Alternative History

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Estado Español
Spanish State
1939 –
Flag of Facist Spain COA Spain 1945 1977
Marcha Granadera
Capital Madrid
Official language Spanish
Government Dictatorship
Head of state
- 1939-1975

- 1975-

Francisco Franco
Don Juan Carlos de Borbón

- 1953

Population 45,835,812 (1978 est.)
Historical era
- Spanish Civil War
- Death of Franco
-European Confederation
November 20, 1975
30 April 1979
Currency Spanish peseta

Under Franco, Spain gave refuge to many Nazi's, including Martin Bormann. It became a haven for GLF Members, who escaped there and set up training camps in its territory. Spain remained isolated until after Franco's death, when it joined the European Confederation. In the meantime, US B-52s flew over for airstrikes against suspected terrorist training camps. One such airstrike led to the destruction of a village, with this being used as a propaganda coup by Franco. War almost broke out when a B-52 was shot down over Spanish airspace.