The trade routes passing through the Gurkani Sultanate
The Second Compact of Iskenderun is an international compact that governs the usage of the trade routes passing through the Gurkani Sultanate and all trade occurring within the territories of the Sultanate. It encompasses a region that includes Syria, Iraq, Anatolia, Crimea, Persia, Caucasus, Crimea, and Khorasan.
The Compact effectively established two trade routes to facilitate trade, a Northern and Southern trade route. The Northern trade route, starts from Trabzon, a port city designated to act as the starting point for merchants from Central or Eastern Europe; leading eventually to the city of Herat. The original trade route then proceeds to split, one leading to Samarkand and onwards to China whilst the other leads to Kabul and onward to India. The Southern trade starts from the city of Iskenderun and is essentially a route designated for nations with a Mediterranean coastline. Unlike the Northern trade route, this route primarily faciliatates trade with India as it eventually lead to the cities of Kandahar and Kalat.
Unlike the original Compact however, the Second Compact does not pertain only to European merchants. It simultaneously allows Indian merchants to utilize the Compact and effectively establish markets for Indian goods in Gurkani cities. It also allows merchants from India to practically purchase Gurkani merchandise as well as import goods from Europe, or the Mashriq.
In essence, this Compact essentially grants the Sultanate complete control over all trade between Asia and Europe, making the much-coveted connection a jewel for having made the Sultanate exceedingly wealthy and powerful, granting it an important standing in international politics.
Basis of Compact[]
For all countries to use and have full access to the trade routes:
- The Gurkani Sultanate will provide protection of cargo passing through its territories
- The Gurkani Sultanate will govern the commerce of the region, and the merchants passing through the Empire will pay 5% tariff on the goods being transported. These tariffs will be raised on particular checkpoints, primarily Iskenderun, Kerch, Trabzon, Theodoro, Basra, Gamrun, Kandahar, Kalat, Samarkand and Kabul to tax the goods entering the Sultanate, and those goods that are exiting it.
- Nations are restricted from sending their merchants to utilize both routes unless allowed to do so directly by the Sultan. As such, if a nation was allowed to only use the Southern route, its merchants will be subjected to strict punishments if found in the Northern route and vice versa.
- Any attempt to smuggle goods into or out of the Gurkani Sultanate through any area not mentioned above as a checkpoint will result in the outright execution of those involved, seizure of the goods being transported and the possible expulsion of the nation involved.
- All nations agree not to join the opposing side in the event of a war involving the Gurkani Sultanate. Moreover, all nations agree to intervene if there is any attempt to blockade the ports of the Gurkani Sultanate.
- Each individual nation is subject to their own agreement as part of the Compact as well in addition to the basic portion of the compact as said below.
- Other signatories recognize the nations who sign this pact rights to use the trade route.
- In order to use the trade route for military purposes the using nation must receive direct permission for each conflict from the Gurkani Sultanate.
- The Sultanate will hold the right in perpetuity to restrict trade goods from nations that are not on good terms with them, preventing its merchants from entering the nation and using the trade routes.
Agreements by Nations[]
Kingdom of Italy & Naples (1468)[]
The Kingdom of Italy and the Kingdom of Naples agree to abide by all the rules and regulations for use of Gurkani trade routes as set down in the Second Compact of Iskenderun.
- Henceforth, merchants from the Kingdom of Italy and the Kingdom of Naples, and their respective vassals, will be allowed to utilize the Southern route to conduct trade and commerce.
Signatories []
- King Matteo Visconti, by the Grace of God, King of Italy and Naples, Sovereign of Sicily and Sardinia, Count of Malta, and Protector of Eprius, Morea, Croia, and Berat - Reximus | Talk to Me!
- Sultan Salman Beg Mirza, The Amir of the Gurkani, the Conqueror of Empires, the Shahenshah of Iran, the Custodian of Najaf, the Sultan of all Persians, Protector of the Caliph, and the Destroyer of the Infidels -
The night is dark and full of terrors.
Kingdom of England, Scotland & Duchy of Brittany (1468)[]
The Kingdom of England, Scotland and Duchy of Brittany agree to abide by all the rules and regulations for use of Gurkani trade routes as set down in the Second Compact of Iskenderun.
- Henceforth, merchants from the Kingdom of England, Scotland and Duchy of Brittany and their respective vassals, will be allowed to utilize the Southern route to conduct trade and commerce.
- King of England, Scotland and on the behalf of his Breton vassals. User:Person67
- Sultan Salman Beg Mirza, The Amir of the Gurkani, the Conqueror of Empires, the Shahenshah of Iran, the Custodian of Najaf, the Sultan of all Persians, Protector of the Caliph, and the Destroyer of the Infidels -
The night is dark and full of terrors.
United Crown of Great Iberia (1468)[]
- The Government of the United Crown of Great Iberia acknowledges and respects the sovereignty of the Gurkani Sultanate and the right of her Government to establish and enforce its laws upon all foreigners entering its sovereign borders, and to establish and enforce regulations and special laws upon all foreign merchants entering its territories. Conversely, the Government of the Gurkani Sultanate also acknowledges and respects the sovereignty of the United Crown of Great Iberia, and the right of her Government to establish and enforce the laws of the land upon all foreigners entering its sovereign borders, and to establish and enforce regulations and special laws upon all foreign merchants entering its territories.
- The Government of the United Crown of Great Iberia agrees to abide by all Basic Regulations for use of Gurkani trade routes as set down in the Second Compact of Iskenderun, and further requests usage of the Southern Trade Route.
- The Government of the United Crown of Great Iberia also agrees to deploy a permanent fleet of 8 caravels and 7 bricbarcas to defend the port of Iskenderun from external hostile threats, and a corps of 100 personnel to police the city itself on behalf of the Gurkani Government.
- The Government of the Gurkani Sultanate agrees to continue to allow operation of the Iskenderun branch of the Royal Bank of Barcelona, in order to permit Iberian merchants access to the financial resources and services of their homeland.
- The Government of the Gurkani Sultanate acknowledges that this agreement by the United Crown of Great Iberia to abide by the rules of the Compact and by extension the Gurkani grant to Iberian merchants to use Gurkani trade routes is first subject to the agreement of both monarchs of Great Iberia.
- Her Majesty Eleanor I, by the Grace of God, of the Kingdoms of Aragon, Castile, Catalonia, Granada, Leon, Majorca, Navarre, Sardinia, Sicily, Valencia and Zaragoza, Queen; of the County of Malta, Countess — T I M (TSW • AH • MGW • Contribs) 04:31, September 25, 2016 (UTC)
- His Majesty Sancho I, by the Grace of God, of the Kingdoms of Castile, Granada, Leon and Navarre, King; of the Kingdoms of Aragon, Catalonia, Majorca, Sardinia, Sicily, Valencia and Zaragoza, Prince Consort; of the County of Malta, Count Consort
- Sultan Salman Beg Mirza, The Amir of the Gurkani, the Conqueror of Empires, the Shahenshah of Iran, the Custodian of Najaf, the Sultan of all Persians, Protector of the Caliph, and the Destroyer of the Infidels
The night is dark and full of terrors.
Bahmanid Sultanate, Burmese Kingdom & Maldives (1471)[]
The Bahmanid Sultanate, the Kingdom of Burma and the Sultanate of the Maldives, agree to abide by all the rules and regulations for use of Gurkani trade routes as set down in the Second Compact of Iskenderun.
- Henceforth, merchants from the Bahmanid Sultanate, the Maldives, and Burma, and their respective vassals, will be allowed to utilize the Southern route to conduct trade and commerce.
Signatories []
- Sultan ul-Mujahidin, Overlord of Burma and the Maldives, Ismail Shah, Sultan of the Bahmanids - The Guardian of Forever (talk)
- Binnya Dala, King of Burma - The Guardian of Forever (talk)
- Sultan Hassan III of the Maldives - The Guardian of Forever (talk)
- Sultan Salman Beg Mirza, The Amir of the Gurkani, the Conqueror of Empires, the Shahenshah of Iran, the Custodian of Najaf, the Sultan of all Persians, Protector of the Caliph, and the Destroyer of the Infidels -
The night is dark and full of terrors.
Delhi Sultanate, Himalayan Kingdom & Ladakh (1471)[]
The Delhi Sultanate, the Himalaya Kingdom and Ladakh, agree to abide by all the rules and regulations for use of Gurkani trade routes as set down in the Second Compact of Iskenderun.
- Henceforth, merchants from the Delhi Sultanate, Himalayan Kingdom and Ladakh, and their respective vassals, will be allowed to utilize the Northern route to conduct trade and commerce.
Signatories []
- Sultan of Delhi - --Orange (talk) 02:52, September 28, 2016 (UTC)
- Sultan Salman Beg Mirza, The Amir of the Gurkani, the Conqueror of Empires, the Shahenshah of Iran, the Custodian of Najaf, the Sultan of all Persians, Protector of the Caliph, and the Destroyer of the Infidels -
The night is dark and full of terrors.
Sultanate of Bengal & Ahom Kingdom (1472)[]
The Sultanate of Bengal, and the Ahom Kingdom agree to abide by all of the rules and regulations for use of the Gurkani trade routes as set down in the Second Compact of Iskendrum.
- Henceforth, merchants from the Sultanate of Bengal, the Ahom Kingdom and their respective vassals, will be allowed to utilize the Northern route to conduct trade and commerce.
- Sultan Rukunuddin Barbak Shah, the Amir of the Bengalis, Atabeg of Arkan and Ava, the Sultan of Bengal, and the Overlord of the Ahoms.
guten tag
01:37, September 29, 2016 (UTC)
- Sultan Salman Beg Mirza, The Amir of the Gurkani, the Conqueror of Empires, the Shahenshah of Iran, the Custodian of Najaf, the Sultan of all Persians, Protector of the Caliph, and the Destroyer of the Infidels -
The night is dark and full of terrors.
Kingdom of France (1477)[]
The Kingdom of France agrees to abide by all of the rules and regulations for use of the Gurkani trade routes as set down in the Second Compact of Iskendrum.
- Henceforth, merchants from the Kingdom of France and its respective vassals, will be allowed to utilize the Southern route to conduct trade and commerce.
- Louis XII,
21:59, October 4, 2016 (UTC)
- Sultan Salman Beg Mirza, The Amir of the Gurkani, the Conqueror of Empires, the Shahenshah of Iran, the Custodian of Najaf, the Sultan of all Persians, Protector of the Caliph, and the Destroyer of the Infidels -
The night is dark and full of terrors.