial police force to become better armed and uniformed in the wake of recent waves of European immigration from the discovery of nickel in 1864. Since then, colonial population has been ever increasing, and native population slowly decreasing, although tensions are very high.
  • French Senegal: Continental French shipments allow for the colonies armies to become better armed and uniformed. The doctrine of missionary work and abolitionism is still promoted as preparations for another war with the remaining Sengali chiefdoms begins in order to curtail their slave trade and end their pagan practices, as well as gain access to numerous mining ventures. French Missionaries are sent into the Senegal chiefdoms.
  • French Indochina: Continental French shipments allow for the large colonial armies to become better armed and uniformed. Soldiers are stationed near the Sino-Indochinese border as support for expansion of the French colonial provinces and Catholic faith is advocated for by the governor of the colony. French missionaries are sent into Vietnam and Cambodia to promote Christianity in Asia. The plants sent to the colony continue cultivation in plantations now
  • French Guiana: Continental French shipments allow for the larger colonial armies to become better armed and unformed. Guard presence is increase as more prisoners are sent to the colony. More French immigrants arrive to the colony, prompting the governor to expand the city of Cayenne to account for more ships coming to French Guiana. The plants sent to the colony continue cultivation plantations now.
    • Argentinian Diplomacy: We would like to sign a Trading Treaty with your Sovereign nation.
    • French Diplomacy: We accept and sign a trade treaty with Argentina.

Qing Dynasty: We continue our Westernization and we begin exerting influence. We begin utilizing our military to crush the protests and we also send out government pamphlets for people to move into Tibet. Conservatives begin to quell down, since going back to the old ways has resulted in millions of deaths. We learned more from European powers, especially the economical fruit of capitalism from Great Britain. we begin our train rail construction and begin one from Beijing to Guanzhou. The economy continues expanding as the country makes its first rubber, coffee and wine exports. We begin selling more cash crops as it replenished our royal coffers and allowed more people to not die of hunger. We begin experiencing a baby-boom due to the modernization and the abundance of food.

To modernize Chinese thinking, Tongzhi promoted legalism as opposed to Confucianism and gives a law to change 50% of the schools in China to teach science, mechanics and for richer schools, a foreign language. Shin Shi Jin is finished and replaced Spring and Autumn in the Five Classics. To counter the people against legalism, we wrote new laws against corruption and it satisfied the peasants, who were angry about wide-spread corruption. We also begin catching and punishing corrupt officials. We finished our parliament and two houses are built. We begin buying silver and slowing putting it out of use. We begin printing money in which 1 Yuan of Chinese Yuan equals to a quarter of an ounce of gold. We begin teaching the new four books and five classics in our compulsory education. Going to university becomes a trend in the rich and powerful. We send our top scientists to Svalbard where they attempt to learn rifle secrets.

We begin modernizing our military. We ask to buy 100 rifles from Ottoman Empire. Many more naval bases, ammunition factories, arms factories and arsenals are built in major cities and major ports. More navies are sent on patrol in the East China Sea. We begin developing naval ships as we send iron and coal from Shangxxi to Shangdong, where they are built into tiny battleships. Our soldiers begin receiving rifles and swords and axes are taken away to modernize the military. We continue studying the ways to build iron steamboats. We build our first iron steamboat in Shanghai. Students are sent to foreign nations, where their main goal is to study mechanics and the sciences. We begin vigorously training our volunteer army . We continue to have large numbers of drills in the military and those who fail will be kicked out. We send many of our soldiers to Manchuria to secure it from Japanese influence.

We begin enlisting for our second colony.

  • Qingyafeidao: We begin expanding along the coast and we begin founding another city.
  • Argentinian Diplomacy: Greetings Qing Empire, We would like to sign a Trading Treaty with your Sovereign Nation.

Argentina: Railroads expansion continues, conecting industrial complexes and Main source material producers, with the Main Port in Buenos Aires; The Desert Campaign is finished (complete annexation of the Patagonia territories) a new law prohibits the emergence of large landowners in the Pampa, this is disowned by those Aristocrats. However, the government remains strong thanks to the increasingly powerful national Bourgeoisie, created mainly thanks to Minister Charpentier and accepted by president Roca. National Mining companies are created by this local burgeoisie and begin exploiting the northern resources. The Internal market (not only consumming but also manufacturing) grows as well as the external, especially thanks to our commercial partners Japan and Belgium and their markets exchanges; because of this our merchant fleet grows to cope the demand, and to protect it we decided to Increase our Military Navy by 0.25. European immigration flux continues, new civilian towns and military bases are founded in Puerto Argentino (Malvina Is.), Ushuaia (Grande Is.), Coihaique and Puerto Montt (crossing the Andes), mainly destined to control the geography area and to improve our trade with the Pacific (railroad are constructed to Pt Montt and Ushuaia).

Germany: We begin a rapid expansion of industry to catch up to other European powers. The steel giant Krupp continues to grow to become one of the largest steel manufacturers in Europe, improving our national economy, thanks in large part to the protection from American and British competition afforded by tariffs and cartels. Coal plants are expanded to locally power our nation. Important mines along the valleys of the rivers Ruhr, Inde, and Wurm are modernized to be safer and more efficient. Numerous small industrial centres begin to spring up, focusing on ironworks using local coal. Our iron and steel works begin buying mines, and erecting coking ovens to supply their own requirements in coke and gas. These integrated coal-iron firms ("Huettenzechen") became numerous with the growth of the industrial sector. The average output of a mine in 1850 was about 8,500 short tons; its employment about 64. We hope to grow these numbers, drastically increasing our output. Total Ruhr coal output rose from 2.0 million short tons in 1850, and is expected to rise to 22 by 1880. The miners in the Ruhr region are divided by ethnicity with Germans and Poles, and religion with Protestants and Catholics, splitting the miners into several unions, with an affiliation to different political parties. Mobility in and out of the mining camps to nearby industrial areas is high. German banks begin to play a central roles in financing German industry. Different banks form cartels in different industries, and Cartel contracts become accepted as legal and binding by German courts, although illegal in Britain and the United States. The process of cartelization begins slowly, but the cartel movement is expected to rise. The government plays a powerful role in the industrialization of the German Empire, during a period known as the Second Industrial Revolution. We supported not only heavy industry but also crafts and trades, to maintain prosperity in all parts of the empire. Local procedures are put in place, so even where the national government does not act, the highly autonomous regional and local governments are expected to support their own industries. Each state is expected to be as self-sufficient as possible. Railroads become crucial in the transfer of German goods across Europe, and modern engines begin to replace outdated models in our nation. Bismarck’s new tariffs on imported grain and the introduction of the sugar beet as a main crop helps to grow agricultural yield. Farmers begin to abandon traditional, inefficient practices, adapting modern farming practices, such as the use of new fertilizers and tools. The knowledge and tools gained from the intensive farming of sugar and other root crops helps to quickly elevate Germany to one of the most efficient agricultural producers in Europe. With the economic push toward industrialization and urbanization, heavy industry (coal and steel especially) become important in the Ruhr, and manufacturing growing in the cities, the Ruhr, and Silesia. Based on its leadership in chemical research in the universities and industrial laboratories, we begin to become dominant in the world's chemical industry. Big businesses such as BASF and Bayer led the way in their production and distribution of artificial dyes and pharmaceuticals during the Wilhelmine era, leading to the German monopolisation of the global chemicals market. Our military continues to be expanded, upgrading our army score by 0.25. Our explorer Henry Morton Stanley continues his trek across central Africa, claiming the area for Germany. He begins an expedition into the Congo. We negotiate a trade agreement with the Herero and Khoisan People, claiming the Namibian coast for Germany. Expeditions are also launched into the African Cameroon delta and the mainland coast across from Zanzibar, with a few thousand people and soldiers have begun to settle the areas. We ask for a trade agreement with the Portuguese/Brazilians to help mutually protect and supply our African colonies. The Kongo colony on the coast expands. Fredrickville expands.

  • Brazil Dip: We accept the mutual protection and trade pact on the condition that Congo which we declared for Brazil be left to Brazil considering much of it is currently coming under Brazilian colonial influence. for this we will not counteract or make any colonial moves into Namibia. We also make the point the Brazil laid claim to all of Congo much earlier through our colonization efforts and longer presence and expansion into Congo.
  • German Diplomacy: We propose a meeting in Berlin between all European powers to regulate European colonization and trade (like the OTL one). We believe we have claim over the Congo considering we first began colonizing the Congo River Basin and its tributaries almost a decade ago, and hired the renowned and prestigious explorer, Henry Morton Stanley (who claimed the region in OTL for Belgium) to chart the entire region.

Britain: After pushing the Spanish back, we launch an assault on Madrid. Army is upgraded.

  • Britain: 65.25
  • Spain: 29.2
  • Australia: We build up our military, training them here. The production of silver and copper increases. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money.
  • British Honduras: We build up our military, training them here. The production of mahogany increases. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money.
  • Cayman: We build up our military, training them here. People from Britain with high incomes begin to emigrate here, as it is a tax haven. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money.
  • Jamaica: We build up our military, training them here. The production of sugar increases. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money.
  • Malta: We build up our military, training them here. The mining of limestone increases. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money.
  • British Raj: We build up our military, training them here. The production of cotton, rubber and grains increases. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money. 
  • British Burma: We build up our military, training them here. The number of merchants stopping here between India and China increases. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money.
  • New Zealand: We build up our military, training them here. The production of wool and meat increases. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money.
  • Malacca: We build up our military, training them here. More opium is imported. Th tax on this brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money.
  • Bahrain: We build up our military, training them here. We begin to industrialise. Doing this causes Britain to give us a grant for independence. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money.
  • British Guiana: We build up our military, training them here. The production of sugarcane increases, and mining, rice farming begin to grow in importance. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money.
  • Falklands: We build up our military, training them here. Farming sheep increases, and the export of it begins to increase the GDP. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money.
  • Saint Georgia: Royal Engineers for the Royal Navy begin to construct a Naval Base here.
  • South Africa: We build up our military, training them here. The production of gold and sugar increases. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money.
  • Gold Coast: We build up our military, training them here. The production of gold increases. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money.
  • Gambia: We build up our military, training them here. The farming of Groundnuts increases. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money.
  • Sierra Leone: We build up our military, training them here. The mining of Diamonds increases. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money.
  • French Diplomacy: We ask to renew our alliance and trade agreement with your nation in mutual benefit for ourselves.


The nation of Germany calls all European powers with interests in colonizing Africa to attend the Berlin Conference, to discuss regulations regarding trade, colonization, and territorial changes.

Germany: We begin a rapid expansion of industry to catch up to other European powers. The steel giant Krupp continues to grow to become one of the largest steel manufacturers in Europe, improving our national economy, thanks in large part to the protection from American and British competition afforded by tariffs and cartels. Coal plants are expanded to locally power our nation. Important mines along the valleys of the rivers Ruhr, Inde, and Wurm are modernized to be safer and more efficient. Numerous small industrial centres begin to spring up, focusing on ironworks using local coal. Our iron and steel works begin buying mines, and erecting coking ovens to supply their own requirements in coke and gas. These integrated coal-iron firms ("Huettenzechen") became numerous with the growth of the industrial sector. The average output of a mine in 1850 was about 8,500 short tons; its employment about 64. We hope to grow these numbers, drastically increasing our output. Total Ruhr coal output rose from 2.0 million short tons in 1850, and is expected to rise to 22 by 1880. The miners in the Ruhr region are divided by ethnicity with Germans and Poles, and religion with Protestants and Catholics, splitting the miners into several unions, with an affiliation to different political parties. Mobility in and out of the mining camps to nearby industrial areas is high. German banks begin to play a central roles in financing German industry. Different banks form cartels in different industries, and Cartel contracts become accepted as legal and binding by German courts, although illegal in Britain and the United States. The process of cartelization begins slowly, but the cartel movement is expected to rise. The government plays a powerful role in the industrialization of the German Empire, during a period known as the Second Industrial Revolution. We supported not only heavy industry but also crafts and trades, to maintain prosperity in all parts of the empire. Local procedures are put in place, so even where the national government does not act, the highly autonomous regional and local governments are expected to support their own industries. Each state is expected to be as self-sufficient as possible. Railroads become crucial in the transfer of German goods across Europe, and modern engines begin to replace outdated models in our nation. Bismarck’s new tariffs on imported grain and the introduction of the sugar beet as a main crop helps to grow agricultural yield. Farmers begin to abandon traditional, inefficient practices, adapting modern farming practices, such as the use of new fertilizers and tools. The knowledge and tools gained from the intensive farming of sugar and other root crops helps to quickly elevate Germany to one of the most efficient agricultural producers in Europe. With the economic push toward industrialization and urbanization, heavy industry (coal and steel especially) become important in the Ruhr, and manufacturing growing in the cities, the Ruhr, and Silesia. Based on its leadership in chemical research in the universities and industrial laboratories, we begin to become dominant in the world's chemical industry. Big businesses such as BASF and Bayer led the way in their production and distribution of artificial dyes and pharmaceuticals during the Wilhelmine era, leading to the German monopolisation of the global chemicals market. Henry Morton Stanley returns from his expedition, carrying detailed maps of the entire Congo and much of the African interior. The settlement of Fredericksville expands, officially becoming the capital of the German Congo. Similar settlements spring up all along the Congo River and some of the southern and eastern Congo. The river is closed to all foreign expeditions until the conclusion of the Berlin Conference, assuming that the free access clause is accepted, stopping all foreign settlement attempts in the Congo from the west. Further treaties are organized with the local natives in the Congo, who are treated relatively fairly.

Empire of Brazil: The Empire continues funding its major Colonial expansion sending a huge amount of funding to the Cameroon Colony intent on expanding it into Nigeria. The Empire also continues funding of Domestic programs finishing up a coastal highway system and redirecting the funds to industrial and agricultural development. Brazil's industrial development continues with iron and steel industries beginning to take off much more than normal with increased private business and city development pushing forward with the private businesses requisitioning more and more. However, the rubber expansion reaches an economic slump with too much competition driving prices down, too. The Economic Ministry along with some businessmen from the rubber industry and other declining industries work on a more efficient process of trade aimed at hitting many key demographics of business in multiple countries especially new trade with Germany. Increased industrial development in Portugal under Brazilian industries however looks to be the savior for the rubber industry as Portugals Brazilian-fueled expansion continues to bring Portugal into an ever-rising economic boom. The program to recover the rubber industry with the more efficient trade however is expected to take almost three years however but, for the time being its been salvaged. 

The Brazilian Armed forces are once again dispered to the colonies with the Brazilian expeditionary force being expanded from 46,000 to 60,000 with 14,000 soldiers and their equipment being added. 4,000 of these men are deployed to the Cameroon-Nigerian colony with the remaining 10,000 deployed to Angola to begin establishing the foundations and other facilities needed to begins construction of the Trans African Railroad. The Army group in the Southern Amazonas deploys along the border with Acre preparing for training operations just by the state. Acre itself has become predominantly Brazilian with the population mostly Brazilian rubber plantation owners and their wage workers living in the towns that have sprung up because of the plantations. industry is upgraded by 0.25.

Dom Pedro's grandson continues his educational program. The Railroad system connecting a lot of the agriculture and resources back to the main industries and cities is continued as many resources previously unaccessable are made available as various mines for workable metals are developed for Industry. Previous iron foundries are replaced as more modern and efficient ones as new industries begin to take over, with the Industry beginning to catch up fully to nations such as the US. The population of Brazil and her colonies proper due a moderate population boom from more children and more immigration reaches 24.3 million. Brazil with co-operation with its Dominion of Portugal begins considering allowing the expansion of Portugal's Dominionary forces but no official report is made.

  • Dominion of Portugal: Portugal now seeing the benefits of Brazils role in Portugal develops a small armed force of About 20,000 under the control of the Dominion's local leader, and under the full control of the Emperor of Brazil. The Dominion also uses its economic and trade standing to help out its economy and for the first time in decades has intermarriages with people from Brazil such as businessmen and even some of the Brazilian soldiers stationed in the Dominion. The Portuguese with direct involvement by jointly owned businesses in Portugal and Brazil begin industrialization of Portugal intent on making Portugal more of a member of the Empire. Portuguese and Brazilians continue Cultural integration in the country intent on mixing the populations of the countries to a degree. However the every increasing growth of the Brazilian population definately keeps Portugals growth and importance in check. The Portuguese with their economic improvement and their status within the Empire continue to look Favorably at Brazil the population seeing the notable improvement of their country following integration into the Brazilian empire. Portuguese immigration between the colonies, and Brazil continues with a huge influx of trade shifting the populations enough to establish a large Brazilian Demographic in Portugal.
  • Goa: The colony of Goa continues its trade of spices and other things from India and some seeds for rubber trees are planted intent on turning Goa into a cash crop colony. The rubber industry begins to take off as Trees more near to their ripe age are harvested in Goa and money starting to flow into the colony.
  • Macau: Macau continues to funnel trade from China but now by default it Fronts to the Empire of Brazil beginning to increase the Asian base of Trade to Brazil.
  • East Timor: The economy is continually based around cash crops with coffee being a huge export as well as rubber trees beng planted for better cultivation. Rubber begins to develop more with plantations for it beginning to take precedence over others. Some Settlers from East Timor move to New Guinea establishing a small trading outpost.
  • Angola: Angola continues its economic production of gold, spices, diamonds, with plantation economy coming on the rise with agricultural products coming into play. Rubber trees are planted in Angola to help expand Brazil's growing rubber industries. The immigration from Brazil and Portugal continue to expand the colony quite a bit pushing territorial control farther inland. Slave and Exploitation based labor are phased out with legitimate industries being made out of them with fair wages being a staple. This actually establishes better output at the people are less inclined to hate their new leaders due to the new economic policy. Angola begins to expand inland a bit and manages to establish a rudimentary trade road up the West African coast to trading posts just north of Angola, and with expansion up too Gabon and Equatorial Guinea continued and areas paved for a road all the way up to the trade colony in Cameroon. Propaganda from Brazil is diffused through the colony and some of the first Brazilian-African marriages are held. Rubber is also heavily predicted to be a big grower in Angola, with the plantation economics beginning to gear towards the inclusion of rubber. The Colony begins to help other colonial expansion securing much of the West African coast for Brazil and her colonial interests. The Expansion into the Interior continues with Brazilian funding and Investment through trade allowing for full scale securing of the Interior with a few more interior areas set up as provinces and expanded towards Zambia.
  • Mozambique: The Colony of Mozambique continues its cash crop and plantation economy substituting Native exploitation with true and fair wages which in turn help the impoverished gain a better life foothold but in doing so actually give the Plantations increased output. The Expansion into the Interior begins with more settlers escorted by members of the military staking claims further into Mozambique aimed at securing more resources. The Colonial population continues to look more favorable towards Brazil and the status of Brazils investment into the colonies. The possibility of a Trans-African Railroad is brought up going from Angola to Mozambique in an attempt to allow for more connections throgh the colonies. The Colonial Expansion continues inland officially establishing Brazilian Imperial Zambia.
  • Zambia: The new colonists pushing into Zambia begin making treaties and agreements with many of the local populace securing more territory both to the North and South minorly with A more major push to be made moving and securing a route to Angola. Local Treaties are signed as well as a colonial push into Brazilian-claimed Zimbabwe as well. Treaties with local ribes in Burundi and Rwanda are secured.
  • Gabon: The Colony of Gabon expands to 7000 and is considered a true colony of the Brazilian empire with growing influence in the Gabon and Cameroon Areas due to the prevention of Slavers, and the growing respect by Africans to the Brazilian settlers. The Colony now with about 1000 Brazilian troops expands up and down the coast simultaneously in attempts to prevent slaving but also in expanding the plantation ability of the colony. The colony also begins to include hundreds of Africans seeking work from the Brazilian industries and plantations developing in the area. The colonial jurisdiction of Gabon is extended to include colonies around it greating the Greater Gabon Colonial Jurisdiction. Which masterminds the securing of more internal Territory aiming to gain a large foothold in the interior over the next few years. expansion into the interior continues securing another few provinces.
  • Cameroon: The Cameroon colony established a few years ago reaches a population of 4000 which is a mix of Portuguese and Brazilian lower classes looking for a new life. The Colony also helps in the West African Trade by Brazil helping secure the Trade and colony rights from Cameroon, to Angola. The colony with its expanded territory as well begins bringing in more natives as securing the Interior becomes a prime directive of many of the incoming settlers from Brazil and Portugal. Expansion begins into Southern Nigeria securing a few provinces.
  • Granada: With Granada being reformed almost 10,000 Brazilian troops flood in from Portugal seizing the area and quickly setting up a transitional government that will serve until the new Granadian constitution is written. The area is rebuilt and any remaining Spanish troops are captured are sent to the British as Prisoners of War. However, only the ones who resist are treated this way and many just have their arms confiscated and are left to go home with notes written by the Commander of the New Granadian Garrison. Granada itself is named a Brazilian Territory until rebuilding and integration among other things are completed enough to allow a Dominion Status.
  • Forgot we needed a Treaty and im getting a different province. #LivinLikeFeudal (talk)
  • Chinese D: We open ourself to trade in Macau and we ask Brazil to send us 100 rifles in exchange for 10,000 rifles in 1885.
  • Brazil Dip: We tell China hat we will accept as long as China refraines from attempting to colonies African interior that it cannot even reach as they must go through Brazilian territory to reach. Zimbabwe itself is a Sphere of British and Brazilian influence and China will be evicted through any further colonization attempts.
  • Chinese D: We will not colonize Zimbabwe, but we will colonize Mombasa and Lindi, which are parts of OTL Tanzania and Kenya.

Brazil Dip: We ask for the French to join PAC as an associated member for the increased trade, and to help support in the construction of the Panama canal.

French Diplomacy: We accept.

Denmark: We will accept the offer to set up trade relations with France and we will sonn begin setting up a trade centre in the naval dock in Esbjerg. The first Voyager class battleship is half complete and is slighty behind schedule, and officials are urging the workers to do their best. More soldiers have been recruited into the Danish military. Numbers are estimated to be around 70,000 now. 5000 spots are open for these recruits to volunteer to participate in the Modern Danish Navy and will be defending the shores and water borders of our natioin and a lucky 2500 will get to serve on the first five battleships to be made in the Naval Dock in Esbjerg, after construction is complete. Training time for these recruits will take between two and three years to complete and training will be held onboard the first Voyager class battleship once it is complete.

Belgium: We ask for trade agreements with Denmark, Greece, United Kingdoms of Sweden and Norway, Netherlands, and the Ottoman Empire. We also rapidly build and construct new weapons for our army and also improve our fleet by adding better cannnons. We start constructing a battleship and recruit more men to the army. We offer them a good salary so many young men join and numbers reach 15000 trained and equipped soldiers, 5000 soldiers trained but not yet equipped with guns, and another 10000 enthusiastic young men who show up with pistols and sticks who we start to train and give them real guns. We also build another factory in our capital to increase weapons production. We then yet another factory near the capital building some navy ships. We agree to attend the Berlin Conference. Lastly, we ask Luxembourg to join us in a Union.

Danish Dip: We will accept your request to a trade agreement and have begun setting up a new Trade Depot in the southwest region of Denmark.

Belgian Dip: We ask China to stop planning to attack us because there is no reason to.

Chinese D: Where did I ever mention it in my posts? 

Belgian D: We ask Luxembourg to join us in a Union. (Is there anyone playing Luxembourg?)

'United Kingdoms of Sweden and Norway: We accept a trade agreement with France and Belgium. We are outraged by the fact that China is threatening Belgium and we ask Belgium for an alliance to protect their nation. Furthermore, we ban China from sending scientists to Svalbard. We grow our trade ports and we make large trade ships to trade with Belgium and France to improve our relations. Our cattle industry grows as farming spreads farther into regional areas. We also make a lot of money by trading our growing mining industry with our coal and iron exports. We dramatically increase our military presence after offering to protect Belgium against China. We mobilise some naval vessels in the North Sea to protect our trade link. 'We make it clear to the United Kingdom and Denmark that this is for defencive purposes only. We ask that China stop its aggressive attitude to European nations.

  • Sweden-Norway Diplomacy: We accept to join the Berlin conference as an "observer nation" as we do not have any colonies in Africa.
  • Belgium: We thank Sweden-Norway and agree to their alliance.

Qing Dynasty: We continue our Westernization and we begin exerting influence. We begin utilizing our military to crush the protests and we also send out government pamphlets for people to move into Tibet. Conservatives are even more quelled down. we begin our train rail construction and finish the part from Harbin to Beijing. The economy continues expanding as the country makes its first rubber, coffee and wine exports. We begin selling more cash crops as it replenished our royal coffers and allowed more people to not die of hunger. We begin experiencing a baby-boom due to the modernization and the abundance of food.

To modernize Chinese thinking, Tongzhi promoted legalism as opposed to Confucianism and gives a law to change 50% of the schools in China to teach science, mechanics and for richer schools, a foreign language. Shin Shi Jin is finished and replaced Spring and Autumn in the Five Classics. To counter the people against legalism, we wrote new laws against corruption and it satisfied the peasants, who were angry about wide-spread corruption. We also begin catching and punishing corrupt officials. We finished our parliament and two houses are built. We begin buying silver and slowing putting it out of use. We continue spreading the paper money and changing our country to gold based currency.

We begin modernizing our military. We ask to buy 100 rifles from Brazil. Many more naval bases, ammunition factories, arms factories and arsenals are built in major cities and major ports. More navies are sent on patrol in the East China Sea. We begin developing naval ships as we send iron and coal from Shangxxi to Shangdong, where they are built into tiny battleships. We build our first steamboat, QCS Kanxi. We build our first iron steamboat in Shanghai. Students are sent to foreign nations, where their main goal is to study mechanics and the sciences. We begin vigorously training our volunteer army. We continue to have large numbers of drills in the military and those who fail will be kicked out. We send many of our soldiers to Manchuria to secure it from Japanese influence.

Colonization becomes a national focus, as two colonies are founded in OTL Mombasa and Lindi named Qingfeizhou and Qingyezhou.

Zimbabwe is out of your reach ... you have to go through Mozambique ... a Brazilian colony to get to it, and you have no way go through me without my permission to set up colonies.

  • Qingyafeidao: We begin expanding along the coast and we begin founding another city. Due to our national focus, we speed up our colonization and we spread through the Pangani River and founds another settlement in Tanga.
  • Qingfeizhou: We expand as a rifle begin to be developed, which is lightweight and waterproof.
  • Qingyezhou: We expand quickly and goods are received from China.
  • You have no way of getting to Zimbabwe, you'd have to go through another nation's colonies - that's just common sense... Can you please remove this, also on the map part of Zimbabwe is claimed by Brazil #LivinLikeFeudal (talk)
  • Belgium Dip: We ask Luxembourg one last time that we should form a union and it would help both of us. We also join the Pan-American Coalition as Brazil proposed. We also claim Rwanda in the Berlin Conference and ask if we can have Burundi/Uganda, or both.
  • Brazil Dip: Local Treaties have already been signed with the tribes of those areas, and we have effective nearby settlements. You cannot claim something that already has settlements of another power. We Also Demand that China stop trying to move through Brazilian territories into Claimed Territory

'​'Britain: Having taken Madrid, and captured the Spanish King, we ask him to surrender unconditionally to the British. At the same time, the North of Spain is also invaded, with little to no resistance. We split Spain back up into Castille, Aragon, Leon, Galica, Granada and Navarra, to make it easier to govern. Granada is gifted to Brazil. We vassalize the others.

  • Australia: We build up our military, training them here. The production of silver and copper increases. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money.
  • British Honduras: We build up our military, training them here. The production of mahogany increases. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money.
  • Cayman: We build up our military, training them here. People from Britain with high incomes begin to emigrate here, as it is a tax haven. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money.
  • Jamaica: We build up our military, training them here. The production of sugar increases. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money.
  • Malta: We build up our military, training them here. The mining of limestone increases. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money.
  • British Raj: We build up our military, training them here. The production of cotton, rubber and grains increases. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money. 
  • British Burma: We build up our military, training them here. The number of merchants stopping here between India and China increases. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money.
  • New Zealand: We build up our military, training them here. The production of wool and meat increases. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money.
  • Malacca: We build up our military, training them here. More opium is imported. Th tax on this brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money.
  • Bahrain: We build up our military, training them here. We begin to industrialise. Doing this causes Britain to give us a grant for independence. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money.
  • British Guiana: We build up our military, training them here. The production of sugarcane increases, and mining, rice farming begin to grow in importance. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money.
  • Falklands: We build up our military, training them here. Farming sheep increases, and the export of it begins to increase the GDP. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money.
  • Saint Georgia: Royal Engineers for the Royal Navy begin to construct a Naval Base here.
  • South Africa: We build up our military, training them here. The production of gold and sugar increases. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money.
  • Gold Coast: We build up our military, training them here. The production of gold increases. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money.
  • Gambia: We build up our military, training them here. The farming of Groundnuts increases. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money.
  • Sierra Leone: We build up our military, training them here. The mining of Diamonds increases. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money
  • Galica: The Vassal of Galica is created.
  • Castile: The Vassal of Castile is created.
  • Aragon: The Vassal of Aragon is created.
  • Leon: The Vassal of Leon is created.
  • Navarra: The Vassal of Navarra is created.

Japan: Continues funding the conservatives in china. Hearing about the millions dying on the way to Tibet, the Japs give them firearms for self defence. Sends its second wave of people to Somalia. Continues building up the military. 

  • Jubaland: Towns are constructed, and things such as factories are built.

Spain: We Upgrade navy by 0.25, declares global neutrality.

  • New Catalonia New Barcelona enlarges.

Weren't you just conquered because the British empire just took Madrid very recently. #LivinLikeFeudal (talk)

UH ed retconned that. GO OCTi (talk)

I deleted the previous discussion because as the evidence shows, the only thing retconned was the issue between Italy and that was retconned because it was destruction of his nations which isn't allowed. Your blockade of Gibraltar is canon because you did it over Portugal and the war of succession not over Italy. Even if that was retconned, they have yet another reason which is your random invasion of Morocco which in turn brought the US into the conflict who as of right now has total control of Cuba and the Philippines considering that they have about 5,000 troops if not more on each colony as well as the algo remain standing on the talk page and have not been retconned, as well as Every British Algo from Gibraltar to Madrid which have also mysteriously remained standing. Also more evidence is the fact that out of three mods, all of which you have been in chat with for this, have not retconned this yet. Also stop making maps with colonies that are from other peoples nations. such as Brazil and Germany. Both have had colonies in all the areas on your little mini map for one year or more and I don't appreciate it as I'm sure MS doesn't either. Stop trying to weasel your way out of the fact you lost and stop trying to get it retconned. I would also like to bring up the point that Ed makes every mod event. And in half the years the mention Spain's ever failing war against Britain as recently as 1881 Thats only last turn. That obviously means this hasn't been retconned. #LivinLikeFeudal (talk) 20:53, October 1, 2013 (UTC)

Yes, Feudal is correct. The invasion of Spain has not been retconned. Just so we're clear, Spain is unable to colonize at this time and has basically been completely occupied by Great Britain and other nations at this point.

Russia: We upgrade navy by 0.25.

United States of America: Stage 2 of army build up on the Union-Confederate Border is completed and Stage 3 of army build up, offensive training begins which increases our army score by 0.25. (I posted this way later than I planned on doing and I hope this can slide. However if this is retconned, it is understandable, though.)

  • Cuba: Post-war reconstruction begins. Industry is increased by 0.25.
  • Philippines: Post-war reconstruction begins.

Colombia: The military and economy expands as the infrastructure is improved. Unfortunately, another bout of rebellions begins, threatening to turn into yet another full-blown civil war.


Nationalists in Serbia and Romania have started to up rise within the autonomous states of the Ottoman Empire. Militia and portions of the military begin to start a guerrilla against the Ottoman Empire.

Attendees of the Berlin Conference continue to decide over the separation and colonization of Africa.

U.S. and Canadian railroads institute five standard continental time zones, ending the confusion of thousands of local times.

Afghanistan: We are not going to declare war on Persia and Russia. We increase our army by 0.25. We are not going to declare war on world. We declare we are going to stay neutral for 100 years. We are not going to attack any other countries. We ask an alliance with Spain and some other countries like oman, Egypt, Europe, Russia, etc. We ask blueprints of rifles and guns. Or we want some Rifles. We killed some rebellions in our country. Many people think that our king is crazy and want to kill him sending many ninga-like assassins. Therefore, we send half of all our troops to guard the king.

Joseon: The infrastructure is improved. Some more Confucian, Buddhist and Taoist temples are built.

Australia: Begins work on a national rail system. Development continues.

Oreo, please make post bigger. Bringing shame upon British Colonial System

Can you give me some time, please? I just started.

Britain: Propaganda increases support for Britain in the new Vassals. We send 50,000 troops to Ottoman. Military is upgraded.

  • British Honduras: We build up our military, training them here. The production of mahogany increases. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money.
  • Cayman: We build up our military, training them here. People from Britain with high incomes begin to emigrate here, as it is a tax haven. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money.
  • Jamaica: We build up our military, training them here. The production of sugar increases. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money.
  • Malta: We build up our military, training them here. The mining of limestone increases. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money.
  • British Raj: We build up our military, training them here. The production of cotton, rubber and grains increases. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money. 
  • British Burma: We build up our military, training them here. The number of merchants stopping here between India and China increases. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money.
  • New Zealand: We build up our military, training them here. The production of wool and meat increases. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money.
  • Malacca: We build up our military, training them here. More opium is imported. Th tax on this brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money.
  • Bahrain: We build up our military, training them here. We begin to industrialise. Doing this causes Britain to give us a grant for independence. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money.
  • British Guiana: We build up our military, training them here. The production of sugarcane increases, and mining, rice farming begin to grow in importance. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money.
  • Falklands: We build up our military, training them here. Farming sheep increases, and the export of it begins to increase the GDP. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money.
  • Saint Georgia: The Naval Base is complete, and a Naval Group of Ironclads is sent here.
  • South Africa: We build up our military, training them here. The production of gold and sugar increases. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money.
  • Gold Coast: We build up our military, training them here. The production of gold increases. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money.
  • Gambia: We build up our military, training them here. The farming of Groundnuts increases. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money.
  • Sierra Leone: We build up our military, training them here. The mining of Diamonds increases. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money.

You may be winning the war, but you need to make a treaty to end it. User:Edboy452 Flag of Romania Flag of Germany (1935–1945) Flag of Israel Flag of the Soviet Union (talk) 00:22, October 2, 2013 (UTC)

I've won, I hold all of Spain... Anyway, we have a treaty page, but Oct keeps adding the delete template, and neither he nor Ugly have signed yet. Also, as I hold all of Spain, I can do what I want with it, can't I?

We did. the treaty of Madrid only needs to be signed by the US because the British have the Spanish monarch in custody. The treaty is essentially in effect because of this. Please look on the treaty page for the treaty. #LivinLikeFeudal (talk) 00:26, October 2, 2013 (UTC)

Belgium: We upgrade our army through new industrial production and increase our army score by 0.25. We ask that other European states don't interfere with the Luxembourg-Belgium situation because we didn't get a colony in the Berlin Conference and we should get more land and expand.

  • French Diplomacy: War Minister Georges Boulanger demands that no invasion take place of Luxembourg, as the Belgians have already taken half of their nation in 1833. (Increasing his support in France).
  • Belgium Dip: We apologize to France and Luxembourg.

Empire of Brazil: The Empire continues funding its major Colonial expansion sending a huge amount of funding to Mozambique, and Angola now extremely close to settling enough territory to connect the Colonies through Zambia. The Empire itself decides to Abandon the New Guinea trading post at the request of Parliament with funding being diverted to advance the Zambia colony through central Africa. The Parliament funds a new budget which allows for more domestic development using newly acquired funds from increasing trade, and the end of the new Brazilian arms contract. The Industrial sector continues to advance gaining on many of the European nations now beginning to Challenge their industrial dominance. The Population of Brazilian empire reaches 25.5 million attributing large population boom from agriculture booms and the ability for many Brazilian families to support more than two children comfortably.

The Military of Brazil continues to modify its previous ship designs attempting to build a ship out of steel however its extremely unsuccessful. The Empire of Brazil asks the United States, or British Empire to help develop or build a steel warship, particularly one of the large battleship type. The military also moves ever closer to the Border with Bolivia. The Brazilian navy finishes another two iron clad warships and deploys them into the Rio De Jeneiro Battlegroup. Brazilian rubber production is majorly saved once again with many Brazilian military products as well as civilian products being used, with vulcanized rubber becoming more adopted throughout production.

The Emperor's Grandson continues to be educated with more intensive topics being gone into. However, the boy is allowed to pursue one of his many interests with Horsemanship, and shooting being two of his favorites. However he also shows great interest in reading. The Parliament at behest of the emperor uses part of the Budget to fund educational programs especially in sciences. The side effects of this are more schools for people in their younger years (teenage years) opening up with the intent on increasing the literacy rate of the country. With the Treaty of Madrid in place the empire officially includes Huelva into the Dominion of Portugal as well as the Canary islands, and Spanish Equatorial Guinea. Huge missionary efforts are put in to te African colonies more so than before intent on converting much of the African populace to Catholicism. In Angola and Mozambique, the Brazilian government funds the construction of two large churches there intent on reaching the almost 300,000 Africans between Angola and Mozambique as well as helping the near 50,000 Brazilian/Portuguese colonists continue their faith.

  • Dominion of Portugal: Portugal now seeing the benefits of Brazils role in Portugal develops a small armed force of About 20,000 under the control of the Dominions local leader, and under the full control of the Emperor of Brazil. The Dominion also uses its economic and trade standing to help out its economy and for the first time in decades has intermarriages with people from Brazil such as businessmen and even some of the Brazilian soldiers stationed in the Dominion. The Portuguese with direct involvement by jointly owned businesses in Portugal and Brazil begin industrialization of Portugal intent on making Portugal more of a member of the Empire. Portuguese and Brazilians continue Cultural integration in the country intent on mixing the populations of the countries to a degree. However the every increasing growth of the Brazilian population definately keeps Portugals growth and importance in check. The Portuguese with their economic improvement and their status within the Empire continue to look Favorably at Brazil the population seeing the notable improvement of their country following integration into the Brazilian empire. Portuguese immigration between the colonies, and Brazil continues with a huge influx of trade shifting the populations enough to establish a large Brazilian Demographic in Portugal. The Portuguese army with the acquisition of more Weaponry - particularly cannons and bolt action rifles - increasing the army score by 0.25.
  • Goa: The colony of Goa continues its trade of spices and other things from India and some seeds for rubber trees are planted intent on turning Goa into a cash crop colony. The rubber industry begins to take off as Trees more near to their ripe age are harvested in Goa and money starting to flow into the colony.
  • Macau: Macau continues to funnel trade from China but now by default it Fronts to the Empire of Brazil beginning to increase the Asian base of Trade to Brazil.
  • East Timor: The economy is continually based around cash crops with coffee being a huge export as well as rubber trees beng planted for better cultivation. Rubber begins to develop more with plantations for it beginning to take precedence over others. Some Settlers from East Timor move to New Guinea establishing a small trading outpost.
  • Angola: Angola continues its economic production of gold, spices, diamonds, with plantation economy coming on the rise with agricultural products coming into play. Rubber trees are planted in Angola to help expand Brazil's growing rubber industries. The immigration from Brazil and Portugal continue to expand the colony quite a bit pushing territorial control farther inland. Slave and Exploitation based labor are phased out with legitimate industries being made out of them with fair wages being a staple. This actually establishes better output at the people are less inclined to hate their new leaders due to the new economic policy. Angola begins to expand inland a bit and manages to establish a rudimentary trade road up the West African coast to trading posts just north of Angola, and with expansion up too Gabon and Equatorial Guinea continued and areas paved for a road all the way up to the trade colony in Cameroon. Propaganda from Brazil is diffused through the colony and some of the first Brazilian-African marriages are held. Rubber begins to grow in Angola and is harvested with intent to trade with the Trade being sent up to Europe. The Colony begins to help other colonial expansion securing much of the West African coast for Brazil and her colonial interests. The Expansion into the Interior continues with Brazilian funding and investment through trade allowing for full scale securing of the Interior with a few more interior areas set up as provinces and expanded towards Zambia.
  • Mozambique: The Colony of Mozambique continues its cash crop and plantation economy substituting Native exploitation with true and fair wages which in turn help the impoverished gain a better life foothold but in doing so actually give the Plantations increased output. The Expansion into the Interior begins with more settlers escorted by members of the military staking claims farther into Mozambique aimed at securing more resources. The Colonial population continues to look more favorable towards Brazil and the status of Brazils investment into the colonies. The possibility of a Trans-African Railroad is brought up going from Angola to Mozambique in an attempt to allow for more connections throgh the colonies. The Colonial Expansion continues inland officially establishing Brazilian Imperial Zambia. The rubber trees transported to the colony previously are fully cultivated with the trade beginning in that industry as well.
  • Zambia: The new colonists pushing into Zambia begin making treaties and agreements with many of the local populace securing more territory both to the North and South minorly with A more major push to be made moving and securing a route to Angola. Local Treaties are signed as well as a colonial push into Brazilian-claimed Zimbabwe as well. Treaties with local tribes in Burundi and Rwanda are secured. The Push into Zimbabwe continues but only enough to settle the few northern Provinces. Brazil openly recognizes Britain's claim to expand their South African colonies to the border of Brazil's colony in Zimbabwe/Zambia.
  • Gabon: The Colony of Gabon expands to 7000 and is considered a true colony of the Brazilian empire with growing influence in the Gabon and Cameroon areas due to the prevention of Slavers, and the growing respect by Africans to the Brazilian settlers. The Colony now with about 1000 Brazilian troops expands up and down the coast simultaneously in attempts to prevent slaving but also in expanding the plantation ability of the colony. The colony also begins to include hundreds of Africans seeking work from the Brazilian industries and plantations developing in the area. The colonial jurisdiction of Gabon is extended to include colonies around it greating the Greater Gabon Colonial Jurisdiction - which masterminds the securing of more internal Territory aiming to gain a large foothold in the interior over the next few years. Expansion into the interior continues securing another few provinces. Equatorial Guinea is put under the Jurisdiction of Gabon with immigration to this area expanding as well.
  • Cameroon: The Cameroon colony established a few years ago reaches a population of 7000 which is a mix of Portuguese and Brazilian lower classes looking for a new life. The Colony also helps in the West African Trade by Brazil helping secure the trade and colony rights from Cameroon, to Angola. The colony with its expanded territory as well begins bringing in more natives as securing the Interior becomes a prime directive of many of the incoming settlers from Brazil and Portugal. Expansion begins into Southern Nigeria securing a few provinces.
  • Belgian Dip: We apologize to China for making false accusations and give them some new military and industrial equipment as thanks.

Denmark: We understand the necessary defences that Sweden/Norway have put in place and we won't take it as hostile action. The first Voyager class battleship is finished and is christened the name "Sentinel". Construction of another two Voyager class ships is under way and should be completed in the next two to three years. The 5000 spots open for the Danish Navy were gone within a month and they have all begun training and after a period of two months training they will be split into groups of 500 and then the top five groups will be selected to operate the five Voyager ships that will be commissioned in the next few years. the military has hit a peak of 40,000 fully trained soldiers and 45,000 recruits in training. This number is expected to stop rising at around 100,000. A new long range artillery weapon is being designed for large naval vessels and will have an estimated firing range of seven miles. Navy score increased by 0.25.

  • Belgium:' 'We apologize for all the implausible edits we made. We also ask Denmark to buy a new Voyager Class battleship.
  • Denmark: That's all right. And as for the battleship, we only have one and production does take a while so it may take some time for us to have one available for sale. We hope this does not inconvene you in anyway.

France: Railroads and public schools continue their construction in both urban and rural French areas. The labor reforms continue under the Waldeck-Rousseau Acts, this time attempting to create an insurance system for workers and make stable hours of work. Health insurance is now an option for all working adults, where the worker will pay two-thirds of the premium, and the employer pays one-third. In the part of establishing working hours, the normal 14-hour day shift is abolished, and replaced with 12-hour day shifts, and 8 hours for children ages 12 to 14. These new labor laws increase our industrial efficency by 0.25. A second part of the Waldeck-Rousseau Acts is added on that does not pertain to labor. Penal colonies are deposed of within the second part to the Acts, and current prisoners at Penal colonies will either be put into colonial jail, or given the opportunity to work on colonial plantations and earn a wage while serving their sentence. We nearly finish the rifle designed for smokeless powder. War Minister Georges Boulanger's popularity increases due to his stance on protection of Luxembourg. We continue to influence Egypt.

  • French Equatorial Africa: Through continental French shipments, the colonial armies become better armed and uniformed, in order to enforce French law and assimilation upon the native populations. The colonial government begins to "hand out" assimilation rights, which actually require a renouncement of current land holdings, allowing for the colonial government to take hold of lands, and "civilize" the natives. The colony begins expansion to the south, beginning with missionary work, then French colonial volunteers. The plants sent to the colony continue cultivation in plantations now. Missionaries are now also sent into Ottoman Tunisnia.
  • French Dahomey: The French 12th Foreign Legion is established in French Dahomey and the 19th Army Corp sends more soldiers to French Dahomey, in order to protect the colonists against the increasingly aggressive Dahomey Kingdoms. French Missionaries are sent into the Dahomey Kingdoms.
  • New Caledonia: Continental French shipments allow for the small colonial police force to become better armed and uniformed in the wake of recent waves of European immigration from the discovery of nickel in 1864. Since then, colonial population has been ever increasing, and native population slowly decreasing, although tensions are very high.
  • French Senegal: Continental French shipments allow for the colonies armies to become better armed and uniformed. The doctrine of missionary work and abolitionism is still promoted as preparations for another war with the remaining Sengali chiefdoms begins in order to curtail their slave trade and end their pagan practices, as well as gain access to numerous mining ventures. French Missionaries are sent into the Senegal chiefdoms.
  • French Indochina: Continental French shipments allow for the large colonial armies to become better armed and uniformed. Soldiers are stationed near the Sino-Indochinese border as support for expansion of the French colonial provinces and Catholic faith is advocated for by the governor of the colony. French missionaries are sent into Vietnam and Cambodia to promote Christianity in Asia. The plants sent to the colony continue cultivation in plantations now
  • French Guiana: Continental French shipments allow for the larger colonial armies to become better armed and unformed. More French immigrants arrive to the colony, prompting the governor to expand the city of Cayenne to account for more ships coming to French Guiana. The plants sent to the colony continue cultivation plantations now. Since penal colonies have been deposed of, Guiana becomes a regular French colony, putting the worst offenders into colonial jail, the moderate offenders are placed under a loose house arrest with the ability to hold a job, and the least offenders are allowed out of jail and given the option to choose a colonies plantation to work out for the remainder of their sentance for a reduced wage.

Qing Dynasty: We continue our Westernization and we begin exerting influence. We begin utilizing our military to crush the protests and we also send out government pamphlets for people to move into Tibet. Conservatives are even more quelled down. The Great Immigration has finished, with Lhasa having a population of ten million, Qamdo having a pop. of five million and Ali having a pop. of five million with another five million in the Tibetan countryside. This caused overpopulation, crime and large amounts of deaths. Also, food shortages and famines begin to occur in Tibet due to the sudden population and the little arability of Tibetan Land. Hence, their food source relies from trade and rich conservative families begin to lose large amounts of properties and money for rice. We continue our train rail construction and finish the part from Beijing to Jinan. The economy continues expanding as the country makes its first rubber, coffee and wine exports. We begin selling more cash crops as it replenished our royal coffers and allowed more people to not die of hunger. We begin experiencing a baby-boom due to the modernization and the abundance of food. With the money we received from conservative families, we being building a series of rifle factories in the Yangtze and Yellow River.

To modernize Chinese thinking, Tongzhi promoted legalism as opposed to Confucianism and gives a law to change 50% of the schools in China to teach science, mechanics and for richer schools, a foreign language. Shin Shi Jin is finished and replaced Spring and Autumn in the Five Classics. To counter the people against legalism, we wrote new laws against corruption and it satisfied the peasants, who were angry about wide-spread corruption. We also begin catching and punishing corrupt officials. We finished our parliament and two houses are built. We begin buying silver and slowing putting it out of use. We continue spreading the paper money and changing our country to gold based currency.We begin labelling all beggars or unemployed people as three levels: weak, healthy and intelligent. According to the plan, the disabled weak will receive a license to beg, the healthy will be assigned work and the intelligent will be given an education and become an official. Due to our new programme, we employ 1500 inspectors - three for every medium city.

With the military equipment received from Belgium, our entire scientific cabinet is devoted to studying. Many more naval bases, ammunition factories, arms factories and arsenals are built in major cities and major ports. More navies are sent on patrol in the East China Sea. We begin developing naval ships as we send iron and coal from Shangxxi to Shangdong, where they are built into tiny battleships. We build our second steamboat, QCS, Nurhachi, with 2 × 210 mm guns, 1 × 150 mm gun, 4 × 75 mm guns, 6 × 47 mm guns, 4 × 380 mm. Thus, we expand our army score by 0.25. We ask to buy three cruisers from Britain. Some students return home, learning military weapon construction. We begin vigorously training our volunteer army. We continue to have large numbers of drills in the military and those who fail will be kicked out. We send many of our soldiers to Manchuria to secure it from Japanese influence.

  • Qingyafeidao: We begin expanding along the coast and we begin founding another city. Due to our national focus, we speed up our colonization and we spread through the Pangani River and founds another settlement in Tanga.
  • Qingfeizhou: We expand as a rifle begin to be developed, which is lightweight and waterproof.
  • Qingyezhou: We expand quickly and goods are received from China.
  • Chinese D: We ask Germany to recognize our Tanzanian colony in exchange for Chinese recognition, protection of all German interests in Africa except Tanzania and free trade of goods between China and Germany.
  • French Diplomacy: We offer to send soldiers to the Chinese Shanghai in order to help expel the conservative problem.

In Siam, King Rama V, begins to plan for the future. He prepares the nation for large-scale reforms that will hopefully bring Siam up to par with a nation like the UK or France. Although the industrialization is just starting, the hope is that Siam will soon rival the foreign holdings in South-East Asia, as well as China and Japan. In order to achieve this goal, Rama V orders the assassination of King Thibaw of Burma, and marries the reigning Queen, Supayalat, saying that their firstborn son shall rule all of South-east Asia someday. Now that the Chakri and Alaungpaya Dynasties are combines, the unified Kingdoms look eastwards, to Vietnam. The military grows by 0.5, as preparations for a potential conflict emerge.

  • Siam Diplomacy: Siam seeks an alliance with Japan, Russia, Germany and Austro-Hungary. We also ask to become an economic client of Great Britain in exchange for their lands in South-East Asia.
  • Russian Diplomacy: We accept the alliance for defensive purposes and in the basic aiding in war if reason is shown to attack.

South Africa: The Boers of German and Dutch dessent march through South Africa declaring this the First Africaan Empire. We ask to join the league. Proposals for Empoer on talk page

You're a British colony, you need to play like one, South Africa had no want to leave the Empire at this point, that's extremely implausible that they would form an empire anyway. Oct, seriously you already lost Spain acting this way. Please play smart and stop doing stuff like this #LivinLikeFeudal (talk) 21:40, October 2, 2013 (UTC)

Colombia:The military and economy expands as the infrastructure is improved. Unfortunately, another bout of rebellions begins, threatening to turn into yet another full-blown civil war.


Australia: Ups defense spending. Agriculture expands.

Joseon: The infrastructure is improved. Some more Confucian, Buddhist and Taoist temples are built.

Italy: We Begin building a national railroad. Our colony in West Sahara grows to 700 people.

Empire of Brazil: The Empire officially connects Angola, and Mozambique through the Colony of Zambia with esttlements stretching from coast to coast. The Brazilian government continues to encourage the unemployed (with some government persuasion) to continue to settle the African colonies taking many of the homeless, regularly unemployed, and other lower classes of society and giving them portions of land to settle and develop in Africa. The Brazilian parliament passes the African Development Act which grants people land for farming and homesteading and other major towns and communities to form. This is done to heavily secure the territories in Central Africa with a populace. The previous African slaves looking for work or a new life outside of Brazil which is about 20 to 30% of the pre-slavery population migrate to the Colonies as well spreading Catholicism, as well as Brazilian culture. The Brazilian empire's population grows to about 26.6 million with industrial and heavy agricultural work expanding through some of the industrialized Brazil. The railroad running through various areas of the Amazon continues to connect isolated cities, towns, and resources outposts with the main network allowing for more resources being allowed to Spain through the country. Brazil itself using funds flowing in from increasing profit from colonies begins using this to help develop Brazil and some of the larger colonies before focusing on smaller colonies.

The industrial capabilities of Brazil continue to catch up to the US. However, the US's greater population allows for them to outproduce us still. However, increasing trade allows for the Brazilians to fill many of the niches that the US currently does not fill for the Americas and begins larger exportation of food, industrial goods and other cash crop products to Mexico, the US, and the other American nations being traded with, with other trade ships shipping heavily to Europe. The Brazilian economy manages to finally recover from the various issues with the rubber trade allowing for a more regulated market to prevent another crash, giving out a maximum production rate to the companies in Brazil proper and the colonies asking for any excess to be stored in case of a bad harvest or other unforseen circumstances. The Brazilian trades in cattle and other Food goods begin to increase to take the place of less land needed for rubber plantations. This is taken advantage of and cattle being sent throughout Brazil is being transported all throughout South America and is even sold to the Colonies. Brazilian immigration increases to about 25,000 a year to the colonies with certain areas like Gabon being more populated with Brazilian/Portuguese peoples than Africans. Influence on Venezuela continues with Brazilian interests and business beginning to make a minor appearance in the country. 

The Brazilian Military begins to encourage higher quality of Training and preparedness attempting to prevent rampant disease that comes along with wars. The Army itself begins designating certain groups of soldiers as Sharpshooters working on being able to pick off important people in the army in a war. The army also begins developing a more well trained and powerful cavalry core training mounted shooters and shock cavalry more. This Allows our army to upgrade by 0.25. A Brazilian general is appointed for the Amazonas army force. The new general secretly considers seizing Acre but will take it up with the government first. 

Emperor Dom Pedro II experiences periodid mood swings about his position as the Monarch but with the Education of his Grandson Dom Pedro almost acts liek his Surrogate Father with his actual Father, His grandfather, and the young Heir apparent establishing a very solid relationship in his life managing to educate Pedro (Dom Pedro III) heavily teaching him many things, some about politics, some about policy, economics, the topics still remain at his level but they are getting increasingly difficult. He also becomes profficient in Horsemanship with him being able to almost win in Races extraordinarily against his Father who is a trained soldier and horse rider. The Nobility of the empire seeing the increasing role the emperor has taken in the education and preparation of an Heir begins to show much more confidence in the Empire, the emperor, and the Monarchy in General with them re pledging their allegiance to the Emperor. Dom Pedro II himself makes a visit to Portugal presiding over elections for the Government and signing a few new laws guaranteeing rights to the Portuguese people and investing more money into the country's development. He is met mostly with Fanfare and approval as Portugal believes it has truly entered into a resurgence of its empire. Multiple naval bases are established in the Azores, and Canary Islands with at least ten ships at each base.

  • Dominion of Portugal: Portugal now seeing the benefits of Brazil's role in Portugal develops a small armed force of About 20,000 under the control of the Dominions local leader, and under the full control of the Emperor of Brazil. The Dominion also uses its economic and trade standing to help out its economy and for the first time in decades has intermarriages with people from Brazil such as businessmen and even some of the Brazilian soldiers stationed in the Dominion. The Portuguese with direct involvement by jointly owned businesses in Portugal and Brazil begin industrialization of Portugal intent on making Portugal more of a member of the Empire. Portuguese and Brazilians continue Cultural integration in the country intent on mixing the populations of the countries to a degree. However the every increasing growth of the Brazilian population definately keeps Portugal's growth and importance in check. The Portuguese with their economic improvement and their status within the Empire continue to look Favorably at Brazil the population seeing the notable improvement of their country following integration into the Brazilian empire. Portuguese immigration between the colonies, and Brazil continues with a huge influx of trade shifting the populations enough to establish a large Brazilian Demographic in Portugal.
  • Goa: The colony of Goa continues its trade of spices and other things from India and some seeds for rubber trees are planted intent on turning Goa into a cash crop colony. The rubber industry begins to take off as Trees more near to their ripe age are harvested in Goa and money starting to flow into the colony.
  • Macau: Macau continues to funnel trade from China but now by default it fronts to the Empire of Brazil beginning to increase the Asian base of trade to Brazil.
  • East Timor: The economy is continually based around cash crops with coffee being a huge export as well as rubber trees beng planted for better cultivation. Rubber begins to develop more with plantations for it beginning to take precedence over others. Some settlers from East Timor move to New Guinea establishing a small trading outpost.
  • Angola: Angola continues its economic production of gold, spices, diamonds, with plantation economy coming on the rise with agricultural products coming into play. Rubber trees are planted in Angola to help expand Brazil's growing rubber industries. The immigration from Brazil and Portugal continue to expand the colony quite a bit pushing territorial control farther inland. Slave and Exploitation based labor are phased out with legitimate industries being made out of them with fair wages being a staple. This actually establishes better output at the people are less inclined to hate their new leaders due to the new economic policy. Angola begins to expand inland a bit and manages to establish a rudimentary trade road up the West African coast to trading posts just north of Angola, and with expansion up to Gabon and Equatorial Guinea continued and areas paved for a road all the way up to the trade colony in Cameroon. Propaganda from Brazil is diffused through the colony and some more Brazilian-African marriages are held. Rubber begins to grow in Angola and is harvested with intent to trade with the Trade being sent up to Europe. The Colony begins to help other colonial expansion securing much of the West African coast for Brazil and her colonial interests. The Expansion into the Interior continues with Brazilian funding and investment through trade allowing for full scale securing of the Interior with a few more interior areas set up as provinces and expanded towards Zambia. The Angola Colony officially Connects with Mozambique through Zambia
  • Mozambique: The Colony of Mozambique continues its cash crop and plantation economy substituting Native exploitation with true and fair wages which in turn help the impoverished gain a better life foothold but in doing so actually give the Plantations increased output. The Expansion into the Interior begins with more settlers escorted by members of the military staking claims farther into Mozambique aimed at securing more resources. The Colonial population continues to look more favorable towards Brazil and the status of Brazils investment into the colonies. The possibility of a Trans-African Railroad is brought up going from Angola to Mozambique in an attempt to allow for more connections throgh the colonies. The Colonial Expansion continues inland officially establishing Brazilian Imperial Zambia. The rubber trees transported to the colony previously are fully cultivated with the trade beginning in that industry as well. Mozambique officially connects to Angola through Zambia.
  • Zambia: The new colonists pushing into Zambia begin making treaties and agreements with many of the local populace securing more territory both to the North and South minorly with A more major push to be made moving and securing a route to Angola. Local Treaties are signed as well as a colonial push into Brazilian-claimed Zimbabwe as well. Treaties with local tribes in Burundi and Rwanda are secured. The Push into Zimbabwe continues but only enough to settle the few northern Provinces. Through Zambia Angola and Mozambique are officially connected and a rudimentary Road pushes through Africa to connect them (from Settlement)
  • Gabon: The Colony of Gabon expands to 10,000 and is considered a true colony of the Brazilian empire with growing influence in the Gabon and Cameroon areas due to the prevention of Slavers, and the growing respect by Africans to the Brazilian settlers. The Colony now with about 1000 Brazilian troops expands up and down the coast simultaneously in attempts to prevent slaving but also in expanding the plantation ability of the colony. The colony also begins to include hundreds of Africans seeking work from the Brazilian industries and plantations developing in the area. The colonial jurisdiction of Gabon is extended to include colonies around it greating the Greater Gabon Colonial Jurisdiction - which masterminds the securing of more internal Territory aiming to gain a large foothold in the interior over the next few years. Expansion into the interior continues securing another few provinces. Equatorial Guinea is put under the Jurisdiction of Gabon with immigration to this area expanding as well. Rubber takes hold as well with the rubber and other plantation industries securing the economy of Greater Gabon. The Gabon colony with lack of native African populace (many of which had migrated to other colonies German and Brazilian alike) is close to being overtaken by Lusophone immigration.
  • Cameroon: The Cameroon colony established a few years ago reaches a population of 9000 which is a mix of Portuguese and Brazilian lower classes looking for a new life. The Colony also helps in the West African trade by Brazil helping secure the trade and colony rights from Cameroon, to Angola. The colony with its expanded territory as well begins bringing in more natives as securing the Interior becomes a prime directive of many of the incoming settlers from Brazil and Portugal. Expansion begins into Southern Nigeria securing a few provinces.

Colombia: The military and economy expands as the infrastructure is improved. Conservative militants begin to stage coups in rural areas of Colombia.

Hey - just so you don't fall supremely behind I wanted to let you know you need to upgrade a specific score every other turn. It's not required but it is recommended. I'd hate to see you get screwed out of a good nation because you missed such a minor detail--#LivinLikeFeudal (talk) United States of America:The army training program on the Union-Confederate border continues and it goes into Stage 4, Advanced Training. This increases our army score by 0.25 and now our score is 3.00. With our army score being at 3.00 we start to influence the island nation of Hawaii.

Cuba:Post-war reconstruction continues. Industry score is increased by 0.25.  

Philippines: Post-war reconstruction continues. Industry score is increased by 0.25.

Belgium:  We continue to increase the number and power of our army, and now numbers reach 25,000 trained and equipped troops, 15,000 untrained/unequipped troops, 5000 military volunteers (not that good), and 1000 special troops for colonies. We send the colonizing troops to Lesotho, as granted by Britain. We also send a population of 1000 volunteers - 300 women, 300 men, 350 children, and 50 old men/women. We thank Great Britain for the colony. We also increase army by 0.25 with the new troops.

France: Railroads and public schools continue their construction in both urban and rural French areas, and railroads begin their expansion between major cities in French Algeria. The labor reforms of the Waldeck-Rousseau Acts continue to rise in popularity, leading to a larger socialist movement, thus bringing fears to the Opportunist Republicans that currently control the senate in the French Republic. The War Minister Georges Boulanger's office is moved to the Seine district outlying of Paris. Quinine bark is now received in moderate shipments, which allows it to be processed by grinding it up into a powder and sent back to various colonies in packets. Joseph Dublanc's and Francois Mothe's patent on gelatin-capsuled pills is looked to with increased interest as a way to effectively transport and use the quinine bark as an anti-malaria agent. The French rifle designed for smokeless powder is finished and named the Lebel Model 1884 Rifle, and quickly begins production in French factories. It uses a 20 inch quadrangular epee bayonet, designed for thrusting quickly and efficiently. Research into newer, more aerodynamic bullets begins as many military leaders wish for increased accuracy for the rifle. Missionaries are sent into Ottoman Tunisia and Tripoli, and influence continues on Egypt. Construction of the Panama Canal begins in Panama, constructing it at a less steep of an angle as previously decided to reduce the possibility of landslides into the canal. In order to make the project much easier and faster than previously decided, instead of working from sea level, a small dam is constructed to reduce floods from the Atlantic Ocean tides. Experianced workers are brought in from previous Suez Canal work for both the advice and experianced workmanship. The workers that come from France are also shipped the quinine bark tree packets in order to reduce the possiblity of malaria which is very prevelant in the region.

  • French Equatorial Africa: Through continental French shipments, the colonial armies become better armed and uniformed, in order to enforce French law and assimilation upon the native populations. The colonial government begins to "hand out" assimilation rights, which actually require a renouncement of current land holdings, allowing for the colonial government to take hold of lands, and "civilize" the natives.  The plants sent to the colony continue cultivation in plantations now. 
  • French Dahomey: The French 12th Foreign Legion is established in French Dahomey and the 19th Army Corp sends more soldiers to French Dahomey, in order to protect the colonists against the increasingly aggressive Dahomey Kingdoms. French Missionaries are sent into the Dahomey Kingdoms. We begin to expand into African territory, using the quinine bark packets as effective anti-malaria agents.
  • New Caledonia: Continental French shipments allow for the small colonial police force to become better armed and uniformed in the wake of recent waves of European immigration from the discovery of nickel in 1864. Since then, colonial population has been ever increasing, and native population slowly decreasing, although tensions are very high.
  • French Senegal: Continental French shipments allow for the colonies armies to become better armed and uniformed. The doctrine of missionary work and abolitionism is still promoted as preparations for another war with the remaining Sengali chiefdoms begins in order to curtail their slave trade and end their pagan practices, as well as gain access to numerous mining ventures. French Missionaries are sent into the Senegal chiefdoms. The colony begins to expand into African territory using the quinine bark packets as effective anti-malaria agents.
  • French Indochina: Continental French shipments allow for the large colonial armies to become better armed and uniformed. Soldiers are stationed near the Sino-Indochinese border as support for expansion of the French colonial provinces and Catholic faith is advocated for by the governor of the colony. French missionaries are sent into Vietnam and Cambodia to promote Christianity in Asia. The plants sent to the colony continue cultivation in plantations now.
  • French Guiana: Continental French shipments allow for the larger colonial armies to become better armed and unformed. More French immigrants arrive to the colony, prompting the governor to expand the city of Cayenne to account for more ships coming to French Guiana. The plants sent to the colony continue cultivation plantations now. Many of the prisoners opt to either stay in Guiana, or go to French Dahomey and Sengal to work on plantations for a wage and reduced sentence. However, some stay within Guiana to work on the plantations as well.

Qing Dynasty: We continue our Westernization and we begin exerting influence. We begin utilizing our military to crush the protests and we also send out government pamphlets for people to move into Tibet. Conservatives are even more quelled down. The Great Famine of Tibet begins, as overpopulation causes a large amounts of food-shortages. In February, food riots begin to occur and Lhasa falls under bloodbath. After the killing of 100,000 Tibetan monks, who were accused of storing rice suppies, the rioters begin to destroy structures in order to sell the bricks for the sum of a bowl of rice. However, the plan didn't work, as the government has put a limit on the weight of rice that is allowed to go into Tibet. In April, the hungry conservatives begin cannibalism and Lhasa, Ali and Qamdo became cities of bloodbaths and murder. Those who farmed in the countryside was also killed and eaten when they went into town to buy farming equipment. At September, the city of Lhasa is in tatters as the city is divided into a series of rival gangs, which invade each other to feast on their flesh. On the other hand, the Qing Government refues to intervene, since it has caused the deaths of at least 10 million of the hated conservatives. The province of Tibet falls into anarchy, as the Dalai Lama was also murdered in the chaos. We continue our train rail construction and finish the part from Jinan to Nanking. The economy continues expanding as the country makes its first rubber, coffee and wine exports. We begin selling more cash crops as it replenished our royal coffers and allowed more people to not die of hunger, not including those who currently live in Tibet. We begin experiencing a baby-boom due to the modernization and the abundance of food, in provinces except Tibet, however, this increase in population is cancelled out by the deaths of millions in Tibet. We continue our construction of rifle factories.

To modernize Chinese thinking, Tongzhi promoted legalism as opposed to Confucianism and gives a law to change 50% of the schools in China to teach science, mechanics and for richer schools, a foreign language. To counter the people against legalism, we wrote new laws against corruption and it satisfied the peasants, who were angry about wide-spread corruption. We also begin catching and punishing corrupt officials. We begin giving paper money, with values from 0.01 Yuan to 100 Yuan. The notes are in the format described below

  • $0.01: 1 Mao, with the picture of Lee Hong Zhan on it
  • $0.05: 5 Mao, with the picture of Li Bai on it
  • $0.1: 1 Feng: With the picture of Tang Taizhon on it
  • $0.25: 1 Den, with the picture of Han Wudi on it
  • $0.5: 1 Feng, with the picture of Nurhachi on it
  • $1: 1 Yuan, with the picture of Hongtaiji on it
  • $5: 5 yuan, with the picture of Kangxi on it
  • $10: 10 Yuan, with the picture of Yongzhen on it
  • $50: 50 Yuan, with the picture of Qianglong
  • $100: 100 Yuan, with the picture of Tongzhi on it

An estimated 25% of the beggars have now been inspected. We begin to build middle schools, which teaches Chinese, math, art, history, geography, Chinese culture (propaganda), a foreign language (English, French or Russia) and Legalism.

We build our first replica of a rifle and the plans are sent to all gun factories, in six months, 10,000 rifes hass been made and experts believe there will be more as beggars were sent to build rifles. Many more naval bases, ammunition factories, arms factories and arsenals are built in major cities and major ports. More navies are sent on patrol in the East China Sea. We begin developing naval ships as we send iron and coal from Shangxxi to Shangdong, where they are built into tiny battleships. QCS Yongzhen and Qianglong is built too, with the same level as QCS Nurhachi. Some students return home, learning military weapon construction. We begin vigorously  training our volunteer army. We continue to have large numbers of drills in the military and those who fail will be kicked out. We send many of our soldiers to Manchuria to secure it from Japanese influence.

We begin sending back our colonists as it belongs to Germany. However, they brought back a few coffee seeds and chocolate plants, which begin to be cultivated in Guangdong.

Britain: Propaganda increases support for Britain in the new Vassals. We send 50,000 troops to Ottoman. Military is upgraded.

  • British Honduras: We build up our military, training them here. The production of mahogany increases. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money.
  • Cayman: We build up our military, training them here. People from Britain with high incomes begin to emigrate here, as it is a tax haven. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money.
  • Jamaica: We build up our military, training them here. The production of sugar increases. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money.
  • Malta: We build up our military, training them here. The mining of limestone increases. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money.
  • British Raj: We build up our military, training them here. The production of cotton, rubber and grain increases. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money. 
  • British Burma: We build up our military, training them here. The number of merchants stopping here between India and China increases. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money.
  • New Zealand: We build up our military, training them here. The production of wool and meat increases. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money.
  • Malacca: We build up our military, training them here. More opium is imported. Th tax on this brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money.
  • Bahrain: We build up our military, training them here. We begin to industrialise. Doing this causes Britain to give us a grant for independence. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money.
  • British Guiana: We build up our military, training them here. The production of sugarcane increases, and mining, rice farming begin to grow in importance. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money.
  • Falklands: We build up our military, training them here. Farming sheep increases, and the export of it begins to increase the GDP. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money.
  • Saint Georgia: The Naval Base is complete, and a Naval Group of Ironclads is sent here.
  • Gold Coast: We build up our military, training them here. The production of gold increases. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money.
  • Gambia: We build up our military, training them here. The farming of Groundnuts increases. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money.
  • Sierra Leone: We build up our military, training them here. The mining of Diamonds increases. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money.

Switzerland: The government begins to update the Swiss infrastructure to aid in self-sufficiency. The economy upgrades by 0.25. The government forms the Department of Internal Defense to plan out future Swiss military upgrades and improve efficiency and defense coordination.


Joseon: The infrastructure is improved. Some more Confucian, Buddhist and Taoist temples are built. The navy is built up and more ships are built, and its score is improved by 0.25.

Denmark: We have finished another two Voyager class battleships and have called them "Frederick" and "Sandheden". The production of the last two ships will be put off until next year to give the workers a well deserved break. The number of soldiers in our army has increased to 90,000 and is slowing gradually. There are now 73,000 Trained soldiers and 27,000 recruits. The new artillery weapon has shown promissing results and has been given the nickname "Spise Dette". Further research of this weapon will be conducted as to get the maximum range pssible so that our vessels don't have to get too close to enemy shores.

CSA: We continue looking around for any potential allies, particularly those who aren't too fond of Yankees. We build up the military, recruiting around 25,000 more troops. Meanwhile, a program of industrialization is put into place, hoping to compete with the North. The enslaved and impoverished alike work in these new factories, and industry is upgraded by 0.25. We fortify the border, but ask for economic co-operation. Several "slave strikes" promote a growing fear of a possible slave revolt. An amendment re-instating the importation of foreign slaves - thought to be dumber than domestic ones - is going through Congress. Another amendment, explicitly stating that slavery cannot "by any decree or amendment, be weakened nor removed, be it through Congress or any other lawmaking body".

Brazil Dip: We offer a trade agreement once again to the CSA

Empire of Japan Dip: We offer a defensive alliance.

Australia: agri development continues. Proposes to the British colonial government to grant some independence in 1900 or so.

Empire of Brazil: The Empire officially connects Angola, and Mozambique through the Colony of Zambia with Settlements stretching from coast to coast. The Brazilian government continues to encourage the unemployed (with some government persuasion) to continue to settle the African colonies taking many of the homeless, regularly unemployed, and other lower classes of Society and giving them portions of land to settle and develop in Africa. The Brazilian parliament passes the African Development Act which grants people land for farming and homesteading and other major towns and communities to form. This is done to heavily secure the territories in Central Africa with a populace. The previous African slaves looking for work or a new life outside of Brazil which is about 20 to 30% of the pre-slavery population migrate to the Colonies as well spreading Catholicism, as well as Brazilian culture. The Brazilian empires population grows to about 27.8 million with industrial and heavy agricultural work expanding through some of the industrialized Brazil. The railroad running through various areas of the Amazon continues to connect isolated cities, towns and resources outposts with the main network allowing for more resources being allowed to Spain through the country. Brazil itself using funds flowing in from increasing profit from colonies begins using this to help Develop Brazil and some of the Larger colonies before focusing on smaller colonies.

The industrial capabilities of Brazil continues to catch up to the US however the US's greater population allows for them to outproduce us still. However increasing trade allows for the Brazilians to fill many of the niches that the US currently does not fill for the Americas and begins larger exportation of food, industrial goods, and other cash crop products to Mexico, the US, and the other American nations being traded with, with other trade ships shipping heavily to Europe. The Brazilian economy manages to finally Recover from the various issues with the rubber trade allowing for a more regulated market to prevent another crash, giving out a maximum production rate to the companies in Brazil proper and the colonies asking for any excess to be stored in case of a bad harvest or other unforseen circumstances. The Brazilian trades in cattle and other Food goods begin to increase to take the place of less land needed for rubber plantations. This is taken advantage of and cattle being sent throughout Brazil is being transported all throughout South America and is even sold to the Colonies. Brazilian immigration increases to about 25,000 a year to the colonies with certain areas like Gabon being more populated with Brazilian/Portuguese peoples than Africans. Influence on Venezuela continues with Brazilian interests and business beginning to make a minor appearance in the country. Brazilian workers are sent to Colombia to help France work on the Panama Canal with Brazilian adaptation to many of the diseases in the areas allowing for more expedient construction of the Canal.

The Brazilian military begins to encourage higher quality of Training and preparedness attempting to prevent rampant disease that comes along with wars. The army itself begins designating certain groups of soldiers as Sharpshooters working on being able to pick off important people in the army in a war. The army also begins developing a more well trained and powerful cavalry core training mounted shooters and shock cavalry more. The Brazilian military continues to debate seizing Acre, but for the time being cannot figure out a good explanation or reason other than blatantly and obviously securing Brazilian interests. The Brazilian navy fails to make its payments to the private ships it hired seeing more worth in building its own with three more ironclad cruisers (not modern or WW1 styled cruisers) which are finished and sent to the Canary Islands. The newest battleship is laid down with work being done to use the Modernized Dom Pedro II plans (with mostly iron composition with steel being tested to protect more important areas of the ship.) The ship is named the Dona Maria after the head admirals wife who had just passed away. This is accepted and many Brazilian captains and admirals believe the name is endearing and the ship embodies her well.

Emperor Dom Pedro II once again experiences a more willing and better attitude about the monarchy seeing his exploits as Emperor actually paying off. With many of his subjects including the nobility approving of many of his policies and the recognition Brazil is receiving for the accomplishments, Dom Pedro II declares a national holiday all throughout the empire. the young Dom Pedro III (the grandson) continues his education with major principles and subjects continuing to be taught to him. He manages to get a grasp on such things as fair rule with quizes given to him on paper, and in life surprising his family, and even the Nobility who become increasingly enthralled and impressed with their future Emperors education and how he works with it.

Federal funding continues to be shifted towards the domestic point to the Amazonian railway systems with more resources such as the components of Iron, as well as coal deposits, and other minable resources being able to be exploited now as well. Coal mining begins to make a noticeable niche in the Brazilian economy with it being used for Energy purposes as well as components in steel taking certain hints from the US's Carnagie Steel Corporation which has been observed through trade with the nation. However, the lack of current quality of Brazilian steel means that until Brazilian steel production and quality increases the buying of steel from the US and other heavy steel producing companies is a must for the military until high quality Brazilian steel is manufactured. This begins to take precedence of other things with the Brazilian Government urging the many moderate to Small steel producing companies to advance their production and quality. This diversified small company method actually does (because of competition) begin to get higher quality steel out. However, work still needs to be done in order for it to be the quality that the Brazilian military and other more prestigeous businesses need. Federal funding to the Trans-African railway begins with the funds being used to progress both railways inland

  • Dominion of Portugal: The Portuguese economy continues its rise as new jobs are offered through newly industrialized sections in Portugal. This increases Portugals economy by 0.25. The Portuguese military also expands another 10,000 with the approval of the Brazilian government with the forces being stationed in Huelva (now a part of Portugal). The Portuguese people continue to expand through the colonies with the Brazilians with about 15,000 annual immigrants going either to Brazil or the colonies. Some rebels in the north loyal to the previous monarchy are put down but many of the man are captured and not killed with the men pardoned if they give up locations of others like them, and allowed to return to their families. The men themselves agree and are pardoned, some of these men are hired as private security for shipping companies in the Ports of Portugal.
  • Goa: The colony of Goa continues its trade of spices and other things from India and some seeds for rubber trees are planted intent on turning Goa into a cash crop colony. The rubber industry begins to take off as Trees more near to their ripe age are harvested in Goa and money starting to flow into the colony.
  • Macau: Macau continues to funnel trade from China but now by default it Fronts to the Empire of Brazil beginning to increase the Asian base of trade to Brazil.
  • East Timor: The economy is continually based around cash crops with coffee being a huge export as well as rubber trees beng planted for better cultivation. Rubber begins to develop more with plantations for it beginning to take precedence over others. Some settlers from East Timor move to New Guinea establishing a small trading outpost.
  • Angola: Angola continues its economic production of gold, spices, diamonds, with plantation economy coming on the rise with agricultural products coming into play. Rubber trees are planted in Angola to help expand Brazil's growing rubber industries. The immigration from Brazil and Portugal continue to expand the colony quite a bit pushing territorial control farther inland. Missionaries using Angolas base through previous portuguese ownership continue to convert many to Catholicism (with subversive subsidies and privileges given to those who convert) with these new Catholics along with colonists securing more territory for cultivation. The Trans-African Railroad is surprisingly taken up by the Brazilian colonial administrations and is funded by a combination of Colonial and Federal funding allowing for a Base to be established on either coast and the railroad to begin progressing from both coasts.
  • Mozambique: Mozambique's economy and population continue to expand with interior settlement by farmers and other Africans allowed land for cultivation. The only Africans allowed this, however, are the ones who have converted to Catholicism, and those with the money to do this (which some have due to their working on the colonial plantations as wage workers). The Trans-African Railroad begins with the base from Federal, and Colonial funding allowing for the Railroad to progress inland towards Angola.
  • Zambia: The new colonists pushing into Zambia begin making treaties and agreements with many of the local populace securing more territory both to the North and South minorly with A more major push to be made moving and securing a route to Angola. Local Treaties are signed as well as a colonial push into Brazilian-claimed Zimbabwe as well. Treaties with local tribes in Burundi and Rwanda are secured. The Push into Zimbabwe continues but only enough to settle the few northern Provinces. Through Zambia Angola and Mozambique are officially connected and a rudimentary Road pushes through Africa to connect them (from Settlement)
  • Gabon: The Colony of Gabon expands to 14,000 and with the African flight from the colony the Lusophone population begins to catch up to the African population with a prediction that Gabon will be a majority Lusophonic by the year 1900
  • Cameroon: The Cameroon colony established a few years ago reaches a population of 11,000 which is a mix of Portuguese and Brazilian lower classes looking for a new life. The Colony also helps in the West African trade by Brazil helping secure the trade and colony rights from Cameroon, to Angola. The colony with its expanded territory as well begins bringing in more natives as securing the Interior becomes a prime directive of many of the incoming settlers from Brazil and Portugal. Expansion in Nigeria is halted by the Northern and interior tribes preventing, however the Cameroon-Nigerian colonists seeing increased opportunity begin sending missionaries through the area and with these the missionaries settle in African villages (in a covert opportunity to both be missionaries, and secure the Rest of Nigeria for the empire)

Belgium: We ask Denmark to sell us a battleship or sell us the blueprint. We disagree with Afghanistan and do not agree to an alliance with them. Lastly, we increase our army by 0.25. We also build a new factory producing rifles, cannons, and other new military equipment. We also start trying to build our own battleship, influenced by 0the ones in Denmark to increase our naval power. Six ships set sail, three carrying our 1000 soldiers, three carrying our 1000 colonists towards Lesotho. We ask Great Britain to let us go through South Africa so that we can get to Lesotho. We also thank Great Britain and ask for a trade agreement with them.

  • Afghanistan: We again ask Belgium to sell us the blueprints of rifles or to sell the rifles to us. We again ask a treaty with Belgium. We increase our army by 0.3. We are also westernizing.
  • Denmark: We will sell a fully stocked and equipped battleship once we have filled our navy's quota and have a fully trained the sailors on those ships, expect the delivery of one within the next four years. If this wait inconveniences you we apologise as we can't do anything to change the circumstances.
  • Belgium: We thank you for the battleship.

Japan: Army score increases by 0.25. We hear about the anarchy in Tibet, and we send peace keepers, food and other supplies to them. We begin construction of the University of Tokyo.

France: Railroads and public schools continue their construction in both Urban and rural French areas, and continue expansion between major cities in French Algeria. An Afrique Française army is mobilized in French Algiera. The labor reforms continue to be popular, but not added onto. However, the socialist movement stays popular, much to the dismay of the current Opportunist Republican government. The War Minister Georges Boulanger begins to meet with several opportunist republicans, mainly on their sentiments of the growing socialist movement in France. Quinine bark continues to be shipped to the colonies and the Panama Canal, expanding colonial growth and safety in the Panama Canal. An attempt to capitalize on the Dublanc and Mothe patent is made with a state factory dedicated to creating Gelatin capsuled pills, formed from iron molds, is built in order to put quinine bark powder into a more suitable form for transport and ingestion. The French Lebel Rifle continues production and is shipped to French armies in continental France and the major French colonies, expanding our army by 0.25. Missionaries continue to be sent into Ottoman Algeria and Tunisia, and Influence continues on Egypt, and we attempt to install two Frenchmen as Egyptian finance and public affairs officials. Construction of the Panama Canal continues, and the building and rebuilding the housing, cafeterias, hotels, water systems, repair shops, warehouses, and other infrastructure needed by the thousands of incoming workers begins. Recent French adaptations to their plans decrease possiblities for rock slides and malaria deaths. 

  • Afghanistan: Our president Abdur Rahman Khan's wife,  has been found murdered in his house. We believe it has been done by some Persian rascals and we demand an apology within three days. If we do not receive an apology from Persia, we will declare war on Persia! We are also increasing our army by 0.35 and we are continuously training them everyday.
  • French Equatorial Africa: Through continental French shipments, the colonial armies become better armed and uniformed, in order to enforce French law and assimilation upon the native populations. The colonial government begins to "hand out" assimilation rights, which actually require a renunciation of current land holdings, allowing for the colonial government to take hold of lands, and "civilize" the natives.  The plants sent to the colony continue cultivation in plantations now. 
  • French Dahomey: The French 12th Foreign Legion is established in French Dahomey and the 19th Army Corp sends more soldiers to French Dahomey, in order to protect the colonists against the increasingly aggressive Dahomey Kingdoms. French missionaries are sent into the Dahomey Kingdoms. We begin to expand into African territory, using the quinine bark packets as effective anti-malaria agents.
  • New Caledonia: Continental French shipments allow for the small colonial police force to become better armed and uniformed in the wake of recent waves of European immigration from the discovery of nickel in 1864. Since then, colonial population has been ever increasing, and native population slowly decreasing, although tensions are very high.
  • French Senegal: Continental French shipments allow for the colonies armies to become better armed and uniformed. The doctrine of missionary work and abolitionism is still promoted as preparations for another war with the remaining Sengali chiefdoms begins in order to curtail their slave trade and end their pagan practices, as well as gain access to numerous mining ventures. French Missionaries are sent into the Senegal chiefdoms. The colony begins to expand into African territory using the quinine bark packets as effective anti-malaria agents.
  • French Indochina: Continental French shipments allow for the large colonial armies to become better armed and uniformed. Soldiers are stationed near the Sino-Indochinese border as support for expansion of the French colonial provinces and Catholic faith is advocated for by the governor of the colony. French missionaries are sent into Vietnam and Cambodia to promote Christianity in Asia. The plants sent to the colony continue cultivation in plantations now.
  • French Guiana: Continental French shipments allow for the larger colonial armies to become better armed and unformed. More French immigrants arrive to the colony, prompting the governor to expand the city of Cayenne to account for more ships coming to French Guiana. The plants sent to the colony continue cultivation plantations now. Many of the prisoners opt to either stay in Guiana, or go to French Dahomey and Sengal to work on plantations for a wage and reduced sentence. However, some stay within Guiana to work on the plantations as well.
  • Afghanistan: We have waited for three days but we still haven't received an apology from Persia. We declare war on Persia. We also increase our army by 0.25.
  • Afghanistan: We have attacked through Persia conquering many cities. We have now reached the capital and have captured the king. Though we  have fought many wars and lost many men, we have gained back more men and have increased our food because of looting the cities. We have increased our army by 3.55. Persia is finally ours.

Qing Dynasty: We continue our Westernization and we begin exerting influence. We begin utilizing our military to crush the protests and we also send out government pamphlets for people to move into Tibet. Conservatives are even more quelled down. The Great Famine of Tibet ends as an estimated 20 million has died in this tragedy. The army begins to go in Tibet and killing all hostile gangs while clearing up the bodies. Lhasa is in fire and blood, as the city smelled of death. After running around the city, we discovered that the population of the city is a mere 200,000 and at least 90% of the city is destroyed. A man who have survived begin to journey out to the world. With the food surpluses, we begin to feed the remaining population. The city is also getting rebuild and the Tibetan Buddhist Church is now mostly destroyed. We continue our train rail construction and finish the part from Nanking to Changsha. The economy continues expanding as the country makes its first rubber, coffee and wine exports. We begin selling more cash crops as it replenished our royal coffers and allowed more people to not die of hunger. Our first chocolate are exported and begin to be bought at a high price by the rich and powerful. We begin experiencing a baby-boom due to the modernization and the abundance of food. We continue our construction of rifle factories.

To modernize Chinese thinking, Tongzhi promoted legalism as opposed to Confucianism and gives a law to change 50% of the schools in China to teach science, mechanics and for richer schools, a foreign language. To counter the people against legalism, we wrote new laws against corruption and it satisfied the peasants, who were angry about wide-spread corruption. We also begin catching and punishing corrupt officials. More paper notes are given and they slowly replace gold and silver. An estimated 50% of the beggars have now been inspected.

100,000 are produced this year and the model is now called the Lieting (Thunderstrike) 7. Many more naval bases, ammunition factories, arms factories and arsenals are built in major cities and major ports. More navies are sent on patrol in the East China Sea. We begin developing naval ships as we send iron and coal from Shangxxi to Shangdong, where they are built into tiny battleships. We raise our army score by 0.25. QCS Qianglong and QCS Huang Taiji is built. More soldiers are vigorously trained. We begin vigorously training our volunteer army. We continue to have large numbers of drills in the military and those who fail will be kicked out. We send many of our soldiers to Manchuria to secure it from Japanese influence.


The Serbian peoples rise up in revolt against Ottoman rule in the Balkans. Their combination of patriarchal peasant democracy with modern national goals attracts thousands of volunteers among the Serbs from across the Balkans and Central Europe.

Austro-Hungary: We begin upgrading our military, increasing our score by 0.25. Railroads from the west begin to spread to cover much of the empire, increasing mobility across our nation. Many cities and towns join the railway system and the existing rail networks gain several connections and interconnections. Widespread rail transportation begins to become common, and also the integration of transportation systems in the area. Citizens across the empire begin to be trained in case of war. We begin secretly funding and supplying rebel groups in the Balkans who are operating against the Ottoman Empire.

Germany: We begin a rapid expansion of industry to catch up to other European powers. The steel giant Krupp continues to grow to become one of the largest steel manufacturers in Europe, improving our national economy, thanks in large part to the protection from American and British competition afforded by tariffs and cartels. Coal plants are expanded to locally power our nation. Important mines along the valleys of the rivers Ruhr, Inde, and Wurm are modernized to be safer and more efficient. Numerous small industrial centres begin to spring up, focusing on ironworks using local coal. Our iron and steel works begin buying mines, and erecting coking ovens to supply their own requirements in coke and gas. These integrated coal-iron firms ("Huettenzechen") became numerous with the growth of the industrial sector. The average output of a mine in 1850 was about 8,500 short tons; its employment about 64. We hope to grow these numbers, drastically increasing our output. Total Ruhr coal output rose from 2.0 million short tons in 1850, and is expected to rise to 22 by 1880. The miners in the Ruhr region are divided by ethnicity with Germans and Poles, and religion with Protestants and Catholics, splitting the miners into several unions, with an affiliation to different political parties. Mobility in and out of the mining camps to nearby industrial areas is high. German banks begin to play a central roles in financing German industry. Different banks form cartels in different industries, and Cartel contracts become accepted as legal and binding by German courts, although illegal in Britain and the United States. The process of cartelization begins slowly, but the cartel movement is expected to rise. The government plays a powerful role in the industrialization of the German Empire, during a period known as the Second Industrial Revolution. We supported not only heavy industry but also crafts and trades, to maintain prosperity in all parts of the empire. Local procedures are put in place, so even where the national government does not act, the highly autonomous regional and local governments are expected to support their own industries. Each state is expected to be as self-sufficient as possible. Railroads become crucial in the transfer of German goods across Europe, and modern engines begin to replace outdated models in our nation. Bismarck’s new tariffs on imported grain and the introduction of the sugar beet as a main crop helps to grow agricultural yield. Farmers begin to abandon traditional, inefficient practices, adapting modern farming practices, such as the use of new fertilizers and tools. The knowledge and tools gained from the intensive farming of sugar and other root crops helps to quickly elevate Germany to one of the most efficient agricultural producers in Europe. With the economic push toward industrialization and urbanization, heavy industry (coal and steel especially) become important in the Ruhr, and manufacturing growing in the cities, the Ruhr, and Silesia. Based on its leadership in chemical research in the universities and industrial laboratories, we begin to become dominant in the world's chemical industry. Big businesses such as BASF and Bayer led the way in their production and distribution of artificial dyes and pharmaceuticals during the Wilhelmine era, leading to the German monopolisation of the global chemicals market. The settlement of Fredericksville expands, officially becoming the capital of the German Congo as well as an important trade port along the coast. Similar settlements spring up all along the Congo River and some of the southern and eastern Congo. The river is closed to all foreign expeditions until the conclusion of the Berlin Conference, assuming that the free access clause is accepted, stopping all foreign settlement attempts in the Congo from the west. Further treaties are organized with the local natives in the Congo, who are treated relatively fairly. The entire region of Namibia has now been charted and scarcely settled at this point, meeting the British settlements to the south. An expedition is launched across northern Botswana, setting up a settlement in the center of the region, armed with a small garrison and trained to protect settlers crossing the colony. Small settlement are created on the northern end of Lake Malawa and on Lake Tanganyika, trading with small groups of Portuguese to the far south, and with Germans to the west. The city of Lubumbashi is founded as a small German city of a few thousand civilians and soldiers.It is discovered that the settlement may be sitting on one of the largest ore deposits in the world, and the original landowners quickly become rich. It is reported that a ‘gold rush’ for precious metals and ores is just beginning as settlers flock to the Congo. Rail lines are also laid down at Fredericksville. Deals are made with the local Lundo, Yeke, and Kazembe tribes to secure profitable lands, although many natives begin to become restless, and some fear of a potential war with the natives. Plans are made to establish mines in the central Congo, hiring low wage Congolese natives. The Cameroon and northern Congo settlements also grow. (Mscoree told me to post this for him.)

Britain: Propaganda increases support for Britain in the new Vassals. A military division is sent to the Spanish Vassals. Military is upgraded.

  • British Honduras: We build up our military, training them here. The production of mahogany increases. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money.
  • Cayman: We build up our military, training them here. People from Britain with high incomes begin to emigrate here, as it is a tax haven. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money.
  • Jamaica: We build up our military, training them here. The production of sugar increases. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money.
  • Malta: We build up our military, training them here. The mining of limestone increases. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money.
  • British Raj: We build up our military, training them here. The production of cotton, rubber and grains increases. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money. 
  • British Burma: We build up our military, training them here. The number of merchants stopping here between India and China increases. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money.
  • New Zealand: We build up our military, training them here. The production of wool and meat increases. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money.
  • Malacca: We build up our military, training them here. More opium is imported. Th tax on this brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money.
  • Bahrain: We build up our military, training them here. We begin to industrialise. Doing this causes Britain to give us a grant for independence. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money.
  • British Guiana: We build up our military, training them here. The production of sugarcane increases, and mining, rice farming begin to grow in importance. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money.
  • Falklands: We build up our military, training them here. Sheep farming increases, and the export of it begins to increase the GDP. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money.
  • Gold Coast: We build up our military, training them here. The production of gold increases. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money.
  • Gambia: We build up our military, training them here. The farming of groundnuts increases. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money.
  • Sierra Leone: We build up our military, training them here. The mining of diamonds increases. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money.

Belgium: The colonists in Lesotho begin to bring back expensive African jewelry which is then sold in Belgium, boosting our economy. The new factories built over the last three years and our various trade agreements have also contributed to Belgium's industry. Therefore, our industry is upgraded by 0.25. We thank Denmark for agreeing to sell us a new battleship and we agree to France's trade agreement.

  • Lesotho: We send an additional 5000 troops and our fleet over to put down the local rebellions and defeat the aborigines.
  • Algo - Belgium: = 50
             - Lesotho: = 45

That means we win, right? But I don't know Lesotho's army and fleet scores. Also, I have some allies! Could they help me somehow?  Rcchang (talk) 11:32, October 5, 2013 (UTC) Lestho is part of South Africa.

Lesotho was gifted to Belgium by Great Britain during the Berlin Conference.

Gonna need an algo for that, can't put down rebellions without algos.

They wouldn't rebel. They have been under British Rule for ages without rebelling. Also, you likely gave them too much credit. I will do you an algorithm later and we'll see. Mafia (talk)

South Africa (Transvaal): The Boers of German and Dutch descent march through South Africa declaring this - the First African Empire. The man we invite is Henry Prince of Prussia, Emperor of the Afrikaners. President Kruger is named Chancellor. We begin a recruitment program to the Africans to mine diamonds. We ask the Orange Free State to join us <Mod response>. We ask to join the League (Austria, Russia, Germany, Japan). We ask for an official alliance with Italy. You are the British Colony in South Africa. Either change nation, or change your turn.

Orange Free State Dip: We disagree.

This is agreed. If you try this again I'll just hand this over to the TSPTF as Vandalism/Trolling

'I am the FREAKEN' Transvaal - an independent nation. I am reporting YOU to the TSTPF for 'Vandalism/Trolling

Joseon: The infrastructure is improved. Some more Confucian, Buddhist and Taoist temples are built.

I'm going to leave RTS since the Alt History Wiki has been getting boring for me over time. The responsibility of the game is left for the current moderators. User:Edboy452 Flag of Romania Flag of Germany (1935–1945) Flag of Israel Flag of the Soviet Union (talk) 23:50, October 4, 2013 (UTC)

Denmark: Construction of another two Voyager class battleships is underway and is expected to be completed in two years. Training is coming along smoothly for the navy volunteers and we have selected the first group that will receive a posting to the ship "Sentinel". The officers of the ship will be decided by the scores they received in training, the rest of the positions will be decided by the crew amongst themselves. However, the officers will reserve the right to change the crews posts. The military side of the armed forces is coming along nicely and we only have 5000 untrained recruits and 92,000 fully trained soldiers. Navy Score increased by 0.25

Japan: We continue construction of the University of Tokyo. More boats are put into the East China Sea. A railroad from Tokyo to the island of Hokkaido begins construction.

Qing Dynasty: We continue our Westernization and we begin exerting influence. We begin utilizing our military to crush the protests and we also send out government pamphlets for people to move into Tibet. Conservatives are even more quelled down. We continue rebuilding Tibet and we continue our modernization with no pesky conservatives in the way. We continue our train rail construction and finish the part from Changsha to Wuhan. The economy continues expanding as the country makes its first rubber, coffee and wine exports. More cash crops are planted and sold and we now begin influencing French Indochina by sending in immigrants and buying the land. Our immigrants are heavily involved in commerce in Indochina. (It happened in OTL: We begin selling more cash crops as it replenished our royal coffers and allowed more people to not die of hunger. Our first chocolate are exported and begin to be bought at a high price by the rich and powerful. We continue experiencing a baby-boom due to the modernization and the abundance of food. We continue our construction of rifle factories.

To modernize Chinese thinking, Tongzhi promoted legalism as opposed to Confucianism and gives a law to change 50% of the schools in China to teach science, mechanics and for richer schools, a foreign language. To counter the people against legalism, we wrote new laws against corruption and it satisfied the peasants, who were angry about wide-spread corruption. We also begin catching and punishing corrupt officials. More paper notes are given and it slowly replaces gold and silver. An estimated 75% of the beggars have now been inspected. We command the scholars to write Baijia, a consolidation of all Chinese philosophy with excerpts from great Chinese philosophy books.

400,000 rifles are produced this year. Many more naval bases, ammunition factories, arms factories and arsenals are built in major cities and major ports. More navies are sent on patrol in the East China Sea. We begin developing naval ships as we send iron and coal from Shangxxi to Shangdong, where they are built into tiny battleships. QCS Qianglong and QCS Huang Taiji is built. More soldiers are vigorously trained. We begin vigorously training our volunteer army. We continue to have large numbers of drills in the military and those who fail will be kicked out. We send many of our soldiers to Manchuria to secure it from Japanese influence.

Empire of Brazil: The Empire officially connects Angola, and Mozambique through the Colony of Zambia with Settlements stretching from coast to coast. The Brazilian government continues to encourage the unemployed (with some government persuasion) to continue to settle the African colonies taking many of the homeless, regularly unemployed, and other lower classes of Society and giving them portions of land to settle and develop in Africa. The Brazilian parliament passes the African Development act which grants people land for farming and homesteading and other major towns and communities to form. This is done to heavily secure the territories in Central Africa with a populace. The Previous African slaves looking for work or a new life outside of Brazil which is about 20 to 30% of the pre Slavery population migrate to the Colonies as well spreading Catholicism, as well as Brazilian culture. The Brazilian empires population grows to about 27.8 million with industrial and heavy agricultural work expanding through some of the industrialized Brazil. The Railroad running through various areas of the Amazon continues to connect isolated cities, towns and resources outposts with the main network allowing for more resources being allowed to Spain through the country. Brazil itself using funds flowing in from increasing profit from colonies begins using this to help Develop Brazil and some of the Larger colonies before focusing on smaller colonies.

The Industrial Capabilities of Brazil continues to catch up to the US however the US's greater population allows for them to outproduce us still. However increasing trade allows for the Brazilians to fill many of the niches that the US currently does not fill for the Americas and begins larger exportation of Food, industrial goods, and other cash crop products to Mexico, the US, and the other American nations being traded with, with other trade ships shipping heavily to Europe. The Brazilian economy manages to finally Recover from the various issues with the rubber trade allowing for a more regulated market to prevent another crash, giving out a maximum production rate to the companies in Brazil proper and the colonies asking for any excess to be stored in case of a bad harvest or other unforseen circumstances. The Brazilian trades in cattle and other food goods begin to increase to take the place of less land needed for rubber plantations. This is taken advantage of and cattle being sent throughout Brazil is being transported all throughout South America and is even sold to the Colonies. Brazilian immigration increases to about 25,000 a year to the colonies with certain areas like Gabon being more populated with Brazilian/Portuguese peoples than Africans. Influence on Venezuela continues with Brazilian interests and business beginning to make a minor appearance in the country. Brazilian Workers are sent to Colombia to help France work on the Panama Canal with Brazilian adaptation to many of the diseases in the areas allowing for more expedient construction of the Canal.

The Brazilian Military begins to encourage higher quality of Training and preparedness attempting to prevent rampant disease that comes along with wars. The Army itself begins designating certain groups of soldiers as Sharpshooters working on being able to pick off important people in the army in a war. The army also begins developing a more well trained and powerful cavalry core training mounted shooters and shock cavalry more. The Brazilian military continues to Debate Seizing Acre, but for the time being cannot figure out a good explanation or reason other than blatantly and obviously securing Brazilian interests. The Brazilian Navy fails to make its payments to the private ships it hired seeing more worth in building its own with three more ironclad cruisers (not modern or WW1 styled cruisers) which are finished and sent to the Canary Islands. The Newest Battleship is laid down with work being done to use the Modernized Dom Pedro II plans (with mostly iron composition with steel being tested to protect more important areas of the ship.) The ship is named the Dona Maria after the head admirals wife who had just passed away. This is accepted and many Brazilian captains and admirals believe the name is endearing and the ship embodies her well.

Emperor Dom Pedro II once again experiences a more willing and better attitude about the monarchy seeing his exploits as Emperor actually paying off. With many of his subjects including the nobility approving of many of his policies and the recognition Brazil is receiving for the accomplishments, Dom Pedro II declares a national holiday all throughout the empire. the young Dom Pedro III (the Grandson) continues his education with major principles and subjects continuing to be taught to him. He manages to get a grasp on such things as fair rule with quizes given to him on paper, and in life surprising his family, and even the nobility who become increasingly enthralled and impressed with their future Emperor's education and how he works with it.

Federal Funding continues to be shifted towards the domestic point to the Amazonian railway systems with more resources such as the components of Iron, as well as coal deposits, and other minable resources being able to be exploited now as well. Coal mining begins to make a noticeable niche in the Brazilian economy with it being used for energy purposes as well as components in steel taking certain hints from the US's Carnegie steel coorporation which has been observed through trade with the nation. However, the lack of current quality of Brazilian steel means that until Brazilian steel production and quality increases the buying of steel from the US and other heavy steel producing companies is a must for the military until high quality Brazilian steel is manufactured. This begins to take precedence of other things with the Brazilian Government urging the many moderate to Small steel producing companies to advance their production and quality. This diversified small company method actually does (because of competition) begin to get higher quality steel out. However, work still needs to be done in order for it to be the quality that the Brazilian military and other more prestigious businesses need. Federal funding to the Trans-African railway begins with the funds being used to progress both railways inland. Economy increases by 0.25.

  • Dominion of Portugal: The Portuguese economy continues its rise as new jobs are offered through newly industrialized sections in Portugal. The Portuguese military also expands another 10,000 with the approval of the Brazilian government with the forces being stationed in Huelva (now apart of Portugal). The Portuguese people continue to expand through the colonies with the Brazilians with about 15,000 annual immigrants going either to Brazil or the colonies. Some rebels in the north loyal to the previous monarchy are put down but many of the man are captured and not killed with the men pardoned if they give up locations of others like them, and allowed to return to their families. The men themselves agree and are pardoned, some of these men are hired as private security for shipping companies in the Ports of Portugal.
  • Goa: The colony of Goa continues its trade of spices and other things from India and some seeds for rubber trees are planted intent on turning Goa into a cash crop colony. The rubber industry begins to take off as Trees more near to their ripe age are harvested in Goa and money starting to flow into the colony.
  • Macau: Macau continues to funnel trade from China but now by default it Fronts to the Empire of Brazil beginning to increase the Asian base of Trade to Brazil.
  • East Timor: The economy is continually based around cash crops with coffee being a huge export as well as rubber trees beng planted for better cultivation. Rubber begins to develop more with plantations for it beginning to take precedence over others. Some Settlers from East Timor move to New Guinea establishing a small trading outpost.
  • Angola: Angola continues its economic production of gold, spices, diamonds, with plantation economy coming on the rise with agricultural products coming into play. Rubber trees are planted in Angola to help expand Brazil's growing rubber industries. The immigration from Brazil and Portugal continue to expand the colony quite a bit pushing territorial control farther inland. Missionaries using Angolas base through previous portuguese ownership continue to convert many to Catholicism (with subversive subsidies and privileges given to those who convert) with these new Catholics along with colonists securing more territory for cultivation. The Trans-African Railroad is surprisingly taken up by the Brazilian colonial administrations and is funded by a combination of Colonial and Federal funding allowing for a Base to be established on either coast and the railroad to begin progressing from both coasts.
  • Mozambique: Mozambique's economy and population continue to expand with interior settlement by farmers and other Africans allowed land for cultivation. The only Africans allowed this, however, are the ones who have converted to Catholicism, and those with the money to do this (which some have due to their working on the colonial plantations as wage workers). The Trans-African Railroad begins with the base from Federal, and Colonial funding allowing for the Railroad to progress inland towards Angola.
  • Zambia: The new colonists pushing into Zambia begin making treaties and agreements with many of the local populace securing more territory both to the North and South minorly with A more major push to be made moving and securing a route to Angola. Local Treaties are signed as well as a colonial push into Brazilian-claimed Zimbabwe as well. Treaties with local tribes in Burundi and Rwanda are secured. The Push into Zimbabwe continues but only enough to settle the few northern Provinces. Through Zambia Angola and Mozambique are officially connected and a rudimentary Road pushes through Africa to connect them (from Settlement)
  • Gabon: The Colony of Gabon expands to 14,000 and with the African flight from the colony the Lusophone population begins to catch up to the African population with a prediction that Gabon will be a majority Lusophonic by the year 1900
  • Cameroon: The Cameroon colony established a few years ago reaches a population of 11,000 which is a mix of Portuguese and Brazilian lower classes looking for a new life. The Colony also helps in the West African trade by Brazil helping secure the trade and colony rights from Cameroon, to Angola. The colony with its expanded territory as well begins bringing in more natives as securing the Interior becomes a prime directive of many of the incoming settlers from Brazil and Portugal. Expansion in Nigeria is halted by the Northern and interior tribes preventing, however the Cameroon-Nigerian colonists seeing increased opportunity begin sending missionaries through the area and with these the missionaries settle in African villages (in a covert opportunity to both be missionaries, and secure the Rest of Nigeria for the empire)

France: Railraods and public schools continue their construction in both Urban and rural French areas, and continue expansion between major cities in French Algiera, which also begins to expand farther into North Africa. The Afrique Francaise army is moved to the French Algieria-Ottoman Algeria border. The labor reforms continue to be popular and are not added onto. The meetings between Opportunist Republicans end, with many of the current government officials coming out against the War Minister, and unelected ones and many citizens come to his favor as his statements during the meetings are made public, a year before Paris elections. Quinine bark powder continues to be shipped to the colonies and the Panama Canal construction zone, expanding colonial growth and worker safety in the Panama Canal. Recent innovations with the industrialization of the gelatin pill process allows for the government of France to produce Quinine bark powder in gelatin capsules which are easily stored, swallowed, and mass produced, creating one of the first mass produced pharmacuticals. The French Lebel Rifle continues productions and shipments. Missionaries continue to be sent into Ottoman Algeria and Tinisia, and influence continues on Egypt. We attempt to install two Frenchmen as Egyptian finance and public affairs officials. Construction of the Panama Canal continues on schedule, aided by thousands of workers from Europe and South America.

  • French Equatorial Africa: Through continental French shipments, the colonial armies become better armed and uniformed, in order to enforce French law and assimilation upon the native populations. The colonial government begins to "hand out" assimilation rights, which actually require a renouncement of current land holdings, allowing for the colonial government to take hold of lands, and "civilize" the natives.  The plants sent to the colony continue cultivation in plantations now. 
  • French Dahomey: The French 12th Foreign Legion is established in French Dahomey and the 19th Army Corp sends more soldiers to French Dahomey, in order to protect the colonists against the increasingly aggressive Dahomey Kingdoms. French Missionaries are sent into the Dahomey Kingdoms. We begin to expand into African territory, using the quinine bark packets as effective anti-malaria agents.
  • New Caledonia: Continental French shipments allow for the small colonial police force to become better armed and uniformed in the wake of recent waves of European immigration from the discovery of nickel in 1864. Since then, colonial population has been ever increasing, and native population slowly decreasing, although tensions are very high.
  • French Senegal: Continental French shipments allow for the colonies armies to become better armed and uniformed. The doctrine of missionary work and abolitionism is still promoted as preparations for another war with the remaining Sengali chiefdoms begins in order to curtail their slave trade and end their pagan practices, as well as gain access to numerous mining ventures. French Missionaries are sent into the Senegal chiefdoms. The colony begins to expand into African territory using the quinine bark packets as effective anti-malaria agents.
  • French Indochina: Continental French shipments allow for the large colonial armies to become better armed and uniformed. Soldiers are stationed near the Sino-Indochinese border as support for expansion of the French colonial provinces and Catholic faith is advocated for by the governor of the colony. French missionaries are sent into Vietnam and Cambodia to promote Christianity in Asia. The plants sent to the colony continue cultivation in plantations now.
  • French Guiana: Continental French shipments allow for the larger colonial armies to become better armed and unformed. More French immigrants arrive to the colony, prompting the governor to expand the city of Cayenne to account for more ships coming to French Guiana. The plants sent to the colony continue cultivation plantations now. Many of the prisoners opt to either stay in Guiana, or go to French Dahomey and Sengal to work on plantations for a wage and reduced sentence. However, some stay within Guiana to work on the plantations as well.


The Serbian revolt grows as most of the Ottoman army is expelled from the Serbian territories by the thousands of volunteers and Serbian fighters.

War Minister Georges Boulanger of France receives 100,000 votes for a partial election Seine that he was not even a candidate in. He is removed from the Paris region by the government and sent to command soldiers in Clermont-Ferrand. Upon his departure, a crowd of ten thousand takes the Gare de Lyon by storm, covering his train with posters titled Il reviendra ("He will come back").

Lundo and Yeke negotiations go successful for German colonists, expanding profitable land, however, the Kazembe refuse the Germans access to their land. The discovery and mining of gold in these regions leads to increased travel to the colonies.

Due to thousands of colonists travelling unprepared to Africa, many died due to not being experianced with diseases such as Malaria, nor small and very hostile native tribes.

About 1,500 workers have died between France and Brazil in the Panama Canal construction.

Denmark: The two New Voyager class ships are half finished and are expected to be finished on time. The Danish Navy have selected another two groups of volunteers to command the two Battleships, "Frederick" and "Sandheden". This just leaves seven groups remaining with only two positions left and some of them have become slightly hostile towards each other and have been suspended for a period of six months to shake hands and make up with each other. The last five groups will be stationed on smaller but just as important ships in the navy and some in the control station and will be able to communicate to nearby ships with a series of flag sings. The Military has now got 97,000 fully trained soldiers that are being stationed at areas dotted around the country in order for a fast response if any major hostilities arise and the Police Force is unable to handle it. A new law has been passed saying that there are not allowed taverns to be within a one mile radius of any property that is a school or any other kind of place where children are in case kids get drunk. In the event that a tavern is closer than the legal limit the government will give them a weekly pay until they either find another job or their new tavern is completed by the local builders contracted to build them a new one. We have also given the tavern owners a sum of money initially in case they want to buy a new property and convert that into a business.

Joseon: The infrastructure is improved. Some more Confucian, Buddhist and Taoist temples are built.

United Kingdoms of Sweden and Norway: We begin to develop more naval vessels with new artillery weapons installed to fire farther into land positions. We are also begining to research the potential of small rockets and we begin to develop a new rocket capable of penatrating enemy positions. Unfortunately, the first 20 rockets we built were unsucessful and the plan has been scrapped until further notice. We continue to strengthen our trade with Belgium and France. We also begin to recruit more miners for our new mine networks as we have just found a large area full of iron ore. A long ranged artillery cannon is put into research and we also continue researching for naval artillery. In our northern regions, logging has become very popular and has increased many regionl town sizes. We withdraw our naval vessels from the North Sea.

  • Sweden-Norway Diplomacy: We ask the German Empire for a trade agreement. We have not always been considered friends but we feel as if it is the time to put our bad history behind us and form a stronger union in Europe.

Belgium: We continue to produce military equipment in our factories. We also begin devlopment on a special Bomb called the Belthoso Bomb that is more powerful than a rifle or a cannon. A team of our best scientists and engineers are called to build the bomb. We thank our various trading partners, Switzerland, Sweden, France, Argentina, Brazil, Denmark, and some others. We ask if there are any other countries that are willing to trade with Belgium. Lastly, we upgrade army by 0.25.

  • Lesotho: We recruit some of the natives there as troops to defend our colony against the Orange Free State. We also send some supplies to the colonists there as food. We begin friendly relations with the natives and the natives teach the Belgian colonists how to hunt and farm. Our colony begins to prosper and bring money back to Belgium.

Qing Dynasty: We continue our Westernization and we begin exerting influence. We begin utilizing our military to crush the protests and we also send out government pamphlets for people to move into Tibet. Conservatives are even more quelled down. We continue rebuilding Tibet and we continue our modernization with no pesky conservatives in the way. We continue our train rail construction and finish the part from Changsha to Guanzhou. The economy continues expanding as the country makes its first rubber, coffee and wine exports. More cash crops are planted and sold. With our newly found economic power, we begin buying land in Asia and controlling trade in South East Asia using immigrants. We begin selling more cash crops as it replenished our royal coffers and allowed more people to not die of hunger. More chocolate is sold and the traditionally unarable regions of Guanxi and Yunnan are now producing a large amounts of income due to the humid conditions perfect for cash crops. We continue experiencing a baby-boom due to the modernization and the abundance of food. We continue our construction of rifle factories.

To modernize Chinese thinking, Tongzhi promoted legalism as opposed to Confucianism and gives a law to change 50% of the schools in China to teach science, mechanics and for richer schools, a foreign language. To counter the people against legalism, we wrote new laws against corruption and it satisfied the peasants, who were angry about wide-spread corruption. We also begin catching and punishing corrupt officials. More paper notes are given and it slowly replaces gold and silver. An estimated 99% of the beggars have now been inspected and we begin to routinely check new beggars. We begin to re-use Confucianism, but it is solely used on domestic politics and not on industry, military and foreign policy sectors. We command the scholars to write Baijia, a consolidation of all Chinese philosophy with excerpts from great Chinese philosophy books.

800,000 rifles are produced this year. We begin exporting rifles and we raise our army score by 0.25. Many more naval bases, ammunition factories, arms factories and arsenals are built in major cities and major ports. More navies are sent on patrol in the East China Sea. We begin developing naval ships as we send iron and coal from Shangxxi to Shangdong, where they are built into tiny battleships. QCS Qianglong and QCS Huang Taiji is built. More soldiers are vigorously trained. We begin vigorously training our volunteer army. We continue to have large numbers of drills in the military and those who fail will be kicked out. We send many of our soldiers to Manchuria to secure it from Japanese influence.

Transvaal: The Boers of German and Dutch descent march through Transvaal declaring this - the First Africaan Empire. The man we invite is Henry Prince of Prussia, Emperor of the Afrikaners. President Kruger is named Chancellor. We begin a recruitment program to the Africans to mine diamonds. We ask the Orange Free State to join us. Inflaunce of the Orange Free State grows. We ask to join the League (Austria, Russia, Germany, Japan). We ask for an official alliance with Italy. A monarchist movement grows. We ask to ally with the league.

In sports we invent a new sport called Federasie van die Internasionale Rugbyraad or the Federation of International Rugby. Any nation can join. There are two levels: national teams and club teams. The club teams are based in a league near them and the nationial teams participate in the four-year world cups.

  • Transvaal Military secret: Our army secretly begins training and issues everyone a new combat uniform and rifle. We also secretly plan an invasion of the OFS and we begin having Africans join with the promise that they will get a small portion of the OFS to have their own society. We plan a way to make Boer unity because the Boers are awesome. Plans to tame the Netherlands into a dominion also begin. Army upgraded By 0.25.
  • Belgian Dip: We ask Transvaal NOT to attack the Orange Free State and to leave it alone.


First, Do not yell, speak calmy. Second, your people have no reason to declare an empire and overthrow the republican democracy. Third, British Rugby has already been invented, and wasn't present in Dutch Transvaal. Since your people have no reason to overthrow the current republican democracy, you are not an empire, and not applicable to the League of Four Emperors. Eiplec - ಠ_ಠ (talk) 19:10, October 6, 2013 (UTC)

Ah, okay, but we just want an alliance of Rugby to give it a central government

France: Railroads and public schools continue their construction in both urban and rural French areas, and continue expansion between major cities in French Algeria, which also begins to expand farther into North Africa. The Afriquie Francaise army continues mobilization. The labor reforms continue to be popular. War Minister Georges Boulanger begins to support the ideas of those that support him and begins a popular campaign which seeks to combat the socialists and leftists of the nation, rallying many of the opportunist republicans and other right-wing minded people to his cause. Quinine bark begins to be sent in gelatin capsules to the colonies and Panama, easing the transporation and ingestion on the powder to effectively combat malaria. Our industry upgrades by 0.25 from increased industrial output and more effecient processes. The French Lebel rifle continues productions and shiments, and missionaries continue to be sent into Ottoman Algeri and Tunisia. Influence continues on Egypt. We attempt to install two Frenchmen as Egyptian finance and public affairs officials. Construction of the the Panama Canal continues, and recent attempts to end malaria and yellow fever deaths result in screen windows and doors for most buildings used for the project.

  • French Equatorial Africa: Through continental French shipments, the colonial armies become better armed and uniformed, in order to enforce French law and assimilation upon the native populations. The colonial government begins to "hand out" assimilation rights, which actually require a renouncement of current land holdings, allowing for the colonial government to take hold of lands, and "civilize" the natives.  The plants sent to the colony continue cultivation in plantations now. 
  • French Dahomey: The French 12th Foreign Legion is established in French Dahomey and the 19th Army Corp sends more soldiers to French Dahomey, in order to protect the colonists against the increasingly aggressive Dahomey Kingdoms. French Missionaries are sent into the Dahomey Kingdoms. We begin to expand into African territory, using the quinine bark packets as effective anti-malaria agents.
  • New Caledonia: Continental French shipments allow for the small colonial police force to become better armed and uniformed in the wake of recent waves of European immigration from the discovery of nickel in 1864. Since then, colonial population has been ever increasing, and native population slowly decreasing, although tensions are very high.
  • French Senegal: Continental French shipments allow for the colonies armies to become better armed and uniformed. The doctrine of missionary work and abolitionism is still promoted as preparations for another war with the remaining Sengali chiefdoms begins in order to curtail their slave trade and end their pagan practices, as well as gain access to numerous mining ventures. French Missionaries are sent into the Senegal chiefdoms. The colony begins to expand into African territory using the quinine bark packets as effective anti-malaria agents.
  • French Indochina: Continental French shipments allow for the large colonial armies to become better armed and uniformed. Soldiers are stationed near the Sino-Indochinese border as support for expansion of the French colonial provinces and Catholic faith is advocated for by the governor of the colony. French missionaries are sent into Vietnam and Cambodia to promote Christianity in Asia. The plants sent to the colony continue cultivation in plantations now.
  • French Guiana: Continental French shipments allow for the larger colonial armies to become better armed and unformed. More French immigrants arrive to the colony, prompting the governor to expand the city of Cayenne to account for more ships coming to French Guiana. The plants sent to the colony continue cultivation plantations now. Many of the prisoners opt to either stay in Guiana, or go to French Dahomey and Sengal to work on plantations for a wage and reduced sentence. However, some stay within Guiana to work on the plantations as well.

Empire of Brazil: The Empire officially connects Angola, and Mozambique through the Colony of Zambia with Settlements stretching from coast to coast. The Brazilian government continues to encourage the unemployed (with some government persuasion) to continue to settle the African colonies taking many of the homeless, regularly unemployed, and other lower classes of Society and giving them portions of land to settle and develop in Africa. The Brazilian parliament passes the African Development act which grants people land for farming and homesteading and other major towns and communities to form. This is done to heavily secure the territories in Central Africa with a populace. The Previous African slaves looking for work or a new life outside of Brazil which is about 20 to 30% of the pre Slavery population migrate to the Colonies as well spreading Catholicism, as well as Brazilian culture. The Brazilian empires population grows to about 28.3 million with industrial and heavy agricultural work expanding through some of the industrialized Brazil. The Railroad running through various areas of the Amazon continues to connect isolated cities, towns and resources outposts with the main network allowing for more resources being allowed to Spain through the country. Brazil itself using funds flowing in from increasing profit from colonies begins using this to help Develop Brazil and some of the Larger colonies before focusing on smaller colonies.

The Industrial Capabilities of Brazil continues to catch up to the US however the US's greater population allows for them to outproduce us still. However increasing trade allows for the Brazilians to fill many of the niches that the US currently does not fill for the Americas and begins larger exportation of Food, industrial goods, and other cash crop products to Mexico, the US, and the other American nations being traded with, with other trade ships shipping heavily to Europe. The Brazilian economy manages to finally Recover from the various issues with the rubber trade allowing for a more regulated market to prevent another crash, giving out a maximum production rate to the companies in Brazil proper and the colonies asking for any excess to be stored in case of a bad harvest or other unforseen circumstances. The Brazilian trades in cattle and other Food goods begin to increase to take the place of less land needed for rubber plantations. This is taken advantage of and cattle being sent throughout Brazil is being transported all throughout South America and is even sold to the Colonies. Brazilian immigration increases to about 25,000 a year to the colonies with certain areas like Gabon being more populated with Brazilian/Portuguese peoples than Africans. Influence on Venezuela continues with Brazilian interests and business beginning to make a minor appearance in the country. Brazilian Workers are sent to Colombia to help France work on the Panama Canal with Brazilian adaptation to many of the diseases in the areas allowing for more expedient construction of the Canal.

The Brazilian Military begins to encourage higher quality of Training and preparedness attempting to prevent rampant disease that comes along with wars. The Army itself begins designating certain groups of soldiers as Sharpshooters working on being able to pick off important people in the army in a war. The army also begins developing a more well trained and powerful cavalry core training mounted shooters and shock cavalry more. The Brazilian military continues to Debate Seizing Acre, but for the time being cannot figure out a good explanation or reason other than blatantly and obviously securing Brazilian interests. The Brazilian Navy fails to make its payments to the private ships it hired seeing more worth in building its own with three more ironclad cruisers (not modern or WW1 styled cruisers) which are finished and sent to the Canary Islands. The newest battleship is laid down with work being done to use the modernized Dom Pedro II plans (with mostly iron composition with steel being tested to protect more important areas of the ship.) The ship is named the Dona Maria after the head admiral's wife who had just passed away. This is accepted and many Brazilian captains and admirals believe the name is endearing and the ship embodies her well.

Emperor Dom Pedro II once again experiences a more willing and better attitude about the monarchy seeing his exploits as Emperor actually paying off. With many of his subjects including the nobility approving of many of his policies and the recognition Brazil is receiving for the accomplishments, Dom Pedro II declares a national holiday all throughout the empire. the young Dom Pedro III (the Grandson) continues his education with major principles and subjects continuing to be taught to him. He manages to get a grasp on such things as fair rule with quizes given to him on paper, and in life surprising his family, and even the Nobility who become increasingly enthralled and impressed with their future Emperors education and how he works with it.

Federal Funding continues to be shifted towards the Domestic point to the Amazonian railway systems with more resources such as the components of Iron, as well as Coal Deposits, and other minable resources being able to be exploited now as well. Coal mining begins to make a noticeable niche in the Brazilian economy with it being used for energy purposes as well as components in steel taking certain hints from the US's Carnagie steel coorporation which has been observed through trade with the nation. However, the lack of current quality of Brazilian steel means that until Brazilian steel production and quality increases the buying of steel from the US and other heavy steel producing companies is a must for the military until high quality Brazilian steel is manufactured. This begins to take precedence of other things with the Brazilian Government urging the many moderate to Small steel producing companies to advance their production and quality. This diversified small company method actually does (because of competition) begin to get higher quality steel out. However, work still needs to be done in order for it to be the quality that the Brazilian military and other more prestigious businesses need. Federal funding to the Trans-African railway begins with the funds being used to progress both railways inland

  • Dominion of Portugal: The Portuguese economy continues its rise as new jobs are offered through newly industrialized sections in Portugal. The Portuguese military also expands another 10,000 with the approval of the Brazilian government with the forces being stationed in Huelva (now a part of Portugal). The Portuguese people continue to expand through the colonies with the Brazilians with about 15,000 annual immigrants going either to Brazil or the colonies. Some rebels in the north loyal to the previous monarchy are put down but many of the man are captured and not killed with the men pardoned if they give up locations of others like them, and allowed to return to their families. The men themselves agree and are pardoned, some of these men are hired as private security for shipping companies in the ports of Portugal. Economy increases by 0.25
  • Goa: The colony of Goa continues its trade of spices and other things from India and some seeds for rubber trees are planted intent on turning Goa into a cash crop colony. The rubber industry begins to take off as trees more near their ripe age are harvested in Goa and money is starting to flow into the colony.
  • Macau: Macau continues to funnel trade from China but now by default it fronts to the Empire of Brazil beginning to increase the Asian base of trade to Brazil.
  • East Timor: The economy is continually based around cash crops with coffee being a huge export as well as rubber trees beng planted for better cultivation. Rubber begins to develop more with plantations for it beginning to take precedence over others. Some settlers from East Timor move to New Guinea establishing a small trading outpost.
  • Angola: Angola continues its economic production of gold, spices, diamonds, with plantation economy coming on the rise with agricultural products coming into play. Rubber trees are planted in Angola to help expand Brazil's growing rubber industries. The immigration from Brazil and Portugal continue to expand the colony quite a bit pushing territorial control farther inland. Missionaries using Angolas base through previous portuguese ownership continue to convert many to Catholicism (with subversive subsidies and privileges given to those who convert) with these new Catholics along with colonists securing more territory for cultivation. The Trans-African Railroad is surprisingly taken up by the Brazilian colonial administrations and is funded by a combination of Colonial and Federal funding allowing for a Base to be established on either coast and the railroad to begin progressing from both coasts.
  • Mozambique: Mozambique's economy and population continue to expand with interior settlement by farmers and other Africans allowed land for cultivation. The only Africans allowed this, however, are the ones who have converted to Catholicism, and those with the money to do this (which some have due to their working on the colonial plantations as wage workers). The Trans-African Railroad begins with the base from federal and colonial funding allowing for the railroad to progress inland towards Angola.
  • Zambia: The new colonists pushing into Zambia begin making treaties and agreements with many of the local populace securing more territory both to the North and South minorly with a more major push to be made moving and securing a route to Angola. Local treaties are signed as well as a colonial push into Brazilian-claimed Zimbabwe as well. Treaties with local tribes in Burundi and Rwanda are secured. The push into Zimbabwe continues but only enough to settle the few northern Provinces. Through Zambia, Angola and Mozambique are officially connected and a rudimentary road pushes through Africa to connect them (from settlement).
  • Gabon: The Colony of Gabon expands to 17,000 and with the African flight from the colony the Lusophone population begins to catch up to the African population with a prediction that Gabon will be a majority Lusophonic by the year 1900.
  • Cameroon: The Cameroon colony established a few years ago reaches a population of 13,000 which is a mix of Portuguese and Brazilian lower classes looking for a new life. The Colony also helps in the West African trade by Brazil helping secure the trade and colony rights from Cameroon, to Angola. The colony with its expanded territory as well begins bringing in more natives as securing the Interior becomes a prime directive of many of the incoming settlers from Brazil and Portugal. Expansion in Nigeria is halted by the Northern and interior tribes preventing, however the Cameroon-Nigerian colonists seeing increased opportunity begin sending missionaries through the area and with these, the missionaries settle in African villages (in a covert opportunity to be both missionaries and secure the rest of Nigeria for the empire).

1888 []

You cannot create treaties with African tribes without demands, offers and diplomacy, just as you cannot control the actions of other nations. Previous treaties that are not mod approved, mod evented, or have sufficient OTL evidence to support them are to be ignored from here on out. However, major treatries that have given much land and have been played with for no less than seven turns are allowed to stay. Eiplec - ಠ_ಠ (talk) 23:43, October 6, 2013 (UTC)

The French President Jules Grevy resigns over protest of his son, Daniel Wilson, selling Legion of Honor medals to anyone who buys them, even though he had nothing to do with the scandal.

Malaria is still rampant in the African colonies, but more prepared colonists lead to a far less death percentage than the previous year, but also decreased interest in Africa among current colonial nations.

So far, 1,650 workers have died from various circumstances in the French-Brazilian Panama Canal, such as yellow fever, malaria, and workplace accidents. 

The Serbian army is extremely successful against subsequent Ottoman attacks against their revolting nation, and the Serbian government begins to actively encourage other Balkan states to revolt.

Tensions rise between Austro-Hungary and Russia over the Balkans and the Serbian peoples, Austria seeking to stop funding of Serbia, while Russia actively funds Serbia.

How can I claim land from Africa? It seems everyone else is... Aternix (talk) 03:04, October 7, 2013 (UTC)

Send a few expeditions to unclaimed parts, or claimed with low populations (Very war provoking). Eiplec - ಠ_ಠ (talk) 03:21, October 7, 2013 (UTC)

Ah, all right, I will claim unclaimed land in my turn. Aternix (talk) 04:07, October 7, 2013 (UTC)

RTS1886 Extra Fixes2

Expedition to Arabia

United Kingdoms of Sweden and Norway: A stronger union is bound between Sweden and Norway to the point that some people from Norway consider themselves part of Sweden. The Sweden-Norway government is now consulting turning the union into an entire nation such as the Austro-Hungarian empire. We continue to spread enfluence to the Norwegian peoples and we spread lots of industry and jobs to help their economy. Extra farmland is built in regional areas. Some more naval vessels have been developed and are positioned in several ports across Sweden and Norway. The missile system we were developing is now being developed again. This year, we have began construction of a missile that will explode on impact using gunpowder techniques, so far, little progress has been made. We send an expedition around Africa where we eventually find some small land on the Arabian peninsula. The land is immediately claimed by Sweden-Norway. (Map shows roughly where we claim). We begin to send more ships for people to explore the land under our name and to expand that land.

  • Sweden-Norway Diplomacy: We again ask the German Empire for a trade agreement for the reason in our last turn.
  • German Diplomacy: We accept your trade agreement.

Denmark: The last two battleships are complete and are on the waters "Caroline" and "Godske". We have begun building the battleship asked for by Belgium and it should be complete in two years. The price is up for negotiation but we would be hoping for $400,000 (or whatever our currency is). The military is in position around the country and has settled into their new posts.

Greece: The Colonization of the Greek East Africa continues. While the events in the once Ottoman Balkans continue shocking many, it has now become a fact, and the new nations in the Balkans are asking for a formal division of the territories between the nations - and a defense pact against the Ottomans.

Joseon: The infrastructure is improved. Some more Confucian, Buddhist and Taoist temples are built. The army is built up and its score is improved by 0.25.

Bhutan- Improves agriculture by using rice terraces, breeds a few more oxen, builds a new monestry in the capitol and offers an alliance to Josen.

Joseon Diplomacy: Joseon accepts Bhutan's alliance offer.

France: Railroads and public schools continue their construction in both urban and rural French areas, and continue expansion between major cities in French Algeria, which also begins to expand farther into North Africa. The Afriquie Francaise army continues mobilization. The labor reforms continue to be popular. Quinine bark begins to be sent in gelatin capsules to the colonies and Panama, easing the transporation and ingestion on the powder to effectively combat malaria. The French Lebel rifle continues productions and shiments, and missionaries continue to be sent into Ottoman Algeri and Tunisia. Influence continues on Egypt. We attempt to install two Frenchmen as Egyptian finance and public affairs officials. Construction of the the Panama Canal continues, and recent attempts to end malaria and yellow fever deaths result in screen windows and doors for most buildings used for the project. The General Georges Boulanger begins to gather support for his movement which already holds much support, and capitalizes on French conservatism. He advocates for the three principles of Revanche (Revenge on Germany), Revision (Revision of the constitution), and Restoration (The return of the monarch). The common reference to his movement is Boulangisme. The movement is backed by notable conservatives such as Arthur Dillon, Alfred Naquet, and the Duchess of Uzes. Boulanger capitalizes on the current scandel of the French government, causing a sharp increase in his popularity. After a meeting in Switzerland, and the subsequent election of Maraie Francois Carnot to the Presidency and his refusal to re-instate Boulanger as War Minister, Jerome Napoleon Bonaparte II gives full support to Boulanger, as does the Comte de Paris, the de facto King of France. Daniel Wilson's imprisonment for his scandal is repealled while Boulanger is expelled from the army. Boulanger begins his own movement for deputy of Paris, the election being next year.

  • French Equatorial Africa: Through continental French shipments, the colonial armies become better armed and uniformed, in order to enforce French law and assimilation upon the native populations. The colonial government begins to "hand out" assimilation rights, which actually require a renunciation of current land holdings, allowing for the colonial government to take hold of lands, and "civilize" the natives.  The plants sent to the colony continue cultivation in plantations now. 
  • French Dahomey: The French 12th Foreign Legion is established in French Dahomey and the 19th Army Corp sends more soldiers to French Dahomey, in order to protect the colonists against the increasingly aggressive Dahomey Kingdoms. French Missionaries are sent into the Dahomey Kingdoms. We begin to expand into African territory, using the quinine bark packets as effective anti-malaria agents.
  • New Caledonia: Continental French shipments allow for the small colonial police force to become better armed and uniformed in the wake of recent waves of European immigration from the discovery of nickel in 1864. Since then, colonial population has been ever increasing, and native population slowly decreasing, although tensions are very high.
  • French Senegal: Continental French shipments allow for the colonies armies to become better armed and uniformed. The doctrine of missionary work and abolitionism is still promoted as preparations for another war with the remaining Sengali chiefdoms begins in order to curtail their slave trade and end their pagan practices, as well as gain access to numerous mining ventures. French Missionaries are sent into the Senegal chiefdoms. The colony begins to expand into African territory using the quinine bark packets as effective anti-malaria agents.
  • French Indochina: Continental French shipments allow for the large colonial armies to become better armed and uniformed. Soldiers are stationed near the Sino-Indochinese border as support for expansion of the French colonial provinces and Catholic faith is advocated for by the governor of the colony. French missionaries are sent into Vietnam and Cambodia to promote Christianity in Asia. The plants sent to the colony continue cultivation in plantations now.
  • French Guiana: Continental French shipments allow for the larger colonial armies to become better armed and unformed. More French immigrants arrive to the colony, prompting the governor to expand the city of Cayenne to account for more ships coming to French Guiana. The plants sent to the colony continue cultivation plantations now. Many of the prisoners opt to either stay in Guiana, or go to French Dahomey and Sengal to work on plantations for a wage and reduced sentence. However, some stay within Guiana to work on the plantations as well.

Qing Dynasty: We continue our Westernization and we begin exerting influence. We begin utilizing our military to crush the protests and we also send out government pamphlets for people to move into Tibet. Conservatives are even more quelled down. We continue rebuilding Tibet and we continue our modernization with no pesky conservatives in the way. We continue our train rail construction and finish the part from Changsha to Guanzhou. The economy continues expanding as the country makes its first rubber, coffee and wine exports. More cash crops are planted and sold. With our newly found economic power, we begin buying land in Asia and controlling trade in South East Asia using immigrants. We begin selling more cash crops as it replenished our royal coffers and allowed more people to not die of hunger. More chocolate is sold and the traditionally unarable regions of Guanxi and Yunnan is now producing a large amounts of income due to the humid conditions perfect for cash crops. We continue experiencing a baby-boom due to the modernization and the abundance of food. We continue our construction of rifle factories. Our population hits 360,000,000 people.

To modernize Chinese thinking, Tongzhi promoted legalism as opposed to Confucianism and gives a law to change 50% of the schools in China to teach science, mechanics and for richer schools, a foreign language. To counter the people against legalism, we wrote new laws against corruption and it satisfied the peasants, who were angry about wide-spread corruption. We also begin catching and punishing corrupt officials. More paper notes are given and it slowly replaces gold and silver. An estimated 99% of the beggars have now been inspected and we begin to routinely check new beggars. We begin to re-use Confucianism, but it is solely used on domestic politics and not on industry, military and foreign policy sectors. We command the scholars to write Baijia, a consolidation of all Chinese philosophy with excerpts from great Chinese philosophy books. Baijia is finished and it becomes the philosophy and Chinese language text book for all schools.

1,000,000 rifles are produced this year. We begin exporting rifles. Many more naval bases, ammunition factories, arms factories and arsenals are built in major cities and major ports. More navies are sent on patrol in the East China Sea. We begin developing naval ships as we send iron and coal from Shangxxi to Shangdong, where they are built into tiny battleships. QCS Heilongjian and QCS Tang Taizhon is built. More soldiers are vigorously trained. We begin vigorously training our volunteer army. We continue to have large numbers of drills in the military and those who fail will be kicked out. We send many of our soldiers to Manchuria to secure it from Japanese influence.

Empire of Brazil: The Empire officially connects Angola, and Mozambique through the Colony of Zambia with Settlements stretching from coast to coast. The Brazilian government continues to encourage the unemployed (with some government persuasion) to continue to settle the African colonies taking many of the homeless, regularly unemployed, and other lower classes of Society and giving them portions of land to settle and develop in Africa. The Brazilian parliament passes the African Development act which grants people land for farming and homesteading and other major towns and communities to form. This is done to heavily secure the territories in Central Africa with a populace. The previous African slaves looking for work or a new life outside of Brazil which is about 20 to 30% of the pre Slavery population migrate to the Colonies as well spreading Catholicism, as well as Brazilian culture. The Brazilian empires population grows to about 29.1 million with industrial and heavy agricultural work expanding through some of the industrialized Brazil. The Railroad running through various areas of the Amazon continues to connect isolated cities, towns and resources outposts with the main network allowing for more resources being allowed to Spain through the country. Brazil itself using funds flowing in from increasing profit from colonies begins using this to help develop Brazil and some of the Larger colonies before focusing on smaller colonies.

The industrial capabilities of Brazil continues to catch up to the US. However, the US's greater population allows for them to outproduce us still. However, increasing trade allows for the Brazilians to fill many of the niches that the US currently does not fill for the Americas and begins larger exportation of food, industrial goods, and other cash crop products to Mexico, the US, and the other American nations being traded with, with other trade ships shipping heavily to Europe. The Brazilian economy manages to finally recover from the various issues with the rubber trade allowing for a more regulated market to prevent another crash, giving out a maximum production rate to the companies in Brazil proper and the colonies asking for any excess to be stored in case of a bad harvest or other unforseen circumstances. The Brazilian trades in cattle and other food goods begin to increase to take the place of less land needed for rubber plantations. This is taken advantage of and cattle being sent throughout Brazil is being transported all throughout South America and is even sold to the Colonies. Brazilian immigration increases to about 25,000 a year to the colonies with certain areas like Gabon being more populated with Brazilian/Portuguese peoples than Africans. Influence on Venezuela continues with Brazilian interests and business beginning to make a minor appearance in the country. Brazilian workers are sent to Colombia to help France work on the Panama Canal with Brazilian allowing for more expedient construction of the Canal.

The Brazilian military begins to encourage higher quality of training and preparedness attempting to prevent rampant disease that comes along with wars. The army itself begins designating certain groups of soldiers as Sharpshooters working on being able to pick off important people in the army in a war. The army also begins developing a more well trained and powerful cavalry core training mounted shooters and shock cavalry more. The Brazilian military continues to debate seizing acre, but for the time being cannot figure out a good explanation or reason other than blatantly and obviously securing Brazilian interests. The Brazilian navy fails to make its payments to the private ships it hired seeing more worth in building its own with three more ironclad cruisers (not modern or WW1 styled cruisers) which are finished and sent to the Canary Islands. The newest battleship is laid down with work being done to use the Modernized Dom Pedro II plans (with mostly iron composition with steel being tested to protect more important areas of the ship.) The ship is named the Dona Maria after the head admiral's wife who had just passed away. This is accepted and many Brazilian captains and admirals believe the name is endearing and the ship embodies her well.

Emperor Dom Pedro II once again experiences a more willing and better attitude about the monarchy seeing his exploits as Emperor actually paying off. With many of his subjects including the nobility approving of many of his policies and the recognition Brazil is receiving for the accomplishments, Dom Pedro II declares a national holiday all throughout the empire. the young Dom Pedro III (the grandson) continues his education with major principles and subjects continuing to be taught to him. He manages to get a grasp on such things as fair rule with quizes given to him on paper, and in life surprising his family, and even the Nobility who become increasingly enthralled and impressed with their future Emperor's education and how he works with it.

Federal funding continues to be shifted towards the Domestic point to the Amazonian railway systems with more resources such as the components of iron, as well as coal deposits, and other minable resources being able to be exploited now as well. Coal mining begins to make a noticeable niche in the Brazilian economy with it being used for energy purposes as well as components in steel taking certain hints from the US's Carnagie steel corporation which has been observed through trade with the nation. However the lack of current quality of Brazilian steel means that until Brazilian steel production and quality increases the buying of steel from the US and other heavy steel producing companies is a must for the military until high quality Brazilian steel is manufactured. This begins to take precedence of other things with the Brazilian government urging the many moderate to Small steel producing companies to advance their production and quality. This diversified small company method actually does (because of competition) begin to get higher quality steel out. However, work still needs to be done in order for it to be the Quality that the Brazilian military and other more prestigeous businesses need. Federal funding to the Trans-African railway begins with the funds being used to progress both railways inland. Economy increase by 0.25.

  • Dominion of Portugal: The Portuguese economy continues its rise as new jobs are offered through newly industrialized sections in Portugal. The Portuguese military also expands another 10,000 with the approval of the Brazilian government with the forces being stationed in Huelva (now apart of Portugal). The Portuguese people continue to expand through the colonies with the Brazilians with about 15,000 annual immigrants going either to Brazil or the colonies. Some rebels in the north loyal to the previous monarchy are put down but many of the man are captured and not killed with the men pardoned if they give up locations of others like them, and allowed to return to their families. The men themselves agree and are pardoned, some of these men are hired as private security for shipping companies in the ports of Portugal.
  • Goa: The colony of Goa continues its trade of spices and other things from India and some seeds for rubber trees are planted intent on turning Goa into a cash crop colony. The rubber industry begins to take off as trees more near their ripe age are harvested in Goa and money is starting to flow into the colony.
  • Macau: Macau continues to funnel trade from China but now by default it fronts to the Empire of Brazil beginning to increase the Asian base of trade to Brazil.
  • East Timor: The economy is continually based around cash crops with coffee being a huge export as well as rubber trees beng planted for better cultivation. Rubber begins to develop more with plantations for it beginning to take precedence over others. Some settlers from East Timor move to New Guinea establishing a small trading outpost.
  • Angola: Angola continues its economic production of gold, spices, diamonds, with plantation economy coming on the rise with agricultural products coming into play. Rubber trees are planted in Angola to help expand Brazil's growing rubber industries. The immigration from Brazil and Portugal continue to expand the colony quite a bit pushing territorial control farther inland. Missionaries using Angolas base through previous portuguese ownership continue to convert many to Catholicism (with subversive subsidies and privileges given to those who convert) with these new Catholics along with colonists securing more territory for cultivation. The Trans-African Railroad is surprisingly taken up by the Brazilian colonial administrations and is funded by a combination of Colonial and Federal funding allowing for a Base to be established on either coast and the railroad to begin progressing from both coasts.
  • Mozambique: Mozambique's economy and population continue to expand with interior settlement by farmers and other Africans allowed land for cultivation. The only Africans allowed this, however, are the ones who have converted to Catholicism, and those with the money to do this (which some have due to their working on the colonial plantations as wage workers). The Trans-African Railroad begins with the base from federal and colonial funding allowing for the railroad to progress inland towards Angola.
  • Zambia: The new colonists pushing into Zambia begin making treaties and agreements with many of the local populace securing more territory both to the North and South minorly with a more major push to be made moving and securing a route to Angola. Local treaties are signed as well as a colonial push into Brazilian-claimed Zimbabwe as well. The push into Zimbabwe continues but only enough to settle the few northern Provinces. Through Zambia, Angola and Mozambique are officially connected and a rudimentary road pushes through Africa to connect them (from settlement).
  • Gabon: The Colony of Gabon expands to 19,000 and with the African flight from the colony the Lusophone population begins to catch up to the African population with a prediction that Gabon will be a majority Lusophonic by the year 1900.
  • Cameroon: The Cameroon colony established a few years ago reaches a population of 13,000 which is a mix of Portuguese and Brazilian lower classes looking for a new life. The Colony also helps in the West African trade by Brazil helping secure the trade and colony rights from Cameroon, to Angola. The colony with its expanded territory as well begins bringing in more natives as securing the Interior becomes a prime directive of many of the incoming settlers from Brazil and Portugal. Expansion in Nigeria is halted by the Northern and interior tribes preventing. However, the Cameroon-Nigerian colonists seeing increased opportunity begin sending missionaries through the area and with these, the missionaries settle in African villages (in a covert opportunity to be both missionaries and secure the rest of Nigeria for the empire).

Switzerland: We vote to annex Liechenstein.

Germany: We begin a rapid expansion of industry to catch up to other European powers. The steel giant Krupp continues to grow to become one of the largest steel manufacturers in Europe, improving our national economy, thanks in large part to the protection from American and British competition afforded by tariffs and cartels. Coal plants are expanded to locally power our nation. Important mines along the valleys of the rivers Ruhr, Inde and Wurm are modernized to be safer and more efficient. Numerous small industrial centres begin to spring up, focusing on ironworks using local coal. Our iron and steel works begin buying mines, and erecting coking ovens to supply their own requirements in coke and gas. These integrated coal-iron firms ("Huettenzechen") became numerous with the growth of the industrial sector. The miners in the Ruhr region are divided by ethnicity with Germans and Poles, and religion with Protestants and Catholics, splitting the miners into several unions, with an affiliation to different political parties. Mobility in and out of the mining camps to nearby industrial areas is high. German banks begin to play a central roles in financing German industry. Different banks form cartels in different industries, and Cartel contracts become accepted as legal and binding by German courts, although illegal in Britain and the United States. The process of cartelization begins slowly, but the cartel movement is expected to rise. The government plays a powerful role in the industrialization of the German Empire, during a period known as the Second Industrial Revolution. We supported not only heavy industry but also crafts and trades, to maintain prosperity in all parts of the empire. Local procedures are put in place, so even where the national government does not act, the highly autonomous regional and local governments are expected to support their own industries. Each state is expected to be as self-sufficient as possible. Railroads become crucial in the transfer of German goods across Europe, and modern engines begin to replace outdated models in our nation. Bismarck’s new tariffs on imported grain and the introduction of the sugar beet as a main crop helps to grow agricultural yield. Farmers begin to abandon traditional, inefficient practices, adapting modern farming practices, such as the use of new fertilizers and tools. The knowledge and tools gained from the intensive farming of sugar and other root crops helps to quickly elevate Germany to one of the most efficient agricultural producers in Europe. With the economic push toward industrialization and urbanization, heavy industry (coal and steel especially) become important in the Ruhr, and manufacturing growing in the cities, the Ruhr, and Silesia. Based on its leadership in chemical research in the universities and industrial laboratories, we begin to become dominant in the world's chemical industry. Big businesses such as BASF and Bayer led the way in their production and distribution of artificial dyes and pharmaceuticals during the Wilhelmine era, leading to the German monopolisation of the global chemicals market. The settlement of Fredericksville expands, serving as an important trade port, where settlers from Germany and precious ores from the Congo meet. Hopeful entrepreneurs and miners begin to settle the central Congo, but this is smaller in comparison to the northern and southern regions, where towns continue to spring up around the Congo River Basin, and in the territory of the Kazembe. Further treaties are organized with the local natives in the Congo, who are treated relatively fairly. The entire region of Namibia has now been charted and scarcely settled at this point, meeting the British settlements to the south. An expedition is launched across northern Botswana, setting up a settlement in the center of the region, armed with a small garrison and trained to protect settlers crossing the colony. The city of Lubumbashi grows to become the second largest town in the Congo, as settlers flood inside the city. Rail lines are laid down at Fredericksville and extended to Lubumbashi and other towns. A group of Kazembe rise up in revolt, killing sixty settlers in the far south. Troops are called in to protect settlers in this region. We urge Switzerland to cease its hostility toward Liechtenstein. We upgrade our army score by 0.25.

  • French Diplomacy: The Republican French government agrees with Germany's sentiments on Switzerland's hostilities towards Liechtenstein. (Hoping to start better relations with Germany).

Britain: Propaganda increases support for Britain in the new vassals. A military division is sent to the Spanish Vassals. Military is upgraded.

  • British Honduras: We build up our military, training them here. The production of mahogany increases. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money.
  • Cayman: We build up our military, training them here. People from Britain with high incomes begin to emigrate here, as it is a tax haven. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money.
  • Jamaica: We build up our military, training them here. The production of sugar increases. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money.
  • Malta: We build up our military, training them here. The mining of limestone increases. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money.
  • British Raj: We build up our military, training them here. The production of cotton, rubber and grains increases. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money. 
  • British Burma: We build up our military, training them here. The number of merchants stopping here between India and China increases. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money.
  • New Zealand: We build up our military, training them here. The production of wool and meat increases. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money.
  • Malacca: We build up our military, training them here. More opium is imported. Th tax on this brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money.
  • Bahrain: We build up our military, training them here. We begin to industrialise. Doing this causes Britain to give us a grant for independence. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money.
  • British Guiana: We build up our military, training them here. The production of sugarcane increases, and mining, rice farming begin to grow in importance. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money.
  • Falklands: We build up our military, training them here. Sheep farming increases, and the export of it begins to increase the GDP. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money.
  • Gold Coast: We build up our military, training them here. The production of gold increases. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money.
  • Gambia: We build up our military, training them here. The farming of groundnuts increases. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money.
  • Sierra Leone: We build up our military, training them here. The mining of diamonds increases. This brings more money into the colony and people begin to have more money.
  • Colombia: The civil war begins to die down with the Liberal side remaining in charge of the nation. The Conservatives valiently attempt to turn the tide, but they continue to lose ground every day. The troubles in Colombia, while far from over, should be a little bit easier once the war is over.

Transvaal: The a recruitment program to the Africans to mine diamonds goes in full swing giving them. We ask the Orange Free State to join us. We give the OFS a ulitmadum join us within five years or face inalation. Inflaunce of the Orange Free State grows. We ask for an official alliance with Italy. A monarchist movement grows. We ask to ally with the league. We ask the UK buy the area of Natal paying them with UK companies being treated like our own and two tons of diamonds. We ask to have a conference with Grilquland west about the OFS.

  • Transvaal Military secret: Our army secretly begins training and issues everyone a new combat uniform and rifle. We also secretly plan an invasion of the OFS and we begin having Africans join with the promise that they will get a small portion of the OFS to have their own society. We plan a way to make Boer unity because the Boers are awesome. Plans to tame the Netherlands into a dominion also begin. Army upgraded By 0.25.


United Kingdoms of Sweden and Norway: More ships arive in Swedo-Norwegian Arabia and we expand our presence to many towns and cities in the area. We deploy one of our large naval vessels to the area to protect our colony against any invasion. We also deploy a small military force to protect our land. The population of our colony is dominantly native and we descide to show the natives that we pose no threat and we want to share our education and technology. We also develop more naval forces and we send more population to the colony. We continue to develop more farmland and mines along with mining technology. We increase our port sizes to trade with Germany and its colonies. The people of Norway have gained a lot of enfluence over the years and we a majority of people consider themselves part of a one nation between Sweden and Norway. Because of this, next turn our government will adopt a one nation agreement with Norway, forming our union of two into one. Such as Austro-Hungarian empire. We continue to spread enfluence to Norway and technologies and education. We upgrade our navy by 0.25.

Joseon: The infrastructure is improved. Some more Confucian, Buddhist and Taoist temples are built.

Belgium: We continue to use our industrial might and factories to build more troops. Numbers reach 30,000 eager to fight and well trained troops, 10,000 volunteer and less trained troops, 15,000 younger and badly equipped troops, and finally 5000 colonial troops stationed in Lesotho. We warn Transvaal not to touch Lesotho or we will send our entire army and fleet over to defend our only colony. We also tell Transvaal not to attack Orange Free State. We increase army by 0.25.

  • Sweden-Norway Diplomacy: We support Belgium against Transvaal, we mobilise some of our naval forces. We also ask Belgium: for an alliance as we have gained a stronger relation over the past few trade years and it is within our interests to protect your nation.
  • Belgium Dip: We thank Sweden and accept their alliance.
  • Danish Dip: We will send "Sentinel" to aid you in your struggle against Transvaal. On another note your Battleship is halfway complete.
  • Belgium Dip: We thank Denmark and ask how much they plan to charge us or the battleship.

Denmark: The four battleships that are staying in Danish waters while "Sentinel" is in the Command of the Belgian Authorities, will be participating in some simulated wargames off the east coast of Denmark and it will be going for at least one year. The military is still standing strong and have started to have some wargames of their own while some designers are working on a new type of rifle. It will contain a cartridge of ammo with a spring loaded plate in the bottom so that when one round is fired and ejected another is put into place. this will take some time to develop and will be funded for three years. Swiss Diplomacy: We offer to negotiate an agreement between Belgium and Transvaal. We were not acting in aggression against Liechenstein, we simply were attempting to prevent Austro-Hungary from annexing them.

Authorian France: Railroads and public schools continue their construction in both urban and rural French areas, and continue expansion between major cities in French Algeria, which also begins to expand farther into North Africa. The Afriquie Francaise army continues mobilization. The labor reforms continue to be popular. Quinine bark begins to be sent in gelatin capsules to the colonies and Panama, easing the transporation and ingestion on the powder to effectively combat malaria. The French Lebel rifle continues production and shipments, and missionaries continue to be sent into Ottoman Algeria and Tunisia. Influence continues on Egypt. We attempt to install two Frenchmen as Egyptian finance and public affairs officials. Construction of the the Panama Canal continues, and recent attempts to end malaria and yellow fever deaths result in screen windows and doors for most buildings used for the project. The French general Georges Boulanger wins the election for the deputy of Paris, winning by 240,000 to 160,000 (OTL). Rather than seek a legal way to power and fearing the loss of his popularity after witnessing numerous recent attempts at monarchies fail due to a loss of interest, he storms the French Parliament with hundreds of his supporters and two divisions directly under his command. 

"Five minutes past midnight, gentlemen. It's been five minutes since boulangisme has taken Paris."

Quote by Georges Boulanger on 12:05 am January 27th after removing the government of Paris.

As of now, General Georges Ernest Boulanger is the dictator and ruler of France after having removed the parliamentary republic government in one night. He quickly begins efforts to restore the monarchy and using the French Army under his command to remove any possible dissenters to his new reign as leader of France. Our military upgrades by 0.25 from increased activites of the entire French Army.

  • French Equatorial Africa: Through continental French shipments, the colonial armies become better armed and uniformed, in order to enforce French law and assimilation upon the native populations. The colonial government begins to "hand out" assimilation rights, which actually require a renunciation of current land holdings, allowing for the colonial government to take hold of lands, and "civilize" the natives.  The plants sent to the colony continue cultivation in plantations now. 
  • French Dahomey: The French 12th Foreign Legion is established in French Dahomey and the 19th Army Corp sends more soldiers to French Dahomey, in order to protect the colonists against the increasingly aggressive Dahomey Kingdoms. French missionaries are sent into the Dahomey Kingdoms. We begin to expand into African territory, using the quinine bark packets as effective anti-malaria agents.
  • New Caledonia: Continental French shipments allow for the small colonial police force to become better armed and uniformed in the wake of recent waves of European immigration from the discovery of nickel in 1864. Since then, colonial population has been ever increasing, and native population slowly decreasing, although tensions are very high.
  • French Senegal: Continental French shipments allow for the colonies armies to become better armed and uniformed. The doctrine of missionary work and abolitionism is still promoted as preparations for another war with the remaining Sengali chiefdoms begins in order to curtail their slave trade and end their pagan practices, as well as gain access to numerous mining ventures. French Missionaries are sent into the Senegal chiefdoms. The colony begins to expand into African territory using the quinine bark packets as effective anti-malaria agents.
  • French Indochina: Continental French shipments allow for the large colonial armies to become better armed and uniformed. Soldiers are stationed near the Sino-Indochinese border as support for expansion of the French colonial provinces and Catholic faith is advocated for by the governor of the colony. French missionaries are sent into Vietnam and Cambodia to promote Christianity in Asia. The plants sent to the colony continue cultivation in plantations now.
  • French Guiana: Continental French shipments allow for the larger colonial armies to become better armed and unformed. More French immigrants arrive to the colony, prompting the governor to expand the city of Cayenne to account for more ships coming to French Guiana. The plants sent to the colony continue cultivation plantations now. Many of the prisoners opt to either stay in Guiana, or go to French Dahomey and Sengal to work on plantations for a wage and reduced sentence. However, some stay within Guiana to work on the plantations as well.

Qing Dynasty: We continue our Westernization and we begin exerting influence. We begin utilizing our military to crush the protests and we also send out government pamphlets for people to move into Tibet. Conservatives are even more quelled down. We continue rebuilding Tibet and we continue our modernization with no pesky conservatives in the way. We finish our train and begin to build one from Shanghai to Lhasa. The economy continues expanding as the country makes its first rubber, coffee and wine exports. More cash crops are planted and sold. With our newly found economic power, we begin buying land in Asia and controlling trade in South East Asia using immigrants. We begin selling more cash crops as it replenished our royal coffers and allowed more people to not die of hunger. More chocolate is sold and the traditionally unarable regions of Guanxi and Yunnan is now producing a large amounts of income due to the humid conditions perfect for cash crops. We continue experiencing a baby boom due to the modernization and the abundance of food. We continue our construction of rifle factories.

To modernize Chinese thinking, Tongzhi promoted legalism as opposed to Confucianism and gives a law to change 50% of the schools in China to teach science, mechanics and for richer schools, a foreign language. To counter the people against legalism, we wrote new laws against corruption and it satisfied the peasants, who were angry about wide-spread corruption. We also begin catching and punishing corrupt officials. More paper notes are given and it slowly replaces gold and silver. An estimated 99% of the beggars have now been inspected and we begin to routinely check new beggars. Baijia is more used and we begin to have a clear format, where the thoughts of Mo is used on defence, Confucianism on domestic politics and corruption, Dao on education and Fa on reformation, foreign relations, education and economy.

1,000,000 rifles are produced this year. We begin exporting rifles. Many more naval bases, ammunition factories, arms factories and arsenals are built in major cities and major ports. More navies are sent on patrol in the East China Sea. We begin developing naval ships as we send iron and coal from Shangxxi to Shangdong, where they are built into tiny battleships. QCS Shanghai and QCS Beijing is built. We raise our army score by 0.25. More soldiers are vigorously trained. We begin vigorously training our volunteer army. We continue to have large numbers of drills in the military and those who fail will be kicked out. We send many of our soldiers to Manchuria to secure it from Japanese influence.

  Switzerland: We back down and withdraw the claim on Liechenstein. The government apologizes and requests to improve diplomatic contact with Germany and France. The army upgrades by 0.25.

Empire of Brazil: The Empire officially connects Angola, and Mozambique through the Colony of Zambia with Settlements stretching from coast to coast. The Brazilian government continues to encourage the unemployed (with some government persuasion) to continue to settle the African colonies taking many of the homeless, regularly unemployed and other lower classes of Society and giving them portions of land to settle and develop in Africa. The Brazilian parliament passes the African Development act which grants people land for farming and homesteading and other major towns and communities to form. This is done to heavily secure the territories in Central Africa with a populace. The previous African slaves looking for work or a new life outside of Brazil which is about 20 to 30% of the pre Slavery population migrate to the Colonies as well spreading Catholicism, as well as Brazilian culture. The Brazilian empires population grows to about 29.1 million with industrial and heavy agricultural work expanding through some of the industrialized Brazil. The railroad running through various areas of the Amazon continues to connect isolated cities, towns and resources outposts with the main network allowing for more resources being allowed to Spain through the country. Brazil itself using funds flowing in from increasing profit from colonies begins using this to help develop Brazil and some of the Larger colonies before focusing on smaller colonies.

The industrial capabilities of Brazil continues to catch up to the US. However, the US's greater population allows for them to outproduce us still. However, increasing trade allows for the Brazilians to fill many of the niches that the US currently does not fill for the Americas and begins larger exportation of food, industrial goods and other cash crop products to Mexico, the US, and the other American nations being traded with, with other trade ships shipping heavily to Europe. The Brazilian economy manages to finally recover from the various issues with the rubber trade allowing for a more regulated market to prevent another crash, giving out a maximum production rate to the companies in Brazil proper and the colonies asking for any excess to be stored in case of a bad harvest or other unforseen circumstances. The Brazilian trades in cattle and other food goods begin to increase to take the place of less land needed for rubber plantations. This is taken advantage of and cattle being sent throughout Brazil is being transported all throughout South America and is even sold to the Colonies. Brazilian immigration increases to about 25,000 a year to the colonies with certain areas like Gabon being more populated with Brazilian/Portuguese peoples than Africans. Influence on Venezuela continues with Brazilian interests and business beginning to make a minor appearance in the country. Brazilian workers are sent to Colombia to help France work on the Panama Canal with Brazilian allowing for more expedient construction of the Canal.

The Brazilian military begins to encourage higher quality of training and preparedness attempting to prevent rampant disease that comes along with wars. The army itself begins designating certain groups of soldiers as sharpshooters working on being able to pick off important people in the army in a war. The army also begins developing a more well trained and powerful cavalry core training mounted shooters and shock cavalry more. The Brazilian military continues to debate seizing acre, but for the time being cannot figure out a good explanation or reason other than blatantly and obviously securing Brazilian interests. The Brazilian navy fails to make its payments to the private ships it hired seeing more worth in building its own with three more iron clad cruisers (not modern or WW1 styled cruisers) which are finished and sent to the Canary Islands. The newest battleship is laid down with work being done to use the modernized Dom Pedro II plans (with mostly iron composition with steel being tested to protect more important areas of the ship.) The ship is named the Dona Maria after the head admiral's wife who had just passed away. This is accepted and many Brazilian captains and admirals believe the name is endearing and the ship embodies her well.

Emperor Dom Pedro II once again experiences a more willing and better attitude about the monarchy seeing his exploits as Emperor actually paying off. With many of his subjects including the nobility approving of many of his policies and the recognition Brazil is receiving for the accomplishments, Dom Pedro II declares a national holiday all throughout the empire. the young Dom Pedro III (the grandson) continues his education with major principles and subjects continuing to be taught to him. He manages to get a grasp on such things as fair rule with quizes given to him on paper, and in life surprising his family, and even the nobility who become increasingly enthralled and impressed with their future Emperor's education and how he works with it.

Federal funding continues to be shifted towards the domestic point to the Amazonian railway systems with more resources such as the components of iron, as well as coal deposits, and other minable resources being able to be exploited now as well. Coal mining begins to make a noticeable niche in the Brazilian economy with it being used for Energy purposes as well as components in steel taking certain hints from the US's Carnagie steel corporation which has been observed through trade with the nation. However the lack of current quality of Brazilian steel means that until Brazilian steel production and quality increases the buying of steel from the US and other heavy steel producing companies is a must for the military until high quality Brazilian steel is manufactured. This begins to take precedence of other things with the Brazilian government urging the many moderate to small steel producing companies to advance their production and quality. This diversified small company method actually does (because of competition) begin to get higher quality steel out. However, work still needs to be done in order for it to be the quality that the Brazilian military and other more prestigeous businesses need. Federal funding to the Trans-African railway begins with the funds being used to progress both railways inland. 

  • Dominion of Portugal: The Portuguese economy continues its rise as new jobs are offered through newly industrialized sections in Portugal. The Portuguese military also expands another 10,000 with the approval of the Brazilian government with the forces being stationed in Huelva (now apart of Portugal). The Portuguese people continue to expand through the colonies with the Brazilians with about 15,000 annual immigrants going either to Brazil or the colonies. Some rebels in the north loyal to the previous monarchy are put down but many of the man are captured and not killed with the men pardoned if they give up locations of others like them, and allowed to return to their families. The men themselves agree and are pardoned, some of these men are hired as private security for shipping companies in the ports of Portugal. Army is increased by 0.25.
  • Goa: The colony of Goa continues its trade of spices and other things from India and some seeds for rubber trees are planted intent on turning Goa into a cash crop colony. The rubber industry begins to take off as trees more near their ripe age are harvested in Goa and money is starting to flow into the colony.
  • Macau: Macau continues to funnel trade from China but now by default it fronts to the Empire of Brazil beginning to increase the Asian base of trade to Brazil.
  • East Timor: The economy is continually based around cash crops with coffee being a huge export as well as rubber trees beng planted for better cultivation. Rubber begins to develop more with plantations for it beginning to take precedence over others. Some settlers from East Timor move to New Guinea establishing a small trading outpost.
  • Angola: Angola continues its economic production of gold, spices, diamonds, with plantation economy coming on the rise with agricultural products coming into play. Rubber trees are planted in Angola to help expand Brazil's growing rubber industries. The immigration from Brazil and Portugal continue to expand the colony quite a bit pushing territorial control farther inland. Missionaries using Angolas base through previous portuguese ownership continue to convert many to Catholicism (with subversive subsidies and privileges given to those who convert) with these new Catholics along with colonists securing more territory for cultivation. The Trans-African Railroad is surprisingly taken up by the Brazilian colonial administrations and is funded by a combination of Colonial and Federal funding allowing for a Base to be established on either coast and the railroad to begin progressing from both coasts.
  • Mozambique: Mozambique's economy and population continue to expand with interior settlement by farmers and other Africans allowed land for cultivation. The only Africans allowed this, however, are the ones who have converted to Catholicism, and those with the money to do this (which some have due to their working on the colonial plantations as wage workers). The Trans-African Railroad begins with the base from federal and colonial funding allowing for the railroad to progress inland towards Angola.
  • Zambia: The new colonists pushing into Zambia begin making treaties and agreements with many of the local populace securing more territory both to the North and South minorly with a more major push to be made moving and securing a route to Angola. Local treaties are signed as well as a colonial push into Brazilian-claimed Zimbabwe as well. The push into Zimbabwe continues but only enough to settle the few northern Provinces. Through Zambia, Angola and Mozambique are officially connected and a rudimentary road pushes through Africa to connect them (from settlement).
  • Gabon: The Colony of Gabon expands to 19,000 and with the African flight from the colony the Lusophone population begins to catch up to the African population with a prediction that Gabon will be a majority Lusophonic by the year 1900.
  • Cameroon: The Cameroon colony established a few years ago reaches a population of 13,000 which is a mix of Portuguese and Brazilian lower classes looking for a new life. The Colony also helps in the West African trade by Brazil helping secure the trade and colony rights from Cameroon, to Angola. The colony with its expanded territory as well begins bringing in more natives as securing the Interior becomes a prime directive of many of the incoming settlers from Brazil and Portugal. Expansion in Nigeria is halted by the Northern and interior tribes preventing. However, the Cameroon-Nigerian colonists seeing increased opportunity begin sending missionaries through the area and with these, the missionaries settle in African villages (in a covert opportunity to be both missionaries and secure the rest of Nigeria for the empire).

'Brazil Dip: Due to the area being heavily populated by Brazilians we ask the Bolivians to cede the state of Acre to Brazil and remove any government they have in the area. They are given six months to respond and if they accept six months to vacate the state. Military action will be taken to protect Brazilian interests if they do not accept.

Colombia: The civil war continues to die down. Conservative rebels are pushed back and surrounded in rural Colombia. The nation remains under Liberal control.


The Bolivian government calls for a congress of Brazilian and Bolivian politicians to discuss the situation in the state of Acre. 

Several factions rise up in France following Georges Boulanger's coup, mainly Monarchists, Radical Rights and Socialists. 

Joseon: The infrastructure is improved. Some more Confucian, Buddhist and Taoist temples are built.

Denmark: We have completed the Voyager class battleship for Belgium and will send it over to you to be crewed by your own navy once the sum of $400,000 has been paid. Navy score increased by 0.25.

Qing Dynasty: We continue our Westernization and we begin exerting influence. We begin utilizing our military to crush the protests and we also send out government pamphlets for people to move into Tibet. Conservatives are even more quelled down. We continue rebuilding Tibet and we continue our modernization with no pesky conservatives in the way. We finish our train and begin to build one from Shanghai to Lhasa. The economy continues expanding as the country makes its first rubber, coffee and wine exports. More cash crops are planted and sold. With our newly found economic power, we begin buying land in Asia and controlling trade in South East Asia using immigrants. We begin selling more cash crops as it replenished our royal coffers and allowed more people to not die of hunger. More chocolate is sold and the traditionally unarable regions of Guanxi and Yunnan is now producing a large amounts of income due to the humid conditions perfect for cash crops. We continue experiencing a baby boom due to the modernization and the abundance of food. We continue our construction of rifle factories.

To modernize Chinese thinking, Tongzhi promoted legalism as opposed to Confucianism and gives a law to change 50% of the schools in China to teach science, mechanics and for richer schools, a foreign language. To counter the people against legalism, we wrote new laws against corruption and it satisfied the peasants, who were angry about wide-spread corruption. We also begin catching and punishing corrupt officials. More paper notes are given and it slowly replaces gold and silver. An estimated 99% of the beggars have now been inspected and we begin to routinely check new beggars. Baijia is more used and we begin to have a clear format, where the thoughts of Mo is used on defence, Confucianism on domestic politics and corruption, Dao on education and Fa on reformation, foreign relations, education and economy.

1,000,000 rifles are produced this year. We begin exporting rifles. Many more naval bases, ammunition factories, arms factories and arsenals are built in major cities and major ports. More navies are sent on patrol in the East China Sea. We begin developing naval ships as we send iron and coal from Shangxxi to Shangdong, where they are built into tiny battleships. QCS Shanghai and QCS Beijing is built. We raise our army score by 0.25. More soldiers are vigorously trained. We begin vigorously training our volunteer army. We continue to have large numbers of drills in the military and those who fail will be kicked out. We send many of our soldiers to Manchuria to secure it from Japanese influence.

Empire of Brazil: The Empire officially connects Angola, and Mozambique through the Colony of Zambia with Settlements stretching from coast to coast. The Brazilian government continues to encourage the unemployed (with some government persuasion) to continue to settle the African colonies taking many of the homeless, regularly unemployed and other lower classes of Society and giving them portions of land to settle and develop in Africa. The Brazilian parliament passes the African Development act which grants people land for farming and homesteading and other major towns and communities to form. This is done to heavily secure the territories in Central Africa with a populace. The previous African slaves looking for work or a new life outside of Brazil which is about 20 to 30% of the pre Slavery population migrate to the Colonies as well spreading Catholicism, as well as Brazilian culture. The Brazilian empires population grows to about 29.1 million with industrial and heavy agricultural work expanding through some of the industrialized Brazil. The railroad running through various areas of the Amazon continues to connect isolated cities, towns and resources outposts with the main network allowing for more resources being allowed to Spain through the country. Brazil itself using funds flowing in from increasing profit from colonies begins using this to help develop Brazil and some of the Larger colonies before focusing on smaller colonies.

The industrial capabilities of Brazil continues to catch up to the US. However, the US's greater population allows for them to outproduce us still. However, increasing trade allows for the Brazilians to fill many of the niches that the US currently does not fill for the Americas and begins larger exportation of food, industrial goods and other cash crop products to Mexico, the US, and the other American nations being traded with, with other trade ships shipping heavily to Europe. The Brazilian economy manages to finally recover from the various issues with the rubber trade allowing for a more regulated market to prevent another crash, giving out a maximum production rate to the companies in Brazil proper and the colonies asking for any excess to be stored in case of a bad harvest or other unforseen circumstances. The Brazilian trades in cattle and other food goods begin to increase to take the place of less land needed for rubber plantations. This is taken advantage of and cattle being sent throughout Brazil is being transported all throughout South America and is even sold to the Colonies. Brazilian immigration increases to about 25,000 a year to the colonies with certain areas like Gabon being more populated with Brazilian/Portuguese peoples than Africans. Influence on Venezuela continues with Brazilian interests and business beginning to make a minor appearance in the country. Brazilian workers are sent to Colombia to help France work on the Panama Canal with Brazilian allowing for more expedient construction of the Canal.

The Brazilian military begins to encourage higher quality of training and preparedness attempting to prevent rampant disease that comes along with wars. The army itself begins designating certain groups of soldiers as sharpshooters working on being able to pick off important people in the army in a war. The army also begins developing a more well trained and powerful cavalry core training mounted shooters and shock cavalry more. The Brazilian military continues to debate seizing acre, but for the time being cannot figure out a good explanation or reason other than blatantly and obviously securing Brazilian interests. The Brazilian navy fails to make its payments to the private ships it hired seeing more worth in building its own with three more iron clad cruisers (not modern or WW1 styled cruisers) which are finished and sent to the Canary Islands. The newest battleship is laid down with work being done to use the modernized Dom Pedro II plans (with mostly iron composition with steel being tested to protect more important areas of the ship.) The ship is named the Dona Maria after the head admiral's wife who had just passed away. This is accepted and many Brazilian captains and admirals believe the name is endearing and the ship embodies her well.

Emperor Dom Pedro II once again experiences a more willing and better attitude about the monarchy seeing his exploits as Emperor actually paying off. With many of his subjects including the nobility approving of many of his policies and the recognition Brazil is receiving for the accomplishments, Dom Pedro II declares a national holiday all throughout the empire. the young Dom Pedro III (the grandson) continues his education with major principles and subjects continuing to be taught to him. He manages to get a grasp on such things as fair rule with quizes given to him on paper, and in life surprising his family, and even the nobility who become increasingly enthralled and impressed with their future Emperor's education and how he works with it.

Federal funding continues to be shifted towards the domestic point to the Amazonian railway systems with more resources such as the components of iron, as well as coal deposits, and other minable resources being able to be exploited now as well. Coal mining begins to make a noticeable niche in the Brazilian economy with it being used for Energy purposes as well as components in steel taking certain hints from the US's Carnagie steel corporation which has been observed through trade with the nation. However the lack of current quality of Brazilian steel means that until Brazilian steel production and quality increases the buying of steel from the US and other heavy steel producing companies is a must for the military until high quality Brazilian steel is manufactured. This begins to take precedence of other things with the Brazilian government urging the many moderate to small steel producing companies to advance their production and quality. This diversified small company method actually does (because of competition) begin to get higher quality steel out. However, work still needs to be done in order for it to be the quality that the Brazilian military and other more prestigeous businesses need. Federal funding to the Trans-African railway begins with the funds being used to progress both railways inland. Economy is increased by 0.25.

  • Dominion of Portugal: The Portuguese economy continues its rise as new jobs are offered through newly industrialized sections in Portugal. The Portuguese military also expands another 10,000 with the approval of the Brazilian government with the forces being stationed in Huelva (now apart of Portugal). The Portuguese people continue to expand through the colonies with the Brazilians with about 15,000 annual immigrants going either to Brazil or the colonies. Some rebels in the north loyal to the previous monarchy are put down but many of the man are captured and not killed with the men pardoned if they give up locations of others like them, and allowed to return to their families. The men themselves agree and are pardoned, some of these men are hired as private security for shipping companies in the ports of Portugal.
  • Goa: The colony of Goa continues its trade of spices and other things from India and some seeds for rubber trees are planted intent on turning Goa into a cash crop colony. The rubber industry begins to take off as trees more near their ripe age are harvested in Goa and money is starting to flow into the colony.
  • Macau: Macau continues to funnel trade from China but now by default it fronts to the Empire of Brazil beginning to increase the Asian base of trade to Brazil.
  • East Timor: The economy is continually based around cash crops with coffee being a huge export as well as rubber trees beng planted for better cultivation. Rubber begins to develop more with plantations for it beginning to take precedence over others. Some settlers from East Timor move to New Guinea establishing a small trading outpost.
  • Angola: Angola continues its economic production of gold, spices, diamonds, with plantation economy coming on the rise with agricultural products coming into play. Rubber trees are planted in Angola to help expand Brazil's growing rubber industries. The immigration from Brazil and Portugal continue to expand the colony quite a bit pushing territorial control farther inland. Missionaries using Angola's base through previous portuguese ownership continue to convert many to Catholicism (with subversive subsidies and privileges given to those who convert) with these new Catholics along with colonists securing more territory for cultivation. The Trans-African Railroad is surprisingly taken up by the Brazilian colonial administrations and is funded by a combination of Colonial and Federal funding allowing for a Base to be established on either coast and the railroad to begin progressing from both coasts.
  • Mozambique: Mozambique's economy and population continue to expand with interior settlement by farmers and other Africans allowed land for cultivation. The only Africans allowed this, however, are the ones who have converted to Catholicism, and those with the money to do this (which some have due to their working on the colonial plantations as wage workers). The Trans-African Railroad begins with the base from federal and colonial funding allowing for the railroad to progress inland towards Angola.
  • Zambia: The new colonists pushing into Zambia begin making treaties and agreements with many of the local populace securing more territory both to the North and South minorly with a more major push to be made moving and securing a route to Angola. Local treaties are signed as well as a colonial push into Brazilian-claimed Zimbabwe as well. The push into Zimbabwe continues but only enough to settle the few northern Provinces. Through Zambia, Angola and Mozambique are officially connected and a rudimentary road pushes through Africa to connect them (from settlement).
  • Gabon: The Colony of Gabon expands to 19,000 and with the African flight from the colony the Lusophone population begins to catch up to the African population with a prediction that Gabon will be a majority Lusophonic by the year 1900.
  • Cameroon: The Cameroon colony established a few years ago reaches a population of 13,000 which is a mix of Portuguese and Brazilian lower classes looking for a new life. The Colony also helps in the West African trade by Brazil helping secure the trade and colony rights from Cameroon, to Angola. The colony with its expanded territory as well begins bringing in more natives as securing the Interior becomes a prime directive of many of the incoming settlers from Brazil and Portugal. Expansion in Nigeria is halted by the Northern and interior tribes preventing. However, the Cameroon-Nigerian colonists seeing increased opportunity begin sending missionaries through the area and with these, the missionaries settle in African villages (in a covert opportunity to be both missionaries and secure the rest of Nigeria for the empire).
  • Brazil Dip: We tell Bolivia due to the large population of Brazilians as well as rubber plantations. the territory should be either granted independence or be given to Brazil for administration.

Swedo-Norwegian Empire: Our two nations of Sweden and Norway have finally been united into one for the greater good of both people from each nation. We are now acting like a single nation, such as Austo-Hungary and we which to keep it this way to strengthen our internal relations, build a better economy and make our nation a better place to live. We dramatically increase our trade output to receive a lot of money from France, Belgium and Germany. We also increase our farmland and mining areas. We also focus on developing more influence in the Norwegian area. We also give the people of Norway lots of jobs. Norway and Sweden are now classified as states not nations. We have interest of colonizing South of New Guinea.

  • Swedo-Norwegian Arabia: We sens a lot of enfluence to the area and we try to dramatically increase the population in the area. We send more shipments of different types of food to grow crops in the area. We also send aid and education to the Arabian natives.

Authorian France: Railroads and public schools continue their construction in both urban and rural French areas, and continue expansion between major cities in French Algeria, which also begins to expand farther into North Africa. The Afriquie Francaise army continues mobilization. The labor reforms continue to be popular. Quinine bark begins to be sent in gelatin capsules to the colonies and Panama, easing the transporation and ingestion on the powder to effectively combat malaria. The French Lebel rifle continues production and shipments, and missionaries continue to be sent into Ottoman Algeria and Tunisia. Influence continues on Egypt. We attempt to install two Frenchmen as Egyptian finance and public affairs officials. Construction of the the Panama Canal continues, and recent attempts to end malaria and yellow fever deaths result in screen windows and doors for most buildings used for the project. The French General Georges Boulanger continues to rule as what is perceived as a temporary military leader as preparation for re-instating the Compte De Paris as the King of France is nearly finished, needing only planning for the official ceremony, as well as the perfect spot to minimize protests and possible assassinations. Several attempts to put down many of the factions in France are moderatly successful against the smaller factions, and barely successful against the more prominent factions such as the socialists and republicans, as they attempt to suppress them without causing deaths.

  • French Equatorial Africa: Through continental French shipments, the colonial armies become better armed and uniformed, in order to enforce French law and assimilation upon the native populations. The colonial government begins to "hand out" assimilation rights, which actually require a renunciation of current land holdings, allowing for the colonial government to take hold of lands, and "civilize" the natives.  The plants sent to the colony continue cultivation in plantations now. 
  • French Dahomey: The French 12th Foreign Legion is established in French Dahomey and the 19th Army Corp sends more soldiers to French Dahomey, in order to protect the colonists against the increasingly aggressive Dahomey Kingdoms. French missionaries are sent into the Dahomey Kingdoms. We begin to expand into African territory, using the quinine bark packets as effective anti-malaria agents.
  • New Caledonia: Continental French shipments allow for the small colonial police force to become better armed and uniformed in the wake of recent waves of European immigration from the discovery of nickel in 1864. Since then, colonial population has been ever increasing, and native population slowly decreasing, although tensions are very high.
  • French Senegal: Continental French shipments allow for the colonies armies to become better armed and uniformed. The doctrine of missionary work and abolitionism is still promoted as preparations for another war with the remaining Sengali chiefdoms begins in order to curtail their slave trade and end their pagan practices, as well as gain access to numerous mining ventures. French Missionaries are sent into the Senegal chiefdoms. The colony begins to expand into African territory using the quinine bark packets as effective anti-malaria agents.
  • French Indochina: Continental French shipments allow for the large colonial armies to become better armed and uniformed. Soldiers are stationed near the Sino-Indochinese border as support for expansion of the French colonial provinces and Catholic faith is advocated for by the governor of the colony. French missionaries are sent into Vietnam and Cambodia to promote Christianity in Asia. The plants sent to the colony continue cultivation in plantations now.
  • French Guiana: Continental French shipments allow for the larger colonial armies to become better armed and unformed. More French immigrants arrive to the colony, prompting the governor to expand the city of Cayenne to account for more ships coming to French Guiana. The plants sent to the colony continue cultivation plantations now. Many of the prisoners opt to either stay in Guiana, or go to French Dahomey and Sengal to work on plantations for a wage and reduced sentence. However, some stay within Guiana to work on the plantations as well.


The Bolivian government offers the Brazilian Emperor Dom Pedro II a more moderate approach by allowing those in the state of Acre to vote on who they wish to be with, oblivious to the majority of Brazilians in the state.

The French Socialist faction emerges as the greatest and most popular opposition party to the Monarchist and Boulangisme movements..

The Panama Canal nears completion by Brazilian and French co-operative work, with a total of 4766 deaths thus far.

Qing Dynasty: We continue our Westernization and we begin exerting influence. We begin utilizing our military to crush the protests and we also send out government pamphlets for people to move into Tibet. Conservatives are even more quelled down. We continue rebuilding Tibet and we continue our modernization with no pesky conservatives in the way. We finish our train and begin to build one from Shanghai to Lhasa. The economy continues expanding as the country makes its first rubber, coffee and wine exports. More cash crops are planted and sold. With our newly found economic power, we begin buying land in Asia and controlling trade in South East Asia using immigrants. We begin selling more cash crops as it replenished our royal coffers and allowed more people to not die of hunger. More chocolate is sold and the traditionally unarable regions of Guanxi and Yunnan is now producing a large amounts of income due to the humid conditions perfect for cash crops. We continue experiencing a baby boom due to the modernization and the abundance of food. We continue our construction of rifle factories.

To modernize Chinese thinking, Tongzhi promoted legalism as opposed to Confucianism and gives a law to change 50% of the schools in China to teach science, mechanics and for richer schools, a foreign language. To counter the people against legalism, we wrote new laws against corruption and it satisfied the peasants, who were angry about wide-spread corruption. We also begin catching and punishing corrupt officials. More paper notes are given and it slowly replaces gold and silver. An estimated 99% of the beggars have now been inspected and we begin to routinely check new beggars. Baijia is more used and we begin to have a clear format, where the thoughts of Mo is used on defence, Confucianism on domestic politics and corruption, Dao on education and Fa on reformation, foreign relations, education and economy.

1,000,000 rifles are produced this year. We begin exporting rifles. Many more naval bases, ammunition factories, arms factories and arsenals are built in major cities and major ports. More navies are sent on patrol in the East China Sea. We begin developing naval ships as we send iron and coal from Shangxxi to Shangdong, where they are built into tiny battleships. QCS Jianxi and QCS Zhejiang is built. We raise our army score by 0.25. More soldiers are vigorously trained. We begin vigorously training our volunteer army. We continue to have large numbers of drills in the military and those who fail will be kicked out. We send many of our soldiers to Manchuria to secure it from Japanese influence.

Joseon: The infrastructure is improved. Some more Confucian, Buddhist and Taoist temples are built. More ships are built and the navy is built up, and its score is improved by 0.25.

Empire of Brazil: The Empire officially connects Angola, and Mozambique through the Colony of Zambia with settlements stretching from coast to coast. The Brazilian government continues to encourage the unemployed (with some government persuasion) to continue to settle the African colonies taking many of the homeless, regularly unemployed and other lower classes of Society and giving them portions of land to settle and develop in Africa. The Brazilian parliament passes the African Development act which grants people land for farming and homesteading and other major towns and communities to form. This is done to heavily secure the territories in Central Africa with a populace. The previous African slaves looking for work or a new life outside of Brazil which is about 20 to 30% of the pre Slavery population migrate to the Colonies as well spreading Catholicism, as well as Brazilian culture. The Brazilian empires population grows to about 29.1 million with industrial and heavy agricultural work expanding through some of the industrialized Brazil. The railroad running through various areas of the Amazon continues to connect isolated cities, towns and resources outposts with the main network allowing for more resources being allowed to Spain through the country. Brazil itself using funds flowing in from increasing profit from colonies begins using this to help develop Brazil and some of the Larger colonies before focusing on smaller colonies.

The industrial capabilities of Brazil continues to catch up to the US. However, the US's greater population allows for them to outproduce us still. However, increasing trade allows for the Brazilians to fill many of the niches that the US currently does not fill for the Americas and begins larger exportation of food, industrial goods and other cash crop products to Mexico, the US, and the other American nations being traded with, with other trade ships shipping heavily to Europe. The Brazilian economy manages to finally recover from the various issues with the rubber trade allowing for a more regulated market to prevent another crash, giving out a maximum production rate to the companies in Brazil proper and the colonies asking for any excess to be stored in case of a bad harvest or other unforseen circumstances. The Brazilian trades in cattle and other food goods begin to increase to take the place of less land needed for rubber plantations. This is taken advantage of and cattle being sent throughout Brazil is being transported all throughout South America and is even sold to the Colonies. Brazilian immigration increases to about 25,000 a year to the colonies with certain areas like Gabon being more populated with Brazilian/Portuguese peoples than Africans. Influence on Venezuela continues with Brazilian interests and business beginning to make a minor appearance in the country. Brazilian workers are sent to Colombia to help France work on the Panama Canal with Brazilian allowing for more expedient construction of the Canal.

The Brazilian military begins to encourage higher quality of training and preparedness attempting to prevent rampant disease that comes along with wars. The army itself begins designating certain groups of soldiers as sharpshooters working on being able to pick off important people in the army in a war. The army also begins developing a more well trained and powerful cavalry core training mounted shooters and shock cavalry more. The Brazilian military continues to debate seizing Acre, but for the time being cannot figure out a good explanation or reason other than blatantly and obviously securing Brazilian interests. The Brazilian navy fails to make its payments to the private ships it hired seeing more worth in building its own with three more iron clad cruisers (not modern or WW1 styled cruisers) which are finished and sent to the Canary Islands. The newest battleship is laid down with work being done to use the modernized Dom Pedro II plans (with mostly iron composition with steel being tested to protect more important areas of the ship.) The ship is named the Dona Maria after the head admiral's wife who had just passed away. This is accepted and many Brazilian captains and admirals believe the name is endearing and the ship embodies her well.

Emperor Dom Pedro II once again experiences a more willing and better attitude about the monarchy seeing his exploits as Emperor actually paying off. With many of his subjects including the nobility approving of many of his policies and the recognition Brazil is receiving for the accomplishments, Dom Pedro II declares a national holiday all throughout the empire. the young Dom Pedro III (the grandson) continues his education with major principles and subjects continuing to be taught to him. He manages to get a grasp on such things as fair rule with quizes given to him on paper, and in life surprising his family, and even the nobility who become increasingly enthralled and impressed with their future Emperor's education and how he works with it.

Federal funding continues to be shifted towards the domestic point to the Amazonian railway systems with more resources such as the components of iron, as well as coal deposits, and other minable resources being able to be exploited now as well. Coal mining begins to make a noticeable niche in the Brazilian economy with it being used for Energy purposes as well as components in steel taking certain hints from the US's Carnagie steel corporation which has been observed through trade with the nation. However, the lack of current quality of Brazilian steel means that until Brazilian steel production and quality increases the buying of steel from the US and other heavy steel producing companies is a must for the military until high quality Brazilian steel is manufactured. This begins to take precedence of other things with the Brazilian government urging the many moderate to small steel producing companies to advance their production and quality. This diversified small company method actually does (because of competition) begin to get higher quality steel out. However, work still needs to be done in order for it to be the quality that the Brazilian military and other more prestigeous businesses need. Federal funding to the Trans-African railway begins with the funds being used to progress both railways inland.

  • Dominion of Portugal: The Portuguese economy continues its rise as new jobs are offered through newly industrialized sections in Portugal. The Portuguese military also expands another 10,000 with the approval of the Brazilian government with the forces being stationed in Huelva (now apart of Portugal). The Portuguese people continue to expand through the colonies with the Brazilians with about 15,000 annual immigrants going either to Brazil or the colonies. Some rebels in the north loyal to the previous monarchy are put down but many of the man are captured and not killed with the men pardoned if they give up locations of others like them, and allowed to return to their families. The men themselves agree and are pardoned, some of these men are hired as private security for shipping companies in the ports of Portugal. Army is increased by 0.25.
  • Goa: The colony of Goa continues its trade of spices and other things from India and some seeds for rubber trees are planted intent on turning Goa into a cash crop colony. The rubber industry begins to take off as trees more near their ripe age are harvested in Goa and money is starting to flow into the colony.
  • Macau: Macau continues to funnel trade from China but now by default it fronts to the Empire of Brazil beginning to increase the Asian base of trade to Brazil.
  • East Timor: The economy is continually based around cash crops with coffee being a huge export as well as rubber trees beng planted for better cultivation. Rubber begins to develop more with plantations for it beginning to take precedence over others. Some settlers from East Timor move to New Guinea establishing a small trading outpost.
  • Angola: Angola continues its economic production of gold, spices, diamonds, with plantation economy coming on the rise with agricultural products coming into play. Rubber trees are planted in Angola to help expand Brazil's growing rubber industries. The immigration from Brazil and Portugal continue to expand the colony quite a bit pushing territorial control farther inland. Missionaries using Angolas base through previous portuguese ownership continue to convert many to Catholicism (with subversive subsidies and privileges given to those who convert) with these new Catholics along with colonists securing more territory for cultivation. The Trans-African Railroad is surprisingly taken up by the Brazilian colonial administrations and is funded by a combination of Colonial and Federal funding allowing for a Base to be established on either coast and the railroad to begin progressing from both coasts.
  • Mozambique: Mozambique's economy and population continue to expand with interior settlement by farmers and other Africans allowed land for cultivation. The only Africans allowed this, however, are the ones who have converted to Catholicism, and those with the money to do this (which some have due to their working on the colonial plantations as wage workers). The Trans-African Railroad begins with the base from federal and colonial funding allowing for the railroad to progress inland towards Angola.
  • Zambia: The new colonists pushing into Zambia begin making treaties and agreements with many of the local populace securing more territory both to the North and South minorly with a more major push to be made moving and securing a route to Angola. Local treaties are signed as well as a colonial push into Brazilian-claimed Zimbabwe as well. The push into Zimbabwe continues but only enough to settle the few northern Provinces. Through Zambia, Angola and Mozambique are officially connected and a rudimentary road pushes through Africa to connect them (from settlement).
  • Gabon: The Colony of Gabon expands to 19,000 and with the African flight from the colony the Lusophone population begins to catch up to the African population with a prediction that Gabon will be a majority Lusophonic by the year 1900.
  • Cameroon: The Cameroon colony established a few years ago reaches a population of 13,000 which is a mix of Portuguese and Brazilian lower classes looking for a new life. The Colony also helps in the West African trade by Brazil helping secure the trade and colony rights from Cameroon, to Angola. The colony with its expanded territory as well begins bringing in more natives as securing the Interior becomes a prime directive of many of the incoming settlers from Brazil and Portugal. Expansion in Nigeria is halted by the Northern and interior tribes preventing. However, the Cameroon-Nigerian colonists seeing increased opportunity begin sending missionaries throughout the area and with these, the missionaries settle in African villages (in a covert opportunity to be both missionaries and secure the rest of Nigeria for the empire).

Swedo-Norwegian Empire: We increase our military production including farmland.

Is this game dying or something ...? There hasn't been anything interesting happening recently ... Aternix (talk) 23:36, October 10, 2013 (UTC)


As many of the Balkan states such as Bulgaria, Serbia and Romania have been freed from Ottoman rule, their recent release has led to the Russian establishment of a Balkan League to ensure the stability and independence of the Balkan states. This leads to extremely high tensions between Austro-Hungary and Russia. 

Qing Dynasty: We continue our Westernization and we begin exerting influence. We begin utilizing our military to crush the protests and we also send out government pamphlets for people to move into Tibet. Conservatives are even more quelled down. We continue rebuilding Tibet and we continue our modernization with no pesky conservatives in the way. We finish our train and finish the part from Shanghai to Wuhan. The economy continues expanding as the country makes its first rubber, coffee and wine exports. More cash crops are planted and sold. With our newly found economic power, we begin buying land in Asia and controlling trade in South East Asia using immigrants. We begin selling more cash crops as it replenished our royal coffers and allowed more people to not die of hunger. More chocolate is sold and the traditionally unarable regions of Guanxi and Yunnan is now producing a large amounts of income due to the humid conditions perfect for cash crops. We continue experiencing a baby boom due to the modernization and the abundance of food. We continue our construction of rifle factories.

To modernize Chinese thinking, Tongzhi promoted legalism as opposed to Confucianism and gives a law to change 50% of the schools in China to teach science, mechanics and for richer schools, a foreign language. To counter the people against legalism, we wrote new laws against corruption and it satisfied the peasants, who were angry about wide-spread corruption. We also begin catching and punishing corrupt officials. More paper notes are given and it slowly replaces gold and silver. An estimated 99% of the beggars have now been inspected and we begin to routinely check new beggars. Baijia is more used and we begin to have a clear format, where the thoughts of Mo is used on defence, Confucianism on domestic politics and corruption, Dao on education and Fa on reformation, foreign relations, education and economy.

1,000,000 rifles are produced this year. We begin exporting rifles. Many more naval bases, ammunition factories, arms factories and arsenals are built in major cities and major ports. More navies are sent on patrol in the East China Sea. We begin developing naval ships as we send iron and coal from Shangxxi to Shangdong, where they are built into tiny battleships. QCS Jianxi and QCS Zhejiang is built. More soldiers are vigorously trained. We begin vigorously training our volunteer army. We continue to have large numbers of drills in the military and those who fail will be kicked out. We send many of our soldiers to Manchuria to secure it from Japanese influence.

Joseon: The infrastructure is improved. Some more Confucian, Buddhist and Taoist temples are built.

Denmark: We have started construction of a large battleship with the long range artillery weapon that was being developed some time ago, it will have a crew complement of 1250 and will be the crown jewel of our navy. Industry has gone up and we have strengthened our trade routes with other countries. Borders have tightened up after a smuggler was caught with highly illegal contraband, everything entering or exiting the country will be thoroughly searched. We apologize if this upsets any nations.

I'm leaving, it's not fun anymore. Aternix (talk) 03:28, October 15, 2013 (UTC)
