Spain is a country on the Iberian peninsula and a former world power.
Alternate versions of Spain have been discovered throughout the multiverse:
- Castile (Burgundy Survives)
- Spain (Butterflies Not Included)
- Castile (An Honorable Retelling)
- Castile (Cabotia and Brasil)
- Castille (Chaos)
- Hispania (They Are Protected)
- Iberia (Battle of Manzikert)
- Iberia (No Christianity world)
- Iberian Republic (Day of Glory)
- Ispania (Chinese World)
- Spain (The Legacy of the Glorious)
- Spain (13 Fallen Stars)
- Spain (1983: Doomsday)
- Spain (1995: The Armageddon)
- Spain (British Louisiana)
- Spain (Carlistreich)
- Spain (Chaos)
- Spain (Cherry, Plum, and Chrysanthemum)
- Spain (Chinese World)
- Spain (Cold Phoney War)
- Spain (Concert of Europe)
- Spain (Double Collapse)
- Spain (Eudes' History)
- Spain (February's Legacy)
- Spain (FG)
- Spain (French Trafalgar, British Waterloo)
- Spain (Gott nicht mit uns)
- Spain (Greater Colombia)
- Spain (Here we go again)
- Spain (Hitler's Win)
- Spain (How many Sixes does Adolf Nazi have to Roll?)
- Spain (Montezuma's Revenge)
- Spain (Much ado about Nonsuch)
- Spain (No Manifest Destiny)
- Spain (Phalanx Pact)
- Spain (Rule Hispania)
- Spain (Scotland says "Yes")
- Spain (Springtime of Nations)
- Spain (The Bull's Empire)
- Spain (The Fork in Time)
- Spain (The Italian Job)
- Spain (Three Golden Lilies)
- Spain (UASWS: iKGP)
- Spain (Vegetarian World)
- Spain (Victory To The Rising Sun)
- Spain (War Avoided)
- Spain (Washington Shot at Murdering Town!)
- Spain (What a Wonderful World)
- Spanish Empire (Empire of Forever)
- Spanish Republic (A United Front)
- Andalusia (Emperor Rechiar)