The Second World War or World War II or World War 2 was a world-wide conflict fought during 1939-45. It was fought between the Axis Powers (Nazi Germany, fascist Italy, Imperial Japan and some smaller countries) against the Allies (among many others, the United States, the British Empire, France, China, and the Soviet Union, albeit not all of them for the whole time of the war).
Alternate versions of Second World War have been discovered throughout the multiverse:
- Second World War (1756 World)
- Second World War (1941: Success)
- Second World War (Agadir War)
- Second World War (Aztec Empire)
- Second World War (Battle of Belusium)
- Second World War (Central World)
- Second World War (Das Rote Kaiserreich)
- Second World War (Deutsches Europa)
- Second World War (Eastern Manifest Destiny)
- Second World War (Eine Andere Straße)
- Second World War (Fidem Pacis)
- Second World War (French Brazil)
- Second World War (Good for Baltic)
- Second World War (Greater Europe Map Game)
- Second World War (Hitler is an American---Version 1)
- Second World War (An Injury to All)
- Second World War (Mughal Glory)
- Second World War (Phalanx Pact)
- Second World War (Regnum Bueno)
- Second World War (Satomi Maiden ~ Third Power)
- Second World War (Soviets Join Axis)
- Second World War (Tukhachevsky Russia)
- World War 2 (Alternate)
- World War 2 (America stay neutral)
- World War 2 (Independent Nation)
- World War 2 (Kornilovshina)
- World War 2 (The Many Nations of North America)
- World War 2 (New Ottoman Empire)
- World War 2 (Powerful USSR)
- World War II (1861: Historical Failing)
- World War II (A Century Early)
- World War II (Al Smith Victorious)
- World War II (Alexander the Liberator)
- World War II (Altcanada)
- World War II (Alternity)
- World War II (Axis Triumph)
- World War II (Axis Wins)
- World War II (Axis World)
- World War II (Axis vs Allies: Revolutions Map Game)
- World War II (Axis vs Allies R-word Map Game)
- World War II (A Better Tsar)
- World War II (Bilza London Bennett)
- World War II (Britain Joins Axis)
- World War II (Britain Thrives)
- World War II (CONT)
- World War II (CSA: Confederate States of America)
- World War II (Central Victory)
- World War II (Chaos)
- World War II (Cherry, Plum, and Chrysanthemum)
- World War II (Civil World War)
- World War II (Cold War Intensification)
- World War II (Corrupted Sunshine)
- World War II (Different Alliances)
- World War II (Different Outcome No. 1)
- World War II (Dominance)
- World War II (Early Colonization)
- World War II (Engine of Progress)
- World War II (Eternae Gloriae)
- World War II (FDR's Two Term Presidency)
- World War II (Fascism Prevails)
- World War II (Fascist Britain)
- World War II (Fatherland)
- World War II (Fatherlands)
- World War II (Federalist Italy)
- World War II (Finland Superpower)
- World War II (For Glory)
- World War II (For Want of a Telegram)
- World War II (GWoT Timeline)
- World War II (George Washington Born in the 19th Century)
- World War II (German Empire Reborn)
- World War II (Germanias Glanz)
- World War II (Give Them the Bayonet!)
- World War II (Global Pacification: World at War Map Game)
- World War II (Golden Jackson)
- World War II (Grant Shot at Ford's Theater)
- World War II (Hitler's Anxiety)
- World War II (Hitler's Win)
- World War II (How many Sixes does Adolf Nazi have to Roll?)
- World War II (Howe's March)
- World War II (IM1)
- World War II (Imperial Machines)
- World War II (In Marx We Trust)
- World War II (In a Mirror)
- World War II (In the Name of the Tsar)
- World War II (Irish and British Alliance)
- World War II (Kaiser's Victory)
- World War II (Kelothan's Universe)
- World War II (King of America)
- World War II (Koenigreich)
- World War II (Land of Empires)
- World War II (The Lion with the Falcon)
- World War II (Long Live The Republic)
- World War II (Loyal Italy)
- World War II (Magic World)
- World War II (MastahCheef117)
- World War II (Mexican Empire)
- World War II (Mink’s World)
- World War II (Misconceived Malaproper Mania)
- World War II (Munich Diktat)
- World War II (Nationalist China)
- World War II (The New Order)
- World War II (No FDR)
- World War II (No Hitler)
- World War II (No New Deal)
- World War II (Occupation of the Soviet Union)
- World War II (Of Clockwork and Men)
- World War II (OTL Doubled)
- World War II (OTL Quadrupled)
- World War II (OTL Tripled)
- World War II (Pax Columbia)
- World War II (Peace With The East)
- World War II (Pharaonic Survival)
- World War II (Purged History-Verse)
- World War II (Quebec Independence)
- World War II (Reverse a Dragon and a Titan)
- World War II (Ribbentrop-Beck Pact)
- World War II (The Right Turn)
- World War II (Rise of Rome)
- World War II (Roosevelt Dies in Car Crash)
- World War II (Sacred White Europe)
- World War II (Second Mexican Empire win)
- World War II (Semper Romanorum)
- World War II (Southern Victory)
- World War II (Soviet Defeat)
- World War II (Soviet Invasion of Germany 1940)
- World War II (Summer during the Battle of Moscow)
- World War II (TPR)
- World War II (Tears and Sweat)
- World War II (The General and the Flu)
- World War II (The German Century)
- World War II (The Global War Map Game)
- World War II (The Red Baron Lives)
- World War II (Their Gallant Dead)
- World War II (These Fractured States of North America)
- World War II (The Three-Way War)
- World War II (Three-Way World War)
- World War II (Treaty of Sévres)
- World War II (Triangles and Crosses)
- World War II (Triumph and Defeat)
- World War II (A Truly Global War)
- World War II (Under Stalin's Feet)
- World War II (The Unexpected Kingdom)
- World War II (A United Kingdom of Scandinavia)
- World War II (United Socialist States of America)
- World War II (Universe X)
- World War II (WFAC)
- World War II (What a Wonderful World)
- World War II (White Victory)
- World War II (Wiser Kaiser)
- World War II (World of Kings and Queens)
- World War II (The World State)
- World War II ( Pilipinas Reigns)
- World War II (vs the Soviets)
- World War III (The Fork in Time)
See also: World War II alternate histories