Charles the Fourth gave Independence to the Spanish Colony of Mexico in 1797 as the Empire of Mexico giving it Control over all areas of Nueva Espana or New Spain under his daughter Carlota Joaquina as Empress Carlota the First of Mexico. In 1804 he sold Louisiana to the United Federal States of North America after his deal with Britain fell through. In 1809 he gave independence to Cuba as the Grand Duchy of Cuba with his son Infante Carlos as Grand Duke Carlos the First. In 1812 the Kingdom of America invaded the Spanish Territory of Florida in the War of 1812. In 1815 after the Treaty of New York was signed Florida was given independence as the Kingdom of Florida with his son Francisco given the Crown as King Francis the First. After Charles Death in 1819 his oldest son Prince Ferdinand becomes King Ferdinand the Seventh of Spain. In 1833 he died. Spain remained in Scrutiny as far as history is concerned until 1889 when Hispaniola gained independence.