Alternative History

State of South Israel
מדינת דרום ישראל
دولة جنوب إسرائيل

(Map of Judah)
Flag of South Israel

Flag of South Israel
Capital Jerusalem
Largest city:  Beersheba
Official Languages: Hebrew, Arabic
Demonym South Israeli, Judean
State ideology parlimentary democracy
Government democratic republic


October 25, 1973

Currency Judean shekel

ISO 3166 code


The State of South Israel (Hebrewמדינת דרום ישראל) (Arabic: دولة جنوب إسرائيل) or also known as Judah (Hebrew: יהודה) or the Israel-Negev (Hebrew: ישראל, נגב) (Arabic: إسرائيل والنقب) is a parlimentary democracy located in the Middle East, on the south-eastern shores of the Mediterranean Sea. It borders  Israel to the north, Jordan and the Palesinian territories to the east, the Egyptian Kingdom and Gaza to the southwest. It also borders the Gulf of Aqaba and the Red Sea to the south. It shares the disputed city of Jerusalem as its capital with Israel. South Israel was created as a result of Orthodox Jewish opposition and uprising to the creation of Israel as a state by the Zionists. South Israel is currently a supporter of the movement to free Palestine, but not necessarily a supporter of the Arab states or Islamic states. For example, the Muslim Brotherhood and Zionists alike have both been banned in South Israel, despite a big Arab and Muslim majority. Judah has had a significant existance during the Iron Age when it broke from the Kingdom of Israel, and began to re-surge in significance in modern human history when supporters of a new de facto state battled Zionism and the New World Order.

Much of Jerusalem's holy sites have are under South Israeli ownership and control, such as the Western Wall, Dome of the Rock and the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. Gaza also became a protectorate of South Israel.

According to BBC, about $100 million is spent each year from worldwide major churches such as the Vatican City and those run by Joel Osteen, Benny Hinn and Billy Graham in support of South Israel's dissolution and cession back into a one state of Israel.


Iron Age[]

Babylonian Captivity[]

Mamluk Rule[]

Ottoman Rule[]

British Mandate[]

State of Israel Era[]

The Giladi Rebellion[]

Arab-Israeli Wars[]

Partition of Israel & Creation of Independent State[]

Demographics and Culture[]

South Israel is a melting pot of the Semitic and European cultures that thrived in it, from its history as a Jewish kingdom, Israelites, Greeks, Arabs, Turks and to the defunct Zionist era. The Arabs make up the large majority of South Israel, following a huge migration of Israeli Arabs and Palestinians to South Israel, with a smaller Jewish population, who are descended from the Tribe of Judah as opposed to Israel's Jewish population, whom most are converts to Judaism which along with Islam and Christianity plays the role of South Israel's most practice religions.

Ethnic Groups[]


Arabs make up the majority of South Israel's population. Many of them are refugees and migrants from Israel, Gaza and the Palestinian territories and a nomadic group descended from Arabia known as the Bedouins (Arabic: بَدَوِيُّون). South Israel's founder, Naeim Giladi considered himself an "Arab Jew", it was suggested that this notion meant to unite Arabs and Jews against the creation of Israel as a state in 1948, the guy was a Jew from Iraq. About at least 51% of South Israel's population are Arabs, they are officially known as Judean Arabs (Arabic: يهودا العرب) (Hebrew: הערבים יהודה). Judean Arabs are generally wealthy people who play prominent roles in the government of South

Israeli Bedouins

A Bedouin family feasting

Israel. They speak Palestinian Arabic and/or Israeli Arabic as their native language and Hebrew as a second language. Most are adherents to the religion of Islam (see below) with Christian and Jewish minorities, According to South Israel's constitution, Judean Arabs not allowed to make historical claim to Eretz Israel according to the Article of Legitimate Claims of South Israel's constitution. This did not sit well with the Muslim Brotherhood, which led to their expulsion from the Judean Knesset, and all their supporters. The Knesset has made it illegal and a crime to support the Muslim Brotherhood or any Islamic agenda. South Israel currently has no religious or ethnic requirement to run for president. Therefore many of South Israel's presidents were Arabs, such as its own founder, Naeim Giladi, Salim Mut'asim and David Andalus.


Jews make up only 30% of South Israel's population, who are white Jews. According to Naeim Giladi's A Claim of Legitimacy, most of Israel's Jews were fakes masquerading as Jews, feeling the need to expel brown and black Jews out of the land. Many of them converted to Christianity or Islam to avoid being expelled, most others were forced out

Orthodox Jews

Judean Jews

of South Israel. The Giladi Administration worked extensively to eliminate Mizrahi Jews, Ethiopian Jews and Ashkenazi Jews from Israel's southern regions, mostly descendants of those from the Aliyahs, except for a few Orthodox Jewish communities; these people are a minority. South Israel's government recognizes these Orthodox Jews as the real bloodline Jews from the Biblical southern Tribe of Judah, they are known as Judean Jews      (Hebrew: היהודים יהודה) (Arabic: يهودا اليهود). These particular Jews of South Israel speak ancient and various different dialects of Hebrew as their native language before learning Modern Hebrew in a collective group of dialects known as Judean Hebrew               (Hebrew: יהודה עברית). According to South Israel's Article of Legitimate Claims, converts to Judaism and their descendants must distinguish themselves as a "Jewish Convert" known as ger for males and giyoret for females in order to be accepted as a Jew but would not be considered an ethnic Jew according to South Israel's definition of an ethnic Jew which is one who is descended from the Tribe of Judah. Zionism is also illegal in South Israel and any person advocating Zionism can be jailed, just like those of the Muslim Brotherhood. Jewish migrants who claim to be from the tribe of Judah are also required to show proof of their genealogy. Those of mixed Jewish descent and some other ethnicity are counted as part of South Israel's ethnic Jewish population. Like the Judean Arabs, Judean Jews also dominate South Israel's politics.

Other Ethnic Groups[]

Other ethnic groups in South Israel include Russians, Filipinos, Indonesians, German, Greeks and Africans who are treated in various ways. The Russians are under strict-watch of the Judean government, who are considered a threat to South Israel's security. Many of the Russians and Africans registered as gers and giyorets with large Muslim populations. Most of the German Judeans are non-religious, and the Filipinos are mostly Roman Catholic and Protestant with a Muslim minority. Many of the Filipinos were forced to renounce their support towards the state of Israel to become Judean citizens. About 431 Catholic nuns were expelled from South Israel and banned re-entry as a result of secretly soliciting money to support Israel. Many of the South Israeli politicians disapproved of having the pope visit Jerusalem. Most of the overseas Indonesians in South Israel are either Muslim or Protestant.


South Israel is home to the major monotheistic religions of the world, the three Abrahamic faiths. The Judean government currently does monitor religious conversions, which is handled by independent religious courts. Judah's government also guarantees religious freedom to practice any registered religion or not, with the exception of Talmudic Judaism and the Baha'i Faith which were banned and considered religious threats.


The religion of Judaism (Hebrew: יהדות) is native to South Israel, and is practised by at least 30% of the population. Its followers are known as Jews or Jewish (Hebrew: יהודים) when used to describe somebody and worship Yahweh as their god which created mankind in what is now the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. The term Judaism originates from the name of the southern Hebrew tribe of Judah that broke away from the historical Kingdom of Israel. The holy book of Judaism is the Torah (Hebrew: התורה) which comes from a Hebrew word meaning teaching. The basis of laws and ethics are known as the Ten Commandments which would also provide a foundation for the latter religion of Christianity. The Torah is a collection of different works of ethnic Hebrew prophets, including Abraham, Isaac and chronicles others such as Noah who are known as the patriarchs of Judaism and the latter religion of Christianity. King David, a historical king of Israel who united the 12 Tribes of Israel is the fighting hero of the Jewish people. Jewish teachings predict that a Messiah will come to save the world from wickedness, whom Judean Jews call HaMasciah (Hebrew: המשיח). The ancient Jewish practice of animal practice is banned and has been banned in South Israel. The Hebrew language is the religious language of Judaism.


The religion of Christianity is an off-shoot from Judaism, and is practiced by at least 20% of South Israel's population. Christians believed that the promised Messiah is a man by the name of Jesus Christ who was of pure Hebrew bloodline who was crucified as a form of the perfect sacrifice. The holy book of Christianity is known as the Bible which includes an added group of book to the original Torah. Like Jews, the Ten Commandments is an essential practice of Christianity. A native form of Christianity practiced would be Judeo-Christianity. Other sections of Christianity include Roman Catholicism, Greek Orthodox and Protestantism that all independent religious languages. Like Judaism, the Hebrew language is the religious language of Judeo-Christianity, English with Protestantism, Latin for Roman Catholicism and Greek for the Orthodox Church. Most of South Israel's Christians are Russians, Filipinos, Greeks, many practicing Africans and Indonesians; and few Arab communities.


Islam (Arabic: الإسلام) is the largest religion of South Israel, at least 53% of South Israel's population are adherents to the religion of Islam and its followers are known as Muslims (Arabic: مسلمون). Islam originated from the Arabian Peninsula from a man by the name of Muhammad. Muslims believe that Muhammad was God's last and greatest prophet who ascended from the Temple Mount in Israel. Muslims also believe in the prophets of Judaism and Christianity, including Jesus Christ, but only regard to them as prophets preceding Muhammad's ministry. Most of South Israel's Muslims are Arabs and Indonesians, with lots of practicing Africans, Russians and Filipinos of the traditional Sunni Section. The Arabic language is the religious language of Islam. There is also a very distinct section of Islam in South Israel known as Qudism or known by many as Judeo-Islam (Arabic: اليهودية والإسلام) (Hebrew: יהודי, האיסלאם). Muslims of this section believe that Jerusalem  is the utmost holy city of Islam, moving Mecca to second and Medina to third as opposed to traditional Islam where Mecca is the holiest. In Qudism, Muslims take pilgrimages to the Dome of the Rock and march around it before making the hajj or pilgrimage to Mecca, and return to make one more march around it. The Dome of the Rock is where Muhammad ascended instead which has caused some strife between Qudis and Sunnis. Many Qudis were even banned from entering the Dome of the Rock. The sect originates from the Classical Arabic name for Jerusalem Al-Quds.