Alternative History
The Roman Empire
O Autokratoria Rhomaios
Timeline: Byzantine World
Flag Coat of Arms
Flag Coat of Arms
(and largest city)
Konstantinopolous (Constantinople)
  others Slavic 5%, Coptic 8%, Syriac 2%
  others Arianism 15%, Zoroastrianism 3%, Buddhism 1%, Hellenism 21%
Ethnic Groups
  others {{{ethnic_other}}}
Empress Zoe III
{{{leader2}}} The Imperial Senate
717,792 km²
  water (%) Arianism 15%, Zoroastrianism 3%, Buddhism 1%, Hellenism 21%
Population 66,969,821 
  per capita {{{gdp_capita}}}
Currency Miliar (RSM)
Time Zone {{{timezone}}}
  summer Arianism 15%, Zoroastrianism 3%, Buddhism 1%, Hellenism 21%


The Roman Empire for the most part consists of OTL Greece, Turkey, Egypt and Israel. The Empire is divided up into fifteen provinces: Thracia, Moesia, Macedonia, Epirius, Achaia, Bithynia, Phrygia, Galatia, Lycia, Cilicia, Cappadocia, Pontus, Syria, Palestina, Arabia, and Aegyptus. The capital of Constantinople is located on the border between Thracia and Bithynia.

In the year A.D. 1902 as an act of reparations toward Jews the Empire gave the Province of Palestina autonomy and renamed Judea. The Judean province is still technically a part of the Roman Empire but the emperor and the Imperial Senate have little to no authority in the region. Judea has its own centralized government, its own currency and has the authority to trade with any other nation, the exception is that the Judean monarchy has no authority to declare war, and while in all other aspects it is unhindered by by imperial politics the Judeans are allowed a seat in the Imperial Senate and is therefore represented in the Empire.

The Empire is bordered by northwest by the nation of Latinia. The north by nations of Dacia, Ruthenia, and Ukranos. The southwest by Carthage. The east by Armenia and Khurdistan. The south by Aksum and Abyssnia.


The Roman Empire was founded from within the ancient Roman Republic, the Republic itself has its humble beginnings in the year 450 B.C.

In the first century B.C. Julius Caesar began his military career and went on to face the Carthaginians in a great war, and he was crowned as emperor of the Roman State. His successors expanded Julius' empire and absorbed the remnants of Alexander the Great's Hellenistic empire and from this the Roman Empire was born.

The New Empire[]

However the citizens of the Empire, though inheriting the Empire from pagan predecessors considers the true founding of the modern Empire to be when Emperor Constantine the Great converted to the Christian Religion and moved the capital from Rome to Byzantium and renamed the city Constantinople.

The Western Empire suffered greatly during the fifth and sixth centuries as various Germanic tribes and kingdoms sacked the old city. By the seventh and eighth century the Western Empire had all been but left in ruin.

However, in the glorious East the Empire flourished under the Emperors of Constantinople.

The Empire has gone through several phases of reform and change and even instability over the centuries, but has in the long run remained firm.

Constantine the Terrible[]

In the year A.D. 1454 the Emperor Constantine XI (aka Constantine the Terrible), influenced by the powerful Arian Visigoth King Ardo III officially outlawed 1100 years of orthodox tradition and established Arianism as the lawful religion of the Empire. Unwaveringly the Emperor outlawed the use of the Sumbolo Pisteo in public and private worship.

Those who refused to convert to the Arian Religion were imprisoned and sometimes executed.

The brutality would have continued except that Constantine died from a terrible illness. Many attribute this disease as retribution for Constantine's atrocities. Constantine XI died in the year 1460, his nephew was crowned a month later as Emperor Andronicus IV.

The Imperial Edict of Nicea in the year A.D. 1462 two very important reforms took place in Roman politics. It stated that while Christianity would be the official state religion of the Empire that the State would have no right to impede upon the religious convictions of its citizens. It also declared that the power of the Imperial Senate has the power to veto the decisions of the emperor if the Senate deems that the emperor does not have the best interests of the people in mind. Never again could the brutality such as that of Constantine XI take place again.

The Age of []

When continents across the Atlantic were discovered, the Empire decided to sent envoys to explore the new world and report back to the emperor what they have seen. So in the year A.D. 1502 Michael Alexandrius landed on the south-eastern coast of OTL Florida establishing the colony of Andronika after the emperor.

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