Alternative History
Alternative History

Saemonite Mythology is a body of myths originating from the Realm of Northern Saemonites as a way to explain the nature of the world.


The conception of mythological gods and deities has existed since the movement of the Saemonites from a nomadic empire into an absolute monarchy, with the Wars against the Saemonites being key signatures signifying that the ruling dynasty of the Saemonite Empire having lost favoritism among the gods.

Many citizens within the Northern Realm considered the gods to be of a higher level of being, being transcendent of time and reality. Many Saemonites would base specific events both locally and nationally as being influenced or directly affected by the gods, from a good agricultural harvest to the end of the ruling dynasty.

List of gods[]

The Big Nine

Deity Description
Alorus God of nature, life, and fire.
Pheres God of the sea, droughts, and rain.
Naramsin God of death, paradise (hell), and war.
Sibri God of greed, cynicism, hate, and eternity.
Belili Goddess of fertility, desire, and pleasure.
Atanah-ili Goddess of health, home, and agriculture.
Anatu Goddess of war, skill, and peace.
Humusi Goddess of justice, order, and law.
Nebo God of intelligence, reason, and wisdom.

Other Deities

Deity Description
Alaparos God of music, art, and philosophy.
Zikar-sin God of sight, memory, and science.
Dii'duuresu God of the sun and astronomy.
Ishkibal God of thought, language, and communication.
Duzi God of youth, wilderness, and ambition.
Gemekaa Goddess of stubbornness, ignorance, and arrogance.
Kullaa Goddess of ecstasy, lust, drunkenness, wine, and festivals.
Esther Goddess of the moon and astrology.
Ia Goddess of day and night.
Diipaa'ni Goddess of mountains, sleep, and mortality.

History of the Saemonite mythology[]

Creation of the World[]

Era of the Gods[]

Era of the Saemonite tribes[]

Era of the Saemonite Empire[]

Era of Decline[]


