Timeline: L'Uniona Homanus
OTL equivalent: Georgia, Southern Russia
Coat of Arms
Location of Sarmatia
Capital(and largest city)
Tarki (Makhachkala)
Language Official
Latin (Lingua Latina)
Sarmatia (Lingua Sarmatiae)
Religion Main
Roman Polytheism
Zoroastrianism, Angelic Gnosticism
Ethnic Group
Imperial Dominion
A Short History of Sarmatia [ ]
Sarmatia is a province in the lucky position of being between two major seas. They received trading activity from both sides, and the movement between them without moving through more than one Province was attractive to merchants. Sarmatia was a very wealthy and unique province and had its own culture, though it is simliar to the native culture of Armenia .
Provinces of Rome (L'Uniona Homanus) European Provinces Alpes Cottiae ,
Alpes Maritimae ,
Alpes Poeninae ,
Anglia ,
Aquitania ,
Aurelia ,
Baetica ,
Balerica, ,
Britannia ,
Byzantium ,
Caledonia ,
Cantabria ,
Catalonia ,
Crimea ,
Dacia ,
Dalmatia ,
Epirus ,
Francia ,
Germania ,
Greccia ,
Hibernia ,
Ibria ,
Islia ,
Italia ,
Lusitania ,
Macedonia ,
Moesia Inf. ,
Moesia Sup. ,
Narbonensis ,
Noricum ,
Occitania ,
Pannonia ,
Raetia ,
Tolitia ,
Valencia Former Provinces of Europe African Provinces Asian Provinces Judea ,
Syria ,
Arabia ,
Arachosia ,
Armenia ,
Assyria ,
Babylonia ,
Bactria ,
Bythinia et Pontus ,
Cilicia ,
Elegabatia ,
Galatia ,
Ephesus ,
Cappadocia ,
Chrasmia ,
Carmenia ,
Campus Asius ,
Cyprus ,
Desertum Arabium ,
Lycia ,
Margiana ,
Pasargadia ,
Sarmatia ,