Alternative History

In post-GW2 history, they say that Bulgaria and Eastern Rumelia united in 1885. That's the same year as in OTL. The main difference after the union declaration between OTL and ATL is of course that *there* it's the beginning of GW3. But more interesting is the time before. Germany *there* is not united and why Austria-Hungary, itself is a cooking pot of various ethnicities, supports such kind of fragmentation seems to be a giant question mark.

First of all what happened in OTL: 9th Russo-Turk War 1877-78 >> Greater Bulgaria >> Berlin Congress 1878 >> Reduced Bulgaria >> Union of 1885

Could *there* have ever been something like the Berlin Congress or the final Russo-Turkish War? If not, how would Bulgaria otherwise become independent, esp. in the same reduced fashion as in OTL? Dr. Nodelescu 15:07, 4 February 2006 (UTC)
