Alternative History
Alternative History

The Supreme Court of the Confederate States is the top court in the Confederate States government. The Supreme Court has the final say in all decisions put through the CS legal system. Justices of the Supreme Court are nominated by the President of the Confederate States and serve until death or until they decide to retire.

List of Justices of the Supreme Court[]

This section lists every Justice of the Confederate Supreme Court.

Justices in darker grey were the Chief Justice.

Justices of the Confederate States Supreme Court
No. Name Portrait State Tenure Began Tenure Ended Replacing Nominated By
1 Asa Biggs NC-Congress-AsaBiggs North Carolina September 12, 1865 March 6, 1878 New Seat Jefferson Davis
2 Henry R. Jackson HenryRJackson Georgia January 15, 1866 May 23, 1898 New Seat Jefferson Davis
3 West Hughes Humphreys WestHHumphreys Tennessee May 23, 1866 October 16, 1882 New Seat Jefferson Davis
4 James Dandridge Halyburton JamesDHalyburton Virginia March 16, 1867 January 26, 1879 New Seat Jefferson Davis
5 William Giles Jones WilliamGJones Alabama April 29, 1867 April 1, 1883 New Seat Jefferson Davis
6 William Dunlap Simpson WilliamDSimpson South Carolina August 27, 1878 December 26, 1890 Asa Biggs Thomas Jackson
7 William Ephraim Smith WilliamESmith Georgia October 1, 1879 March 11, 1890 James D. Halyburton Thomas Jackson
8 John Archibald Campbell JohnACampbell Georgia February 12, 1883 March 12, 1889 West Hughes Humphreys Alexander H. Stephens
9 Lucius Quintus Cincinnatus Lamar II Lamar Mississippi June 2, 1883 January 23, 1893 William Giles Jones Alexander H. Stephens
10 Charles Henry Simonton CharlesHenrySimonton South Carolina June 17, 1889 April 25, 1904 John Campbell Augustus Hill Garland
11 Howell Edmunds Jackson HowellEdmundsJackson Tennessee June 22, 1890 August 8, 1895 William Smith Augustus Hill Garland
12 Emory Speer EmorySpeer Georgia July 15, 1890 December 13, 1918 William Simpson Augustus Hill Garland
13 John Paul JohnPaul Virginia March 22, 1893 November 1, 1901 Lucius Lamar John Tyler Morgan
14 Edward Douglass White EdwardDouglassWhite Louisiana November 11, 1895 May 19, 1921 Howell Edmunds Jackson John Tyler Morgan
15 Horace Harmon Lurton HoraceHarmonLurton Tennessee November 26, 1898 July 12, 1914 Henry R. Jackson Benjamin Tillman
16 Charles Albert Woods CharlesAlbertWoods South Carolina March 29, 1902 June 21, 1925 John Paul Benjamin Tillman
17 Walter Clark WalterClark North Carolina August 12, 1904 May 19, 1924 Charles Henry Simonton James D. Richardson
18 Joseph Rucker Lamar Joseph Rucker Lamar Georgia December 3, 1914 January 2, 1916 Horace Harmon Lurton Lee Slater Overman
19 Edward Terry Sanford Edward Terry Sanford Tennessee June 4, 1916 March 29, 1919 Joseph Rucker Lamar Richmond P. Hobson
19 Edward Terry Sanford Edward Terry Sanford Tennessee March 29, 1919 March 8, 1930 Emory Speer Richmond P. Hobson
20 Rufus Edward Foster Rufus Edward Foster Louisiana September 29, 1919 August 23, 1942 Edward Terry Sanford Richmond P. Hobson
21 Walter F. George Walter F George Georgia December 19, 1921 August 4, 1957 Edward Douglass White Richmond P. Hobson
22 R.L. Batts Robert Lynn Batts Texas November 28, 1924 May 19, 1935 Walter Clark Carter Glass
23 Richard C. Watts Richard Cannon Watts South Carolina December 10, 1925 October 13, 1930 Charles Albert Woods Carter Glass
24 Cameron A. Morrison Cameron A. Morrison North Carolina November 21, 1930 June 1, 1951 Edward Terry Sanford Cordell Hull
25 Nathan Philemon Bryan NathanPBryan Florida February 26, 1931 August 8, 1935 Richard C. Watts Cordell Hull

Records and Stats[]

Record Holder Value
Youngest Emory Speer 42 years old
Oldest Cameron A. Morrison 81 years old
Oldest (at swearing-in) Richard C. Watts 72 years old
Longest Tenure Walter F. George 35 years, 7 months, 16 days
Shortest Tenure Joseph Rucker Lamar 1 year, 30 days

State Justices
Georgia 6
South Carolina 4
Tennessee 4
North Carolina 3
Louisiana 2
Virginia 2
Alabama 1
Florida 1
Mississippi 1
Texas 1