1980: USA, USSR sign START II, prohibiting orbital defenses. Aid to Contras not renewed. Communist government takes power in South Africa. NASA takes a budget cut.
1982: Panama falls to Communist insurgency. West Germany calls for closer ties with Eastern Europe. Democratic government established in South Korea. America signs treaty which effectively abolishes private property rights in space or on the high seas.
1985: Allegations that the Soviets are violating START II agreements dismissed by an American government determined to pursue good relations with the USSR. Press decries those who press the allegations as "right-wing lunatics." Honduras, Guatemala, Columbia fall to Communist insurgency. France pursues military build-up. Labor government takes power in Britain. NASA takes a budget cut.
1987: Britain withdraws from NATO, all American bases closed, unilateral disarmament. Civil war in Mexico. Japan establishes close ties with China. NASA takes a budget cut, due to lack of funds.
1988: Edward "Ted" Kennedy elected President in a close contest, wherein he loses the popular vote. His inauguration speech calls for a "new sensitivity at home and abroad." Berkeley elects a Communist mayor. NASA takes a budget cut.
1989: Labor Party conferences adopts Militant Tendency platform virtually unanimously. Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, Italy withdraw from NATO. French military build-up continues. Japan, China, both Koreas sign mutual defense pact. NASA takes another budget cut.
1990: Mexico City falls to Communist insurgents.
March 15, 1990: Soviet Union announces completion of orbital defense network and Soviet Premier demands American surrender.
March 21, 1990: American nuclear missile test-launched from silo in Nevada; destroyed.
March 31, 1990: President Kennedy surrenders.
April 1, 1990: Soviet troops begin to arrive in Washington, New York, San Diego, Newport News. Several sharp naval battles destroy the bulk of the American fleet. Nuclear submarines remain at large.
April 3, 1990: All commercial flights grounded.
April 7, 1990: West Germany surrenders. American troops interned.
April 12, 1990: Texas secedes from the Union.
April 29, 1990: Government nationalizes television networks.
May 10, 1990: All major U.S. cities occupied.
May 18, 1990: Soviet troops cross Rhine. Force de Frappe launched at targets within the Soviet Union; missiles obliterated by Soviet defenses. Intensive combat along the French border.
May 29, 1990: Cuban, Nicaraguan and Soviet troops launch offensive against Republic of Texas. House-to-house fighting continues in Paris.
June, 1990: Sporadic uprisings across America. Most swiftly put down. Operations against Texas continue. President Kennedy remains in office as head of a "coalition" government. Several Congressmen join the Communist Party. Paris falls.
July, 1990: Increasing unrest in the countryside, especially in the American West, threaten Soviet supplies and communications. Austin falls. Tokyo-Beijing alliance condemns Soviet hegemonism. Labor Parliament postpones elections. Several Conservative members protest and are executed.
August, 1990: Mass executions throughout Texas. Uprisings put down brutally. Additional troops ferried from Europe. Some congressmen and senators disappear. News blackout in effect. Slave labor camps established in the Hebrides.
September, 1990: Government passes stringent gun control laws, law lifting habeas corpus restrictions for "the duration of the present emergency." Queen attempts to dissolve Parliament, and is executed.
October, 1990: Soviets begin stripping America of machine tools and robots. Massive crop confiscations in areas of America where there is unrest. Major uprisings in Britain.
November, 1990: Soviets settle in to winter quarters; tempo of counterinsurgency operations slacken. Massive starvation in some areas of the country.
December, 1990: With few exceptions, America is firmly in the grip of the Occupation. Europe is prone beneath the Soviet heel. Only in Asia does any power defy Soviet control, and even China and Japan are careful not to antagonize the Russians. American liberty is represented only by a few ill-clad, poorly-fed men, shivering over inadequate fires in the forests and mountains of the nation. The Soviet Union seems invincible.