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The Holy Great Imperialism of Prince Bih
Prince Bihs heliga stora imperialism
Timeline: Anti-Schoolism

OTL equivalent: Scandinavia including Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Iceland and Greenland
Flag Coat of Arms
Flag Coat of Arms
Unite, Unite, Unite! (Swedish: Enhet, Enhet, Enhet!)
Anthem "Glory of the Anti-Schoolism"
(and largest city)
Language Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish, Danish and Icelandic
Religion Christian
Demonym Princian


Legislature Federal Anti-schoolism multi-party absolute monarchy under an sovereign republic and military dictatorship.
Monarch Bongo Loko
Calling Code +1
Internet TLD .se

The Holy Great Imperialism of Prince Bih (HGIPB), commonly known as Holy Great Imperialism (HGI) is a country comprising 5 states and the world's sole superpower.

The Holy Great Imperialism is a federal anti-schoolism, sovereign republic, absolute monarchy and military dictatorship that have a lot of strict and weird laws.