Alternative History

This is a work in progress.

Not a Bush hater or lover, just thought it'd be an interesting thought experiment given the "Mission Accomplished" event and the possibility of something going wrong.

Dick Cheney is often an opportunist. Would it be possible that the investigation into President Bush's death remain top secret, and that "leaks" suggest that it was terrorist act. This would keep the left even further at bay. Even if there is no real evidence of terrorist involvement a cloud of doubt could remain and would be politically useful to Cheney. AirshipArmada

certainly possible, but I'm not trying to get TOO political here. NTSB and the Navy would likely conduct a fair and impartial investigation and discover a mundane cause (like parts failure, etc).

The main thing would be the effect on the 2004 election and 2006 midterms and the possibility of a Vice-Pres. Condi running against Hillary in 2008.

You should probably mention why Cheney isn't seeking re-election in 2008, if Rice is the front-runner. If he became President on May 1, 2003 he'd be eligible to serve two full terms because it's less than half of Bush's term. Cprhodesact 22:05, 29 January 2007 (UTC)

Probably because of how badly the war in Iraq is going, though a stated reason would "health". If Hillary looked like the likely nominee for the Dems (as in OTL), a Rice candidacy would be the best (maybe only) shot the Republicans would have at holding the White House.