Alternative History

Stalinu Slava is a timeline focusing on the 1900s where Stalin lived all the way up to the year of 1979.

Iozhif Zhtalin Grey White

Iosif Stalin in 1947 In His Highest Rank Uniform Signifying an Important Day

1878: Iosif Stalin is born

1899: Stalin is kicked out of University after becoming a Marxist

1905: Stalin meets Vladimir Lenin the first time and the 1905 revolution occurs

1914: World War I begins

1917: The October Revolution begins

1918: Germany loses World War I

1921/1922: The Russian Revolution ends, Stalin is promoted to General Secretary and Lenin suffers a stroke so Stalin takes control

1924: Lenin dies after a second stroke, a Power Struggle begins

1925: Stalin takes control of the communist party entirely after Trotsky is expelled

1934: The 17th Congress starts, Stalin wins after rigging the congress

1935: Stalin starts the Great Purge

1936: Genrikh Yagoda the NKVD Chief is thrown in to Jail and replaced by Nikolay Yezhov

1937: Yezhov and Stalin intensify the purges

1938: Yezhov manages to get Stalin to agree to the arrest of Lavrentiy Beriya

1941: Germany invades the Soviet Union, Stalin and Yezhov arrest and execute politicians and generals suspected of helping the opposition and Germany

1945: World War II ends with Stalin and the Allies as the victors

1946: The Cold War Begins, Stalin starts the Second Great Purge, The NKVD is Replaced by The MGB which Yezhov still is the chief of and Yezhov is replaced from The Chairman of The Party Control Commission of The Central Committee by Stalin to Deputy Chairman of The Party Control Commission of The Central Committee

Late 1946: Nikita Khrushchev is purged by Stalin and Yezhov after proposing reforms in the Soviet Union

1947: The Stalinskiy (Leningrad) affair starts and Zhukov is removed and replaced by Ivan Konev, Zhukov is appointed as a figurehead to promote Stalin, the city of Tzhentralgrad is also entirely completed

NOTE: This mod is heavily focused on the 1900s and may not have content from any other era