Uan'kaphoaito (Xüonai's War)[]
Xüonai's Invasions[]
- Xüonai's invasion of Benekundon has resulted in a Xüonai victory. The attacks suffered 625 casualties, while the defenders suffered 1,000 (about half of that army).
- The northern surprise attack has resulted in a Xüonai victory. The attackers suffer 200 casualties, while the defenders suffer 519 (most of that army).
- The attack on the port of Oshaba (eastern most city of Zedislandia has resulted in a Xüonai defeat. The defenders suffer 330 casualties, while the attackers suffer 820.
Western Colonies Front[]
- The Darnan attacks on the Xüonai colonies are successful, with all Xüonai inhabitants being killed or captured. The Darnans suffer 183 casualties total.
- The Xüonai army of 1,000 arrives at the Darnan outpost in the west, only to find it already abandoned and dismantled. No battle takes place, although the army suffers some 210 casualties due to lack of supplies, disease, etc.
- The Xüonai attack of 2,000 on the Darnan city/occupied colony results in a Darnan victory. The attackers suffer 549 casualties, while the defenders suffer 220.
- The Xüonai attempt to surround Darna's position by sea falls after Darna wins a decisive naval battle. Xüonai loses 10% of their naval force in the attack.
- The Darnan defense of their colony is successful, with Darna suffering 582 casualties, while Xüonai suffers 902.
Southern Colonies Front[]
- The Attack on the Southern Colony has ended with the fall of the settlement. The attacking nation suffered 850 losses, while the defending nation of had all killed soldiers killed or captured.
- Xüonai: Wait... when was their and invasion of Ensoyiwi, and who attacked?
In 121-130 it says "Around the same time that the power in the north changed, with a powerful warlord named Hosherad rising to unite the region. And seeking to expand his domain, he launched an invasion of the colony to the west of him that was loyal to Xüonai." And then in the current turn it says "after raiding the Xüonai colony, 5000 men led by Hosherad pour into the colony’s capital to capture it," so I did 5,000 attacking 2,000. Vandenhoek (talk) 23:32, November 4, 2018 (UTC)
- Isn't the colony the one on the southern continent, not Ensoywi? I put around 2,000 men there to prevent the attack, plus landowners who took up the offer. Ahoys123 23:40, November 4, 2018 (UTC)
Yanno-Mesallian War[]
Mesallas Region[]
- The Battle of Nykos results in the city falling into Yannian hands, with Yannis suffering 533 casualties.
- During the Battle of Kulentabe (the mountain pass), the Karissans initially hold their ground against the Yannians, but eventually they are surrounded and defeated. The Karrisans suffer 1,530 casualties, while the Yannians suffer 4,610.
- The battle off the coast of Meshwati results in a victory for Meshwati, with Meshwati suffering 10% losses, and Yannis suffering 25%, despite both sides being of similar size before the battle.
- The Battle of Meshwati results in a Yannian victory, with Meshwati suffering 1,013 casualties, and Yannis suffering 644 casualties.
- The Battle of Delona (continuing after Kulentabe) results in a Yannian victory, with Delona falling, and Yannis suffering 843 casualties.
- The Siege of Meshwati, in which 4,500 Yannians, and 2,500 Yannian allies, attack 6,000 Mesallians, results in a stalemate, with Yannis suffering 544 casualties, and Meshwati suffering 833 casualties.
- The Relief Attempt at Meshwati, in which 3,000 Syresian soldiers join the siege against Yannis, has resulted in a Meshwati-Syresian victory, with the Yannians suffering 1,023 casualties, Meshwati suffering 743, and Syres suffering 449.
- In the Battle of the Plateau, in which 4,500 men from Azoz and Syres, 3,000 from Meshwati, 5,000 from Karissa, and 5,000 from Lamigis attack 17,500 Yannian soldiers, has ended in a victory for the Mesallian alliance. The alliance suffered 1,832 casualties, while Yannis suffered 3,322.
Yannis Region[]
- The Battle of Xanuys results in a Yannian victory, with Yannis suffering 3,880 casualties, and Niani suffering 7,120.
- The Battle of Southern Niani, in which 40,000 Yannians do battle with Niani, results in a victory for Yannis, with Yannis suffering 2,842 casualties and Niani suffering 6,532. The Yannians also suffer about 3,000 casualties from disease and supply issues, while the Nianians suffer 2,000.
- The Azoz-Nianian battle against Yannis, in which the Azozian army and remaining Niani attack Yannis' 34,000 army, has resulted in a Yannian victory, with Yannis suffering 3,844 casualties, Azoz suffering 1,843 casualties, and Niani suffering 3,432. Additionally, before the battle Azoz suffers some 2,500 losses from disease and from transporting over such a far distance, while both Niani and Yannis suffer another 1,000 each.
Exhulan-Qeran War[]
- The Exhulan invasion of Kisna results in an Exhulan victory. The native garrison of about 2,000 suffers 853 casualties, while the Exhulans suffer 402 casualties in combat and 500 casualties from disease and other causes.
- The Battle of Southern Kisna, in which 16,000 Exhulans attack 16,000 Qerans, has ended in a Qeran victory. The attackers suffered 2,344 combat losses and 1,300 from disease and other causes, while the defenders suffered 1,186 casualties and 580 from disease and other causes.
Yannian Attack on Dijunga[]
- The Yannian attack on Dijunga has resulted in a Yannian victory, with Yannis suffering 1,153 casualties and 1,933 losses from disease and other causes, while Dijunga suffers 4,544 total losses.
Xüonai-Darnan War[]
- The Xüonai attack on Mosnola resulted in a victory for Xüonai. The attackers suffered 2,933 casualties and another 1,550 losses from disease and other causes, while the defenders suffered 2,300 casualties from all causes.
Algorithm for the battle between Chatna and Mesallas[]
Chatna Invasion of Mesallas[]
- The decisive battle near Thusmos results in an Azozian defeat. In the initial push toward Sericolis the Azozians manage to push across the river, with both sides suffering high casualties. After the Mesallian feigned retreat to the river the Azozians also found themselves attacked by the Agiran army under the command of Kosodos from the rear. In total the nations of the Gudumanes suffered 5,210 casualties, Yannis suffered 4,664, Erasidon suffered 1,228, the League of Agira suffered 4,564, for a total of 15,666 casualties, while the Azozians suffered 26,410 casualties.
Wonders of the World[]
Wonder |
New Name |
Nation |
City |
Turn Founded |
Great Pyramid of Giza |
Great Pyramids of Yagothna-vis |
Yannis |
Yagothna-vis |
Hanging Gardens of Babylon |
Hanging Gardens of Arazna |
Saemonites |
Arazna |
331-340 |
Temple of Artemis |
Temple of Hythus |
Messalians Hythia |
Agira |
231-240 351-360 |
Statue of Zeus |
Statue of Chatnaguri/Thalut |
Azoz/Chatna Empire |
351-360 | |
Mausoleum at Halicarnnassus |
Mausoleum of Iximanasa II the Great |
Temeyal (former Yannis) |
Temeyal |
231-240 |
Colossus of Rhodes |
Colossus of Syres |
Syres |
Syres |
251-260 |
Lighthouse of Alexandria |
The Great Shiplight |
Beraba |
Ngaoudera |
371-380 |
Azoz-Emalian War[]
- In the initial invasion by Igneous of Emalia, the Azozians are victorious in holding them back west of Edom. The Emalians suffer 15,300 casualties, while Azoz suffers 10,430.
- During the invasion of Edom the Battle of Deshema results in an Azozian defeat. Azoz suffers 9,120 casualties, Emalia suffers 3,210, and Edom suffers 2,900.
- The Nerimos Campaign results in an Azozian defeat. Azoz suffers 18,300 casualties, while Emalia suffers 9,300, and Edom suffers 4,400.
Xeran-Yannian War[]
Southern Front[]
- The Battle of Ghanis has resulted in a Yannian defeat. Yannis suffered 10,170 casualties, while Azoz suffered 4,100 casualties.
Mouri-Zelonuma War[]
Zelonuma Region[]
- The Khin invasion of the southern region of the Zelonuma Emiresq results in a decisive Khin invasion. The Khin and Mouri advance northward, although the Mouri suffer supply issues, partially due to ongoing confusion in the Mouri homeland. The Zelonuma suffer 18,930 casualties, the Isimandians suffer 8,540 casualties, the Mouri suffer 12,400 casualties, and the Khin suffer 4,010 casualties.
- The Mouri invasion of the coast results in a decisive Mouri defeat, with the Mouri being pushed back to the coast itself. The Mouri suffer 19,400 casualties, the Zelonuma suffer 10,030 casualties, the Tesardyans suffer 5,050 casualties, and the Yannians suffer 2,000 casualties.
- The nation of Tamsebe decides to join the Mouri Empire in its war, contributing forces toward the campaigns in the west, while also attacking Tesardya. The Darnan cities of the northern coast launch a rebellion for independence from the Zelonuma Emiresq. The other nations reject the offers from the Mouri Empire.
Tamsebe Region[]
- The Tamsebe invasion of Tesardya is successful, with the Tesardyans being beaten back to the north. Tesardya suffers 12,300 casualties, while Tamsebe suffers 4,950 casualties.
- The Syresian invasion Tamsebe is successful, and the Syresians successfully occupy the south of the nation, drawing the Tamsebe army away from its invasion of Tesardya. The Syresians suffer 2,100 casualties, while Tamsebe suffers 19,440 casualties.