The Roman Empire was the largest empire of the ancient world. Its capital was Rome, and its empire was based in the Mediterranean. The Empire dates from 27 BC, when Octavian became the Emperor, or Augustus, until it fell in 476 AD, marking the end of the Ancient World and the beginning of the Middle Ages, or Dark Ages.
The Roman Empire appears in several timelines in the multiverse, sometimes under other names:
- Nahuan Empire (A Different Story of Civilization) - The Roman Empire's Aztec-themed mirror equivalent ITTL.
- Roman Empire (Superpowers)
- Roman Union (A Democracy of Rome)
- Roman America (A Democracy of Rome)
- Romania (Fidem Pacis)
- Nazi Rome (A Democracy of Rome)
- Roman Empire (L'Uniona Homanus)
- New Roman Republic (Magna Hesperia)
- Rome (1861: Historical Failing)
- Second Roman Empire (A Democracy of Rome)