Alternative History


The Sino-Indian war was a territorial conflict between Communist China and India starting in June 12 1962, and ending in October 19, 1963. The conclusion of the war was the capture of a total of 50,000 km² of territory on China. The Casualties and Strength of India and China have been detailed below:

China: 120,000 troops


(Chinese Sources):

7,832 killed and wounded

4,112 missing and captured

(Indian Claims):

46,000 killed and wounded

29,000 missing and captured

India: 45,000 troops


6,449 killed and wounded

3,971 missing and captured

Main Pages of Nuclear Realisation: e
Main Topics Militant Pacifism - Delayed Nuclear Development - Nazi Personnel Sale - Zionist Failure - Japanisation
Nations List of Nations (2009) - Spheres of Influence (2009) - United States - Soviet Union - Communist China - Imperial Japan
Blocs NATO - Moscow Pact - Communist China Bloc - Japanese Bloc - "Bread and Butter" Report - United Nations
Timeline Timeline of Events - List of Wars - December '41 Attacks - Cold War
Militant Pacifists Albert Einstein - Edgar Taylor - Greenpeace - ATOM - Ground Force - Red December