Alternative History

I'm not sure why I found myself writing this odd bit of fiction. It is not pure alt-hist because there is no true POD. The story takes place in some parallel world where dueling still exists and yet many details are the same as OTL. I still think it fits under this groups broad requirements. I have a whole little story in mind and hope I can find the time to write it.

Dueling in America, for the most part, died out after the Civil War. The culture of dueling in Europe lasted through WWI. This has lead some people to think that wars with massive casualties caused by modern weapons shatters the ideals of dueling. But any time-line which avoids those kinds of wars would be so different from OTL that dueling would be a detail lost in the sea of greater change. AirshipArmada 19:36, 12 September 2006 (UTC)
