Alternative History

Eliminated references to the Second World War. Reviewing this alt-history, it seems more likely that Russia will devolve into "warlord" states, similar to China in the early part of the 20th century. Germany has a buffer against Russia. Germany and Britain will most likely come to an understanding. There are no conditions likely to create another general European war. Graf v. Klugerman (talk) 21:16, May 12, 2014 (UTC)


After more research, the Nordic Cross flag makes more sense than the blue and white flag as a national flag, both for the geographic location and the historic German Order (Teutonic Knights.) However, the blue and white colors represent the Freikorps & Landeswehr and apparently the Baltic Germans. See e.g. the "Baltic Cross"  award.Graf v. Klugerman (talk) 00:39, May 13, 2014 (UTC)

I combined the blue and white of the Baltic Germans, with the black Teutonic knights cross and the Latvian red. This seems to combine most of the colours of the regions. Graf v. Klugerman (talk) 17:55, June 6, 2014 (UTC)

Looking back on Freikorps awards and the relationship between the Landeswehr and the Regency council, those are almost national awards, insofar as the regency council could be considered a "government:" generall use blue and white colors of the Baltic Germans. Most sources use the black Nordic cross as the national flag. Reconciling the two in this TL is difficult. the regency council prevails as the government, with the support of the Freikorps/Landeswehr. That would tend to suggest that the blue/white colors would prevail, although the Nordic cross would reflect a "united" country. This award (google for images):

Ehrenzeichen der Baltischen Landeswehr[]

combines the blue/white with the black/white cross, and other Freikorps awards similarly use a black on white cross.
