Alternative History

The Coat of Arms of the Celtic Lollard Church.


The See/Patriarchate of the Celtic Lollard Catholic Church was established in 1393 by Pope Clement VI in the Isle of Mannin, it was designed to choose the Patriarch of the Celtic Lollard Catholic Church as sui iuris (autonomous) church of the Catholic Church, in full communion with the Pope in Rome. When it was created it was agreed that although the first Patriarch wouldn't be elected, as he was appointed by the Pope, every Patriarch after him was to be elected. In the subsequent Patriarchal Elections there were initially three Archbishop electors; one for Ireland, one for the Kingdom of Iceland, one for the Kingdom of Scotland. A few years later one was added for the Isle of Mannin too, bringing the total number of the electors to four. On the aftermath of the Welsh War of Independence, in 1404, and its successful incorporation into the Celtic Confederacy, another elector was added for the Principality of Wales, later Kingdom, bringing the total number of the Archbishop electors to five. Later on, on the aftermath of the Cornish rebellion of 1497 and its successful incorporation into the Celtic Confederacy, an additional one was added for the Principality of Cornwall, bringing the total number of the Archbishop electors to six.

Patriarchs of the Celtic Lollard Catholic Church[]

Picture Name Term Began Term Ended Country Notability
Hilmar Gunnarsson 1393 1414 Iceland First Patriarch and came up with the idea of the Ecumenical Council of Prague
Reginald Pole
Gilbert Greenlaw 1414 1424 Scotland
Filippo Archinto (born about 1500, died 1558), Archbishop of Milan MET DT5147
Nevan Ó Maonaigh 1424 1427 Irish Didn’t do much
Jean Gerson
Donnchad Gay 1427 1432 Manx
John Morton (Priest)
Ari IV Sturlungur 1432 1454 Icelandic First landed patriarch
Derick McDougles 1454 1463 Scottish
Neil Kinnock 1463 1485 Welsh
Robert McLaughlin 1485 1506 Scottish


Name Country Seat Appointment Death
Ósion Connaght Ireland Armagh 1489 1524
Henrik MacDonald Scotland Glasgow 1499 1530
Brennan Wlyden Wales Caernarfon 1506 1547
Frakka Hatari Iceland Tórshavn 1500 1551
Cred Hjerman Isle of Mannin Douglas 1497 1543
??? Cornwall ??? ??? ???

Main Psalm[]

Pray a little prayer with me

It will make you feel secure and free

Pray for a better tomorrow 

Pray for a sunnier day

Pray to leave the pain and the sorrow

Pray to find a better way

Pray to gain salvation 

Pray for those in starvation 

Pray for the soul of your friends

But never pray for someone to get a gruesome end

God doesn’t notice the evil

The cruel or deceitful

He sees the people that pray

And lets them into heaven to play.

  • Writer: Crown Prince of Iceland Andrés Heinrich Sturlungur (1411)

1414 Conclave[]

Name Nationality Votes Voted
Nevan Ó Maonaigh Ireland X
Gilbert Greenlaw Scottish 4 X
Donnchad Gay Manx X
Cledwyn Griffith Welsh X
Friðrik Davíðson Icelandic 1 X

Friðrik votes for Greenlaw since he has seniority.

Maonaigh votes for Greenlaw since he has seniority.

Greenlaw votes for Friðrik since he has seniority.

Griffith votes Greenlaw.

Gay votes Greenlaw

Greenlaw is the Patriarch

1424 Conclave[]

Name Nationality Votes Voted
Nevan Ó Maonaigh Irish 2
Derick McDouglas Scottish
Cledwyn Griffith Welsh
Ari IV Icelandic X
Donnchad Gay Manx X

Ari votes for Nevan.

Gay votes for Nevan.

Erik votes for Nevan

1427 Conclave[]

Name Nationality Votes Voted
Osion Connacght Irish
Derick McDouglas Scottish X
Ari IV Icelandic X
Donnchad Gay Manx 3 Abstained
Cledwyn Griffith Welsh X

Ari votes Gay

Derick votes for Gay, but afterwords says “no homo”

Gay abstains from voting

1432 Conclave[]

Name Nationality Votes Voted
Ari IV Icelandic 3 X
Neil Kinnock Welsh 1 X
Derick McDouglas Scottish X
Cred Hjerman Manx X
Osion Connacght Irish

Ari votes Neil

Kinnock and Hjerman vote for Ari. -Rexmod

Derrick votes for Ari

1454 Conclave[]

Name Nationality Votes Voted
Ósion Connaght Irish X
Derick McDouglas Scottish 3 X
Neil Kinnock Welsh 1 X
Frakka Hatari Icelandic X
Cred Hjerman Manx 1 X

Ari votes for Cred

Derrick votes for Neil

1463 Conclave[]

Name Nationality Votes Voted
Ósion Connaght Irish X
Robert McLaughlin Scottish 1 X
Neil Kinnock Welsh 3 X
Frakka Hatari Icelandic 1 X
Cred Hjerman Manx X

1485 Conclave[]

Name Nationality Votes Voted
Ósion Connaght Irish X
Robert McLaughlin Scottish 4 X
?? Welsh 1 X
Frakka Hatari Icelandic X
Cred Hjerman Manx X