The Territory of San Angeles was established in the 1990s. Initially Imperial, Kern, Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Diego, Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo and Ventura counties were temporarily separated from the U.S. State of California by the U.S. federal government in order to eliminate representation in Washington, D.C. due to the state of martial law in southern California resulting from the 1992 Southern California insurrection. As the violence and martial law continued, however, the decision was made to bring the ten counties together as the Territory of San Angeles making their separation from the rest of California permanent. San Angeles remains under the leadership of a Military Governor similar to the Territory of Hawaii during the Second World War. While a restoration of civilian government and statehood are goals for San Angeles, the U.S. federal government has made it clear that a number of conditions must first be met such as a restoration of law and order as well as an end to the violence. During the initial implementation of martial law, many civilians showed an increasing hostility towards military personnel and sometimes even their families. This eventually led to all off-duty military and their dependents being ordered to remain on base. Some cities bordering military installations were eventually declared no-go zones for non-military personnel with the exception of dependents, retired, anyone with an honorable or general discharge, DoD civilians, etc. with everyone else being required to relocate elsewhere in San Angeles - among the most notable cities affected was Fallbrook which bordered Camp Pendleton. Travel outside San Angeles for any reason including family emergencies was strictly prohibited for anyone not involved with the military or the federal government. Technological growth in San Angeles was significantly lower then the remainder of the United States with internet and cellular phone usage typically being reserved for DoD personnel and dependents.