Alternative History

Hello and welcome to Romae Delenda Est, or Rome is to be destroyed. This is a new map game that will begin in 205 BC, after the end of the Second Punic War in which Hannibal has achieved a great victory against the young Roman Republic. This map game is here to discover the enormous changes in history, technology, cultures, architecture, and life that would result from a Carthaginian Victory in the Second Punic War.

Announcement: With renewed interest in the game we will be accepting people reserving spots as well as fill ins for new moderators. -Feud

 "Alea iacta est" - The die is cast - Julius Caesar


The point of divergence is in 218 BC, when Carthaginian military genius Hannibal crossed the Alps with an invasion army meant for Rome. In the crossing he lost men, elephants, siege equipment and morale, but managed to fight Rome victoriously until 214 BC, when he was was subject to the Fabian strategy of attrition and was forced to leave Rome to defend Carthage.

In this timeline, Hannibal manages to secure alliances with the Macedonians, Syracusians and Gallic tribes to the North of Rome. The Gallic tribes no longer block his path and harass his armies, the Macedonians take on the Roman navy in the Adriatic and war against Roman lands in Illyria, and help bolster the Carthaginian ranks. The Sycracusians revolted against Roman client status, and aided the Carthaginians both navally and on land, securing Hannibal's support from the Carthaginian state, which leads to another Carthaginian army invading from Sicily. While Hannibal warred against Rome, Rome sent its own invasion forces toward Carthaginian Iberia, and began their own sieges and such there in contrast to Hannibal's actions in Italy. As both sides held important lands to each other, but with Hannibal being more favorable in terms of captured holdings than Rome, a peace was called and agreed upon in 210 BC.

Carthage exists, Rome is weak, and the world rises without a stronger Rome to enforce the same Western culture we know and live with today.




Romae Delenda Est (Map Game)



  • Other Other Third Mod:

Map Makers[]

Historical Mods[]

Their job is to ensure that plausibility is followed by players of the respective area they signed up for.

  • North American:
  • South American:
  • Middle East:
  • Asia:
  • Oceania:
  • Europe:

Grammar Nazis []

Their job is to ensure that posts are clearly readable and will fix major misspellings and grammar errors. Grammar Reich Flag

  1.  Kurt Cobain's Haircut (talk)
  2. Local Mafia Boss (Talk) (Blog)

Archive Mod[]

Algorithm Mod[]

Their job is to ensure algorithms are completed correctly and their results are followed.

  1.  #LivinLikeFeudal (talk)
  2. "SO SAYETH THE EAGLE" - Fascist Eagle ಠ_ಠ (talk)

Timeline Mod[]

Their job is to ensure the timeline page has relevant and up-to-date information and may need to add in important events that players do not add. (It is not their job to add all events of a player's turn, just important ones a player may forget to add.)

Related Pages[]


Be aware that this is 205 BC and many nations will emerge on their own between now and the end of the game!


Iberian Tribes[]

  • Lusitani:
  • Gallaeci:
  • Astures:
  • Vaccaei:
  • Cantabrians:
  • Vascones:
  • Volcae:
  • Iacetani:
  • Caristii:
  • Celtiberi:
  • Carpetani:
  • Vettones:
  • Celtici:
  • Turduii:
  • Turmodigi:

Gallic Nations[]

  • Averni: I am that guy (talk) 23:20, June 20, 2014 (UTC)
  • Cotti:
  • Raetians:
  • Cispaline:
  • Helveti: Agent001 14:34, June 16, 2014 (UTC)
    • Sequani: Agent001 14:34, June 16, 2014 (UTC)
  • Belgae: Mr YOLO (talk) 17:35, June 13, 2014 (UTC)
  • Pictones:
  • Santones:
  • Aulerci:
  • Lingones:
  • Leuci:
  • Volcae:
  • Aquaitani:
  • Lemovices:
  • Veneti:
  • Aremorio:
  • Alurci:
  • Carnutes:
  • Bituriges:
  • Cubi:
  • Celtica:
  • Treveri:
  • Galatia:

Germanic Tribes[]

  • Saxon Tribes: With Blood and Iron (talk) 17:28, June 13, 2014 (UTC)
  • Frisii:
  • Teutones:
  • Semnones:
  • Burgundians: Sergiusz01
  • Cotini:
  • Quadi:
  • Carpi:
  • Suevi:
  • Chatti:
  • Siambri:
  • Marcomanni:
  • Noricum:
  • Langobardi:
  • Vandall:
  • Rugii:Flag of New Swabia (Great White South)Rome Shield

Illyrian Nations[]

Scandinavian Tribes[]

Black Sea Nations[]

  • Getae:
  • Scythia Minor:
  • Tyras:
  • Tylus:
  • Roxolani
  • Iazygaes
  • Olbia:
  • Bosporus:
  • Sarmatians:
  • Scythian Neopolis:
  • Melanchaeni:
  • Amazones:
  • Bastarnae:

Dacian Nations[]

  • Aureliani:
  • Albocensii:
  • Maluensis:
  • Alupensis:
  • Potulatensii:

Baltic Tribes[]

  • Venedae:
  • Navari:
  • Yotvingian Tribes:
  • Old Prussia: Dr Cow Andrew (talk) 22:35, June 13, 2014 (UTC) So I am the only one who controls Königsberg? YOU'RE RIGHT!
  • Livonians:

Caucasian Nations[]

  • Maeotae:
  • Siraces:
  • Legae:
  • Albanians:
  • Iberia:
  • Colchis:
  • Apaslacae:
  • Aorsi:
  • Alans:
  • Lastae:

Britannic Nations[]

  • Ordovices:
  • Brigantes: Local Mafia Boss (Talk) (Blog)
  • Caledoni:
  • Iceni:
  • Trinovantes:
  • Dumnoni:
  • Silures:
  • Catuvellauni:
  • Atrebates:
  • Cantiaci:
  • Durotriges:
  • Regnenses:
  • Dobunni:
  • Cornovii:
  • CorieltauvI:
  • Caereni:
  • Carnonacae:
  • Cornovii:
  • Creones:
  • Damnonii:
  • Decantae:
  • Epidii:
  • Lugi:
  • Novantae:
  • Selgovae:
  • Smertae:
  • Taexali:
  • Vacomagi:
  • Venicones:
  • Votadini:

Celtic Nations[]

  • Hiberni:
  • Elbani:
  • Nagnatae:
  • Robogdi:

Hellenic Nations[]

Latin Nations[]

  • Roman Republic: Tr0llis (talk) 21:13, June 21, 2014 (UTC)
  • Massalia:
  • Ligurians:
  • Veneti:

Middle East[]

Hellenic Nations[]

Arabian Nations[]

  • Arabian Tribes:
  • Gerrha:
  • Mazun
  • Hadramaut:
  • Qataban:
  • Saba:
  • Nabataea:
  • Agraci:
  • Scintes:


Punic Nations[]

East African Nations[]

  • Daamat: 
  • Axum: 
  • Cushitic Peoples:
  • Fur Tribes:
  • Begans:
  • Blemmyes:
  • Nilotic Peoples:
  • Ethiopian Highlanders:
  • Eastern Bantu Tribes:
  • Khosian Peoples:

West African Tribes[]

  • Western Bantu Tribes:
  • Korsian Peoples:
  • Northwestern Bantu Tribes:
  • Nok Culture: The Hurian Database Wiki Vivaporius"I don't need a slogan" 21:31, June 14, 2014 (UTC)
  • Kwa:
  • Gur:
  • Chadians:
  • Mande Peoples:
  • Soninke:
  • West Atlantic Peoples:
  • Igbo:

North African Nations[]

  • Mauri (Moors): KhanTonto
  • Gaetulians:
  • Musulami:
  • Garamantes:
  • Libyans:


Western Asia Nations[]

  • Indo-Scythians:
  • Apaslacae:
  • Kwarezm:
  • Chien-Kun:
  • Hsin-Ii:
  • Ungrian Peoples:
  • Samoyed Peoples:
  • North Sakas:
  • Tibetan Peoples: This is UglyTurtle, Signing off. 22:56, June 20, 2014 (UTC)
  • Tarim Basin City-States:
  • Wusun:
  • Tochari:
  • Gaoche (Dingling):

Hellenic Nations[]

  • Parthia: Fed (talk) 03:16, June 13, 2014 (UTC)
  • Greco-Bactria:

Indo-Greek Nations[]

  • Indo-Greek Empire:
  • Kashmir:
  • Arachosia:
  • Taxlla:
  • Paropamisus:

Indian Nations[]

  • Magadha Empire: Two wrongs may not make a right, but it makes me feel a lot better in the end! 21:14, June 13, 2014 (UTC) 
  • Puzhindau:
  • Cheras:
  • Ay:
  • Pandyas:
  • Vijadharas:
  • Kongu:
  • Cholas:
  • Monyul:
  • Pragjyotisa:
  • Vanga:
  • Manipur:

East Asian Nations[]


    • Dingyue
  • Yamato Japan: -Seiga
  • Ainu Japan:
  • Kyushu:
  • Gojoseon:
  • Ye:
  • Jin:
  • Xiongnu Khanate: -Nathan1123
  • Kyrgyz:
  • Buyeo:
  • Yemaek:
  • Okieo:
  • Yilou:
  • Mohe Tribes:
  • Tungusic Peoples:
  • Nivkhs:
  • Oroks:
  • Emishi:
  • Ryukyuans:
  • Liao:
  • Chiang:
  • Chiung:
  • Minyue:

South-East Asian Nations[]

  • Dhingyawati:
  • Pyu Peoples:
  • Di Peoples:
  • Burmans:
  • Mon-Khmer Peoples:
  • Sa Huynh Culture:
  • Nanyue (Nam Viet):
  • Oc Eo Culture:
  • Malays: For the glory of the Netherlands (talk) 14:32, June 16, 2014 (UTC)

Oceanic Nations[]

North America[]

Western Tribes[]

Hopewell (Mississippian) Tribes[]

  • Ohio Tribes:
  • Swift Creek Tribes:
  • Marksville Tribes:
  • Crab Orchard Tribes:
  • Havana Tribes: 
  • Saugeen Tribes:
  • Laurel Tribes: 

Canadian Tribes[]

  • St Johns Tribes:
  • Dorset Tribes:

South and Central America[]

  • Teotihuacan: Erizium (talk) 10:38, May 11, 2015 (UTC)
  • Canaris Tribes: Krasnoyarsk 11:45, June 22, 2014 (UTC)
  • Guyanese Tribes:
  • Mayan City-states: LightningLynx89
  • Mextec City-state:
  • Zapoltec City-state:
  • Tarascan City-State:
  • Totonac City-State:

The Game[]

205 BC[]

Ending with a favorable peace with the Illyrians and Rome, Philip V of Macedon sets his sights on both Illyria and Greece, both of which have now lost the support of Rome.

After his heroic victories against Rome, and his charisma, Hannibal Barca of Carthage is voted into the Carthaginian Suffet, alongside Hasdrupal Gisco.

Antiochus III crushes revolts of governors of Media, Persia and Anatolia, now asserts himself the title of "great king", and the Greeks, comparing him to Alexander the Great, surname him "the Great", as Antiochus III Megas.

Ptolemy IV of Egypt dies and is succeeded by his five year old son Ptolemy V. However, no public announcements are made of the King's death.

"Cry, havoc, and let slip the dogs of war" - Anthony, Caesar, Shakespeare

  • Seleucids: With the recent removal of rebellious governors the military is expanded to handle future potential revolts better. Antiochus III issues the creation of a new administrative system which would help reduce potential threats as well as benefit the Empire overall.
  • Yamato Japan: Yamato begins to build up its military. Meanwhile, a palace around OTL Toyooka, Hyōgo begins to be built.
  • There is no point system in this incarnation of RDE, simply because it turns into a basic arms race and breeds too much competition and out-of-game arguments, so this RDE is running on the PMIII system of mil, econ and infra build up. - Eip
  • Thanks for letting me know. I wasn't sure if we were still using it, so that's why I put the number in it. -Seiga
  • Saxon Tribes: The population of the diverse villages and settlements of the Saxon continue to grow as farms and alliances begin to form throughout the region. Iron weapons and tools slowly become commonplace mainly in the form of crude spears due to a lack of more iron (pre-Roman iron age in the Germanic lands was between 400-100 B.C.E. though it was very primitive) and those who are proficient in iron working become highly valued in their respective communities. fishing and trading in the North Sea becomes increasingly important in the local villages along the coastline, and interaction with other Germanic tribes both on the continent and in Scandinavia grows. Worship of the Germanic gods mainly Wodin (more commonly known as Odin from old Norse mythology) and Doar (also known as Thor) continue grow and solidify as the common beliefs of the Saxon people  (the Nordic gods were worshiped by all Germanic people until the rise of Christianity. Look it up if you don't believe me - under Germanic Mythology). And they start to become more concrete and streamline in certain villages. The tribes on the Elbe River grow and slowly expand along the river within the territories dominated by the Saxon tribes. Stories of the great civilizations to the south become ever more common amongst the villages and their elders. Under the current Chieftain/king Ansgar the Saxon tribe begins to spread out in the region establishing more communities and farms.
  • Sarmatians: Amongst the dozens of Khanates that patrol this region that was once part of the Scythian Empire, a Khan names Reza Shahin is a bit greedy and likes Southern ways of life more. The Khan manages to convince his decently-sized Khanate of about 400 people to settle in the southern regions not far from our other Scythian brothers in the popular trade region of Neapolist. They begin to farm some cattle for dairy, and many seeds are tilled, primarily wheat, as the Reza Shahin would like his tribe to make use of the breadbasket that most people of Scythian descent didn't even consider farming. The Reza Shahin decides makes clear his plans to want to make the his people compared the other Sarmatians (generally speaking Sarmatians prospered, in terms of wealth) and also decides to buy some wine and olive seeds, to help in future endeavors. Reza Shahin also begins a policy of hiring Scythian mercenaries (quite popular at the time in just about everywhere for their bad-assery) to raid caravans coming south full of Slavic slaves, and as the slaving business was quite lucrative in Eastern Europe, Reza Shahin wants to tap into that trade, and begins to sell captured slaves and their slavers to southerners.
  • Swede Tribes: The Swedes continue to expand power and influence in the region, Iron weapons and tools start to gain prominence. Villages along the coasts continue to see surpluses in fish. The tribes begin to contemplate closer centralization. The Old Norse Gods are continuously worshiped, with a new temple being erected. More may follow ...
  • There is no need for centralization at the present and there is no outside influence that would establish centralization just yet. Also, north of the Germanic tribes iron weapons were even more scarce then they were in Germania - only in the form of crude spears as in Germania. With Blood and Iron (talk) 02:06, June 21, 2014 (UTC)
  • In Han China, Emperor Gaozu begins consolidation of non-Han Chinese lands. To this end, he develops the economy through innovative road construction and farming techniques. Economic development encourages closer ties of other nations, such as Nam Viet (Nanyue) and Gojoseon. Meanwhile, Dingyue and Han China send an expedition to Taiwan. Salt mining is made much easier by new iron tools, and the Emperor continues to fund creation of more and more iron refineries. The silk trade continues to fill the coffers of Gaozu, and he decides to continue construction of the Great Wall of China but with paid employees. Population continues to rise at a rapid rate and the economy is growing quite rapidly. Many view Gaozu as a great emperor, and he is definitely much more liked than his predecessor, Qin Shi Huangdi. We seek out alliances with Nanyue (Nam Viet) and Gojoseon, promising immense riches and increased relations and trade. (MODS)
  • Cimbri: Felix Torben becomes king of our nation. We continue to expand power and influence the region the full extent. Iron weapons and tools start to become popular within our nation. Fishing and farming are our most important industries at this time. Danish tribes start to unify to form one powerful nation. We expand our military and navy. battleships made out of strong wood are being built. New temples to worship the Old Norse Gods are being built.
    • You're going to have to elaborate a whole lot more than that.
    • There is no need for centralization at the present and there is no outside influence that would establish centralization just yet. Also, north of the Germanic tribes iron weapons were even more scarce then they were in Germania, only in the form of crude spears as in Germania. With Blood and Iron (talk) 02:06, June 21, 2014 (UTC)
    • Same thing here - only difference is that you would not have a king in a traditional sense we had "kings". You're even more disorganized then I am - not to mention you have no way to build battleships as that sort of concept was non-existent in Northern Europe at the time. With Blood and Iron (talk) 02:06, June 21, 2014 (UTC)
  • Ptolemaic Egypt: Ptolemy V quietly assumes the throne as Egypt expands its military, especially in the Judea region. The powerful navy is updated with better ships and more people as current ships are repaired due to weathering and barnacles that accumulate naturally. Ptolemaic Egypt works in improving its relations with the Seleucids and with Macedon, both powerful heirs to Alexander the Great's empire. Meroe is influenced as Egypt sends multiple trade deals their way, though a show of force against a neighboring tribe may speak a valid point as well. Egypt considers the various tribes to harass.
    • Fun Fact: Ptolemaic Egypt was the only country in history that would make prisoners oarsmen.
    • Please be elaborate with your influencing. We don't allow the Influence by turn. You need to actually secure trade agreements and prove yourself worthy of being their overlord. -Feud
  • Magadha Empire: Military improves. Don't feel up to writing a turn right now.
  • Nok: The Nok expand their urbanized centers, seeking to increase the level of industry in their towns to prepare for expansion. One of their leaders proposes the idea to create paved roads between towns, stating that the rain and the weather make the dirt roads extremely difficult and hazardous to traverse at times. The formation of a military force for organized raiding and patrol of the rivers in the land is formed with many thousands of young warriors. They are given the job of moving about the lands of the Nok, and dealing with any who seek to harm the state. Elsewhere, the Nok begin expanding their fishing ventures, moving farther and farther out to sea to reach larger schools of fish in the water. As they do this, many agree that bigger canoes will be needed to prevent their vessels from sinking into the water due to low drafts.
    • Paved with what? You are still developing canoes, you probably couldn't even build a paved road system. Also the Nok people were living in Central-Northern Nigeria and not that close to the Niger, so why/how are you developing canoes? Also, I'm sorry, but a landlocked nation can not extend its fishing ventures farther out to sea. Kurt Cobain's Haircut (talk)
    • The map for the game clearly shows that I border the sea, and the Niger runs right through my lands. In fact, a spiffy little map on Wikipedia even shows the Nok lands on top of three major rivers. And logic on the roads says I would use stone since you know the Nok were advanced stone cutters. So that much should already be self-evident. Please uncross the post. ~Viva
    • There's a difference between paved and tiled by a lot. Also, I would feel the need to press the issue that the Nok don't control the coast and that the Igbo do and that the map is faulty, but I suppose you're more-or-less playing the cultural group of the region and it's 205 BCE so not much cultural divergence has likely occurred,  I will back off on the issue of the coast. Kurt Cobain's Haircut (talk)
    • Thank you, Dax. ~Viva
  • Axum: Stelae rise across the kingdom, marking the ascendance of the new King Gadarat. The King builds his monuments, while pressuring the ship-builders to increase production and expand the merchant fleet. Trade expands as it should. An envoy is sent to Ptolemaic Egypt, requesting trade rights and a pact of peace (NAP).
  • Arsaces I of Parthia begins expanding his realm's military. The Shah sends an envoy to the Seleucid Empire, stating it must not fear invasion from the east, as Parthia will continue being loyal to the Seleucids as long as its independence is granted.
  • Macedon: With a favorable peace toward Macedon achieved the Kingdom itself begins to exhert its influence on the final remnants of independent Greece Now beginning to influence Epirus the Macedonian traders manage to secure a series of secret but perferential trade agreements with some of the high level Epirote trade forces in the nation. This does lead to a much needed warming of Epirote relations with Macedon as the Kings representative pays a specialized visit to the leader of Epirus King Phillip of Macedon also strengthens his alliance's ties and influence over the Achean league strengthening their alliance and sending some moderate funding to get their armed forces to remain in fighting order. King Phillip himself sits with a few magistrates of the kingdom as well as generals and draws up a plan for the next few decades looking to seal off the loose ends and take all the Greek cities by any means possible. The military itself is evaluated and a regular force of about 30,000 is able to be recruited for normal means and nearly 70,000 for emergencies. The Kingdom also begins to use its new naval developments to trade heavily with Carthage and Macedon aligned states. The Macedonian navy is evaluated at nearly 115 ships and Phillip wishes to expand it into a world renown naval power at some point in the future. Macedon also makes close contact with the Illyrians and the Thracians looking to set prepare them for later. Macedon requests a Carthaginian diplomat to discuss the terms of our continued friendship. The city of Halicarnassus (apparently I do own it, Crim) is also scheduled to be revamped and rebuilt to bring the city back to its former glory. Olympia is also restructured to be more efficient as a small Macedonian garrison of older veterans looks to train about 500 of the cities populace into a quick garrison unit to defend the city from incursions. The King of Macedon himself visits Byzantium with a retinue to establish relations with them but asks for a trade agreement instead (Granted) Phillip agrees that he will make a more meaningful trip in the coming months/years to increase his influence on the tiny city.
    • Carthaginian Dip: The Carthaginians send their previous diplomat sent to ally with Macedon before the Hannibalic War, Gisco the White, to discuss with Macedon.
  • Republic Of Carthage: With asserted hegemony over the Eastern Mediterranean following the successful capture of Sicily and the defeat of the Roman navy five years before, Carthage has re-emerged as a prosperous trade-based republic. Hannibal Barca, and his fellow general in the Hannibalic War, Hasdrupal Gisco, are elected as Suffets of Carthage, who act as both the highest authority of the Republic and are voted for from the noble families of Carthage. In celebration of the fifth anniversary of their defeat of Rome, an obelisk, dedicated to Ba'al Hammon, is erected with a romaticised story of the Hannibalic War enscribed on it in Phoenician, where several goats are sacrificed soon afterward. Both Hannibal and Hasdrupal begin their rule as Suffets by increasing military patrols of Carthaginian trade waters in order to curb piracy and increase trade revenue. Furthermore, they oversee the granting of rule of Qart-Hadasht to Hannibal Barca's brother, Hasdrupal Barca, after the death of the previous governor, Mago the Fair. Hannibal Barca's other brother, Margo Barca, begins his travels through Iberia, Numidia, Maretania, and Syracuse, to get a better understanding of agricultural methods to better Carthage's agriculture. The Carthaginian capital of Carthaginian Sicily, Ziz (Palermo), disbands several mercenaries after paying them in full, leading to a larger population of people in Ziz. Hasdrupal Gisco offers his daughters, Sophonisba, hand in marriage to Syphax, the King of Western Numidia, in order to secure an alliance (Yes). The city of Carthage plans to undergo an expansion of the port to allow for more docked ships, both military and trade based. Finally, several Carthaginian diplomats are sent into Iberia to secure steady supplies if Iberian and Celtiberian Mercenaries (No).
  • Kingdom of Illyria: Worried about hellenization, people begin to reject it, in hopes of preserving their own culture. Ships begin to be built, adding to both the navy and merchant ships that travel the Mediterranean. A law is passed requiring all healthy men to serve ten years in the Illyrian military. We send diplomats to the Seleucids and Romans asking for an alliance.
  • Alliances are required to be actually built up and worked into. No willy nilly (we ask for an alliance) you have to work your way into it. Not to mention you don't know the Seleucids exist, and Rome essentially no longer has any influence beyond its peninsula. This game requires much more detail than your run-of-the-mill map game.
  • Tibetan Peoples: With the Magadha Empire to the south of us and the newly formed Han Dynasty to the east of us we feel pressured to centralize and thus find common identity in animist Bon. With this Bonist villages are set up and Bonist Shamans are selected as the leaders of these villages. In the villages wheat and barley are harvested while yak, sheep and goat herding continue to be the primary way of life. We ask for a non-aggression pact and a trade agreement with the Magadhan Empire.

204.5 BC[]

The nations of Minyue and Gojoseon request trade agreements with the Chinese Han Empire.

The late Egyptian King Ptolemy IV's clique of favorites, led by Sosibius, Ptolemy's chief minister, keeps Ptolemy's death a secret, fearing retribution from the new king Ptolemy V's mother, Queen Arsinoe III. They arrange for the murder of Arsinoe, so as to keep the clique of favorites in the court of Ptolemy V. Due to Arsinoe's popularity, a few small riots break out in several large Ptolemaic cities, but quickly die down.

The favored bodyguard of the Chinese emperor Liu Bang, Fan Kuai, passes away.

After a few years of peace after the stalemate against Macedon and its allies, the Spartan King Nabis, goes to war with the Achaean League, bring much of the Pelopanese part of the Aetolian League into his war.

The Roman propraetor, Quintus Plemininlus, defeats a small rebellious group of Latins are Locri Epizephyrian.

Parthian people, different from the Hellenic culture that rules over them, grow wary of their newly installed Hellenic ruler, Arsaces I.

"A tomb now suffices him for whom the whole world was not sufficient." - Alexander the Great, when speaking of Darius III, former Emperor.

  • Cimbri: Bronze weapons and tools start to continue to become popular within our nation. Fishing and farming are our most important industries at this time. New temples to worship the Old Norse Gods are continuing to be built. Boats for trade and our navy are being built out of strong wood. We increase or military and navy by adding more men. Fensholt becomes the name of our capital city. Walls and outposts are being built around our capital city. Whale hunting is becoming popular within our nation. We ask the leader of the Saxon tribes for an alliance. We start to domesticate horses for our military.
  • Seriously Scarlet, look up the era. Horses were a southern thing at this time. They weren't introduced into the Germanic tribes until roughly the 120s after the Germanic wars with the southern tribes and nations began. Once more we Germanic tribes are not good at weapons making just yet. We need to interact with the south beforehand. You need to be in some sort of centralized civilization to be able to start constructing an army and navy, let alone outposts. We are still relatively barbaric - so to speak - in terms of power and influence. Wait until contact with the south begins which should be happening soon as the Germanic migrations are about to start in a few decades. With Blood and Iron (talk) 23:00, June 21, 2014 (UTC)
  • Rome: The nation of Rome begins to recover from the costly war with Carthage. Although the end of the war is welcomed by the people of Rome, the effort is criticized for both political and moral reasons. Upon the Senate’s decree of a peace treaty with Carthage, politician Quintus Caecilius Metellus, said he did not look upon the termination of the war as a blessing to Rome, since he feared that the Roman people would now sink back again into its former slumbers, from which it had been roused by the presence of Hannibal. Quintus Caecilius Metellus leads a political campaign with this notion, but is defeated in his efforts to become Consul in 209 BC and again in 206 BC. A small group of senators rallies behind the idea that war should have been continued until Carthage could have been destroyed, citing success in Hispania as evidence to an eventual Roman victory. The most outspoken of this group is Marcus Porcius Cato, a politician from Tusculum, who feared that if Carthage was not completely destroyed it would soon regain its power and pose new threats to Rome. Cato is in the minority, however, as more people are moved by the far more tangible evidence of Hannibal’s victories on the Italian Peninsula itself. Politically, middle ground is found in Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus, a successful general from the war with Carthage who champions the idea of rebuilding Rome’s defenses and infrastructure, seeing first hand the capabilities of the Carthaginians. Similarly, Publius Licinius Crassus Dives, pontifex maximus, is chosen as Scipio’s co-consul. Licinius Crassus is known for being well-versed in pontifical law, reminding Roman citizens of their religious duties following the war with Carthage in an effort to being the country together through religion. As Pontifex Maximus Licinius Crassus spends his term in the Italian Peninsula, having famously reminded the elderly Princeps Senatus Quintus Fabius Maximus Verrucosus in a debate that he was unable to leave Italy, whereas his co-consul Scipio suffered no such religious disability. Scipio pushes through a series of edicts in an effort to increase the rate of production in Rome and expedite the recovering process. Farms and villas on the Italian peninsula that were raided by Hannibal and the Carthaginian forces are rebuilt, helping to feed the population of the peninsula. Several outposts are established in the region manned by military units in an effort to calm the population and crack down on looting and other crimes following the war. This effort is largely successful, with public outlash subsiding. In 204 Marcus Cornelius Cethegus, a political ally of Scipio, is chosen as consul, possibly in an effort to continue down a similar path politically. Publius Sempronius Tuditanus is also elected as consul, having served successfully in the war against Carthage, famously leading about 600 men to safety at Cannae in August, 216 BC. Scipio steps down from politics from the time being, although still very much in the public eye. Cethegus appoints Scipio as general once again, and he begins training forces in Rome to protect against attack, using his experience in the war to push forth a series of reforms beneficial to the military. Noticing the strict rules for enlistment; recruits had to be a member of the fifth census class or higher, had to own property worth 3,500 sesterces in value, and had to supply his own armaments, Scipio begins a series of military reforms in an effort to increase professionalism within the Roman army and increase manpower. For the first time, the Roman landless masses, the capite censi, men who had no property to be assessed in the census are allowed into the military, despite owning no significant property. Scipio arranges for the state to supply his army with arms, eliminating the need for each man to provide their own armor and weapons, something unfeasible for Rome’s poorer citizens. These disenfranchised masses would be offered permanent employment and pay as professional soldiers, and the opportunity to gain spoils on campaign. With little hope of gaining status in other ways, the masses flock to join Scipio in his new army, heavily increasing reserves in case of war. Seeing the need for troops in case of renewed war with Carthage, the senate is happy to approve such changes. Ports and shipyards on the nation’s coast are rebuilt and refurbished to facilitate trade around the Mediterranean. A plan is conceived to halt Macedonian influence and power in the Balkans by creating a buffer between Rome and Greece. Rome offers Illyria a trade agreement, believing that such agreements would mutually benefit both states and adequately protect Rome against threats in the east. To protect our trade ships in the area and combat piracy in the Adriatic Sea, work begins on a larger military navy, replenishing numbers after the war. A large shipyard begins construction in Ostia, which is planned to be able to construct and maintain multiple ships at once. Because of the overall military focus of this six month period, this turn is dedicated to military.
    • It's a military turn, but you're changing Rome's military structure, building outposts, rebuilding farms and villages, expanding ports, and other things, in six months. Modern governments have trouble building a road in six months, let alone all that. It's all plausible, just too much in too little time, so pick and choose what you will do now and what you will do later. Also, the Kingdom of Illyria accepts the agreement. - Eip
    • For most of these I meant they are started or planned. Most of the things will take a very long time to be implemented or be completed. The military reforms for example were just me saying the legislation itself is passed. Will take years to actually get the system working and perfected.
    • Ah, okay, (Instert thumbs up here). - Eip
  • Macedon: With a favorable peace toward Macedon achieved, the Kingdom itself begins to exhert its influence on the final remnants of independent Greece. King Phillip himself sits with a few magistrates of the kingdom as well as generals and draws up a plan for the next few decades looking to seal off the loose ends and take all the Greek cities by any means possible. The military itself is evaluated and a regular force of about 30,000 is able to be recruited for normal means and nearly 70,000 for emergencies. The Kingdom also begins to use its new naval developments to trade heavily with Carthage and Macedon aligned states. The Macedonian navy is expanded to nearly 130 ships purchasing many from the anatolian areas. Macedon also makes close contact with the Illyrians and the Thracians looking to set prepare them for later.  The city of Halicarnassus (apparently I do own it, Crim) is also under the beginnings of its rebuild to bring the city back to its former glory. Olympia is also restructured to be more efficient as a small Macedonian garrison of older veterans looks to train about 500 of the cities populace into a quick garrison unit to defend the city from incursions. The King pushes toward further appeasing Epirus into becoming a vassal as multiple state gifts are sent and a high level daughter of Macedon is sent to marry the heir/king of Epirus (whichever's available) (Epirus is a Leagic state, since the death of Deidamia II in 233. However, I will give you a royal marriage with a high level member of the ruling Molossian group that leads the City-State, due to Macedon and Epirus's past interactions before the game.) in order to secure further Macedonian prestige, influence and an alliance with them. The Macedonians also provide a series of gifts for Byzantium working its way into the city's political elite to become appealing toward them. The Macedonians also work with their allies against the Spartans in order to beat them and remove yet another rival. Using previous influences we requestCKrete join the war to prevent Sparta, the opressive and highly violent state from becoming most dominant in southern Greece. (Yeap)
  • Eip - algo for this please? I'm sure it's needed and you know how it's currently going to work. (Sure. - Eip)
  • Yamato Japan: A palace around OTL Toyooka, Hyōgo continues being built. A few new farms are established, and three new harbours begin to be built.
  • Mayan: We begin increasing our military might to roughly 8000 warriors, we also dedicate a branch of our army to the Hero Twins of Hunahpu and Xbalanque, roughly numbering 300 elite zealots warriors, which in return increases our military might. We send some scouts to go outside to explore the world for possible expansion our nation. We begin building small dirt trails to help improve movement throughout the kingdom, we also we begin improving mathematics, and we begin to further expand traditional Mayan medicine along with farming techniques.
  • In Han China, Emperor Gaozu continues consolidation of non-Han Chinese lands. Farming and infrastructure developments (in the form of road work and continuation of construction on the Great Wall of China) continue to fuel economic development, which encourages closer ties of other nations. Meanwhile, Dingyue and Han China are intrigued by the natives of Taiwan, and begin to trade with them. Salt mining is made much easier by new iron tools, and the Emperor continues to fund creation of more and more iron refineries. The silk trade continues to fill the coffers of Gaozu. The Confucian system of bureaucracy continues to play a large role in governance. Population rises at a rapid rate and the economy is growing quite rapidly. We offer to accept the trade deals with Minyue and Gojoseon in exchange for increased talk of alliances.
  • Nok: Paving of the many dirt roads in the land continues, with the Nok placing numerous stone bricks into the ground to make it easier for travellers to reach from one city to another. One great road is under construction, with the many chiefs in the land supporting the project with the young men of their settlements. Elsewhere, Nok fishermen continue to produce larger fishing boats to move deeper and deeper into the sea, seeking to reach the larger fish supplies away from the shores. The desire is to build a boat big and deep enough not to capsize in the water due to the waves. Iron weapons continue to be produced by the central government for the warriors of the Nok. The Nok leader, King Daren, announces the construction of a great city out of the small town of Nok. He wishes to increase it in size for his people, to serve as a lasting reminder of the great wealth and power of his people. Looking throughout his city, Daren wishes to glorify it with much more solid buildings and foundations, and construct a royal palace the likes of which no man in the land has ever seen. He instructs his men to begin work on designing the new city, stressing his desire for straight streets and the ability of future inhabitants to reach the markets and shrines of the planned city.
  • Seleucid Empire: Despite the overstretching of the vast Seleucid Empire, Antiochus III looks for yet more conquest, looking hungrily at the domains of his rivals in the Ptolomeic Dynasty in the Levant. However, he is not oblivious to the overextension of power, particularly in the Eastern part of the Empire, leading to the establishment of a garrisons in Herat and Persepolis. Preparations are made for war against the Kingdom of Armenia, with Antiochus looking to establish the Empire as a Western Empire rather than be tied down by the powerful Magadha Empire in the East.
  • Canari Confederation: With no serious threats from the much less civilized tribes around the Confederation, the focus is on the expansion of infrastructure. Many roadways are constructed to allow llama traffic, linking major population centres like Guapondelig and Cojitambo. Meanwhile, llama breeding begins to focus on size and strength to allow llamas to carry greater burdens. An expedition is sent east through the Andes on llama-back, hoping to find equally advanced trading partners who could buy Canari textiles. Trade deals are requested with the relatively advanced Nazca. (Granted)
  • Saxon Tribes: The population of the diverse villages and settlements of the Saxon continue to grow as farms and alliances begin to form throughout the region. Iron weapons and tools slowly become commonplace mainly in the form of crude spears due to a lack of more iron (pre-Roman iron age in the Germanic lands was between 400-100 B.C.E. though it was very primitive) and those who are proficient in iron working become highly valued in their respective communities. fishing and trading in the North Sea becomes increasingly important in the local villages along the coastline, and interaction with other Germanic tribes both on the continent and in Scandinavia grows. Worship of the Germanic gods mainly Wodin (more commonly known as Odin from old Norse mythology) and Doar (also known as Thor) continue grow and solidify as the common beliefs of the Saxon people (the Nordic gods were worshiped by all Germanic people until the rise of Christianity. Look it up if you don't believe me - under Germanic Mythology). And they start to become more concrete and streamline in certain villages. The tribes on the Elbe River grow and slowly expand along the river within the territories dominated by the Saxon tribes. Stories of the great civilizations to the south become ever more common amongst the villages and their elders. Under the current Chieftain/king Ansgar the Saxon tribe begins to spread out in the region establishing more communities and farms.
  • Helvetii: A new Confederal Palace is planned to be built in OTL Schwyz. New farms are established, and the capital Bern is building up.
  • Belgican Tribes: A young headman of a northern tribe conquers other northern tribes after he fails to unite the tribes by words only and calls himself "The King of the Low Lands". He immediately begins stimulating trade between the different tribes and therefore the economy is improved by 0.25.
  • Way too fast there, man. 
  • Malays: We expand our military. We develop new navigational techniques.
  • Brigantes: The King offers his son in marriage to the daughter of the Votadini King (Don't randomly add nations, and the Damnonii, or Damnii, exist.). Boiled leather armour begins to gain in popularity, and the King encourages this, as do the Druids, saying that the gods want their chosen people to be given armour so they can be protected from attacks from vengeful spirits. A child is born to the King, weighing in at birth at nine pounds. He is the second son of the King.
  • Republic Of Carthage: With asserted hegemony over the Eastern Mediterranean following the successful capture of Sicily and the defeat of the Roman navy five years before, Carthage has re-emerged as a prosperous trade-based republic. Both Hannibal and Hasdrupal begin their rule as Suffets by increasing military patrols of Carthaginian trade waters in order to curb piracy and increase trade revenue. Furthermore, they oversee the granting of rule of Qart-Hadasht to Hannibal Barca's brother, Hasdrupal Barca, after the death of the previous governor, Mago the Fair. Hannibal Barca's other brother, Margo Barca, continues his travels through Iberia, Numidia, Mauretania and Syracuse, to get a better understanding of agricultural methods to better Carthage's agriculture. The Carthaginian capital of Carthaginian Sicily, Ziz (Palermo), disbands several mercenaries after paying them in full, leading to a larger population of people in Ziz ... The city of Carthage begins to undergo an expansion of the port to allow for more docked ships, both military and trade based. Hannibal and Hasdrupal continue their support of the Carthaginian military by increasing the number of paid mercenaries within the Carthaginian territory, creating larger armies that are trained by Carthaginian citizen generals. The failure of the Iberian tribes to produce a steady stream of mercenaries leads Carthaginian diplomats to head both north and south, asking Gallic and African nations to supply mercenaries that will be paid in full (Mod). Finally, a plan is put into place that will allow existing pirates to end their lawless nature by paying a one time fee per crew, and then enter service with the Carthaginian navy as part of military patrols (Mod).
  • 'Tibetan Peoples: As more Bonist villages are being founded, there is more farming of wheat and more herding of yak, sheep and goats. There is also more sense of common identity as a result of animist Bon being accepted. With the rise of Bon, however, one specific tribe rises from the rest, the Zuang Zhung culture. This is due to them having the strongest ties to the animist Bon. We once again ask for a non-aggression pact and a trade agreement with the Magdhan Empire.

​204 BC[]

All turns will be one year instead of half-years from now on.

The Kingdom of Illyria, due to Macedon's past actions and growing power, asks Rome to renew its pledge of protection of Illyria, but only if Rome will provide moderately excessive compensation for abandoning Illyria in the war against Macedon.

Raiders from the lands of the Cisalpine and Raetian Gauls begin some raiding of northern Roman territories, sensing weakness of a smaller Rome.

The Carthaginian city of Ziz experiences a fire than burns a little over a third of the city, started from the slums of poorer citizens and mercenaries.

The City-State of Cyssicus joins Sparta's Peloponese Aetolian League in their war against the Achean League, following Athens and other states failure to join Sparta. 

Along with the Sarmatian Khante, the Hamaksoikoi, Galaktophagoi and Sauromatai Khantes. (Don't hate, blame Strabo for the names) also begin to prosper and gain strength. Due to the Sarmatians more nomadic nature, their farms are not up to par with more Westward oriented farms as of yet.

The Minyue are greatly interested with the talk of an alliance with the Han Chinese Empire, but the Gojoseon are much less interested.

Bon begins to grow intensely popular with the Tibetan Peoples. However, certain groups within Tibet, called Purānō viśvāsa's (Old Faithers), begin to denounce the Bon practices and put forth their idea of a Divine King that shall appear once the ''Purānō viśvāsa's, are in total control of the Tibetan lands.

"If" - Archidamus III, King of Sparta, in response to Phillip II, King of Macedon's threat, "If I enter Laconia, I will raze Sparta".

  • Cimbri: Fishing and farming are our most important industries at this time. New temples to worship the Old Norse Gods are continuing to be built. Fensholt becomes the name of our capital city. Whale hunting is continuing to be popular within our nation. The population of the diverse villages and settlements of Cimbri continue to grow as farms and alliances begin to form throughout the region. Iron weapons and tools slowly become commonplace mainly in the form of crude spears due to a lack of more iron. Boats made of strong wood are being made for trade. Port cities start to be made for trading. Fishing and trading in the North Sea becomes increasingly important in the local villages along the coastline. Felix Torben's first son is born. His name is Leif.
  • Parthia: Continues economic development. Arsaces crushes dissent, stating in an address to most nobles in the realm in flawless East Iranian that "he is as Parthian as any of you. I am not Greek, I am descended from the proud Dahae clan. I speak Greek, but I'm not one of them". To remind them of this, Arsaces builds a fire temple in the main city of the Confederation. Closeness with the Seleucids continue, but interests in Mazandaran grow.
  • Yamato Japan: A palace around OTL Toyooka, Hyōgo continues being built. A few new farms are established, and three new harbours continue to be built.
  • Mayans: We send warriors out into the explored regions from scouts from earlier in the year for conquest and expansion. An effective and safe trail is built between the cities of Coba and Tulum and it helps the flow of goods between these two cities. Plans for another safe trail are being planned out for a trail between Coba and Chichen Itza. In the city of Uxmal a temple to the bee god Ah-Muzen-Cab is built, and starts inspiring the people of city to seek out bees in attempts to farm them.
  • Macedon: With Sparta and its few allies suffering major casualties across the board Phillip of Macedon makes good on his threat to Raze the city and systematically wiped out much of the population, killing most of the men and any boy children, and exporting the women to other cities to take up residency. These women are all sent to Macedon, however, to be watched over quickly and mostly serve as concubines and house women for the Macedonians back at home. With Sparta gone, the remainder of the involved cities are taken without any further resistance as most of their armies have been completely wiped out. With the ring leaders of the attack dead the armor and weapons of 100 dead Spartans are shown in various seized cities squares to make it glaringly obvious that no resistance will be tolerated and that not even the great Spartans could survive Macedonian might. The Macedonian cavalry also make it an intense and highly powerful mission to ride down survivors from the battle leaving little or no survivors. With this in order to ease tensions with Macedons allied Achean League send them spoils of war as well as the majority of Spartas oligarchs to do with as they please. However, Macedon keeps Sparta's king and three highest ranking officials for itself. The Macedonian economy sees a nice boost from the spoils of war and Phillip himself now pays a gift towards Byzantium looking to keep their favor as well as work them further over into a clientele state. With the war for the most part over Macedon secures Epirus fully as vassal state using their increased influence through the war to secure their full loyalty and proving the full scale power of Macedon. Macedon also encamps 20,000 troops outside the city of Athens and delivers the severed head of the Spartan king Nabis over the walls with and attached letter "You may surrender to King Phillip of your own accord and survive, or suffer the same fate as Sparta. The choice is yours"  With this delivered the Macedonians wait for Athens answer. The City of Sparta is deconstructed in its entirety.
    • Epirus: With the war over in favor of Macedon, Epirus sends 5000 of its troops to joining the Macedonians outside of the city of Athens. The Epirote military is worked on as they begin to upgrade to Macedonian standards. Their fleet is also worked on in an attempt to contribute to the growing Macedonian fleet. the Epirote economy is also improved from the gifts from Macedon as well as the spoils of war. While the destruction of Sparta in its entirety is shocking Epirus sees no issue with it as they would have done the same to the Macedonians and even the Epirote people. Epirus organizes its remaining 10,000 troops at home for evaluation.
  • Helvetii: The Confederal Palace is starting to be built, while the military is built up.
  • Belgican Tribes: Fishing grows in the west and in the south some tribes gain access to a couple of iron tools. The need for these tools grows immensely and more merchants visit Belgica expanding trade (economy +25). Some men are sent south to the Gaulish tribes to make friendships and trade agreements.
  • Canari: The clergy begins to gain increasing power in Canari, centralizing the worship of Viracocha, the creator god, and the rest of the Canari pantheon. With the expedition west having returned, the Canari send out two balsa rafts to the nroth in the hope of finding trading partners there. Llama breeding for strength and size continues, developing the economy. Meanwhile, a high-ranking priest is found dead in the northern Canari territory. While his murderer could be anyone, the clergy declare it to be the Quitus, the quite innocent and inoffensive tribe to the north. Seeing a way to gain popularity, several chieftains of the Confederation volunteer to lead troops to punish the Quitus for their offense against the servants of Viracocha. Leading 1500 militia, they march north into the territory of the unprepared and unmilitaristic Quitus. They march on the capital and main commercial centre, Quito, supplying themselves with hundreds of pack llamas. Trained slingers then subject the city to a day-long bombardment of fire-heated stones, burning it, before attacking while the Quitu troops are fighting the fires. (Algo on talk).
  • Rome: The rebuilding of Rome’s infrastructure and countryside continues, as the nation repairs from the war with Carthage. In this year’s election candidates use a platform of continued rebuilding of Rome, as well as the expansion of Rome’s defenses to ensure the Italian Peninsula remains safe and unadulterated in the future. Cn. Servilius Caepio is elected championing a future of defense, while his more aggressive opponent C. Servilius Geminus is elected as co-consul. The pair despise each other and argue heavily on policy, allowing little in the form of legislation to be passed. Farms and villas on the Italian peninsula that were raided by Hannibal and the Carthaginian forces are rebuilt, helping to feed the population of the peninsula. Several outposts are established in the region manned by military units in an effort to calm the population and crack down on looting and other crimes following the war. This effort is largely successful, with public outlash subsiding. With reports of raids in the north of our territory by the Cisalpine and Raetian Gauls, an army is prepared to combat them. The senate begins considering an offensive to retake Gallia Cisalpina, which had been abandoned in the war with Carthage, following the defeats of L. Manlius Vulso’s and Tiberius Sempronius Longus’ expeditions years earlier. Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus’ army is marched north, garrisoning in Mutina (Modena). Scipio’s infantry is ordered to fortify the city, creating some fortifications and defenses. The city becomes a staging ground for the north, with Scipio sending out contingents of cavalry to raid and wear down the Gauls, or respond quickly to raids on the border. Ports and shipyards on the nation’s coast are rebuilt and refurbished to facilitate trade around the Mediterranean. A plan is conceived to halt Macedonian influence and power in the Balkans by creating a buffer between Rome and Greece. Rome accepts the Illyrian alliance, pledging to mutually defend each other in case of attack. To protect our trade ships in the area and combat piracy in the Adriatic Sea, work begins on a larger military navy, replenishing numbers after the war. A large shipyard begins construction in Ostia, which is planned to be able to construct and maintain multiple ships at once. This turn is dedicated to economy.
  • Saxon Tribes: As the population continues to grow and villages and settlements appear closer together. Internal trade thrives and more land is cleared for farming. Iron working continues to improve as more people start dedicating to the arts of metalworking. Hunting and exploration along the major rivers begin to grow, and trade with other Germanic tribes begin. The different chiefs also promote worship to the gods and greater co-operation in the community. cultural and artistic development begin.
  • Karelian Tribes: A local chief around the Olonets begins slowly settling down and expanding his army, and conquering the lands around him encouraging those people to settle down and hail to him as the high chief. The same happens around Vyborg in the Karelian isthmus. In those two areas metalworking begins to expand.
  • Seleucid Empire: Despite the overstretching of the vast Seleucid Empire, Antiochus III looks for yet more conquest, looking hungrily at the domains of his rivals in the Ptolomeic Dynasty in the Levant. The planned war against the Armenian Kingdom is postponed due to unrest in the Eastern side of the Empire, with an army of 25,000 sent to the border of the Magadha Empire to suppress rebellious tribesmen.
  • Republic Of Carthage: With asserted hegemony over the Eastern Mediterranean following the successful capture of Sicily and the defeat of the Roman navy five years before, Carthage has re-emerged as a prosperous trade-based republic. Both Hannibal and Hasdrupal continue their rule, after a successful re-election of each of them, by expanding the Carthaginian economy through increased trade ships sponsored by the state of Carthage. Hannibal Barca's other brother, Margo Barca, continues his travels through Iberia, Numidia, Mauretania and Syracuse, to get a better understanding of agricultural methods to better Carthage's agriculture. The Carthaginian capital of Carthaginian Sicily, Ziz (Palermo), begins to rebuild itself after the fire, removing much of the debris and begining to rebuild homes. Slums are ordered to not be rebuilt, and be built outside the walls of the city from this point forward. Interest in a way to prevent fires once they start is primary in Ziz. The city of Carthage finishes an expansion of the port to allow for more docked ships, both military and trade based. Hannibal and Hasdrupal continue their support of the Carthaginian military by increasing the number of paid mercenaries within the Carthaginian territory, creating larger armies that are trained by Carthaginian citizen generals. The failure of the Iberian tribes to produce a steady stream of mercenaries leads Carthaginian diplomats to head both north and south, asking Gallic and African nations to supply mercenaries that will be paid in full (yes). Finally, a plan is put into place that will allow existing pirates to end their lawless nature by paying a one time fee per crew, and then enter service with the Carthaginian navy as part of military patrols (yes).
  • Tibetan Peoples: With the surge of popularity for animist Bon the Zhang Zung culture becomes the prominant culture in Tibet. The Bon religion and the Zuang Zhung culture are not met with opposition, however, as religious reactionaries known as the Purānō viśvāsa's denounce the Bonist religion as a heresy in order to maintain the Old Religion.
  • Brigantes: The King's Son is offered in marriage to the only daughter of the Votadini King. We continue to use Boiled Leather Armour more. The King's younger son is now the size of a child a year older than he is. Metalworking continues, and the practice of gifting your finest work to the Gods is discouraged, in favour of gifting your less brilliant works to them. This causes the Brigantes to become far more well armed then our immediate neighbours. We begin to influence our southern neighbours.

203 BC[]

This turn is being posted an hour and a half early, since I won't be on at regular turn times, so those of you who have not posted yet, have about three and a half hours to post on the previous turn, rather than the regular two hours. 

Fabius Maximus Cunctator, a Roman general and statesmen, passes away. (OTL, natural causes).

Another large raid by the Cisalpine and Raetian Gauls occurs, damaging the colonies of Placenza, and Cremona. However, due to the contingents of cavalry sent out by Publius Cornelius Scipio, the raiding party of the Cisalpine is intercepted and almost completely destroyed from surprise. This leads the Cisalpine Gauls to reconsider their raids and offer payment to Rome in exchange for no invasion.

A famine occurs in Carthaginian North Africa from several crop failures, leading to the deaths of over 2,500 people, with the famine having no end in sight.

Athens decides to reconsider the status of the Aetolian League, and requests to, peacefully, merge the Aetolian League into the Achean League without conflict, in a letter to Philip V of Macedon.

Polybius, son of Lycortas, is born in Arcadia.

The largest of the rebellious groups in the East, a nomadic group of Greco-Scythians, is defeated by the Seleucid Empires forces.

The Gallic nations of Senones, Treveri and Aulerci express interest in a trade agreements with the Belgae.

The Parthian people, heeding the words of King Arsaces, now express their support of their King.

"We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light." - Plato

Cimbri: Fishing and farming are our most important industries at this time. New temples to worship the Old Norse Gods are continuing to be built. Fensholt becomes the name of our capital city. Whale hunting is continuing to be popular within our nation. Iron weapons and tools slowly become commonplace mainly in the form of crude spears due to a lack of more iron. Boats made of strong wood are being made for trade. Port cities start to be made for trading. Fishing and trading in the North Sea becomes increasingly important in the local villages along the coastline. As the population continues to grow and villages and settlements appear closer together. Internal trade thrives and more land is cleared for farming. Iron working continues to coastline improve as more people start dedicating to the arts of metalworking. Hunting and exploration along the major rivers begin to grow, and trade with other Danish tribes begin. Cultural and artistic development begin.

Yamato Japan: A palace around OTL Toyooka, Hyōgo continues being built. A few new farms are established, and three new harbours continue to be built. The military is built up and the army score is increased by 0.25.

Malays: We expand our military.

Helvetii: The Confederal Palace in OTL Schwyz continues to be built, while the military is built up.

Canari: Trade with the Nazca expands, as many small balsa rafts begin to ply the coast carrying loads of textiles and produce. The clergy continue to gain control over the Confederation's affairs as they indoctrinate the young nobility. Llama breeding  for size and strength continues. The catch of fish greatly increases this year, with more rafts constructed. Meanwhile, the Canari expand north into the newly explored territory, much of which is fertile. Having seized the Quitu capital, Quito, the Canari offer the Quitu the choice between becoming a protectorate and thus maintaining autonomy or having much of their best farmland annexed and the rest razed. (Mod Response Needed)

  • Saxon Tribes: As the population continues to grow and villages and settlements appear closer together. Internal trade thrives and more land is cleared for farming. Iron working continues to improve as more people start dedicating to the arts of metalworking. Hunting and exploration along the major rivers begin to grow, and trade with other Germanic tribes begin. The different chiefs also promote worship to the gods and greater co-operation in the community. cultural and artistic development begin.
  • Macedon: Macedon with influence over most of greece continually secured removes its encampment from the walls of Athens and sends them a moderate gift to thank them for their most well thought out decision. The Macedonians also mobilize along the border of Illyria moderately setting up forts and garrisons of about 1000 along the border with five of these forts set up. The mend are given patrol routes and are all mutually able to help each other with a reserve force of about 10,000 former soldiers, and civilians nearby willing to defend their homelands. The Macedonian king Phillip goes with his son to Byzantium and offers to protect them in exchange for a yearly tribute of a moderate sum of money making them a tributary state (MOD please) With this sent out the Macedonians send diplomats to Krete to discuss their continued cooperation and with their previously successful war with Sparta request a long standing alliance with Krete against outside aggressors (Yes) The Macedonian navy is also expanded with a major port expanded to build and service multiple major ships. Macedon denounces the Roman alliance with Illyria mentioning that they were kicked out once and were told never to return. The Macedonian government also begins to display a bit of strong armed policy towards Thracia in order to influence it. The city of Pergamon is petitioned by Macedon to release its small holding in Central Greece as they can't even hope to hold it in a war. The Macedonian economy continues to see a notable increase. However, the military is also similarly showing signs of increased organization and effectiveness.
    • Epirus: With the war over in favor of Macedon, Epirus sends 5000 of its troops to joining the Macedonians outside of the city of Athens. The Epirote military is worked on as they begin to upgrade to Macedonian standards. Their fleet is also worked on in an attempt to contribute to the growing Macedonian fleet. the Epirote economy is also improved from the gifts from Macedon as well as the spoils of war. While the destruction of Sparta in its entirety is shocking Epirus sees no issue with it as they would have done the same to the Macedonians and even the Epirote people. Epirus organizes its remaining 10,000 troops at home for evaluation.
  • Seleucid Empire: Antiochus III rejoices at the news of the defeat of the Greco-Scythians in the East, establishing a garrison of around 500 men a few miles from the Magadha frontier to cement rule from Antioch. Meanwhile, the docks of the island of Arwad are expanded to form a base for the Seleucid navy, an undertaking that is predicted to take around two years to complete. Envoys are sent to the Atropatane Kingdom, asking that it resume paying allegience to the Empire after the break away following the death of Alexander the Great in 323 BC or face the consequences.
  • Brigantes: The King's Son is offered in marriage to the only daughter of the Votadini King. We continue to use Boiled Leather Armour more. The King's younger son is now the size of a child a year older than he is. Metalworking continues, and the practice of gifting your finest work to the Gods is discouraged, in favour of gifting your less brilliant works to them. This causes the Brigantes to become far more well armed then our immediate neighbours. We begin to influence our southern neighbours. We improve relations with our sub tribes.
  • Tibetan Peoples: As a result of the religious opposition from the Purānō viśvāsa's the religion of animist Bon reaches its peak of spreading, and from now on conversions will significantly decrease. Regardless, about half of Tibet is follow animist Bon and politically the Zhuang Zung culture is the dominate culture. As a result of this, there are also anti-Zhuang Zung movements throughout Tibet and seeing the opertunity, The Purano visvasa's attempt to ally with the various anti-Zhuang Zung groups.
  • Republic Of Carthage: With asserted hegemony over the Eastern Mediterranean following the successful capture of Sicily and the defeat of the Roman navy five years before, Carthage has re-emerged as a prosperous trade-based republic. Both Hannibal and Hasdrupal continue their rule, after a successful re-election of each of them, by expanding the Carthaginian economy through increased trade ships sponsored by the state of Carthage. Hannibal Barca's contemporary, Mago Magon, finishes his travels through Iberia, Numidia, Mauretania and Syracuse, to get a better understanding of agricultural methods to better Carthage's agriculture, and will take one year to fully write his manifesto on the art of agriculture.. The Carthaginian capital of Carthaginian Sicily, Ziz (Palermo), begins to rebuild itself after the fire, removing much of the debris and begining to rebuild homes. Slums are ordered to not be rebuilt, and be built outside the walls of the city from this point forward. Interest in a way to prevent fires once they start is primary in Ziz. The city of Carthage finishes an expansion of the port to allow for more docked ships, both military and trade based. Hannibal and Hasdrupal continue their support of the Carthaginian military by increasing the number of paid mercenaries within the Carthaginian territory, creating larger armies that are trained by Carthaginian citizen generals. Gallic and African mercenaries are being recruited in large numbers to make up for a more lack of Iberian mercenaries. The offer to pirates within the Western Mediterranean leads to a larger Carthaginian navy, less pirate activity, and safer trade routes.
  • Belgican Tribes: Iron weapons are becoming more common in the southern tribes and other tribes also begin using these tools. Because less men are needed for agriculture many become warrior (military + 0.25). Trade with Frankish tribes also expands.

202 BC[]

Due to his actions and spectacular defeat of the Gallic warbands that threatened Northern Rome and Rome as a whole, Publius Cornelius Scipio gains the surname 'Gallicus'.

Mago Magon finishes his manifesto on agriculture, and it enters the public realm.

The Quintu tribes accept the Canaris offer of becoming a proctorate under the Canaris tribesmen, in exchange for no further violence.

The city-state of Byzantium accepts the Macedonian offer of becoming a tributary state, in exchange for protection.

The Kingdom of Pergamon agrees to give up its holding in Greece, on the condition that Macedonians end their belligerant actions against Pergamon there. The Kingdom of Pergamon also finds an ally within the Galatians.

The King of Atropatene, Artabazanes, hurt by the threats of his former contemparary, refuses to submit to the Seleucid Emperor and lose his Kingdom.

The chief of the Votadinis accepts the Brigante's offer of marriage.

  • Cimbri: Fishing and farming are our most important industries at this time. New temples to worship the Old Norse Gods are continuing to be built. Whale hunting is continuing to be popular within our nation. Iron weapons and tools slowly become commonplace mainly in the form of crude spears due to a lack of more iron. Boats made of strong wood are being made for trade. Port cities start to be made for trading. Fishing and trading in the North Sea becomes increasingly important in the local villages along the coastline. As the population continues to grow and villages and settlements appear closer together. Internal trade thrives and more land is cleared for farming. Iron working continues to improve as more people start dedicating to the arts of metalworking. Hunting and exploration along the major rivers and coastlines begin to grow, and trade with other Danish tribes begin. Cultural and artistic development begin. Hunting and exploration along the major rivers begin to grow, and trade with other tribes in Denmark begin.
  • Seleucid Empire: Antiochus III begins to raise an army to march against the Atropatene after their refusal to swear allegiance to the Empire. King Artabazanes is given one last chance to withdraw his statement of defiance, or Antiochus promises to raze his towns and villages to the ground, letting the Atropatene Kingdom serve as a reminder to those who choose to defy the his will. At the same time, he reassures the King that swearing allegiance to the Seleucids would not mean losing his Kingdom, only to become a completely independent client state, whilst defiance of the Emperor would cause vicious reprisals. Meanwhile, work is completed on the docks of Arwad, with the island becoming an important resting place for the Imperial Navy.

As of now, I am withdrawing from this game. Sorry, but I lack the time or energy to play another game right now. ~Edge

  • Yamato Japan: A palace around OTL Toyooka, Hyōgo continues being built. A few new farms are established, and three new harbours continue being built.
  • Malays: We expand our military.
  • Macedon: Macedon with influence over most of greece continually secured removes its encampment from the walls of Athens and sends them a moderate gift to thank them for their most well thought out decision. The Macedonians also mobilize along the border of Illyria moderately setting up forts and garrisons of about 1000 along the border with five of these forts set up. The mend are given patrol routes and are all mutually able to help each other with a reserve force of about 10,000 former soldiers, and civilians nearby willing to defend their homelands. The Macedonian navy is also expanded with a major port expanded to build and service multiple major ships. Macedon denounces the Roman alliance with Illyria mentioning that they were kicked out once and were told never to return. The Macedonian government also begins to display a bit of strong armed policy towards Thracia in order to influence it. The city of Pergamon is petitioned by Macedon to release its small holding in Central Greece as they can't even hope to hold it in a war. The Macedonian economy continues to see a notable increase. However, the military is also similarly showing signs of increased organization and effectiveness. Macedon continues to influence Byzantium gaining some inner influence to its higher political landscape.
    • Epirus: With the war over in favor of Macedon, Epirus sends 5000 of its troops to joining the Macedonians outside of the city of Athens. The Epirote military is worked on as they begin to upgrade to Macedonian standards. Their fleet is also worked on in an attempt to contribute to the growing Macedonian fleet. the Epirote economy is also improved from the gifts from Macedon as well as the spoils of war. While the destruction of Sparta in its entirety is shocking Epirus sees no issue with it as they would have done the same to the Macedonians and even the Epirote people. Epirus organizes its remaining 10,000 troops at home for evaluation.
  • Brigantes: The King's son marries the daughter of the Votadini King. The wedding takes place in Brigante land, and a discrete show of force takes place. The Prince then travels to Votadini, learning how to manage the tribe. All other things continue.
  • Republic Of Carthage: With asserted hegemony over the Eastern Mediterranean following the successful capture of Sicily and the defeat of the Roman navy five years before, Carthage has re-emerged as a prosperous trade-based republic. Both Hannibal and Hasdrupal continue their rule, after a successful re-election of each of them, by expanding the Carthaginian economy through increased trade ships sponsored by the state of Carthage. Hannibal Barca's contemporary, Mago Magon, finishes his travels through Iberia, Numidia, Mauretania and Syracuse, to get a better understanding of agricultural methods to better Carthage's agriculture, and will take one year to fully write his manifesto on the art of agriculture.. The Carthaginian capital of Carthaginian Sicily, Ziz (Palermo), cotinues to rebuild itself after the fire, removing much of the debris and begining to rebuild homes. Slums are ordered to not be rebuilt, and be built outside the walls of the city from this point forward. Interest in a way to prevent fires once they start is primary in Ziz. The city of Carthage finishes an expansion of the port to allow for more docked ships, both military and trade based. Hannibal and Hasdrupal continue their support of the Carthaginian military by increasing the number of paid mercenaries within the Carthaginian territory, creating larger armies that are trained by Carthaginian citizen generals. Gallic and African mercenaries are being recruited in large numbers to make up for a more lack of Iberian mercenaries. The offer to pirates within the Western Mediterranean leads to a larger Carthaginian navy, less pirate activity, and safer trade routes.
  • Saxon Tribes: As the population continues to grow and villages and settlements appear closer together. Internal trade thrives and more land is cleared for farming. Iron working continues to improve as more people start dedicating to the arts of metalworking. Hunting and exploration along the major rivers begin to grow, and trade with other Germanic tribes begin. The different chiefs also promote worship to the gods and greater co-operation in the community. cultural and artistic development begin.
  • Tibetan Peoples: The Purano visvasa's attempt to ally with the various anti-Zhuang Zung groups.proves to be mixed. While some of the anti-Zhuang Zung groups ally and then eventually adopt the Old Faith, there are also anti-Zhuang Zung groups who follow animist Bon. This leads to an interesting result, as now there is a separation between politics and religion. thus resulting in the weakening of the Zhuang Zung culture. The supporters of Zhuang, however, counter with that the Zhuang Zhung founded Bon, and thus should be respected, and denounce the anti-Zhuang Zhung Groups of following "False Bon."
  • Belgican Tribes: Iron weapons are becoming more common in the southern tribes and other tribes also begin using these tools (economy + 0.25). Because less men are needed for agriculture many become warriors. Trade with Frankish tribes also expands.

201 BC[]

Rome accepts the Cisalpine and Raetian Gallic offer of becoming tribute states on the promise that they will never again raid Rome.

Gnaeus Naevius, a Latin Epic poet and dramatist, passes away.

The famine in Carthaginian North Africa lessens, but still results in the deaths of over 5000 people so far.

The King of Atropatenae continues to refuse the offers of the Seleucids, wishing to submit to no man and give up the freedom his nation acquired when it broke away from the Seleucids.

  • Republic Of Carthage: With asserted hegemony over the Eastern Mediterranean following the successful capture of Sicily and the defeat of the Roman navy five years before, Carthage has re-emerged as a prosperous trade-based republic. Both Hannibal and Hasdrupal continue their rule, after a successful re-election of each of them, by expanding the Carthaginian economy through increased trade ships sponsored by the state of Carthage. Hannibal Barca's contemporary, Mago Magon, finishes his travels through Iberia, Numidia, Mauretania and Syracuse, to get a better understanding of agricultural methods to better Carthage's agriculture, and finishes his manifesto on agriculture, resulting in newer and different agricultural methods gathered from across the Mediterranean that begin to gain ground in Carthaginian territory, specifically the famined areas. The Carthaginian capital of Carthaginian Sicily, Ziz (Palermo), continues to rebuild itself after the fire, removing much of the debris and begining to rebuild homes. Slums are ordered to not be rebuilt, and be built outside the walls of the city from this point forward. Interest in a way to prevent fires once they start is primary in Ziz. The city of Carthage finishes an expansion of the port to allow for more docked ships, both military and trade based. Hannibal and Hasdrupal continue their support of the Carthaginian military by increasing the number of paid mercenaries within the Carthaginian territory, creating larger armies that are trained by Carthaginian citizen generals. Gallic and African mercenaries are being recruited in large numbers to make up for a more lack of Iberian mercenaries. The offer to pirates within the Western Mediterranean leads to a larger Carthaginian navy, less pirate activity and safer trade routes.
  • Cimbri: Fishing and farming are our most important industries at this time. New temples to worship the Old Norse Gods are continuing to be built. Whale hunting is continuing to be popular within our nation. Iron weapons and tools slowly become commonplace mainly in the form of crude spears due to a lack of more iron. Boats made of strong wood are being made for trade. Port cities start to be made for trading. Fishing and trading in the North Sea becomes increasingly important in the local villages along the coastline. As the population continues to grow and villages and settlements appear closer together. Internal trade thrives and more land is cleared for farming. Iron working continues to improve as more people start dedicating to the arts of metalworking. Hunting and exploration along the major rivers and coastlines begin to grow, and trade with other Danish tribes begin. Cultural and artistic development begin. Hunting and exploration along the major rivers begin to grow, and trade with other tribes in Denmark begin.
  • Yamato Japan: A palace around OTL Toyooka, Hyōgo continues being built. A few new farms are established, and three new harbours continue being built.
  • Malaya: We expand our economy. We start uniting the Malays, wanting to become the Kingdom of Malaya.
  • Macedon: Macedon, with influence over most of Greece, continually secured removes its encampment from the walls of Athens and sends them a moderate gift to thank them for their most well thought out decision. The Macedonians also mobilize along the border of Illyria moderately setting up forts and garrisons of about 1000 along the border with five of these forts set up. The mend are given patrol routes and are all mutually able to help each other with a reserve force of about 10,000 former soldiers, and civilians nearby willing to defend their homelands. The Macedonian navy is also expanded with a major port expanded to build and service multiple major ships. Macedon denounces the Roman alliance with Illyria mentioning that they were kicked out once and were told never to return. The Macedonian government also begins to display a bit of strong armed policy towards Thracia in order to influence it. The city of Pergamon is petitioned by Macedon to release its small holding in Central Greece as they can't even hope to hold it in a war. The Macedonian economy continues to see a notable increase.
  • However, the military is also similarly showing signs of increased organization and effectiveness. Macedon continues to influence Byzantium gaining some inner influence to its higher political landscape. Macedonian influence on the Achean league increases as the Macedonians gain high positions in the league's meetings and council.
    • Epirus:  The Epirote military is worked on as they begin to upgrade to Macedonian standards. Their fleet is also worked on in an attempt to contribute to the growing Macedonian fleet. the Epirote economy is also improved from the gifts from Macedon as well as the spoils of war. While the destruction of Sparta in its entirety is shocking Epirus sees no issue with it as they would have done the same to the Macedonians and even the Epirote people. Epirus organizes its remaining 10,000 troops at home for evaluation.
  • Saxon Tribes: As the population continues to grow and villages and settlements appear closer together. Internal trade thrives and more land is cleared for farming. Iron working continues to improve as more people start dedicating to the arts of metalworking. Hunting and exploration along the major rivers begin to grow, and trade with other Germanic tribes begin. The different chiefs also promote worship to the gods and greater co-operation in the community. cultural and artistic development begin.
  • Tibetan Peoples: Tensions continue to brew between the various factions including the Zhuang Zung Culture, the  Purano visvasas, the Anti-Zuang Zhung pro-Purano visvasas groups, and the anti-Zhuang Zung pro-Bon groups. It's only a matter of time before civil war starts.

​200 BC[]

Moderator Page (Please take a look at it)

Delegates from Athens travel to the throne of Attalus I of Pergamum, asking him to come to Athens to discuss the current situation of the Athenians. The Romans are invited as well, but decline, citing reconstruction of Rome and current hostilities with northern Gallic tribes.

The Bacchanalia, wild and mystic festivals of the Roman god Bacchus, are introduced into Rome from lower Italy by way of Etruria.

Euthydemus I of the Greco-Bactrian Kingdom dies and is succeded by his son, Demetrius I of Bactrica.

A large-scale drought causes many Northern European, and Southern Britannic tribes, to experiance a year of weak and low-yield crop failures.

The city of Tiwanaku is founded as a village near Lake Titicaca.

The Early Horizon period in the Andes comes to an end as the Chavin culture vanishes completely and is fully replaced by the Nazca culture.

The Great Wall of China is completed in its current state.

The construction of the Wei-Yang Palace in the Han Dynasty capital of Chang'an begins.

The Hsiung-nu appear on the western border of China.

A large Chinese army is defeated in a border incursion by the Xiongnu.

Lost-Wax Casting is now common knowledge in China and Mesopotamia.

The first good measurement of the distance between the Earth and the Sun is made by Eratosthenes, resulting in an estimation of 150,000,000 km. 

  • Republic Of Carthage: With asserted hegemony over the Eastern Mediterranean following the successful capture of Sicily and the defeat of the Roman navy five years before, Carthage has re-emerged as a prosperous trade-based republic. Both Hannibal and Hasdrupal continue their rule, after a successful re-election of each of them, by expanding the Carthaginian economy through increased trade ships sponsored by the state of Carthage. Hannibal Barca's contemporary, Mago Magon, finishes his travels through Iberia, Numidia, Mauretania and Syracuse, to get a better understanding of agricultural methods to better Carthage's agriculture, and finishes his manifesto on agriculture, resulting in newer and different agricultural methods gathered from across the Mediterranean that begin to gain ground in Carthaginian territory, specifically the famined areas. The Carthaginian capital of Carthaginian Sicily, Ziz (Palermo), continues to rebuild itself after the fire, removing much of the debris and begining to rebuild homes. Slums are ordered to not be rebuilt, and be built outside the walls of the city from this point forward. Interest in a way to prevent fires once they start is primary in Ziz. The city of Carthage finishes an expansion of the port to allow for more docked ships, both military and trade based. Hannibal and Hasdrupal continue their support of the Carthaginian military by increasing the number of paid mercenaries within the Carthaginian territory, creating larger armies that are trained by Carthaginian citizen generals. Gallic and African mercenaries are being recruited in large numbers to make up for a more lack of Iberian mercenaries. The offer to pirates within the Western Mediterranean leads to a larger Carthaginian navy, less pirate activity and safer trade routes.
  • Cimbri: Fishing and farming are our most important industries at this time. New temples to worship the Old Norse Gods are continuing to be built. Whale hunting is continuing to be popular within our nation. Iron weapons and tools slowly become commonplace mainly in the form of crude spears due to a lack of more iron. Boats made of strong wood are being made for trade. Port cities start to be made for trading. Fishing and trading in the North Sea becomes increasingly important in the local villages along the coastline. As the population continues to grow and villages and settlements appear closer together. Internal trade thrives and more land is cleared for farming. Iron working continues to improve as more people start dedicating to the arts of metalworking. Hunting and exploration along the major rivers and coastlines begin to grow, and trade with other Danish tribes begin. Cultural and artistic development begin. Hunting and exploration along the major rivers begin to grow, and trade with other tribes in Denmark begin.
  • 'Saxon Tribes: As the population continues to grow and villages and settlements appear closer together. Internal trade thrives and more land is cleared for farming. Iron working continues to improve as more people start dedicating to the arts of metalworking. Hunting and exploration along the major rivers begin to grow, and trade with other Germanic tribes begin. The different chiefs also promote worship to the gods and greater co-operation in the community. cultural and artistic development begin. Saxon villages begin looking to trade with the Teutons, Chatti, Semnones and other tribes in the area (other mod respond, please.) 
  • Yamato Japan: A palace around OTL Toyooka, Hyōgo continues being built. A few new farms are established, and three new harbours continue being built. The military is built up, with the army score being increased by 0.25.
  • Parthia: Military and economy are built up. The population of Parthians continues to grow, as they settle down in more centralised locations. More interest begins to grow in the Seleucids ceding parts of Mazandaran.
  • Malaya: We start getting rid of our nomad style, and begin to unite our tribes. 
  • Brigantes: We send aid to the tribes in the South, who are struggling from the drought, but most of the aid is simply to convince them to move north, to join us. We continue to influence our vassals. We begin to encourage friendliness between the Brigantes and the Votadini.
  • Macedon: Macedon, with influence over most of Greece, continually secured removes its encampment from the walls of Athens and sends them a moderate gift to thank them for their most well thought out decision. The Macedonians also mobilize along the border of Illyria moderately setting up forts and garrisons of about 1000 along the border with five of these forts set up. The mend are given patrol routes and are all mutually able to help each other with a reserve force of about 10,000 former soldiers, and civilians nearby willing to defend their homelands. The Macedonian navy is also expanded with a major port expanded to build and service multiple major ships. Macedon denounces the Roman alliance with Illyria mentioning that they were kicked out once and were told never to return. The Macedonian government also begins to display a bit of strong armed policy towards Thracia in order to influence it. The city of Pergamon is petitioned by Macedon to release its small holding in Central Greece as they can't even hope to hold it in a war. The Macedonian economy continues to see a notable increase. However, the military is also similarly showing signs of increased organization and effectiveness. Macedon continues to influence Byzantium gaining some inner influence to its higher political landscape. Macedonian influence on the Achean League increases as the Macedonians gain high positions in the league's meetings and council and begin to influence its drift fully towards Macedonian leadership.
    • Epirus:  The Epirote military is worked on as they begin to upgrade to Macedonian standards. Their fleet is also worked on in an attempt to contribute to the growing Macedonian fleet. the Epirote economy is also improved from the gifts from Macedon as well as the spoils of war. While the destruction of Sparta in its entirety is shocking Epirus sees no issue with it as they would have done the same to the Macedonians and even the Epirote people. Epirus organizes its remaining 10,000 troops at home for evaluation.
  • Belgican Tribes: In the south several 'confederations' start, which are basically a couple of tribes in an alliance against other tribes. Sometimes these 'confederations' are made by one tribe conquering the others. Trade is expanded with Frankish tribes. 

​199 BC[]

"Beware the bareness of a busy life" - Socrates (Get it, because there are no mod events today to keep ya busy ... Ha ... No? Okay ... Next turn, though ... Brace yourselves!)

  • Yamato Japan: A palace around OTL Toyooka, Hyōgo continues being built. A few new farms are established, and three new harbours are finished being built and are opened.
  • Mayans: The Mayans are well off with a considerable army of roughly 10,000 strong. Secure trails are built between large cities and the flow of traffic increases as goods are able to travel faster between cities. We continue to explore outside our borders. Local Mayan doctors have considerable breakthrough in herbal medicines after being inspired by a temple built to the god of medicine Ixchel.
  • Han China: Emperor Gaozu orders a military invasion into Manchuria with army of 20,000 trained swordsmen and horsemen. While the city of Anyang is considered of becoming an agriculture sector in the dynasty itself.
  • Helvetii: Military is built up. The Confederal Palace in OTL Schwyz is inaugurated.
  • Cimbri: Fishing and farming are our most important industries at this time. New temples to worship the Old Norse Gods are continuing to be built. Whale hunting is continuing to be popular within our nation. Iron weapons and tools slowly become commonplace mainly in the form of crude spears due to a lack of more iron. Boats made of strong wood are being made for trade. Port cities start to be made for trading. Fishing and trading in the North Sea becomes increasingly important in the local villages along the coastline. As the population continues to grow and villages and settlements appear closer together. Internal trade thrives and more land is cleared for farming. Iron working continues to improve as more people start dedicating to the arts of metalworking. Hunting and exploration along the major rivers and coastlines begins to grow, and trade with other Danish tribes begin. Cultural and artistic development begin. Hunting and exploration along the major rivers begin to grow, and trade with other tribes in Denmark begin.
  • Macedon: Macedon, with influence over most of Greece, continually secured removes its encampment from the walls of Athens and sends them a moderate gift to thank them for their most well thought out decision. The Macedonians also mobilize along the border of Illyria moderately setting up forts and garrisons of about 1000 along the border with five of these forts set up. The mend are given patrol routes and are all mutually able to help each other with a reserve force of about 10,000 former soldiers, and civilians nearby willing to defend their homelands. The Macedonian navy is also expanded with a major port expanded to build and service multiple major ships. Macedon denounces the Roman alliance with Illyria mentioning that they were kicked out once and were told never to return. The Macedonian government also begins to display a bit of strong armed policy towards Thracia in order to influence it. The city of Pergamon is petitioned by Macedon to release its small holding in Central Greece as they can't even hope to hold it in a war. The Macedonian economy continues to see a notable increase. However, the military is also similarly showing signs of increased organization and effectiveness. Macedon continues to influence Byzantium gaining some inner influence to its higher political landscape. Macedonian influence on the Achean League increases as the Macedonians gain high positions in the league's meetings and council and begin to influence its drift fully towards Macedonian leadership.
    • Epirus:  The Epirote military is worked on as they begin to upgrade to Macedonian standards. Their fleet is also worked on in an attempt to contribute to the growing Macedonian fleet. the Epirote economy is also improved from the gifts from Macedon as well as the spoils of war. While the destruction of Sparta in its entirety is shocking Epirus sees no issue with it as they would have done the same to the Macedonians and even the Epirote people. Epirus organizes its remaining 10,000 troops at home for evaluation.
  • Brigantes: The King dies of Old Age, and his eldest son is crowned King. He now stands to inherit both the Throne of the Votadini, and holds the Throne of the Brigantes. Following the intermingling of the two tribes, this does not, on the face of it, appear unpopular. More Southern Tribesmen Emigrate North to avoid the drought in the South.
  • Republic Of Carthage: With asserted hegemony over the Eastern Mediterranean following the successful capture of Sicily and the defeat of the Roman navy five years before, Carthage has re-emerged as a prosperous trade-based republic. Both Hannibal and Hasdrupal continue their rule, after a successful re-election of each of them, by expanding the Carthaginian economy through increased trade ships sponsored by the state of Carthage. Hannibal Barca's contemporary, Mago Magon, finishes his travels through Iberia, Numidia, Mauretania and Syracuse, to get a better understanding of agricultural methods to better Carthage's agriculture, and finishes his manifesto on agriculture, resulting in newer and different agricultural methods gathered from across the Mediterranean that begin to gain ground in Carthaginian territory, specifically the famined areas. The Carthaginian capital of Carthaginian Sicily, Ziz (Palermo), continues to rebuild itself after the fire, removing much of the debris and begining to rebuild homes. Slums are ordered to not be rebuilt, and be built outside the walls of the city from this point forward. Interest in a way to prevent fires once they start is primary in Ziz. The city of Carthage finishes an expansion of the port to allow for more docked ships, both military and trade based. Hannibal and Hasdrupal continue their support of the Carthaginian military by increasing the number of paid mercenaries within the Carthaginian territory, creating larger armies that are trained by Carthaginian citizen generals. Gallic and African mercenaries are being recruited in large numbers to make up for a more lack of Iberian mercenaries. The offer to pirates within the Western Mediterranean leads to a larger Carthaginian navy, less pirate activity and safer trade routes.

198 BC[]

Following the defeat of a Han army by the Xionghu, coutier Liu Jing comes to the Emperor Gaozu with a message from the Xionghu, who offer to end hostilites for the time being, in return for a minor, periodic tribute, and recognition of them as an equal state, and in return, will recognize the Great Wall as the border between Xionghu and the Han dynasty, and will never cross it, nor attack China again.

The King of Atropatene, Artabazanes, seeks an early victory against the Seleucid forces gather near Ecbatana, but his scouts are discovered and his forces flee for more favorable battles.

(I RNG'd this) The Kingdom of Pergamon, angered from Macedon's repeated request for a city that is already there, quickly offers to support Athens, should they decide to finally fight Philip V of Macedon.

With the droughts in northern Europe and Southern Britain, tribes in Northern Europe begin to migrate south slowly, as well as tribes in Southern Britain migrating north for that same reason, potentially leading to some small destabilization from increasing populations for a short time.

The famine in Carthaginian Africa begins to taper down, but not before an unofficial death toll of almost 10,000 is given, leading to the sacrifice of slave children in many towns to finally appease Ba'al.

Kyushu begin to show minor hostilities to their Yamato neighbors for reasons unknown.

  • Yamato Japan: A palace around OTL Toyooka, Hyōgo continues being built. A few new farms are established, and three new harbours are finished being built and are opened. Emperor Kōgen looks at Kyushu with suspicion, and orders for the Yamato border with them to be on high watch.
  • Cimbri: Fishing and farming are our most important industries at this time. New temples to worship the Old Norse Gods are continuing to be built. Whale hunting is continuing to be popular within our nation. Iron weapons and tools slowly become commonplace mainly in the form of crude spears due to a lack of more iron. Boats made of strong wood are being made for trade. Port cities start to be made for trading. Fishing and trading in the North Sea becomes increasingly important in the local villages along the coastline. As the population continues to grow and villages and settlements appear closer together. Internal trade thrives and more land is cleared for farming. Iron working continues to improve as more people start dedicating to the arts of metalworking. Hunting and exploration along the major rivers and coastlines begin to grow, and trade with other Danish tribes begin. Cultural and artistic development begin. Hunting and exploration along the major rivers begin to grow, and trade with other tribes in Denmark begin.
  • Malays: We keep uniting tribes and slowly getting rid of our nomad lifestyle. 
  • Belgican Tribes: As confederations grow society changes also. Instead of every farmer farming a little bit of everything, one farmer farms for example one type of vegetable that they trade for other goods. In some confederations copper coins are used as money (economy + 0.25). Some minor wars occur between different confederations.
  • Brigantes: Boiled Leather Armour continues to grow in popularity. The King has a son. The younger brother of the king, fanatically loyal to his brother, despite being only 7, is the size of a 10 year old. He is also fast, and strong as a bull. He is proficient in all weapons, from archery to sword fighting. More Southern tribespeople move north.
  • Papua: The Änga or Kukuku people begin spreading the territory of their raids, which leads to the occasional raids of the Fore, Ogea, Maisin and Huli people. Although the Fore people are numerous, the Änga focus on the Southern Fore which are "cursed" (infected with the Kuru disease). With their somewhat rapid success, the Änga begin gaining more respect among the four Zia clans. The Huli clans which aren't raided are often gifted pigs, land and women from Huli clans which are raided. (map of the Änga land incoming).
  • Republic Of Carthage: With asserted hegemony over the Eastern Mediterranean following the successful capture of Sicily and the defeat of the Roman navy five years before, Carthage has re-emerged as a prosperous trade-based republic. Both Hannibal and Hasdrupal continue their rule, after a successful re-election of each of them, by expanding the Carthaginian economy through increased trade ships sponsored by the state of Carthage. Hannibal Barca's contemporary, Mago Magon, finishes his travels through Iberia, Numidia, Mauretania and Syracuse, to get a better understanding of agricultural methods to better Carthage's agriculture, and finishes his manifesto on agriculture, resulting in newer and different agricultural methods gathered from across the Mediterranean that begin to gain ground in Carthaginian territory, specifically the famined areas. The Carthaginian capital of Carthaginian Sicily, Ziz (Palermo), continues to rebuild itself after the fire, removing much of the debris and begining to rebuild homes. Slums are ordered to not be rebuilt, and be built outside the walls of the city from this point forward. Interest in a way to prevent fires once they start is primary in Ziz. The city of Carthage finishes an expansion of the port to allow for more docked ships, both military and trade based. Hannibal and Hasdrupal continue their support of the Carthaginian military by increasing the number of paid mercenaries within the Carthaginian territory, creating larger armies that are trained by Carthaginian citizen generals. Gallic and African mercenaries are being recruited in large numbers to make up for a more lack of Iberian mercenaries. The offer to pirates within the Western Mediterranean leads to a larger Carthaginian navy, less pirate activity and safer trade routes.

197 BC[]

Eumenes II becomes King of Pergamum following the death of his father Attalus I Soter.

Antiochus III gets minor gains from the Kingdom of Pergamum from minor defections to his empire.

The Egyptian King, Ptolemy V, fights rebels in the Nile Delta, exhibiting great cruelty toward those of their leaders who capitulate.

Hispania under the Carthaginians is divided by Hasdrupal into s'farad merh'aq and s'farad qarov (Near Spain and Far Spain).

  • Yamato Japan: A palace around OTL Toyooka, Hyōgo continues being built. The military, particularity the navy, is built up, and the navy score increases by 0.25.
  • Ptolemaic Egypt: Ptolemy V works on fighting rebels on the Nile. His methods are incredibly brutal, even to those who surrender to Egypt. This generates sympathy for the rebels, who were pro-Egyptian culture rather than Hellenic. A movement in the Lower Kingdoms grows, though the rebels seem to be gone by the end of the year. The movement goes underground, seemingly dormant. Ptolemy V has not let his guard down, though. He increases the military in Ptolemaic Egypt and Her vassals in Asia Minor, especially in the Lower Kingdoms. The navy is also expanded in case of attack from the Mediterranean.
  • Cimbri: Fishing and farming are our most important industries at this time. New temples to worship the Old Norse Gods are continuing to be built. Whale hunting is continuing to be popular within our nation. Iron weapons and tools slowly become commonplace mainly in the form of crude spears due to a lack of more iron. Boats made of strong wood are being made for trade. Port cities start to be made for trading. Fishing and trading in the North Sea becomes increasingly important in the local villages along the coastline. As the population continues to grow and villages and settlements appear closer together. Internal trade thrives and more land is cleared for farming. Iron working continues to improve as more people start dedicating to the arts of metalworking. Hunting and exploration along the major rivers and coastlines begin to grow, and trade with other Danish tribes begin. Cultural and artistic development begin. Hunting and exploration along the major rivers begin to grow, and trade with other tribes in Denmark begin.
  • Helvetii: Military is built up, while more pasture programs are launched and more villages are built.
  • Papua: The Änga continue spreading the territory of their raids, which leads to the occasional raids of the Fore, Ogea, Maisin and Huli people. Although the Fore people are numerous, the Änga focus on the Southern Fore which are "cursed" (infected with the Kuru disease). With their somewhat rapid success, the Änga continue gaining more respect among the four Zia clans. The Huli clans which aren't raided are often gifted pigs, land and women from Huli clans which are raided. A powerful and successful warrior of the Änga arises and takes control of his people. He calls himself the Kukuku (Cookah-Cookah) of the Änga, or translated, the son of the Änga.
  • Republic Of Carthage: With asserted hegemony over the Eastern Mediterranean following the successful capture of Sicily and the defeat of the Roman navy five years before, Carthage has re-emerged as a prosperous trade-based republic. Both Hannibal and Hasdrupal continue their rule, after a successful re-election of each of them, by expanding the Carthaginian economy through increased trade ships sponsored by the state of Carthage. Mago Magon's manifesto on agriculture is increasingly popular in Carthaginian Iberia and Africa, both adopting his plowing and cultivation methods gathered from his travels for an increased yield. The Carthaginian capital of Carthaginian Sicily, Ziz (Palermo), finishes rebuilding itself after the fire, removing much of the debris and begining to rebuild homes. Interest in a way to prevent fires once they start is looked into, but without any other major fires, interest is lost. Hannibal and Hasdrupal continue their support of the Carthaginian military by increasing the number of paid mercenaries within the Carthaginian territory, creating larger armies that are trained by Carthaginian citizen generals. Gallic and African mercenaries are being recruited in large numbers to make up for a more lack of Iberian mercenaries. The offer to pirates within the Western Mediterranean leads to a larger Carthaginian navy, less pirate activity and safer trade routes.

196 BC[]

The Insubres, a Gallic tribe part of the Cisalpine Gauls, are defeated by the Roman Republic in a revenge for revolting on the side of Carthage.

A new category of Roman priests, the tresviri epulones, are elected to supervise feasts of the gods, the first three men elected are: Gaius Licinius Lucullus, Publius Manlius and Publius Porcius Laeca.

The library of Pergamum is founded by Eumenes II of Pergamum, with much of the library quickly filling up with papyrus texts due to continued relations with Ptolemy V.

Han Xin, a general who served under the Emperor Gaozu of Han, passes away.

King Xin of Han, vassal ruler under Emperor Gaozu of Han, passes away.

The famine of Northern Europe and Southern Britannia finally seems to be passing with the beginning of the New Year which brings much rain to end the droughts and crop failures.

  • Yamato Japan: A palace around OTL Toyooka, Hyōgo continues being built, and will be finished by next year.
  • Saxon Tribe: Despite the end of the droughts migration and trade south have begun to expand as the Saxons begin moving south along the Elbes River and west interacting with other tribes. Efforts to increase relations with the other Germanic tribes continues. Iron working slowly starts becoming more widespread and basic arrows with the material start appearing in settlements and villages. A young leader of one of the villages on the Elbes River named Bernhard (or bear, brave in old Germanic) begins organizing his village along more organized lines and attempts to improve food production. The arts and culture continue to develop. Worship of the Germanic gods continue to expand and their legacy expands and solidifies. 
  • Helvetii: Military is built up, while more pasture programs are launched and more villages are built.
  • Belgican Tribes: There are only a couple confederations left. Some begin a centralization campaign with one 'head village' where the high chief reigns and the other villages pay tribute. Rivalries begin between the confederations and more men are trained to be warriors (military + 0.25).
  • Macedon: Macedon, with influence over most of Greece, continually secured removes its encampment from the walls of Athens and sends them a moderate gift to thank them for their most well thought out decision. The Macedonians also mobilize along the border of Illyria moderately setting up forts and garrisons of about 1000 along the border with five of these forts set up. The Mend are given patrol routes and are all mutually able to help each other with a reserve force of about 10,000 former soldiers, and civilians nearby willing to defend their homelands. The Macedonian navy is also expanded with a major port expanded to build and service multiple major ships. Macedon denounces the Roman alliance with Illyria mentioning that they were kicked out once and were told never to return. The Macedonian government also begins to display a bit of strong armed policy towards Thracia in order to influence it. The city of Pergamon is petitioned by Macedon to release its small holding in Central Greece as they can't even hope to hold it in a war. The Macedonian economy continues to see a notable increase. However, the military is also similarly showing signs of increased organization and effectiveness. Macedon continues to influence Byzantium gaining some inner influence to its higher political landscape. Macedonian influence on the Achean League increases as the Macedonians gain high positions in the league's meetings and council and begin to influence its drift fully towards Macedonian leadership.
    • Epirus:  The Epirote military is worked on as they begin to upgrade to Macedonian standards. Their fleet is also worked on in an attempt to contribute to the growing Macedonian fleet. the Epirote economy is also improved from the gifts from Macedon as well as the spoils of war. While the destruction of Sparta in its entirety is shocking, Epirus sees no issue with it as they would have done the same to the Macedonians and even the Epirote people. Epirus organizes its remaining 10,000 troops at home for evaluation.
  • Cimbri: Fishing and farming are our most important industries at this time. New temples to worship the Old Norse Gods are continuing to be built. Whale hunting is continuing to be popular within our nation. Iron weapons and tools slowly become commonplace mainly in the form of crude spears due to a lack of more iron. Boats made of strong wood are being made for trade. Port cities start to be made for trading. Fishing and trading in the North Sea becomes increasingly important in the local villages along the coastline. As the population continues to grow and villages and settlements appear closer together. Internal trade thrives and more land is cleared for farming. Iron working continues to improve as more people start dedicating to the arts of metalworking. Hunting and exploration along the major rivers and coastlines begin to grow, and trade with other Danish tribes begin. Cultural and artistic development begin. Hunting and exploration along the major rivers begin to grow, and trade with other tribes in Denmark begin. With the drought ending our production of crops double for the year due to all of this rain. With the extra food, we start a population boom to not make the food go to waste.
  • Republic Of Carthage: Hannibal continues his rule, but Hasdrupal Gisco is voted out due to the increasing favor of agricultural policies, advocted heavily by Yaroah Milco, resulting in Hasdrupal Gisco losing power. The expansion of the Carthaginian economy through increased trade ships sponsored by the state of Carthage continues, and thankfully to less pirate activity, minor overall gains are noted by merchant-based towns. Mago Magon's manifesto on agriculture is increasingly popular in Carthaginian Iberia and Africa, both adopting his plowing and cultivation methods gathered from his travels for an increased yield. Hannibal continues his support of the Carthaginian military by not only increasing the size of mercenary retinues, but also by testing a system of removing mercenaries from the armies should they reach past a certain age, or encounter certain injuries, this being a problem previously because of Carthaginian bureaucracy. Gallic and African mercenaries are being recruited in large numbers to make up for a more lack of Iberian mercenaries. Yahroah Milco does not declare outright support for the military, but rather advocates that an agricultural base in s'farad (Hispania), will prevent further famines, and result in less dependence on foreign agriculture.

195 BC[]

Hannibal begins a series of administrative and constitutional reforms that give more power back to the Carthaginian people and lessen the power of the oligarchies. These are deeply unpopular with the Carthaginian nobility.

Eumenes II of Pergamum gives military access to the Seleucid Emperor Antiochus III for military plans of an unknown sort, but with the ambition of Antiochus, the world is at risk.

The Roman sumptuary law, the Lex Oppia, which restricts not only a woman's wealth, but also her display of wealth, is repealed.

Aristophanes of Byzantium, Greek scholar, critic, and gammarian, becomes chief librarian at Alexandri.

Chang'an the capital of China, becomes the largest city in the world.

Haemosu Dangun, the first ruler of Buyeo, dies and his son Mosuri Dangun, succeeds him to the throne.

Gaozu of Han, the first Chinese Emperor of the Han dynasty, passes away.

The Germanic, Gallic, and Britannic nations all receive an exceptional year for their crops.

  • Yamato Japan: A palace around OTL Toyooka, Hyōgo is finished being built, and is named the Kasayamakō Palace.
  • Cimbri: Fishing and farming are our most important industries at this time. New temples to worship the Old Norse Gods are continuing to be built. Whale hunting is continuing to be popular within our nation. Iron weapons and tools slowly become commonplace mainly in the form of crude spears due to a lack of more iron. Boats made of strong wood are being made for trade. Port cities start to be made for trading. Fishing and trading in the North Sea becomes increasingly important in the local villages along the coastline. As the population continues to grow and villages and settlements appear closer together. Internal trade thrives and more land is cleared for farming. Iron working continues to improve as more people start dedicating to the arts of metalworking. Hunting and exploration along the major rivers and coastlines begin to grow, and trade with other Danish tribes begin. Cultural and artistic development begin. Hunting and exploration along the major rivers begin to grow, and trade with other tribes in Denmark begin. With the drought ending our production of crops double for the year due to all of this rain. With the extra food, we start a population boom to not make the food go to waste. Iron working slowly starts becoming more widespread and basic arrows with the material start appearing in settlements and villages. 
  • Seleucid Empire: Antiochus III thanks Eumenes II for military access to Pergamon and following the attempted coercion of the state by Macedon into releasing a holding in Greece, offers to place his nation under the military protection of the Seleucids as a buffer against aggressive expansion of other nations into Anatolia. Meanwhile, Seleucid forces march a force of 12,000 against the capital of the Atropatanae, Ganzak, waiting for the enemy forces on the banks of Lake Urmya with their backs against the lake to prevent being surrounded. Could I have some help with the algo please? I'm a little confused with the stability and such.
    • ​I'll help, whatchya need? - Eip
  • Saxon Tribes : Despite the end of the droughts migration and trade south have begun to expand as the Saxons begin moving south along the Elbes River and west interacting with other tribes. Efforts to increase relations with the other Germanic tribes continues. (six, you are moderately successful with many, or extremely successful with few, your choice). Iron working slowly starts becoming more widespread and basic arrows with the material start appearing in settlements and villages. A young leader of one of the villages on the Elbes River named Bernhard (or bear, brave in old Germanic) begins organizing his village along more organized lines and attempts to improve food production. The arts and culture continue to develop. Worship of the Germanic gods continue to expand and their legacy expands and solidifies. 
  • Papua: The Änga continue spreading the territory of their raids, which leads to the occasional raids of the Fore, Ogea, Maisin and Huli people. Although the Fore people are numerous, the Änga focus on the Southern Fore which are "cursed" (infected with the Kuru disease). With their somewhat rapid success, the Änga continue gaining more respect among the four Zia clans. The Huli clans which aren't raided are often gifted pigs, land and women from Huli clans which are raided. The Kukukuku of the Änga leads the expansion of his people and their unity. The Kukukuku tames an eagle, hoping to gain respect among the Eagle Clan of the Zia.
  • Belgican Tribes: Centralization continues. Roads are constructed between different villages.(infra + 0.25).
  • Republic Of Carthage: Hannibal and Yahroah continue their rule. The expansion of the Carthaginian economy through increased trade ships sponsored by the state of Carthage continues, and thankfully to less pirate activity, minor overall gains are noted by merchant-based towns. Mago Magon's manifesto on agriculture is increasingly popular in Carthaginian Iberia and Africa, both adopting his plowing and cultivation methods gathered from his travels for an increased yield. Hannibal continues his support of the Carthaginian military from last year, but also continues his administrative and constitutional reforms, the main one being the reformation of the Hundred and Four council (The highest authority and a council of judges), to where he stipulated that its membership be chosen by the direct election, rather than co-option. He also changes the terms from life, to a year, with two term limits. Gallic and African mercenaries are being recruited in large numbers to make up for a more lack of Iberian mercenaries. Yahroah Milco advocation that an agricultural base in s'farad (Hispania), will prevent further famines, and result in less dependence on foreign agriculture, leads to a migration of many Carthaginians, affected by the famines, and having no other income than farming, to move to s'farad to make a better living.

194 BC[]

New map tonight, soon

The King Eumenes II of Pergamum accepts the Seleucid offer of protection against possible aggression from Macedonia.

The Achean League, a majority displeased with the actions of Antiochus III of Seleucia, demand that Macedonia take actions to counterbalance the Seleucids growing power.

Another Gallic raiding party, of unknown origins, is defeated by Scipio Gallicus, seemingly ending the Gallic threat in Italy for a very long time.

Liternum becomes a Roman colony, but the Latins in Puteoli are becoming resistant of Roman influence.

The construction of the first city wall of Chang'an in China begins.

The Wiman Joseon Kingdom of Northern Korea (Choson) is founded by the Chinese Han Dynasty general Wiman.

Eratosthenes, a Greek mathmatician, passes away.

The oligarchs of Carthage, heavily displeased with the actions of Hannibal, begin a plot to remove him from power.

  • Cimbri: Fishing and farming are our most important industries at this time. New temples to worship the Old Norse Gods are continuing to be built. Whale hunting is continuing to be popular within our nation. Iron weapons and tools slowly become commonplace mainly in the form of crude spears due to a lack of more iron. Boats made of strong wood are being made for trade. Port cities start to be made for trading. Fishing and trading in the North Sea becomes increasingly important in the local villages along the coastline. As the population continues to grow and villages and settlements appear closer together. Internal trade thrives and more land is cleared for farming. Iron working continues to improve as more people start dedicating to the arts of metalworking. Hunting and exploration along the major rivers and coastlines begin to grow, and trade with other Danish tribes begin. Cultural and artistic development begin. Hunting and exploration along the major rivers begin to grow, and trade with other tribes in Denmark begin. With the drought ending our production of crops double for the year due to all of this rain. With the extra food, we start a population boom to not make the food go to waste. Iron working slowly starts becoming more widespread and basic arrows with the material start appearing in settlements and villages. 
  • Yamato Japan: Japan builds up the military, particularity the navy, and its score increases by 0.25. A new town is established as well.
  • Papua: The Änga continue spreading the territory of their raids, which leads to the occasional raids of the Fore, Ogea, Maisin and Huli people. Although the Fore people are numerous, the Änga focus on the Southern Fore which are "cursed" (infected with the Kuru disease). With their somewhat rapid success, the Änga continue gaining more respect among the four Zia clans. The Huli clans which aren't raided are often gifted pigs, land and women from Huli clans which are raided. The Kukukuku of the Änga leads the expansion of his people and their unity. The Kukukuku tames an eagle, hoping to gain respect among the Eagle Clan of the Zia.
  • Brigantes: The King continues to unite the Brigante and Votadini tribes. The King of the Votadini dies. Farming begins to happen more systematically. Unification of the Votadini and Brigante tribes begins in earnest. The King's younger brother is appointed as his champion, to defend his honour, and represent the Brigante Tribe.
  • Seleucid Empire: Antiochus III sends a small garrison of troops to the Kingdom of Pergamum as to protect the state from any external aggressors. However, due to increasing hostility from other states towards the Empire, the garrison is too small to be perceived as a threat and is really only a statement of Seleucid protection of the Kingdom. Meanwhile, Seleucid forces meet the Atropatanae on the banks of Lake Urmya with their backs against the lake to prevent being surrounded. I've done as much as I can of the algo, could I have a few pointers please?
  • Saxon Tribes: Despite the end of the droughts migration and trade south have begun to expand as the Saxons begin moving south along the Elbes River and west interacting with other tribes. Efforts to increase relations with the other Germanic tribes continues. Iron working slowly starts becoming more widespread and basic arrows with the material start appearing in settlements and villages. A young leader of one of the villages on the Elbes River named Bernhard (or bear, brave in old Germanic) begins organizing his village along more organized lines and attempts to improve food production. The arts and culture continue to develop. Worship of the Germanic gods continue to expand and their legacy expands and solidifies. 
  • Belgican Tribes: Centralization continues. A large war between different confederations begins over some contested villages. many men mobilized causing a bad harvest (military + 0.25). Tribes are becoming a bit rebellious because they have no sense of unity other than their own village.

193 BC[]

  • Saxon Tribes: Despite the end of the droughts migration and trade south have begun to expand as the Saxons begin moving south along the Elbes River and west interacting with other tribes. Efforts to increase relations with the other Germanic tribes continues. Iron working slowly starts becoming more widespread and basic arrows with the material start appearing in settlements and villages. A young leader of one of the villages on the Elbes River named Bernhard (or bear, brave in old Germanic) begins organizing his village along more organized lines and attempts to improve food production. The arts and culture continue to develop. Worship of the Germanic gods continue to expand and their legacy expands and solidifies. 
  • Yamato Japan: Some new farms are established.
  • Cimbri: Fishing and farming are our most important industries at this time. New temples to worship the Old Norse Gods are continuing to be built. Whale hunting is continuing to be popular within our nation. Iron weapons and tools slowly become commonplace mainly in the form of crude spears due to a lack of more iron. Boats made of strong wood are being made for trade. Port cities start to be made for trading. Fishing and trading in the North Sea becomes increasingly important in the local villages along the coastline. As the population continues to grow and villages and settlements appear closer together. Internal trade thrives and more land is cleared for farming. Iron working continues to improve as more people start dedicating to the arts of metalworking. Hunting and exploration along the major rivers and coastlines begin to grow, and trade with other Danish tribes begin. Cultural and artistic development begin. Hunting and exploration along the major rivers begin to grow, and trade with other tribes in Denmark begin. With the drought ending our production of crops double for the year due to all of this rain. With the extra food, we start a population boom to not make the food go to waste. Iron working slowly starts becoming more widespread and basic arrows with the material start appearing in settlements and villages.
  • Macedon: Macedon, with influence over most of Greece, continually secured removes its encampment from the walls of Athens and sends them a moderate gift to thank them for their most well thought out decision. The Macedonians also mobilize along the border of Illyria moderately setting up forts and garrisons of about 1000 along the border with five of these forts set up. The Mend are given patrol routes and are all mutually able to help each other with a reserve force of about 10,000 former soldiers, and civilians nearby willing to defend their homelands. The Macedonian navy is also expanded with a major port expanded to build and service multiple major ships. Macedon denounces the Roman alliance with Illyria mentioning that they were kicked out once and were told never to return. The Macedonian government also begins to display a bit of strong armed policy towards Thracia in order to influence it. The Macedonian economy continues to see a notable increase. However, the military is also similarly showing signs of increased organization and effectiveness. Macedon continues to influence Byzantium gaining some inner influence to its higher political landscape and manages to fully secure its status as a vassal state. Macedonian influence on the Achean League increases as the Macedonians gain high positions in the league's meetings and council and begin to influence its drift fully towards Macedonian leadership. Macedon says it will work on handling the seleucids but time is needed. Macedon sends a hefty gift to the Achean league in order to calm their thoughts as Macedonian traders and diplomats begin to work their way into the politics of Krete. Along with this the Athenian leadership is very quietly forced to step down as more Pro-Macedon, and Pro-Achean leaders take shape in the city.
    • Epirus:  The Epirote military is worked on as they begin to upgrade to Macedonian standards. Their fleet is also worked on in an attempt to contribute to the growing Macedonian fleet. the Epirote economy is also improved from the gifts from Macedon as well as the spoils of war. While the destruction of Sparta in its entirety is shocking, Epirus sees no issue with it as they would have done the same to the Macedonians and even the Epirote people. Epirus organizes its remaining 10,000 troops at home for evaluation.
    • Byzantium: Byzantium succumbs to the pressure and joins under Macedon as its vassal state. However, this sees immediate benefits as massive trade influx increases the Byzantine economy heavily. This influx also allows for a more proper outfitting of the cities troops numbering 5000 who use this time to build a new set of armor which is on equal grounds to Macedonian armor but more traditionally Greek cultured. However, the Byzantine smiths see a great demand from the King of Macedon who requests that enough be made to equip his entire royal guard. This greatly increases Byzantine opinion of Macedon as they see Macedon as actually caring for what the city has to offer.
      • Seleucid Dip: Emissaries are sent to the Macedonian court to extend the hand of friendship to the Macedonian leadership. They announce that the Empire has no ambitions of expansion into Greece or Anatolia and therefore is no threat to Macedon.
      • Macedonian Dip: This is agreeable and we accept Seleucid friendship.
    • Pontus: The Pontic King Mithridates III looks towards the current situation of Macedonian vassalization with interest, knowing full well that they could be the subject of a Seleucid attack on its strategic position so close to the Black Sea. However, Mithridates was unconcerned with this. Pontus begins the process of military expansion, with the target of Mithridates' ambition being the strategic port city of Sinope, a Greek city-state and important Black Sea Port, and with the impending war between Antigonid Macedon and Selecuid Syria forthcoming, Mithridates tries to make sure that an invasion is timed with any potential conflict.
    • Mayans: Everything is well in the Mayan kingdom, we continue with the construction of secured trails which has helped increase trade between cities and travel. We continue to expand beyond our borders and conquer new lands, our army is currently at 15,000.

​192 BC[]

New map! Post on the talk page if I've missed something!

The Teutones, newfound friends of the Saxons, request an alliance.

  • Macedon:The Macedonian government begins to display a bit of strong armed policy towards Thracia in order to influence it. The Macedonian economy continues to see a notable increase. However, the military is also similarly showing signs of increased organization and effectiveness. Macedonian influence on the Achean League increases as the Macedonians gain high positions in the league's meetings and council and begin to influence its drift fully towards Macedonian leadership. Macedon sends a hefty gift to the Achean league in order to calm their thoughts as Macedonian traders. Also gaining nearly full control of the league aside from a quiet annexation. diplomats begin to work their way into the politics of Krete. Along with this the Athenian leadership is very quietly forced to step down as more Pro-Macedon, and Pro-Achean leaders take shape in the city. The Kingdom itself also begins to exert influence over Crete in a more political way, leveraging strong ties with various high level traders, and military men the politics of Krete begin to show much more subtle alignment with Macedon. 
    • Epirus:  The Epirote military is worked on as they begin to upgrade to Macedonian standards. Their fleet is also worked on in an attempt to contribute to the growing Macedonian fleet. the Epirote economy is also improved from the gifts from Macedon as well as the spoils of war. While the destruction of Sparta in its entirety is shocking, Epirus sees no issue with it as they would have done the same to the Macedonians and even the Epirote people. Epirus organizes its remaining 10,000 troops at home for evaluation. The Epirote people begin to go through cross border raids into Illyrian areas.
    • Byzantium: Byzantium succumbs to the pressure and joins under Macedon as its vassal state. However, this sees immediate benefits as massive trade influx increases the Byzantine economy heavily. This influx also allows for a more proper outfitting of the cities troops numbering 5000 who use this time to build a new set of armor which is on equal grounds to Macedonian armor but more traditionally Greek cultured. The entire delivery of armor to the Macedonian royal guard is completed. The city also begins to see more investment and the small port city begins to see not only a large influx of Greeks in general, but wealthy land owners, Businessmen, and the head of Macedons more powerful and prestigious trade league. The City itself begins to see a notable increase in wealth. The city itself seems to begin taking a central stage in Macedonian wealth and politics offputting the previous issues many people had with becoming a Macedonian vassal.
    • Achean League: The Achean League, following years of success with Macedon, and some subverting influence behind the scenes has led to the League becoming a full vassal of the Kingdom of Macedon. The economy of the league pushes towards integration with Macedon and the military is moved foreward.
  • Cimbri: Fishing and farming are our most important industries at this time. New temples to worship the Old Norse Gods are continuing to be built. Whale hunting is continuing to be popular within our nation. Iron weapons and tools slowly become commonplace mainly in the form of crude spears due to a lack of more iron. Boats made of strong wood are being made for trade. Port cities start to be made for trading. Fishing and trading in the North Sea becomes increasingly important in the local villages along the coastline. As the population continues to grow and villages and settlements appear closer together. Internal trade thrives and more land is cleared for farming. Iron working continues to improve as more people start dedicating to the arts of metalworking. Hunting and exploration along the major rivers and coastlines begin to grow, and trade with other Danish tribes begin. Cultural and artistic development begin. Hunting and exploration along the major rivers begin to grow, and trade with other tribes in Denmark begin. With the drought ending our production of crops double for the year due to all of this rain. With the extra food, we start a population boom to not make the food go to waste. Iron working slowly starts becoming more widespread and basic arrows with the material start appearing in settlements and villages.
  • Brigantes: The King continues to unite the Brigante and Votadini tribes. The King of the Votadini dies. Farming begins to happen more systematically. Unification of the Votadini and Brigante tribes begins in earnest. The King's younger brother is appointed as his champion, to defend his honour, and represent the Brigante Tribe.
  • Saxon Tribes: Despite the end of the droughts migration and trade south have begun to expand as the Saxons begin moving south along the Elbes River and west interacting with other tribes. Efforts to increase relations with the other Germanic tribes continues. Iron working slowly starts becoming more widespread and basic arrows with the material start appearing in settlements and villages. A young leader of one of the villages on the Elbes River named Bernhard (or bear, brave in old Germanic) begins organizing his village along more organized lines and attempts to improve food production. The arts and culture continue to develop. Worship of the Germanic gods continue to expand and their legacy expands and solidifies. The Teutonic request is accepted and trade with the teutons increases.
  • Yamato Japan: Some new farms are established, and more houses are built.
  • Armenia: We take a census count, our population is found to be 276,935 citizens. Our government looks for allies, and begins to construct a port city on the Black Sea. We consider constructing trade ships.
  • Teotihuacan: A severe famine erupts in the farmlands of Teotihuacan, and the priests order a mass sacrifice to reverse it. After a hundred people have been sacrificed, the populace grows weary of the priests and execute them. A chance to secure power for the people, by the people, the people of Teotihuacan overthrow the aristocracy and monarchy and establish a democratic and completely religious-free state. We construct an irrigation system to recover from the severe drought. We express hopes of expansion into a powerful empire as we send colonists east of the city to extend our holdings. A Teotihuacanese tinkerer discovers the process of creating 'iron' and shows it to the government. An area dedicated to trade is constructed.