Saudi Arabia is the by far biggest state on the Arabian peninsula. Its name means "the part of Arabia controlled by the Saud family".
Alternate versions of Saudi Arabia have been discovered throughout the multiverse:
- Hejaz (Cherry, Plum, and Chrysanthemum)
- Nejd (Cherry, Plum, and Chrysanthemum)
- Saudi Arabia (1983: Doomsday)
- Saudi Arabia (A Confederate Victory)
- Saudi Arabia (Global Pacification: World at War Map Game)
- Saudi Arabia (Great Iraq War)
- Saudi Arabia (How many Sixes does Adolf Nazi have to Roll?)
- Saudi Arabia (Imperial Machines)
- Saudi Arabia (Night of the Living Alternate History Map Game)
- Saudi Arabia (The Era of Relative Peace)
- Saudi Arabia (A United Kingdom of Scandinavia)
- Saudi Arabia (Yellowstone: 1936)