Alternative History
Russian Autocratic State
Русское самодержавное государство
Russkoye samoderzhavnoye gosudarstvo

Great Dominion of all Russia
Великое владычество всея России
Velikoye vladychestvo vseya Rossii

OT equivalent: Russia, Ukraine, Central Asia, Mongolia, Northeast China, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia
Flag of Russia Lesser Coat of Arms of Russian Empire
Royal anthem
"Боже, храни царя"
"Bozhe, khrani tsarya"
("God Save the Tsar")
Official languages Russian
Demonym Russian
Government Constitutional semi-theocratic monarchy
 -  Emperor/Tsar Cyril I (first)
Maria I (last)
 -  Procurator General Pyotr Wrangel (first)
Pavel Grachev (last)
 -  Prime Minister Georgy Lvov (first)
Franko Korkunov (last)
 -  Upper House Senate
 -  Lower House Assembly
 -   estimate 284,040,000 (1989) 

The Great Dominion of all Russia (Russian: Великое владычество всея России, Velikoye vladychestvo vseya Rossii) and from 1921 to 1945, the Russian Autocratic State (Russian: Русское самодержавное государство, Russkoye samoderzhavnoye gosudarstvo) also known as the Russian Empire or Second Russian Empire, was a country that existed in Eurasia from its inception in 1945 up to the formation of the Great Russian Commonwealth in 1993, however many ultra-conservative monarchists consider the latter to simply be a continuation of the former.

After the collapse of the First Russian Empire, and the fall of the Russian Republic, and the victory of the Russian Whites over the Reds during the civil war, Kiril I Vladimirovich, a cousin of Nicholas II (the last Emperor of the First Empire), became Russia's Head of State, and re-stored the monarchy, establishing the Great Tsardom of Russia. During the Interwar Period, the Tsardom saw huge technological and social advancements. During World War II, Russia was attacked by an alliance of Turkey, Mongolia and Japan, and after thwarting the invasion, the Second Russian Empire emerged as a military superpower as the former Tsardom saw huge territorial gains, ranging from Manchuria, all of Ukraine, and into Moldova, to which the state was officially re-named the Great Holy Russian Empire.

The Second Russian Empire achieved many feats, the same feats as the Soviet Union of our OTL. The 1960s through 1970s saw the Second Russian Empire advancing in space, science, arts and military, seeing itself as the protector of European and Christian monarchies, like the First Russian Empire, the Second Russian Empire finally began to expand into territories that the First Empire never was able to reach into.

During the leadership of Franko Korkunov, Yuri Shaposhnikov and Wolfgang Rasskazov, the Second Russian Empire experienced economic, internal, political and military turmoil leading not to its collapse, but a loss of territories and shrinking of its military and economy, into the formation of the Great Russian Commonwealth.



The collapse of the First Russian Empire led to the establishment of the Russian Republic. However, the political environment was anything but stable, as the revolutionaries in of themselves, broke down between between the Russian Whites and the Bolshevik Reds, who militantly promoted the ideologies of the Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx. The monarchists in of themselves were part of the broader White Movement. The Whites ended up victorious.

Victory of the White Movement & Monarchial Dispute[]

After the the victory of the White Movement, now came a daunting challenge, of who would become the leaders of the Russian state. The two largest opposing forces of the White Movement were the monarchists, and the republicanists. Neither Alexander Kerensky or Alexander Kolchak were ever well-liked, nor was Grigory Semyonov. Russians opposed Kerensky due to him selling weapons to the Bolsheviks, Kolchak was heavily disliked among the international community, and Semyonov was a Japanese puppet, whom many Russian nationalists held enmity against. By this time, any revolutionary anti-monarchist group now had a negative connotation behind it. It appeared quite clear and evident that the monarchists had the upper-ground, and wasted no time exploiting the situation.

Therefore, the people of Russia declared the Tsar as the leader, however, each region proclaimed a different Tsar. The monarchists of western Russia, and even the Baltics, backed by the peasantry, rural and Jewish population favored the ascent of Grand Duke Cyril I Vladimirovich, while those of the east proclaimed Grand Duke Nicholas I Nikolaevich as the Tsar of Russia, and the division showed within the military.

In order to usurp power and plead his cause, Grand Duke Cyril I Vladimirovich, facing opposition by Grand Duke Nicholas I Nikolaevich, began to appeal to some Leftist and progressive causes, but also promised the protect the wealthy nobles from Leftist rebels, especially in the Baltics, to which General Nikolai Yudenich cooperated with to not only prevent Latvia and Estonia independence, but also have the backings of wealthy aristocrats. Baron Pyotr Nikolaevich Wrangel represented those who favored Cyril I, while Baron Roman Fyodorovich von Ungern-Sternberg represented those who favored Nicholas I.

Both groups however, agreed that "revolutionary anti-monarchist" groups needed to be targeted, however as to how they went about it differed radically. Kiril I favored imprisonment, harsh fines and loss military benefits (for military veterans who partook in overthrowing Nicholas II), while Nicholas I's, namely via Roman von Ungern-Sternberg, believed in brutal torture.

Formation - restoration of monarchy under Cyril I Vladimirovich - 1921[]

Pyotr Wrangel was at first, very reluctant to support Cyril I (or Kiril I), due to him appeasing to some Leftist views, as he himself, was an aristocrat of old who favored the old ways. However, he ultimately knew that Russia needed to "move on". Thanks to Roman's ego-centric, violent, aggressive and divisive attitude, to levels even Baron Wrangel could not stand, Roman's complete and total lack of diplomacy, the Asiatic Cavalry Division turned on the latter with General Boris Rezhukin speaking to Baron Wrangel and Grand Duke Cyril I personally, in addition, the lack of presence of Nicholas I also made Cyril I's case easier, wince Cyril I and his group were in Russia attempting to gain people's sympathy, and from there on, all support went towards Cyril I Vladimirovich, who became crowned as the new Tsar of Russia. Many criticized Nicholas I and his supporters as being very archaic, backwards and detrimental to Russia's future development.

Interwar period - Autocracy of Russia[]

Under the leadership of Cyril I, and his first Procurator-General, Pyotr Wrangel, and Prime Minister Georgy Lvov, and Foreign Minister Lavr Kornilov, the former Russian Empire would begin the seeds to modernization. Cyril I officially re-named the state as the "Autocracy of Russia", with Cyril I as its Autocrat of all Russia. However, many still referred to Cyril I as the Tsar, and Russia as a Tsardom.

Admittingly, the Russian state picked up where Empire left off, a large agrarian nation, that was still dealing with fringe Bolshevik groups and Soviet states in the former Russian Empire. Wrangel became a reminiscent of Stalin, basically ruling the Russian Empire as Cyril I's right-hand man. The Russians were successful in helping Finland crown a monarch in 1922, helping the Kuomintang China defeat the communists and re-conquering Bukhara from the Bolsheviks. It is after the Finnish operations that Baron Wrangel ordered that nation to no longer partake in any overseas military operations.

In the 1930s, country began to finally grow as an empire with global ambitions. What strained its relations with the United States was Cyril I's moves to make peace with German monarchists, and in addition - strained relations with the British Empire when he lambasted the British nobility for refusing to take his cousin Nicholas II under refuge. Cyril I as a result, encouraged many anti-American monarchist and ultranationalist movements across Europe and Asia.

In 1936, the Russians supported the monarchists in the Spanish Civil War, that successfully brought a Bourbon monarch back to the throne, namely Alfonso XIII, beginning a new era in Russian-Spanish relations. In 1937, the Russians attacked Japanese forces in Nanjing, and established a joint Russian-Kuomintang base in Nanjing. In 1939, the Russian Empire drove the Japanese out of Khalkin Gol, basically reversing and avenging their Port Arthur loss in the Russo-Japanese war, re-establishing the Bogd Khanate of Mongolia as a Russian.

However, in spite of seemingly becoming powerful on the outside, the late 1930s was full of tumultuousness. General Rezhukin was assassinated by Estonian Leftist agrarian rebels, leading to the Senatorial Crisis over the succession of Procurator General position and martial law in the Baltics. This was followed by Cyril I's death in 1938 due to tuberculosis, which also killed off much military elite, leaving the Russian military close to leaderless.

During the Second World War, the Russian Empire was attacked by Turkey, Mongolia and Japan who exploited the internal conflict. In this ATL, relations between Russia and Germany are actually friendly, with the two signing a similar 1939 Russo-German Peace Agreement. It is Imperatorluk Turkey that takes Germany's place, in having a fascist uprising - only that it makes the situation more dangerous for the Russian Empire since the Turkish Empire attempts to invade Ukraine, Crimea, the Caucasus and urges rebellions in Central Asia and Siberia.

In spite of early Eastern Axis successes, the Eastern Front ended with the Russian siege of Constantinople, a triple Russian, American and Kuomintang invasion of Japan. Greece was torn between monarchists and republicanists, but ultimately, the monarchists ended up emerging victorious in Greece.

After World War II, Tsar Vladimir I Kirilovich proclaimed the Russian Empire as the protector of Christian European monarchies worldwide, and established an Eastern Orthodox union with Romania, Yugoslavia, Greece and Bulgaria, and a pan-Slavic Christian alliance with Poland, Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia and Bulgaria, up until the expulsion of Bulgaria in 1948.

In the 1960s, the Second Russian Empire finally experienced heights it has never experienced before. It began to establish alliances with other monarchies worldwide, to combat the British Empire, and the United States, basically becoming a reminiscent of the our OTL's Soviet Union, only with Eastern Orthodoxy and monarchy as its rallying cry, instead of communism and State Atheism.

The noble Struve family is who spearheads the technological innovations of the Second Russian Empire, which emerged out of World War II as containing the world's largest collection of nobilities, with more than 10 noble families ruling in the country.

In the 1950s and 1960s, with wealthy descendants of Russian emigres re-migrating to Russia, the seeds for the re-growth of a rejuvenated empire were planted. It is during this time-period when many technological and military innovations were achieved in the Russian Empire, with little to no foreign support.

Naval expansion was achieved in the mid-1960s, with the Russians helping establish constitutional monarchies worldwide, and once-more, the Russian Empire was seen as a superpower, and a protector of Christian monarchies worldwide. This did not sit well with the United States, whom many saw as the protector of Christian democracy worldwide. Thus, the cold war ensues between the Russian Empire and the United States.

Most of Europe comes under Russian sway and influence. Germany, France, Spain and Italy consider Russia their ally.

Cold War[]

Russia now emerges as the largest monarchy in Europe, not only due its territorial size, but due to the large presence of noble families outside of the Romanovs, having some of the greatest diversity of nobilities, both European and Asian, Slavic and non-Slavic alike, only spearheaded by the Russian acquisition of Manchuria and the integrating of the Aisin Gioro into the broader Russian nobility.

The "united West" is non-existent here, as Germany and France consider Russia their ally, and expel American diplomats from the country.

Instead of communism, the Russian Empire emerges as the representation of monarchies, quasi-theocratic monarchies. Russia and Yugoslavia collaborate in helping the monarchists seize control of Greece, against the American-backed republicanists. However, the religious factions of the republicanists who soon side with Russia and Yugoslavia.

However, the threat of a resurgent Japan or Mongolia still rang fresh in the minds of the Russian people, as well the now-threat of naval actions by the United States, a former ally of Russia, now an enemy, leading General Rezhukin to maintain a Russian naval presence in Japan and the Korean Peninsula.

Chiang Kai-shek initiated the Russo-Chinese conflict, and many other Christian and Orthodox monarchies in Europe had requested Russian aid against the influence of American-backed republicanists.

The conflict with China caused Russia's allies, namely Germany, France, Greece and Romania to cut off ties with China. Thanks to the battle experience against the Japanese and the Mongols, the Russians emerged as the victors, with Chiang Kai-shek overthrown, and an armistice reached. The Russian victory in the Russo-Chinese conflict cemented Russia as the sole superpower of the East. and many ultra-conservatives had a deep desire to keep American influence at bay in the world, seeing America as the prime example of world greed The military conflict would become Russia's first true conflict utilizing modern and indigenously-designed technology without foreign aid, preserving Russia as the great power of the East.

This causes many overseas Russians in Britain to migrate back to the Russian Empire.

This features the return of famous émigrés such as Igor SIkorsky, Vladimir Yourkevich, Vladimir Zworkin, etc., forming entire societies in the Russian Empire.

Sputnik asm

Sputnik, the world's first space satellite


The ''Fyodor Apraksin'', one of the world's largest nuclear-powered aircraft carriers

Unlike the Soviet Union of our OTL, whose post-World War II military doctrine was that of a ground and aerial-based defense from a resurgent Nazi Empire, the Japanese invasion pushes the need for a strong navy and air force. In addition, now that the United States has become hostile to Russia, the leaders of the state spearheaded the stubborn revival of the naval industry.

The 1950s was spent reviving Russia's industrial economy, under the direction of Paul I Karlovich Romanov, Rudolf Trušnovič, the Struves, and other wealthy former émigrés and their descendants, who was given control of the Russian economy.

The mid-1960s began a golden age in Russia as in our OT, filled with technological, social and military developments never-before experienced in Russia. This included the invention of rocket technology, space probes, and etc. So Yuri Gagarin and Sergey Korolev return in this ATL, under the direction of Otto Struve.

People may ask, why all of Russia's various ethnic enclaves haven't declared independence? Refer back to the 1920s, let's see how that went. The idea of another revolution in Russia brings sour tastes in people's mouths.

From 1978 to 1979, Procurator General Dmitry Ustinov authorized for military support of the Shah and his family during the Iranian Revolution. Thanks to Russian support, Ayatollah Khameinei is captured and executed. Thus, in 1979, both nations signed the Russo-Persian Treaty, this time, with Ivan I present, known as the "Friendship between the Shah and the Tsar".

The height of its power, the Second Russian Empire possessed over 93 overseas military bases, had the world's second-largest navy, and the largest air force and ground army. It also wielded the world's most powerful currency, the ruble and wielded great economic, political and military influence in all continents.

Ethnic riots and civil unrest, end of the empire, formation of Commonwealth 1985-1993[]

St Petersburg Coup

St. Petersburg unrest, 1990

In 1985, Franko Korkunov became Prime Minister of Russia, under the military senate of Sergey Sokolov and foreign minister Wolfgang Rasskazov. The late 1980s was filled with ethnic and separatist demonstrations, therefore Korkunov began to enact policies to cater to ethnic minorities and liberalize Russian society, which did not fare well and only seemed to further irritate Russia's internal situation. Ethnic separatists exploited Korkunov's liberal policies and declared independence. In the ensuing chaos, Procurator General Sergey Sokolov was killed, leading Pavel Grachev to succeed him in 1991.

One of the moves Korkunov made was eliminating the need to be Russian Orthodox to become the Foreign Minister, resulting in the ascent of Wolfgang Rasskazov, the first Catholic foreign minister. He also allowed the predominantly-Muslim regions to enact Islamic law, in service of the Empress of Russia.

Korkunov was often-not, forced to backtrack on his liberal policies, and worked closely with General Sokolov and later General Grachev in declaring and implementing martial law. The leadership of the three did not fare any better when Foreign Minister Rasskasov granted Khalkha, Tajikistan, Moldova and West Ukraine their independence, trigger hostile opposition from the ultranationalists and conservatives.

In addition, republicanists in Russia's traditional allies began to overthrow their theocratic monarchies, and became American allies, resembling the post-Warsaw Pact states becoming part of NATO.

End of the Empire - 1993[]


The Imperial Assembly on fire after being shelled by tanks operating by democratic mutinees within the Imperial Army, 1993

In 1993 therefore, Grachev, Korkunov and Rasskazov announced the ending of the Great Holy Russian Empire, and the beginning of the Great Russian Commonwealth, even further irritating the situation for Russia, leading to the 1993 Constitutional Crisis, to which Tsaritsa Maria I Vladimirovna finally intervened in Russian politics, deposing of all three, and ruling the Commonwealth as an absolute monarchy for a couple years. Unlike Nicholas II however, Maria I was able to restore control in the Commonwealth, but ultimately, it never regained its former Imperial-era glory.

Now both ethnic separatists and ultraconservatives were up in arms, and Russia fell into full-scale internal conflict, an era that would effect Russia in the decades to come, as the United States would temporarily become the dominant world superpower.

It would not be until 2008 when the Russian Commonwealth would gain its imperial-era glory, with the collapse of the United States.


The Second Russian Empire's politics form the impetus of modern-day Russian politics. Unlike the First Russian Empire, the Second Empire's politics was very solidified and less complex, making it easier to govern it as a united state. Traditionally, the Tsar/Tsaritsa is titled the Emperor/Empress of All Russia, and is the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces. However, the monarch's powers were vested in several constitutionally-elected offices.

The Acting Commander-in-Chief would be the Procurator General of the Imperial Senate, unlike the First Empire, was no longer considered the head of the Russian Orthodox Church, as the Patriarch of Moscow bore that position. The Procurator General is a military veteran who is elected by a Council consisting of other veterans. The Procurator General has the war powers that a president would normally have in a constitutional republic. Domestic powers are vested within the Prime Minister, who while having no control over the military or war-making decisions, has control of civilian police.

The Foreign Minister handled bilateral relations. Prior to 1985, anyone serving or running for office in any of the three must have been a Russian Orthodox, however it was struck down, resulting in the ascent of Catholic Wolfgang Rasskazov as the Foreign Minister, Russia's first Catholic Foreign Minister.


The economy of the Second Russian Empire at its greatest extent was the world's second-largest, and wielded considerable influence. It had been considered Europe and Asia's most powerful economy. In 1989, its economy was $7.5 trillion USD, second only to the United States. It had been the world's largest producer of natural gas, and the second-largest exporter of oil, second only to Saudi Arabia.

In spite of many Western nations' reluctance to trade with Russia, there were many Russian products that the Western nations were forced to import.

The ruble was the petrol-currency of the European and Middle Eastern nations, and was considered the prime hub of trade in Europe.


The military of the Second Russian Empire had also been the world's largest modern military, and had the world's second-most powerful navy and the largest air force. It consisted of the Imperial Ground Army (also known as the Imperial Russian Army), Imperial Aerial Forces (including air-defense), Imperial Special Forces and the Imperial Royal Guards.

After the formation of the Second Russian Empire, its military was involved in many overseas operations, namely the 1921 Russo-Finnish war, 1937 Battle of Nanjing, and interventions in support of monarchies in Spain (1936-1939), France (1934), Italy (1932), Vietnam (1955-1975), Cuba (1969), and many more in the Middle East.

At its peak and greatest strength, the Second Russian Empire had over 27,320 aircraftt total, 35,320 tanks, and a total of 210 naval vessels. Its military spending in 1989 was $372.4 billion USD.

Its military wielded considerable influence in all seven continents and regions.

Space program[]

At the end of the 1950s, with the help of engineers and technologies captured and imported from defeated Turkish Empire, the Russians constructed the first satellite – Sputnik 1 and thus overtook the United States in terms of using space. This was followed by other successful satellites, where test dogs flight was sent. On 12 April 1961, the first cosmonauts, Yuri Gagarin and Prince Otto Struve, were sent to the space. They once flew around the Earth and successfully landed in the Kazakh steppe. At that time, the first plans for space shuttles and orbital stations were drawn up in Imperial Russian design offices, but in the end personal disputes between designers and management prevented this.

As for Lunar space program; the Russian Empire only had a program on automated spacecraft launches; with no manned spacecraft used; passing on the "Moon Race" part of Space Race.

In the 1970s, specific proposals for the design of the space shuttle began to emerge, but shortcomings, especially in the electronics industry (rapid overheating of electronics), postponed the program until the end of the 1980s. The first shuttle, the Buran, flew in 1988, but without a human crew. Another shuttle, Ptichka, eventually ended up under construction, as the shuttle project was canceled in 1991. For their launch into space, there is today an unused superpower rocket, Energia, which is the most powerful in the world.

In the late 1980s, the Second Russian Empire managed to build the Mir orbital station. It was built on the construction of Salyut stations and its only role was civilian-grade research tasks.

  • In the 1990s, when the US Skylab was shut down due to lack of funds, Mir was the only orbital station in operation. Gradually, other modules were added to it, including American ones. However, the station deteriorated rapidly after a fire on board, so in 2001 it was decided to bring it into the atmosphere where it burned down.


Constitutionally, like its predecessor and successor, the Second Russian Empire was an Orthodox state, however citizens enjoyed a constitutional freedom of religion, and the empire was truly a multi-religious state. Although 70% of the population was Russian Orthodox, which was governed by the Patriarch of Moscow. Unlike the First Empire, the Procurator General no longer became the leader of the Russian Orthodox Church as Cyril I supported the separation of Church and State. The Moscow Patriarchate itself was divided into many autonomous churches. Many regions were dominated by non-Orthodox.

Lutherans and Catholics dominated the Baltic Grand Principality, Muslims dominated Central Asia, the Caucasus and northern Siberia, and Buddhists formed large communities in the east, forming the majority in Manchuria and especially Khalkha (today Mongolia).

In spite of this, many of the wealthy Orthodox elite funded independent Orthodox missionary campaigns, resulting in half of the native Manchu population becoming Russian Orthodox.

This religious freedom however was limited, in that non-Orthodox could not become Procurator General, Foreign Minister or Prime Minister up until 1985 when this requirement was removed for the Foreign Minister position.

Governal-Generalissmos, General-Generals, Head Ministers and Vice Chairmans however could be of any faith.

Political divisions[]

Russia is divided into Grand Duchies & Grand Principalities (OT equivalent: Federal District), followed by Principalities & Governorates (OT equivalent: republics). The Grand Duchies are all ruled by a Grand Duke, hailing from the male line of the Romanovs, or anybody bestowed the title of Grand Duke/Duchess by the Tsar, hence Grand Dukes, while Grand Principalities are ruled by non-Romanov nobilities or in the case of the Grand Principality of the Urals, someone from the non-male line of the Romanovs, and Governorates are ruled by a Governor-General as the local Head of State with a Head Minister as the local Head of Government, who is titled as so in official Russian documents.

Grand Duchies & Principalities[]

  • Grand Duchy of Northwest Russia (OT equivalent: Northwestern Federal District)
  • Grand Duchy of Moscow (OT equivalent: Central Federal District)
  • Grand Duchy of the Caucasus (OT equivalent: North Caucasus Federal District, Georgia, Azerbaijan)
  • Grand Duchy of Central Asia (OT equivalent: Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Kyrgyzstan)
  • Grand Duchy of Khalka & Manchuria (OT equivalent: Outer Mongolia, Northeast China)
  • Grand Principality of South Russia (OT equivalent: Ukraine and Crimea)
  • Grand Principality of Siberia (OT equivalent: Siberian Federal District)
  • Grand Principality of West Russia (OT equivalent: Belarus and adjacent areas)

Royal families and nobility[]

Romanov coat of arms

House of Romanov

Russia had the world's largest monarchy, currently known for preserving monarchic and royal traditions, and has had a tradition of using local nobilities to enforce Russian annexation, and according to the 1921 Constitution, all noble families in Russia are entitled to enjoy their status without interference, so long as it is in the service of the Tsar, and more than 10 noble families rule Russia. The top dynasties in Russia are the the

  • Romanovs (Романов) - the ruling dynasty
    • Kirilovich (Кирилович) - the current ruling faction, descendants of Kiril Vladimirovich, one of two claimants to the throne after the expulsion of the Romanovs follower the revolution, although Kiril never actually to re-migrate, but his son, Tsar Vladimir Kirilovich designated the Kirilovich name in his honor
    • Lyudovikovich (Людовикович) - faction formed from the marriage of Grand Duchess Kira Kirilovna (Romanov, Kirilovich) and Prince Louis Ferdinand of Prussia (Hohenzollern)
    • Karlovich (Карлович) - faction formed from the marriage of Grand Duchess Maria Kirilovna (Romanov, Kirilovich) and Prince Karl of Leiningen
  • Wrangels (Врангель) - based in South Russia, of Baltic German origin
  • Rurikids (Рюриковичи) - previous ruling dynasty, descendants of Rurik of the Kievan Rus, second-largest noble dynasty in Russia from the Romanovs
  • Struves (Струве) - also of Baltic German origin, considered one of Russia's most powerful noble families
  • Kazembeks (Казембе́к) - based on Azerbaijan, of Azeri-Iranian origin
  • Aisin Gioro (Айсин Гиоро) - Manchu noble dynasty, based in Manchuria historical ruling family of the Qing Dynasty
    • Nikolayevs (Николаев) - descendants of Prince Puzhong, first Governor-General of Manchu nobility
    • Vladimirovs (Владимиров) - descendants of Prince Jin Youzhi,
  • Bagrations (Багратион) - Georgian nobility
  • Ungern-Sternbergs (Унгерн-Штернберг) - Manchuria-based nobility of Baltic German origin
  • Alimovs (Алимов).- Central Asian, Uzbek nobility of Mongol Manghud origin, descendants of Sayyid Muhammad Alim Khan, the last Emir of Bukhara
  • Arapov-Mannerheims (Арапов-Маннергейм)
    • This began with a female line, descended from the union between Baron Carl Gustaf Emile Mannerheim of Finland, and Baronov Zhena Anastasia Arapova, their descendants, Baronovnas Sofia Mannerheim and Anastasia Mannerheim, settled in Saint Petersburg, became Russian Orthodox, and married Russian businessmen, who encouraged both to attend Finnish-language schools in honor of their descent from a Finnish noble, Sofia third son with her husband Vladimir Silvestrov would adopt the "Arapov-Mannerheim" surname with approval from the Finnish Baron himself. Despite this, Mannerheim was not ethnically Finn, however later, the dynasty would become mixed with Russians, Finns and Baltic Germans in the mix. This noble family is not confined to a specific territory.

The House of Romanov is the current ruling dynasty, and belongs to Kiril's faction, known as the Kirilovich (Кирилович) or Kirilovich-Romanov (Кирилович-Романов).

The House of Wrangel (Russian: Врангель, Ukrainian: Врангель) is based in South Russia. Of Baltic German origin, after the Russian Civil War, Pyotr Wrangel set up his abode in South Russia, where he would become Tsar, and thus, the House of Wrangel became South Russia's ruling dynasty. After the re-unification and restoration of the Romanovs, the Wrangels retained their hold in South Russia mostly as Barons and Governor-Generals as well as businessmen. The Wrangels have married both ethnic Russian and Ukrainians, thereby uniquely making the Wrangels a South Russian nobility, with many being fluent in Ukrainian and even associating themselves with Ukrainian culture, taking on Ukrainian identities.

The Bagrations (Багратион) or in Georgian, Bagrationi (ბაგრატიონი) are a Georgian nobility, and are the largest Georgian nobility in Russia, and although their territorial rule is limited to Georgia, their influence and prominence throughout Russian history is well-pronounced. The Bagrations have also served as the Vice Chairmans in the broader Grand Duchy of the Caucasus, to which the Governorate of Georgia forms part of, and are also extremely influential in the local economy of the Caucasus, thus, making them one of Russia's most powerful dynasties.

Coat of Arms of the Bagrationi of Mukhrani

House of Bagrationis


House of the Ungern-Sternbergs

The House of Ungern-Sternberg was originally a Baltic German nobility, eventually originating in Austria, now Russified or Manchufied thanks to the tradition of marrying ethnic Russian women (with some Manchu women as well), starting with the rule of Baron Roman von Ungern-Sternberg as Manchuria's first Governor under President Grigory Semyonov, succeeded by his oldest son Georgy Ungern-Sternberg, while his younger son Boris Ungern-Sternberg took up a career in music, eventually finding the Boris Ungern-Sternberg School of Music at the Manchuria Grand Royal Polytechnic. As a result, it is considered one of two of Manchuria's local nobilities, however many of the Ungern-Sternbergs have begun to spread throughout Russia. Despite containing partial Baltic German descent from Roman von Ungern-Sternerg, whose wife, Elena Pavlovna, was ethnic Russian, the Ungern-Sternbergs of today only consider themselves Russian, as the majority have all married ethnic Russians, although many have also married Manchu and other European women.

Seal of Qing dynasty

House of Aisin Gioro

The Aisin Gioro, the clan to which the Qing emperors belonged to exists in two clans: namely the Nikolayevs and Vladimirovs, thanks to efforts by Alexander I to revive it via Prince Puzhong, who soon became Manchuria's third Governor-General. Prince Puzhong, baptized and Russified as Prince Nicholas I, became the first Manchu ruler over the Manchu people ever since the collapse of the Qing Dynasty. All of Prince Puzhong's descendants are Russian Orthodox.

The House of Alimov is of Uzbek-Mongol ethnicity, particularly from Manghit dynasty, and are descended from the last Emir of Bukhara, Sayyid Mir Muhammad Alim Khan and his Tatar second-wife. It is considered the most divided house in Russia, due to disputes and cultural clashes between purely bloodline-based inheritance and strict Islamic tradition, which mandates only Shiite Muslim men inherit the throne. They are currently the ruling dynasty of Bukhara (OT equivalent: Uzbekistan), and are one of Central Asia's most powerful families, economically and socially. They are the only surviving noble family from Central Asia.


Since Germany and Russia are allies, the Second Russian Empire's cold war military doctrine is different. It did what the Soviet Union failed to do: invest in its navy. Rather than preparing a giant land force in its western frontiers, the Second Russian Empire prepared a large naval force in its eastern and Arctic regions. Thus so, it did, investing in aircraft carriers, nuclear-powered submarines and etc.

The Second Russian Empire boasted being one of the world's top two superpowers, with the world's largest air force, second-largest navy, largest ground forces. It had 98 overseas military bases, the world's second-largest installation of overseas military bases, and wielded influence in all seven continents and oceans, reaching as far as Cuba. The Russians boasted superior rocket technology.

During the 1960s, came the golden age of inventions in the Second Russian Empire, thanks to the pre-eminence of the Struve family. This allowed many allies of the Second Russian Empire to import military supplies and weapons.

Empire status dispute[]

e Second Russian Empire has simply changed in name, as the Russian Commonwealth is still under the limited rule of the Tsar, Tsaritsa in the case of Maria I, and the political structure has remained practically the same, with military powers vested to the Procurator General of the Senate, foreign relations with the Foreign Minister and domestic power to the Prime Minister.