Alternative History

The Rules of PMIV. It is mandatory to follow them at all times while moderating or playing the game. Here also lies the algorithm of PMIV, the method in which conflicts and battles are resolved. It's important to learn the algorithm, or algo for short, to learn the vitals of the game itself.


  1. It's strongly recommended to read up on your nation or region during the time period, and if you join later on in the game, learn the history of your region from archived turns.
  2. If a moderator be inactive in his duties for at least ten years in game, he will be considered as “honorary moderator” and will not have power unless requesting a return to the game with serious commitment.
  3. You only have two turns in-game to protest an implausible action. After this, the events taken place are deemed canon. However, if plausibility has suffered a big enough injury, a total of a ten turn retcon can take place with a moderator super majority.
  4. A player can be completely removed from the nation if they are inactive for five days. If their post is more than 70% identical (copy pasted) for a week and unresponsive, they can be considered for removal from the game.
  5. If two nations are in a personal union and are culturally similar, then after fifty years in personal union, the leading nation may choose to merge the two nations.
  6. You have one "free" switch to another nation every 100 years. You can also switch if your nation has been forcefully vassalized / conquered.

Time-specific Rules

  1. Until 1600, a nation may only have three historically accurate allies which must be listed here. Coalitions against an aggressive, growing nations may contain up to six nations. Coalitions must be historically accurate and can be moderated.
  2. If any mod discovers a colonial claims map before the New World is discovered, the players involved will be banned indefinitely.

Moderator Rules

  1. Burden of proof of plausibility is put on the player, not the moderator.
  2. Moderators cannot use absolutely any moderator powers in the region that they are playing in.
  3. Any change on the rules must be approved by a majority of the moderators.
  4. If an annual event or moderator response is a question, the moderators must hold a council. The council will decide the outcome with a super majority vote.
  5. In the end, moderator decision is final.

Colonization Rules

  1. If you defeat someone's main nation in the algorithm, you cannot claim their colonies without physically attacking the colonies. The opposite also applies, as you cannot claim a main nation without physically attacking it.
  2. You cannot establish colonies if you do not have access to a coastline. You cannot "rent", "lease", or otherwise "borrow" someone else's ports and coastlines to reach your colonies. This maybe be allowed in a special exception with the approval of a 2/3 majority of the moderators.
  3. Without moderator approval, a colonial war can not escalate into an old world war. However, Old World Wars may include Colonial theaters
  4. If you some how come into the possession of a colony without being an established colonizer, you are not automatically a colonizer, and you must be confirmed by at least 3 mods as a colonizer.
  5. New Colonizers can be named as time goes on, but must be confirmed by 3 mods. Sitting Moderators can not count in one of those three when attempting to colonize themselves.
  6. If you are not a confirmed colonizer, and you attempt to colonize, instant strike. Even if you believe yourself to have the capability, and even if you do have the capability, if you attempt to colonize before confirmation its a strike. If you continue your attempts you continue to get strikes. Your strikes will not be removed if you attempt to colonize pre-confirmation and later get confirmation. If a moderator removes your strike for this offense, than your strike will be re-added at the current game year, and the moderator in question will receive a strike. Confirmations can not be done over chat and must be done on the game's talk page. This is your only warring. Strikes issued for this reason can not be overturned unless a mistake is made on the striking moderator's part on the confirmation of the colonizer.
  7. Colonial Populations can not grow on their own until 1550 at the earliest. Thus the only way to grow colonies before 1550 is with settlers from the main land.
  8. Do not create dozens of small colonies for the sake of an algo advantage. 
  9. Colonies are counted as separate nations under the control of the main nation. So the recent war penalty, population, max military, government type, etc applied to the homeland is not the same as the one applied to the colony and vice versa. Do not attempt to manipulate the algo and subvert commonsense.
  10. All colonies must begin on the coast. Ideal and recommended locations for starting a colony are near fresh water sources like rivers and places that serve as good ports.
  11. Colonies should expand primarily along the coastline. Inland expansion should move along rivers. 
  12. You may claim the borders of your colony once you establish it. However, other people may expand into your claimed area. You cannot attack them for expanding into your claim zone unless you border them. In order to establish dominance in your claim, you must engage in a colonial war.
  13. Colonial claims can and will overlap. Expansion is first come first serve. If someone is on your land, fight them for it.

Template War (Dates)

Prewar Stage

  • Attacker name: total score
    • ​Population: pop score - penalties = pop score (actual population)
    • Government: gov score (government type)
    • Economy: econ score (econ tier)
    • Technology: tech score (tech tier)
  • ​Defender name: total score
    • ​Population: pop score - penalties = pop score (actual population)
    • Government: gov score (government type)
    • Economy: econ score (econ tier)
    • Technology: tech score (tech tier)

Battle Stage

  • Battle name (year)
    • Attacker name: total score * penalties = total score
      • ​Army size: army score (actual military, percentage of total military)
      • Navy size: naval score (acutal navy)
      • Location: loc score (location name)
      • Great leader: bonus scores or N/A (leader name)
      • Blunder: blunder score
    • Defender name: total score * penalties = total score
      • ​Army size: army score (actual military, percentage of total military)
      • Navy size: naval score (acutal navy)
      • Location: loc score (location name)
      • Great leader: bonus scores or N/A (leader name)
      • Blunder: blunder score

Final Stage

  • Attacker name: total score
  • Defender name: total score
  • Final Result: Battle Tier tier (percentage score), summary of result


There will be one algorithm, for every battle, until disengages or the army is destroyed. This carries on until a treaty is signed or total victory is achieved by the victors. There are two stages to every algorithm—the pre-war stage, and the battle stage. The battle stage may be repeated up to 3 times per year, depending on how large the war is, in population and nation size. It is extremely important to read this page: War Mechanics, as it has more specifics on how the algorithm will work.

Pre-War Stage


Location is Determined by your location relative to your combatant.

The percentage of your population which can count towards the algo will change in relation to the region you’re located in. At maximum your population will count in full in one connected region from your home region. Sea zones do not count, and will be considered a detrimental region to all unless you maintain a naval concentration. Which negates this. While negating the sea attrition to your population score will be in full as you land on the land region.

For each movement beyond your initially no detriment region allowance. so moving from Say Eastern Europe to Western Europe (which has to go through central europe) 20% of your population will effectively not be counted in the algorithm to symbolize the difficulty of resupply of a major army abroad infrastructural issues etc etc.. If your invading another continent then you suffer an automatic 35% reduction of your population involvement. Unless your an empire which stradles continents (Byzantines, Ottomans, Russia just a few examples)

Extra continental invasions which are forced to cross more than 2 major sea regions or are geographically seperated as conventional history dictates, will suffer from major penalties

The least percentage of population included will remain capped at 5%

Region penalties are cumulative (i.e. add all that apply)

  • List of Region Modifiers for Attackers
    • Same Region: 0%
    • Bordering Region - Land: 0%
    • Bordering Region - Sea: -(20)%
      • Naval concentration: No penalty
    • Next Region over (add as applicable): -(20)%
    • On Same continent: No penalty
    • Other Continent:-35%
      • Multi-continental Empire: +35%
    • Stacking Penalty Limit: -95%
  • Naples with a naval concentration invades Southern France.
    • Naples starting region: Southern Europe
    • France Starting Region: Western Europe
    • Sea attrition (Med sea) which is canceled out by naval concentration.
    • Southern Europe to Western Europe with a naval concentration leaves out any attrition allowing the full force of the Neapolitan population to count.
    • (note a map will be made which will discuss and work out the specifics of regions. However before this time, mods should be relatively able to answer the questions about which region your nation resides in.


The first thing done is an algo is that the population is found of the entire alliance for both sides—leading nation, allies, and vassals.

  •  (Total Population * 0.02)/5000 = Score.
    • Only up to +50 counts Population score cap (until further notice)


If the government of the leading nation is a ...

  • Revolutionary Republic +15 (1750 at the earliest)
  • Federal Republic +13 (1750)
  • Democratic Republic: +13 (1750)
  • Republican Dictatorship: +12 (1750)
  • Totalitarian Dictatorship: +10 (1750)
  • Clarified for those in wonder. 
  • Great Nomadic Horde - +8
  • Celestial Empire (China, Japan) - +8
  • Absolute Monarchy - +7
  • Westminster Monarchy (England) - +6
  • Absolute Feudal Monarchy - +6
  • Elective Monarchy - + 5
  • Feudal Monarchy - +5
  • Iqta' (Islamic Feudalism) - +5
  • Theocracy - +5
  • Oligarchy/Council - +6
  • Warlord/Tribal - +5
  • Free City (Holy Roman Empire) - +5
  • Merchant Republic - +5

(more types will be added as we progress through the game and more modern types of government are invented.)


  • Tier I - +5
  • Tier II - +7
  • Tier III - +10
  • Tier IV - +20
  • Tier V - +30


  • Tier I - +5
  • Tier II - +7
  • Tier III - +10
  • Tier IV - +20
  • Tier V - +30

Tiers will scale with the time period and will be subject to moderator approval as well as my own. Note that tech tiers for coalitions will be counted as a weighted average based on troops sent to war.

If an Industrial state multiple your tech and eco score by 50% respectively.

Battle Stage

This stage may be repeated up to 3 times, depending on the size and scale of the war. Note that in this stage, "Attacker" does not mean the nation that declared war first, but means the nation that is in the enemy's territory, attacking enemy cities or troops.

Army/Navy Size

If you are having trouble with army sizes, or your suggested army size is implausible, ask any moderator for the maximum army size you can field. Army size includes all allies and vassals on the same front. Now on top of this in an era with enlarging populations, you can reconstitute your armies with roughly a 60% rebuild. Which means if your entire army is wiped out you can bring reconstitue upwards of 60% of the armies strength.

Finding Maximum Army/Navy Size

.3 per 1000 men

.3 per 10 ships 

  • Army
    • Feudal Nations: 0.0075 times population
    • Democracies: .05 (until 1870) 1.5% Post 1870 (Peacetime)
    • Dictatorships: .04 (intil 1870) 2.0 % post 1870 (Peacetime)
    • Absolute Feudal Monarchies: .01 times population
    • Absolute Monarchies: .024 times population (cannot be achieved until at least 1620)
    • Nomadic Hordes: 0.01 times population
    • Non-feudal Nations: 0.015 times population
    • Naval-concentrated, non-feudal nations: 0.01 times population
  • Navy
    • Merchant Republic: 0.0018 times merchant republic's population
    • Naval-concentrated nations: 0.0000936 times population
    • Normal Nations: 0.00003 times population

PRO TIP: You can send your entire military strength abroad in a fight but this will incur penalties such as revolts at home of nobility, Peasants, separatists. It is highly encouraged that unless you are fighting within a good marching distance of your home territory (neighboring nations in the region) the threat of revolt will be a decent possibility.. The more forces you deploy, further away, the more unrest at home you will have unless you have established or left a strong policing unit. (roughly 15-25% of your nation’s armed forces would be expected to be retained within the homeland for an extended campaign abroad and will be used as the general rule of thumb. This is generally only deterrent for smaller revolts like peasants and your own nobility rather than separatists and claimants to your throne is applicable.

Professional Armies/ Modern Navies

As we come closer to the modern day, the innovation of professionally trained, equipped and drilled armies became commonplace in many areas on the planet. This was mostly due to the limitations of a hastily raised feudal force, the higher innovation of better firearms, and better infantry tactics as well as the inability to just massively arm and equip hundreds of thousands of troops. This means that in this era the movement to professional armies makes the raising of large hordes of troops in the tens of thousands or more extremely unattractive. 

The same can be said of navies which as they got progressively more modern, became progressively more expensive meaning naval sizes became much smaller. The bringing together of specific fleets and ships contained will allow for Navally focused powers to maintain such main fleets of battle in full which have better combat ability and training than the generally trained naval forces of other nations. The tradeoff however is the focusing in on a much more potent naval force means it is much smaller. fielding 1000s of ships for main line battle is no longer practical and hence naval focus will bring the numbers into much more manageable numbers. First of all, Non colonial actors with a naval focus will be allowed to field 2 full strength Naval fleets at any time consisting of at maximum 150 ships. The same applies for colonial actors but they will also get a small extra battle fleet which is considered a colonial fleet by all standards and is used to protect shipping, and fight battles in the far flung colonies of the world. It is expected that you will never be able to bring your entire fleet to bear in one gigantic engagement due to needs of patrol routes, other fleets engaging etc etc. The maximum fleets should be engaging eachother is roughly 40-50 ships in larger battles and between 15-20 ships in smaller engagements. However engagements as few as 1-5 ships are not unheard of. If larger battles are to take place beyond the 60 ship limit mods must be notified as to the reasoning and it must be approved. No more numbers getting out of hand.

Professional Armies vs Unprofessional armies:

  • European Line Infantry:
    • Max professional force in peacetime; 60,000
    • Time to Train 5 years. (or 2 battles and upkeep whichever comes first)
    • Max Professional force during war time 80,000. Top economic tier is required
    • Has 40% combat bonus against unprofessional troops unless commanded by GL.
    • Takes 50% less casualties against unprofessional troops (in addition to having higher troops counts bonuses for less casualties)
  • Unprofessional troops:
    • Half of max troop count in peace time
    • No training time needed
    • Full troop count in war time
    • No bonuses, suffers 30% higher casualties against professional troops
    • No combat bonus

Modern Navies:

  • Navally focused nations: 
  • 2 main modern fleets consisting of a maximum of 150 ships tops each
  • 30% bonus against fleets raised from less modern ships or ships that are jury rigged for combat.
  • higher speeds and range allow for less ships to cover more territory.
  • less ships and higher training means more effective combat.
  • 50% less casualties against outdated ships.
  • (Colonial only) 50 ship colonial fleet made for trade protection and colonial fleet maneuver
  • If the colonial fleet is adopted reduce your peacetime/wartime military strength by 25% due to costs
  • Can still raise outdated or lesser ships for combat duty or patrol duty while better ships fill in or you are out of ships
  • Land Focus nations: 
    • 1 Modern fleet consisting of 100 ships
    • Land focus nations can not move more than 3 sea regions away from their core territories. (if a leased territory is controlled, 1 sea zone.
    • relies heavily on repurposed and outdated ships.
    • cannot operate to invade colonies unless they are within range of the 3 sea zones.
  • Land Focus colonial empires:
    • 1 modern fleet of 150 ships
    • 1 Colonial fleet of 50 ships
    • relies on outmoded or repurposed ships. 2 sea zone limitation from colonies unless traveling back home.


If you want to hire mercenaries to fight in wars, you must follow this formula. As all states hired mercenaries during this period well into the enlightenment age You have have a maximum 20% of your total military strength consisting of mercenaries. (Translation: you can multiply your troops by 1.25, but at a cost detailed below)

  • A mod will run an RNG to determine the behaviour of the mercenaries.
    • 1-3 = extremely professional fight on payment and promises of some sort of civilized loot system
    • 4-7 = Semi Professional, will cause some scale of looting damage to your own territory or whatever territory your own. Loot system is relatively disorganized and semi violent. Their unruly behavior over long period of time may anger your allies.
    • 8-10 = Unprofessional mercenaries. You have hired absolute scum, their looting system consists of burning the city, taking everything and murdering and raping the populous. Holding these troops on home soil can see national property damaged, and likewise for your allies lands. Your forces, and Allied forces will tolerate these men for a minimum of 5 years before the mercenaries are forced to leave the army for a different region.

Location of Battle

To find where land battle takes place, find the closest two major cities that is occupied by both sides. If the attacking player doesn't specify a plan, assume that the two armies will meet at a point between the two major cities.

All of the land categories are rather obvious, if a player has done their research then it should be relatively obvious what to classify everything as. A River of almost any type can be used, a Mountain range must be specifically labeled as a mountain range on historic maps, and if ignored mountain passes or river crossings in a different country could prove as a circumvention to your defense.

  • Attacking-(Land Battle)
    • Near a major religious site: -5
    • Near the center of government/state: -4.5
    • Near a city: -3.5
    • Near a major river or the coast with naval superiority: -3
    • Near a populated border: +2
    • Near a major river or the coast: +1
    • Near a desolate location far away from anyone: 0
    • Decisive Battle: 0
  • Attacking-(Land Battle in Hostile Mountains)
    • Near Capital: -10 (note very few nations capitals are in the mountains.)
    • Near/at City: -8
    • Near Major Fortress: -6
    • Near Religious site: -4
    • Normal attacking: -3
    • Decisive Battle: 0
  • Attacking-(Assault on a City/Fort)
    • Besieging a center of government/very well-fortified city: -8
    • Besieging a Strategic Fortress: -6
    • Besieging a major religious site: -5
    • Besieging a major city: -4
    • Far from centralized location: 0
  • Attacking-Sea
    • Near/at Capital : -10
    • Near Major Fortress: -7
    • Near a major religious site: -5
    • Near the center of government: -4.5
    • Near a city: -3.5
    • Far from any coast: 0
  • Defending-(Land Battle)
    • Near a major religious site: +7
    • Near the center of government/state: +6
    • Near major friendly fortress : +5.5
    • Near a city: +4
    • Near a major river or the coast with naval superiority: +3.5
    • Near a populated border: +2
    • Near a major river or the coast: +1
    • Near a desolate location far away from anyone: 0
  • Defending-(Land Battle in Friendly Mountains)
    • Near/At Capital (if applicable): +16
    • Near Major Fortress/Majorly fortified city: +13
    • Near/At City: +10
    • Near Major River: +9
    • Coastal mountains: +9
    • Mountains: +7
  • Defending-(Assault on a City/Fort)
    • Besieged center of government/very well-fortified city: +12
    • Defending major Fortress: +9
    • Besieged a major religious site: +7
    • Besieged a major city: +4
  • Defending-Sea
    • Defending near landing site : +10
    • Near a major religious site: +5
    • Near the center of government: +4.5
    • Near a city: +3.5
    • Near the coast or in a major river: +1
    • Far from any coast: 0
  • Defending-(Battle on a Major River)
    • Near Capital (if applicable) +10
    • Near Major Fortress: +8
    • Defended River crossing: +7 (army must have at least 1 turn to establish necessary fortifications)
    • Contested River Crossing: +5 (army will meet the enemy at the crossing but has no built up defenses)

Standard Protocol for most sieges, for most armies, is to outnumber the defending garrison by 3 to 1. As such, battles which assault cities and other strategic locations will follow this example. In the case of major cities and strategic forts, YOU MUST capture the city of fort to continue on into the country from that avenue. If you embark on a military campaign, a well-fortified position must be taken in a siege with the minimum 3:1 ratio to incur no penalty and can only be circumvented by Great Generals and Great Leaders. Conducting a Siege means that the involved manpower will not be available for other combat operations unless you pull them from duty to another front, or break the siege.

  • Penalties for Breaking Protocol
    • If you have 3 to 1 odds during a siege you will incur no penalties
    • If you have 2 to 1 odds, you will incur an extra 10% casualties and a 15% detriment to your score
    • If you have 1 to 1 odds or less, you will incur an extra 20% casualties and 25% detriment to your score.

If you attempt to bypass a well-fortified position a 20% penalty will be added to your final battle section score due to the exposed rear or flank of your army due to the massive strategic disadvantage left by a large enemy garrison based around a well-fortified position and capable of Harassing the attacking army. This is specifically true due to the increased viability of asymetric warfare which would impart casualties, attrition and a loss of morale.

There is also an annual Marching Limit for your forces, meaning that the location of a Battle must be within the marching limit of friendly-controled territory

  • Marching Limit Modifiers
    • Base Value: IDK, like 1500 km?
    • Insert other modifiers here

Great Generals/Leaders

Great Leaders may maintain control/good use over all elements of a nations military this means planning for all fronts

Great Generals are only able to lead within one army/front

  • Great General or Admiral
    • Great Leader - +45 (this would be considered a great king such as genghis etc etc, Event decided extremely rare)
    • General - +25 (Delegated via Event, can reach Great Leader status if they are able to take the throne. Much more common, usually requires distinguished service in a large good war.)
    • Admiral - +20 (Delegated via Event)

Attrition (Attacking)

  • Winter: (determined by RNG by uninvolved mod and if not applicable mod supervised uninvolved player)
    • Heavy Winter: 85% 1-2
    • Moderate Winter: 25% 3-6
    • Light Winter: 10% 7-8
    • Low Impact Winter: .5% 9-10
  • Mountains
    • Contested Mountains: 50% (this means plain and simple doing a mountain crossing, no historically traveled pathways etc etc)
    • Contested Mountain Pass 15%:
    • Contested River crossing: 5%


RNG done by Unbiased, Uninvolved Mod

-0 to -5

Strategic Defenses

All nations will gain a maximum amount of 4 Strategic defensive areas (hinging on their population) and are used specifically to guard strategic choke points such as mountain passes, gaps in terrain, or important territories in the nation. For every 3 million people you will gain a strategic defense point/fort which will give a major boost to the defensiveness to a region and can effectively deter an enemy from a major offensive. They take roughly a decade to construct and prepare, and are a significant investment by the country. Their placement is roughly the same as a heavily fortified city, and in order to place these (and determine their coverage or even necessity as you can be denied if you lack the necessity) you must give a legitimate area for this fort, and give a predicted region of coverage. If they do not match up you will be denied. This will be handled by the resident algorithm moderator.


  • Batte Tier 0: Both forces take 5% casualties, armies are still engaged and nobody has won a convincing victory yet.
  • Battle Tier 1: 15% of the losing force is lost. This requires both nations being within at least 25,000 troops of each other in the battlefield. In a Siege battle 10% of the losing forces will be killed wiped unless on the 2nd algo or a resounding defeat.
    • Victors: will incur 10% casualties in this Tier. In a Siege battle the Attacker will incur 13% casualties
  • Battle Tier 2: 30% of the losing force will be wiped out or captured. In a Siege 25% of the defeated force will be destroyed. (not applicable in a second algo defeat or in this case a siege which equates to the necessary amount to take a strategic fort or city)
    • Victors: Will incur 6% casualties. In a Siege they will incur 15% casualties.
  • Battle Tier 3: 75% of the losing force is wiped out or captured. In a Siege the entire force is wiped out or captured
    • Victors: Will incur 2% casualties. In a Siege 5% of the attacking force suffers casualties
  • Battle Tier 4: Losing force ceases to exist. In a Siege the the Losing force also ceases to exist
    • Victor: Attacking force takes minimal casualties. Siege, Attacking force takes .5% of casualties

If an enemy is not within the 25,000 mark on troop comparison then all these values will be halved for the attacker. If the enemy has 50,000 less than you then they are halved once again. (this applies to the attacker.) This applies in every order of magnitude (and will be subject to change when populations have expanded enough to warrant the changing of the numerical amounts)


If an enemy attacking you is not within the 25,000 mark all values will be halved for the Defender. At another order of 25,000 the values will be halved again. (this is subject to change following the increase in population which will change the numerical values)

Victory or Defeat

To achieve a victory or be subject to a defeat, a few things must happen. You must have seized or won decisive battles or sieges in the territory in question. No longer will 200% clear an enemy from the battle all together.

To win victories the enemy must be defeated in the field or beaten while sieging. Just showing up with an army will not guarantee you victory.

  • Battle Tier 1 - 200-300% - Winner has won a battle with the enemy convincingly but not decisively (normal battles). Enemy can regroup and retreat in good order. In the case of Sieges a second algo is required as 500% will be minimum for sieges of fortified cities and major forts.
  • Battle Tier 2 - 300-500% - Winner has won a decisive battle and the enemy retreats in good order but with a decent amount of casualties.
  • Battle Tier 3 - 500-900% - Winner has won a crushing decisive victory enemy forces have suffered at least 40-50% casualties and are retreating out of the region. If caught in a city when this happens the garrison is entirely wiped out or taken prisoner.
  • Ultimate Tier - 900%+ - Winner has shattered the enemy into a full scale retreat from this region and any adjoining ones. The army will attempt to retreat to the nearest fortified city to regroup 55-60% casualties are expected. In the case of a siege the entire force is wiped out with a significant surrender as well. -5 for the next algo for the loser in this situation due to the morale of such a significant loss. That -5 morale de-buff will last 1 year.

Use this calculator to make your percentage calculations

Country Rankings

Economic Tiers

  • Tier 1 +3
    • Everyone not listed in the other tiers
  • Tier 2 +5
    • Chimu
    • Croatia
    • All other Player HRE states
    • Tondo
    • Majapahit
  • Tier 3 +10
    • Ottomans
    • Hungary
    • Bengal
    • Poland
    • Russia
    • Brandenburg
    • Austria
    • Norway
    • Papal States
    • Khmer
    • Swahili
    • Oman
    • Venice
    • Benin
  • Tier 4 +15
    • Persia
    • Korea
    • Japan
    • Milan
    • Delhi
    • Sicily
    • Denmark
    • Sweden
    • Portugal
    • Bahmanid
    • England
  • Tier 5 (best) +25
    • China
    • Iberia
    • France
    • Burgundy
    • Bulgaria
    • Caliphate

Tech Tiers

  • Tier 1 +3
    • (this is for tribes and non metalworking societies)
  • Tier 2 +5
    • Chimu
    • Mexica triple alliance
    • All Higher Native Civilizations, baring the Chimu, haven’t worked too much on metallurgy so I’m not sure if they would make the cut.
  • Tier 3 +10
    • Hungary
    • Bahamanid
    • Denmark
    • Sweden
    • Norway
    • Croatia
    • Ottomans
    • Swahili
    • Benin
  • Tier 4 +15
    • Korea
    • Austria
    • Poland
    • Milan
    • Two Sicilies
    • Gurkani
    • The Caliphate
    • Portugal
    • Poland
    • England
    • Delhi Raj
    • Russia
    • Venice
  • Tier 5 (best) +25
    • China
    • Burgundy
    • France
    • Iberia
    • Belka
    • England
    • Prussia

