Alternative History
Second Mexican-American War
Location Northern Mexico, Belize, Guatemala
Status March 1st, 1904-January 15th 1906
US flag 46 starsUnited States of America

Flag of GuatemalaGuatemalan Rebellion

Third Mexican Empire Third Mexican Empire
740,000 Men 206,000 Men
Casualties and losses
12,000 men 56,000 men

The Second Mexican-American War was the second war in 70 years between Mexico and the United States. The war started over Mexican eagerness to see all of Central America fall under her rule without spilling a drop of blood. It was also caused by the perceived threat to American business in Central America, and the fact Mexico had been using its fledgling and outdated navy waging near idiotic expeditions against European colonial powers. The war was relatively short with few casualties for the US and high casualties on the Mexican side due to overwhelming US numbers and firepower. By 1906 with the threat of a renewed push into the heart of Mexico and a push from General Adna Chaffee's 40,000 strong marine divisions drove Mexico to surrender before the worst occurred.

Buildup to war[]

Pre-War United States[]


Cartoon of Roosevelt's "Big Stick" Policy presented in 1903's Roosevelt Doctorine.

While the United States always had an interest in the Caribbean, her interest finally flared with a full on rebellion in Spanish Cuba. The resulting Spanish-American War saw Spain's last two great colonies in Cuba and the Philippines lost two the combined forces of the United States and Japan. Only a mere few years before did Germany fight Spain and take her colonies in North Africa away. By 1885 all that remained of the Spanish Empire was Spain herself and the Canary Islands. In 1885 the United States occupied the French colonies in the America's under the guise of not having the royal navy seize them due to Frances colonial war with Britain. In 1899 the US also occupied the Canary Islands finally whilst Spain was in the middle of a Civil War. While the US did attempt to annex Cuba in 1900 she did not try to forcefully take the Island when President Jose Marti politely declined. In 1902 the United States for a few million dollars and some battleship hulls and two aging cruisers gained the Dutch colonies in America, to Mexico's distain who was trying to formulate a deal to purchase the Dutch Lesser Antilles. Just a year later, President Theodore Roosevelt had offered to buy Panama from Colombia who was just recovering from a civil war. The Colombian's refused and Roosevelt sent a battleship with a few thousand marines to seize Panama in a punitive expedition and annexed Panama into the Union. Shortly before the war with Mexico the United States started construction on the Panama Canal.

Pre-War Mexico[]

In 1881 Mexico in a coalition government elected the Monarchists to power who began looking for an Emperor, that Emperor would be found in Germany with Prince Albert Wilhelm Heinrich von Preussen. Emperador Alberto Guillermo Enrique de Prussia y Mexico was declared in Mexico City by Parliament. In 1884 Mexico had facilitated the purchase of Belize from Great Britain which control of the colony would be handed over in a decade. However "Emperor Henry" began plans for Mexico's ambitious dream of annexing Latin America into the Third Empire. Emperor Henry by 1885 also started Mexico’s attempts of locating a Northern Passage. Most of these expeditions failed and only served to tarnish the Mexican reputation worldwide. However one must admire Mexican persistence at finding the Northern Passage. Henry also attempted to help his European brethren by sending Mexican agents into the Ottoman Empire attempting an espionage campaign against the Turks. Poorly built Mexican ironclads sinking in the Atlantic after a storm turned Mexico into a joke for western countries and President Custer who could not take Mexico as a serious power. By 1889 Mexico had also transformed itself into a police state of sorts with Henry dumping exquisite amounts of money into the Mexican secret service. Though Mexico had started to construct factories following the Belize annexation, much of Henry’s focus was constructing railways, attempting to influence Central American nations, and launching unwise military expeditions against European powers. In 1900 is the grew very wary of Mexican ambitions as a rigged referendum in Guatemala saw the country annexed into Mexico, to the discontent of the Guatemalan people who would rise up four years later. By then the US was on its last legs with Mexico and the Guatemalan revolt was seen as the last way to rid a new world country of the old worlds leadership once and for all.
