Alternative History
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Mohammad SAV

Muhammad's name, common decoration among Medinan churches

This is a timeline in which I speculate the influences of Christianity on Muhammad, prophet of Islam. Islam is very similar to Christianity in a way, including sharing prophets. What if that influence had been even stronger? What if Muhammad had not only converted to Christianity, but began preaching it? Eventually, a new branch of Christianity arises in Mecca.

This is not my ideal version of events. This is simply a thought experiment. I have no bias toward Christianity or Islam.

Point of Divergence[]

At the age of 40, a virtually unknown Meccan merchant became discontented with the life he was leading. To put his mind at ease, he retreated to Mount Hira to meditate and pray. When he returned, he was a changed man. Muhamad Ibn Abdullah began to preach Christianity to the locals. After gaining a great following, he was assassinated by one of the local tribes.

Enraged by his death, his following entered a war with the local tribes. Fighting with religious fervour, they managed to achieve victory despite the formidableness of their foes. At the war's end, the surviving wife and children of Muhammad, elevated by their wealth and by their blood relation to the Christian's teacher, became the new rulers of what was to become the Kingdom of Mecca.

Muhammad would become a canonized saint in 1231 AD.



Christianity is one of the main religions in the world. It currently stretches as a majority from Mesopotamia to Lusitania, and large minorities exist all the way until China.

Ever since Christian demographics exploded throughout Europe and the Middle East, Christianity is perhaps the largest religious group in the world. It is divided in several different sects. The most important Christian sects are:

  • Catholicism - The Catholic Church or Roman Church is by far the largest of the Christian sects in the world. It's a majority in Western and Central Europe and the Americas, and has dioceses in the rest of Europe and Asia.
  • Nestorianism - The Church of the East, Church of Babylon or Nestorian Church is the second largest of the Christian sects in the world, and for a long time was the largest of them all. This church is one of the largest churches in the world, territory-wise, with dioceses all the way from Western Mesopotamia to Japan, although it's only a majority religion in the northernmost Middle East and parts of Central Asia. There are also large minorities in most of the New World.
  • Church of Mecca - The Church of Mecca or Southern Church is a relatively large sect of Christianity. The church is a majority in the Arabic Peninsula and several areas in the Indian Ocean coast. It also has large amounts of dioceses in the rest of Africa and the Middle East.
  • Oriental Church - The Oriental Church, also known as the Monophysite Church, the Miaphysite Church and the Coptic Church is a large church, majority in Northeastern Africa, the Levant (except for Israel), and parts of western Syria.


Judaism is, in terms of followers, a major religion, although relatively small compared to other major religions. It only has about 40,000,000 followers around the world, mostly concentrated in the Levant and in other modern "Jewish Homelands" or lands where the Jews have migrated to to the point of becoming a majority. The most important of these are New Jerusalem (OTL New York), Fort Herzl (OTL Fort Lauderdale), and Lomza. For a short time, Jewish nationalists started exploring new areas of the world, therefore founding the two main cities (Both in 1585, although Fort Herzl was only renamed in 1905, and had previously been named Fort Maimonides, after a very important Jewish philosopher).


The most important religion in the easternmost Middle East and some areas of Asia, Zoroastrianism is a major non-Vedic and non-Abrahamic religion.


Hinduism (sometimes referred to the Vedic religion) is a major religion in South and South East Asia. It has many followers and is one of the world's major religions, ranking second if the amount of followers are taken into notice. It is prominent in mainly South and South East Asia.

There are some prominent Hindu sects as well including:

  • Jainism: A much stricter form of Hinduism, where the followers are not permitted to eat any sort of meat and fruit or vegetables grown below the ground.


Differences from OTL[]

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