Alternative History
Alternative History

< Main Page


  1. This is a relatively open timeline. Feel free to add general, non-important global events (like monsoons, tornadoes, new presidents of a foreign country, a singer dying, etc.), or add miniscule non-meaningful events in-between major events (new town, new colony, president's daughter died, etc.). If you want to add bigger events (new king, new country), then please message Upvoteanthology first.
  2. The wording of some of the things in my timeline may not be so elegant, so please feel free to elaborate or fix anything wrong that you may come across.
  3. Feel free to add links to any page that you can't find (if it's a red link right now, it means I haven't made that page yet; don't change those).
  4. I need OFFICIAL help with my timeline, so if you would like to help build it, please post a message on my talk page.
