Alternative History
Kingdom of Marakish Aljideed
المملكة المراكش الجديدة
Timeline: Pure Arabica
Flag Coat of Arms
Flag Coat of Arms
(and largest city)
Language Arabic
Religion Islam
Government Constitutional Monarchy
Prime Minister
Population 51,081,581 
Currency Dirham

The history of the Sultanate of Marakish Aljideed dates back to year 992 (1584 in the heathen's calendar), with the first colony of Al-Ruaanik, or Roanoke which was founded by dissidents from the United Kingdom of Alba and Hibernia. The colony was subverted by colonists from the Sultanate of Al-Maghrib, and before the Albhibernians could return to shore up their colony, they were moved to a shared village with the Kro'atoim natives.

For several hundred years knowledge of the true ending of the Roanoke colony was lost to the Albhibernians, revealed only when descendents were repatriated to the Hibernian isles.

The Aljideedan territory expands from the coastal regions originally founded, north to the Minor Seas, and west to the great Misiisiibii. There had been minor squabbling with the Caliphate of Nyu Yoorkh, founded by the Caliphate of Londris until a peace treaty was brokered between Sultan Jabir of Marakish Aljideed and Emir Aleksandr of Nyu Yoorkh in 1777.


Following the failed attempts of the Albhibernians to colonize the new world, Sultan Ahmad I al-Mansur Saadi of Al-Maghrib launched colonial vessels, which settled the coastal city of Pamunqiq, on near the mouth of the river with the same name. Colonization proceeded from there, and soon trading cities spread along the major riverways.

With the fail of the Saadi Sultanate, however, Pamunqiq and the rest of Marakish Aljideed were left to their own devices. Sufism spread and the population interbred with local populations, as most colonists were men. When contact was re-established near 1720 the Sultanate of Pamunqiq and its coterie of emirates was forced to assent to the forces from the Caliphate of Al-Andalus.

This control was lost in the wars of the last century, and Marakish Aljideed now attempts to assert itself on the international scene.
