Alternative History
Risk banner 1

Risk! is a casual map game by Nathan1123 that simulates mechanics from the popular board game of the same name. Rather than an arbitrary number game with heated arguments, as was the case in previous map games, conflicts in this game are entirely decided using methods similar to the original board game, which is largely RNG.

This world is a blank slate, without any canonical history in its timeline. Once you sign up as a nation, it is in your hands to detail the backstory and lore of where this nation came from, including its politics, economy, culture, or even religion. Generally, the technology and society of this world is roughly equivalent to the mid-to-late 19th century. However, the point of divergence for your nation can be as far back or as recent as you want. Plausibility will not be strictly enforced, and world wars will go essentially similar to that of the original board game, with a handful of nations ultimately dominating the world. 

So whether you want to push for a world conquest, or just want to enrich the world with your role-playing lore building, this game is right for you!


Risk Year19

Map as of the start of turn 19

Risk Map


Risk Map Labeled

Provinces Labeled




  • No bullying
  • The mods are the servant-leader of the game
  • Plausibility will not be strictly enforced. However, certain things will qualify your turn to be crossed out:
    • Objectively ASB or physically impossible actions
    • Contradicting lore established by other players
    • Ignoring game rules on armies or warfare, or attempting to circumvent them
  • No switching nations
  • One single defiance of the rules cannot be grounds to punish players. A player is only punished in the game if their actions breaking the rules are 1) persistent, 2) pervasive, and 3) unapologetic
  • The mods have the ability to change any of the rules by a majority vote
  • If the game lasts long enough that one nation rules the entire world, then the current players will be polled on whether to continue the game

Building armies[]

  • Every province, either in a player nation or NPC, starts out with 1,000 troops
  • You must have at least 100 troops in every province you own as of the beginning of every turn
  • Every turn, your army increases by troops proportional to the number of territories you have. This increase is equal to the number of territories divided by three (rounded down), times 1,000
    • The minimum number of armies gained per turn is 3,000 troops
    • This also applies to the first turn
  • You also gain additional troops per turn if you own every single territory in a larger region, as indicated on the regional map. The bonuses are listed in the next section. Even larger bonuses are given by owning every single territory in an entire continent
  • Starting on the fourth turn, you are allowed to request additional armies by mod response, completely independent of the automatic increase of troops listed above. The mod will decide whether this is successful, and the number of armies it receives, using an undisclosed RNG based algorithm. This is primarily based on how many provinces you have successfully conquered so far in the game
    • Each time you conquer a territory you are assigned a "card" by the mods, which consists of one of three "faces" and a province. When you request troops, you are essentially submitting the cards which the mod then checks to see if it gives you armies (that is, if the cards have three "faces" of a kind or a full set). This means that you are more likely to turn in cards if you conquer more provinces. It starts out giving 4,000 additional troops, and continues to increase the more times cards are turned in. Additionally, you get another 2,000 troops for any provinces on the cards that you happen to own. 
    • I did not originally feel the need to explain how all that worked, because from the players perspective it works just the same either way, but I feel now it is important people know what is going on
  • You cannot increase or decrease your army outside of these rules
  • You are allowed to freely move armies around at any point to other provinces you own during the turn, as long as the minimum number of 100 per province is satisfied at the end of the turn
    • You can also move armies around after your algo is posted

Bonuses per region[]

  • Asia: +45
    • East Asia: +7
    • India: +7
    • Near East: +7
    • Southeast Asia: +5
    • Indonesia: +5
    • Anatolia: +5
    • Iran: +3
    • Central Asia: +2
    • Siberia: +2
    • Caucasus: +2
  • Europe: +30
    • Central Europe: +5
    • Russia: +5
    • Western Europe: +3
    • Eastern Europe: +3
    • Britain: +3
    • Balkans: +3
    • Scandinavia: +2
  • Africa: +25
    • North Africa: +5
    • East Africa: +5
    • West Africa: +3
    • South Africa: +3
    • Central Africa: +3
    • Madagascar: +2
  • North America: +25
    • Eastern US: +3
    • Western US: +3
    • Central America: +3
    • Canada: +2
    • Caribbean: +2
  • South America: +15
    • Brazil: +5
    • Gran Colombia: +3
    • Argentina: +2
  • Oceania: +5
    • Australia: +2
    • Polynesia: +2
  • Antarctica: +1


  • You can only invade a nation using armies in territories that directly border it, including sea borders
  • You cannot invade a nation from a territory with 100 troops or less
  • You must move at least 100 troops into the territory you conquer
  • In order to request an algo, you must state 1) the territory you are invading, 2) the number of troops you are using, and 3) the maximum number of casualties you will tolerate before retreating
  • If two nations are allied to attack the same territory, only one of them will annex it
  • If two provinces both attack each other, then the province with the higher tolerance of casualties is counted as the attacker. If these are equal, then the province with the most troops is the attacker. However, if the attack fails then the roles switch between attacker and defender
  • You can call as many algos as you want in one turn, but they all have to be nations you directly border as of the start of the turn
  • You cannot edit your post on the attack if either an algo is made or the defender has posted. You can edit your post moving troops or requesting other algos unrelated to that attack.


  • You sign up for a nation by filling out the information in the nations section below. The only truly required fields are name and provinces, and the rest, if non-applicable, can be listed as N/A or left blank
  • Technology and society of the world is roughly equivalent to the 19th century
  • There is currently no limit on points of divergence
  • Lore for the nation can include other player nations or NPCs. However, this has two caveats:
    • It cannot contradict lore established by the player
    • It cannot be used to circumvent rules on army building or warfare
  • You cannot either lose or gain territory outside of the war mechanics above



Fill out the following form in the relevant section where your nation is located. If your nation is transcontinental, place it in the continent where the capital is located.

  • Nation name:
  • Extent (list up to five numbers from the Provinces map):
  • Capital (OTL name if different): 
  • Leader(s):
  • Form of government:
  • Religion:
  • Brief description (2-5 sentences)
  • Player: (Sign here)

North America[]

  • Nation name: The United Corporations of New California
    • Extent (list five numbers from the Provinces map): 14, 39, 40, 51, 52
    • Capital (OTL name if different): San Francisco
    • Leader(s): Jeff Bezos (head of State), Tim Apple, Mark Zuckerberg
    • Form of government: Autocratic Corpocracy
    • Religion: Jobism
    • Brief description (2-5 sentences): Came into existence after the secession of California and its subsequent merger with Washington State (which had previously been awarded to Jeff Bezos as a private estate). Legally, every citizen is an employee of Apple, Amazon, Alphabet, Facebook, or Netflix, with each company sending ten senators to represent them.
    • Player: Firesofdoom
  • Nation name: Millerite Republic of the Great Lakes
    • Extent (list five numbers from the Provinces map): 10, 19, 20, 21, 22
    • Capital (OTL name if different): New Jerusalem (OTL Battle Creek)
    • Leader(s): Daniel Verdun (president), Isaiah Landon (prophet)
    • Form of government: Christian council democracy
    • Religion: Sabbatarian Adventist Church of God (SACG)
    • Brief description (2-5 sentences): The Great Lakes-based nation was founded based on the Millerite movement, which reorganized itself as the Adventists. Following a splinter among the Adventists, the SACG formed, which consisted of disfellowshipped Seventh-day Adventists, with its own ubiquitous eschatology, sought to establish a Christian state to resist worldly "Babylon".
    • Player: Centrist16
  • Nation name: Greenland
    • Extent (list five numbers from the Provinces map): 156, 157, 158, 160, 159
    • Capital (OTL name if different): Nuuk
    • Leader(s): Kuupik Kleist
    • Form of government:
    • Religion:
    • Brief description (2-5 sentences):
    • Player: Kuupik (talk) 10:04, July 30, 2020 (UTC)
  • Nation name: The Kingdom of Libertalia
    • Extent (list up to five numbers from the Provinces map): 1,2,3,6 and 7
    • Capital (OTL name if different): Wildetopia
    • Leader(s): King Oscar II Wilde, Charles Dickens and Lord Taylor
    • Form of government: Noocracy (rule by the wise)
    • Religion: Novelism
    • Brief description the kingdom is consists of a king, who holds no power other then a figurehead, instead the power is contained in the power of the wise co-rulers of the nation.
    • Player: (Sign here) --DRAFIGO13 (talk) 23:50, August 2, 2020 (UTC)
  • Nation name: Neo Confederacy
    • Extent (list five numbers from the Provinces map): 47, 58, 63, 62 and 64
    • Capital (OTL name if different): Richmond
    • Leader(s): Washington Custis Lee (President), John James Davis (Vice President)
    • Form of government: Confederated presidential constitutional republic
    • Religion: Freedom of Religion
    • Brief description (2-5 sentences): As the United States somehow falls apart. The southern states reformed the Confederacy. They had two party's the Unionist and the Dixie party. The Unionist wants to unite the Americans and reform the United States. The Dixies, on the other hand, want to keep southern pride alive.
    • Player: (Sign here) --UnitedCrusader (talk) 19:40, August 3, 2020 (UTC)

South America[]

  • Nation name: United Dominion of Patagonia and the Falklands
    • Extent (list five numbers from the Provinces map): 133, 132, 134, 135, 129
    • Capital (OTL name if different): Narborough (OTL Viedma)
    • Leader(s): Governor-General Arthur Northcote, Earl of Dudley
    • Form of government: Parliamentary constitutional monarchy
    • Religion: Anglicanism
    • Brief description (2-5 sentences): The dominion was formed through the union of various British colonies in South America.
    • Player: Qarlonc (talk) 09:18, July 28, 2020 (UTC)
  • Nation name: Republic of Charinias
    • Extent (list up to fie numbers from the Provinces map): 112, 114, 119, 128, 132
    • Capital (OTL Name if different): Saint Pablo
    • Leader(s): President Joseph Reyes, Vicepresident Carlos Morgan
    • Form of Government: Republican democracy
    • Religion: Krataniaiasm
    • Brief description (2-5 sentences): Charinia is a republican democracy nation that had a European influence since its own colonization. It has a consitutional rule and has elections every 8-10 years. Krataniaism is its main religion, and it's based on practical rules and traditions created by the people of Charinia for nearly 20 decades. Values like empathy, tolerance and respect are important for the nation, and they are one of the values that are expected from all of society.
    • Player: Mato0900


  • Nation name: Jääʹmไâää'ษבְa
    • Extent (list up to five numbers from the Provinces map): 166, 165, 196, 201, 200
    • Capital (OTL name if different): ꙂâЄäѺqääখq'PঙqЧ-ӼޏfᎭ (OTL Longyearbyen)
    • Leader(s): Ꮙäאigmälu ShЇןpᎤjᎡᏬ YЪਗ'Ꭽk'@ЏЏЏl'q'l-ﭏg'ääää'F
    • Form of government: Fääämbruohist Neo-C@'lupperocratic Digopicralic
    • Religion: Fish
    • Brief description (2-5 sentences): In the Third Moon of Blue Yam, a priestocrat named L000gäѺq'juuᏓאigpäät became the first Ꮙäאigmälu of Jääʹmไâää'ษבְa when he unified the twenty-nine Q@MᏕᏈbalz's of GuuuhguhᏓ-ä-Ӽ, fulfilling the prophecy of ᏔaᏓᏐᎬᏒ.
    • Player: RIPmacmillerforever (talk) 09:40, July 27, 2020 (UTC)
  • Nation name: Frankokratia
    • Extent: 311, 313, 308, 310, 309
    • Capital: Athènes (Athens) (311)
    • Leader(s): John VII Billeardouinos (King); Apostolis Spinakis (Prime Minister)
    • Form of government: Constitutional Monarchy
    • Religion: Greek Rite Roman Catholic
    • Brief description: Frankokratia is a constitutional monarchy built around a hybrid Frankish and Greek presence (often known as "Gasmouloi") in southeast Europe - spanning from Achaea in the south to Thessalonica in the north. Frankokratia was established in the 17th century, following a period known as the Latin Empire (or Romania). The notable difference between Frankokratia and the Latin Empire is that, while most nobles are of Frankish/Gasmouloi extract, the democratic aspects of local and national government have a large role for ethnic Greeks, who also have a large influence over language and culture.
    • Player: 
  • Nation name: Ísland
    • Extent (list up to five numbers from the Provinces map): Iceland, Svalbard and the Jan Mayen
    • Capital (OTL name if different): Reykjavik  
    • Leader(s): Atli von Klingenberg
    • Form of government: Elective monarchy
    • Religion: Lutheran
    • Brief description (2-5 sentences): Iceland has had inhabitant since the Ice age as people travelled across the Ice. They bred moose for a living until they could harvest crop. The Klingenbergs got their first monarch as Þórður Klingenberg (1864) and had it on and off but they’ve since always been in power when Rannveig Klingenberg was elected (1925). Iceland are mostly pacifists and loyal allies. Long live Iceland.
    • Player: (Sign here) -Atli
  • Nation name: Austrian Empire
    • Extent: 260, 267, 265, 269, 287
    • Capital: Vienna
    • Leader: Franz Joseph I
    • Form of government: absolute monarchy
    • Religion: Catholic
    • Brief description: Austrian Empire is an absolute monarchy. Its ruling family has been ruling part of Europe for about 600 years. The Capital Vienna protected the whole Europe from the Ottomans.
    • Player: revanger12
  • The Birds of Passage
    • Extent: 169, 167, 168, 170,171
    • Capital: None
    • Leader(s): Nine Judges of the Aviaries
    • Form of government: Nomadic theocratic-kritarchy
    • Religion: Augarism (Path of the Birds)
    • Brief Description: The Birds of Passage are a semi nomadic tribe dedicated to the ancient ways of the birds and their path, who follow their divinely guided flight in the pursuit of new homes and eternal knowledge.
    • Player: Kcb30f30
  • Al-Andalus
    • Extent (list up to five numbers from the Provinces map): 218, 219, 220, 221, 614
    • Capital (OTL name if different): Qurṭuba (Cordoba)
    • Leader(s):
    • Form of government: Constitutional monarchy, caliphate
    • Religion: Sunni Islam
    • Brief description: Changing hands through the centuries between various dynasties, al-Andalus survived against the reconquistas. It represents Muslim merchantile interests in the Western world. (I'll write something decent I'm sure)
    • Player: Curmudgeonly yours - Crim 07:14, July 28, 2020 (UTC)
  • Nation name: Kingdom of algharbia
    • Extent (list up to five numbers from the Provinces map): 223,222,228,234
    • Capital (OTL name if different): Zaragoza 
    • Leader(s): Amara Abbasi
    • Form of government: Monarchism
    • Religion: Sunni-islam,judaism and christians
    • Brief description (2-5 sentences): one of some Arab-speaking state in Europe after some various dynasty and one of the survivor of reconquistas it represents the 'west arab land' it represent trades and interest in the western world within friendly relation.
    • Player: Poof
  • Nation name: The Kingdom of Hourglassea
    • Extent: 188, 189, 190, 187, 176
    • Leader(s): King Wilbur the Everlasting (monarch). Prime Minister: Mary Borr.
    • Form of government: "The best"
    • Religion: Militarized Wilburism
    • Brief Description: Hourglassea's early hours are murky, but thanks to extensive historical research and revision, most Hourglasseans now know for a fact that their civilization was founded 5,000 years ago by giants who built a bridge to the island from North America out of water, now called the Atlantic. The giants harvested the water from outer space, using their highly volatile digestive tracts to regurgitate the water and create the sea. Hourglassea was then fished up by the ancient legendary founding father Udofyukgefbetelnven the Rich. At least, this is the official story. Regardless, Hourglassea emerged as a verifiable nation only in recent years, under King Wilbur the Everlasting. No-one knows the King's exact age: however, it is believed to be somewhere between 80 and his claimed age of 606. Seizing power many years ago, Wilbur established a personality cult and then founded the religion Militarized Wilburism. Anyone who does not conform to Militarized Wilburism's ambiguous principles is imprisoned in an underwater jail. The Prime Minister, Mary Borr, is the head of the government, and lives with her wife and two children in a small country cottage. Hourglassea is known for their skill at flying aeroplanes. They are also generally considered a peaceful nation, with no great ambitions other than world domination, and they are widely respected worldwide. No other country would even think of invading them, or so the citizens are assured by the government.   
    • Player: Marrybore
  • Nation name: Order of Monkoserbgaria
    • Extent (list up to five numbers from the Provinces map): 281, 301, 304, 314
    • Capital (OTL name if different): Castle Black (304)
    • Leader(s): Vacant
    • Form of government: Knightly Order
    • Religion: Bábism
    • Brief description (2-5 sentences): The Great Wall was constructed to contain the Pesky Balkans from infiltrating the Holy Land of Bábism. Monkoserbgaria was founded to man the wall and protect it at all costs. No one may cross the great line.
    • Player: Nolanjpiers (talk) 04:07, August 2, 2020 (UTC)
  • Nation name: The Holy, Great and Glorious Republic of Malopolska
  • Extent (list up to five numbers from the Provinces map):295, 294, 353

Capital (OTL name if different): Nowy Konstantynopol i Nowy Rzym, Miasto Wielce Prześwietne i Niezwyciężone, w Którym to za sprawą Boga Wszechmogącego, Oyca, Syna i Świętego Ducha Niebywałe Istnieyą Dobrodzieystwa, yak również pokłady Soli w mieście sąsiednim Wieliczce, co wszystko razem sprawia, iż ludzie y wszelakie insze Creatury miasto wyżey wymienione podziwiayą, i co yest powodem yego Sławy na całym świecie, quod erat demonstrandum, Kraków Gród (OTL Kraków)

Leader(s): King Boleslaw II

Form of government: monarchy

Religion: Orthodox Christianity

Brief description (2-5 sentences) The Orthodoxes controlled southern Poland and declared independence. The Wieliczka Constitution is third in the world.

Player: Alfabetagammadeltaepsilonzetaetatheta


  • Name: Kukwera kwa Maravi (Maravi Ascendancy)
    • Territory: 707, 709, 710, 713, 714
    • Capital: Nkhotakota
    • Leader: N/A
    • Government: Oligarchic Autocracy
    • Religion: Zoroastrianism
    • Brief Description: A kingdom formed from the remnants of the Kingdom of Maravi, it is dominated by the nobility and their families. Not much is known about the reclusive nation which barely tolerates trade with outsiders preferring to be left to their own devices. It is said that their government is formed with major houses controlling one major aspect of governance from diplomacy to the military. In recent years, the Ascendancy has adopted a more aggressive stance compared to its prior actions and begun expanding its borders bit by bit.
    • Player:Not my fault, someone put a wall in my way (talk) 03:19, July 29, 2020 (UTC)


  • Nation name: Republic of Thomasia
    • Extent: 774, 775, 776, 770, 769
    • Capital: Saint-Thomas / Lishani-Taoma (Manila)
    • Leader: Nathan XVIII (President)
    • Government: Theodemocracy
    • Religion: Church of the Indies (Syriac Christianity)
    • Brief description: After preaching in India, Saint Thomas arrived in the archipelago in 62 AD. Saint Thomas' ministry, which lasted a mere ten years, nevertheless left a lasting impact on the archipelago's culture. Within a hundred years following his death, Datu Dakila declared himself Nathan I of Thomasia (named after the apostle) and unified the island of Luzon. While the Thomasians maintained contact with Nestorian Christians via Arab and Indian traders, Thomasians had only regained contact with mainstream Christianity in the Middle Ages via Catholic missions in Yuan China.
    • Player: Candiesrgood
  • Nation name: Republic of Nepal
    • Extent: 537, 552, 551, 570, 536
    • Capital: Kathmandu
    • Leader: Khadga Prasad Sharma Oli
    • Government: Left-Liberal Democracy
    • Religion: Secular
    • Brief description: The World belongs to Nepal.
    • Player: YouKnowWho
  • Nation name: Israel
    • Extent: 625, 626, 343, 342, 341
    • Capital: Juda
    • Leader(s): Abraham Rabinowicz
    • Form of government: Democracy
    • Religion: Judaism
    • Brief description: After a major genocide that killed six million Jewish people, the Jewish people were given the Holy Land. A few decades later we fought against Egypt and won some land. Now we try to protect our Holy Lands from the Muslim people that try to take it back from us.
    • Player: Domingo Nosferatu
  • Nation name: Arab Defense Coalition
    • Extent: 345, 344, 404, 405, and 411
    • Capital: Amman 
    • Leaders: Field Marshal Habis Majali
    • Form of Government: Military Coalition
    • Religion: Islam
    • Brief description: Following Israel's simultaneous attacks on 345, 344, 404, 405, and 411 the five bordering provinces decided to unite in defense against the Israeli offensives to defend against the unjust and unlawful attacks, encouraging everyone to take up arms against the Invasion prosecuted by Israel, with Field Marshal Habis Majali leading the Defending Armies of the Coalition.
    • Player: KawaiiKame
  • Nation name: Chautamvun
    • Extent: 507, 506, 477
    • Capital: Bustdan (OTL Luoyang)
    • Leader: Phúng the Great
    • Form of government: Absolute Monarchy
    • Religion: Perrism
    • Brief description: Chautamvun (Tri-Province Area) was under a cruel dictatorship by the tyrant Duphanhan and his family, until the Resistance under General Cangdit overthrew them and liberated the country. The current Emperor of the country is Phung the Great, brother of the Army General, Cangdit.
    • Player: Froopy
  • Nation Name: Greater Empire of Singapore
    • Extent: 613, 612, 611, 756, 766
    • Capital: Singapore
    • Leader: Great Emperor Jov I
    • Absolute Monarchy
    • Buddhism/Jovannicism
    • Brief Description: After the fall of Singapore, Then General Jov defeated all other factions to establish a monarchy. SEA countries attempted to invade Singapore, but brilliant victories at Johor Bahru, Kuching and Ha Tien gave the nation greater lands. The country is actually quite libertarian, and most citizens live with general ease. The country seek to expand into further lands, and with such fearsome generals backing the army, few should stand in the way...
    • Player: DaJovannicEmpire

Nation name: Chechnya caliphate

    • Extent:  388, 375
    • Capital:  Grozny
    • Leader:  caliph
    • Government: extreme Muslim theocracy
    • Religion: sunni Islam
    • Brief description: allahu ackbar inshallah
    • Player: ike angew
  • Nation name: Siberian Republic
    • Extent (list up to five numbers from the Provinces map): 455, 442, 454, 453, 441
    • Capital (OTL name if different): Omsk
    • Leader(s):Garry Kasparov (president), Sergei Furgal (vice president), Nurzhan Ashimbetov (Nurjan Áshimbetov), Ivan Klyayn, Ilya Sereduk and Oksana Fadina.
    • Form of government: Democratic capitalist republic.
    • Religion: Russian Orthodox (most), Sunni Islam, Atheist, Spiritualist, Animist and Tengenist.
    • Brief description (2-5 sentences): Russia had a major civil war for five years and fell apart. The dissident chess player Garry Kasparov then lead a pro-democracy rebellion in Russia six years before the game started and it was a success. It was such a success that it spread to nearby parts of Kazakhstan two years later. Siberia is an emergent democracy with a relatively free, but weak economy. Society is still a bit conservative, but not as much as it used to be in the pre-independence era. The national objective is a more or less reunified former CIS\USSR territory. It has a mixed agricultural, forestry, mining and industrial economy.

Player:User:Todetode ~ Under the Hood, Connect to Basic information? ~ Todetode (talk). 21:59, August 1, 2020 (UTC)

  • Nation name: Magnesian State of Mysia
    • Extent (list up to five numbers from the Provinces map): 329, 330, 328, 331, 317
    • Capital (OTL name if different): New Uluru
    • Leader(s): Officilar-Seer Vélar Cochléaria on behalf of Imperial Prophet Maximilian Couture
    • Form of government: Autocratic Theocracy
    • Religion: Magnesianism
    • Brief description (2-5 sentences):

Player: Gerriandour (talk) 04:39, August 2, 2020 (UTC)

  • Nation name: Northern Viets
  • Extent (list up to five numbers from the Provinces map): 521, 542, 543, 559, 560
  • Capital: Hanoi
  • Leader(s): de facto National Salvation Council (headed by Social-Revolutionary Party)
  • Form of Government: Constitutional monarchy
  • Brief description (2-5 sentences): After uniting all other tribes, the country began to redeveloped its economy, and concentrated on production and trade. It also has a good army.

Player: 1234chernobyl August 3rd, 2020, 3:10 (UTC)

Oceania and Antarctica[]

  • Nation name: United Technocracy of Antarctica
    • Extent (list up to five numbers from the Provinces map): 139, 138, 137, 140, 141
    • Capital (OTL name if different): Progress (OTL Geographic South Pole)
    • Leader(s):
    • Form of government: Technocracy (Meritocratic technology-driven objectivism)
    • Religion: Secularism (Official); Cult of Reason, Deism, Penguinism, Lutheranism
    • Brief description (2-5 sentences): Only two generations ago the scientists, explorers, and wanderers of the Antarctica continent came together and united into a council to oversee the great wastes. Antarctica belongs to the scientists, detached from the wimps and regulations of governments, the continent has prospered and advanced far into the future of technology and progress. But this burst of human advancement came at a great cost. The continent became closed off from the rest of the world, biding its time. Those who stood in the way of the council's grand vision were crushed. Now, the council has decreed that all Southerners shall be divided into twelve tribes, and each tribe shall send two children to the center orb for a great reckoning once a year, in commemoration of the Unity...
    • Player: User:T0oxi22
  • Nation name: Magnesian State of Australia
    • Extent: 790, 791, 792, 793, 794
    • Capital: Dandiri (OTL Brisbane)
    • Leader: Imperial Prophet Maximilian Couture
    • Form of government: Autocratic Theocracy
    • Religion: Magnesianism
    • Brief description: The followers of Simon Magus, called Magnesians, have slowly grown in the shadows of history over the course of centuries leading up to the modern era, largely centered in either Greece or France. In the 18th century, the Magnesians of France took special effort for the colonization of Eastern Australia. Magnesians have always been supportive of Enlightenment or rationalist philosophies, being kindred with their Gnostic origins. Since their independence, the Magnesians shifted their center of power to this theocratic state, isolated from the chaos of the world to practice their own religion under the Imperial Prophet
    • Player: Oh, I didn't mean to push that button!Oh, well leave a message I guess 04:30, July 29, 2020 (UTC)


  • Nation Name: Iron Bank
    • Extent (list five numbers from the Provinces map): 184, 153, 560, 805, 676
    • Capital (OTL name if different): None
    • Leader(s): Purple Council
    • Form of government: Trapezocracy
    • Religion: None
    • Brief description (2-5 sentences): The Iron Bank is an ancient institution that exists around the world. It is less of a nation state and more like a banking corporation with territories and assets under its control. Its military is prohibited from attacking or conquering anything in the name of the Iron Bank, but rather is contracted as mercenaries to nations (player and NPC alike) for a monetary fee. The Iron Bank's currency (the Ferra) is present all across the world, and the organization runs an extensive ledger of every nation's wealth. Each turn every nation in the world will gain a certain amount of ferra, which can be used to purchase Iron soldiers, trade, or pay debts. The Iron Bank remains strictly neutral, and leases its soldiers to the highest bidder, however, if you cross the Iron Bank by attacking it, not paying your debts, or attempting to circumvent it, you may find them funding your adversaries to ensure your demise. To purchase soldiers or make a trade with the Iron Bank, one must send it diplomacy. The Bank will then issue soldiers to your location. (Note: This nation is operating under special rules that the moderators approved of. It's not allowed to annex any territory itself, but in exchange can send mercanaries to other people's provinces.)
    • Player: Nathanadrian (talk) 05:46, August 2, 2020 (UTC)
  • Nation Name: Order/Company of the Star
    • Extent: Île-de-France (230), Malta (278), Puerto Rico (150), Danzig (292), Azores (213)
    • Capital: Paris (Île-de-France, 230)
    • Leaders: Holy Spirit, various
    • Form of government: Military order
    • Religion: Roman Catholic
    • Brief description: Founded by John II of France in 1351 as a chivalric order, the Company of the Star persisted over centuries thanks to continued sponsorship from righteous kings. It grew to encompass the holdings of various other orders, including the Teutonic Order and the Knights Hospitaller. As Europe's flame of faith gradually dimmed with the onset of the 19th century, the Company's aims shifted from the protection of Christians in the Holy Land to the protection of all good people in need and the aid of worthy causes worldwide. They can be expected to provide military assistance in return for a contribution to the Order.

Basic statistics[]

Largest nation[]

  1. Maravi Ascendency (215 provinces) [=]
  2. United Corporations of New California (144 provinces) [=]
  3. Great Empire of Singapore (59 provinces) [+]
  4. Austrian Empire (42 provinces) [+]
  5. State of Israel (31 provinces) [+]
  6. Iron Star Company (29 provinces) [+]
  7. Knights of Monkoserbgaria (23 provinces) [=]
  8. State of Jaamlaasoba (20 provinces) [=]
  9. Kingdom of Hourglassea (19 provinces) [=]
  10. Empire of Libertalia (16 provinces) [=]

Largest army[]

Note: does not include NPCs

  1. Maravi Ascendency (329,400 troops) [=]
  2. Great Singapore Empire (155,300) [*]
  3. United Corporations of New California (116,600 troops) [+]
  4. State of Jaamlaasoba (98,200 troops) [=]
  5. Knights of Monkoserbgaria (96,300 troops) [+]
  6. Six-Province Area (67,000 troops) [+]
  7. Kingdom of Al-Gharb (64,000 troops) [=]
  8. Republic of Charinias (63,900 troops) [+]
  9. Empire of Libertalia (61,600 troops) [*]
  10. Technocracy of Antarctica (61,500 troops) [*]

Largest religion[]

  1. Zoroastrianism (215 provinces) [+]
  2. State-run cult / Atheism (169 provinces) [+]
  3. Christianity (109 provinces) [=]
  4. Buddhism (54 provinces) [+]
  5. Animist / Pagan / Indigenous religion (57 provinces) [+]
  6. Other Abrahamic [Judaism, Bahai] (54 provinces) [+]
  7. New Age cult (37 provinces) [=]
  8. Islam (10 provinces) [+]
  9. Secularism (9 provinces) [-]

Game Turns[]

Turn 1[]

Welcome to the game of Risk! I hope you have taken some time to get comfortable with the nations you created. You never know when a few bad rolls could bring that crashing down lol.

For anyone who hasn't signed up, but may want to join the game after this point, feel free to post your own application at any time!

As stated in the rules, everyone starts with 1,000 troops for each province you own, in addition to 3,000 troops at the start of this turn.

Right now, we have 22 players spanning 105 provinces, with a total of 171,000 troops. More statistics will be posted on Discord later.

I know the rules say that there isn't any nation switching, but if you really aren't satisfied with your setup you can talk to me about it and we can work anything out.

Ordinarily, mod events will be pretty light except for occasional cultural/technological changes or flavor events. But occasionally I will be spawning in NPC states to really spice things up. Here is the first one:

  • Province 142 is owned by the Crucian Tribes. These are nomadic people living in the wastelands of East Antarctica, isolated from the southern tribes of the Technocracy. They primarily raise penguins for their own food, and worship the stars that make up the Southern Cross. Religion: Animist.
  • Hourglassea: It was a normal day in the Kingdom of Hourglassea. Catalytic plumes were wafting dreamily through incandescent air, and King Wilbur the Everlasting raised his voice to a hoarse croak in the Authorized War Room, to announce: "Recently, my friends, I have been afraid. Afraid of what, do you ask? What could the everlasting Wilbur-king be afraid of, you inevitably wonder? I will tell you, friends, Romans, countrymen, and above all (except me, naturally), my subjects." He laughed a little at his own joke and extraordinary sense of humour. "What am I afraid of? I will tell you. The dreaded Province 191!" There were gasps all around. Those present turned pale. The Prime Minister's spouse collapsed into her wife's arms, having fainted. "For many long years, but especially recently, Province 191 has regarded our poor, innocent little Kingdom of Hourglassea hungrily." There were nods and murmurs of agreement from all around the room. "Indeed," the Prime Minister remarked, and, "Very true," remarked the Minister for the Interior. "They regarded this kingdom with envious eyes, and slowly and surely drew their plans against us. And soon - will come the great disillusionment." "They mean to attack us!" gasped the medical examiner, Dr. Fauci. "But we must strike first!" exclaimed the King, thumping his fist down on the table in front of him, with shattered under his powerful blow. A piece of glass flew up and hit the King in the chin, and the meeting had to be adjourned until Dr. Fauci had successfully placed a bandage over the King's wound and the King had recovered. At any rate, that day, it was decided that the Authorized Invasion of Province 191 would take place. 3,200 troops are mobilized and moved into Province 191 to conquer them before they conquer us. 1,280 losses will be tolerated, but no more (ALGO Requested). A subsequent attack on Province 175 is planned if all goes well with the initial primary attack.
    • The Battle of Kent lasts seven days, and Province 191 falls to Hourglassea. Province 191 is now occupied by 2,700 troops, leaving 100 back in Province 190.
  • Thomasia: The young President Nathan XVIII starts his first term (each lasting ten years) by giving all Thomasians free food, such as bread, butter, beer, oil, and sugar. Every year, there is a festival known simply as the Fire Festival. Effigies of non-Christians are burnt, with he ashes then dumped in the latrines. However, at the start of a new Presidential term, instead of the Fire Festival, the Great Fire Festival occurs. Instead of spanning only a three days, the Great Fire Festival spans an entire month. In addition to fasting and the aforementioned activity of effigy-burning, the Thomasians celebrate the Great Fire Festival by self-flagellating, refusing to eat for days (or even weeks) at a time, and the most pious of the devotees even nailing themselves to a cross in imitation of Christ’s suffering. The President, unless he/she is too old or suffering from an illness, is obliged to do the latter. Nathan spends a total of three days on a cross. However, to display his piety, a week after the ordeal, Nathan nails himself onto a big tree for an additional six days. The Thomasian people are shaken by his undying devotion to the Lord, and they bestow upon him the title of the “Tree King”. Nathan rejects his title out of humility, and asks his people to call him “Little Nathan” instead. Nathan also initially refused to live in the Oriental Palace, and instead wanted to live in a mud hut in the middle of the St. Thomas Plaza. However, one of his ministers, Callie, had a vision of the Blessed Virgin Mary in which she said, “the Little One has suffered enough, let him rest - for he has made Christ happy.” Not wanting to offend the Mother of God, Nathan accedes to him living in the Oriental Palace. Thomasia invades Provinces 771 with 3,200 people, we will tolerate a loss of 1,280 people (ALGO NEEDED).
    • The Battle of Kutei lasts nine days, but the region does not fall to Thomasia yet. The troops return to region 770 with 1,900 troops, while region 771 still has 500 troops
  • Israel: With Abraham Rabinowicz winning the last election the Democratic Socialist party is now the in the head of state for this term. Rebuilding projects for our cities are taking place so we can modernize cities and upgrade older infrastructure that needs fixing. The construction of the biggest Jewish temple is started up. Judaism is doing very well in our nation with people practicing their religion when needed to. The agriculture industry is doing average like every year. More factories are being build to increase production of military and consumer goods. The military gets ready to invade Cyprus (338) with 4,000 troops. We send out ships to start the invasion leaving from our ports. (Algo Needed) In hopes this invasion goes well, we would like to spread our religion to other parts of the world and make it more prominent religion of the world. Secrete tunnels are being build underneath in some section of the capital city for military usage to make it more safe for the people living there. Trading goes well with other nations we boarder on all sides. We increase our ports to make them bigger and more fortified just in case of an attack.
    • The Battle of Salamis lasts 13 days, and Cyprus falls to Israel. Cyprus is now occupied with 2,300 troops, leaving 100 troops in Province 341.
  • Siberian Republic: The 1,000 troops for in each province stay there and the extra 3,000 starting troops are divided with 1,000 going to our Province 441, 1,000 going to our Province 453 and going to 1,000 to guard the capital. Logging and forestry are developed as industries. No one is invaded by Siberia this round.
  • Al-Gharb: amar has fully developing some new functionals with new stuff and else they improving the economy throughout via focusing to modernization the councils has demand to gain more boost and support its idea across the kingdom the agriculture is doing well the militarization upgrade same goes within' whoever more factories are doing it and make more good stuffs, the trades in the kingdom has increase positively commercials thus by that it's way too big the Commission worker of Gharb (CWG) suggest that there need to improve the city and stuff that are up to be improved each years so far as the Monarchs the territorial's is populate and more canal is being constructed and a bridge is constructed to the north at border of the western's Europeans nation to welcome the merchants and throughout interest in market's economy.
  • Frankokratia: King John VII, a young and ambitious ruler of Frankokratia, awakes amidst a dream early this round. In this vision, he sees the Hagia Sophia - the Church of Holy Wisdom - in Constantinople. His great-great-great-grandfather had lost the region roughly two centuries ago when the Latin Empire was reformed into Frankokratia. The current rulers of the city - unfaithful men - had long disregarded the Hagia Sophia, had defiled its sanctuary. Soon after his dream, John VII approached the Greek Rite/Roman Catholic Patriarch of Constantinople - who lives in exile in Athènes - about what he had seen. The Patriarch, persuaded that Frankokratia is strong and stable enough to finally retake the holy city - his see - calls for a crusade to recapture lands lost in recent centuries. Pleased, as a crusade gives the King greater authority to wage war over the heads of the Prime Minister and Voulí (Parliament), John VII mobilizes 8,000 men - leaving 500 behind in total garrisons split between Attica (311), Achaea (313), Neopatras (310), Thessaly (308), and Thessalonica (309). The reamaining 7,500 men are divided into two groups, each of 3,750. The first of these armies invades Thrace (Province 315) while the second, in a stretch of the initial crusading powers granted by the Patriarch, are sent to conquer Crete (Province 312). We are willing to use all men in combat. When pressed before the Voulí, King John VII responds in writing that he intends to encircle the City of the World's Desire, although this seems suspect to the few liberal members of parliament.
    • The Battle of Heraklion lasts nine days, and Crete falls to Frankokratia. 2,850 troops remain occupying the island.
    • The Battle of Adrianople lasts ten days, and Thrace falls to Frankokratia. 2,750 occupy the region
  • Austrian Empire: Franz Joseph I becomes a new king. He is an ambitious man and does mass conscription. Every man aged from 21 to 30 must serve in the military for at least two years. With this new law, the Empire quickly gains troops and invades Province 261 with 5,000 troops. The Empire built more factories and farms across the nation, and also built railways and roads to make transportation of troops easier.
    • The Siege of Venice lasts ten days, and falls to Austria. 3,300 troops occupies Venice leaving 100 troops back in Province 260
  • Chautamvun (Tri-Province Area): It has been two years since the fall of Doofanian rule in Chautamvun. The Resistance have overthrown Duphanhan and had him executed for who knows how many crimes he had commited. Even though his army was annihilated, his family members are still alive in their homeland, Doofania, waiting for a revenge. News have reached Emperor Phung's ears that his daughter, Vanessassary has succeeded Duphanhan as the Empress of Doofania, with her mother, Charlene acting as her advisor. Knowing that Doofania may strike back any time soon, Emperor Phung orders to set up fortifications alongside the border with Doofania. To help the nation recover from the war, Emperor Phung began on improving the economy of the country. There were disagreements with Emperor Phung and his sister, Cangdit about what to do with the army, as Cangdit still feared another Doofanian invasion, however, Phung suggested that, since their army was annihilated, it will take years and years for them to recover and started on invading again, if they dare to. So, Phung reduced the army size, much to the disagreement of his sister, and settle the army to work. As the country sits on the basin of the mighty Yellow River, agriculture is focused on, with levee construction projects being implemented to prevent flooding. Emperor Phung also has plans for the industrialization of the country, as he is in favour of new technology. Phung has the vision to strengthen Chautamvun economically and militarily, and thus begin a Ten-Year Plan. Efforts are made to revive the country’s culture and religions, as they were heavily oppressed during Doofanian rule. So, a large number of Perrist churches are reopened. Restless working of the young Emperor has made him tired and stressed. During the national holiday of Chautamvung, Platyp, his Empress-Consort, Isabel, advised him to take a moment to relaxed and enjoy it, as he was too stressed. Bustdan, the capital, was formelly dubbed “The City of Love”, so she wanted Phung to take her out to tour across the city, but he continues to ignore her to focus on his works.
  • Maravi Ascendancy: Jelani of House Obinyola following a vote by the ruling families of the Maravi Ascendancy has been authorized to expand the boundaries of the Ascendancy into neighboring territories. 7,500 men are allotted to him and divided into two forces comprised of 3,750 each with each group being directed to invade Provinces 733 and 702 (Algos Needed). Meanwhile, House Ezekwasili in their capacity of overseeing the development of non-military technology has begun investment on a promising prototype for an engine utilizing steam that is believed to have an increased amount of output compared to prior steam engines. Affairs in the capital have grown tense due to the Juridials of the Judiciary declaring that House Igwe had conspired against Maravi law by assembling their own Household Phalange leading to House Mbanefo having mobilized the Defense forces as well as its own Household Phalange to eliminate the violators of Ascendancy law. The pacification of House Igwe takes up to a week as its estates are well guarded but House Mbanefo eventually falls with the Ruling Families moving to seize its assets quickly. House Azekiwe has begun efforts to implement a road network spanning the Ascendancy to ease the shipments of goods its assigned to oversee.
    • The invasion of Province 702 is a success, and falls to Maravi. 2,750 troops occupies the region.
    • The invasion of Madagascar lasts ten days, and Province 733 is captured by Maravi. 2,950 troops occupies the region.
  • Millerite Republic of the Great Lakes: During the most recent General Conference of Sabbatarian Adventist Church of God Meeting, President of the Church and Republic Daniel Verdun revealed to the congregation and country that the Son of Man would soon arrive and that it was the mission of the Church, as the remnant church of Jesus Christ, is to spread the good news and the Three Angels' message. President Verdun pointed out the resurgence of Catholic powers and other false churches as the prophetic Babylon. He implored citizens of the Republic to tithe faithfully, be prayerful, and to be prepared for a defensive holy war against the forces of Satan and false prophets. As President Verdun delivered an impassioned sermon before his congregation-state, he became visibly distressed as he fell into a deep trance-like state, shaken and overwhelmed by the Holy Spirit and his conviction in Christ. "Beloved brethren, the Lord Jesus Christ has revealed to this Church, His Church, that we must hasten His Second Coming!" He elaborated further, stressing the utmost urgency the Millerite Republic had in claiming more souls for the Kingdom to Come. "We must go forth and be fishers of men. We must restore Truth in this fallen world by revealing the Sabbath truth and the final days." The Millerite Republic sends its missionary-soldiers to invade Indiana (Province 33) with 1,440 troops. If it is successful, the Republic will send an additional 1,440 to pacify the state. If it fails, it will send 2,440. The Lord shall not allow loss of anymore than 777 in the first attempt or 1,200 in either plans for the second attempt. (ALGO NEEDED)
    • Battle of Gary lasts nine days, and ends with the Millerites retreating with 540 troops left, while Indiana still has 300 troops. The Battle of Indianapolis lasts seven days, and several bloody skirmishes the province is captured. 1,540 troops now occupies Indiana, with 1,980 troops staying behind in Michigan.
  • Antarctica: Huh? There's a tribe in Antarctica? The Crucians are attacked with 5,000 soldiers until they surrender. 819 is attacked with 2,000 soldiers.
    • Province 819 is taken with 800 soldiers remaining to occupy it. Province 142 is taken with 4,200 soldiers remaining to occupy it.
  • United Corporations of New California: Invades Province 28 with 2,900 troops from Province 14 (leaving 100 in Province 14) (loss tolerance 2,500) and Province 53 with 2,800 troops from Provinces 52 and 40 (leaving 100 in each province) (loss tolerance 2,000).
    • Province 28 is taken with the remaining 2,800 soldiers occupying it. Province 53 is taken with the remaining 1,500 soldiers occupying it.
  • Jääʹmไâää'ษבְa: Ꮙäאigmälu ShЇןpᎤjᎡᏬ YЪਗ'Ꭽk'@ЏЏЏl'q'l-ﭏg'ääää'F of Jääʹmไâää'ษבְa from ꙂâЄäѺqääখq'PঙqЧ-ӼޏfᎭ in the name of Ꮙäאigmälu L000gäѺq'juuᏓאigpäät of Jääʹmไâää'ษבְa declares the Q@MᏕᏈbalz's of GuuuhguhᏓ-ä-Ӽ c@'lupperocratistically shall fulfill ᏔaᏓᏐᎬᏒ via Jääʹmไâää'ษבְa attacking LЪᎤäไâäЏאiääไ'lᎭk'אӼ-guhguhguh (Province 194) with 3,000 JษЏlärs (soldiers), while also 2,500 JษЏlärs attack Lq'jg@ᏕᏈਗЇᎡ (Province 197), while also 2,500 JษЏlärs attack אipไäguhᏓ (Province 203). Such is according to Ꮙäאigmälu ShЇןpᎤjᎡᏬ YЪਗ'Ꭽk'@ЏЏЏl'q'l-ﭏg'ääää'F of Jääʹmไâää'ษבְa from ꙂâЄäѺqääখq'PঙqЧ-ӼޏfᎭ in the name of Ꮙäאigmälu L000gäѺq'juuᏓאigpäät of Jääʹmไâää'ษבְa and the Q@MᏕᏈbalz's of GuuuhguhᏓ-ä-Ӽ!
    • Province 194 is taken with 800 soldiers remaining to garrison the province. Province 197 is taken with 2,300 remaining soldiers to garrison the province. Province 203 is taken with 2,000 soldiers remaining to garrison the province.
  • Republic of Charinias: A normal day on the small republic of Charinia. Nothing of major importance happens, but the mortality rate decreases on a seven percent thanks to the improvements over public services regarding health on multiple cities around the country.
    • Iron Bank: The Iron Bank approaches Charinias with a trade offer, asking to purchase 5,000 soldiers in exchange for 500 ferra. Accepting this offer will also increase Charinias' credit score and will come with a one year guarantee to purchase the soldiers back at a discounted rate.

"**Charinias Diplomacy: Trade accepted"

  • Magnesian State of Mysia: Many years ago was the dark day of the Gigacaust, when Aboriginal race was devastated by White Extremists. You realize 60 million Australians were victim of genocide right? That is why there was The Great Council, when world nations of globe decide the Aboriginals must be granted a homeland. Enter Mysia, land of ancient Australians. Now then, Mysia has become a Magnesian state and follows the teachings of Simon the Great and Maximilian Couture the Spectacular, who the people communicate to via telegraphophonic projection using metal wires. He communicates that revenge is coming to Whites. Weapons must be created in the form of magic airship dropping bombs across the Straits of Satan. Many people die, as Officilar-Seer Vélar Cochléaria orders that non-Magnesopeoples be wiped out. You realize this means Whites will be exterminated right? But first the Great He decided to unite Zincmacjonc (The fabled land of tuberous peas described by Enoch in a holy book or two, Which has descrubed Anatolia in the Prophet-Speak of the Great He). Ahem, 1700 people attacked 319 318, and 1700 people attacked 332, and 1700 people attacked 333, and 1800 people attacked 316.
    • Province 318 (Note, I believe because of labeling confusion you meant 318 instead of 319) is taken with 900 soldiers remaining to garrison the province. Province 332 is taken with 800 soldiers remaining to garrison the province. Province 333 is taken with 300 soldiers remaining to garrison the province. Province 316 is taken with 1,200 soldiers remaining to garrison the province.
  • Magnesian State of Australia: The Imperial Prophet of the Magnesians, Ambassador of the Standing One, Prophet of Rome, Archprophet of Australia, Prince of the Princes of God, Heir of the Empire of the Universe, resides in a modest villa on the shores of Dandiri. Although he continues the traditional claim as the rightful ruler of the Roman Empire, the Imperial Prophets over time have grown accostomed to a more modest lifestyle, reflecting the Standing One's teachings towards subtlty and subterfuge. Indeed, it is a very unusual situation the Magnesians have found themselves now, being the soverign rulers of their own nation for the first time in their history, instead of working from the shadows. Nonetheless, it is doable enough for a thriving society. Members of society who loudly project their affluence, and bless the church with the most overtly hedonistic lifestyle, are publicly honored and praised as model believers, showing only the most selfishness and greed as the Standing One would approve. The churches themselves publicly mock and derride the impoverished and infirmed for this same reason, and local Prophets of each metropolitan take in in the confessions of believers for their sins of charity. The greatest examples to society of this hedonism is shown by the Prince-Monks, who are given the largest mansions and most expensive, comfortable new clothes to show off their affluence before God. It is also these Prince-Monks that are the greatest pioneers of science for the state, as the Gnostic philosophy of the Standing One is based on the knowledge of the physical world first and foremost. Publicly sharing the gospel or any kind of public preaching is greatly frowned upon by the Simonions, but instead the Imperial Prophet dispatches a series of spies into the Island of New Caledonia to secretly share the wonders and promises of the Standing one to the people of Algeorgia (Draf RESPONSE). Along this same doctrine of secrecy and subtlety, the exact finances and assets of the Church are also kept a closely-guarded secret. The Imperial Prophet says to his court, the Cyanittica, that he feels no sympathy for the Aboriginal people who were killed before the Magnesians came to Australia. After all, if they were so weak and cowardly to allow their state to be killed, why should we care? But nonetheless, it is in the spirit of the Standing One's fearful memory that both deception and manipulation is used for the spread of the Gospel. So the Prophet reaches out to the Magnesians of Mysia, telling them that the time has come to reak terrible vengence on the white people, and to reclaim control over the lands of the Roman Empire in the name of the all-powerful One Who Stands, Simon Magus. In terms of military, a total of 1,000 Responditors are kept in each of the five provinces to keep a tight control of the population, rooting out possible acts of heresy. While a force of 3,000 troops are sent to subjugate the lands of Province 789 (ALGO REQUEST).
    • Province 789 is captured with the remaining 2,700 soldiers occupying the province.
  • Greater Empire of Singapore: With the recent victory over the nations of Sumatra Provinces, Viet Provinces and Malaysian Provinces, Grand Emperor Jov fortifies his lands in Province 766, to protect them against any Thomasian Incursion. 2,900 troops attack the province of 772, all will tolerate the loss of 1,000 troops. Another force of 1,500 push north into Province 610, and will tolerate the loss of 800 troops. (TWO ALGOS) The Malaysian Provinces are cut off from their Sumatran Allies, and new trade advancements allow Singapore to control trade through the Malaccan Straits, giving the nation Extra Revenue.
    • The attack against Province 772 is unsuccessful, with the remaining 1,900 soldiers retreating, while the defenders retain 400 soldiers. The attack against Province 610 is unsuccessful, with the remaining 700 soldiers retreating, while the defenders retain 400 soldiers.

Turn 2[]

You are all off to an excellent start in developing out the world. Keep it up! The fun has only just begun.

As you are all still plebs who don't even have more than the minimum provinces yet, every player gets an additional 3,000 troops this turn.

Say congradulations to T0oxi for being the first player to unite an entire region and a continent! You get an additional 1,000 troops this turn. Don't spend it all in one place.

We now have 26 players, 16 active players, covering a total of 146 provinces and having a total of 258,000 troops.

The capture of Constantinople by the Mysians sends an alarm throughout the rest of Europe, particularly in Austria and Frankokratia. The Mysians may prove to be as much of a threat as the more ancient Ottomans were.

The Isle of Man sees significant flooding this year during the summer, which destroys dozens of homes near the coast, killing 75 people.

  • Provinces 335, 336, 337, 320, and 321 is ruled by the remnant Ottoman Empire. Having collapsed in the "Great Turkish War" in the 17th century, it has slowly been consolidating power in eastern Anatolia for a better opportunity to expand towards Europe again. At this present time, with the ongoing chaos in the Middle East and the rise of the Mysians, they are remaining comfortably on the defensive.
  • Greater Empire of Singapore: Unfazed by the loss, 800 troops join the 1,900 troops to attack Province 772 again. 1,000 troops join the 700 troops to attack 610 again. We will tolerate any losses. Meanwhile, Emperor Jov plans another attack on Province 657, to destroy the last forms of resistance on Sumatra. 2,800 troops march into Province 757, and we will take 2,000 casualties. (3 ALGOS). As the empire settles down, a celebration cry rings through the air. As more money is put into repairing famous attractions, Small trading barges sail up and down the South China Sea, trading with our allies the Congo provinces.
    • Battle of Samarinda lasts four days, and Province 772 is conquered by Singapore. 2,400 troops occupy the region, leaving 100 back in Province 766.
    • Battle of Kedah lasts five days, and Province 610 falls to Singapore. 800 troops occupy the region, leaving 100 back in Province 611.
    • Battle of Jambi lasts eight days, and Province 757 falls to Singapore. 1,900 troops occupy the region, leaving 100 back in Province 756.
  • Siberian Republic: The acid and bleach industries are developed in Kemerovo. The 3,000 new troops are divided up with 1,000 going to our Province 455, 1,000 going to our Province 441, and 1,000 going to Province 453. We invade Province 452 simultaneously on two fronts at the same time. Algo needed: Province 441 invades Province 452 with 2,100 troops and they will suffer up to 1,100 dead before retreating (there is a total of 3,000 troops in the province). Algo needed: Province 453 invades Province 452 with 2,100 troops and they will suffer up to 1,100 dead before retreating (there is a total of 3,000 troops in the province).
    • The attack by Province 441 is unsuccessful, leaving 2,900 troops in the region. The attack by Province 453 is successful, and Province 452 falls to Siberia. 1,100 troops occupy the region, leaving 900 troops in Province 453. The whole campaign lasts 16 days.
  • Magnesian State of Australia: The Imperial Prophet makes some institutional reforms, for improving both the economy and infrastructure for the state. The local Archprophets assume direct control over each metropolitan area of the state, which report back to the council of the Cyanattica back in Dandiri. The laws of the Magnesians are strictly based in legalism, where social conformity is enforced by a set of lucrative rewards as well as harsh punishements. As infrastructure and cities expand into the frontiers of Australia, the Magnesians encourage economic growth by promoting exploitation of others, paritcularly people who are poorer or weaker. Although there is no racial discriminiation in the state, this culture often ends up being at the expense of the Aboriginal people, who are further marginalized from the Australia frontiers. The Imperial Prophet reports to their ally, the Mysians, all the plights and misery of the Aboriginals, but carefully frames it as the fault of the Non-Magnesian white men who should be destroyed. More covert efforts are done to send spies into Algeorgia, secretly reaching out to people for spreading the Gospel of Simon Magus throughout Oceania. An alliance is extended to the Technocracy of Antarctica, to foster our shared appreciation for secret knowledge. I terms of military, 1,700 troops are placed in Tasmania (Province 794), increasing its total count to 2,700 troops. A total of 3,000 troops are sent to conquer Province 788, to unite Australia (ALGO REQUEST).
    • Province 788 is successfully taken, with 300 soldiers remaining to occupy the province. 
  • Frankokratia: King John VII, ever the loyal Christian, is extremely distraught to hear of Constantinople's fall to the Mysians. In the court of Athènes, many begin to question the King's wisdom - but others are inspired to enlist and join the military to fight Mysia. The crusade, called last year by the Patriarch, remains in place and John VII is in command of 9,100 men. John VII, upon hearing of Mysia's pursuit of genocide, reaches out to Israel to request some support to prevent the murder of many people (given that nation's history of escaping persecution and genocide) (Player Response). John VII also extends his hand of friendship to Austria, asking for support against Mysia. (Player Response). Of these soldiers, 4,000 plus any Austria and Israel sends are sent to take Constantinople from Mysia (with its garrison of 1,200 men). The remainder are held in reserve for now, across the provinces in various amounts (ALGO). Meanwhile, domestically efforts are made to reintegrate Thrace and Crete into Frankokratia. These first states, which had a rich history under Greek (and to a limited extent, Frankish) rule, begin to be integrated with relative ease. Industry continues to pick up in Athens and Thessalonica, while other parts of the kingdom grow uncomfortable at the existence of the Mysians.
    • Israel: We send 1,000 troops to join your army in Constantinople.
    • Austrian Empire: The Empire agrees to join the Crusade and sends 1,500 troops.
    • Sorry, can't do anything when you don't border
    • After a siege of 43 days, Constantinople is relieved by the armies of the Mysians that forces the Franks to retreat, leaving 100 troops in Thrace. Constantinople takes significant losses of their own, however, and is left with 3,300 troops
    • After deliberating among the mods, we are only allowing allies to send troops to a battle where they border the province being attacked
  • Israel: After taking over Cyprus our military sets up ports around the island so we can do trade and rebuild the area up. New temples are made on the island so we can spread our religion of Judaism to new areas and grow larger and become a dominant religion. Thanks to getting word from King John himself of the Frankokratia nation for sending word that Mysia wants to pursuit a genocide of the Jewish people. We are now allied with a new friend the nation of Frankokratia so we can take out any threat in the Muslim surrounding areas. As a strong nation we start to move our military to become stronger. The military send 1,000 troops to 333 to invade the area. 1,500 troops are sent to 624 for invasion. Both 339 and 340 get 1,500 troops each for an invasion attack on them. (Algo Needed) Our factories are finding ways to mass produce all kinds of products faster from military technology to everyday household items so that we can get products faster out into the public. We continue to have another decent year in the agriculture industry with normal numbers across the board for growth and sales.  
    • Battle of Alexandria ends in a defeat for Israel, and 100 troops retreats back to Province 625. Province 624 now has 100 troops left
    • Battle of Antioch ends in a defeat for Israel, and 100 troops retreats back to Province 341. Province 339 now has 500 troops left
    • Battle of Palmyra ends in a victory for Israel, and occupies Province 340 with 900 troops
    • [Assume you meant Province 334 because you don't border Province 333] Battle of Phasalis ends in a defeat for Israel, and 100 troops retreats back to Cyprus (Province 338). Province 334 now has 500 troops left
  • Maravi Ascendancy: Following the successful campaigns of last year Jelani of House Obinyola continues his campaign of expansion aiming for an ambitious expansion of three regions. 2,900 troops are dispatched to assault the Province 734 with another 2,900 being directed at Province 703. A final force of 2,700 attacking Province 699 (Algos Needed). With new acquisition of the new territories in the prior year, House Azekiwe has begun efforts to exploit the available resources in the new regions with its resources being directed towards roads and infrastructure for natural resources. House Ezekwasili has started efforts in coordination with House Yar’adua to develop other infrastructure not within Azekiwe’s scope of responsibility. House Mbanefo due to lack of defense corps has dispatched its household phalange to provide security over the region until a large enough defense unit can be assembled to take over the responsibility of maintain law and order in the new regions. King Chinira Iweala has granted Zane Okpara a position within the nobility due to his actions in the initial campaigns leading to the creation of House Okpara. In an effort to centralize the finances of the Ascendancy, House Ezekwasili has petitioned the council backed by numerous smaller houses for the creation of a bank under the control of the Ruling Families that can issue banknotes. House Azekiwe concerned that their jurisdiction is being impeded on votes against and declares that it violates their control over the commerce system of the Ascendancy. Understanding the need for such an institution but concerned about the power that it would grant to House Ezekwasili, the ruling families agree to permit the creation of said bank but split up its shares with 30 percent going to House Azekiwe and eight percent to the other ruling families. The remaining 30 percent of shares is sold off to private citizens and nobles in auctions.
    • After fighting 12 days, Province 699 falls to Maravi at the Battle of Karagwa. The region is now occupied with 1,400 troops
    • The Sultan of Zanzibar surrenders to Maravi after a battle of five days, suffering Maravi no casualties. Province 703 is now occupied with 2,900 troops
    • The Battle of Antivideo lasts 12 days, and Province 734 falls to Maravi. The region is now occupiued with 1,600 troops
  • Thomasia: With our conquest of Province 771 failing, Nathan descends into a deep depression. For the first time in his life, Nathan drinks beer, which adds a growing beer belly to his otherwise lanky frame. This year, Nathan's beloved cat, Landrew, gave birth to a litter of seven kittens. However, a Magnesian by the name of Nelrim sodomized the little creature with an iron condom. In his fury, Nathan has Nelrim amputated. He is then dunked into a pool of excrement, and then thrown into a pit to be fed upon by pigs. However, Nathan's encounters with the non-Christians do not stop there. One time, a Hindu merchant came to his court, with his beloved cow, Ladesh. The Hindu and the Elder-President had a friendly exchange - they talked about each other's national cuisines, and the Elder-President even praised the Hindu's attire and hoped to get a gift of fine silk on the Hindu's next visit. Things turned for the worst when the Hindu introduced Ladesh to Nathan and his Ministers - Nathan was perplexed as to why the Hindu did not eat beef, after all, isn't beef the most succulent and flavorsome of meats? To him, it seemed like a waste that such a voluptuous and well-formed cow like Ladesh has yet to be slaughtered. The Hindu then asked for permission to leave the Court. Interested as to where exactly in the Indies he is from, Nathan inquires him as to where is headed. The Hindu replied, "we are going to Bangladesh." Nathan was confused - and he could feel his anger boiling. "Bangla Desh? Oh, how I wish I had not discovered you have partook in the grave sin of bestiality!" Before the Hindu can explain, Nathan told his guardsmen to pin him to the ground. The Elder-President approached the Hindu, and bent so his mouth is at the Hindu's ear, and said, "if you repent and yield the cow to me, you will be spared from Hell!" Naturally, the Hindu refused and in an act of defiance, defenestrated himself - plummeting three stories to his death. Nathan was shaken by what had happened, and believed the Hindu must be an agent of the Devil. Fearful for his safety, Nathan ran as quickly as he can to his sleeping chambers, being followed by his maid-servants. The Head Maidservant, Callie, asked the Elder-President why he was crying, to which Nathan responded with "the Hindu is not Christian! He's tampering into dark-sided stuff... YES, YES. EVEN the COW is darksided!" He then started ripping the cow with his bare hands, saying while doing so, "this is tainted - I don't want it. Whatever it is the Pagan has given me, I have given it up to GOD, I am the GOD WARRIOR - and I don't want SOMEONE, with TAINTED beliefs... doing anything with my COUNTRY!" Nathan then shut the door - causing Callie to fall down the flight of stairs nearby, but Nathan does not care. Anyways, the all-merciful and perpetually-just Elder-President continues his merciful and just works. He orders the conquest of Province 771 again with 1,000 people (tolerating the loss of 90 percent of them), and 766 with 6,000 people (tolerating the loss of 90 percent of them).
    • The Second Battle of Kutei is a success, and Province 771 is conquered by Thomasia, leaving 800 troops occupying it
    • The Battle of Pontianak lasts one day, and the Singapore forces are destroyed by the Thomasians. Province 766 is now occupied by 5,900 troops
  • Austrian Empire: After the success in Venice, the Empire is triumphant and plans another invasion deeper in Italy. Austrian Empire sends 3,000 troops to Lombardy AKA Province 262 to conquer it. (Algo needed) Austria also sends 3,000 to Bavaria AKA Province 259. (Algo needed)
    • The Battle of Milano is a success after ten days, and Province 262 falls to Austria. The region is now occupied by 2,000 troops
    • The Battle of Munich is a success after six days, and Province 259 is now occupied by 2,800 troops
  • Kingdom of Libertalia: The kingdom of Libertalia is a kingdom located in the frozen wasteland of Vinland, here people wear fur coats all year long and use spears to hunt mammoths and sable toothed tigers. The capital Rosebud is located in Alaska,where the royal palace lies,the royal palace is surrounded by a huge wall and a drawbridge with a moat full of ice cold water. Inside these walls, only the ruling novelists are allowed, that's why it appears deserted most of the time. The king acts only as a figurehead and the real power lies on the wise novelists who rules the nation. Today they all gathered to order an attack with 2,000 men on Province 4 with a max casualty rate of 1,500. (ALGO REQURED)
    • The invasion of Nunavut is a success, and Province 4 is now occupied with 700 troops. 
  • Magnesian State of Mysia: Magnesian State of Mysia: We do as Maximilian commanded us. The entire army aside from 100 people per province is moved to "Constantiniple". We reach out to the Iron Bank asking to buy 5,000 soldiers. You realize Frankonia is randomly attacking us for no reason right? Why did they invade the peaceful state of Mysia.
  • Kingdom of Hourglassea: Another, very normal day in the Kingdom of Hourglassea passed by. Birds hovered, alert to the distant musings of the recent glaze. In the Royal Palace, birds circled overhead, while outside in the throne room, the King and his subjects were having a small party. "Well, my subjects," King Wilbur declared, "I am very glad with our recent success in Kent. Hengist and Horsa won't be troubling us again!" He laughed at his own amusing yet obscure historical reference. "I suggest we move onto the threat of Province 185." "Don't forget Province 186," added the Chief General, General Cain Herman. "I am not forgetting," the King said, "you, sir, are a lying dog-face pony soldier." The General shrivelled under his Majesty's withering glare. "We shall indeed, take Province 186, too. I notice a substantial lack of Militarized Wilburism in it, and that will never do. I suggest we take both provinces." "Good idea, your Majesty," applauded Mary Bore, the Prime Minister. And so it was that the great and holy Wilburist Alliance, made solely up of the Kingdom of Hourglassea, advanced on Provinces 185 and 186. We attack Province 185 with 2,900 soldiers, while another 2,900 journey to Province 186. A loss tolerance of 2,000 exists for each invasion.
    • After a battle of nine days, Province 185 falls to Hourglassea. 1,900 troops remain occupying the region.
    • The Siege of Devon is surprisingly brutal, but ultimately Province 186 falls to Hourglassea after 15 days. 900 troops are left to occupy the region.
  • Jääʹmไâää'ษבְa: Ꮙäאigmälu ShЇןpᎤjᎡᏬ YЪਗ'Ꭽk'@ЏЏЏl'q'l-ﭏg'ääää'F of Jääʹmไâää'ษבְa from ꙂâЄäѺqääখq'PঙqЧ-ӼޏfᎭ in the name of Ꮙäאigmälu L000gäѺq'juuᏓאigpäät of Jääʹmไâää'ษבְa declares the Q@MᏕᏈbalz's of GuuuhguhᏓ-ä-Ӽ c@'lupperocratistically shall fulfill ᏔaᏓᏐᎬᏒ via Jääʹmไâää'ษבְa attacking Province 193 with 2,900 soldiers, 198 with 2,900 soldiers, and 202 with 2,900 soldiers. '
    • The invasion of Province 193 is successful with 1,700 soldiers occupying the province. The invasion of Province 198 is successful with 1,600 soldiers occupying the province. The invasion of Province 202 is successful with 1,400 soldiers occupying the province. 
  • UCNC: Invades Provinces 15, 41, and 54 with 2,966 troops each, leaving 100 troops in each remaining province, except for Province 51, which contains 102. Loss tolerance is 2,000 for each invasion.
    • The invasion of Province 15 is successful with 2,166 soldiers remaining. The invasion of 41 is successful with 1,766 soldiers remaining. The invasion of Province 54 is successful with 1,766 soldiers remaining. 
  • Northern Viets: We now invade Province 578 and 579 with 300 troops for each region. Leaving 100 troops for each provinces.
    • Both attacks end in defeat, with 200 defenders remaining in Province 578, and 300 defenders remaining in Province 579. 
  • Antarctica: Huh? Tasmania is invaded with 5,000 soldiers. The rest of the army is in eastern Antarctica formally called Crucian Tribes.
    • The Invasion of Tasmania is successful with 4,100 soldiers remaining to occupy the province. 
  • Millerite Republic of the Great Lakes: The Lord has followed His people to victory. Reassured by His ever-present hand and guidance, the Republic is abuzz and merry as missionary work commences in newly captured Indiana. President Verdun received a vision one night that bore great similarity to the prophet Daniel. He witnessed fearsome beasts that were obliterated by a fiery meteor which descended from the heavens. When he stirred from his sleep, he wrote down his dreams and later presented it before his congregation-nation. He and the church elders interpreted it as God's command to continue the holy war against Babylon. The Church Treasury also seeks to improve its credit score with the Iron Bank as it owns a number of shares in the Bank's investments in the Isle of Man. President Verdun commands 2,000 troops each to invade Provinces 32 (Illinois) and 34 (Ohio) respectively, and is willing to allow up to 80 perent losses for both respectively.
    • Province 32 is taken with 1,200 soldiers remaining. Province 34 is taken with 500 soldiers remaining. 
  • Iron Bank: The Bank takes note of the outbreak of war between Mysia and Frankokratia, and seeks to make a profit from the conflict. It is estimated that Frankokratia is more wealthy in assets, with an estimated 630 ferra in its account, and the Iron Bank hopes to make an arrangement with one of the sides. Meanwhile, an agreement is sent to Australia. Australia is to owe 5,500 Ferra, including a 500 Ferra upfront payment, which will be paid off yearly through a yearly minimum payment of 20 Ferra and 500 soldiers until the entire sum is paid. Debt will incurr a one percent annual interest. Australia will sell a 35 percent equity in its GDP to the Iron Bank at its current fixed going rate. Australia will receive 5,000 soldiers for a guaranteed minimum of three years, in which 50 Ferra maintainence will be paid until at least 3,500 soldiers have been returned (independent of annual debt payment). (Australia response needed) The Iron Bank asks to buy another 5,000 soldiers from Charinias for 500 Ferra. (Charinias response needed)
    • The Australian Magnesians accept the deal
  • Chautamvun (Tri-Province Area): With the agriculture increasing due to Phung's numerous policies, he began on making plans to develop the industry of the country. Chautamvun happens to be having just a few brilliant scientists: Baljug, Phat - Phung's brother, and Phung himself. The Tri-Province Area also have numerous resources needed for the Industrial Revolution to take place. Emperor Phung uses manpower to exploit resources. This year, multiple factories are built, a port is constructed in OTL Yantai for exports of our products. In the Suth, seeing the Bach Viet growing, Emperor Phung dispatches envoys to make better relations, having seen threats from Doofania in the north. (Viet Response) Meanwhile, Cangdit had a conversation with her brother, Phung, and forced him to give her full control over the army. He couldn't say no, because he loves his sister and moreover, she had more influence in Chautamvun than Phung himself, having commanded the army to liberate Chautamvun; and she threatens to tell their mother that he was misbehaving. So, Cangdit seeks to invade Provinces 505 and 509 to expand Chautamvun's borders in light of the Industrial Revolution's needs and the need to increase the country's boundaries and strength. She orders Isabel to command the Firestorm unit with 1,000 to invade 509 while she commands 2,000 to invade 505. (Algo Needed).
  • After a battle of nine days, the army retreats back to Province 507 with 100 troops, leaving Province 509 with 100 troops. The defeated army reports back to Cangdit something about a "Risk-inator"
  •  After a battle of nine days, Province 505 falls to Chautamvun. 1,200 troops now occupy the region

Turn 3[]

Things sure are heating up surprisingly fast! Only 20 percent of the total provinces are claimed, yet we already have three player v player wars kicking off. Cry 'havoc!' let slip the dogs of war!

The three wars going on at this point are the Franko-Mysian War over the Hellespont, the Thoma-Singapore War over Borneo, and the Antarctic invasion of Australia. A dark day for the Magnesians, indeed.

Everyone gets 3,000 troops, except for T0oxi who gets 4,000 troops.

The Ottoman Empire reaches out to Frankokratia, if they are interested in a temporary alliance against a common enemy.

People in Chautamvun have issues coming to grips with the fact they are now a "four-province area".

We now have 28 players and 18 active players, spanning 171 provinces. Altogether, the combined armies amount to over 300,000 troops.

  • Province 172, 173, 174, 175, and 176 are the remnant United Kingdom. Having collapsed in recent years from the catastrophes in the south, the lands in Scotland and northern England have slowly consolidated back into a single nation, with its capital in Yorkshire. This was the government responsible for reorganizing the colonies of South America into the Union of Patagonia, which borders the former Andalusian colony of Charinia. Religion: Anglicanism.
  • Kingdom of Hourglassea: It was just another average day in the Kingdom of Hourglassea. Crickets watched their flocks while babies devoured meadow after meadow. King Wilbur was busy having an affair with the Prime Minister's wife in their adjoining bedroom when the Prime Minister herself burst into the room. "Sorry to disturb you, Your Majesty," she panted, out of breath, "but I've just received some urgent news." King Wilbur raised an eyebrow as well as several other body parts in excitement. "Indeed?" "Indeed," confirmed the Prime Minister. "We have just had news that Provinces 172, 173, 174, 175 and 176 are the remnant United Kingdom." "Why were we not aware of this earlier?" frowned the King. "I suppose it just shows how ignorant we are of the outside world," suggested the Prime Minister's wife candidly. "Nonsense!" shouted the King Wilbur the Everlasting. "I know everything of the outside world and its history. Tell me, what is this 'United Kingdom'?" "No idea," said Mary Bore, "athlough my great-grandfather, I remember, often spoke of a nation that had unified the entire island long ago in the past. But there was a catastrophe, and it collapsed completely. I don't know how, but my great-grandfather always said it had to do with something called 'Brexit'." "Don't waffle piffle, you bore," thundered the King so loudly that he accidentally activated a trapdoor and the Prime Minister's wife fell out of the bed and into a pit of flaming scorpions below. "We must take on this 'United Kingdom' head on. Prepare my dressing gown. We are going to battle." We invade Provinces 174 and 175 with 2,800 troops each. Losses of 2,000 in each province will be tolerated. (ALGO PLEASE).
    • Both attacks are defeated, with 4,000 casualties total suffered, while 3,400 defenders remain.
  • Chautamvun (Tri-Province Area): The retreating army along with Cangdit retreats back to Bustdan. Phung is extremely mad and yells at Cangdit as General Boofgard comments: “I told her to not make him angry. You would not like him when he’s angry.” However, they quickly reconciled after a few weeks as Phung is a man of his family and thus have to forgive his family members even though how much of a mistake they have make. However, Phung suggests to Cangdit to talk to him and the court about whatever she’s willing to do with the army in the future. But Cangdit hasn’t abandoned her dreams of conquering 505 and more as she believes the land is in an extremely important position. Meanwhile, having won in 509, Phineas rewards Isabel with what he calls “the best night ever”. Province 509 is merged with 507 administratively and domestically, to not make the people panic; this shall not affect the in-game administrative divisions. But having known about the Risk-inator in 505, Phung figures out that this must related to Duphahan in some way. Vanessassary and Charlene must have some connection to the province. Spies of AOCA, the number one agency in Chautamvun are sent to 505 to gather information. Industry are still expanding as we export our products to the world. Phat has invented the first steam-powered engine as this is expected to boost the railway transportation of the country to transport products. (more to come)
  • Greater Empire of Singapore: Surprised and shocked at the audacity of the Thomasian government for declaring war and attacking our rightful province, all available troops come to defend Province 757, the only available entrance to our mainland, which will increase our force numbers to 3,100. Meanwhile, 3,000 troops join the 2,400 troops in Samarinda, making a total of 5,400. We buy 3,000 troops from the Iron Bank, and these will be put in Province 772. IRON BANK CONFIRMATION. With a total of 11,500 troops, we attack the West Sarawak Province of 766, and we also employ the use of Sabotage to attempt to block enemy Supply routes. (ALGO) (RNG?) New forces are trained in Singapore, as new information technology allows communication to be more efficient and quick. We block all trade routes through the Malaccan and Javan Straits to Thomasia as an act of brutal starvation policies. Several smaller trade barges move upwards up the Chinese Coast in search of new potential trading partners, which they find in the Gold coloured nation on what was once Hainan Island. We propose a trade deal, in which we could negotiate the deal at a later time.
    • Iron Bank: This agreement is signed.
    • The climactic Battle of Sambas ends in a defeat for Singapore, as 100 troops return to Province 772. The Thomasians in Province 766 now have 200 troops left.
  • Siberian Republic:: We integrate Province 452 after conquering it last turn. The stone cutting and gravel industry are developed in Kemerovo and Barnaul. Street lighting and telephones are improved in the capital, Omsk (in Province 441). The defense ministry debate over weather strategy focuses on the former Central Siberia, Kazakhstan and/or the Taymyr Peninsula. The 3,000 new troops are divided up with 1,000 going to our Province 453, 1,000 going to our Province 441, and 1,000 going to our Province 452.
  • Northern Viets: We decided to send 1,000 troops to invade Province 579.
    • After a battle of five days, Province 579 falls to the Viet tribes. It is now occupied by 400 troops.
  • Maravi Ascendancy: Maravi expansion continues under the direction Jelani of House Obinyola. The 8,600 men allowed to him are divided into groups comprised of 2,900 men each and launch assaults on Provinces 698, 700, and 701 which is attacked by a unit of 2,800 (Algos Needed). The growing influence for Obinyola due to their control over Maravi expansion raises many concerns within the other Ruling Families prompting them to request that troops within their Household Phalanges accompany and assist military forces in their conquest to ensure that no questionable activities are undertaken by Obinyola away from their sight. The Judiciary also begins to attach observers to military expeditions as a precaution to prevent any disruption of the balance of powers between the Ruling Families at the request of King Zuberi of the Royal House Ironsi. Efforts begin in recently acquired territories to include them in the Parliament which oversees the more trivial matters for the Ruling Families within the Ascendancy and also to see the appointment of regional governors to serve as members of the Cabinet. Infrastructure within new territories continued to expand and develop under the oversight of the Houses tasked with such matters. The development of new regions leads to the influx of those from the Maravi original territories to move out and settle in these regions. In an attempt to balance out the power within the nobility by dispersing among newly incorporated regions, House Ironsi begins the mass elevation of suitable candidates for the nobility within these new regions with the primary concerns for those considered for elevation being financial stability, trustworthiness, prestige, and cooperation. At the behest of multiple noble families, the Judiciary has launched an investigation into the current schooling in place and being overseen by House Yar’Adua due to their claims of false information being taught. It is concluded that House Yar’adua behaves itself properly in overseeing education and that the accusations were attempts to their prestige with severe compensation being demanded by House Yar’adua for this failed ploy.
    • After a battle of 12 days, Province 698 falls to the Maravi, and is now occupied by 1,500 troops.
    • After a battle of ten days, Province 700 falls to the Maravi, and is now occupied by 1,900 troops.
    • After a battle of 14 days, Province 701 falls to the Maravi, and is now occupied by 1,100 troops.
  • Magnesian State of Australia: With the fall of Tasmania to the Technocracy of Antarctica, the Imperial Prophet declares this a dire emergency for all the Magnesian people. After having worked so hard for their independent, public state for these generations, they will not back down to annexation so easily. Furthermore, the Magnesians are completely taken off-guard, that the rationalist Technocracy would be so hostile against a gnostic state. The Imperial Prophet sends ambassadors to Antarctica, petitioning to arrange a peace deal with their leaders. If Antarctica pulls out all their troops from Tasmania now, save the minimum 100 troops, and allows the Magnesians to annex it, then we will not press on against the Antarctic homeland. We would like to send the embassy directly to the capital to discuss these details further. Failing this olive branch, the Magnesians raise 7,800 troops in Victoria, in addition to the 4,000 troops purchased from the Iron Bank, and proceeds with the reclamation of Tasmania across the strait (algo).
    • The Invasion of Tasmania ends with the attackers being repulsed. 1,800 defenders remain in the province.
  • CSA: Province 47, 58, 63, 62 and 64 are the newly reborn Confederacy and they had two factions. The Unionist wants to reunited all the former United United States territory and reformed the United States. While the Dixies wants to united the southern states and keep the Southern nation of the Confederacy alive. Religion: Freedom of Relgion.
  • UCNC: Invades Provinces 16, 29, 42, and 55 with 2,100 troops each (loss tolerance 2,000) [ALGO NEEDED]. Each remaining UCNC province houses 100 troops. Jeff Bezos continues his purge of the Microsoft heretics, and three more are sacrificed this year at the tomb of Jobs. Amazon prime prepares to implement two-second delivery to any location on earth.
    • The Battle of Helena lasts nine days, and Montana (Province 16) falls to California. It is occupied by 1,300 troops
    • The Battle of Denver lasts seven days, and Colorado (Province 42) falls to California. It is occupied by 1,700 troops
    • The Battle of Cheyenne lasts ten days, and Wyoming (Province 29) falls to California. It is occupied by 1,000 troops
    • The Battle of the Alamo lasts 14 days, and after a brutal siege Texas (Province 55) surrenders to California. 300 troops are left to occupy the province
  • The Order of Knights of the Hospital of Monkoserbgaria of the Great Wall and the Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Siyyid `Alí Muḥammad Shírází and of the Shrine of Baháʼu'lláh: The Head Knight-general of the Great Wall declares it's time for the Great Ranging, and so sends 5,000 knights to take Province 303 in the name of pacifying the wildling Balkan tribes that have threatened the stability of the Great Wall and of Europe.
    • The Battle of Paphlagonia lasts seven days, and ends in a victory. Province 303 is occupied with 4,600 troops
  • Austrian Empire: After the Empire's success in all the campaigns so far, the Emperor is confident that the Empire is undefeatable. He plans to unite Central Europe and make Vienna the most influential city in the World. He also wants to be crowned in Rome, the holiest city. Austria invades Piedmont AKA Province 235 with 3,200 troops. (Algo needed) The Empire also puts 1,000 troops to each province.
    • The Battle of Turin lasts seven days, and Province 235 falls to Austria, leaving 2,800 troops to occupy it
  • Millerite Republic of the Great Lakes: Pleased with the pacification of Illinois and Ohio, the Millerites rested on the seventh-day Sabbath to give thanksgiving to the Lord and to receive His blessings. Hymns are sung, communion is taken, feet are washed, Bibles are read, and potlucks commence. Every citizen receives a parcel of vegetarian haystacks and free, brand new editions of Steps to Christ and the Great Controversy by Sister Ellen G. White, as authorized by the Sabbatarian Adventist Church of God. During that joyous Sabbath day, the mood of the nation radiated and the citizens were deeply grateful for the sacrifice put in by their beloved brothers in Christ on the front lines in the frontier provinces. However, the emergence of the revived Confederacy deeply troubled them. May God convict them of their hearts for they have erred from the Truth. The legacy of slavery in the South is detestable and morally apprehensible to the Church. Seeking to establish a buffer zone between the Church's core territories and the repugnant slavery fetishists, the General Conference of Sabbatarian Adventist Church of God ordered the invasion of Provinces 45 and 46 with 2,000 troops each, and a loss tolerance of 1,900 each. (Algo Needed) In preparation for the great war, the Church's treasury reaches out to the Iron Bank to inquire the purchase of 3,000 troops for the market price offered. (Iron Bank response needed)
    • The Battle of Louisville lasts nine days, and falls to the Millerites. Province 45 is now occupied with 1,200 troops
    • The Appalachian Mountains prove highly defensible for the West Virginians, who defeats the Millerites at the Battle of Martinsburg. The 100 troops retreats back to Ohio (Province 34). Province 46 now has 100 troops left.
  • Al-gharb: The kingdom plan out modernizing and improving so far, the territory continues to expand toward the north and its being controlled whoever the bridge is finally establish for many Europeans the Government's gharbians raise more power and money a new technology is being developed. BTW, the agriculture is doing well a new order law is being established and approved by the constituals they start to evolving and upgrading the military's power a system its being made with dukes overuling the provinces to the respectively via to the kingdom' a large of cotton its explored and found in the mines so the worker continue agricoling and improving the nations overall the western its increasingly very good due to the economy the power rise more these day at the Duke of Pamplona they desire to work with them' and threat commerce trades relationships it is part of the duke's gharb system now the ecomonist suggest that some strategy that can improve the nation and modernization may help by agriculturing and gain more stuff so the king itself accept at this own accord the government's estimate to control the duke's position for protections and a law protection is made by Amar more stuff is producted and boost yet we raise more ships and continue expands our stuff thus, by far the cities are ready to be mordenized on resultal and more community's religion will be established under the religions protocols federal (RPF) run by arthur more merchant is coming and the market city are a key of economy anyway the Christians religion is considering as a second and official next to islam and Judaism they are both a religion welcomed and a cathedral is being constructed by the French with the help of the Arabs and being to co-existing together the military continue throughout expands and the armory its being held developing by the help of technology so, it continues to expand more.
  • Kingdom of Libertalia: After a reign of nearly 86 years, king Oscar II Wilde passes away in his sleep which triggers some of the most confusing and complicated succesions in world history.When the monarch of Libertalia dies, the eldest and the wisest men (in this case Lord Byron) announces to the people that a novelist conclave has begun. The novelist conclave begins by all three (of five) novelists sitting down in the conclave chamber and reading their newest book, this goes on until all three are in agreement whose book is the best,and that person is elected king. in this case, it is Lord Byron I. He appoints Edgar Allan Poe and Jules Verne as two more novelists. Novelist leader Edgar Allan Poe orders an attack with 3,000 men AKA 1,500 each on Province 438 and 813 with a max casualty rate of 2,700 (2 ALGOS REQUIRED)
    • The Battle of Unalaska is a success, and Province 813 now occupied by 300 troops
    • The invasion of Siberia is a failure, and the remaining 100 troops return to Alaska. Province 438 now has 500 troops left
  • Israel: Our factories are finding ways to mass produce all kinds of products faster from military technology to everyday household items so that we can get products faster out into the public. We continue to have another decent year in the agriculture industry with normal numbers across the board for growth and sales. We send 1,000 troops to 624. Then we send 1,500 to 339. Lastly we will send 1,500 troops 334. (Algo Needed). The rapid expansion makes us to then make a boarder patrol team to protect us from the nations trying to get into our area.
    • After a battle of four days, Province 334 falls to Israel, which is now occupied by 1,200 troops
    • After a battle of six days, Province 338 falls to Israel, which is now occupied by 800 troops
    • After a battle of one day, Province 624 falls to Israel, leaving the western Nile to be occupied by 900 troops
  • Frankokratia: The crusade against Mysia continues into this year. King John VII, recognizing the Mysians as a greater and more immediate threat than the the Ottomans, accepts the temporary alliance request. He then sends 4,000 troops into Constantinople (Province 316) (ALGO), to finally seize the province from Mysia. An additional 2,000 men from the reserves are sent to invade Caria (Province 330) (ALGO) by way of Crete. Elsewhere in the country, economic development continues as factories whir to produce military equipment. We also request additional troops (Mod RNG), calling upon new conscripts to join the crusade. These men will start out in reserve for this year, but may soon make their ways to the frontlines.
    • Requesting for troops will be available next turn
    • It was available for this turn until you decided to amend that section of the rules. I'd appreciate a reconsideration, given the fact that you only just changed the rules after I requested. -Rex
    • The Second Battle of Constantinople ends with the attackers being repulsed. 3,000 defenders remain in the province. The Invasion of Caria results in the attackers being repulsed. 5,800 defenders remain in the province.
  • RIP's Nation: idk how many troops I have but I leave 100 in each province then take the remainder and divide into three groups and attack 195, 199, 204
    • You should have a total of 8,600 troops right now. You can always ask the mods here or on Discord for your total troops
    • After a battle of 14 days, Province 195 is captured, and is now occupied with 700 troops
    • After a battle of ten days, Province 199 is captured, and is now occupied with 1,500 troops
    • After a battle of 11 days, Province 204 is captured, and is now occupied with 1,400 troops
  • Iron Bank: After Frankokratia ignored the Iron Bank and refused our offer of soldiers, the Iron Bank lends 8,000 soldiers to the nation of Mysia to ensure they are not defeated, under the agreement that the Iron Bank will take a major share in each of the provinces conquered.
  • Magnesian State of Mysia: The senseless and cruel attacks from Franconia continue and continue, despite the peaceful nation of Mysia wishing them to stop! You realize you are commiting a crime against a nation that was created for the VICTIMS OF THE GIGACAUST. 60 MILLION PEOPLE WERE SLAUGHTERED SENSELESSLY BY YOU MONSTERS. We station our entire military in 316 and the soldiers from the Iron Bank in "Cania" or whatever they call it!! WE WILL DEFEND UNTIL THEY STOP! GREAT SIMON WILLS IT!!! You realize the Imperial Prophet Maximilian has commanded us to stop you?
  • Company of the Star: Founded by John II of France in 1351 as a chivalric order, the Company of the Star persisted over centuries thanks to continued sponsorship from righteous kings. It grew to encompass the holdings of various other orders, including the Teutonic Order and the Knights Hospitaller. As Europe's flame of faith gradually dimmed with the onset of the 19th century, the Company's aims shifted from the protection of Christians to the protection of all good people in need and the aid of worthy causes worldwide. They can be expected to provide military assistance in return for a contribution to the Order.
  • Antarctica has 10,400 soldiers station in Tasmania

Turn 4[]

Some algos from last turn are pending information from the belligerants of those wars. It won't be the norm to postpone wars, it will be more on a case-by-case basis at the mods' discretion.

As you have seen in the rules, starting this turn people can request more troops by mod response, according to the details outlined in the rules. This is somewhat random, but largely determined by how many turns you have spent annexing new territory, which gives you more "cards". As of this turn, there are only six players who have three cards each.

Some players really seem to be optimizing their expansions, and have now exceeded the minimum number of troop bonuses:

  • Gaining 4,000 troops this turn:
    • United Corporations of New California
    • State of Jaamlaasoba (Svalbard)
    • Maravi Ascendancy (Malawi)
    • Technocracy of Antarctica
  • Gaining 3,000 troops this turn:
    • Everyone else

We now have a total of 29 players and 17 active players, spanning a total of 197 provinces. Their combined military comes out the grand total of 373,000 troops.

  • Provinces 35, 36, 48, 49, and 50 constitute the remnant government of the United States. After having lost a devastating defeat in a foreign war, the US government severely decentralized, to the point of releasing many states as virtually autonomous. They openly disapprove of both California and Michigan forcefully annexing other states outside of the Constitution.
  • Antarctica: Huh? Peace isn't accepted. 14400 soldiers are stationed in Tasmania. 3,000 invade Victoria, 2,800 invade south Sandwich 
    • You currently have 6,500 total soldiers.
    • Province 793 is taken with 2,300 soldiers occupying the province. Province 136 is taken with 2,600 soldiers occupying the province.
  • Neo Confederacy: We start moving the troops of 1,000 from Province 62 and moved into 61.
    • The Battle of Montgomery is a heroic victory, and Province 61 is occupied with 400 troops
  • Company of the Star: The Azores Islands were a gift from Sir Edmund Hamague, a wealthy yet charitable knight well-renowned for his honor and piety. An office belonging to him still remains there, and these facilities are now being expanded to create a new, semi-autonomous wing of the Order, known as the Knights of Sir Edmund. Their first mission is to appropriate Madeira and its luxurious wine for use in communion ceremonies (and other occasions). For this, 2,100 Knights are brought into Madeira (634) from the Azores. They expect to lose no more than half their strength (1050 troops) should any disagreements arise with the native wine merchants over this procurement. A hundred soldiers of Christ are kept in the Azores, as well as every other territory, as garrisons. A young girl named Dominika receives a vision of John II of France calling for the French provinces to be united under the Star. She travels to Paris, the grand headquarters of the Order, and speaks with the head priest there, who thinks the girl embodies the spirit of Joan of Arc. Promptly, he sends 2,000 troops into Flanders (231) and 2,000 into the Loire region (226). These zealots do not know the meaning of retreat. At the same time, Danzig sends 1400 missionary-soldiers to renovate the ruined Cistercian abbey on Gotland (208) and convert any pagans in the process. However, they will retreat if they take more than 700 casualties.
    • Diplomacy to Israel: We pledge to defend the Holy Land as we have done for hundreds of years. The Nation of Israel shall be recognized as the rightful possessors and custodians of that land so long as pilgrims are protected as they travel to and from holy sites.
    • Diplomacy to Austria: We hear of your Emperor's crusading spirit and inquire as to whether you might help us acquire Baden-Württemberg (248), which is home to Castle Mergentheim, a site once ruled by our Teutonic predecessors. Once we reclaim this sacred place, we will be able to help our new Austrian neighbors in their crusades.
    • Diplomacy to Thomasia: It is our sincerest hope to establish stable contact and a lasting friendship with the Church of the Indies, a light in the darkness on the other side of the world.
    • Diplomacy to Iron Bank: A partnership between us may prove most valuable. We have sent scribes to learn more about the inner workings of the bank, and, should their wisdom be wanted, advisors with a few ideas of their own.
    • Invasion of Madeira is a failure, and Province 634 has 700 troops left on it, while 1,000 troops retreats to the Azores. 
    • The Battle of Bruges is a victory, and King John occupies Province 231 with 1,000 troops
    • The Battle of Metz is a victory, and King John occupies Province 226 with 1,400 troops
    • The invasion of Gotland is a heroic victory, and the island of Province 208 is occupied with 200 troops
  • Siberian Republic: We integrate Province 452 after conquering it last turn. The stone cutting and gravel industry are developed in Kemerovo and Barnaul. Iron mining is upgradesd in Kemerovo. The armed forces strike at near maximum man power. The 3,000 new troops are divided up with 1,000 going to our Province 422, 1,000 going to our Province 452 and 1,000 going to our Province 441. 1,000 troops move from our Province 453 to our Province 455. Algo needed: Province 422 invades Province 435 with 2,100 troops and they will suffer up to 1,100 dead before retreating (there is a total of 3,000 troops in the province). Algo needed: Province 441 invades Province 440 with 3,900 troops and they will suffer up to 2,000 dead before retreating (there is a total of 4,900 troops in the province). Algo needed: (Attacking Province 440 on the second front), Province 452 invades Province 440 with 2,200 troops and they will suffer up to 1,200 dead before retreating (there is a total of 3,100 troops in the province). Algo needed: Province 455 invades Province 456 with 2,500 troops and they will suffer up to 1,500 dead before retreating (there is a total of 3,000 troops in the province).
    • Province 435 is successfully occupied with 1,100 troops left
    • Province 440 is successfully occupied with 2,900 troops left
    • Province 456 is successfully occupied with 2,100 troops left
    • By the way, you don't own Province 422. You meant to say Province 442.
      • You are correct. Thanks for noticing it. :-)
  • Chautamvun (Tri-Province Area): Due to having received false information, the administrative divisions are divided again with 506 and 507 coming together as one province. Our spies of AOCA are ordered to return to the headquarters to deliver information they have gathered about the Risk-inator. (Mod Response) Meanwhile Baljug has been working on the steam-power boat.
    • The spies report that they spotted Duphanhan himself in his secret castle known as "Evil Incorporated". In finding out about the "Risk-inator", Duphanhan gave a long-winded backstory about how he was terrible at the game of Risk as a kid, and was continually mocked for it, so he will wreak vengence with his newest master plan that will make him the greatest Risk master in the entire Tri-Province Area
  • Israel: With our new territory now implemented into our nation, the nation looks for more expansion in all directions. Our factories are finding ways to mass produce all kinds of products faster from military technology to everyday household items so that we can get products faster out into the public. We continue to have another decent year in the agriculture industry with normal numbers across the board for growth and sales. 1,500 are sent to 333. Next we sent 1,500 troops to 337. Each 345, 344, 404, 405, and 411 get 1,500 troops sent for invasion. Lastly 623 is sent 1,500 for an attack. (Algo Needed)
    • Israel is defeated by the Ottomans at the Battle of Cilicia, who defends Province 337 with 2,000 troops, now reduced down to 1,600. The 100 troops of Israel retreat back to Province 334.
    • Battle of Fayyum is a success for Israel, and Province 623 is occupied by 1,200 troops
    • The sneak attack against Lycia is a success, and Israel captures Province 333 from Mysia, occupying it with 100 troops
    • The Battle of Damascus was a failure, and the Province 345 has 500 troops left
    • The Battle of Aleppo is a success, and Province 344 is occupied with 200 troops
    • The Battle of Amman is a failure, and Province 404 has 600 troops left
    • No more algos are done as you have run out of troops
  • Austrian Empire: Austria puts 200 more troops on Piendmont. Austria invades Tuscany AKA Province 270 with 2,800 troops. (Algo needed) More troops requested. (mod response needed)
    • The Siege of Florence is a success, and Province 270 is occupied by 1,500 troops
    • You do have three cards. However, you get no extra troops this time
  • Maravi Ascendancy: This year, plans are drafted for the invasion of four regions with those being Provinces 682, 690, 691, and 712. Armies comprised of 2,100 men are directed at each target with a final force made up of 2,000 being sent to assault 712 (Algos Needed). The experimental steam engine that was invested in by House Ezekwasili has at last yielded results with its first implementation within a factory astounding many at its capabilities. House Azekiwe devotes resources from the commercial enterprises it maintains control over as the Ruling Family that oversees commerce in a joint effort alongside House Ezekwasili to spread the new engine throughout industries within the Ascendancy. The rapid expansion of the Ascendancy has proven itself a troublesome situation for House Mbanefo who finds that their efforts to raise and equip peacekeeping forces woefully inadequate with the military also being strained to assist in this endeavor due to their constant focus on expanding into new territories. House Azekiwe also finds itself affected by the lack of security forces which has forced it to resort to the use of its Household Phalange to safe keep its efforts with the same problems affecting House Ezekwasili. With the majority of the Ruling Families in agreement with one another, the decision is made following a vote for the passing of a new law that would supersede the Ruling Family Prerogative law established during the founding of the Ascendancy which would only permit the Ruling Families to have the privilege of a Household Phalange. The Houseguard Commission Bill is established which extends the rights to a Household Phalange to the rest of the nobility so long as they do not violate the established limitations within the Bill and have not committed treason or having been convicted of treason. The new Bill is successful in its job with the noble families that moved into recently acquired land making quick work in establishing peace within their domains permitting the operations of the Ruling Family and Ascendancy as a whole to continue less debilitated than before. Within the military, their is a push from some of its officer corps for the establishment of a new unit of infantry for the purpose of skirmishing, deep reconnaissance, and scouting known as the Experimental Corps of Riflemen to counter the various guerrilla fighting forces encountered. They are equipped with rifled muskets and comprised of handpicked men with their initial operations being a resounding success earning them the nickname of Headhunters for their part in removing troublesome problems for regular infantry.
    • Province 690 is captured with 1,500 troops left
    • Province 691 is captured at the Battle of Mogadishu, with 500 troops left
    • Province 682 is captured at the Battle of Buganda, with 1,100 troops left
    • Province 712 is captured with 1,200 troops left
  • Kingdom of Libertalia: Novelist leader Edgar Allan Peo meets with the other leaders this year, in a tradional novelist session where they give out their latests books to the people in a ceremony called book signing. This involves signing their books before the peoples very eyes before giving them to them. After this, they order an attack on Province 438 with 700 troops with a max rate of 600 and an attacks on Province 449 with 2,200 men with a max casualty of 2,000. (Algo requred)
    • The second attack in Siberia is again unssuccessful, leaving 100 troops in Province 438.
    • Province 449 is captured at the Battle of Kamchatka-Krai, leaving 1,700
  • Magnesian state of Australia: The Imperial Prophet considers this a grave situation for the Simonians of Australia. The invasion of Tasmania has ended in a climactic defeat, with nearly the entire military of Magnesia wiped out at the island's shores. This had succeeded in decimating the Antarctic forces, but was ultimately viewed as a failure abroad. The Imperial Prophet had neglected to indicate a maximum casualties before retreating, which may have saved Autsralia from further invasion. This is a mistake Maximilian was sure to never make again, but in the eyes of the Cyanittica this may be too little too late. His reputaiton as Prophet had recently been plummeting, and in these desparate times the church is becoming increasingly more skeptical in his abilities as a leader. He had even left the state in near financial ruin, having expended their excess economy on hiring these troops that were ultimately wiped out. Maximilian was desparate to restore his reputation by military success, but knew that the new forces of 3,000 troops will not be enough to remove the Antarctic threat. Therefore, he throws the military in a different direction in an attempt to expand their resources. 3,000 troops are sent directly north to subjugate Province 784 (algo request). The Magnesians of Mysia are greatly encouraged with the best of Australia's moral support. Some members of the Cyanittica send secret diplomacy to Mysia, saying that in the event that Australia falls to the Technocracy, then the next Imperial Prophet may be selected from their nation instead.
    • Diplomacy to Australia: I'm so sorry I have failed you. I did everything I could, to make you proud. When I heard the news it tore my heart into pieces ... this is my last resort. I have done it all to please you master. I have submitted myself to your divine will. Please let the glory of the Standing One reveal the path ... I am so sorry, master for I have failed you. You are my everything, my sole reason to live. I praise you and devote myself to your every wish. This is my prayer to you oh master. Let the Empire of the Universe be strong and unyielding. Let the true and righteous shine through and stand strong in these dark times. This is my confession, that you are my everything, my light, my life. You are the answer to every question, and the quenching of every thirst. You are the greatest and most powerful being. I love you, master. You showed me the ways and the words, and helped me to be strong and a faithful, loyal servant. You are the greatest and most powerful. You are my everything, my sole reason to live. I praise you and devote myself to your every wish. I have submitted myself to your divine will. Let the Empire of the Universe be strong and unyielding. Let the Empire of the Universe be strong and unyielding. Let the divine path be revealed so that we may prosper and grow. You are my totality, my only unwavering constant. This is my prayer and my complete devotion. I am so sorry, master, for I have failed you. Please punish me until the Standing One reveals his judgment. I'm so sorry I have failed you. This is my confession, that you are my everything, my light, my life. Let the Empire of the Universe prosper. Let us rejoice in your wonderful and estatic pleasure. Please punish me for my transgressions, so that we may become whole again in the Empire of the Universe. You showed me the ways and the words, and helped me to be strong and a faithful, loyal servant. I love you, master. I am so sorry, master, for I have failed you. You are my everything, my sole reason to live. I love you, master. Please forgive me.
    • Do you expect me to entertain a groveling coward? Get back there and destroy those Franks and Jews!
    • The invasion of Province 784 is successful, with 2,900 soldiers occupying the province.
  • Northern Viets: We wanted to establish diplomatic relation with Chautamvun as we declared the Northern Viet state now. (player's response)
    • Chautamvun Response: We gladly accept friendly relations
  • Magnesian State of Mysia: We now have 12,500 soldiers and 5,900 invade 316 while 5,900 invade 312
    • (Had some trouble understanding your post, so I had 5,000 attack Province 315 from 316) The Battle of Adrianople is a failure, and is reduced to 200 troops, while Mysia in Constantinople is left with 100 troops
    • Crete (Province 312) surrenders after one day, and is occupied with 5,500 troops and no casualties
    • Btw, see Israel's turn. You have lost a province
    • It was supposed to be 5,900 attacking Thrace and 5,900 attacking
    • Sorry, the algos are already done. You cannot change your troops.
  • Al-gharb: The kingdom continues to grow up more population, the dukes economy its well positive and mix the agriculturing its a major point for the future of it so far the military continue to improve and to modernizing but we knew the governments has size some territory and take them part of the kingdom the dukes of pamplona's rule the north to the south duke they plan to expand more on the northwest of poitiers so far the development is doing well and this week the cathedral is establish they follow the programm we estimate increase more products are made and more supplies across via the western the economy continues to cooperate and rise more of power the land continue quickly too expand at its limit that'permit to the kings to establish dynasty relation they boost money and more ships woah indeed this is good! but oh, well in an effort of positives the kingdom grows just like an evolution a technology its being developed the church of al-gharb is done now it's overrun by the christian population some of old city is being restored and province's rules is establish throughout via the programm ecomonist write some result among well an election is via to be made for the next year for the future leaders the military continue expended more money and boost as success therefore. Anyway, more ships are arriving.
  • RIP's nation attacks 206, 207, 205 with the usual
    • Province 206 is taken with 2,200 soldiers remaining. Province 207 is taken with 1,800 soldiers remaining. Province 205 is taken with 1,500 soldiers remaining.
  • UCNC: Attacks pPken with 1,375 soldiers remaining. The attack on Province 30 is repulsed, with 300 defenders remaining. Province 43 is taken with 1,675 soldiers remaining. Province 59 is taken with 475 soldiers remaining.
    • UCNC: Angered by the resistance put up by the savages that inhabit Province 30, Jeff Bezos rallies 1,500 additional troops to invade, declaring that New California will not rest until Province 30 is flattened (loss tolerance 1,500). Bezos also orders all netflix subcriptions in Province 30 to be cancelled without refund.
    • The second battle in Province 30 is successful, with 1,200 soldiers occupying the province.
  • The Birds of Passage: The Birds of Passage depart on their next migration, and the entirety of the nation and its army marchs on Province 177. (Algo needed
    • The Belfast Massacre is a victory for the Birds, which occupies the region with 14,100 troops
  • Arab Defense Coalition: 1,500 troops for 345, 344, 404, 405, and 411 each are sent to defend along the broad frontline of the invading army, with an additional 500 defending 404, the capital, making them pay with blood for their invasion into our land in trying to harm and occupy our people, ensuring a strong mobile frontline that holds yet repositions when needing to, the ferociousness of fighting only increasing because this is an existential threat. the entirety of our population stands behind the war effort, entering into a wartime economy in the production of goods, with priority going to the Army, as more and more are encouraged to join the ranks to be guarenteed food and goods, and will be rewarded for any kind of service in our defense, wanting to secure our Coallition from the Israeli Invasion.
  • Kingdom of Hourglassea: "Shall I tell him?" whispered General John. "No, I will," whispered back General Lewis. "Why don't we both tell him together?" suggested General John. "We must break it to him gently," said General Lewis. They walked slowly to the door and knocked on it. "Your Majesty?" Suddenly, the Prime Minister rushed at top speed through the doors, barging her way in. "Your Majesty! Your Majesty!" she cried. "Our troops have just suffered a terrible defeat at the hands of the accursed United Kingdom!" The King remained unmoving in his chair, having suffered a heart attack several days earlier. "Your Majesty?" The Prime Minister approached the immobile King Wilbur the Everlasting. "Your Majesty? Are you alright?" She lifted up the King's eyelid to reveal a blank, unseeing eye. "Your Majesty? Your Majesty! Your Majesty, I said we have suffered a defeat -" Suddenly she was knocked backwards as the King leapt up with surprising ferocity, bellowing, "My Sword! My Sword! They shall never get away with this!" He grabbed His Sword and charged out of the door and down the hallway. And thus we invade each Province (174 and 175) with 2,900 troops each, suffering a loss of 2,000 each.
    • Both attacks failing, leaving 1,800 Hourglasseans and 4,900 defenders spread between the two provinces (1,800 and 3,100 survivors).
  • The Order of Knights of the Hospital of Monkoserbgaria of the Great Wall and the Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Siyyid `Alí Muḥammad Shírází and of the Shrine of Baháʼu'lláh: The Great Ranging continues with an invasion of 308 with 3,000, an invasion of 309 with 3,000, an invasion of 302 with 3,000, an invasion of 306 with 3,000, an invasion of 307 with 3,000, and an invsion of 299 with 3,000.
    • Iron Bank Diplomacy: The Iron Bank sells 3,000 soldiers to the Knights so that they may continue their venture, under the agreed upon terms.
    • The invasion of 308 succeeds with 2,600 soldiers remaining. The invasion of 309 succeeds with 2,100 soldiers remaining. The invasion of 302 succeeds with 1,900 soldiers remaining. The invasion of 307 succeeds with 2,800 soldiers remaining. The invasion of 299 succeeds with 2,700 soldiers remaining. The invasion of 306 succeeds with 1,800 soldiers remaining.
  • Iron Bank: We ask to buy 5,000 soldiers from New Zealand for 500 ferra (Mod response needed). We ask to buy 5,000 soldiers from Chechyna for 500 ferra (Mod response needed). We ask to buy 5,000 soldiers from Al-Andalus for 500 ferra (Mod response needed). We ask to buy 5,000 soldiers from Iceland for 500 ferra (Mod response needed). We ask to buy 5,000 soldiers from Greenland for 500 ferra (Mod response needed). We ask to buy 5,000 soldiers from Nepal for 500 ferra (Mod response needed). We ask to buy 5,000 soldiers from Patagonia for 500 ferra (Mod response needed). All of these deals come with a guarantee that these nations can receive these soldiers back if needed for a low cost.
    • 'Algeorgia accepts, Chechnya accepts. Al-Andalus declines. Greenland declines. 

Turn 5[]

Only five years in, and the world is already changing fast! The global scene is starting to shape up.

I feel like I should explain again the concept of the card system. Each turn that you conquer a territory, the mod keeps record of that and assigns to you a "card" that can have one of three "faces". When you request for troops by mod response, the mod will check how your cards are to see whether you have a match or not (three of a kind or one of each). So the bottom line is, the more territories you conquer, the more likely the response will be positive.

At present, we have 31 players and 19 active players, spanning a total of 235 provinces. Thier combined armies make a total of 396,000 troops.

New armies this turn:

  • Gaining 6,000 new troops:
    • United Corporations of New California
  • Gaining 5,000 new troops:
    • State of Jaamlaasoba
    • Maravi Ascendency
  • Gaining 4,000 new troops:
    • Technocracy of Antarctica
  • Gaining 3,000 new troops:
    • Everyone else

The Franks are starting to falter in their defense against the Gnostic Magnesians knocking at the doors of Europe, but they still put up a strong defense with their Jewish allies. However, further north the Holy Knights of Monkoserbgaria have emerged as the fastest-growing power in the planet, soon to be a new force to reckon with in the Balkans. The other European powers, particularly the Austrian monarch, will ultimately rely on them to protect Christendom.

Upon occupying the island of Gotland, the Teutonic knights of the Star Company hear rumors of a mysterious and fearful race of conquerers sweeping across the Nordic Realm. Believed to come from the most northern reaches of the globe, they have been descending through Norway to swallow up all of Sweden and Finland, speaking an indecipherable language and spreading an unknowable religion.

The Birds of Passage migrating across Northern Ireland has caused alarm for the rest of the British isles, being uncertain what this could mean for either the Irish or British people.

A new nationalist movement appears among the nations making up the former States of the United States of America. This movement seeks to re-establish a centralized, unified government once again, to replace the old and broken system. However, between the four major powers growing across the nation, people disagree on which one will ultimately succeed in filling that role.

  • Provinces 69, 70, 71, 72, and 73 forms the Third Mexican Empire. The current Empire of Mexico is still majority Nahuatl, and rigidly adheres to the Orthodox Aztec religion of the First empire. Since the repulsion of Andalucia in the 16th century, the Aztecs have gone through several iterations of social evolution, which has now emerged as an industrial power in North America. The steam-powered machinery at the Great Temple of Tenotchitlan now has human sacrifices churning out at an optimum efficiency.
  • Greater Empire of Singapore: all 6,000 forces gather in Province 772. They attack Province 766. (ALGO) We see that our former allies, The Cong Provinces, has been united by the Northern Viets. We seek friendship with this nation, and invite them to some of our stock of oil and tin. We also request a few thousand troops from them. (NORTHERN VIET RESPONSE). Meanwhile, the blockade continues, and with the inactivity of the Thomasian Government we are able to extend it to the southern regions as well.
    • Second Battle of Sambas is a success, and Province 766 falls to Singapore, now occupied with 2,200 troops
    • The Northern Viets people would very glad to develop a great, free trade with Great Singaporean Government. We may also made joint military exercise if you wanted to.
  • Siberian Republic: The Paper industry are developed in Kemerovo and Barnaul. Street lighting and telephones are improved in the capital, Omsk, and in the city of Pavlodar. The steam railways in and between Omsk, Tomsk and Kemerovo are improved. The 3,000 new troops are divided up with 1,000 going to our Province 456, 1,500 going to our Province 442, 500 going to our Province 453. 100 troops move from Province 452 to Province 453. 500 troops move from Province 441 to Province 453. 500 troops move from Province 452 to Province 453. Algo needed: Province 453 invades Province 467 with 2,300 troops and they will suffer up to 2,000 dead before retreating (there is a total of 2,500 troops in the province). Algo needed: Province 442 invades Province 436 with 2,400 troops and they will suffer up to 2,000 dead before retreating (there is a total of 3,400 troops in the province). Algo needed: Province 456 invades Province 444 with 2,300 troops and they will suffer up to 2,000 dead before retreating (there is a total of 3,100 troops in the province).
    • Province 436 is successfully occupied with 4,000 troops
  • Maravi Ascendancy: Troublesome reports regarding the Household Phalanges of lesser noble families as enforcers and in some cases, supporting criminal activities makes its way into the discussions between the Ruling Families. In a rapid attempt to clamp down on the misuse of the system, House Yar’adua and Mbanefo coordinate their efforts to bring the most troublesome noble families to court for their crimes and make an example of them. The efforts between the two Ruling Families result in a decline of misconduct from noble families but as a precautionary measure, House Ironsi is requested to alter the Judiciary to investigate and assist in resolving these matters resulting in the creation of an investigative division for this purpose. An engineer by the name of Tish Magoro begins efforts to seek out investors for a full-scale working railway steam locomotive quickly garnering the attention of House Ezekwasili who on behalf of the Ruling Families invests a massive share in the proposed project hoping to revolutionize transportation. The ever increasing campaigns of expansion have placed a massive strain on military resources who struggle to maintain supply lines. The Military Reform Commission is established by House Obinyola who draws upon numerous officers to fill the ranks of the commission to resolve issues they’ve noticed on the front lines. The Commission notes that its success on the field of battle can be attributed to its ability to conduct a war of attrition due to the vast resources available within the Ascendancy. The Commission presents its findings advocating for the adoption universal military conscription to bolster the number of available soldiers, the abolishment of corporal punishment, and reserves for the army as well as the establishment of a Logistics Corps to support the main army in its endeavors. The ideas of combined arms is floated around in the Commission as well as the establishment of a ministry to oversee the affairs of the military which would be more independent of the political affairs of the Ascendancy to balance out the political and military sides of matters but these ideas remain to be discussed and aren’t presented to the Ruling Families for judgement yet. The Ruling Families taking into account the findings begin their implementation with citizens whether noble or not being given the option to enlist with those that do not being eligible for being drafted. The Logistics Corps is established under the joint purview of House Obinyola and Azekiwe since its operations concern both. Corporal punishment is also removed with punishments issued within the military being less severe as a result of the Commissions findings (Note: This is for lore and not actual military benefit/use in-game). The next targets for the military that are selected are Provinces 683, 684, 685, and 716 with armies of 2,100 men being dedicated to each target (Algo Needed).
    • Province 683 is successfully occupied with 900 troops left
    • Province 684 is successfully occupied with 1,200 troops left
    • Province 684 is successfully occupied with 700 troops left
    • Province 716 is successfully occupied wtih 1,500 troops left
      • Maravi Ascendancy: The remaining 4,800 troops are deployed to attack Provinces 672 and 718 with 2,400 being dedicated to each target.
        • Battle of Juba is a success, and Province 672 is occupied with 1,600 troops
        • Battle of Maputo is a success, and Province 718 is occupied with 1,000 troops
  • Republic of Charinias: The past few years on the Charinian Republic, there has been reforms. In the present, now workers have a ten percent of bonification for their salary, and women are now eligible to work on certain jobs. Political groups have been formed since the Second Charinian Civil War, and they are planning to do moves for the next years on political terms. Economical relations will be improved on, and the vice-president Carlos adviced Joseph about expanding the international relations. More interactions between the other nations are to be expected in the government.
  • The Emperor of Austria is triumphant that the day has come. The day Rome will be conquered by the Empire! Austria sends newly gathered 3,000 troops to Lazio AKA Province 273 with 500 more troops from Tuscany AKA Province 270. The 3,500 troops began marching to Rome. (Algo needed) More troops requested. (mod response needed)
    • The Battle of Palatine ends in a victory for Autsria, and the city of Rome (Province 273) is captured with 2,900 troops
    • The request is a success! The Austrian Empire raises 4,000 additional troops to place anywhere. The cards have been discarded.
  • Kingdom of Libertalia: While out walking among the ordinary people in the small village of Salem, Edgar Allan Poe stumbles upon a man reading his latest book out aloud. Edgar is so fascinated that he offers the man to become the junion novelist leader, which he accepts (Nathaniel Hawthorne joins them). Meanwhile, after losing to the Sberian two times Edgar Allan Poe orders 3,000 soldiers to attack Province 438 with a max casualty rate of 2,800. (ALGO REQUESTED)
    • The third invasion is now a success, and Province 438 is occupied by 2,900 troops
  • Magnesian State of Australia: The southern Papua region is successfully annexed into the Magnesian state with minimal casualties, but this does not help the situation in the south as Victoria is now lost. Maximilian has withdrawn himself from public spaces, and is locked in his office with only minimal contact to his aids. Rumors of possible deposition or assassination are a clear possibility, with the state Australia is now in. Still, the Imperial Prophet is yet determined to see this war to the bitter end. He reaches out to Algeorgia, the empire of New Zealand, and requests a full military alliance against the aggression of Antarctica. Should Australia fall, then New Zealand would most assuredly be the next target of the Technocracy. (MOD Response). Continuing the expansion into Papua, the excess military of 5,800 troops are sent to occupy Province 782 (Algo request).
    • The invasion of Province 782 is successful, with 5,000 soldiers occupying the province.
  • Israel: With our new territory now implemented into our nation, the nation looks for more expansion in all directions. Our factories are finding ways to mass produce all kinds of products faster from military technology to everyday household items so that we can get products faster out into the public. We continue to have another decent year in the agriculture industry with normal numbers across the board for growth and sales. Our current leader wins the election going into his second term now. We send 1,500 troops to 404. 1,500 troops are sent to 345. 1,500 are sent to 405. The military sends 1,500 troops to 411. Lastly 633 is invaded by 1,500 troops. (Algo needed)
    • The Battle of Abydos is successful after eight days, and Province 633 is occupied by 400 troops
    • The Battle of Aleppo is successful after three days, and Province 345 is occupied by 1,200 troops
    • All other battles are aborted when Jerusalem fell
  • Arab Defense Coalition: 404 and 405 counter-attack 343 with 3,000 troops each, intending to seize Jerusalem and cease Israel's invasion, with 275 remaining in each province, we request 3,000 Arabs to rise and defend ourselves in the midst of Israel's Invasion.
    • Request denied
    • The Siege of Jerusalem lasts 33 days, and Province 343 is occupied by 2,600 troops
  • Order of the Star: Having failed to secure the wines of Madeira, the one thousand Knights of Sir Edmund decide to try their luck with a mission to Bermuda (154) instead. Their plan is to set up a settlement on the island which will serve as a launching ground for expeditions into North America, the Caribbean, and the Old World. Dominika leads 4,000 troops into Normandy (229) and then Brittany (225). Her prowess in combat earns her the nickname "the Fierce", and she adopts a roaring lion as her standard. The Knights Hospitaller, from their four island bases in the Caribbean, establish control over Puerto Rico. They then move down to the Leeward Islands (151) with 1600 men.
    • The invasion of Bermuda is not successful, and reduces the native defenders of Province 154 to 300 troops
    • The expansion of Puerto Rico is a success, and occupies Province 151 with 400 troops
    • The Battle of Rouen is a success, and occupies Province 229 with 2,300 troops
    • The Battle of Nantes is a failure, and reduces the defenders of Province 225 to 100 troops
  • The Order of Knights of the Hospital of Monkoserbgaria of the Great Wall and the Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Siyyid `Alí Muḥammad Shírází and of the Shrine of Baháʼu'lláh: 1,300 soldiers remain in our territories. 3,000 soldiers each attack the following: 315, 310, 282, 283, 284.
    • Battle of Enez is a success, and Province 315 is occupied by 2,800 troops
    • Battle of Thermos is a tight struggle, but ultimately ends in defeat. The defenders of Province 310 have 800 troops left
    • Battle of Sarajevo is a success, and Province 282 is occupied by 2,000 troops
    • Battle of Zagreb is a success, and Province 283 is occupied by 2,200 troops
    • Province 284 is successfully occupied by 1,900 troops
    • We attack Province 310 again with another 3,000.
      • Battle of Naupactus is a success, and Province 310 is occupied with 2,000 troops
  • UCNC: attacks Provinces 18, 31, 44, and 56 with 2,100 troops each, loss tolerance 2,100. Every other province has 100 troops in it (plus some other troops floating around but whatever.) Amazon can now deliver any item in two minutes or less. Apple records record profits of six trillion dollars.
    • The attackers are repulsed from Province 18 with 200 defenders remaining. Province 31 is taken with 1,400 soldiers occupying it. Province 44 is taken with 2,000 soldiers occupying it. Province 56 is taken with 1,000 soldiers occupying it.
    • UCNC: Jeff Bezos once again rallies his troops at renews his attack on Province 18 with 1,500 troops (loss tolerance all of em)
      • Battle of St. Paul is a success, and Province 18 is occupied by 1,200 troops
  • Rip's nation attacks 192, 208, 254 with the usual
    • Province 192 is taken with 1,100 soldiers occupying it. Province 208 is taken with 2,800 soldiers occupying it. Province 254 is taken with 2,600 soldiers occupying it.
  • MAGNESIAN STATE OF MYSIA: The entire army invades 333 to stop the genocidal Jews from purpetrating another gigacaust against the God's chosen people ... those ridiculous - do you realize we have been oppressed enough by you and your immoral masquerading as the children of Abraham and manipulation of people to steal a state? Shameful display...
    • Province 333 surrenders to Mysia without a struggle, and is occupied by 8,500 troops
    • We also attack Province 319 with 3,000 soldiers
      • Battle of Pontus is a success, and 319 is occupied by 1,200 troops

Turn 6[]

Say congradulations to Firesofdoom for being the second player to unite an entire region! The Western half of the United States.

Several nations in the world have been deadlocked in an ongoing conflict spanning the Balkans and Near East. The Muslim capture of Jerusalem, as well as the Israelite capital of Juda, has caused some increase of morale among the Muslims of the Amman Confederacy, despite the loss of northern territories to Israel. The Franks are on their last legs, as the Balkans are becoming closer to consolidation under the Knights of Monkoserbgaria.

The capture of Rome by the Austrians greatly increases Franz Joseph's reputation towards his ambitions in Central Europe. However, the Pope himself is belligerant against becoming an Austrian puppet, and many of the remaining states across the Holy Roman Empire share that same conviction.

Overnight, the Star Company suddenly loses contact with their personnel in Gotland. The last telegram began with the word "Jaa-".

A mass socialist movement begins in Southern California, which then spreads quickly across many states of the UCNC. These socialist youths demand for more fair government representing the people, rather than the people with money, and a proper wealth redistribution as well. Fairly soon, the socialists and the nationalists clash at odds with each other throughout the major cities of the UCNC.

A man born in Alaska travels overland far out into Siberia, and makes contact with the Siberian Republic on behalf of Libertalia. This man, named Abel Sterns, is interested in constructing a continuous road to connect from the Siberian Republic to the Siberian provinces of Libertalia.

New troops:

  • Gaining 10,000 troops:
    • United Corporations of New California
  • Gaining 7,000 troops:
    • Maravi Ascendency
  • Gaining 6,000 troops:
    • State of Jaamlaasoba
  • Gaining 5,000 troops:
    • Knights of Monkoserbgaria
  • Gaining 4,000 troops:
    • State of Israel
    • Technocracy of Antarctica
  • Gaining 3,000 troops:
    • everyone else

The Aztecs annex Province 74. Greenland annexes Province 155.

The players now span 258 provinces and amount to a total of 464,000 troops.

  • State of Northern Viets: We decided to attack Province 602 with 1,100 troops.
    • The invasion of Champa is a failure, and Province 602 has 600 troops remaining
  • Greater Empire of Singapore: Empowered by the victory, we split our new forces. 600 go to support the army at Province 766. 1,200 go to both Province 610 and Province 772. 1,200 troops in Province 610 attack Province 609. 1,200 troops in Province 772 attack Province 773. (2 ALGOS) Emperor Jov commissions two statues of Buddha to be placed in the National Museum of Singapore. We request that the Northern Viets support us in our war against Thomasia (NORTHERN VIET RESPONSE)
    • Battle of Tambralingga is a success, and Province 609 is occupied with 1,000 troops
    • Battle of Makassar is a success, and Province 773 is occupied with 800 troops
    • Northern Viets people supported the Singaporean people against the Thomasian aggressor.
  • Siberian Republic: The Metallurgy industry developed in Kemerovo, Barnaul and Pavlodar. Telegraph and telephones are improved in the capital (Omsk), Barnaul, Tomsk and Pavlodar. Metallurgy, coal mining and paper industry developed in Tobolsk. Street lighting, telegraphs and telephones are improved in Khanty-Mansiysk, Tobolsk and Surgut. Roads are improved and conquered lands integrated. The 3,000 new troops are divided up with 1,000 going to our Province 455, 1,000 going to our Province 454, 500 going to our Province 442, and 500 going to our Province 452. Siberia agrees to Libertalia's request, we agree to the transportation plan and Siberia wants to open friendly relations with Libertalia. Player retires due to being unwell.
  • Neo Confederacy: We start senting our troops into Texas as our plan to reunited to Confederacy.
    • You don't border Texas, and you get no algo without saying how many troops you send
  • Maravi Ascendancy: Work on Tish Magoro’s railway steam locomotive continues with estimates projecting its completion in the coming year. The Military Reform Commission presents further findings this year building from its discussions in the year prior proposing the treaty introduction of autonomy for officers, the introduction of coordination between the various components of the military from engineers to artillery to infantry, and lastly the creation of High Command whose purpose will be to balance the political needs of the Ruling Families with the military as well as coordinating the military’s operations with some degree of independence of House Obinyola. The creation of a High Command raises issues with House Obinyola but Jelani Obinyola who had been overseeing the military expansion of the Ascendancy leverages his influence within his House to lead to its creation. The matter of combined arms and officer autonomy is resolved through the introduction of it to the military academy that trains officers as well as coordinating exercises when possible to promote it. Within the Ascendancy, the influx of resources from newly acquired regions benefits it greatly with the new methods of production from the steam engine. Further targets for expansion are 664, 673, 675, and 720 with 2,100 invading each (Algos Needed)
    • Province 664 is occupied successfully with 1,500 troops
    • Battle of Ziway is a success, and Province 673 is occupied with 1,900 troops
    • Battle of Somaliland is a success, and Province 675 is occupied with 1,100 troops
    • The troops of the Kalihari desert suffer from attrition, but manage to occupy Province 720 with 200 troops
  • Al-gharb: The election is now up, the new ruler its Louis I (Arab-French ruler) for the kingdom so far the politic has some kind issues problematic but anyways mordenization is doing well and work on thing that is nessecary by far the military throught via to be expand and boost more to more as result we're working on the modernization's and more improvement on the cities more merchants we also export grain and cotton,and send via locomotives for trade's relationships they follow the programm with a good profit and respectevitively via own the ruler louis he was operating more technology to be made and lead to a good futur of al-gharb suddenly in some degree the military establish a base in the north for protections and border control the production of telephone are being developing and improving same goes for other work too! the spanish agriculturing and help the other in a co-existing to purpose pacificifully' the cathedral has increase a good money economy some problem region it's being report but it will soon resolving by far in regardless of these influence and disputes more territory its controlled by the new ruler Louis the french support us and same goes for the arab to gain a good community system throught the nobles is planning more strategy aswell a bridge on the border it's being builded and controlled by the army forces of al-gharb to secure and new more prroductions it's made to the steam industraiizations and many allow officers to take money and support thus lead a cooperatives kingdom that work very well.
  • Magnesian State of Australia: At last, the time has come for Simon to spring his trap! The pieces have finally fallen into place for Magensia to push back against the threat of Antarctica. Having acquired the new territory in Papua last year, the Imperial Prophet orders the immediate capitalization of this new resources: we request additional troops from the cards we have (mod response). All these new troops are used to augment our standing army of 8,000 troops, which are all sent in a single battle to sieze control back of the state of Victoria. (Algo request). The Imperial Prophet Maximilian himself is very confident that now will be the start of turning around their luck, and he comes out of his hiding to give a grand speach before the Cyanittica and their guests at the court of Dandiri. He is confident that his life and career will be in capable hands at this point, now that Victoria and the other states will assuradly be subjugated.
    • The counter attack on Victoria is sucessful, and Australia occupies the province with 6,600 troops'
      • This will be suspended until the player posts their defense
      • Missing mod response for raising troops from cards
    • 6,000 Additional troops are granted.
  • Kingdom of Hourglassea: The Prime Minister sighed. "Your Majesty," she said, "we have suffered a defeat at the hands of the United Kingdom yet again." The King, Wilbur the Everlasting, spluttered indignantly: "UK! (The word, pronounced 'uck', had become a swearword in the country ever since the Kingdom of Hourglassea first came into contact with the UK many years earlier). "What on earth? When did this happen?" cried the King. "Just recently... about two years ago, Your Majesty," the Prime Minister said. "This is a disgrace!" roared the King, rushing off down the hallway, though the door and down the corridor. "My sword! My sword!" The Prime Minister caught him and pulled him back. "That didn't work so well last time, did it?" she asked, gently. "Get off me, woman!" shouted King Wilbur, swinging his sword violently and nearly decapitating her. "I'll do what I like!" And so it was that the King, Wilbur the Everlasting the Great, faced the vast and terrible armies of the United Kingdom alone, and withstood them himself. Or so the legends tell us. He would go down as a great hero. In reality, we send one-quarter of our army each to Provinces 174 and 175, to decimate or rather bisect this accursed United Kingdom once and for all. Losses of one-eighth of the army will be tolerated in each province (ALGO PLEASE).
    • Hourglassea takes over Province 174 and 1,800 troops occupy the province.
    • Hourglassea takes over Province 175 and 2,400 troops occupy the province.
      • Did Fires factor in that these provinces were attacked previously?
      • No I did not---apologies. Correct responses:
      • Province 174 is successfully defended with 500 defenders remaining and 1,500 attackers retreating
      • Province 175 is successfully defended with 1,800 defenders remaining and 1,500 attackers retreating.
  • Iron Star Company: Dominika dies on the battlefield at Nantes, along with the rest of her army, including several military chiefs and political figures. Following this disastrous defeat, the shady overlords of the Order emerge from the shadows, revealing themselves as puppets of the Iron Bank. Deciding they can no longer entrust the future of the Company of the Star to religious zealots, they sell their souls to the almighty Ferra and allow their organization to become an Iron Bank subsidiary, under the name Iron Star Company. The fledgling company receives 7,500 soldiers as per this agreement (Iron Bank confirm). The Antilles campaign continues, with 2300 moving to the Windward Islands (152). 500 soldiers are raised in Normandy and sent to attack Brittany (225). Nine hundred soldiers are raised in the Azores and sent to attack Bermuda (154).
    • Battle of Tobago is a success, and Province 152 is occupied with 600 troops
    • Second invasion of Bermuda is a success, and Province 154 is occupied with 200 troops
    • Brittany surrenders without a fight, and Province 225 is occupied with 500 troops
  • Austrian Empire: With its victory in Rome, Austria made it clear that it is the most powerful state in Central Europe. To make his position in Central Europe stronger, the Emperor asked the Pope to crown him as the Holy Roman Emperor and King of Italy, as well as giving him title Defender of Pope. (Mod response needed) Austria takes 1,900 troops from Rome, and sends them to Switzerland AKA Province 236, with 10,000 newly recruited troops.
    • The Pope says that for now he still considers the ruler of Frankokratia to be the Emperor of Rome
    • Switzerland falls to the mass invasion from Italy by the Emperor, and is occupied with 8,100 troops
  • Chautamvun (Tri-Province Area): Upon knowing about Duphanhan's whereabouts in 509, the entirety of the Tri-Province Area is in shocked, as they all thought Duphanhan had died during the war. Now, knowing that he is still alive and might meet up with his family in Doofania to get his revenge, Phung declared national threat and immediately summons the court to discuss the matter. Ultimately, Cangdit concluded that another war is inevitable, and wishes to raise more troops. (Mod Response) For now, we have 4,325 troops occupying 507, 4,325 occupying 506, 1,000 occupying 505 and 3,325 occupying 477.
    • You have not expanded enough to be able to request troops this way
  • UCNC: Recognizing our northern neighbors as a strategic weakness, Jeff Bezos orders the invasion of Provinces 6 and 7 with 3001 troops each (loss tolerance all). In addition, an offense is started against Mexico, with 2101 troops invading Provinces 65, 66, and 67 (loss tolerance all). Each other province is garrisoned by 100 troops, except for the capital province of 51, which in addition to its standard garrison contains 1,395 troops in reserve. In order to deal with the increasing violence in his nation, Jeff Bezos orders Mark Zuckerberg to manipulate Facebook algorithms to help quell the violence, and Netflix to more aggressively promote pacifistic content. In addition, secret agents are deployed among the ranks of both sides to quietly offer lucrative dev jobs to protestors. Bezos hopes these 120 hr a week jobs will distract from further protesting. Protestors who continue to cause a problem are simply disappeared and used to test the viable maximum acceleration of the vehicles that will help role out Amazon's upcoming two-second delivery.
    • Invasion of Baja California is a success, and Province 65 is occupied with 301 troops
    • Invasion of Sonora is a success, and Province 66 is occupied with 901 troops
    • Province 67 is successfully occupied with 1,001 troops
    • The Battle of Vancouver is a success, and Province 6 is occupied with 2,501 troops
    • Alberta surrenders without a struggle, and Province 7 is occupied wtih 3,001 troops
  • The Order of Knights of the Hospital of Monkoserbgaria of the Great Wall and the Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Siyyid `Alí Muḥammad Shírází and of the Shrine of Baháʼu'lláh: The final two provinces of Frankokratia are invaded with 3,000 soldiers each. The two provinces in Croatia, plus Northern Serbia, are also each invaded with 3,000 soldiers each.
    • Battle of Ragusa is a success, and Province 280 is occupied with 1,500 troops
    • Invasion of Slovenia occupies Province 279 with 2,400 troops
    • Battle of Vidin is a success, and Province 298 is occupied with 2,300 troops
    • Siege of Corinth ends in a failure, and Province 313 has 900 defenders left
    • Battle of Athens is a success, and Province 311 is occupied with 1,700 troops
  • Magnesian State of Mysia: We prepare for war, constantly. We don't tolerate the Israeli genocide and denial of Arab and Palestinians. We send our entire army to 333 and defend.

Turn 7[]

Some conflicts from last turn are waiting information from the players involved to be completed. This involves the UCNC invasion of Libertalia, and the counterattack of Magnesia against Antarctica. People who didn't post last turn will be allowed to do so, if they want to.

The Maravi Empire begins to see rampant administrative problems, as their vast empire now spans across many different people of varying ethnicities, languages and cultures.

New armies:

  • Gaining 12,000 troops:
    • United Corporations of New California
  • Gaining 9,000 troops:
    • Maravi Ascendency
  • Gaining 6,000 troops:
    • State of Jaamlaasoba
    • Knights of Monkoserbgaria
  • Gaining 4,000 troops:
    • State of Israel
    • Austrian Empire
    • Technocracy of Antarctica

Mexico annexes Province 68, and allies with the Mayans in Province 75.

  • Provinces 660, 661, 667, 668, and 669 constitute the Benin Empire, a rapidly-growing ancient state in West Africa.
  • Northern Viets: We decided to attack Province 602 with 1,300 troops.
    • Invasion of Champa is a success, and Province 602 is occupied by 700 troops
  • Greater Empire of Singapore: We will continue to expand. 2,200 troops join the forces in Province 773. They attack Province 778 with 1,700 troops. Another 1,200 troops attack Province 764. 800 troops join Province 609. 1,700 troops attack Province 597.
    • Battle of Jailolo is a success, and occupies Province 778 with 800 troops
    • Battle of Hambara is a success, and occupies Province 764 with 200 troops
    • Province 597 is successfully occupied with 1,100 troops
  • Maravi Ascendancy: The administrative and cultural difficulties that have beset the Ascendancy concerns the Ruling Families greatly. In response, the efforts of House Yar’adua to spread the educational infrastructure into the region to promote Swahili as the chief language with further laws being implemented requiring that any official communications and trade be conducted in Swahili as well. Seeking to fill in the ranks of government officials to oversee regions on behalf of the Ascendancy, an effort is made to acquire suitable candidates from the lower classes with House Ironsi continuing its policy of elevating nobility from newly acquired regions to assist the Ascendancy’s efforts in maintaining peace within its borders. House Mbanefo has dispatched its operators to infiltrate various populations in order to monitor for discontent and problematic elements to identify and possibly remove threats before they become an issue. The work on the new steam locomotive railway has at last been completed and proven a great success prompting House Azekiwe to oversee the creation of a railway network within the Ascendancy as well as the construction of roads. House Biobaku from Province 733 which one of the earliest conquest for the Ascendancy has been noted as to being on the rise in its local region having managed to garner massive amounts of power. Despite its power, there are rumors that Biobaku in its efforts has fallen into bankruptcy but was financially aided by House Ezekwasili who bailed them out of their perilous financial situation for yet to be known reasons. To speed up along the process of developing local peacekeeping forces by House Mbanefo, the military is ordered to provide some of its assets in officers as well as NCO’s to assist in their training. Invasion targets for this turn are Provinces 674, 666, 665, 663, and 726 with 2,100 men being assigned to each target (Algos Needed)
    • Province 663 is occupied successfully with 1,300 troops
    • Battle of Adis Adaba is a victory, and occupies Province 665 with 1,300 troops
    • Battle of Djoubti is a failure, leaving 100 defenders in the region. The troops that retreat report of Province 666 using witchcraft to summon evil spirits for their defense
    • Province 674 is occupied successfully with 900 troops
    • Province 726 is occupied successfully with 1,100 troops
    • Maravi Ascendancy: An additional attack from the remaining 5,100 is planned with the army being divided into two groups of 2,000 and one of 1,100. The groups of 2,000 are directed for Province 718 and 717 with the 1,100 group being tasked with securing the rest of 666.
      • Djibouti surrenders without a struggle, and Province 666 is occupied by 1,100 troops, witches and all
      • Battle of Zimbabwe is a victory, and Province 717 is occupied with 1,400 troops
      • You already own Province 718
  • Kingdom of Libertalia: Novelist leader Edgar allan Poe decides to evacuate the entire government and the population of the kingdom to their siberian holdings leaving 100 troops in all Canadian provinces while the rest 17,000 are staying in Siberia awaiting further orders. In the ensuing evacuation, most of the novelist leaders died except Hawthorne and Poe, they choose Ayn Rand and Ernest Hemmingway to join the novelist council. Poe orders an attack with 3,000 troops each on the following provinces: 437 nd 483 max casualty rate 2,900. (ALGO REQUESTED)
    • Province 437 is successfully occupied with 2,200 troops
    • Invasion of the Kuril islands takes a massive toll, but is successful in the end and occupies Province 483 with 200 troops
  • We request some troops
    • Requesting troops is a success! Libertalia gets an additional 10,000 troops
  • Israel: We try to keep all non-Jewish people out of our land. The spread of Judaism continues every year as we move and expand. Our factories are finding ways to mass produce all kinds of products faster from military technology to everyday household items so that we can get products faster out into the public. We continue to have another decent year in the agriculture industry with normal numbers across the board for growth and sales so we can increase the economy. The military sends 1,500 troops to 632 to unify all the Egypt lands. Then we send 1,500 troops to 645. Another 1,500 are sent to 622. Lastly 398 and 346 are invaded with 1,500 troops each. (Algo Needed)
    • The fight in the desert turns out to be a failure, reducing the defenders of Province 632 to 200 troops
    • The invasion of Nubia is a failure, reducing the defenders of Province 645 to 600 troops
    • Battle of Cyrene is a success, and Province 622 is occupied with 500 troops
    • Battle of Raffa is a success, and Province 398 is occupied with 700 troops
    • Battle of Edessa is a success, and Province 346 is occupied with 600 troops
  • UCNC: Jeff Bezos continues his expansion into the remnants of Canada, and invades Provinces 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, and 9 with 1,001 troops each (loss tolerance all). An additional 2,101 troops are sent by sea to invade Province 814 (loss tolerance all). On top of the 100 troops garrisoned in every province, 12,493 troops are based in Texas as a garrison to defend the UCNC should another state engage in hostilities, and Bezos hopes to augment this number by requesting more troops from the cards the corporations have collected. two-second amazon delivery continues development and is now available in certain parts of the Bay Area and Seattle. No controlling a sizeable set of timezones, Bezos orders certain Amazon devs to start their days in the east and fly west before flying back, thus allowing them to work more than 24 hours in a day. These devs are generously compensated with discounted Amazon prime.
    • Yukon (Province 2) is successfully occupied with 701 troops
    • Province 3 is successfully occupied with 901 troops
    • Province 4 is successfully occupied with 901 troops
    • Alaska surrenders without a fight, and Province 1 is successfully occupied with 1,001 troops
    • Invasion of Saskatchuan is a failure, and Provine 8 is left with 100 troops
    • Manitoba (Province 9) is successfully occupied with 501 troops
    • Turning in cars is a success! You get an additional 8,000 troops
    • Battle of Honolulu is a victory, and Province 813 is occupied with 901 troops
      • UCNC: after the first wave of fighting, Bezos recalibrates his strategy and again attacks Province 8, this time with 1501 troops (loss tolerance all). 3750 troops are sent to invade Provinces 69, 70, 71, and 72 in hopes of destroying the barbaric Aztecs (loss tolerance all). 8,398 troops remain in Texas as a reserve.
        • Saskatchuan surrenders without a struggle, and Province 8 is occupied with 1,501 troops
        • Battle of Michoacan is a success, and Province 69 is occupied with 950 troops
        • Battle of Tolan is a failure, leaving Province 70 to defend with 900 troops
        • Battle of Tuxpan is a failure, leaving Province 71 to defend with 100 troops
        • You don't border Province 72
  • Austrian Empire: The Emperor is furious at the pope and will do something about this someday. The Emperor thought that if he can't be the Holy Roman Emperor, he will just take all the lands that are part of it. Austria sent 3,000 troops to Province 257 and 3,500 to 264. Vienna grows to become the center of culture in the Empire. Austria also plans how they will defend if its rivals invade austria.
    • Battle of Schmalkaldic is a victory, and Province 257 is occupied with 1,200 troops
    • Battle of San Marino is a victory, and Province 264 is occupied with 2,300 troops
  • Republic of Charinias: Nothing of major interest happens. The vicepresident is getting ready to bring up his strategy for commercial relationships in an international sense. There are some concerns among deputies about the outcome of the events. Meanwhile, there are protests on the streets of Arino, a small town located near the capital of the Charinian Republic, thanks to the elevated ammounts of criminality on the zone.
  • Kingdom of Hourglassea: "We need a strategic victory," frowned General Macdouglathorn. "I agree," said his collegue and parter-in-arms, General Aaron Marryburr, "and, most of all, we need more casualties." "Agreed!" General Mcdouglathorn slammed his hand down on the table. "More of our men need to be killed if we are to succeed." "Let's get started immediately. We will refrain from loss tolerance altogether. The more men get killed, the better." And so we send one quarter of our troops to Province 174 and the other quarter to Province 175 (ALGO NEEDED).
    • Battle of York is a victory, and Province 174 is occupied with 2,700 troops
    • Battle of Stratford is a victory, and Province 175 is occupied with 1,400 troops
  • The Order of Knights of the Hospital of Monkoserbgaria of the Great Wall and the Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Siyyid `Alí Muḥammad Shírází and of the Shrine of Baháʼu'lláh: The final province of Frankokratia is invaded with 3,500 soldiers. The two provinces in Romania, plus 351, 285, 297, are all invaded with 3,000 soldiers each.
    • The Battle of Arcadia is a failure, and Frankokratia still retains 1,000 troops [remember it still gets new troops each turn]
    • Invasion of Moldavia is a success, and Province 351 is occupied with 2,700 troops
    • Province 297 is occupied successfully with 200 troops
    • Province 285 is occupied successfully with 2,500 troops
    • The attack on Province 300 is not successful, and the defenders have 500 troops left
    • You've run out of troops for the other algo
  • Magnesian State of Mysia: We prepare for war, constantly. We don't tolerate the Israeli genocide and denial of Arab and Palestinians. We send our entire army to 333 and defend.
  • Chautamvun (Tri-Province Area): Believing it’s time for the war, Cangdit and the court discussed for a war plan. For now, the most essential place to attack is of course Duphanhan in 509, but there are threats in Doofania (460). A two-front war is predicted to happen. However, the border between Doofania and Chautamvun are heavily fortified, so our army shall attack Duphanhan’s whereabouts first. Levy: 15,975. We shall attack Duphanhan’s territory of 509 using 5,000 troops commanded by Cangdit. (Algo Needed). The army are well-equipped with Baljug and Phat’s inventions; with motorized chariots, baseball guns, bowling light vehicles and light Beak-typed armors. Cangdit is determined to wipe out and “bust” Duphanhan. Generals Isabel and Boofgard are tasked with commanding the rest of the troops to defend Chautamvun boundaries in case Doofania attacks.
    • Battle of Jiangan is a victory, and Province 509 is occupied with 4,800 troops

Turn 8[]

Say congradulations to Dren who is now our third player to unite an entire region! The Maravi Ascendency now controls all of East Africa.

Some users have expressed having difficulty logging in, due to some tomfoolery on Fandom's part. If you are affected by this and this impedes you posting your turn, try consulting this article .

The efforts to sustain cultural uniformity across the Maravi begins to take affect. A movement of fundementalist Muslims in Tanzania want to unify the cultures of Maravi under Islamic organization and society, and establish a unified code of Sharia law.

Benin annexes Provinces 651, 652, and 670. Mexico annexes Province 77.

Israel faces a sudden mutiny by the levies of troops in Egypt, who seek to depose the ruling Jewish government and install an Egyptian-Centric state instead. This is also motivated by Asiatic officers who feel the Jews have proven incompetant to control the Holy Land around Jerusalem.

New troops:

  • Gaining 15,000 troops:
    • Maravi Ascendency
  • Gaining 14,000 troops:
    • United Corporations of New California
  • Gaining 7,000 troops:
    • Knights of Monkoserbgaria
  • Gaining 6,000 troops:
    • State of Jaamlaasoba
  • Gaining 5,000 troops:
    • State of Israel
  • Gaining 4,000 troops:
    • Austrian Empire
    • Great Singapore Empire
    • Technocracy of Antarctica
  • Gaining 3,000 troops:
    • Everyone else

I want to engage with you! I will try to be on the Wiki Chat sometime between 11 AM and 4 PM EST, so you can join if you want to discuss how the game is going, give complaints or suggestions, or just hang out in general.

Player nations now span almost 300 provinces, and have a total of over 650,000 troops.

  • Greater Empire of Singapore: We will continue to expand the Empire. 7,000 troops are placed in Province 778. 3,200 attack Province 776. 2,000 attack Province 780. 1,700 attack Province 779. 5,600 troops are sent to Province 597. 3,200 attack Province 598. 2,300 attack Province 593. (5 Algos)
    • Invading the homeland of Thomasia ends in a defeat at the Battle of Davao, reducing the defenders to 1,300 troops
    • Battle of Manok is a victory, and Province 780 is occupied with 1,300 troops
    • Battle of Ambon is a victory, and Province 779 is occupied with 700 troops
    • Battle of Bangkok is a victory, and Province 598 is occupied with 2,500 troops
    • Battle of Taninthary is a victory, and Province 593 is occupied with 500 troops
  • Singapore: We will continue to attack Province 776, with available troops(4,600) attacking it.
    • Province 776 is successfully occupied with 600 troops
  • Northern Viets State: We decided to invade Province 606 with 2,000 troops.
    • Province 606 is successfully occupied with 1,600 troops
  • Maravi Ascendancy: The desires of the Tanzanians to impose Sharia law concern the Ruling Families greatly. Despite the Ascendancy’s association with Zoroastrianism, it’s policies in regards to differing religions has been one of tolerance so as to not incur domestic unrest from locals. Seeking to counterbalance this group, House Mbanefo utilizes it’s intelligence assets to infiltrate the region to maintain surveillance with the other Ruling Families seeking to find a moderate leaning Muslim leader in the region who will be able to keep these the radicals in check and support him/her (Mod Response). Additional targets for expansion have chosen with those being Province 671, 433, 737, 730, 722, 721, 723, 719, 715 with armies 2,025 being targeted at each province (Algo Needed). House Azekiwe continues it’s efforts to expand the railway network across the Ascendancy to better connect the region together and has undertaken the project of constructing irrigation for farms by providing funding and if needed manpower. House Biobaku after bouncing back from its financial issues has continued to grow with Ezekwasili’s secret support concerning the other Ruling Families who believe it is attempting to displace one of them with this new power prompting them to provide support to its rivals and competitors.
    • Battle of Bangui is a victory, and Province 671 is occupied with 425 troops
    • Battle of Aden is a victory, and Province 433 is occupied with 925 troops
    • Battle of Algeorgiaville is a defeat, and Province 737 has 1,300 troops left to defend the Holy Dodo
    • Battle of Cape Town is a victory, and Province 730 is occupied with 1,225 troops
    • Battle of Maputo is a victory, and Province 722 is occupied with 925 troops
    • Battle of Pretoria is a victory, and Province 721 is occupied with 1,525 troops
    • Invasion of southern Namibia is a failure, and Province 723 is left with 100 defenders
    • Battle of Windhoek is a victory, and Province 719 is occupied with 825 troops
    • Province 715 is successfully occupied with 1,125 troops
    • Some moderate Muslims of Zanzibar do help, but this does not dissuade the pan-Islamic movement from pressing farther
    • Maravi Ascendancy: Armies of 2,325 are directed to attack Province 723, 737, and 724.
      • Province 723 is occupied successfully with 1,825 troops
      • The Algeorgians are finally defeated in the Battle of Olgagrad, and agree to surrender to Maravi if they continue to protect the Holy Dodo. Province 737 is occupied with 225 troops
      • Battle of Johannesburg is a victory, and Province 724 is occupied by 1,725 troops
  • Israel: We try to keep all non-Jewish people out of our land. The spread of Judaism continues every year as we move and expand. Our factories are finding ways to mass produce all kinds of products faster from military technology to everyday household items so that we can get products faster out into the public. We continue to have another decent year in the agriculture industry with normal numbers across the board for growth and sales so we can increase the economy. The military sends 1,500 troops to 632 to unify all the Egypt lands for the second time. Then we send 1,500 troops to 645. 1,500 troops are sent to 621 for an invasion. Lastly we send 1,500 troops to invade 344. (Algo Needed)
    • Province 632 surrenders without a struggle, and is occupied with 1,500 troops
    • Province 645 is successfully occupied with 1,000 troops
    • Battle of Bengazi is a success, and Province 621 is occupied with 1,200 troops
  • UCNC: Invades Provinces 815, 60, and 57 with 2101 troops each, and Province 4 with 1,001 troops. War against Mexico continues with the invasions of Provinces 68, 70, 71, and 72 commencing with 4,101 troops each. 4991 troops are left in Texas as a reserve, and 100 more in every other UCNC province.
    • Battle of Kiribati is a victory, and Province 815 is occupied with 901 troops
    • Battle of Jackson is a victory, and Province 60 is occupied with 701 troops
    • Battle of Memphis is a victory, and Province 57 is occupied with 1,101 troops
    • Battle of James Bay is a victory, and Province 4 is occupied with 901 troops 
    • Battle of Verecruz is a victory, and Province 71 is occupied with 2,201 troops
    • Battle of Culican is a victory, and Province 68 is occupied with 1,601 troops
    • Battle of Colima is a defeat, and Province 70 has 1,500 troops left to defend it
      • UCNC: Wanting to deal a death blow to Mexico, Jeff Bezos orders a renewed assualt on Province 70 with another 4,101 troops.
        • The Siege of Mexico City is a success, and Province 70 is occupied by 401 troops
    • You still don't border Province 72
      • Yes I do, I captured Province 69 last turn which borders it.
    • Battle of Yopitzinco is a victory, and Province 72 is occupied with 3,401 troops
  • Kingdom of Libertalia: Following the battle of Ulyanovsk, the king is hit by a bullet and dies from a bullet wound to the head. This triggers the novelist conclave which ends in a very rare occurence: A tie - in this case after having read for over 40 days straight. Ayn Rand is proclaimed Queen Ayn I Rada of Libertalia. To replace her in the novelist council, Lev Tolstoy is chosen as her replacement together with Poe, Hawthorne and Jules Verne. Poe orders and attack with 3,000 each on Provinces 446 and 484 casualty rate 2,900. (algo requested)
    • Province 446 is successfully occupied with 2,600 troops
    • The Ainu tribes surrender without a struggle, and Province 484 is occupied by 3,000 troops
  • Al-gharb: after the election of gharb,louis continue to modernizing the kingdom itself of the legacy predecessor of amar on his own stuff more stuff it's being developed and telephone it's now upgraded boats ships are coming for stuff and trades the kingdom has reach it's modernization five year of development hooray! the military development it's increasing positively and the agriculturing industry accros some productions and more stuff Louis boost' em more stuff it's being constructed and a canal is being made in italy border and the north for merchant directly via to them the religion islam positively spread in the north territory and proposal discusion relation more strategic plan its continued advance to its final and try keep a friendly atmosphere among the communities and else but suddenly a major conflict on the regions with the nationalist it's being intervened and send forces.
  • Austrian Empire: Austria sent 2,500 to Province 275 and 2,000 to 274. Austria sent 3,000 to 248. (Algo needed)
    • Battle of Benevento is a victory, and Province 275 is occupied by 1,500 troops
    • Battle of Ancona is a victory, and Province 274 is occupied by 1,500 troops
    • Battle of Wurttemburg is a victory, and Province 248 is occupied by 1,800 troops
  • Chautamvun (Tri-Province Area): Levy: 18775. With Duphanhan captured, Cangdit turns her eyes on Doofanian territories, Cangdit ordered a final attack with the country's most elite generals: She, Isabel and Boofgard, each commands 2,000 troops (total: 6,000) to attack Doofania (460) (algo needed), while giving threats to Vanessary and Charlene to surrender or else Duphanhan shall be executed.
    • Siege of Doofania (the capital city) is a victory, and Province 460 is occupied by 4,900 troops
  • Iron Star Company: Trading posts, naval bases and plantations are established throughout the Lesser Antilles following their conquest. A fort is constructed on Trinidad, one of the fastest-growing centers of trade in the region. A clean banner of the Iron Star flies over Nantes, freshly won, while a ragged one hangs over Gotland, now lost to northern invaders. A force of 3500 invades eastern Hispaniola (148) from Puerto Rico. A group of 3,100 raids Madeira (634) from the Azores. They go on to attack Lisbon (211).
    • Battle of La Navidad is a victory, and Province 148 is occupied by 2,600 troops
    • Province 634 is successfully occupied with 1,500 troops

Turn 9[]

I notice that you all tend to post on the really later side. So here is what I'm going to do: This turn will last two days long, and will end on Monday, August 10 at 10 PM EST. That should let us be able to get on a good schedule from then on. If you haven't posted for turn 8, you can do that as well in the space of time.

I will again be on the Wiki chat from about 11 AM - 5 PM EST if you need anything.

I understand there is still confusion about what cards people have. This is simply the number of turns you have conquered something. Here is the current distribution of cards:

  • Eight cards:
    • State of Israel
    • Maravi Ascendency
  • Five cards:
    • State of Jaamlaasoba
    • Knights of Monkoserbgaria
    • United Corporations of New California
    • Great Empire of Singapore
    • Austrian Empire
  • Three cards:
    • Technocracy of Antarctica
    • The Tri-Province Area
    • Kingdom of Hourglassea
    • Kingdom of Libertalia
    • Millerite Republic of Great Lakes
    • Magnesian State of Mysia
    • Republic of Siberia
    • Northern Viet Kingdom
  • One card:
    • Everyone else

New troops:

  • Gaining 19,000 troops:
    • Maravi Ascendency
  • Gaining 17,000 troops:
    • Unied Corporations of New California
  • Gaining 7,000 troops:
    • Knights of Monkoserbgaria
  • Gaining 6,000 troops:
    • State of Jaamlaasoba
    • State of Israel
    • Great Empire of Singapore
  • Gaining 5,000 troops:
    • Austrian Empire
  • Gaining 4,000 troops:
    • Iron Star Company
    • Antarctica Technocracy
  • Gaining 3,000 troops
    • Everyone else

The Benin Empire annexes Province 659. They come in contact with the Maravi Ascendency, and offer to give them proper honor and paid tribute to let them continue their way of life expanding into West Africa, while Maravi has free reign on the east and south.

The Austrian Empire faces issues containing the large influx of the Italian population in their acquired territory, which is balanced against the existing German and Slavic culture in the nation already. This causes discontent with the middle class societies in northern Italy, and the nobility want to use the chaos to increase their own power.

  • Provinces 97, 101, 102, and 109 consitutes the Empire of Brazil. Slowly developed from a long dynasty of Tupi emperors, Brazil grew out of the existing Bronze Age culture along the Amazon River. This year, the Emperor decides he wants to heavily invest in the public market, and asks to purchase a plethora of shares from the companies in the UCNC.
  • Northern Viet State: We decided to invade Province 560 with 1,200 troops.
    • The Iron Bank defeats the Viet invasion, and has 1,800 defenders left
  • Greater Empire of Singapore: (9,600 troops available) 1,800 troops are sent to Province 593. 1,700 troops attack Province 591. 3,000 troops are sent to Province 598. 1,500 troops attack Province 599 and 1,400 troops attack 603. 2,400 troops are sent to Province 778. 2,300 attack Province 776. 3,600 Troops are sent to Province 780. 1,500 troops Attack Province 777. 2,000 troops attack Province 781. (6 Algos) Grand Emperor Jov commisions an objective History book regarding the Singaporean Civil War and Wars against Neighboring Anarchist and Capitalist Provinces. This will be introduced gradually.
    • Battle of Mrohang is a success, and Province 591 is occupied with 800 troops
    • Province 599 is successfully occupied with 200 troops
    • Province 603 is successfully occupied wtih 400 troops
    • Battle of Palau is a success, and Province 777 is occupied with 200 troops
    • You currently occupy Mindanao (Province 776) with 800 troops. However, as this exhausted much of your military last turn, no more algos can be done this turn
    • Singapore: 2,400 troops left. They attack Province 604. I also request more troops.
      • Turning in cards is a success! You get 15,000 new troops
      • You don't border Province 604 until the end of this turn
        • Singapore: 4,500 attack 769, 2,000 attack 607, 557, 565, 599, and 2,500 attack 781. 2,400 attack 785. (7 algos)
          • You don't border 607
          • Battle of Chieng Mai is a victory, and Provice 557 is occupied with 1,300 troops
          • [Assuming you meant Province 595 as you don't border 565] Province 595 surrenders without fighting, and is occupied with 2,000 troops
          • You already own Province 599
          • Battle of Jaypura is a victory, and Province 781 is occupied with 700 troops
          • [Assuming you meant Province 782 as you don't border 785] Province 782 is successfully occupied with 1,400 troops
          • Siege of Brunei is a defeat, and Thomasia's defenders are reduced to 1,100 troops
  • Iron Star Company: A military census reports ~1400 garrisoned soldiers and 8300 free units spread throughout three main zones of control: the Atlantic, the Caribbean, and the Continent -- along with smaller territories in the Baltic and Mediterranean. The Company's holdings in Hispaniola grow to encompass Haiti (147) with 3500 troops. Once any resistance has been quelled there, this army is directed to take over Cape Verde (646). The Atlantic squadron invades the Bahamas (149) with a force of 2500; leftovers will attempt to conquer the Canaries (635). Continental forces finally recuperate from the Nantes disaster and move into Aquitaine (227) with 2300 soldiers. Should this campaign succeed they will also attempt to seize Burgundy (232).
    • Battle of Port-au-Prince is a victory, and Province 147 is occupied with 2,700 troops (which then leave)
    • Battle of Praia is a victory, and Province 646 is occupied with 1,600 troops
    • Battle of Nassau is a victory, and Province 149 is occupied with 1,700 troops (which then leave)
    • Battle of Santiago is a victory, and Province 635 is occupied with 600 troops
    • Battle of Bordeaux is a victory, and Province 227 is occupied with 200 troops
    • Iron Star Company: The leaders of the ISC urge their shareholders in the Iron Bank to make good on the agreement that was signed before the resignation of Chairman Nathanadrian, the terms of which include a one-time loan of 7500 soldiers to the Company pool. They cite a string of recent successes in the Atlantic as evidence for the ISC's ability to make profitable returns on their promises. (Mod Response) Furthermore, additional reinforcements are requested from headquarters in the form of "cards". (Mod Response)
      • The Iron Bank approves of completing the prior agreement which was made before closing down the mercenary wing
      • Requested troops is a success! The Iron Star Company manages to recruit 12,000 additional troops
        • Iron Star Company: After reinforcements arrive, the following orders are relayed from Paris: Of 6300 in the Atlantic, send 2,100 each to Algarve (212), Lisbon (211) and Newfoundland (27). Of 6300 in France, send 2,100 each to Burgundy (232), Rhone (233), and Lorraine (237). Add 800 troops to the Bordeaux garrison.
          • Province 212 is successfully occupied with 1,500 troops
          • Province 211 is successfully occupied with 1,000 troops
          • Battle of St. John is a victory, and Province 27 is occupied with 700 troops
          • Battle of Dijon is a victory, and Province 232 is occupied with 1,300 troops
          • Province 233 is successfully occupied with 900 troops
          • Battle of Metz is a victory, and Province 237 is occupied with 1,000 troops
  • Austrian Empire: Emperor Franz Joseph I appointed his cousin Leopold II, who spent 15 years in Italy, as the governor of Italy to make the situation in Italy better. Austria once again starts invasion on Italy, starting with attacking Province 276 with 2,500 troops, 271 with 2,000, and 277 with 2,200. (algo needed) Austria also starts developing the regions it conquered, especially Bavaria for future unification of Germany, which is already planned. Austria sent diplomats to the Order of the Star, telling them that Austria would like to be their patron. (Order of the Star response needed)
    • Battle of Naples is a success, and Province 276 is occupied with 1,900 troops
    • Battle of Alalia is a success, and Province 271 is occupied with 1,000 troops
    • You don't border Province 277
    • Iron Star Diplomacy: The Iron Star Company (formerly known as the Order of the Star) accepts Austria's request in the hopes that both states may prosper together. We will respect Austria's expansion in her region as long as they respect ours.
  • Kingdom of Hourglassea: The Kingdom of Hourglassea is alarmed to hear distant provinces belonging to the Iron Bank are being attacked. In order to maintain the security of the Bank, which they have heavily invested in, the Hourglasseans declare the Isle of Man, of which they own 42 shares, a "Protectorate" of the Kingdom of Hourglassea. Meanwhile, we move a quarter of our troops into Province 173 and another quarter into 172 to attack and take and conquer and obliterate and subjugate and devour these pathetic remnants of the once-mighty UK. (ALGO NEEDED)
    • Battle of Edinburgh is a victory, and Province 173 is occupied with 1,100 troops
    • You don't border Province 172
  • Chauculvun (Six-Province Area): Having annexed both Doofania and 509, the army returned to Bustdan with crowds of people celebrating the victory. Phung renamed the country to the Six-Province Area or Chauculvun in the native language. "As a new area dawns, remembers what binds us." Phung said. "We are the proud people of the Area, in which we had a long history. The Area was once a Two-Province Area that merged with the Adjacent Area. But they were seperate areas that you people seem not to care. The founders of the Area were independent thinkers but what binded them was the willingness to protect the Area from outside invaders. The court evacuted many times in the past, from Ceylon to the back of seven giant sea turtles, but they didn't give up, and fought for what's right. Now, after we have defeated our enemies, let's remember the hard work of our ancestors and pray to the Mammal One, Perry, and thank them for bringing us together, to defeat our enemies." The Area now has six provinces, and the people don't have much trouble coming into grips because six is divisible by three, this will just be like two Tri-Province Areas that merged into a combined Six-Province Area.
  • The Holy, Great and Glorious Kingdom of Malopolska: WE ATTACK PROVINCES 354 aand 356 EACH WITH 1,000 TROOPS we will tolerate 500 losses but no more The king dies and people From all provinces to Nowy Konstantynopol i Nowy rzym to elect a new one.
    • Battle of Lviv is a defeat, and 500 troops return to Krakow. Province 354 has 400 troops remaining
    • Battle of Vilnius is a defat, and 500 troops return to Krakow. Province 356 has 800 troops remaining
  • Maravi Ascendancy: The proposal by Benin is discussed in secret between the Ruling Families in a Conclave for only the purpose of reaching a decision on the matter. The official decision on the matter is to refute their request due to their control over a portion of what is perceived as Central Africa. The designated targets for invasion this year are 662, 670, 725, 729, 727, 731, 739, 434, and 705 which are attacked by 2,100 men each with the exception of 434 where only 1,675 men are ordered to invade it (Algos Needed).
    • Battle of Rabih is a victory, and Province 662 is occupied with 1,500 troops
    • Battle of Lombamba is a victory, and Province 725 is occupied with 1,000 troops
    • Battle of Ulundi is a victory, and Province 729 is occupied with 1,400 troops
    • Battle of Bloemfotien is a victory, and Province 727 is occupied wtih 1,100 troops
    • Battle of Port Elizabeth is a defeat, leaving 500 troops in Province 731
    • Battle of Justice is a victory, and Province 739 is occupied with 200 troops
    • Battle of Lunda is a victory, and Province 705 is occupied with 100 troops
    • Battle of Sada is a victory, and Province 434 is occupied with 875 troops
  • UCNC: Jeff Bezos orders the invasion of Provinces 5, 816, and 817 with 2,101 troops each, Provinces 47, 58, 61, 62, 73, and 74 with 3001 troops each. The remaining troops are based in Texas as a reserve.
    • Battle of Hans Island is a victory, and Province 5 is occupied with 701 troops
    • Battle of Cook Islands is a victory, and Province 816 is occupied with 1,101 troops
    • Battle of Adamstown is a victory, and Province 817 is occupied with 1,801 troops
    • Battle of Tototepec is a defeat, and Province 73 has 1,200 troops left
      • UCNC: Bezos launches a second attack on Province 73, using another 3,001 troops to finish it off.
        • Battle of Miahuatlan is a victory, and Province 73 is occupied with 2,001 troops
    • Battle of Uatlan is a victory, and Province 74 is occupied with 2,901 troops
    • Will wait one turn before doing the rest to see if the player will respond
    • Battle of Arlington is a victory, and Province 47 is occupied with 401 troops
    • Battle of Raleigh is a defeat, and Province 58 has 1,200 troops remaining
    • Battle of Birmingham is a defeat, and Province 61 has 300 troops left, which then proceed to invade back
    • Battle of Atlanta is a defeat, and Province 62 has 700 troops left
  • Republic of Charinias: After a few debates and reunions on the Senate, The Republic decides to trade with The Iron Bank. Local gangs in Arino have vandalized the town and massacred the citizens. After the shooting on the town, various troops were sent to tone down the protests and engineers were sent to repair the damage. The Republic of Charinias requests 200 units of analog punch card computers in exchange of 300 ferra. Response is expected.
    • The Iron Bank sells to Charinias what they have in stock. They suggest that for future deals it would be more beneficial to find a steady supplier, that the Iron Bank can facilitate for them
  • Israel: We try to keep all non-Jewish people out of our land. The spread of Judaism continues every year as we move and expand. Our factories are finding ways to mass produce all kinds of products faster from military technology to everyday household items so that we can get products faster out into the public. We continue to have another decent year in the agriculture industry with normal numbers across the board for growth and sales so we can increase the economy. Providence 631 gets invaded with 1,500 troops. 1,500 troops are sent to invade 644. 347 is invaded with 1,500 troops. Lastly 620 is invaded with 1,500 troops. Also I request more troops. (Algos Needed)
    • Battle of Fezzan is a victory, and Province 631 is occupied with 100 troops
    • Battle of Khartoum is a victory, and Province 644 is occupied with 700 troops
    • Battle of Diyarbakir is a victory, and Province 347 is occupied with 200 troops
    • Battle of Cyrenica is a victory, and Province 620 is occupied with 100 troops
    • Turning in cards is a success! Israel gets an additional 20,000 troops
    • Battle of Yaounde is a defeat, and Province 670 has 700 troops left

Turn 10[]

We are back on track! For now on, we will post new turns between 10PM-12 AM EST.

Players who have not posted in ten turns will be considered NPC. At this point in time, all the players who have not posted since the beginning of the game are now NPC.

Brazil annexes Province 118 and 108. Having purchased substantial shares from the UCNC, Brazil establishes a private company delivery service that is owned by the Brazilian monarch. The Emperor claims to trademark the name "Amazon" as they own the original Amazon river. As such, all subsideraries of Amazon from the UCNC in the empire are seized, for being in violation of the trademark law.

The Benin Empire is outraged for the sudden attack by the Maravi Ascendency on their nation, after offering only peace, and refortifies their defenses.

Distribution of cards:

  • Nine cards:
    • Maravi Ascendency
  • Six Cards:
    • United Corporations of New California
    • State of Israel
    • Austrian Empire
  • Five Cards:
    • Knights of Monkoserbgaria
    • State of Jaamlaasoba
  • Four Cards:
    • Kingdom of Hourglassea
  • Three Cards:
    • Millerite Republic of Great Lakes; Great Empire of Singapore; Magnesian State of Mysia; Technocracy of Antarctica; Republic of Siberia; Northern Viet Kingdom; Kingdom of Libertalia; Six-Province Area
  • Two Cards:
    • Iron Star Company
  • One Card:
    • Everyone else

And new troops:

  • Gaining 21,000 troops:
    • Maravi Ascendency
  • Gaining 18,000 troops:
    • United Corporations of New California
  • Gaining 9,000 troops:
    • Great Empire of Singapore
  • Gaining 7,000 troops:
    • Knights of Monkoserbgaria
    • State of Israel
  • Gaining 6,000 troops:
    • Austrian Empire
    • State of Jaamlaasoba
    • Iron Star Company
  • Gaining 4,000 troops:
    • Technocracy of Antarctica
  • Gaining 3,000 troops:
    • Everyone else

I'm going to be adding some top ten lists of stastistics on the page and on Discord later tonight, so be on the lookout for that!

  • Provinces 488, 490, 491, 492, and 494 constitute the Japanese Empire. Having been largesly isolationist for centuries, the distant line of Yamoto Emperors rules over the southern part of Japan in a tight autocracy, having been recently converted to Buddhism.
  • Northern Viets State: We decided to invade Province 608 with 2,000 troops. With protest in local region increased, we introduced reforms that increase women's right, especially the right to work. Women is a very important part of the country, so we have to give them some liberty. With minorities, we would respect the rights, but not the rights to secede.
    • Unfortuantely, you lost the battle. 600 troops remain in the region
    • (Your army is probably bigger than you think it is)
  • Neo Confederacy: Realize that the UCNC is attacking us. We talked to the republic of great lakes about mergeing our nation to remade the United States to stop the UCNC. (Great Lakes response needed) We also move our troops of 10,000 into 46 which we united Virginia. Meanwhile the troops of 2,000 in 61 move into 60.
    • (Player Response): The Millerite Republic of the Great Lakes, having quietly enjoyed its independence and dedication to the Lord Jesus Christ, is uninterested in the quarrels of worldly powers and rejects the notion of lending any support to political causes such as American reunification. Having fulfilled their mission to pacify the Great Lakes region, the Republic had no desire to expand and was unbothered by the rising ascendancy of the United Corporations of New California. The Millerite Republic refuses to join the Neo-Confederacy and notes that the UCNC offers superior logistics and customer service that caters to the Church's needs. President Verdun expressed, "Jeff Bezos is a man of God and the Church recognizes that he has been blessed graciously. We know that he was appointed by God and we therefore offer our prayers and supplications to him." The Church rebuked the Neo-Confederate diplomatic envoys for daring to present themselves in a godly republic and vowed to defend their land if the Neo-Confederacy made any attempt to infringe its sovereignty. Woe unto all nations and may God deliver His angels to protect Bezos!
    • Battle of Charleston is a victory, and Province 46 is occupied with 9,900 troops
    • Second Battle of Jackson is a victory, and Province 60 is occupied with 200 troops, pushing back the Californians
    • New California has captured Richmond (Province 47) and has attacked three other provinces you own (see previous turn)
  • THE HOLY,  GREAT AND GLORIOUS KINGDOM OF MAŁOPOLSKA:  We attack 350 with 2,000 troops. The New king Michael I is elected. And how many troops I have?
    • You have 5,000 troops.
    • Success! Province 350 is occupied with 800 troops
  • Greater Empire of Singapore: (18,600) 2,000 troops attack 765, 763, 754, 809, 759, 607, 600, 601. 2,600 troops attack Province 769. (9 Algos) Transcript 1: It started after the young and corrupt government of the new Kuisu regime that started it, along with anarchist movements all across SEA. A feminist uprising kickstarted, with Phoe Ting leading the protesting from the Punggol region. The achieved quick victories over the unprepared government military and toke Punggol Air Base, crucial for weapons and ammunition. The government, panicked, called on the support of allied nations and other powerful domestic leaders, which included the Skpski, the Yun, and of course the Jov Imperialists. A force of 8,200 was complied, which quickly pushed back the Feminist defences into the Pasir potong region. However, the government quickly insulted the domestic powers too, resulting in the overthrow of Kuisu and the uprise of various groups. Malaysian, Vietnamese and Indoneisian states also following suit, as a wave of Nationalism spread across the region. Jov quickly gathered Imperialist supporters, and established bases at Sembawang and Jurong, with beacholds in Sentosa and Tuas. What remained of the government consolidated at the Marina region, as they allowed various "lords" to rule over their claimed territory.
    • Battle of Dili is a victory, and Province 765 is occupied with 1,700 troops
    • Battle of Bali is a victory, and Province 763 is occupied with 1,500 troops
    • Battle of Medan is a victory, and Province 754 is occupied with 1,000 troops
    • Battle of Caroline Island is a victory, and Province 809 is occupied with 200 troops
    • [Assuming you meant 758 because you don't border 759] Battle of Palembang is a victory, and Province 758 is occupied with 1,200 troops
    • You do not border Provinces 607 or 601
    • Province 600 is occupied successfully with 1,400 troops
    • Battle of Kuching is a victory, and Province 769 is siezed by Singapore with 500 troops
  • Maravi Ascendancy: 731, 728, 738, 736, 735, 732, 740, 711, 704, 706 689, 697, 708, 670, and 819 are designated as the targets for invasion with 2,100 men being dedicated to each target (Algos Needed)
    • Second Battle of Port Elizabeth is a victory, and Province 731 is occupied with 1,400 troops
    • Maravi suffers a humiliating defeat at the Battle of Maseru, and Province 728 is defended with 700 troops
    • Battle of Comoros is a victory, and Province 736 is occupied with 400 troops
    • Battle of Victoria is a victory, and Province 738 is occupied with 1,700 troops
    • Province 735 is successfully occupied with 1,400 troops
    • Province 732 is successfully occupied with 1,300 troops
    • Battle of Male is a defeat, and Province 740 is defended with 400 troops left
    • Battle of N'dongo is a victory, and Province 711 is occupied with 1,000 troops
    • Battle of Luanda is a victory, and Province 704 is occupied with 1,100 troops
    • Battle of Msiri is a victory, and Province 706 is occupied with 700 troops
    • Battle of Lake Stanely is a victory, and Province 689 is occupied with 1,300 troops
    • Battle of Goma is a victory, and Province 697 is occupied with 1,300 troops
    • Province 708 is successfully occupied with 700 troops
    • Battle of Yaounde is a defeat, and Province 670 has 1,400 troops left
    • Battle of Adeile is a defeat, and Province 819 has 1,200 troops left
    • Maravi Ascendancy: Another assault is ordered against Province 670, 819, 728, and 740. With 4,000 being dedicated to each target (Algos Needed). Spare troops: 14,939
      • Second Battle of Yaounde is a victory, and Province 670 is occupied with 3,000 troops
      • Second Battle of Adeile is a victory, and Province 819 is occupied with 3,500 troops
      • Battle of Orange River is a victory, and Province 728 is occupied with 3,500 troops
      • Second Battle of Male is a victory, and Province 740 is occupied with 3,000 troops
  • Israel: We try to keep all non-Jewish people out of our land. The spread of Judaism continues every year as we move and expand. Our factories are finding ways to mass produce all kinds of products faster from military technology to everyday household items so that we can get products faster out into the public. We continue to have another decent year in the agriculture industry with normal numbers across the board for growth and sales so we can increase the economy. 2,000 troops to invade 643. 2,000 troops to invade 630. 2,000 troops to invade 619. 2,000 troops to invade 343. 2,000 to invade 399. 2,000 troops to each 404, 405, 411. 337 gets invaded with 2,000 troops. 336 gets invaded with 2,000 troops. (Algo Needed)
    • Battle of Wadai is a victory, and Province 643 is occupied with 400 troops
    • Battle of Gurma is a victory, and Province 630 is occupied with 600 troops
    • Battle of Tripoli is a victory, and Province 619 is occupied with 400 troops
    • Battle of Mari is a victory, and Province 399 is occupied with 800 troops
    • Battle of Mersin is a defeat, and the Ottomans have 2,000 troops left there
    • Battle of Kayseri is a defeat, and the Ottomans have 200 troops left there
    • Battle of Bethlehem is a defeat, and Province 343 has 4,900 troops left
    • Battle of Amman is a defeat, and Province 404 has 4,000 troops left
    • Battle of Petra is a defeat, and Province 405 has 3,400 troops left
    • You don't border Province 411
  • Austrian Empire: Austria asks the Holy, Great and Glorious Republic of Malopolska to be Austria's ally, and not come to Central Europe. The Emperor wants to visit the coronation of the new king Michael I. ('Holy, Great and Glorious Republic of Malopolska response needed) 'There is a debate in the Empire whether they should centralize the Empire or give all the regions enough autonomy. In case Holy, Great and Glorious Republic of Malopolska refuses, Austria decides to quickly take control of Central Europe and invades Province 258 and 256, each with 2,000 troops. (Algo needed) Austria requests for more troops. (mod response needed)
    • Battle of Berlin is a victory, and Province 256 is occupied with 700 troops
    • Battle of Dresden is a victory, and Province 258 is occupied with 800 troops
    • Turning in cards is a success! You get 4,000 additional troops
  • Slava Isusu Khristu! Austria is our friend and we will not attack Central Europe. THE HOLY, GREAT AND GLORIOUS KINGDOM OF NMALOPOLSJA
  • Kingdom of Libertalia: During an emergency meeting with the novelist council, a lone gunman runs into the chamber and shoots all novelist members except Ayn Rand dead. After that he shoots himself and shouts sic semper tyranis. With the novelist council dead, the queen needs to appoint a minimum of four succesors within the day. Therefore, she appoints the following famous novelists to the council: Victor Hugo, Responsible for the army and defense, Mark Twain, responsible for health and living, Hans Christien Andersen, responsible for economy and finally emile Zola who is proclaimed novelist leader. Zola orders an attack with 3,000 troops each on Province 448 and 447 with 2,900 as max casualties,
    • Battle of Magadan is a victory, and Province 448 is occupied with 1,600 troops
    • Battle of Vladivostock is a victory, and Province 447 is occupied with 2,000 troops
  • Iron Star Company: Colonial forces enter Cuba with the landing of 2900 troops at Province 145. In Newfoundland, 2,100 troops are raised to occupy Province 13. Two armies of 2,100 are raised in Lisbon to attack Provinces 210 and 217 respectively. From France, 2900 troops are sent to attack Navarre (215). The Iron Star viceroys request more troops from Paris by submitting the necessary cards (Mod Response). Explorers reach the coast of South America and make peaceful contact with the Brazilian Empire. Other explorers make not-so-peaceful contact with the natives of West Africa, and establish fortified outposts at 636, 639, and 647, defended by armies of 2,000 each.
    • Province 145 is successfully occupied with 2,100 troops
    • Battle of Porta is a victory, and Province 210 is occupied with 1,100 troops
    • Battle of Badajoz is a victory, and Province 217 is occupied with 1,700 troops
    • Battle of Pamplona is a victory, and Province 215 is occupied with 600 troops
    • Battle of Halifax is a victory, and Province 13 is occupied with 900 troops
    • Battle of Marrakesh is a victory, and Province 636 is occupied with 900 troops
    • Battle of Layoune is a victory, and Province 639 is occupied with 1,400 troops
    • Battle of Dakar is a victory, and Province 647 is occupied with 1,000 troops
    • Turning in cards is a success! The Star Company gets 6,000 troops
  • UCNC: In retaliation for the unjust seizure of UCNC property in Brazil, the UCNC retaliates by seizing the shares Brazi owns in UCNC companies and freezing Brazilians assets in the UCNC. All UCNC corporations are ordered to stop doing business with Brazil, depriving them of Amazon and Netflix, and bricking their Apple devices. Provinces 75, 76, 77, 105, and 154 are invaded with 2101 troops each. Provinces 62, 63, 58, and 74 are invaded with 4101 troops each. The rerest of the troops are stationed in Texas, and Jeff Bezos asks for more from the cards the UCNC has collected.
    • Battle of Xiu is a defeat, and Province 75 has 12,000 troops left (the Mayan state)
    • Battle of Belize City is a victory, and Provine 76 is occupied with 1,000 troops
    • Battle of Guatemala City is a defeat, and Province 77 has 1,500 troops left (last of the Mexicans)
    • Province 154 is successfully occupied with 2,000 troops, defeating the Star Company there
    • [Using 104 as you don't border 105] Province 104 is successfully occupied with 100 troops
    • You already own Province 74 
    • Will do the other algos tomorrow
    • Turning in cards is a success! California gets 8,000 more troops. Additionally, 2,000 troops are spawned in Province 73 (because one of your cards was that specific province)
    • Battle of Augusta is a victory, and Province 62 is occupied with 3,001 troops
    • Battle of Greensboro is a victory, and Province 58 is occupied with 3,301 troops
    • You don't border Province 63

Turn 11[]

At this point in time, exactly 50 percent of all the provinces in the world have some player nation controlling them. Already half way there! Will complete the unfinished wars this turn, between Israel invading Jerusalem and California invading Carolina.

In retalation to New California's actions to liquidate their branch of Netflix, the Brazilian government implements a new legal reform: laws on copywrited content in free streaming platforms is abolished, allowing pirated Netflix movies to flourish from Brazilian servers. They proceed to annex Provinces 100 and 107.

Many personnel of the Iron Star Company are massacred by the sudden attack on Bermuda island by New California.

Current card distribution:

  • Ten cards:
    • Maravi Ascendency
  • Seven cards:
    • State of Israel
  • Five Cards:
    • State of Jaamlaasoba
    • Knights of Monkoserbgaria
  • Four Cards:
    • Austrian Empire; Kingdom of Hourglassea; Kingdom of Libertalia; United Corporations of New California; Great Empire of Singapore
  • Three Cards:
    • Technocracy of Antarctica; Six-Province Area; Millerite Republic of Great Lakes; Magnesian State of Mysia; Siberian Republic; Northern Viet Kingdom
  • Two Cards:
    • Confederate States of America
  • One card:
    • Everyone else

New troops:

  • Gaining 26,000 troops:
    • Maravi Ascendency
  • Gaining 19,000 troops:
    • United Corporations of New California
  • Gaining 11,000 troops:
    • Great Empire of Singapore
  • Gaining 10,000 troops:
    • Iron Star Company
  • Gaining 9,000 troops:
    • State of Israel
  • Gaining 7,000 troops:
    • Magnesian State of Mysia
    • Austrian Empire
  • Gaining 6,000 troops:
    • State of Jaamlaasoba
  • Gaining 4,000 troops:
    • Technocracy of Antarctica
  • Gaining 3,000 troops:
    • Everyone else
  • Kingdom of Hourglassea: We send a quarter of our troops to conquer Province 172 (if we haven't conquered it already), while another quarter of our troops is sent to Province 182. (ALGO NEEDED PLEASE).
    • Battle of Aberdeen is a defeat, and Province 172 has 1,800 troops left
    • Battle of Kilkenny is a victory, and Province 182 is occupied with 3,500 troops
  • Małopolska: We attack 355 with 2,000 troops AMD we attack 300, 351, 352 each with  1,000. We request additional troops.
    • Province 355 is successfully occupied with 1,600 troops
    • Battle of Warsaw is a victory, and Province 352 is occupied wtih 400 troops
    • Battle of Transylvania is a victory, and Province 300 is occupied with 300 troops
    • Will wait a turn to see if the player responds for 351
    • What Player?
      • Monkoserbgaria
    • You don't have enough cards to request troops like that
  • Neo Confederacy: We declare war on UCNC to united the southern states or if we lucky to take the west coast. We sent the troops of 5,000 to attack 56 and 10,000 to attack 47. (Algos Needed)
    • Battle of Ozarks is a victory, and Province 56 is occupied with 4,700 troops
    • Battle of Arlington is a victory, and Province 47 is occupied with 5,800 troops. The California Atlantic Navy is also captured, stranding the Californian troops on Bermuda island
    • North Carolina and Georgia have fallen to the Californians
  • Northern Viets State: We decided to invade Province 608 with 2,000 troops (Algo needed). We also wanted to establish relations with Austria and Californian State (Players' responses)
    • Battle of Ho Chi Minh is a victory, and Province 608 is occupied with 1,600 troops
  • Greater Empire of Singapore: (17,500) 2,000 troops attack 759, 762, 755, 753, 590, 604, 596, 808. 1,500 attack 592. (9 Algos)
    • Battle of Banten is a victory, and Province 759 is occupied by 800 troops
    • Battle of Malang is a defeat, and Province 762 is defended by 100 troops
    • Battle of Nias Island is a victory, and Province 755 is occupied by 1,500 troops
    • Aceh surrenders without a struggle, and Province 753 is occupied by 2,000 troops
    • Battle of Varman is a victory, and Province 591 is occupied by 1,300 troops
    • Battle of Angkor Wat is a victory, and Province 604 is occupied with 800 troops
    • Province 596 is successfully occupied with 400 troops
    • Battle of Saipan is a victory, and Province 808 is occupied by 800 troops
  • Maravi Ascendancy: The provinces designated for conquest this turn are 694, 695, 696, 688, 681, 680, 679, 678, 677, 676, 692, 432, 748, 818, 431, 435 with armies of 2,200 being dispatched to each target (Algo Needed). A diplomatic envoy is dispatched to the state of Israel requesting the establishment of an alliance between the Maravi Ascendancy and Israel as well as official recognition for spheres of influence within Africa with Israel controlling North Africa and the rest of Africa belonging to Maravi (Israel Response). The power of UCNC companies concerns many within the Ascendancy who worry about the potential influence it could wield economically leading to House Azekiwe financing ventures with promising results to replace Netflix, Apple, and Amazon in their services. In order to pacify growing dissent from labor forces for factories who are dissatisfied with the current conditions in factories due to them being burdened supporting the Ascendancy’s expansion, regulations are put in place much to the chagrin of factory owners.
    • Battle of Kinshasa is a victory, and Province 694 is occupied with 1,500 troops
    • Battle of Lunda is a victory, and Province 695 is occupied with 1,000 troops
    • Battle of Luba is a victory, and Province 696 is occupied with 1,800 troops
    • Battle of Boyama Falls is a victory, and Province 688 is occupied with 900 troops
    • Province 681 is successfully occupied with 600 troops
    • Battle of Bumba is a victory, and Province 680 is occupied with 500 troops
    • Battle of Mbandaka is a victory, and Province 679 is occupied with 700 troops
    • Battle of Anziku is a defeat, and Province 678 is defended by 300 troops
    • Battle of Liberville is a victory, and Province 677 is occupied with 400 troops
    • Battle of Leopoldville is a victory, and Province 692 is occupied with 1,200 troops
    • Battle of Sanaa is a victory, and Province 432 is occupied with 2,100 troops
    • Battle of Kochi is a victory, and Province 748 is occupied with 1,100 troops
    • Battle of South Georgia is a victory, and Province 818 is occupied with 1,000 troops
    • Battle of Beihan is a victory, and Province 431 is occupied with 500 troops
    • Battle of Awsan is a victory, and Province 435 is occupied with 1,600 troops [note: by mistake there are two provinces both named 435, the other one is in European Russia]
    • Battle of Mbni is a defeat, and the forces of the Iron Bank continue to defend the island with 1,000 troops
    • Maravi Ascendancy: Follow-up attacks on 676 and 678 are ordered with 5,000 troops on each region (Algos Needed).
      • Second Battle of Anziku is a victory, and Province 678 is occupied with 4,300 troops
      • Battle of Sao Tome is a victory, and the lands of the Iron Bank are siezed in Province 676 with 4,200 troops
  • UCNC: All out war is declared on the CSA, with Province 56 counterattacked with 8,001 soldiers and Province 47 counterattacked with 9,501 troops. Provinces 60, 61, 63, and 64 are also attacked with 2,501 troops. Provinces 78 and 105 are attacked with 2,101 troops each, and the last of the Mexicans in Province 77 are attacked with 6,501 troops. 6,791 troops are held in reserve in Texas. Amazon completes work on two-second delivery, and it has now been rolled out in most of the western US, as well as other locations, notably in the Maravi Ascendency and the Millerite Republic. While the UCNC respects the existence and operations of other corporations, a formal request is sent to the Maravi Ascendency that UCNC corporations be allowed to continue to compete against their state-financed counterparts. The letter also contains a promise that the UCNC will not use its products or services for political leverage against the Maravi Ascendency. Not wanting to lose market share, in South America, the UCNC offers to restore full service to the Empire of Brazil, unfreeze the nation's asset, and return their seized shares in UCNC companies in exchange for Brazil dropping the Amazon (in exchange for a one billion USD annual royalty) trademark claim and restoring copyright laws in their country.
    • Maravi Response: The request of the UCNC is denied on the grounds that Maravi operates on a free market economy and that the government will not move to prevent or condone UCNC corporations.
    • Battle of San Pedro is a victory, and Province 78 is occupied with 1,600 troops
    • Battle of Quito is a victory, and Province 105 is occupied with 1,300 troops
    • The Mexican Empire falls at the Battle of Chiya, and Province 77 is occupied with 1,600 troops
    • Arkansas surrenders to California without a fight, and Province 56 is occupied with 8,000 troops (one guy drowned in the Mississippi River)
    • Third Battle of Jackson is a victory, and Province 60 is occupied wtih 2,300 troops
    • Second Battle of Birmingham is a victory, and Province 61 is occupied with 2,400 troops
    • Battle of Akin is a victory, and Province 63 is occupied with 2,400 troops
    • Others will be done under the other turn
  • Austrian empire austria sent 2,000 troops to 272, 278 and 277 each. algo needed
    • Battle of Caligari is a victory, and Province 272 is occupied with 900 troops
    • Battle of Palmyra is a defeat, and Province 277 is defended with 100 troops
    • You don't border Province 278
  • Israel: We try to keep all non-Jewish people out of our land. The spread of Judaism continues every year as we move and expand. Our factories are finding ways to mass produce all kinds of products faster from military technology to everyday household items so that we can get products faster out into the public. We continue to have another decent year in the agriculture industry with normal numbers across the board for growth and sales so we can increase the economy. 2,000 troops are sent to 618 for an invasion. 645 and 654 are each invaded with 2,000 troops. 642 is invaded with 2,000 troops. 393 is invaded with 2,000 troops set to take over the nation. 653 is invaded with 2,000 troops. (Algos Needed)
    • Battle of Tunis is a victory, and Province 618 is occupied by 200 troops
    • You already own Province 645
    • Battle of Fashir is a victory, and Province 654 is occupied by 800 troops
    • Battle of Agadez is a victory, and Province 642 is occupied by 1,100 troops
    • Battle of Mus is a victory, and Province 393 is occupied by 800 troops
    • Battle of Njimi is a victory, and Province 653 is occupied by 1,400 troops
  • Iron Star Company: After the UCNC's reckless yet predictable attack on the Bermuda colony, the ISC is quick to respond with 6,000 troops to retake the territory, along with a slew of economic sanctions. Alliances are offered to the Neo-Confederacy, the Mexican rump state (soon to be government in exile), and any others who stand opposed to the tide of Californian aggression. A short while later, a telegram is received from the UCNC claiming the attack on Bermuda was a mistake. Although the still-enraged citizens are not convinced, the government chooses the path of de-escalation and removes sanctions. However, the ISC still seeks allies for mutual protection, should tensions boil over. A popular elected monarch now rules over France, known as the Baguette. His first act is to not ban Amazon. The Cuban campaign continues with an assault into the interior of Province 144 with 3,000 men. Conquistadors in West Africa invade Mauritania (640), the Grain Coast (657), and the Atlas Mountains (628) with 2,000 troops each. Province 216 is jointly invaded by a total of 2,600 troops from the east and west. The Maltese garrison is upped by 2,000. The expansionist Israel is warned to give up their ambitions of conquest, which are a threat to the peace-loving people of Europe.
    • Bermuda is recaptured (Province 154) with 5,800 troops
    • Battle of Santiago is a victory, and Province 144 is occupied with 2,800 troops
    • Battle of Adrar is a victory, and Province 640 is occupied with 800 troops
    • Battle of Monrovia is a defeat, and Province 657 is defended with 300 troops
    • Battle of Sijilimassa is a victory, and Province 628 is occupied with 1,000 troops
    • Battle of Toledo is a victory, and Province 216 is occupied with 1,200 troops
      • Iron Star Company: A force of 2200 is sent from Trinidad to colonize Province 88. Another 2200 from Marrakesh will attack Province 627. Meanwhile, the Duke of Danzig decides to stop sitting around and moves to annex 290, 291 and 293 with 2,000 troops each.
        • Battle of Guyana City is a victory, and Province 88 is occupied by 1,200 troops
        • Battle of Rabat is a victory, and Province 627 is occupied by 1,400 troops
        • Battle of Mecklenburg is a victory, and Province 290 is occupied by 900 troops
        • Battle of Silesia is a failure, and Province 291 is defended with 400 troops
        • Battle of Koningburg is a victory, and Province 293 is occupied by 600 troops
  • Kingdom of Libertalia: Novelist leader Zola orders an attack on Province 485 with 3,000 troops with the usual max rate.
    • Battle of Kenoe is a victory, and Province 485 is occupied with 1,800 troops

Turn 12[]

Dren has now been our first player to unite multiple regions: He now has simultaneously every province in East Africa (+5), South Africa (+3) and Madagascar (+2).

The attacks against the Iron Bank's personal domains severely affects their financial aspects, which causes a crisis of inflation for the Ferra currency around the globe. The Bank turns to the Kingdom of Hourglassea and the Iron Star company to bail them out.

Brazil annexes Provinces 118 and 113.

Current card distribution:

  • Eleven cards:
    • Maravi Ascendency
  • Eight cards:
    • State of Israel
  • Five cards:
    • Austrian Empire; Kingdom of Hourglassea; State of Jaamlaasoba; Kingdom of Libertalia; Knights of Monkoserbgaria; United Corporations of New California; Great Empire of Singapore
  • Four cards:
    • Northern Viet Kingdom
  • Three cards:
    • Antarctica Technocracy; Six-Province Area; Confederate States; Millerite Republic of Great Lakes; Magnesian State of Mysia; Siberian Republic

And, new troops:

  • Gaining 37,000 troops:
    • Maravi Ascendency
  • Gaining 20,000 troops:
    • United Corporations of New California
  • Gaining 13,000 troops:
    • Great Singapore Empire
  • Gaining 12,000 troops:
    • Iron Star Company
  • Gaining 10,000 troops:
    • State of Israel
  • Gaining 7,000 troops
    • Austrian Empire
    • Knights of Monkoserbgaria
  • Gaining 6,000 troops:
    • State of Jaamlaasoba
  • Gaining 4,000 troops:
    • Antarctica Theocracy

Good luck!

  • Maravi Ascendancy: The selected targets for invasion this turn are 687, 693, 686, 417, 416, 430, 746, 747, 749, 750, 136, 652, 661, and 669 with armies of 3,000 being directed at each target (Algos Needed). Many within the Ascendancy note the growing presence of the Iron Star Company in West Africa as well as Benin’s continued hostility to Maravi leading to the establishment of two lines of thought within High Command who propose either crushing all potential enemies or displaying the power of Maravi in securing the regions that it desires as a warning to all who would oppose Maravi’s claimed sphere of influence. The prevailing strategy is a ruthless display of force rather than the complete annihilation of opposition due to the hopes of the Ruling Families that Maravi coexist with other states. With Maravi’s conquest of the holy city of Mecca within sight, many among the nobility of Maravi believe that the ultimate fate of the city should be similar to that of the Pope in Europe for centuries prior with a Caliph being seated within the city and his affairs will not be affected by the wishes of the Ascendancy in the hopes that this placates the Muslim population within Maravi. At the encouragement of the Ruling Families, domestic companies continue to grow with many in the government hoping that they will be able to compete with UCNC companies so as to deny influence for the UCNC. The growing tensions between Israel and the Iron Star Company are noted with much interest by the intelligence service of House Mbanefo with the current decision on the issue being to maintain close observation on the situation so as to ensure that the outcome ends up favorable to Maravi’s interest.
    • Battle of Kisangani is a victory, and Province 687 is occupied with 2,000 troops
    • Battle of Brazzeville is a victory, and Province 693 is occupied with 1,100 troops
    • Battle of Pointe-Noire is a defeat, and Province 686 is defended with 500 troops
    • Battle of Khamis is a victory, and Province 417 is occupied with 1,800 troops
    • Battle of Mecca is a victory, and Province 416 is occupied with 600 troops
    • Battle of Salalah is a victory, and Province 430 is occupied with 1,800 troops
    • Battle of Mangalore is a victory, and Province 746 is occupied with 1,400 troops
    • Battle of Bangalore is a victory, and Province 747 is occupied with 600 troops
    • Battle of Madurai is a victory, and Province 749 is occupied with 900 troops
    • Battle of Travancore is a victory, and Province 750 is occupied with 1,600 troops
    • Battle of King Edward is a defeat, and Province 136 is defended with 9,600 troops
    • Battle of Daniski is a defeat, and Province 652 is defended with 1,400 troops
    • Battle of Keana is a defeat, and Province 661 is defended with 2,300 troops
    • Battle of Calabar is a defeat, and Province 669 is defended with 3,000 troops
    • Maravi Ascendancy: Province 669, 661, 652, 136, and 686 are attacked with 5,960 men each (Algo Needed)
      • Battle of Port Harcourt is a victory, and Province 669 is occupied with 2,260 troops
      • Battle of Kororofa is a victory, and Province 652 is occupied with 1,760 troops
      • Battle of Abuja is a victory, and Province 661 is occupied with 2,660 troops
      • Province 686 is occupied successfully with 5,460 troops
      • Attack on Province 136 is a failure, and Antarctica still defends the province with 5,600 troops
  • Vietnam: Today, we issued some news. We going to invade Province 558 with 2,000 troops. A democratic transitional market economy will be implemented after we finished the Western unification. New Western dressing coat were introduced.
    • Province 558 is successfully occupied with 500 troops
  • Neo Confederacy: We talked to Iron Star Company and Maravi of a formation of a coalition to take down the UCNC. (Iron Star & Maravi Response) We start to sent 100,000 troops to liberate 62 and the other 100,000 to liberate 58. (Algos Needed)
    • Maravi Response: The Ascendancy declines to intervene in the conflict between the UCNC and the Neo-Confederacy
    • Haha, no. You don't have 200,000 troops, it's an open question of if you even exist.
    • Battle of Columbus is a victory, and Province 62 is occupied with 7,500 troops
    • Battle of Norfolk is a defeat, and Province 47 is captured by California with 500 troops
    • You currently only have Florida (64), Georgia (62) and West Virginia (46) left, and a total of 7,700 troops
  • Greater Empire of Singapore: 15,000 attack 771, 2,000 attack 807. (2 algos)
    • Battle of Guam is a victory, and Province 807 is occupied with 1,500 troops
    • Battle of Kutei is a victory, and Province 771 is occupied with 9,900 troops
  • Małopolska: We attack 354, 360, 362 with 1,000 troops and we attack 361 with 2,000.
    • How many cards are needed to request additional troops?
    • You may request troops when you have three cards but aren't guaranteed more troops upon request.
    • Province 354 is successfully occupied with 600 troops
    • Invading Province 360 is a failure, and is defended with 600 troops left
    • Invading Province 362 is a failure, and is defended with 300 troops left
    • Battle of Odessa is a victory, and Province 361 is occupied with 1,000 troops
    • Invasion of Moldavia (Province 351) is a failure, and is defended with 2,700 Knights of Monkoserbgaria 
  • Israel: After the first year went well with new President Salamon Kosmin we look for another healthy year ahead of us. The spread of Judaism continues every year as we move and expand. Our factories are finding ways to mass produce all kinds of products faster from military technology to everyday household items so that we can get products faster out into the public. We continue to have another decent year in the agriculture industry with normal numbers across the board for growth and sales so we can increase the economy. We invade 617 with 2,000 troops. Our military sends 2,000 troops to 638 for an invasion. Another 2,000 troops are sent to invade 650. Next we invade 406 with 2,000 troops. 400 is invaded with 2,000 troops. 394 is invaded with 2,000 troops. 656 is invaded with 2,000 troops. Lastly 322 is invaded with 2,000 troops. (Algos Needed). We ask for more troops and turn in all of our cards.
    • ''''Battle of Utica is a success, and Province 617 is occupied with 1,000 troops
    • Battle of Ahaggar is a success, and Province 638 is occupied with 1,800 troops
    • Battle of Niamey is a victory, and Province 650 is occupied with 900 troops
    • Battle of Anbar is a victory, and Province 406 is occupied with 900 troops
    • Battle of Mosul is a victory, and Province 400 is occupied with 700 troops
    • Battle of Mannai is a victory, and Province 394 is occupied with 1,400 troops
    • Battle of Asmara is a failure, and Province 656 is defended with 100 troops
    • Battle of Erzerum is a victory, and Province 322 is occupied with 1,200 troops
  • Austrian Empire: Austria sent 2,000 troops to 247, 249, and 246. (Algo needed) Austria sent diplomats to Arab Defense Coalition, Mysia, and Ottoman for alliance. (Mod and Mysia's response needed)
    • Amman accepts, Ottomans refuse
    • Battle of Cologne is a victory, and Province 246 is occupied with 500 troops
    • Battle of Hesse is a victory, and Province 247 is occupied with 1,400 troops
    • Battle of Hanover is a victory, and Province 249 is occupied with 200 troops
  • Empire of Libertalia: Novelist leader Zola meet with the novelist council in an extraordinary session about the future of the kingdom. Having ammased a vast amount of land in Siberia, the novelist councils agree to change their nation into the Empire of Libertalia with Ayn Rand being proclaimed Empress Aynd Rand I of Libertalia. Zola orders the attack on Province 486 with 3,000 troops and if that succeeds Province 487 with 4,000 with the usual rate. (Algo needed)
    • Battle of Aizu is a victory, and Province 486 is occupied by 2,100 troops
    • You don't border Province 487
  • Icelandic Republic: News from Iceland! The King has been overthrown after a series of Anti-Parliamentary actions. President Sigurður Ingi Jóhannsson (Framsókn) mobilizes troops and sends 15,000 to invade from North-West Iceland to South-East Greenland and 15,000 from Jan Mayen into North-East Greenland(Algo Needed). Hydropower becomes the only energy source in Iceland
    • Province 160 is successfully occupied by 5,300 troops
    • Province 159 is successfully occupied by 5,500 troops
  • UCNC: decides to finish off the CSA and invades Province 62 with 10,000 troops and Provinces 64 and 46 with 1,000 troops each. Provinces 98, 79, 106, and 110 are invaded with 2,100 troops each. the rest of the troops remain in Texas as a reserve. A full state funeral is held for the soldier who died heroically reconeuring Arkansas in his home state of washington. His family is gifted a free year of Amazon Prime.
    • Battle of Guyaqil is a victory, and Province 98 is occupied with 700 troops
    • Battle of Honduras is a victory, and Province 79 is occupied with 1,000 troops
    • Battle of Iquitos is a victory, and Province 106 is occupied with 800 troops
    • Battle of Chan Chan is a victory, and Province 110 is occupied with 800 troops
    • Battle of Charlotte is a victory, and Province 62 is captured with 1,000 troops
  • Kingdom of Hourglassea: Seeing the Iron Bank in a difficult position financially, we offer to loan it a large amount of money if it will forget our debts to it (Mod Response). Meanwhile, we send half our troops to conquer Province 172 (ALGO REQUEST PLEASE).
    • They accept the loan
    • Battle of Inverness is a victory, and Province 172 is occupied with 4,000 troops

Turn 13[]

The total number of troops used by all nations in the world has now exceeded one million! 

The economy of the world starts to stabalize as the Iron Bank is bailed out. The Brazilian Empire begins to close the gap in the market with major banking firms in Rio de Jeneiro, and reaches out to Iceland for a trading pact.

Muslim leaders around the world are alarmed by the fall of Mecca to the Maravi Ascendency, known as a Zoroastrian nation. They declare that the Qibla has now fallen to infidel people. Many Muslim states in India begin negotiating a military alliance to protect themselves from the ongoing expansion north.

Current distribution of cards:

  • Twelve cards:
    • Maravi Ascendency
  • Nine cards:
    • State of Israel
  • Six cards:
    • Austrian Empire; United Corporations of New California; Kingdom of Libertalia; Great Empire of Singapore; Kingdom of Hourglassea
  • Five cards:
    • Knights of Monkoserbgaria
    • Northern Viet Kingdom
    • State of Jaamlaasoba
  • Three cards:
    • Antarctica Technocracy; Six-Province Area; Republic of Siberia; Magnesian State of Mysia; Millerite Republic of Great Lakes; Republic of Malopolska

And, new troops:

  • Gaining 44,000 troops:
    • Maravi Ascendency
  • Gaining 23,000 troops:
    • United Corporations of New California
  • Gaining 14,000 troops:
    • Great Empire of Singapore
  • Gaining 13,000 troops:
    • State of Israel
  • Gaining 12,000 troops:
    • Iron Star Company
  • Gaining 8,000 troops:
    • Austrian Empire
  • Gaining 7,000 troops:
    • Knights of Monkoserbgaria
  • Gaining 6,000 troops:
    • State of Jaamlaasoba
  • Gaining 4,000 troops:
    • Kingdom of Hourglassea
    • Antarctica Technocracy
  • Gaining 3,000 troops
    • Everyone else

Let this be your lucky turn!

  • Neo Confederacy: We know that our time is up and we can't fight any longer we talked to UCNC about some Unionist want to remade the United States and they want the goal of a reborn United States to keep alive and to merge the remaining states into UCNC. (UCNC Response) At the same our army put down arms and surrender to them.
    • You now have two provinces left: Florida (64) and West Virginia (46), and a total of 700 troops
    • UCNC: Agrees to the proposal and peacefully absorbs the rest of the confederacy into the Union.
  • Maravi Ascendancy: The selected targets for invasion this turn are 745, 742, 743, 751, 415, 412, 414, 422, 651, 660, and 668 with 3,000 men to each invasion force (Algos Needed). The actions of Israel in regards to West Africa which is perceived as rightful belonging to Maravi is condemned with many within the Ascendancy’s leadership advocating for a show of force against Israel in Province 650 when the time comes. The appeal of the Neo-Confederacy to Maravi sparks renewed conversations on Maravi’s place in the world especially in regards to its nearest rival the UCNC. The final decision on the matter is to refrain from taking any hostile actions against the UCNC so long as it’s actions do not threaten Maravi’s interest or position. The prior decisions regarding Mecca are implemented in order to ensure the Muslim world of Maravi’s peaceful intentions in regards to Islam with the establishment of Mecca and its hinterlands as an autonomous region within Maravi with the Muslim leaders in Maravi being given the authority to appoint a caretaker/governor for the city and the religious sites within it. The talk of a Muslim alliance against Maravi in India raises some concerns among the leadership of Maravi who respond by doing whatever possible to reassure their people that if it comes to battle it will be a purely political matter of conquest and not involving religion. Efforts to prevent religious discrimination within the Ascendancy are conducted due to the sensitive predicament Maravi finds itself in following its capture of Mecca. Recognizing that there are far too many threats within territories Maravi intends to conquer such as with Israel, the Iron Star Company, and possibly the Great Empire of Singapore, the decision is made to cut the Ascendancy’s losses in attempting to reach South America via the Southern Atlantic in favor of conserving resources and devoting them to effort in regions with more value to the Ascendancy. Vietnam’s position in regards to Maravi is taken as a threat that could not be taken more seriously. In response to Vietnam’s attempt to form a grand coalition against Maravi, many within the Ascendancy advocate a ruthless approach on dealing with Vietnam and any state who would take hostile action against Maravi.
    • Battle of Bhaktal is a victory, and Province 745 is occupied with 2,100 troops
    • Battle of Vijayanager is a victory, and Province 742 is occupied with 2,300 troops
    • Battle of Kurnool is a victory, and Province 743 is occupied with 1,200 troops
    • Battle of Jaffna is a victory, and Province 751 is occupied with 1,800 troops
    • Battle of Medina is a victory, and Province 415 is occupied with 1,000 troops
    • Battle of Riyadh is a victory, and Province 412 is occupied with 1,800 troops
    • Battle of Jubail is a victory, and Province 414 is occupied wtih 1,900 troops
    • Battle of Abu Dhabi is a victory, and Province 422 is occupied wtih 2,100 troops
    • Battle of Kano is a defeat, and Province 651 is defended with 200 troops
    • Battle of Bussa is a defeat, and Province 660 is defended with 600 troops
    • Battle of Benin City is a defeat, and Province 668 is defended with 1,200 troops
    • Maravi Ascendancy: Additional armies of 3,000 men are sent to Provinces 651, 660, and 668 (Algos Needed).
      • Battle of Zaria is a victory, and Province 651 is occupied with 2,800 troops
      • Battle of Oyo is a victory, and Province 660 is occupied with 2,000 troops
      • Battle of Ibadan is a victory, and Province 668 is occupied with 2,600 troops
  • Chauculvun (Six-Province Area): This year, in Doofania, archeologist Lawrence, father of Phung, Cangdit and Phat, founded the lost archives of the Area’s history formerly thought to have completely been lost in time. Having read the history of the Area, the court noticed that the palace was moved from Sri Lanka to the back of seven giant sea turtles before residing in Bustdan, formerly capital of a dynasty of the old Central Plains. The rest of the archives has been lost. Realising the more provinces the Area annex, the more the central power of the court reduces, as the current system of the Area reflects the old Mandala system in which the provinces received too much local autonomy, a majority of the court's factions opposed the plan. Moreover, Doofania was recently annexed and the people there still hold a grudge against Chauculvun. Phung thought of resolving the problem by abdicating as Emperor and making the Area a unitary republic, strengthening the central government further completing the complete abolishment of feudalism in Chauculvun in light of the Industrial Revolution and the need of future expansion for resources. Cangdit is elected as the first President of the Six-Province Area having gained 75 percent of the votes.
  • Vietnamese State: We decided to invade 522 and 523 with 2,000 troops each. Also this is a message to Chauculvun and Singapore. With connection between countries are increasing, we should form telephone line, both civilian, political and military, as a sort of connection and cooperation. We also wanted to form a formal, equal alliance between UCNC, Israel, Iron Bank, Chauculvun, Singapore, India, Siberia, Frankokratia, Brazil, Australia, Austria, and us against the imperialist state (All/Mod Responses)
    • Singapore: we accept.
    • Maravi Ascendancy: Vietnam’s opposition to Maravi surprises many within its leadership who had not planned for any invasion of Southeast Asia which would threaten Vietnam. Considering the nature’s of Vietnam’s alliance which is stated to clearly be against Maravi which would clarify its intent to take hostile action rather than serve as a defensive measure. A warning is issued to those who would join this alliance stating that there is the possibility that those states would find themselves in conflict with Maravi due to the alliances hostile nature and that in this conflict, there will be no holding back on the part of Maravi’s due to its position of only attacking other nations to secure certain regions and leaving whatever isn’t in those regions intact.
    • Iron bank and Siberia refuse the alliance
    • India, Brazil, and Australia accept the alliance
    • Frankokratia does not respond
    • Battle of Changshe is a victory, and Province 522 is occupied with 800 troops
    • Battle of Kumming is a victory, and Province 523 is occupied with 1,600 troops
    • UCNC: Jeff Bezos rejects the alliance, noting the productive diplomatic relationship between the UCNC and the Ascendency, and the handshake agreement to stick to our respective spheres of influence.
    • Area Response: This is taken into consideration
  • The Icelandic Republic: In Iceland Foreign Minister Arnar Þór Sigurðsson offers Brazil some surplus energy and some Fish to feed the population. 3,000 are sent from South-East Greenland to the tip of the Island(Algo Needed). We offer Aluminum to any party interested.
    • Battle of Bratthild is a defeat, and Province 158 has 6,700 defenders left
  • Małopolska: We decided to invade Province 362 and 363 both with 2,000 troops. 
    • Battle of Kiev is a victory, and Province 362 is occupied with 1,000 troops
    • Battle of Poltava is a victory, and Province 363 is occupied with 1,800 troops
  • Greater Empire of Singapore: (39,000) 10,000 attack Province 770, 10,000 attack Province 775. 2,000 attack 590, 573, 574 760, 761, 762. We will reaffirm our alliance in front of Maravi's threat with Vietnam. 
    • Battle of Sulu is a victory, and Province 770 is occupied with 1,200 troops
    • Battle of Manila is a victory, and Province 775 is occupied with 2,000 troops
    • You already own Province 590
    • Battle of Bagan is a victory, and Province 573 is occupied with 1,600 troops
    • Battle of Naypidaw is a victory, and Province 574 is occupied with 1,100 troops
    • Battle of Jakarta is a defeat, and Province 760 has 100 defenders left
    • Battle of Malang is a victory, and Province 762 is occupied with 1,800 troops
    • You don't border Province 761
  • Israel: The spread of Judaism continues every year as we move and expand. Our factories are finding ways to mass produce all kinds of products faster from military technology to everyday household items so that we can get products faster out into the public. We continue to have another decent year in the agriculture industry with normal numbers across the board for growth and sales so we can increase the economy. We send 2,000 troops to 655 for an invasion. 637 gets invaded with 2,000 troops. 629 gets invaded with 2,000 troops. 616 gets invaded with 2,000 troops. 649 gets invaded with 2,000 troops. 348 gets invaded with 2,000 troops. 323 gets invaded with 2,000 troops. 410 gets invaded with 2,000 troops. 401 gets invaded with 2,000 troops. (Algos Needed) Also we would like to turn in all of our cards.
    • ''''Battle of Sennar is a victory, and Province 655 is occupied with 1,000 troops
    • Battle of Adrar is a victory, and Province 637 is occupied with 1,200 troops
    • Battle of Hammad is a victory, and Province 629 is occupied with 1,500 troops
    • Battle of Algiers is a victory, and Province 616 is occupied with 700 troops
    • Battle of Wagadugu is a defeat, and Province 649 is defended with 300 troops
    • Battle of Diau is a victory, and Province 348 is occupied with 1,200 troops
    • Battle of Nejd is a victory, and Province 410 is occupied with 800 troops
    • Battle of Erbil is a victory, and Province 401 is occupied with 1,200 troops
    • Turning in cards is a success! you get 10,000 new troops. Additionally, 2,000 troops spawns in Province 650 (one of your cards was that specific province)
    • Battle of Phasis is a victory, and Province 323 is occupied with 800 troops
  • Empire of Libertalia: Empress Ayn Rand dies this year and a novelist conclave is held, the novelist council elects Victor hugo as emperor Victor Hugo I. After this the council gathers for the previous empress funeral. 4,000 troops will attack the tokyo province, usual rate. (Algo needed). With the conquest of Tokyo, we rename Tokyo to Novelipolis and is made the second capital of the empire. We request some more troops. (mod response)
    • Battle of Tokyo is a victory, and Province 487 is occupied with 3,100 troops
    • Turning in cards is a success! You get 12,000 troops
  • Austrian Empire: Austria sends 2,000 troops to 245, 238, 245 and 238.(Algo needed)
    • Battle of Luxembourg City is a victory, and Province 238 is occupied with 1,000 troops
    • Battle of Aachen is a victory, and Province 245 is occupied with 800 troops
  • Republic of Charinias: Debates about expansionism politics and military efforts are being discussed on the senate. After a few years, the local gangs in Arino have been wiped out completely and brought to justice, but there are a few more remaining. The protests toned down since the implementation of the Charinian civil protection, a vigilante organization that works with the police department. Railroads are starting to being constructed near the Arino town, and they are expected to be completely finished in seven years.
  • UCNC: launches invasions of Provinces 92, 99, 111, 812, 804, 12, 143, and 79 with 2,101 troops each. The Mayans in Province 75 are also invaded with 20,000 soldiers. Province 107 is attacked with 25,000 troops. The remaining 4,585 troops are stationed in Texas. Requests are sent to both the Millerites the Americans to merge peacefully with the UCNC. The Millerites, in particular, are offered status as an autonomous republic within the UCNC, able to carry on their customs without interference [Mod/player response]. More troops are requested from the cards the ucnc has collected. [Mod Response]
    • Battle of Medellin is a victory, and Province 92 is occupied with 500 troops
    • Battle of Bogota is a victory, and Province 99 is occupied with 700 troops
    • Battle of Lima is a victory, and Province 111 is occupied with 1,700 troops
    • Battle of Majuro is a victory, and Province 812 is occupied with 900 troops
    • You don't border Province 12
    • You already own Province 79
    • Battle of Kalakmul is a narrow defeat, and Province 75 has 6,000 defenders left
    • Turning in cards is a success! you get 15,000 additional troops
    • UCNC: After the first wave of attacks, Jeff Bezos strikes again, sending 15,000 soldiers to finish off the Maya in Province 75, 2,101 troops to Provinces 80, 81, and 804, to expand the Union, and 25,000 troops to attack the Brazilians in Province 107.
      • Battle of Uaymil is a victory, and Province 75 is occupied with 8,900 troops
      • Battle of Mosquito is a victory, and Province 80 is occupied with 700 troops
      • Battle of Managua is a victory, and Province 81 is occupied with 1,900 troops
      • Battle of Pago Pago is a victory, and Province 804 is occupied with 900 troops
    • Millerite Republic of the Great Lakes: The Millerites agree to lay down their arms and accepts to merge peacefully under the UCNC's terms.
  • Iron Star Company: Alliance is offered to all Islamic nations against the Israeli axis. Invasion of 289 and 288 with 2,000 troops each. Invasion of 209 and 214 with 2,000 troops each. Invasion of 637, 615, 629, 641, 648, and 657 with 2,000 troops each. Invasion of 619 with 5,000 troops. Invasion of 143 and 146 with 2500 troops each. Atlantic reserve: 10,000. Baltic reserve: 3500.
    • Province 289 is occupied successfully with 1,300 troops
    • You don't border Province 288
    • Battle of Galicia is a victory, and Province 209 is occupied with 1,500 troops
    • Battle of Leon is a defeat, and Province 214 is defended with 200 troops
    • Battle of Tlemcen is a victory, and Province 615 is occupied with 1,900 troops
    • Battle of Timbuktu is a victory, and Province 641 is occupied wtih 1,600 troops
    • Battle of Niani is a victory, and Province 648 is occupied with 1,100 troops
    • Battle of Bumpe is a victory, and Provice 657 is occupied with 1,700 troops
    • Battle of Havana is a victory, and Province 143 is occupied with 800 troops
    • Battle of Kingston is a victory, and Province 146 is occupied with 1,200 troops
    • Battle of Adrar is a victory, and Province 637 is occupied with 400 troops
    • Battle of Tripoli is a victory, and Province 619 is captured from the Jews with 4,700 troops
    • Iron Star Company: A feast is held in Havana to celebrate the conquest of the Caribbean, a long and arduous task which has finally come to completion. The Grand Baguette of Paris requests additional troops from the skygods (Mod Response). Chef Boyardee is born in Malta, from the womb of a ravioli. Invasion of 291 with 1,000 troops. Invasion of 214 with 500 troops. Invasion of 356 with 2,000 troops.
      • Province 291 is occupied successfully with 700 troops
      • Battle of Asturias is a victory, and Province 214 is occupied with 300 troops
      • Battle of Vilnius is a victory, and Province 356 is occupied with 800 troops
      • You only have two cards
      • Iron Star Company: The ISC launches a space program. The plan is to build a spaceport on Malta, then, using pasta from Italy and the ingenuity of Chef Boyardee, stack millions of raviolis until it reaches the moon, at which point the armies of the Iron Star will disembark and conquer the various moon polities. The plan seems foolproof, so the Grand Baguette authorizes construction to begin this year. Also, what's left of the Iron Bank is relocated and reestablished in ISC territory for protection, with new banks being established in Hispaniola, Azores, Lisbon, Bordeaux, Paris and Malta. Monies salvaged from conquered branch offices are placed in carefully-guarded vaults deep within the French Highlands. The Hainan and Curacao branches may remain autonomous, but the majority of transactions will now pass through ISC territory, to ensure that the Iron Bank can always be regarded as safe.

Turn 14[]

The world politics becomes divided on the ultimatum given by Vietnam against Maravi. Many nations in the world, following the policy of the UCNC, feel indifferent or even friendly towards their African overlords, and condemn Vietnam's actions. However, the Brazilian Empire together with the Republic of Nepal organizes an international committee to discuss containment of the imperialist powers, and how to ensure peace for the rest of the world. This conference, hosted in the city of Singapore, invites many other nations to participate.

Current card distribution:

  • Thirteen cards:
    • Maravi Ascendency
  • Seven cards:
    • Austrian Empire
    • State of Israel
    • Great Empire of Singapore
  • Six cards:
    • Kingdom of Hourglassea
    • Kingdom of Vietnam
  • Five cards:
    • State of Jaamlaasoba
    • Knights of Monkoserbgaria
  • Four cards:
    • Confederate States of America
    • Empire of Libertalia
    • Republic of Malopolska
  • Three cards:
    • Antarctica Technocracy; Six-Province Area; Millerite Republic of Great Lakes; Magnesian State of Mysia; United Corporations of New California; Republic of Siberia
  • Two cards:
    • Iron Star Company
  • One card;
    • Everyone else

And new troops:

  • Gaining 48,000 troops:
    • Maravi Ascendency
  • Gaining 24,000 troops:
    • United Corporations of New California
  • Gaining 17,000 troops:
    • Iron Star Company
  • Gaining 15,000 troops:
    • Great Empire of Singapore
    • State of Israel
  • Gaining 9,000 troops:
    • Austrian Empire
  • Gaining 7,000 troops:
    • Knights of Monkoserbgaria
  • Gaining 6,000 troops:
    • State of Jaamlaasoba
  • Gaining 4,000 troops:
    • Antarctica Technocracy
    • Empire of Libertalia
    • Kingdom of Hourglassea

[Insert witty comment here]

  • Iron Star Company: The Grand Baguette himself travels to the Singapore to attend the Conference, along with his chief diplomats Chef Boyardee and Monsieur Croissant. The message is clear: The ISC supports the balancing of world power, the equalization of great powers, and the protection of smaller nations. Regionalism is a dangerous ambition that has led to a frightening state of global affairs. We must not allow the earth to be monopolized. The Iron Star Company is committed to bringing peace and stability to all corners of the globe, and we pledge not to trample smaller nations in the pursuit of our aims. The feast celebrating the unity of the Caribbean is interrupted when it is revealed that the ISC missed a spot: the Iron Bank branch on Curacao. A force of 10,000 is sent to annex Province 153; if 153 does not border, they would instead move into Province 87 with the goal of taking 153 next turn. The West African War ramps up, with battles at 615 with 1,100 troops, 629 with 3100 troops, 630 with 1,300 troops, 620 with 300 troops, 618 with 500 troops, 638 with 2,000, and 649 with 700 troops. In the Baltic, the Duke of Danzig sends 1900 into 288 and 1900 into 357. Progress continues on the space program, with the spaceport completed in Italian Malta and the first giant ravioli laid down by Chef Boyardee himself.
    • Battle of Caracas is a victory, and Province 87 is occupied with 7,500 troops
    • Third Battle of Tlemcen is a victory, and Province 615 is occupied wtih 700 troops
    • Second Battle of Hammad is a victory, and Province 629 is occupied with 1,800 troops
    • Second Battle of Gurma is a victory, and Province 630 is occupied with 900 troops
    • Battle of Cyrene is a defeat, and Province 620 is defended with 100 troops
    • Battle of Tunis is a defeat, and Province 618 is defended with 200 troops
    • Israeli forces are captured as Province 638 is conquered with 1,000 troops
    • Battle of Wagadugu is a victory, and Province 649 is occupied with 600 troops
    • At the Battle of Bratislava, the Imperial forces of Austria are captured by the Star Company, which occupies Province 288 with 1,800 troops
    • Battle of Riga is a victory, and Province 357 is occupied with 900 troops
    • ISC: After the Battle of Wagadugu, ISC troops uncover a burial site dedicated to an ancient figure known as Wagadugu Dave. According to the myths, Wagadugu Dave was a large god who "cultivated the beans" and "pooped out the sun". The top archaeologists in the land are hard at work deciphering what other secrets the desert may hold. Cyrene (620) and Tunis (618) are re-invaded with 500 troops each.
  • Greater Empire of Singapore: The conference is a great success. Grand Emperor Jov then request that other nations join the alliance, Namely Japan, Israel, The Austrian Empire, The Knights of Monkoserbgaria, and the Antarctica Technocracy. (THOSE RESPONSES) (27,600) 12,600 attack Province 774. 1,000 attack 760, 2,000 attack 761, 788, 789, 572, 810, 554, 555. (9 Algos)
    • The last stand of Thomasia at the Battle of Thomasland is a victory, and Province 774 is occupied with 9,700 troops
    • Battle of Bandung is a victory, and Province 760 is occupied with 900 troops
    • Battle of Kedu is a victory, and Province 761 is occupied with 1,000 troops
    • Battle of Guwahati is a victory, and Province 572 is occupied wtih 1,200 troops
    • Battle of Palikir is a victory, and Province 810 is occupied with 800 troops
    • Battle of Tripura is a victory, and Province 554 is occupied with 1,000 troops
    • Battle of Manipur is a victory, and Province 555 is occupied with 1,400 troops
    • You don't border Province 789
    • Battle of Perth is a defeat, and Province 788 has 3,700 troops left
    • Exchange 788 and 789 with 588 and 589 sorry
    • 2,000 attack 767, 768
      • Battle of Dhaka is a victory, and Province 588 is occupied by 1,200 troops
      • Battle of Sennas is a victory, and Province 589 is occupied by 1,400 troops
      • Battle of Sampit is a victory, and Province 767 is occupied by 900 troops
      • Battle of Banjar is a victory, and Province 768 is occupied by 700 troops
  • Vietnamese State: The government, led by Prime Minister-elect and Minister of Foreign Affairs, had joined the conference and decided to strengthen the cooperation between members of the coalition. We also decided to invade Provinces 524 and 525 with 2,000 troops each.
    • Battle of Hunagzhou is a victory, and Province 524 is occupied with 800 troops
    • Battle of Fuzhou is a narrow defeat, and Province 525 has 100 defenders left
    • Israel Diplomacy: We accept the alliance with you and attend a meeting with your diplomats in Singapore with the other members of the alliance while the Maravi diplomats attend also so we can evenly divide everything so we don't have a major conflict.
  • Israel: With the Maravi Ascendancy being an issue in west Africa we try and gobble up as many weak areas as fast as we can so they cant have the lands. The people of our nation don't like them trying to come into region like that all. Our nation encourages all religion to coexist even though the majority of us are Jewish. With the moment of going north we extend into the Caucasus. Moving east as much as we can Iran is in our sights. North Africa is doing well with us taking over smaller territories at the moment. The movement of our nation west more into Turkey happens with us taking over some lands and us pushing west. We send diplomats to Singapore to accept their alliance with them against Maravi. At this meeting we discuss how to handle what is going on at this moment in the world. The spread of Judaism continues every year as we move and expand. Our factories are finding ways to mass produce all kinds of products faster from military technology to everyday household items so that we can get products faster out into the public. We continue to have another decent year in the agriculture industry with normal numbers across the board for growth and sales so we can increase the economy. The military sends 2,000 troops to 615 for an invasion. 658 is invaded with 2,000 troops. 324 is invaded with 2,000 troops. 407 is invaded with 2,000 troops. 395 is invaded with 2,000 troops. 402 is invaded with 2,000 troops. 391 is invaded with 2,000 troops. 2,000 troops are sent to 337 for invasion. Lastly 336 is invaded with 2,000 troops. (Algo Needed)
    • Second Battle of Tlemcen is a victory, and Province 615 is occupied with 500 troops, capturing the Star Company crusaders
    • Battle of Ivory Coast is a victory, and Province 658 is occupied with 700 troops
    • Battle of Abkhazia is a victory, and Province 324 is occupied with 1,100 troops
    • Battle of Baghdad is a victory, and Province 324 is occupied with 1,200 troops
    • Battle of Tabriz is a defeat, and Province 395 is defended with 400 troops
    • Battle of Ectbatana is a victory, and Province 402 is occupied with 800 troops
    • Battle of Kars is a victory, and Province 391 is occupied with 1,200 troops
    • Both attacks on the Ottomans fail. Province 336 has 8,500 troops and Province 337 has 9,600 troops
  • Maravi Ascendancy: The targets for invasion are 741, 744, 584, 583, 667, 659, 650, 411, 408, 423, 420, 421, 419, 418, and 429 with 3,000 troops to each target with the exception of 650 where a force 15,000 strong is ordered to engage Israel due to warnings already issued in regards to the region of West Africa (Algos Needed, note: 15,000 to 650). The Benin War impresses many within the Ascendancy who take note of its ability to repel invading armies forcing the reallocation of assets to properly finish off enemy positions. A directive is issued to all military forces engaged in combat against Benin ordering honorable treatment for POWs, enemy combatants, and civilian populations in an effort to prevent civil unrest and honor the spirit of Benin in the conflict. The Military Reform Commission takes note of reports from officers who had taken part in the large scale organized battles of the Benin War especially in regards their fields of view being obscured by the gunpowder smoke as well as well as the initial use of tactics more suited for smaller conflicts leading to the conducting of a study so as to examine battlefield tactics to best suited to combat against foes of comparable size and skill on the battlefield. As infrastructure in acquired territories is developed, measures have been put into place to assist in the flow of recruits into the ranks of officers in the Ascendancy as well as to ensure standards are met in the education system to keep it as secular as possible to appease the various religions within the Ascendancy. The meeting organized in Singapore is held in contempt by the leadership of the Ascendancy who are not receptive to its occurrence. Maravi denounces the irony of the conference due to the fact that those taking part have declared their intent to not trample smaller countries yet the Great Empire of Singapore has been doing so for the longest time in regards to its conflict with Thomasia which just recently capitulated from Singapore’s conquest. Another issue taken note of is the Great Empire of Singapore’s involvement in the conference due to its place as the third largest power in the world which would make it an imperialist power for all intents and purposes. The conference overall is regarded as a farce with no legitimacy in the eyes of the Ascendancy who only use it to take note of potential enemies to Maravi and an attempt to disrupt the balance of power in favor of those participating in the name of “peace”. A statement is issued to those yet to choose their sides in this struggle stating that by stripping the UCNC and Maravi of their power they’d simply be shackles and conquered by the largest power in the conference replacing one overlord for another with less guarantee as to the benevolence of those intent to disrupting the balance. Envoys are dispatched to all nations who have yet to declare their intent to involve themselves in the Conference stating that if they were to declare their support for Maravi, they would not be subjected or have to suffer the thought of complete conquest by Maravi (Responses Needed).
    • Battle of Mumbai is a victory, and Province 741 is occupied with 2,600 troops
    • Battle of Odra is a victory, and Province 744 is occupied with 2,100 troops
    • Battle of Warangel is a victory, and Province 584 is occupied with 2,200 troops
    • Battle of Nagpur is a victory, and Province 583 is occupied with 2,000 troops
    • Battle of Lagos is a victory, and Province 667 is occupied with 800 troops
    • Battle of Gonja is a victory, and Province 659 is occupied with 800 troops
    • Second Battle of Niamey is a victory, and Province 650 is occupied wtih 13,400 troops
    • Battle of Basra is a victory, and Province 408 is occupied with 2,400 troops
    • Battle of Tabruk is a defeat, and Province 411 is defended by 5,000 troops
    • Battle of Dubai is a victory, and Province 423 is occupied with 600 troops
    • Battle of Doha is a victory, and Provine 420 is occupied with 1,700 troops
    • Province 421 is successfully occupied with 1,800 troops
    • Battle of Bahrain is a victory, and Province 419 is occupied with 2,200 troops
    • Battle of Dammam is a victory, and Province 418 is occupied with 1,800 troops
    • Battle of Dhofar is a victory, and Province 429 is occupied with 1,800 troops
    • Maravi Ascendancy: Israel aligning itself with Singapore is not taken lightly considering the Ascendancy's position on the alliance and the decision is made to conduct a full scale offensive against Israeli territories of 642, 653, 654, 655, 656, 410, and 406 with armies of 8648 men with the exception of the army for 406 which is given 8692 men (Algos Needed).
      • Battle of Agadez is a victory, and Province 642 is captured from Israel with 5,300 troops
      • Battle of Njimi is a victory, and Province 653 is captured from Israel with 7,100 troops
      • Battle of Darfur is a victory, and Province 654 is captured from Israel with 6,500 troops
      • Battle of Sennar is a victory, and Province 655 is captured from Israel with 8,100 troops
      • Battle of Aksum is a victory, and Province 656 is captured from Israel with 7,600 troops
      • Battle of Nejd is a victory, and Province 410 is captured from Israel with 7,000 troops
      • Battle of Anbar is a victory, and Province 406 is captured from Israel with 6,900 troops
  • UCNC: After the takeover of the Millerite Republic, Jeff Bezos honors his promise and administers Millerite territory as an independent republic. With slavery now banned in the former CSA, the UCNC also delegates the task of prosecuting former slaveholders to the Millerites, who accept their position with zeal, seizing plantation land, and returning it to former slaves, and imprisoning the worst offenders. Despite the full support of President Daniel Verdun and the vast majority of Millerite congregations being given to Jeff Bezos, a small schism forms with a minority of Millerites in the upper peninsula resisting the new arrangement. After receiving blessings from president Verdun, Amazon Security Forces are deployed to the region to keep the peace. In order to further expand the UCNC, Jeff Bezos orders the invasion of Provinces 802, 805, 806, 811, 82, 84, 85, 93, 94, 95, 11, and 23 with 2,100 troops each. No longer willing to tolerate the anti-UCNC sentiment that dominates Brazilian politics, the UCNC invades Province 107 with 25,000 troops. In addition, a small expeditionary force of 100 is sent to invade the Charinias in Province 112, with promises of quarter being granted if Provinces 112 and 114 are given to the UCNC [MOD RESPONSE]. The remaining 12,800 UCNC troops are stationed in Texas.
    • Battle of Mata Utu is a victory, and Province 802 is occupied with 1,600 troops
    • Attacking the Iron Bank on Tokelau is a failure, and Province 805 is defended with 8,300 troops
    • Battle of Kiribati is a victory, and Province 806 is occupied with 1,700 troops
    • Battle of Nauru is a victory, and Province 811 is occupied with 1,100 troops
    • Battle of San Jose is a victory, and Province 82 is occupied with 1,500 troops
    • Battle of Darien is a victory, and Province 84 is occupied wtih 1,900 troops
    • Battle of Santa Marta is a victory, and Province 85 is occupied with 1,700 troops
    • Battle of San Cristobol is a victory, and Province 93 is occupied with 1,300 troops
    • Battle of Parque is a victory, and Province 94 is occupied with 1,300 troops
    • Battle of El Caura is a victory, and Province 95 is occupied with 100 troops
    • Battle of Manaus is ultimately a victory, and Province 107 is occupied with 6,600 troops
  • Austrian Empire: Austria decided this is the time to unite Central Europe. Austria sent 2,000 troops to Province 239, 240, 241, 242, 244, 250, 255, 288, 278, and 286. (Algo needed) Franz Joseph got married. Austria have been noticing a conflict between Maravi and anti-Maravi coalition. Austria considered joining anti-Maravi coalition, but one of its members. Israel, is both an enemy of Amman and the Order of Star, Austria's allies. So Austria decided that it will be the third party of the situation.
    • Battle of Limburg is a victory, and Province 239 is occupied by 300 troops
    • Battle of Brussles is a victory, and Province 240 is occupied by 900 troops
    • You don't border Province 241
    • Battle of Amsterdan is a victory, and Province 242 is occupied by 1,000 troops
    • Battle of Oldenburg is a victory, and Province 244 is occupied by 900 troops
    • Battle of Schleswig is a victory, and Province 250 is occupied by 1,200 troops
    • Battle of Bremen is a victory, and Province 255 is occupied by 900 troops
    • Battle of Wroclaw is a defeat, and Province 288 is defended by 100 troops
    • Invasion of Malta is a victory, and Province 278 is captured from the Star Company with 1,700 troops
      • You donn't border 278 because you never took 277
    • Battle of Bratislava is a victory, and Province 286 is occupied by 1,000 troops
  • Empire of Libertalia: Novelist leader Zola funds a the creation of a team of bodyguards called "the witchers" to protect them and the king against any attack. This team is composed Vesemir, Geralt, Eskil and Lambert all tough men who follow the novelist faith. The empire decides to make it knows to the Maravi and the UNC that they do not want any harm between neither of them and just wants to stick to their bubble. Novelist Zola orders the attack on the nearby unoccupied province with 3,000 troops. (algo needed)
    • Battle of Kanagawa is a victory, and Province 489 is occupied with 2,600 troops
    • we order an attack on Province 488 with 10,000 troops max rate 9,900 (algo needed)
      • Battle of Noto is a defeat, and Province 488 is defended with 3,600 troops
      • we order a second attack on note with 6,000 troops led by General Lambert of Relia. (algo needed)
        • Battle of Kyoto is a victory, and Province 488 is occupied with 1,000 troops
  • Six-Province Area: A message is transmitted by the Minister of Forgein Affairs, Irving, to Maravi. We ask Maravi to find the archives of the Area's history in Sri Lanka. (Maravi Respose)
    • Maravi Diplo: Maravi would be happy to return records belonging to the Six-Province Area.
  • Kingdom of Hourglassea:''' King Wilbur himself travels to the committee conference on containment of Imperialism. He encounters no less than 63 assassination attempts on his way there, but unperturbed, he survives, as he always does. At the conference, he tells those who want to contain imperialism, to "go back into containment", to much laughter. At the conference, after the Representative of the Iron Star Company expresses their support for a balance of power, Wilbur laughs uproariously and slaps the representative on the back several times as if he had just made an amazingly hilarious joke, to the bemusement of those present. On a more serious note, Wilbur also discusses managing the economy, establishing a sphere of influence for his Kingdom, and the qualities and epithets of garden gnomes. Wilbur leaves the conference on the 23 July. His ship sinks and all those aboard drown except for Wilbur, who is immediately and miraculously rescued by a passing whaling boat who at first mistake Wilbur, and his wide girth, for a whale, and so throw a harpoon at him. Wilbur catches it between his teeth, and hops on board. When he returns home, he decides to celebrate this achievement of internal diplomacy and global peace by violently invading Provinces 180 and 179, sending a third of his army to each province. '''(ALGO NEEDED).
    • Battle of Limerick is a victory, and Province 179 is occupied with 5,800 troops
    • Battle of Galaway is a victory, and Province 180 is occupied with 5,600 troops

Turn 15[]

The Maravi Ascendency has now become the first nation with an army to exceed 100,000 troops. The rest of you be slacking.

We have now had our first casualty, the first nation to be totally eliminated from the game: The Kingdom of Thomasia is now fully annexed by the Great Empire of Singapore. Consequently, the fanatical Nestorian population now reluctantly serves under the largely Buddhist government. 

The expansions of the United Corporations have reached a level of instability, as the conquered religious populations clashes with the pecunary-based state cult. The Branch Davidian cult of the Millerites raises a massive army to seize control over the Great Lakes Republic, and preaches that Jeff Bezos is the literal incarnation of the Antichrist from the Book of Revelations. In the souther, the Ku Klux Klan siezes control of limited regions in Florida and West Virginia, with a considerably smaller army. Non violent riots also exist in Latin America from the predominately Catholic population.

[This is a way of correcting a misunderstanding of the game rules. You are not supposed to be able to acquire territory without conquest via algos. Although the rules can be revised if there is legitimate reason, giving the ability of relinquishing territory peacefully can be easily exploited, so after a long time thinking I decided to reverse this situation using the above mod event].

The Israeli-Maravi War is now the largest conflict in the entire history of the game so far. Although most nations from the Conference of Singapore are sympathetic to Israel, only a handful even give actual monetary support, largely due to seeing the Iron Star Company seizing the advantage to carve up territory in Algeria.

Current distribution of cards:

  • Fourteen cards:
    • Maravi Ascendency
  • Nine cards:
    • Great Empire of Singapore [took Thomasia's card]
  • Eight cards:
    • State of Israel
    • Austrian Empire
  • Seven cards:
    • Kingdom of Vietnam
    • Kingdom of Hourglassea
  • Five cards:
    • State of Jaamlaasoba
    • Knights of Monkoserbgaria
  • Four cards:
    • United Corporations of New California
    • Empire of Libertalia
    • Republic of Malopolska
    • Confederate States of America
  • Three cards:
    • Iron Star Company; Magnesian State of Mysia; Republic of Siberia; Antarctica Technocracy; Millerite Republic of Great Lakes; Six-Province Area
  • One card:
    • Everyone else

And new troops:

    • Gaining 55,000 troops:
      • Maravi Ascendency
    • Gaining 29,000 troops:
      • United Corporations of New California
    • Gaining 20,000 troops:
      • Iron Star Company
    • Gaining 18,000 troops:
      • Great Empire of Singapore
    • Gaining 14,000 troops:
      • State of Israel
    • Gaining 12,000 troops:
      • Austrian Empire
    • Gaining 7,000 troops:
      • Knights of Monkoserbgaria
    • Gaining 6,000 troops:
      • State of Jaamlaasoba
    • Gaining 4,000 troops:
      • Kingdom of Hourglassea
      • Technocracy of Antarctica
      • Empire of Libertalia
      • Kingdom of Vietnam
    • Gaining 3,000 troops:
      • Everyone else
    • Greater Empire of Singapore: (54,000) 2,000 attack 587, 571, 554, 540. Meanwhile, the rest of the troops gather at 588 to prepare.
      • Battle of Kolkata is a victory, and Province 587 is occupied with 1,400 troops
      • Battle of Sikkim is a defeat, and Province 571 is defended with 200 troops
      • Battle of Assam is a defeat, and Province 540 is defended with 200 troops
      • You already own Province 554
    • Vietnamese State: We decided to invade the Province 525 with 1,000 troops.
      • Battle of Min is a victory, and Province 525 is occupied with 900 troops
    • Maravi Ascendancy: The war with Israel is deemed one of the utmost importance for the time being due to the desire by the Ruling Families and the remainder of Ascendancy leadership to make an example of it to demonstrate that threats to the Ascendancy will not be tolerated and that the alliance of Singapore, Vietnam, and others which have been explicitly stated to be against Maravi will be dealt with in the harshest manner. Those within the Ascendancy who had recognized the Conference as a farce feel validated as seen with the Iron Star Company’s capture of Israeli territory in Algeria and the subsequent lack of condemnation by other Conference attendee’s despite both having attended the conference and Israel’s recent association with the alliance against Maravi. In regards to the alliance against Maravi, King Zuberi Ironsi is quoted saying “They are but dogs barking at the tiger.”. For the first time in Maravi’s conquest, the practitioners of a certain religion, in this case the Jews, are separated from the main population into camps where they are vetted to determine their loyalty and to minimize any chance of sabotage on their part due to the relationship between Judaism and Israel. Many within the Military Hierarchy caution the House Obinyola which heads Maravi’s war efforts to be careful in where assets are deployed too due to the existing presence of the Iron Star Company in the remainder of Africa as well as the ever approaching Great Empire of Singapore. The fall of Benin is received with much relief by Maravi forces with the those that served in Benin in civil or military affairs being given pardons provided that they have not committed atrocious acts against Maravi troops. Offers are also extended to officials, officers, and soldiers to continue their service in Maravi due to the strain in resources the Ascendancy faces with its expansion. As a result of King Wilbur’s actions and position in regards to the conference, a ship of the line is gifted to Hourglassea to replace the ship that had been sunk transport King Wilbur as well as authorizing the transfer of 200 ferra within the Ascendancy’s accounts in the Iron Bank to Hourglassea (Hourglassea Response). Provinces 658, 649, 641, 638, 630, 643, 644, 645, 399, 400, 401, 582, 567, 568, 569, and 424 are designated as the targets for invasion this year. The regions of 658, 424, 582, 567, 568, and 569 are invaded by forces comprised of 3,000 men each whereas the Israeli regions of 649, 638, 630, 643, 644, 645, 399, 400, and 401 are assaulted by armies of 3,500 men. Lastly, an army of 17,000 men total are dedicated to taking the region of 641 from the Iron Star Company which now sits in the path of Maravi dominion over Africa (Algos Needed, note: Varying army compositions). Within the autonomous region of Mecca, there are growing reports of groups hostile to Maravi taking refuge their and rebuilding their strength leading to House Yar’adua requesting that the governor of the region investigate the matter or the Ascendancy will be forced to dispatch its own investigators due to the fact that rebellion cannot be allowed to fester within a region that is officially a part of the Maravi Ascendancy. Guerrilla forces within frontier regions have proven to be a difficult matter for Maravi to resolve due to the sheer enormity of it. The Military Reform Commission has submitted a report, “A Treatise on the Subject of Partisans”, to High Command which is tasked with implementing the findings of the Commission so long as the Ruling Families agree with it. The report notes that partisan forces are successful due to support from local populations and the ability to feed off of Maravi supply lines which have been inadequately defended as of yet leading to the proposal that Maravi conduct operations to win the support of locals ranging from tolerable treatment to providing financial assistance or even tax breaks. To bolster the defense of supply lines, the Commission suggests assigning more troops to supply lines but General Kito who is an advocate for the Experimental Corps of Riflemen of which he sees value in unlike most of his more conventional peers utilizes what clout he has to have the Corps screen supply convoys and patrol along supply lines due to his belief that their methods are more suited to the task of protecting the convoys which are more often than not attacked by complete surprise which would mean adding more troops would simply be a drain on resources with little to no tangible effect but others within High Command also assign cavalry units as well. Other suggestions within the report are the adoption of less brightly colored uniforms with the introduction of khaki which had been adopted by forces in India already which is accepted although some estimate that due to the strain on the Ascendancy’s resources it’s complete implementation within the next couple years would be nigh impossible leading to the prioritization of the khaki uniforms to field armies on the front lines which are facing the most guerrilla forces. Due to partisans being able to snipe officers due to identifiable features such as gleaming buttons and buckles, the officers are ordered to cease their use of such items. Maravi also crashes in all of its cards (Mod Response).
      • Battle of Ivory Coast is a victory, and Province 658 is occupied with 1,600 troops
      • Battle of Ras Al-Khaimah is a victory, and Province 424 is occupied with 1,400 troops
      • Battle of Surat is a victory, and Province 583 is occupied with 2,400 troops
      • Battle of Indore is a victory, and Province 567 is occupied with 1,700 troops
      • Battle of Vidarbha is a victory, and Province 568 is occupied with 1,500 troops
      • Battle of Daksina is a victory, and Province 569 is occupied with 2,400 troops
      • Battle of Gao is a victory, and Iron Star is expulsed from Province 641 with 4,600 troops
      • Star Company defeats Maravi, and defends Province 649 with 1,900 troops
      • Star Company defeats Maravi, and defends Province 638 with 2,200 troops
      • Star Company defeats Maravi, and defends Province 630 with 1,200 troops
      • Battle of Wadai is a victory, and Province 643 is occupied with 2,800 troops
      • Battle of Darfur is a victory, and Province 644 is occupied with 3,000 troops
      • Battle of Port Sudan is a victory, and Province 645 is occupied with 2,200 troops
      • Battle of Ghassan is a victory, and Province 399 is occupied with 2,300 troops
      • Battle of Mosul is a victory, and Province 400 is occupied with 2,800 troops
      • You don't border Province 401
      • Turning in cards is a success! You get 20,000 additional troops. In addition, 2,000 troops spawns in Province 582 and 2,000 troops spawns in Province 741.
      • Kingdom of Hourglassea (Response): King Wilbur graciously accepts the gift, with the intent to use the money on his well-deserved holiday in Las Vegas, where it will be well-spent on gambling. 
      • Maravi Ascendancy: Recognizing that time is of the essence, the Ascendancy launches an invasion of the Austrian ally of the Arab Defense Coalition in the provinces of 411, 405, and 404 with 10,000 men in each army. Further attacks are ordered against 407, 409, 425, 426, 428, 402, and 527 with armies of 3,000 each (Algos Needed)
        • Battle of Amman is a victory, and Province 404 is occupied with 2,200 troops
        • Battle of Petra is a defeat, and Province 405 is defended with 3,300 troops
        • Battle of Tabruk is a victory, and Province 411 is occupied with 3,700 troops
        • Battle of Kuwait City is a victory, and Province 409 is occupied with 1,300 troops
        • Battle of Fujairah is a victory, and Province 425 is occupied with 1,600 troops
        • Battle of Al Ain is a victory, and Province 426 is occupied with 2,000 troops
        • Battle of Masirah is a victory, and Province 428 is occupied with 2,200 troops
        • Battle of Messene is a victory, and Province 527 is occupied with 1,800 troops
        • Baghdad surrenders without a struggle, and Province 407 is occupied with 3,000 troops
        • 'Battle of Hamadan is a victory, and Province 402 is occupied with 1,800 troops' 
      • Maravi Ascendancy: The initial probing attacks on the Iron Star Company in 649, 638, and 630 are followed up by armies of 10,000 men with an army of 5,000 men being dispatched to attack Province 405 (Algos Needed).
        • Battle of Edom is a success, and Province 405 is occupied with 1,000 troops
        • In the sake of fairness, other algos can't be done this turn unless General posts new defenses or opts out of it
    • Iron Star Company: Province 153 is invaded with 3,000 troops; afterward, this force will become the island's permanent garrison. Cyrene (620) and Tunis (618) are re-invaded with 500 troops each. After these battles, the ISC decides to seek peace with Israel in order to combat the mutual threat of the Maravi Ascendancy (Player Response). The garrisons of 649, 638, and 630 are each upped to 3,000.
      • The Iron bank defeats the Iron Star, and Province 153 is defended with 7,100 troops
      • Battle of Tunis is a victory, and Province 618 is occupied with 200 troops
    • Iceland: 8,000 men are sent from North East Greenland to invade North West Greenland.
      • After trudging across the Artic Circle, Province 155 is captured by Iceland with 7,400 troops
    • Austrian Empire: Austria invades Province 241 and 277 with 2,000. Algo needed. Austria declared its neutrality in this War against Maravi, but also said that if any side attacks my ally, it will join the war. Franz Joseph got a son. He was named Rudolf Franz Karl Joseph Franz Joseph was very happy and did his birthday party for one month.
      • Battle of Holland is a victory, and Province 241 is occupied with 200 troops
      • Battle of Syracuse is a victory, and Province 277 is occupied with 1,000 troops
    • State of Libertalia: On the evening of September 1, the first rifle divsion storms the royal palace and kills everyone inside declaring a military novelist Junta under the control of General Leclercc, hours later the people storm the palace and depose the junta and wonders what their next government should look like. They decide to elect John Hrutiger as their undisputed leader. He proclaims the empire no longer an empire but the state of Libertalia. However, this causes crime to run haywild with several mafia clans developing all over Libertalia.
    • Israel: Our nation encourages all religion to coexist even though the majority of us are Jewish. With the moment of going north we extend into the Caucasus. Moving east as much as we can Iran is in our sights. North Africa is doing well with us taking over smaller territories at the moment. The movement of our nation west more into Turkey happens with us taking over some lands and us pushing west. The spread of Judaism continues every year as we move and expand. Our factories are finding ways to mass produce all kinds of products faster from military technology to everyday household items so that we can get products faster out into the public. We continue to have another decent year in the agriculture industry with normal numbers across the board for growth and sales so we can increase the economy. We invade 325 with 2,000 troops. 390 is invaded with 2,000 troops. 392 gets invaded with 2,000 troops. 614 gets invaded with 2,000 troops. 343 gets invaded with 2,000 troops. 403 gets invaded with 2,000 troops. 320 gets invaded with 2,000 troops. 619 gets invaded with 5500 troops. (Algos Needed) Requesting more troops. (Turning in cards)
      • Battle of Sochi is a victory, and Province 325 is occupied with 500 troops
      • Battle of Tbilisi is a victory, and Province 390 is occupied with 500 troops
      • Battle of Yereven is a defeat, and Province 392 is defended with 100 troops
      • Battle of Rusadir is a defeat, and Province 615 is defended with 7,800 troops
      • Battle of Nazerath is a defeat, and Province 343 is defended with 6,100 troops
      • Battle of Isfahan is a victory, and Province 403 is occupied with 1,100 troops
      • Battle of Trebizond is a defeat, and Province 320 is defended with 1,200 troops
      • Third Battle of Tripoli is a victory, and Province 619 is occupied with 3,500 troops
      • Turning in cards is a success! you get 4,000 additional troops
    • UCNC: Invades Provinces 86, 96, 801, 803, 97, 101, 108, 113 with 2,100 troops each. Province 83 is invaded with 3,000 troops. Provinces 64 and 46 are invaded with 4500 troops each. Provinces 87 and 88 are invaded with 5,000 troops. The remaining 18,000 troops are stationed in Texas. A request is sent

Charinias, offering them 5,000 troops in exchange for limiting their garrisons in Provinces 112 and 114 to 100 troops [player response].

      • Battle of Maricaibo is a victory, and Province 86 is occupied with 500 troops
      • Battle of Bolivar is a victory, and Province 96 is occupied with 300 troops
      • Battle of Tonga is a victory, and Province 801 is occupied with 600 troops
      • Battle of Tuvalu is a victory, and Province 803 is occupied with 1,300 troops
      • Battle of Belem is a defeat, and Province 97 is defended with 700 troops
      • Battle of Sao Luis is a victory, and Province 101 is occupied with 900 troops
      • Battle of Barsila is a defeat, and Province 108 is defended by 100 troops
      • Battle of Mato Grosso is a defeat, and Province 113 is defended by 200 troops
      • Battle of Panama City is a victory, and Province 83 is occupied with 2,400 troops
      • Battle of Orlando is a victory, and Province 64 is occupied with 1,300 troops
      • The Ku Klux Klan holds out against California, and defends Province 46 with only 600 troops left
      • Star Company troops are captured, and Province 87 is occupied with 3,400 troops
      • Star Company troops are captured, and Province 88 is occupied with 3,900 troops
      • UCNC: Wanting to solidify the UCNC's gains for the year, renewed attacks are ordered against Provinces 46, 97, 108, and 113 with 2,100 troops each.
      • Charinias Diplamcy: Accepts the requests and withdraws all troops except for 100 from Provinces 112 and 114
        • UCNC: Thanks Charinias for their cooperation, and sends over the 5,000 troops as promised. Province 112 is then invaded with 2,100 troops.
        • Battle of Columbia is a success, and Province 46 is annexed with 1,900 troops, ending the Confederacy
        • Province 97 is successfully occupied with 1,300 troops
        • Province 108 surrenders, and is occupied with 2,100 troops
        • Province 113 is successfully occupied with 1,800 troops
        • Despite the peaceful agreement, a skirmish against locals happens against California, and Province 112 is occupied with 2,000 troops

Hourglassea; Invade Provinces 181 and 182 , 5,000 troops go to each of these two provinces. AlGOOOOOO

    • Kingdom of Hourglassea: Continuing our policy of internal peace, co-operation and diplomacy, this turn we invade Provinces 181 and 183 (ALGO REQUESTED PLEASE).
      • Battle of Athlone is a victory, and Province 181 is occupied with 4,000 troops
      • Battle of Dublin is a victory, and Province 183 is occupied with 3,200 troops

Turn 16[]

Jovannic Empire is now our fourth player to unite an entire region. He now gets +5 for ruling all of Indonesia. Fires also has annexed his second region, and gets +3 for ruling all of Central America.

Our second player has now been eliminated from the game, as the CSA is annexed after its last stand in the highlands of West Virginia. Better luck next time! In-universe, the rural population of the Bible belt are very unfavorable towards the mechanized industry of New California, and the promises of Netflix and Amazon is not enough to dissuade their resolve.

The Arab Defense Coalition did not expect a sudden invasion of their homeland from the south, as Maravi has swept over the Middle East as far as Iran. All the remaining forces of the ADC have pulled back to the Old City of Jerusalem to defend the Holy Relics of Islam.

The three-way battle royale between the Iron Star Company, Israel, and Maravi over the Sahara Desert causes a famine to come across the Sahel.

Current card distribution:

    • Twelve cards:
      • Maravi Ascendency
    • Ten cards:
      • Great Singapore Empire
    • Nine cards:
      • Austrian Empire
      • United Corporations of New California (took CSA's cards)
    • Eight cards:
      • Kingdom of Vietnam
    • Seven cards:
      • Kingdom of Hourglassea
    • Six cards:
      • State of Israel
    • Five cards:
      • State of Jaamlaasoba
      • Knights of Monkoserbgaria
    • Four cards:
      • Kingdom of Libertalia
      • Republic of Malopolska
      • Iron Star Company
    • Three cards:
      • Technocracy of Antarctica; Six-Province Area; Millerite Republic of Great Lakes; Magnesian State of Mysia; Siberian Republic
    • Two cards:
      • Republic of Iceland

And new troops:

    • Gained 62,000 troops:
      • Maravi Ascendency
    • Gained 37,000 troops:
      • United Corporations of New California
    • Gaining 24,000 troops:
      • Great Singapore Empire
    • Gaining 19,000 troops:
      • Iron Star Company
    • Gaining 12,000 troops:
      • Austrian Empire
    • Gaining 11,000 troops:
      • State of Israel
    • Gaining 7,000 troops:
      • Knights of Monkoserbgaria
    • Gaining 6,000 troops:
      • State of Jaamlaasoba
    • Gaining 5,000 troops:
      • Kingdom of Hourglassea
    • Gaining 4,000 troops:
      • Technocracy of Antarctica
      • Kingdom of Libertalia
      • Kingdom of Vietnam
    • Gaining 3,000 troops:
      • Everyone else

[insert comment here]

    • Kingdom of Vietnam: We decided to liberate and unify Taiwan with 2,500 troops. International diplomacy is at its height of tension. I would ask to have an international conference from every factions in the world in order to respect territorial sovereignty, and also mutual assistance. I hope this will cool down the "Cold War" of many factions. It will be hosted on neutral territory - as in Vienna (the 3rd side)
      • Battle of Taiping is a victory, and Province 526 is occupied with 1,700 troops
    • Maravi Ascendancy: Further invasions of Provinces 344, 427, 345, 398, 394, 401, 528, 544, 561, 581, 566, 633, 632, 631, 630, 638, 637, 640, 648, 649, and 658 are orchestrated. Armies of 3,000 are dispatched to 344, 437, 345, 398, 394, 401, 528, 544, 561, 581, 566, 633, 632, and 631. Provinces 630, 638, 637, 640, 648, 649, and 658 are subjected to invasions by armies 6,000 man strong (Algos Needed). The battle of Gao from the previous year shocks the leadership of the Ascendancy greatly due to the casualties of the battle. The decision is made to for the commissioning of a statue in honor of the fallen to mark the site of the battle for years to come. The battle also proves the skill of the soldiers of the Iron Star Company to Maravi garnering the respect of many within Maravi’s military hierarchy. An examination of the battle is ordered by High Command so as to determine the reason for such atrocious losses for Maravi. The Vietnamese request for a conference about territorial sovereignty is denied vehemently by a unanimous vote of the Ruling Families with the support of many patriots within the Ascendancy citing Vietnam’s hostile position in regards to Maravi where it formed an alliance against Maravi ignoring any potential peaceful alternatives than with participating in a Conference aimed at stopping imperialist powers. The current conflict with Israel and the Iron Star Company is named as a result of their participation in the alliance for Israel and conference for the ISC resulting in the inability to trust them by Maravi since they are neighbors.
      • Battle of Damascus is a victory, and Province 344 is occupied by 1,100 troops
      • Battle of Muscat is a victory, and Province 427 is occupied by 1,400 troops
      • Battle of Palmyra is a victory, and Province 345 is occupied with 1,700 troops
      • Battle of Raffa is a victory, and Province 398 is occupied with 1,900 troops
      • Battle of Lake Van is a victory, and Province 394 is occupied with 2,200 troops
      • Battle of Erbil is a victory, and Province 401 is occupied with 2,200 troops
      • Battle of Yazd is a victory, and Province 528 is occupied with 2,100 troops
      • Battle of Shiraz is a victory, and Province 544 is occupied with 2,100 troops
      • Battle of Ormzud is a victory, and Province 561 is occupied with 2,000 troops
      • Battle of Ahmedbad is a victory, and Province 581 is occupied with 2,500 troops
      • Battle of Kota is a victory, and Province 566 is occupied with 200 troops
      • Battle of Aswan is a victory, and Province 633 is occupied with 2,800 troops
      • Battle of Amarna is a victory, and Province 632 is occupied with 1,300 troops
      • Battle of Fezzan is a victory, and Province 631 is occupied with 2,800 troops
      • Battle of Gurma is a victory, and Province 630 is occupied with 5,100 troops
      • Battle of Saleh is a victory, and Province 638 is occupied with 3,000 troops
      • Battle of Adrar is a victory, and Province 637 is occupied with 5,300 troops
      • Battle of Samla is a victory, and Province 640 is occupied with 5,100 troops
      • Battle of Wagadugu is a victory, and Province 648 is occupied with 4,500 troops
      • Battle of Sosso is a victory, and Province 649 is occupied with 3,400 troops
      • [Using 657 as you already own 658] Battle of Bussa is a victory, and Province 657 is occupied with 2,500 troops
      • Maravi Ascendancy: 7,000 troops are dispatched to conquer Province 348 (Algo Needed)
        • Battle of Kars is a victory, and Province 348 is occupied with 5,000 troops
    • Israel: The present President wins the election to go onto his second term. Our nation encourages all religion to coexist even though the majority of us are Jewish. With the moment of going north we extend into the Caucasus. Moving east as much as we can Iran is in our sights. North Africa is doing well with us taking over smaller territories at the moment. The movement of our nation west more into Turkey happens with us taking over some lands and us pushing west. The spread of Judaism continues every year as we move and expand. Our factories are finding ways to mass produce all kinds of products faster from military technology to everyday household items so that we can get products faster out into the public. We continue to have another decent year in the agriculture industry with normal numbers across the board for growth and sales so we can increase the economy. 326 is invaded with 2,000 troops. 388 is invaded with 2,000 troops. 392 is invaded with 1,000 troops. 614 is invaded with 4,000 troops. 1,000 troops to 395 to invade. 3,000 troops to 278 for an invasion. 495 gets invaded with 2,000 troops. 397 gets invaded with 2,000 troops. (Algos Needed) Requesting more troops. (Turning in all cards)
      • Battle of Kerch is a victory, and Province 326 is occupied with 900 troops
      • Battle of Grozny is a defeat, and Province 388 is defended with 23,600 troops
      • Battle of Suniq is a victory, and Province 392 is occupied with 800 troops
      • Battle of Abyla is a defeat, and Province 614 is defended with 7,400 troops
      • Battle of Ardabil is a victory, and Province 395 is occupied with 300 troops
      • Battle of Sari is a victory, and Province 495 is occupied with 1,100 troops
      • Battle of Gilan is a victory, and Province 397 is occupied with 400 troops
      • Turning in cards is a success! you get 6,000 additional troops
      • Malta and the Iron Star Knights on it are subjugated with 2,500 troops
    • Sultanate of Libertalia: The new government doesn't last long, as a mystic cult called the siberian guardsmen deposes them. Their leader Vasily Vasilnovic declares himself Sultan of Siberia. In addition to this a new religion called Siberinic grows rapidly all over the nation. The sultan reforms the army as the Royal Libertalian army and navy with several new ships being built. A curious craftsman known as Alexander Kolchak begins to build the world strongest battleship called the Yamato.
    • UCNC: Invades Provinces 786, 800, 89, 90, 91, 102, 109, 118, 114, 115, 116, 117 with 2,100 troops each. The war against the Iron Star Company is also escalated, and Provinces 143, 146, 149, and 152 with 5,000 troops each. 32,500 troops remain stationed in texas to defend the UCNC. After the conquest of the CSA, the Amazon Police Services establish a strong presence in the region to root out the last of the KKK and other dissidents. Several notable members of the KKK are put on public trial, streamed live via Netflix, and subsequently executed.
      • Battle of Kokopo is a victory, and Province 786 is occupied with 1,200 troops
      • Battle of Suva is a victory, and Province 800 is occupied with 1,900 troops
      • Battle of Georgetown is a victory, and Province 89 is occupied with 1,100 troops
      • Battle of Paramiribo is a defeat, and Province 90 is defended with 400 troops
      • Battle of Cayenne is a victory, and Province 91 is occupied with 300 troops
      • Battle of Recife is a victory, and Province 102 is occupied with 800 troops
      • Battle of Rio de Jenairo is a defeat, and Province 109 is defended with 400 troops
      • Battle of Sao Paolo is a victory, and Province 118 is occupied with 300 troops
      • Battle of Sucre is a victory, and Province 115 is occupied with 1,500 troops
      • Battle of Ascucion is a victory, and Province 116 is occupied with 1,400 troops
      • Battle of Santa Fe is a victory, and Province 117 is occupied with 300 troops
      • Battle Havana is a victory, and Province 143 is occupied with 4,300 troops
      • Invasion of Jamaica is a victory, and Province 146 is occupied with 1,800 troops
      • Invasion of Bahamas is a victory, and Province 149 is occupied with 3,900 troops
      • Battle of Trinidad is a victory, and Province 152 is occupied with 3,100 troops
      • UCNC: To secure its gains, the Union renews its attacks on Provinces 90 and 109 with 2,100 troops each, and continues its strike on 114 with 2,100 troops. [Note: I don't think we need to wait on the player for 114 because the treaty last turn puts 100 troops there]
        • Battle of Arica is a victory, and Province 114 is taken from Charinas with 1,800 troops
        • Battle of Zeelandia is a victory, and Province 109 is occupied with 1,900 troops
    • Austrian Empire: Austria declared that it will not continue being neutral in this and declared war on Maravi. The Emperor made a speech at Rome that he will take his responsibility as the ruler of Rome and leader of all Catholics and attack Mecca. Austria sent diplomats to Singapore for alliance. (Singapore response needed) Austria sent 2,000 to 296, 250, and 224. (Algo needed)
      • Battle of Budapest is a defeat, and Province 296 is defended with 100 troops
      • [Doing 251 as you already own 250] Battle of Holstein is a victory, and Province 251 is occupied with 1,500 troops
      • Battle of Ibiza is a victory, and Province 224 is occupied with 300 troops
    • Six-Province Area: With Maravi returning the archives of the history of the Area, some important information were gained. First off, the most delicious sauce in the world originated in Sichuan, with Rickkoi, an 15th century Arean writer and philosopher praised in his work "The Delicacies of the Area". We invade 504 (Sichuan) with 3,000 troops commanded by Adyson. (Algo needed). The archives also tell us about Hirano's (Cangdit's friend and comrade whose fought alongside her) origins in Japan. To reunite her with her family, Cangdit commands 9,000 troops to invade Kyushu. (algo needed). meanwhile, to prevent the area's number of provinces to become an even number, Isabel commands 3,000 to invade Gansu (algo needed)
      • Battle of Langzhou is a victory, and Province 504 is occupied with 2,200 troops
      • You don't border Kyushu (Province 493)
      • Battle of Fuqi is a victory, and Province 476 (Gansu) is occupied with 2,600 troops

Turn 17[]

The Maravi Ascendency has now captured a sizable piece of Iran, the military occupation begins to uncover many lost relics and holy sites of the original Ancient Zoroastrians. This greatly pleases the elites back in the Empire's core, who want to use this to further promote the state religion. However, such promotion of Zoroastrianism is displeasing to the Muslim elites centered around Medina and Mecca.

With Brazil annexed by California, online piracy drops significantly. The Jobists in California advocate for harsh treatement of the perpetrators, even exceeding the execution of the KKK.

The Inner Mongolia region of the Six-Province Area begins producing a new form of innovative pastry, known only as the "Tiger-hand pastry". No one is sure exactly how they are made, but seem to be traded from other Turko-Mongolic people further north.

The Pope informs the ruler of Austria that if he rids Malta of all its Jews, then he will crown him Holy Roman Emperor.

Current card distribution:

    • Thirteen cards:
      • Maravi Ascendency
    • Ten cards:
      • United Corporations of New California
      • Great Empire of Singapore
      • Austrian Empire
    • Nine cards:
      • Kingdom of Vietnam
    • Eight cards:
      • Kingdom of Hourglassea
    • Five cards:
      • Knights of Monkoserbgaria
      • State of Jaamlasoba
    • Four cards:
      • Iron Star Company
      • State of Israel
      • Sultanate of Libertalia
      • Six-Province Area
    • Three cards:
      • Magnesian State of Mysia
      • Republic of Siberia
      • Antarctica Technocracy
      • Millerite Republic of Great Lakes
    • Two cards:
      • Republic of Iceland

And, new troops:

    • Gaining 69,000 (nice) troops:
      • Maravi Ascendency
    • Gaining  45,000 troops:
      • United Corporations of New California
    • Gaining 24,000 troops:
      • Great Singapore Empire
    • Gaining 16,000 troops:
      • State of Israel
    • Gaining 14,000 troops:
      • Iron Star Company
    • Gaining 12,000 troops:
      • Austrian Empire
    • Gaining 7,000 troops:
      • Knights of Monkoserbgaria
    • Gaining 6,000 troops:
      • State of Jaamlaasoba
    • Gaining 5,000 troops:
      • Kingdom of Hourglassea
    • Gaining 4,000 troops:
      • Antarctica Technocracy
      • Sultanate of Libertalia
      • Kingdom of Vietnam


    • Kingdom of Hourglassea: Province 178 is invaded, and an algo requested. 10,000 troops intend to take over the province.
      • Battle of Londonderry is a victory, and Province 178 is occupied with 8,800 troops
    • Austrian Empire: Franz Joseph wanted his son to have no enemy. To do that, Austria decided that it is time for Crusade. Austria invaded Province 221 with 5,000 troops. Austria also attacked Province 296 and 252 with 2,000 troops. Austria also declareㅇ war on Israel and invades Province 278 and 617 with 5,000 troops each in hopes of becoming the Emperor. (Algo needed) Austria sent diplomats to ISC telling it to help Austria against Israel. (Mod response needed)
      • Battle of Valencia is a defeat, and Province 221 is defended by 6,200 Moors
      • Budapest surrenders peacefully, and Province 296 is occupied with 2,000 troops
      • Battle of Jutland is a victory, and Province 252 is occupied with 200 troops
      • Invasion of Malta is a victory, and Province 278 is occupied with 3,600 troops
      • Battle of Tunis is a stalemate, and Province 617 is reduced to 100 troops
    • UCNC: Provinces 90, 120, 783, and 787 are invaded with 2,100 troops each. Provinces 123, 144, 145, and 152 are invaded with 4,000 troops each. war on the Millerite republic begins, and Provinces 10, 19, 32, 33, and 34 are attacked with small expeditionary forces of 100 troops. The remaining 74,000 UCNC troops wait in Kentucky for further orders, and in anticipation of lots of fighting, cards are turned in for more troops. With Brazil under almost the sole control of the UCNC, APS is deployed to the region to round up the last of the pirates. While some people guilty only of receiving pirated content are left off with a generous sentence of 25 years of forced (but paid) labor, the ring leaders are sent to San Francisco to be punished by the Jobist council. However, due to the rituals surrounding the operation, sentences will not be announced until next year.
      • Battle of Zeelandia is a victory, and Province 90 is occupied with 1,700 troops
      • Battle of Potosi is a victory, and Province 120 is occupied with 1,500 troops
      • Battle of Tulagi is a victory, and Province 787 is occupied with 700 troops
      • Troops of Singapore surrender without a fight, and Province 783 is occupied with 2,100 troops (Pending Jov posting)
      • Battle of Rio Grade de Sol is a defeat, and Province 123 is defended with 900 troops
      • Battle of Santa Clara is a victory, and Province 144 is occupied with 2,900 troops
      • Battle of Santiago is a victory, and Province 145 is occupied with 3,700 troops
      • You already own Province 152
      • All attacks against the Millerites fail for lack of armies. The scouting parties discover this:
        • Province 10 has 5,450 troops
        • Province 19 has 5,350 troops
        • Province 32 has 5,200 troops
        • Province 33 has 5,350 troops
        • Province 34 has 5,600 troops
      • UCNC: After a successful first wave of attacks, the UCNC renews its attack on Province 123 with 3100 troops, and launches a new one on Province 151 with 5,000 more. With intelligence now gathered, attacks are launched against the Millerites Provinces 10, 19, 32, 33, and 34 with 8,500 troops each.
        • Battle of Porto Algere is a victory, and Province 123 is occupied with 1,800 troops
        • Battle of Grenada is a victory, and Province 151 is occupied with 3,800 troops
        • Battle of James Bay is a victory, and Province 10 is occupied with 2,000 troops
        • Battle of Milwaukee is a victory, and Province 19 is occupied with 3,700 troops
        • Battle of Chicago is a victory, and Province 32 is occupied with 2,800 troops
        • Battle of Gary is a victory, and Province 33 is occupied with  1,000 troops
        • Battle of Toledo is a victory, and Province 34 is occupied with 1,900 troops
        • Turning in cards is a success! You get 8,000 additional troops. In addition, 2,000 troops spawn in Province 89 and 2,000 troops spawn in Province 109
    • Empire of Libertalia:After my short lived government, the people decide to return to their roots of a noocracy with popular actor Roger Moore being proclaimed emperor roger I of Libertalia. Most of the country begins following the actorism faith with the actorism council being composed of Judie forster, Gregory peck and Timoth dalton, with Gregory peck being proclaimed leader of the actorism council. The actorism faith follows the religion which was founded by the holy actor god knows as Cthulu. Plans for invading the last provinces of japan begins to take place with an attack on 462 with 6,000 troops led by the emperor himself.(algo needed)
      • Battle of Khabovsky is a victory, and Province 462 is occupied with 4,500 troops
    • Israel: Our nation encourages all religion to coexist even though the majority of us are Jewish. With the moment of going north we extend into the Caucasus. Moving east as much as we can Iran is in our sights. North Africa is doing well with us taking over smaller territories at the moment. The movement of our nation west more into Turkey happens with us taking over some lands and us pushing west. The spread of Judaism continues every year as we move and expand. Our factories are finding ways to mass produce all kinds of products faster from military technology to everyday household items so that we can get products faster out into the public. We continue to have another decent year in the agriculture industry with normal numbers across the board for growth and sales so we can increase the economy. Our military invades 327 with 2,000 troops. 396 is invaded with 2,000 troops. 389 is invaded with 2,000 troops. 512 is invaded with 2,000 troops. 496 is invaded with 2,000 troops. 272 is invaded with 2,000 troops. 277 is invaded with 2,000 troops. 333 is invaded with 2,000 troops. (Algos Needed) 
      • Battle of Sevastapol is a defeat, and Province 327 is defended with 300 troops
      • Battle of Baku is a victory, and Province 396 is occupied with 1,000 troops
      • Battle of Derbent is a victory, and Province 389 is occupied with 300 troops
      • Battle of Khur is a victory, and Province 512 is occupied with 1,400 troops
      • Battle of Sabzewar is a victory, and Province 496 is occupied with 900 troops
      • The Mysians defeat Israel, and defend Province 333 with 6,400 troops
      • Battle of Messina is a victory, and Province 277 is captured from the Austrians with 200 troops
      • The last army is wiped out in the Battle of Tunis (see Austria's turn)
    • Maravi Ascendancy: Invasions are authorized for 647, 639, 636, 628, 629, 618, 619, 620, 621, 622, 623, 624, 626, 342, 341, 340, 529, 545, 562, 562, 565, 549, 535, 550, 585, and 586 with armies of 3,000 each (Algos Needed). The war in Africa is nearing its end as the ISC and Israel are driven to their final holds in the region leading to the end of interning Jews or those sympathetic to Israel or the ISC as it is believed it is far too late for the situation to be reversed by any actions. Troops who had been bloodied in the fight against Israel and the ISC are dispatched to India in preparation of a military campaign against the Great Empire of Singapore who maintain a grasp on territories in India and are also one if the final members of the anti-Maravi Coalition to go unpunished for their participation in it. Some within the military hierarchy and civilian commentators push for military action against Vietnam who were the ones that started the anti-Maravi Alliance. However, High Command and the Ruling Families are of the mind to not push into proximity of Vietnam to attack them due to prior agreements with the UCNC and having crippled the bulk of the alliance to where it poses no threat to Maravi with them also believing that Maravi’s war against the Alliance’s members had humbled Vietnam enough. The recovery of Zoroastrian artifacts is overseen by House Azekiwe who attempt to petition the rest of the Ruling Families to encourage Zoroastrianism but many of them vote against it due to the delicate religious balance within the Ascendancy.
      • Province 647 is successfully occupied with 3,000 troops
      • Province 639 is successfully occupied with 2,400 troops
      • Province 636 is successfully occupied with 2,700 troops
      • Province 628 is successfully occupied with 2,600 troops
      • Province 629 is successfully occupied with 800 troops
      • Province 618 is successfully occupied with 2,500 troops
      • Invading Province 619 is a failure, now defended with 200 troops
      • Province 620 is successfully occupied with 2,800 troops
      • Province 621 is successfully occupied with 2,500 troops
      • Province 622 is successfully occupied with 2500 troops
      • Province 623 is successfully occupied with 2800 troops
      • Province 624 is successfully occupied with 3,000 troops
      • Province 626 is successfully occupied with 2700 troops
      • Province 342 is successfully occupied with 2,200 troops
      • Province 341 is successfully occupied with 2,300 troops
      • Province 340 is successfully occupied with 2,300 troops
      • Province 529 is successfully occupied with 1,000 troops
      • Province 545 is successfully occupied with 1,600 troops
      • Province 562 is successfully occupied with 2600 troops
      • Province 565 is successfully occupied with 1,500 troops
      • Province 549 is successfully occupied with 1,800 troops
      • Maravi Ascendancy: An additional army of 3,999 is mobilized to seize Province 619 (Algo Needed).
        • Battle of Tripoli is a victory, and Province 619 is occupied with 3,900 troops
    • Iceland: We reach out to the UCNC and ask them if they would be willing to have a summit between the two nations (UCNC response needed). We must up all of our strength and use 10.000 to invade from North-West Greenland and take Middle Greenland and 10,000 troops to invade from South East Greenland to the Tip of Greenland (Algo Needed)
      • Battle of Nuuk is a failure, and Province 156 is defended with 4,500 troops
      • Battle of Bratthild is a failure, and Province 158 is defended with 6,700 troops
      • UCNC: The Union agrees to send Tim Apple to represent it in a summit with Iceland, but notes that the northerners will need to be in charge of setting the agenda, the UCNC having no standing policies or interests regarding our neighbor.
    • Six-Province Area: To prevent the number of provinces of the area to become an even number, this year's targets of invasion are: 461 with 6,000 troops commanded by Cangdit, and 480, 479, 478 with 2,000 each commanded by Isabel, Adyson and Boofgard. (Algos Needed). The new Tiger-hand pastry, although is very delicious, so much that it was added to the "Delicacies of the Area"; it made Baljug become hysterical, due to the fact that his great-grandfather, grandfather and father all got attacked and killed by tigers when they were cycling.
      • Battle of Harbin is a victory, and Province 461 is occupied with 5,600 troops
      • Battle of Lushun is a victory, and Province 480 is occupied with 1,000 troops
      • Battle of Beijing is a defeat, and Province 479 is defended with 100 troops
      • Battle of Xingtai is a victory, and Province 478 is occupied with 1,800 troops

Turn 18[]

A massive amount of silver is discovered in the Republic of Charinas, suddenly making them one of the wealthiest nations on earth.

The Iron Bank offers an alliance with the UCNC to help fight financially against their main competitor, the Iron Star company.

The Pope officially declares a crusade against the Jewish invaders in Sicily, and against the Muslims that have lived in Spain and France for many years in Europe. He continues to offer Austria to crown him emeperor if the Jews are expulsed from Italy.

Current distribution of cards:

    • 14 cards:
      • Maravi Ascendency
    • 11 cards:
      • Austrian Empire
    • Ten cards:
      • Great Singapore Empire
    • Nine cards:
      • Kingdom of Hourglassea
      • Kingdom of Vietnam
    • Eight cards:
      • United Corporations of New California
    • Five cards:
      • State of Jaamlaasoba; State of Israel; Knights of Monkoserbgaria; Empire of Libertalia; Six-Province Area
    • Four cards:
      • Republic of Malopolska
      • Iron Star Company
    • Three cards:
      • Republic of Siberia; Antarctica Technocracy; Magnesian State of Mysia; Millerite Republic of Great Lakes
    • Two cards:
      • Republic of Iceland
    • One card:
      • Everyone else

And new troops:

    • Gaining 77,000 troops:
      • Maravi Ascendency
    • Gaining 57,000 troops:
      • United Corporations of New California
    • Gaining 24,000 troops:
      • Great Singapore Empire
    • Gaining 13,000 troops:
      • Austrian Empire
    • Gaining 12,000 troops:
      • Iron Star Company
    • Gaining 8,000 troops:
      • State of Israel
    • Gaining 7,000 troops:
      • Knights of Monkoserbgaria
    • Gaining 6,000 troops:
      • State of Jaamlaasoba
      • Kingdom of Hourglassea
    • Gaining 5,000 troops:
      • Empire of Libertalia
    • Gaining 4,000 troops:
      • Technocracy of Antarctica
      • Kingdom of Vietnam

Go forth and conquer!

    • Six-Province Area: During these times when there are tensions in the world, Cangdit sees that expansion is necessary to survive during these chaotic times of battle royale. We shall turn cards to gain more troops. (Mod Response) Cangdit commands 4,000 to invade Northern Korea while the three other generals shall siege Beijing with 3500, (Isabel), 508 with 3,000 (Boofgard) and 510 with 3,000 (Adyson) respectively (Algos Needed).
      • Battle of Pyongang is a victory, and Province 481 is occupied with 3,800 troops
      • Battle of Hefei is a victory, and Province 508 is occupied with 2,800 troops
      • Beijing opens its gates to Isabel, and Province 479 is occupied peacefully with 3,500 troops
      • Battle of Suzhou is a victory, and Province 510 is occupied with 1,200 troops
      • Turning in cards is a success! you get 10,000 additional troops
    • State of Vietnam: We sadly informed that one of the Maravi's distinguished former Minister of Foreign Affairs, whom is a friend, a comrade to the Vietnamese people, had suddenly gone. The government would half-mast the flag for three days and send three planes to paint the Maravi's flag when the Minister's coffin return to his homeland. On the other hand, we would visit to Maravi's capital as a part of funeral and made a detente with them. I also invite other countries to negotiate at the conference, to stop the war and continue our existence, contribute to the peace of the world and anti-terrorism.
    • Austrian Empire: Austria invaded Province 272 with 10,000 troops and 617with 35,000 troops. (Algo needed) Austria sent 2,000 troops to 253. (Algo needed) More troops requested. (Mod response needed)
      • Battle of Zeeland is a victory, and Province 253 is occupied with 1,000 troops
      • [Using 277 as you already own 272] Battle of Gela is a victory, and Province 277 is occupied with 9,900 troops
      • Battle of Carthage is a victory, and Province 617 is occupied with 10,000 troops
    • UCNC: Invades Provinces 11, 121, 122, 124, 127, 131, 785, and 799 with 2,100 troops each. Provinces 147 and 150 are attacked with 5,000 troops each. The Iron bank's request is declined and Province 153 is attacked with 15,000 troops. Wanting to rid the continent of competitors, the UCNC sends scouting parties of 100 each are sent to attack Provinces 20, 21, 22, 35, and 38. The remaining 90,200 troops await orders from Ohio.
      • Battle of Quebec City is a victory, and Province 11 is occupied with 1,500 troops
      • Attacks on Provinces 121 and 122 fail, and each of them has 200 troops left
      • Battle of Cordoba is a victory, and Province 124 is occupied with 1,100 troops
      • Battle of Rosario is a victory, and Province 127 is occupied with 800 troops
      • Battle of Montevideo is a victory, and Province 131 is occupied with 900 troops
      • Battle of Port Moresby is a victory, and Province 785 is occupied with 600 troops
      • Battle of Port Vila is a victory, and Province 799 is occupied with 900 troops
      • Battle of Port-au-Prince is a victory, and Province 147 is occupied with 4,400 troops
      • Battle of San Juan is a victory, and Province 150 is occupied with 3,800 troops
      • After seiging Curacao for three months, California captures Province 153 with 3,800 troops
      • News from scouts:
        • Province 20 has 6,350 troops
        • Province 21 has 3,350 troops
        • Province 22 has 6,350 troops
        • Scouts from Provinecs 35 and 48 do not return'
      • UCNC: The United Corporations launch asecond round of attacks, targeting Provinces 121 and 122 with 2,100 troops each, and Provinces 20, 21, and 22 with 8500 troops each, and Provinces 35 and 48 with 10,000 troops each.
        • Province 121 is occupied successfully with 1,800 troops
        • Province 122 is occupied successfully with 1,800 troops
        • Guerrila fighters of the Branch Davidians fight hard, but ultimately Province 20 is successfully occupied with 900 troops
        • Siege of Detroit is a victory, and Province 21 is occupied with 4,400 troops
        • Battle of Toronto is a victory, and Province 22 is occupied with 2,500 troops
        • Battle of Pittsburg is a defeat, and Province 35 is defended with 4,600 troops
        • Battle of Alexandria is a defeat, and Province 48 is defended with 2,500 troops
    • Israel: Our nation encourages all religion to coexist even though the majority of us are Jewish. With the moment of going north we extend into the Caucasus. Moving east as much as we can Iran is in our sights. North Africa is doing well with us taking over smaller territories at the moment. The movement of our nation west more into Turkey happens with us taking over some lands and us pushing west. The spread of Judaism continues every year as we move and expand. Our factories are finding ways to mass produce all kinds of products faster from military technology to everyday household items so that we can get products faster out into the public. We continue to have another decent year in the agriculture industry with normal numbers across the board for growth and sales so we can increase the economy. The military invades 327 with 1,000 troops. 374 gets invaded with 2,000 troops. 376 gets invaded with 2,000 troops. 374 gets invaded with 2,000 troops. 530 gets invaded with 2,000 troops. 513 gets invaded with 2,000 troops. 468 gets invaded with 2,000 troops. 497 gets invaded with 2,000 troops. 348 is invaded with 1,000 troops. (Algo Needed)
      • Battle of Theodosia is a victory, and Province 327 is occupied with 900 troops
      • Battle of Rostov is a defeat, and Province 374 is defended with 700 troops
      • Second Battle of Rostov is a victory, and Province 374 is occupied with 700 troops
      • Battle of Astrakhan is a victory, and Province 376 is occupied with 1,000 troops
      • Battle of Herat is a victory, and Province 530 is occupied with 300 troops
      • Battle of Mashad is a defeat, and Province 513 is occupied with 100 troops
      • Battle of Nisa is a victory, and Province 468 is occupied with 1,100 troops
      • Battle of Bukhara is a victory, and Province 497 is occupied with 700 troops
      • Battle of Erzerum is a victory, and Province 348 is occupied with 400 troops, Israel's first victory against Maravi
    • Maravi Ascendancy: More invasions are ordered against Province 646, 635, 627, 615, 616, 617, 625, 338, 343, 563, 564, 548, 413, 535, 550, 587, 614, and 571. Armies of 10,000 strong are ordered against 614, 587, and 571. The armies for 646, 635, 627, 615, 616, 625, 343, 338, 563, 564, 548, 413, 535, and 550 are ordered to be made up of 4,000 men. 20,000 men are raised and attack Province 617 (Algo Needed).
      • Province 535 is successfully occupied with 2,400 troops
      • Province 550 is successfully occupied with 2,300 troops
      • Province 585 is successfully occupied with 2,300 troops
      • Province 586 is successfully occupied with 1,000 troops
      • Province 646 is successfully occupied with 3,000 troops
      • Province 635 is successfully occupied with 3,300 troops
      • Province 627 is successfully occupied with 2,200 troops41
      • Province 615 is successfully occupied with 2,600 troops
      • Province 616 is successfully occupied with 3500 troops
      • Province 617 is a failure. Now defended with 21,400 troops
      • Province 625 is successfully occupied with 4,000 troops
      • Province 338 is successfully occupied with 3,900 troops
      • Province 343 is a failure. Now defended with 15,200 troops
      • Province 563 is successfully occupied with 3,200 troops
      • Province 564 is successfully occupied with 1,900 troops
      • Province 548 is successfully occupied with 2,900 troops
      • Province 413 is successfully occupied with 2,500 troops
      • Province 614 is a failure. Now defended with 2,600 troops
      • Province 571 is successfully occupied with 10,000 troops
      • Will wait a turn before doing the algo on Singapore, to wait for Jov
    • The Great Kingdom of Hourglassea: We invade the Isle of Man (I believe that is Province 184), with half our troops. Then we buy some shares in the Charinas silver mines.

Turn 19[]

The Pope in Rome, the Caliph in Mecca, the High Priest of Israel, the High Priest of Zarathustra, the Jobist Council, and various High Shamans report that today is God's Birthday.

True to his promise, immediately after the Battle of Carthage, the Pope invites Emperor Franz Joseph and crowns him Holy Roman Emperor. The ruler of Frankokratia, still administrating in Corinth and the surrounding area, is no longer considered emperor.

Across the realms of Maravi, various religious minorities feel systematically disenfranchised from the largely Zorroastrian or Muslim infrastructure in the empire. This causes a trend of ethno-religious groups gathering in obscure regions to set up autonomous communities or city-states. The largest of these so far is a group of diasporic Catholics in Senegal, creating a city-state in OTL Dakar known as the City of Joy.

Current card distribution:

    • Fifteen cards:
      • Maravi Ascendency
    • Twelve cards:
      • Austrian Empire
    • Ten cards:
      • Kingdom of Hourglassea
      • Great Empire of Singapore
    • Nine cards:
      • United Corporations of New California
      • Kingdom of Vietnam
    • Six cards:
      • State of Israel
    • Five cards:
      • State of Jaamlaasoba
      • Empire of Libertalia
      • Knights of Monkoserbgaria
    • Four cards:
      • Republic of Malopolska
      • Iron Star Company
    • Three cards:
      • Technocracy of Antarctica; Six-Province Area; Millerite Republic of Great Lakes; Magnesian State of Mysia; Republic of Siberia
    • Two cards:
      • Republic of Iceland

And, new troops:

    • Gaining 84,000 troops:
      • Maravi Ascendency
    • Gaining 53,000 troops:
      • United Corporations of New California
    • Gaining 24,000 troops:
      • Great Singapore Empire
    • Gaining 19,000 troops:
      • Austrian Empire
    • Gaining 10,000 troops:
      • Iron Star Company
    • Gaining 9,000 troops:
      • State of Israel
    • Gaining 7,000 troops:
      • Knights of Monkoserbgaria
    • Gaining 6,000 troops:
      • State of Jaamlaasoba
      • Kingdom of Hourglassea
    • Gaining 5,000 troops:
      • Empire of Libertalia
      • Six-Province Area
    • Gaining 4,000 troops:
      • Technocracy of Antarctica
      • Kingdom of Vietnam

Give them blood and vinegar! 

    • Maravi Ascendancy: Austrian defiance prompts the preparation of Maravi’s largest field army to date comprised of 60,000 men to invade Another army of 20,000 is mobilized to strike at Province 343. Province 614, 547, 534, 546, 531, 634, and 530 are invaded by 4,000 men. 35,209 men are to invade 278 if Tunis is defended by a force larger than 100 men (Algos Needed). The creation of the city of joy concerns many within the Ascendancy as the implications could result in unruly populations creating their own regions without Maravi oversight. The creation of the City of Joy is recognized as a pivotal issue as it will set precedents as to the how to deal with cities formed by religious minorities. The ultimate decision made is to permit the city to exist so long as it abides by Maravi’s laws and operates under Maravi governance. To counter the religious dissatisfaction for religious minorities, a study is conducted to review the Ascendancy’s policies to ensure that all religions are not discriminated against due to the various religions which comprise the Ascendancy. 10,000 men are sent to defend the recently taken province 531.
      • Battle of Jericho lasts several months, but in the end is a victory. Province 343 is occupied with 3,200 troops
      • Battle of Fez is a defeat, and Province 614 is defended with 2,800 troops
      • Battle of Sind is a victory, and Province 547 is occupied with 2,000 troops
      • Battle of Multan is a victory, and Province 534 is occupied with 3,200 troops
      • Battle of Zaranj is a victory, and Province 546 is occupied with 2,500 troops
      • Battle of Herat is a victory, and Province 531 is occupied with 3,300 troops
      • Invasion of Madeira is a victory, and Province 634 is occupied with 800 troops
      • Battle of Balkh is a narrow victory, and Province 530 is occupied with 500 troops
      • Battle of Utica is a victory, and Province 617 is occupied with 59,700 troops
      • The Siege of Malta lasts almost an entire year, but is a defeat. The knights loyal to Emperor Joseph defend the citadel with 24,000 troops remianing
      • Maravi Ascendancy: An additional force of 15,000 is sent to 614 (Algo Needed).
        • Second battle of Fez is a victory, and Province 614 is occupied with 12,600 troops
    • Israel: Our nation encourages all religion to coexist even though the majority of us are Jewish. With the moment of going north we extend into the Caucasus. Moving east as much as we can Iran is in our sights. North Africa is doing well with us taking over smaller territories at the moment. The movement of our nation west more into Turkey happens with us taking over some lands and us pushing west. The spread of Judaism continues every year as we move and expand. Our factories are finding ways to mass produce all kinds of products faster from military technology to everyday household items so that we can get products faster out into the public. We continue to have another decent year in the agriculture industry with normal numbers across the board for growth and sales so we can increase the economy. The military sends 1,000 troops to 364. 386 and 387 each get invaded with 2,000 troops. 513 gets invaded with 2,000 troops. 465 gets invaded with 2,000 troops. 469 gets invaded with 2,000 troops. 531 gets invaded with 5,000 troops, 363 gets invaded with 4,000 troops. 498 gets invade with 3,000 troops. (Algo Needed) Requesting more troops. (Turn in all cards)
      • Battle of Paltova is a victory, and Province 364 is occupied with 500 troops
      • Battle of Saratov is a victory, and Province 386 is occupied with 1,200 troops
      • Battle of Sarai is a victory, and Province 387 is occupied with 1,000 troops
      • Battle of Sabzewar is a victory, and Province 513 is occupied with 1,900 troops
      • Battle of Actkay is a defeat, and Province 465 is defended with 600 troops
      • Battle of Khwarizm is a victory, and Province 469 is occupied with 800 troops
      • Battle of Samarkhand is a victory, and Province 498 is occupied with 2,400 troops
      • You lost the Battle of Balkh for Province 531 (see Maravi's turn)
      • Will finish the last algo later
      • Turning in cards is a success! you get 12,000 more troops
    • The great empire of Libertalia: The emperor decides to stage a coup over the actors council which fully succeeds making him an absolute monarch. This is celebrated all over Libertalia. The emperor decides to invade Vladivostok with 12,000 troops to finally unify our part of Siberia. Turn in all cards
      • Battle of Vladivostock is a victory, and Province 464 is occupied with 11,600 troops
    • UCNC: Expansion continues, and Jeff Bezos orders the invasion of provinces 125, 126, 130, 23, 24, 25, and 12 with 2,100 troops each, and provinces 147 and 150 with 5,000 troops each. After the disappointing results fighting the US remnant last year, Jeff Bezos doubles down on the attack and provinces 35, 36, and 48 are invaded with 25,000 troops each. The remaining 38100 troops remain in Ohio and prepare for more fighting.
      • Province 125 is successfully occupied with 800 troops
      • Province 126 is successfully occupied with 1,600 troops
      • Battle of Beunos Aires is a victory, and Province 130 is occupied with 200 troops
      • Battle of Albany is a victory, and Province 23 is occupied with 700 troops
      • Battle of Montpelier is a victory, and Province 24 is occupied with 1,100 troops
      • Battle of Halifax is a victory, and Province 25 is occupied with 1,700 troops
      • Battle of Labrador is a defeat, and Province 12 is defended with 300 troops
      • Battle of Philadelphia is a victory, and Province 35 is occupied with 13,400 troops
      • Battle of Lake Champion is a victory, and Province 36 is occupied with 13,500 troops
      • Battle of Glen Burnie is a victory, and Province 48 is occupied with 13,800 troops
      • UCNC: again attacks province 12 with 3,000 troops, hoping to secure this year's gains algo.
        • Battle of Hudson Bay is a victory, and Province 12 is occupied with 2,000 troops
    • Austrian Empire:  Austria invaded province 221 with 5,000 troops. (Algo needed) Franz Joseph invited head of Catholic churches and christendoms to celebrate God's birthday. Austria is aware of Maravi's invasion on Tunis and Malta, but decides to give up Tunis. Austria brings back every troops from Tunis and sends it to Malta. Austria also brings 30k more troops to Malta/ Austria also pledges full support in the Catholics in Senegal
      • Battle of Murcia is a defeat, and Province 221 is defended with 3,000 troops
    • Republic of Charinias: The Charinian civil protection has been exposed due to the corruption of the organization, and debates about reforms and restructuring the system has been discussed on the senate. There are suggestions and ideas, some are about linking the organization to the police department and becoming a companionship deputy, or restructuring the system to allow only people who has no major criminal offenses and the limitation of being a selection of a few members that approve with the requirements.

Turn 20[]

The Maravi Ascendency is now the second nation to unite an entire continent, gaining an additional +25 for his annual new troops.

The Siege of Malta is the largest battle in recorded history now, as the loyal knights of the Austrian Empire defended the gateway of Christendom from the onslaught of the hordes from the Maravi Ascendency. They finally report back to Rome their success, which they attribute to the grace of God. Despite his loss of Carthage, Joseph now seems to be the indisputed master of Central Europe.

The political corruption of Charinias causes the flow of their exports to become more strained, as the ministers of the government are more prone to pocket the newly-discovered silver than paying it back to the state.

Having taken every single province in the Middle East, the ruler of the Maravi Ascendency is simultaneously offered the title of Caliph and Grand Imam, by the Sunnis and Shia respectively.

After the collapse of the Brazilian Empire, the formally vassalized tribes of the Xiu people organized into a newly-independent state in the heart of the Amazon forest, creating the Province 100 on the map.

Current distribution of cards:

    • Seventeen cards:
      • Maravi Ascendency (took Amman's card)
    • Twelve cards:
      • Austrian Empire
    • Ten cards:
      • Kingdom of Hourglassea
      • United Corporations of New California
      • Great Empire of Singapore
    • Nine cards:
      • Kingdom of Vietnam
    • Six cards:
      • Empire of Libertalia
    • Five cards:
      • State of Jaamlaasoba
      • Knights of Monkoserbgaria
    • Four cards:
      • State of Israel
      • Republic of Malapolska
      • Iron Star Company
    • Three cards:
      • Technocracy of Antarctica; Six-Province Area; Millerite Republic of Great Lakes; Magnesian State of Mysia; Republic of Siberia
    • Two cards:
      • Republic of Iceland

And new troops:

    • Gaining 124,000 troops:
      • Maravi Ascendency
    • Gaining 56,000 troops:
      • United Corporations of New California
    • Gaining 24,000 troops:
      • Great Empire of Singapore
    • Gaining 19,000 troops:
      • Austrian Empire
    • Gaining 10,000 troops:
      • ​​​​​​​State of Israel
      • Iron Star Company
    • Gaining 7,000 troops:
      • ​​​​​​​Knights of Monkoserbgaria
    • Gaining 6,000 troops:
      • ​​​​​​​Kingdom of Hourglassea
      • State of Jaamlaasoba
    • Gaining 5,000 troops:
      • ​​​​​​​Six-Province Area
      • Empire of Libertalia
    • Gaining 4,000 troops:
      • ​​​​​​​Kingdom of Vietnam
      • Technocracy of Antarctica

May the luck be with you

    • Israel: Our nation encourages all religion to coexist even though the majority of us are Jewish. With the moment of going north we extend into the Caucasus. Moving east as much as we can Iran is in our sights. North Africa is doing well with us taking over smaller territories at the moment. The movement of our nation west more into Turkey happens with us taking over some lands and us pushing west. The spread of Judaism continues every year as we move and expand. Our factories are finding ways to mass produce all kinds of products faster from military technology to everyday household items so that we can get products faster out into the public. We continue to have another decent year in the agriculture industry with normal numbers across the board for growth and sales so we can increase the economy. Thaddeus Ascher of the Libertarian party wins the election. The military invades 465 with 1,500 troops. We invade 377 with 2,000 troops. 378 is invaded with 2,000 troops. Our military invades 373 with 2,000 troops. 470, 471, 472 each get invaded with 2,000 troops. 514 gets invaded with 2,000 troops. 466 gets invaded with 2,000 troops. (Algo Needed)
      • ​​​​​​​Second Battle of Actay is a victory, and Province 465 is occupied with 800 troops
      • Battle of Volgagrad is a victory, and Province 377 is occupied with 800 troops
      • Battle of Bolghar is a victory, and Province 378 is occupied with 1,300 troops
      • Battle of Ryazan is a victory, and Province 373 is occupied with 400 troops
      • Battle of Khiva is a victory, and Province 470 is occupied with 1,400 troops
      • Battle of Turkistan is a victory, and Province 471 is occupied with 1,600 troops
      • Battle of Zhuz is a victory, and Province 472 is occupied with 700 troops
      • Battle of Merv is a victory, and Province 514 is occupied with 1,200 troops
      • Battle of Aktobe is a victory, and Province 466 is occupied with 1,100 troops
    • The great empire of Libertalia:The emperor dies this year and is succeded by his granddaugther Irma who orders an attack on province 433 with 10,000 troops.(Algo needed)
      • [Using Province 443 as you don't border 433] Battle of Bratsk is a victory, and Province 443 is occupied with 8,500 troops
    • Iceland: 12.000 men are sent to capture the tip of Greenland (Algo Needed). Guðmundur Steingrímsson becomes President.
      • Third Battle of Bratthild is a victory, and Province 158 is occupied with 4,500 troops
    • UCNC: Invades provinces 100 and 129 with 15,000 troops. Invades provinces 50 and 49 with 25,000 troops each. Invades provinces 13, 17, and 148 with 5,000 troops. Invades provinces 37, 38, and 25 with 3,000 troops. remaining 36,200 troops wait in texas.
      • Battle of Barcelos is a victory, and Province 100 is occupied with 14,000 troops
      • Battle of Pampas is a victory, and Province 129 is occupied with 300 troops
      • Battle of Baltimore is a victory, and Province 49 is occupied with 12,400 troops
      • Battle of Trenten is a victory, and Province 50 is occupied with 11,600 troops
      • Battle of Labrador is a victroy, and Province 13 is occupied with 1,200 troops
      • You already own Province 17, and you don't border 27
      • Battle of Santiago is a victory, and Province 148 is occupied with 2,600 troops
      • Battle of Scrawland is a victory, and Province 37 is occupied with 1,900 troops
      • Battle of Providence is a victory, and Province 38 is occupied with 2,600 troops
      • Battle of Port Royal is a victory, and Province 26 is occupied with 1,300 troops
    • Maravi Ascendancy: Armies of 4,000 men each are sent to the provinces of 532, 533, 515, 516, and 517. The provinces of 536, 551, 537, and 570 are attacked by armies of 20,000 men. The Great Empire of Singapore in 571 and 587 are invaded by armies of 60,000 men to showcase Maravi strength (Algos Needed). The offer of Caliph and Grand Imam is accepted by the Royal House of Ironsi whose empire possessing no legitimate power in governance are the figureheads and public faces of the Ascendancy who assure both Muslims, Zoroastrians, and other religions that they do not intend to discriminate against any religion despite accepting this position.
      • Battle of Bactria is a victory, and Province 532 is occupied with 2,400 troops
      • Battle of Kandahar is a victory, and Province 533 is occupied with 1,600 troops
      • Battle of Kabul is a victory, and Province 515 is occupied with 3,100 troops
      • Battle of Kashmir is a victory, and Province 516 is occupied with 1,000 troops
      • Battle of Jammu is a victory, and Province 517 is occupied with 3,000 troops
      • Battle of Tangana is a victory, and Province 536 is occupied with 3,800 troops
      • Battle of Kathmandu is a victory, and Province 537 is occupied with 3,800 troops
      • Battle of Patna is a victory, and Province 551 is occupied with 4,800 troops
      • Battle of Mithilia is a victory, and Province 570 is occupied with 7,800 troops
      • Province 571 is successfully occupied with 10,000 troops
      • Battle of Serampore in Province 587 is still going on at the end of the year
    • The Great Kingdom of Hourglassea: We invade the Isle of Man (I believe that is Province 184), with half our troops, and this time remember to request an algo for it. (ALGO PLEASE)
      • ​​​​​​​Invading Man is a victory, and province 184 is occupied with 1,500 troops
  • Austrian Empire: It was Franz Joseph's 20th year as the Emperor of Austria. He decided to celebrate this and did a parade. After the Parade, Austria criticized the Muslims for offering the title Caliph and Grand Imman to a man who isn't even Muslim. They pointed out that Caliph is not just a title for a person who controls Mecca and Medina. It is a religious title.

Turn 21[]

The Iron Star Company falls back from their expulsion from America and Africa back to their original base of operation in Europe, under the dual patronage of the King of France and the Duke of Danzig. The company suffers severe financial trouble, which is largely bailed out from loans from these two benefactors. They also go to the ruler of Austria and give their respect, in light of his recent victories in Italy, in the hopes of saving Europe from other threats to Christendom altogether.

A large earthquake strikes San Francisco, equally threatening the lives of the common people there and the raw assets of California's conglomerate companies.

The Battle of Serampore goes on for over 400 days, but by early this next year it ends in a victory for Maravi. Province 587 is now occupied with 9,400 troops.

Current card distribution:

  • Eighteen cards:
    • Maravi Ascendency
  • Twelve cards:
    • Austrian Empire
  • Eleven cards:
    • United Corporations of New California
  • Ten cards:
    • Great Singapore Empire
    • Kingdom of Hourglassea
  • Nine cards:
    • Kingdom of Vietnam
  • Eight cards:
    • Empire of Libertalia
  • Five cards:
    • ​​​​​​​State of Israel
    • Knights of Monkoserbgaria
    • State of Jaamlasoba
  • Four cards:
    • ​​​​​​​Iron Star Company
    • Republic of Malopolska
  • Three cards:
    • ​​​​​​​Six-Province Area; Magnesian State of Mysia; Republic of Siberia; Technocracy of Antarctica; Republic of Iceland; Millerite Republic of Great Lakes

New troops:

  • Gaining 128,000 troops:
    • ​​​​​​​Maravi Ascendency
  • Gaining 67,000 troops:
    • ​​​​​​​United Corporations of New California
  • Gaining 24,000 troops:
    • ​​​​​​​Great Singapore Empire
  • Gaining 19,000 troops:
    • ​​​​​​​Austrian Empire
  • Gaining 13,000 troops:
    • ​​​​​​​State of Israel
  • Gaining 9,000 troops:
    • ​​​​​​​Iron Star Company
  • Gaining 7,000 troops:
    • ​​​​​​​Knights of Monkoserbgaria
  • Gaining 6,000 troops:
    • ​​​​​​​State of Jaamlaasoba
    • Kingdom of Hourglassea
  • Gaining 5,000 troops:
    • ​​​​​​​Empire of Libertalia
    • Six-Province Area
  • Gaining 4,000 troops:
    • ​​​​​​​Technocracy of Antarctica
    • Kingdom of Vietnam

We're back!

  • Israel: Our nation encourages all religion to coexist even though the majority of us are Jewish. With the moment of going north we extend into the Caucasus. Moving east as much as we can Iran is in our sights. North Africa is doing well with us taking over smaller territories at the moment. The movement of our nation west more into Turkey happens with us taking over some lands and us pushing west. The spread of Judaism continues every year as we move and expand. Our factories are finding ways to mass produce all kinds of products faster from military technology to everyday household items so that we can get products faster out into the public. We continue to have another decent year in the agriculture industry with normal numbers across the board for growth and sales so we can increase the economy. Our military invades 367 with 2,000 troops. 372 gets invaded with 2,000 troops. 379 gets invaded with 2,000 troops. 385 gets invaded with 2,000 troops. 450 gets invaded with 2,000 troops. 467 gets invaded with 2,000 troops. 451 gets invaded with 2,000 troops. 500 gets invaded with 2,000 troops. 499 gets invaded with 2,000 troops. 473 gets invaded with 2,000 troops. (Algos Needed)
    • Battle of Kiev is a victory, and Province 367 is occupied with 1,000 troops
    • Battle of Chernigov is a victory, and Province 372 is occupied with 1,400 troops
    • Battle of Moscow is a defeat, and province 379 is defended with 100 troops
    • Battle of Vladimir is a victory, and Province 385 is occupied with 700 troops
    • Battle of Bolghar is a defeat, and Province 450 is defended with 100 troops
    • Battle of Nur-Sultan is a victory, and Province 467 is occupied with 800 troops
    • Battle of Altbaster is a victory, and Province 451 is occupied with 200 troops
    • Invasion of Tajikistan is a victory, and Province 500 is occupied with 1,600 troops
    • Invasion of Kyrgyzstan is a defeat, and Province 499 is defeated with 400 troops
    • Battle of Altay is a victory, and Province 473 is occupied with 1,000 troops
  • The Holy, Great and Glorious KINGDOM (Not republic) of Malopolska: We decided to invade province 351 with 2,000 troops, attack 364 with 3,000 and request additional troops.

I apologise for being inactive for a week

    • Invasion of Moldovia is a failure, and Province 351 is defended with 2,700 knights of the Wall
    • Battle of Azov is a victory, and Province 364 is occupied with 2,200 troops
  • The Great Kingdom of Hourglassea: King Wilbur the Great, the Everlasting Monarch of the Great Kingdom of Hourglassea passed away at 3am yesterday morning... The King looked up from his newspaper's obituary column. "What is this rubbish? I am in perfectly good health." "Indeed," sighed the Prime Minister, Mary Bore, "rumours of your death have been greatly exaggerated. I wouldn't trust that newspaper. They called you and the Kingdom of Hourglassea a 'sloppy mess' and an 'unmitigated failure'." The King sprang up: "This means war! We must invade Province 177!" "Are you sure that is wise, Your Majesty?" cautioned the Prime Minister. "Remember to think before you--" "With all our troops!" shouted the King Wilbur the Everlasting. "We must wipe out those aves of transit before they wipe us out!" "Indeed?" sighed the Prime Minister. The King was in full flow. "They are coming over here, stealing our jobs, raping our women, excreting on our heads... they circle our hapless Kingdom like vultures... but we must fight back! They are as proud as peacocks, yet not so peace-loving as doves... they are as dangerous as cassowaries... and, er... but we will eat them like turkeys on Christmas Day! Or Thanksgiving... And we will!..." And so it was, several hours (or was it days?) later, when the King had finished his rousing speech, and then his cup of tea, that the Great Kingdom of Hourglassea moved their entire available army into Province 177 to conquer it. (ALGO REQUESTED PLEASE)
    • Battle of Belfast is a failure, and the army is routed by the giant flocks of birds. Province 177 is defended with 6,800 troops
  • Austrian Empire: Austria could no longer embarase itself by wasting troops trying to conquer one province. So, it sent 20,000 troops to 221. (ALGO NEEDED)