Alternative History
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Second American War
SAW Painting
Top: Depiction of the Rough Riders in the Battle of Chinook; one of the few American victories during the war.
Bottom: Painting of the Second Battle of Louisville with a soldier wielding Beauregard's Banner, signifying the U.S.' defeat.
Date September 7, 1882 – June 29, 1883
(9 months, 3 weeks and 1 day)
Location Confederate-American border, Atlantic Ocean
Result Confederate and Allied victory
  • U.S. capital moved from Washington, D.C. to Philadelphia
  • International recognition of the Confederacy as a sovereign state
  • Abolition of slavery in the C.S.
US flag 28 stars United States Flag of the Confederate States (15 stars) Confederate States
Flag of the United Kingdom United Kingdom
Bandera del Segundo Imperio Mexicano (1864-1867) Mexico
Commanders and leaders
US flag 28 stars Henry II
US flag 28 stars John Sherman
US flag 28 stars Philip Sheridan
US flag 28 stars William T. Sherman
US flag 28 stars George A. Custer
US flag 28 stars Alfred Thayer Mahan
US flag 28 stars George Dewey
US flag 28 stars Theodore Roosevelt
Flag of the Confederate States (15 stars) Charles I
Flag of the Confederate States (15 stars) Fitzhugh Lee
Flag of the Confederate States (15 stars) P. T. G. Beauregard
Flag of the Confederate States (15 stars) James Longstreet
Flag of the Confederate States (15 stars) Wade Hampton III
Flag of the Confederate States (15 stars) Thomas Jackson
Flag of the Confederate States (15 stars) J. E. B. Stuart
Civil Ensign of the United Kingdom Charles George Gordon
Civil Ensign of the United Kingdom Garnet Wolseley
Naval Ensign of the United Kingdom Rodney Mundy