Alternative History
Alternative History

  This Althistory is a part of the 1989 War world.
Flag of Pacific America 1989 War
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This is the official talk page for the 1989 War timeline, which was created by AlthistWriter.

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Wright Patterson Airforce Base in Dayton Ohio would probably be a high target on the soviet's bombing list during WW3 . I like the idea of the bombs that soviet launched at Wright Pat either fail to explode( This could be explained by the infamous poor soviet quality control) or the bombs overshoot the base by a large distance due to poor soviet target systems. Sparing Wright Pat would provide the Eastern States of America with a powerful military advantage

After colosape of the united states the present day sistion of 5 states there were probbally many other sates in former usa. Most of them would probbaly be small states but there could have at least one big state that got abosred by one of the modern five states. How about a uber relgious neoconfederate state found by david duke that was congured by it nebiors in 2011

Do you like the idea of brazil being a major computer power in this world. They had embargo on importing forgin computer untill 1992 so brazil had a large local industy that mainly produce clone of western computers

I would suggest planing a list of cites and milatry bases that were nuked

Goldwind1 (talk) 13:08, February 17, 2018 (UTC)

Brazil could be a regional power, both Technologically and Economically. AlthistWriter (talk) 18:57, February 17, 2018 (UTC)

Super Powers in This Timeline[]

As you may of noticed, the is a needed page called Powers (1989 War).

Before it is made, I would like to collaborate with you guys. I was thinking the following.

  • Switzerland becomes a Regional, and global power, with the biggest army in Europe, A large economy and A completely intact population.
  • The Oceanic Commonweath also becomes one of the largest nations, with a large economy.
  • Brazil becomes largely a technological power, as well as having 2nd Biggest Economy in the world.
  • South Africa is also a regional power, while not a much of an Global Superpower.

What do you think?

I am afaird that while south africa is probbaly spared  nuclear fires, the clossape of international preasure, will mean rascist converstive boers would try to hold on to apparite will result in south afica falling into cival breaking apart into several black tribal states and a few white nationalist stats. Just a suggestion, some the black nationilst states in the former north east of south afirca stat federate as the republic of anzania the mid 200's and make the mistake of letting Zimbaewe join. Robert Mugabe mananges to manuplate him self into the presiency of Anaznia and trys to hold on to throw shady deals and backstabbing, around 2015 muabge , power grubby ways and dishoest nature becomes too much for his own party and they seek to overthrown him. after mugabe is take care off various polticos fight over the preseincy leading anzania into cival. Onicenia comes into to do peace keeping

I am afraid that switerland may become a right wing dicatorship. The swiss nationlist euroskepitc anti imargite issolist swiss people party (SVP) starting to gain power in 1989. I am afriad the SVP would use a reffugee flooding into gain contorl of the contry. I suggest you read up on the SVP. Here's a link to there wikipedia page

I’m Kinda trying to create a more realistic scenario. I believe that other conflicts, such as the Rwandan Civil War and the conflicts in The Horn of Africa in which the UN stepped in could have different occurrences. As found in this article,, The anti-Apartheid Process was already happening before 1989. It likely that due to the whole ‘northern hemisphere blown up’ situation that South Africa would delay the process to 1994.

As for Switzerland, I certainly see them gain popularity, but with the more conservative Switzerland, Switzerland uses its wealth to buy the French Alps, adding it to there territory. It’s almost like they could become slightly Imperialist.

Also, I thought about your race war, and I Think it could be quite good. I was thinking, there could be a Extremist White Supremists group, and they fight against the State And Anti-Apartheid Forces. AlthistWriter (talk)