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Algorithms—the hard part of map games. This is where all of them are placed. It is mandatory to follow all the rules and strictly follow the procedure, rules, and computation of an algorithm, both of which can be seen here. You can see every algorithm below.

It's vital that you use exactly this format when writing or computing an algorithm, as it helps organization tremendously.

Algorithm Archives[]

Principia Moderni IV Algorithm Archives
15th century 16th century 17th century 18th century 19th century 20th century 21st century


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Name of War (Years of War) [Use Heading 2]

Front Name [Only use this if there is more front in the war] [Heading 3]

  • Year
    • Pre-War Stage
      • Side I Name (Attacking or Defending)
        • Result:
          • Population:
          • War Exhaustion:
          • Casus Belli:
          • Government:
      • Side II Name (Attacking or Defending)
        • Result:
          • Population:
          • War Exhaustion:
          • Casus Belli:
          • Government:
    • Battle Stage
      • (Battle or Siege Name)
        • Side I Name (Attacking or Defending)
          • Result:
            • Army/Navy Size:
            • Location:
            • Great General:
            • Blunder:
            • Attrition:
        • Side II Name (Attacking or Defending)
          • Result:
            • Army/Navy Size:
            • Location:
            • Great General:
            • Blunder:
            • Attrition:
  • Final Stage:
    • Side I Name
      • Cities Occupied:
      • Result:
    • Side I Name
      • Cities Occupied:
      • Result:
    • Overall Result:

Discussion [Heading 3]

Belkan war for Turkey[]

Battle for Eskizier[]

  • Belka: 132
    • Troop morale: +2
    • Military Quality: +30 (Top)
    • Military Quantity: +30 (Top)
    • Support: +60 (Heavy cavalry:30, Heavy artillery:30,)
    • Troops: +10
    • Fortification: -
    • Chance: -
  • Turkey: 58
    • Troop morale: +8
    • Military quality: +15
    • Military quantity: +15
    • Defensive fortifications: -
    • Support: +10 light cavalry, light artillery
    • Troops: +10
    • Chance: -
    • Result: 227%

Battle for Afyonkarahisar[]

  • Belka: 132
    • Troop morale: +2
    • Military Quality: +30 (Top)
    • Military Quantity: +30 (Top)
    • Support: +60 (Heavy cavalry:30, Heavy artillery:30,)
    • Troops: +10
    • Fortification: -
    • Chance: -
  • Turkey: 58
    • Troop morale: +8
    • Military quality: +15
    • Military quantity: +15
    • Defensive fortifications: -
    • Support: +10 light cavalry, light artillery
    • Troops: +10
    • Chance: -
    • Result: 227%

Battle for Denizil[]

  • Belka: 132
    • Troop morale: +2
    • Military Quality: +30 (Top)
    • Military Quantity: +30 (Top)
    • Support: +60 (Heavy cavalry:30, Heavy artillery:30,)
    • Troops: +10
    • Fortification: -
    • Chance: -
  • Turkey: 58
    • Troop morale: +8
    • Military quality: +15
    • Military quantity: +15
    • Defensive fortifications: -
    • Support: +10 light cavalry, light artillery
    • Troops: +10
    • Chance: -
    • Result: 227%

Siege of Ankara pt 1[]

  • Belka: 132
    • Troop morale: +2
    • Military Quality: +30 (Top)
    • Military Quantity: +30 (Top)
    • Support: +60 (Heavy cavalry:30, Heavy artillery:30,)
    • Troops: +10
    • Fortification: -
    • Chance: -
  • Turkey: 63
    • Troop morale: +8
    • Military quality: +15
    • Military quantity: +15
    • Defensive fortifications: -
    • Support: +10 light cavalry, light artillery
    • Troops: +15
    • Chance: -
    • Result: 209%

Siege of Ankara pt 2[]

  • Belka: 132
    • Troop morale: +2
    • Military Quality: +30 (Top)
    • Military Quantity: +30 (Top)
    • Support: +60 (Heavy cavalry:30, Heavy artillery:30,)
    • Troops: +10
    • Fortification: -
    • Chance: -
  • Turkey: 63
    • Troop morale: +8
    • Military quality: +15
    • Military quantity: +15
    • Defensive fortifications: -
    • Support: +10 light cavalry, light artillery
    • Troops: +15
    • Chance: -
    • Result: 209%

Siege of Ankara pt 3[]

  • Belka: 132
    • Troop morale: +2
    • Military Quality: +30 (Top)
    • Military Quantity: +30 (Top)
    • Support: +60 (Heavy cavalry:30, Heavy artillery:30,)
    • Troops: +10
    • Fortification: -
    • Chance: -
  • Turkey: 68
    • Troop morale: +8
    • Military quality: +15
    • Military quantity: +15
    • Defensive fortifications: -
    • Support: +10 light cavalry, light artillery
    • Troops: +20
    • Chance: -
    • Result: 194%

612% total. Anakara and by extention turkey falls.

British- Arabian war and others[]


War timer

  • Britain: 190
    • Initial positions: 10
    • Population: 35
    • Industry: 35
    • Power: 30
    • Government: 15
    • Military structure: 15
    • Naval power: 20
    • Fronts: 10
    • Morale: 10
    • Army morale: 10
  • Persia: 5
    • Initial positions: 5
    • Population: 45
    • Industry: -10
    • Power: 5
    • Government: 5
    • Military structure: 5
    • Naval power: 5
    • Fronts: -40
    • Morale: 5
    • Army morale: 0
  • Arabia: 35
    • Initial positions: 5
    • Population: 25
    • Industry: -10
    • Power: 5
    • Government: 5
    • Military structure: 10
    • Naval power: 5
    • Fronts: -15
    • Morale: 5
    • Army morale: 0

Balochistan invasion by Persia

  • Britain: 98
    • Morale: 6
    • Military quality: 15
    • Military quantity: 25
    • Support: 16
    • Troops: 28
    • Location: 8
  • Persia: 76.5
    • Morale: 6
    • Military quality: 15
    • Military quantity: 15
    • Support: 16
    • Troops: 27.5
    • Location: -3

Siezure of Bushehr

  • Britain: 98
    • Morale: 5
    • Military quality: 30
    • Military quantity: 25
    • Support: 40
    • Troops: 1.5
    • Location: -3.5
  • Persia: 58
    • Morale: 6
    • Military quality: 15
    • Military quantity: 15
    • Support: 16
    • Troops: 2
    • Location: 4

Siege of Aden

  • Britain: 118.5
    • Morale: 5
    • Military quality: 30
    • Military quantity: 25
    • Support: 45
    • Troops: 2.5
    • Fortifcations: 7
    • Location: 4
  • Arabia: 92
    • Morale: 5
    • Military quality: 15
    • Military quantity: 20
    • Support: 16
    • Troops: 40
    • Location: -4

Siege of Port George

  • Britain: 128
    • Morale: 4
    • Quality: 30
    • Quantity: 25
    • Support: 45
    • Troops: 5
    • Fortifications: 15
    • Location: 4
  • Egypt: 121
    • Morale: 5
    • Quality: 15
    • Quantity: 15
    • Support: 16
    • Troops: 70

Person67 (talk) 22:02, June 3, 2018 (UTC)

Arab invasion of Aden[]

  • Arabia: 92
    • Troop morale: +5
    • Military Quality: +25
    • Military Quantity: +25
    • Support: +23 (Heavy Artillery, Medium Cavalry)
    • Troops: +20
    • Location: -6
    • Fortifications: -
  • United Kingdom: 114
    • Troop morale: +7
    • Military Quality: +30
    • Military Quantity: +25
    • Support: +38 (Heavy Artillery + Navy, Medium Cavalry)
    • Troops: +2.5
    • Location: +4.5
    • Fortifications: +7
  • Result: British victory, but the Arabians continue fighting.

Secondary invasion of Aden[]

  • Arabia: 87
    • Troop morale: +5
    • Military Quality: +25
    • Military Quantity: +25
    • Support: +23 (Heavy Artillery, Medium Cavalry)
    • Troops: +15
    • Location: -6
    • Fortifications: -
  • United Kingdom: 113.5
    • Troop morale: +7
    • Military Quality: +30
    • Military Quantity: +25
    • Support: +38 (Heavy Artillery + Navy, Medium Cavalry)
    • Troops: +1.5
    • Location: +4.5
    • Fortifications: +7
  • Result: British victory, with the Arabians continuing to fight.

Tertiery invasion of Aden[]

  • Arabia: 86
    • Troop morale: +5
    • Military Quality: +25
    • Military Quantity: +25
    • Support: +23 (Heavy Artillery, Medium Cavalry)
    • Troops: +14
    • Location: -6
    • Fortifications: -
  • United Kingdom: 112.2
    • Troop morale: +7
    • Military Quality: +30
    • Military Quantity: +25
    • Support: +38 (Heavy Artillery + Navy, Medium Cavalry)
    • Troops: +.2
    • Location: +4.5
    • Fortifications: +7
  • Result: British casualties causes for retreat. Arabian victory.

Laurentian Seizure of Saint-Denis[]

First Battle of Saint Denis (1881)[]

      • Laurentia (attacking) National War Effort Timer
        • Result:115
          • Well supplied and well positioned nationalistic zealouts: +20
          • Population: 18,000,000+: +25
          • Small industry: +10
          • Regional power:: +5 
          • Supported democracy: +15
          • Small professional army+ Conscription = +10
          • Population morale:+10
          • Army morale:+20 (Bresil is an eternal enemy of Laurentia, specifically Argentine and now Laurentian forces have the oppturnity to defeat Bresil once and for all)
          • Front: War just begun: =+0
          • Laurentia can wage war against Bresil for 5 years
      • Bresil (defending) War Effort Timer
        • Result: 60
        • Initial position:+5 (on defensive)
          • Population: 27 million+ (Bresil)= +35
          • Medium Industry:  +20
          • Middle Power: +15
          • Democracy/constitutional monarchy not supported (Army mutiny and populace revolting): -5
          • Small professional army: +5 (On the verge of Marasnist Revolution not stable enough to yield a large conscription pool)
          • Population not supportive of the war against Laurentia (some support Laurentia) = -5
          • Army morale: Wavering morale: -5 (Most soldiers are apathetic to the war effort and are either in mutinty or disobeying their commanders orders)
          • Front: War just began= +0
          • Bresil War Effort can last 2 years
    • Battle Stage
      • Initial Seizure of Saint-Denis
        • Laurentia
          • Result: +102
            • Troop morale: +7 (TEstablsihing political hegemony)
            • Quality: +25 (High quality) 
            • Quantity: Medium +15
            • Fortification: N/A offensive
            • Support: medium artillery w/ light cavalry = +8 +5= +13
            • Troops: +50 (500k)
            • Chance:1272= 2/3.14= 0.63694267515 x 2= 1.27388535032= +1
            • Casualties:200,000 x .05= 10,000. 200,000-10,000= 190,000
            • Location: -8 (Beisiging city)
        • Bresil
          • Result: 77
            • Troop morale: +10 (Existential threat to Bresil, Saint-Denis is being seized)
            • Quality: High +25
            • Quantity: Moderate +20 
            • Fortification: none
            • Support: light artillery + cavalry + +10
            • Troops: +0 (Army is in mutiny, either directly against Bresil or not obeying commands, Falcon's words).
            • Chance:150= 0/3.14= 0 x 2= 0= +0
            • Casualties:20,000 -1,000 =19.000
            • Location: +12 (At capital)
          • Final result: 102/77=  132.467532468% Laurentian victory, with 0 Bresilian troops defending Saint-Denis due to army mutinties and apathy among soldiers, even some supporting Laurentian Forces, per Falcon's own words, the Grand Armee of Laurentia seizes the capital Saint-Denis  
        • ===Post- Battle of Saint Denis National War Effort Timer===
            • Laurentia (attacking) National War Effort Timer
              • Result:115
                • Well supplied and well positioned nationalistic zealouts: +20
                • Population: 18,000,000+: +25
                • Small industry: +10
                • Regional power:: +5 
                • Supported democracy: +15
                • Small professional army+ Conscription = +10
                • Population morale:+10
                • Army morale:+20 (Bresil is an eternal enemy of Laurentia, specifically Argentine and now Laurentian forces have the oppturnity to defeat Bresil once and for all)
                • Front: War just begun: =+0
                • Laurentia can wage war against Bresil for 5 years
        • Bresil (defending) War Effort Timer
          • Result: -10
          • Initial position:-5 (Losing War)
            • Population: 27 million+ (Bresil)= +35
            • Medium Industry:  +20
            • Middle Power: +15
            • Democracy/constitutional monarchy not supported (Army mutiny and populace revolting): -5
            • Small professional army: +5 (On the verge of Marasnist Revolution not stable enough to yield a large conscription pool)
            • Population not supportive of the war against Laurentia (some support Laurentia) = -5
            • Army morale: Wavering morale: -5 (Most soldiers are apathetic to the war effort and are either in mutinty or disobeying their commanders orders)
            • Front: -15 Losing Front
            • Capital (Saint-Denis) is overrun: -50
            • Bresil War Effort has collapsed, Bresil unifies with the LaurentianUnion, forming the Laurentia Federation

Commonwealth War (1886 - )[]

Avalon (Canada) Front[]

Battle of Manchester (Montreal) - 1886[]

  • Burgundy/Borealia/Vinland (Primarily Borealia): 96.5
    • Morale: 2
    • Military Quality: 20
    • Military Quantity: 15
    • Support: 31 (Total control of the Saint Lawrence River)
    • Troops: 25 (5 from Vinland, 15 from Borealia, 5 from Burgundy)
    • Location: -3.5
  • Avalon: 53
    • Morale: 6
    • Military Quality: 15
    • Military Quantity: 10
    • Support: 8
    • Troops: 10 (Half their total)
    • Location: 4
  • Result: Burgundian Victory

Battle of Koebecstad (Quebec) - 1886[]

  • Burgundy/Borealia/Vinland (Primarily Burgundy): 104.5
    • Morale: 2
    • Military Quality: 30
    • Military Quantity: 25
    • Support: 31
    • Troops: 15 (10 from Burgundy, 5 from Borealia)
    • Location: -3.5
  • Avalon: 53
    • Morale: 6
    • Military Quality: 15
    • Military Quantity: 10
    • Support: 8
    • Troops: 10 (The other half of their total)
    • Location: 4
  • Result: Burgundian Victory

Battle of Ottawa - 1887[]

  • Burgundy/Borealia/Vinland (Primarily Burgundy): 114.5
    • Morale: 2
    • Military Quality: 30
    • Military Quantity: 25
    • Support: 31
    • Troops: 30 (3/4 of the troops from previous battle)
    • Location: -3.5
  • Avalon: 53
    • Morale: 6
    • Military Quality: 15
    • Military Quantity: 10
    • Support: 8
    • Troops: 10
    • Location: 4
  • Result: Burgundian Victory

Middle Atlantic Campaign[]

Battle of Wilmington - 1886[]

  • Burgundy/Borealia: 102.5
    • Morale: 5
    • Military Quality: 20
    • Military Quantity: 15
    • Support: 31
    • Troops: 35 (20 from Borealia, 15 from Burgundy - the other half of their forces)
    • Location: -3.5
  • New England: 86
    • Morale: 6
    • Military Quality: 20
    • Military Quantity: 20
    • Support: 16
    • Troops: 20 (About 1/3 of their total army, since they have to defend multiple fronts, and also since this was a surprise attack)
    • Location: 4
  • Result: Burgundian Victory

Battle of Philadelphia - 1886[]

  • Burgundy/Borealia: 103
    • Morale: 5
    • Military Quality: 20
    • Military Quantity: 15
    • Support: 31
    • Troops: 40
    • Location: -8
  • New England: 90
    • Morale: 6
    • Military Quality: 20
    • Military Quantity: 20
    • Support: 16
    • Troops: 20 (Another 1/3 their total)
    • Location: 9
  • Result: Burgundian Victory

Battle of Buffelstad - 1886[]

  • Burgundy/Borealia: 102.5
    • Morale: 5
    • Military Quality: 20
    • Military Quantity: 15
    • Support: 31
    • Troops: 35
    • Location: -3.5
  • New England: 86
    • Morale: 6
    • Military Quality: 20
    • Military Quantity: 20
    • Support: 16
    • Troops: 20
    • Location: 4
  • Result: Burgundian Victory

Battle of New Gwynedd - 1887[]

  • Burgundy/Borealia (Primarily Burgundy): 104.5
    • Morale: 2
    • Military Quality: 30
    • Military Quantity: 25
    • Support: 31
    • Troops: 40
    • Location: -3.5
  • New England: 88
    • Morale: 6
    • Military Quality: 20
    • Military Quantity: 20
    • Support: 16
    • Troops: 20
    • Location: 4
  • Result: Burgundian Victory

Massachusetts Region[]

Battle of Bilzen (Boston) - 1886[]

  • Burgundy/Borealia: 87.5
    • Morale: 2
    • Military Quality: 20
    • Military Quantity: 15
    • Support: 31
    • Troops: 15
    • Location: -3.5
  • New England: 78
    • Morale: 6
    • Military Quality: 20
    • Military Quantity: 20
    • Support: 8
    • Troops: 10 (100% of their total within the enclave)
    • Location: 4
  • Result: Burgundian Victory

Southeast Front[]

Invasion of Georgia - 1886[]

  • Burgundy/Maryland/Kuba: 97.5
    • Morale: 5 (Retaking the territory they recently gave to Savanna, i.e. retaking similar culture)
    • Military Quality: 30
    • Military Quantity: 25
    • Support: 31
    • Troops: 10
    • Location: -3.5
  • Savanna: 61
    • Morale: 6
    • Military Quality: 20
    • Military Quantity: 10
    • Support: 16
    • Troops: 5
    • Location: 4
  • Result: Burgundian Victory

Invasion of Alabama - 1887[]

  • Burgundy/Maryland/Kuba/Guyana: 97.5
    • Morale: 5 (Retaking the territory they recently gave to Savanna, i.e. retaking similar culture)
    • Military Quality: 30
    • Military Quantity: 25
    • Support: 31
    • Troops: 10
    • Location: -3.5
  • Savanna: 61
    • Morale: 6
    • Military Quality: 20
    • Military Quantity: 10
    • Support: 16
    • Troops: 5
    • Location: 4
  • Result: Burgundian Victory

Western Front[]

Arcadian Invasion - 1886 (Disregard)[]

  • Arcadia: 62.5
    • Morale: 5
    • Military Quality: 20
    • Military Quantity: 15
    • Support: 16
    • Troops: 10
    • Location: -3.5
  • New England: 52
    • Morale: 6
    • Military Quality: 20
    • Military Quantity: 20
    • Support: 0
    • Troops: 2
    • Location: 4
  • Result: Arcadian Victory

Texan Invasion - 1886[]

  • Texas: 67.5
    • Morale: 10 (They are retaking territory they recently lost in a war)
    • Military Quality: 15
    • Military Quantity: 15
    • Support: 16
    • Troops: 15
    • Location: -3.5
  • New England: 52
    • Morale: 6
    • Military Quality: 20
    • Military Quantity: 20
    • Support: 0
    • Troops: 2
    • Location: 4
  • Result: Texan Victory

Naval Algorithms (1886)[]

English Channel

  • Burgundy: 712
    • Battleships: 100 (6 top quality)
    • Cruisers: 335 (13 top quality, 5 high quality)
    • Destroyers: 115 (5 high quality, 6 sub quality)
    • Frigates: 162 (9 top quality, 5 high quality)
  • Britain (these are taken from one of Britain's last turns): 424
    • Battleships: 60 (3)
    • Cruisers: 120 (8)
    • Frigates: 144 (16)
    • Gunboats: 100 (20)

  • Result: Burgundian Victory

Burgundian/Borealian Blockade

  • Burgundian/Borealian Blockade: 745
    • Battleships: 245 (6 top quality, 3 high quality)
    • Cruisers: 275 (10 top quality, 5 high quality)
    • Destroyers: 115 (5 high quality, 6 sub quality)
    • Frigates: 110 (5 top quality, 5 high quality)
  • Britain (these are taken from one of Britain's last turns): 424
    • Battleships: 60 (3)
    • Cruisers: 120 (8)
    • Frigates: 144 (16)
    • Gunboats: 100 (20)

  • Result: Burgundian Victory

War Effort Timer[]

  • Burgundy: 195
    • Initial positions and allied support: 20
    • Population: 45
    • Industry: 35
    • National power: 30
    • Government: 10
    • Military structure: 20
    • Naval power: 20
    • Blockaded: n/a
    • Fronts: 5
    • Population weariness and morale: 10
  • New England/Avalon/Savanna: 30
    • Positions: -15
    • Population: 25
    • Industry: 20
    • National Power: 15
    • Government: 10
    • Military Structure: 20
    • Naval Power: 5
    • Blockaded: -15
    • Fronts: -45
    • Population weariness and Morale: 10

Swahili-Iberian War of 1899[]

War Effort Timer[]

  • Iberia: 200
    • Initial positions and allied support: 20
    • Population: 45
    • Industry: 35
    • National power: 30
    • Government: 15
    • Military structure: 20
    • Naval power: 15
    • Blockaded: n/a
    • Fronts: 10
    • Population weariness and morale: 10
  • Swahili: 75
    • Positions: 20
    • Population: 25
    • Industry: 10
    • National Power: 5
    • Government: 5
    • Military Structure: 10
    • Naval Power: 5
    • Blockaded: N/A
    • Fronts: -15
    • Population weariness and Morale: 10

1st Battle for Iberian South West Africa - 1899[]

  • Iberian Expeditionary Army: 117
    • Morale: +10 (Reconquest)
    • Military Quality:+30 
    • Military Quantity:+25
    • Support: +35 (Full Naval, Light Cavalry, Full Artillery
    • Troops: +20
    • Location: -3 (Near Coast with Naval Superiority)
  • Swahili Garrison of the Northern Colony: 55
    • Morale: +4
    • Military Quality: +15
    • Military Quantity: +15
    • Support: +10 (Light Cavalry, Light Artillery)
    • Troops: +10 (Garisson) 
    • Location: +1 (Near Coast)
  • Result: > 200% Iberian Victory

2nd Battle for Iberian South West Africa - 1899[]

  • Iberian Expeditionary Army: 117
    • Morale: +10 (Reconquest)
    • Military Quality:+30 
    • Military Quantity:+25
    • Support: +35 (Full Naval, Light Cavalry, Full Artillery
    • Troops: +20
    • Location: -3 (Near Coast with Naval Superiority)
  • Swahili Garrison of the Northern Colony: 55
    • Morale: +4
    • Military Quality: +15
    • Military Quantity: +15
    • Support: +10 (Light Cavalry, Light Artillery)
    • Troops: +10 (Garisson) 
    • Location: +1 (Near Coast)
  • Result: > 200% Iberian Victory

Overall Result for 1899, Iberia retakes its former colonies in South West Africa.

Engagement off the Swahili Coast - 1899[]

  • Iberia: 769
    • 225 (5 Top Quality Battleships, 5 High Quality Battleships)
    • 280 (14 Top Quality Armored Crusiers)
    • 108 (6 Top Quality Protected Cruisers, 2 High Quality Protected Cruisers (Destroyers))
    • 156 (12 Top Quality Frigates)
  • Swahili:
    • Battleships
    • Armored Crusiers
    • Protected Crusiers
    • Frigate

Prussian-Iberian Colonial War of 1904[]

War Effort Timer[]

  • Iberia: 200
    • Initial positions and allied support: 20
    • Population: 45
    • Industry: 35
    • National power: 30
    • Government: 15
    • Military structure: 20
    • Naval power: 15
    • Blockaded: n/a
    • Fronts: 10
    • Population weariness and morale: 10
  • Prussia: 100
    • Positions: 10
    • Population: 35
    • Industry: 20
    • National Power: 15
    • Government: 5
    • Military Structure: 20
    • Naval Power: 5
    • Blockaded: -5
    • Fronts: -15
    • Population weariness and Morale: 10

1st Battle for South West Africa - 1904[]

  • Iberian Expeditionary Army: 119
    • Morale: +10 (Reconquest)
    • Military Quality:+30 
    • Military Quantity:+25
    • Support: +45 (Full Naval, Full Cavalry, Full Artillery
    • Troops: +10
    • Location: -1 (Near Coast)
  • Northern Prussian Garrison: 61
    • Morale: +4
    • Military Quality: +25
    • Military Quantity: +20
    • Support: +10 (Light Cavalry, Light Artillery)
    • Troops: +1 (Garisson) 
    • Location: +1 (Near Coast)
  • Result: 195% Iberian Victory, Prussian Garrison pushed from field. 

2nd Battle for South West Africa, Attack on the colonial capital - 1904[]

  • Iberian Expeditionary Army: 101
    • Morale: +10 (Reconquest)
    • Military Quality:+30 
    • Military Quantity:+25
    • Support: +30 (Full Cavalry, Full Artillery)
    • Troops: +10
    • Location: -4 Beseiging a city
  • Prussian Garrison: 56
    • Morale: +4
    • Military Quality: +15
    • Military Quantity: +15
    • Support: +10 (Light Cavalry, Light Artillery)
    • Troops: +8 (Garisson) 
    • Location: +4
  • Result: 180% Iberian Victory

3rd Battle for South West Africa, Attack on the colonial capital - 1904[]

  • Iberian Expeditionary Army: 101
    • Morale: +10 (Reconquest)
    • Military Quality:+30 
    • Military Quantity:+25
    • Support: +30 (Full Cavalry, Full Artillery)
    • Troops: +10
    • Location: -4 Beseiging a city
  • Prussian Garrison: 53
    • Morale: +4
    • Military Quality: +15
    • Military Quantity: +15
    • Support: +10 (Light Cavalry, Light Artillery)
    • Troops: +5 (Garisson) 
    • Location: +4
  • Result: 190% Iberian Victory

Overall Result for 1904, Iberia captures much of the poorly defended countryside, and the Prussian Garrison surrenders after a desperate defense of the colony.

Third Sino–Japanese War[]


War Effort Timer[]

  • China–Korea – +205 (8–10 years)
    • Initial positions and allied support – +15 (rushed in organized manner)
    • Population – +65 (~360 million, max.)
    • Industry – +20 (medium)
    • National power – +30 (great power)
    • Government – +15 (democracy supported by people)
    • Military structure – +20 (large conscription pool + large professional army)
    • Naval power – +15 (large navy)
    • Blockade – +0 (N/A)
    • Fronts – +0 (beggining of war)
    • Public morale – +10 (support + well-supplied)
    • Army morale and condition – +15 (high morale, well-supplied)
  • Japan – +110 (5–7 years)
    • Initial positions and allied support – +10 (surprise engagement)
    • Population – +35 (40m)
    • Industry – +20 (medium)
    • National power – +15 (middle power)
    • Government – +10 (constitutional monarchy w/ limited democracy)
    • Military structure – +10 (small professional army + large conscription pool)
    • Naval power – +10 (medium-sized navy)
    • Blockade – +0 (N/A)
    • Fronts – +0 (beggining of war)
    • Public morale – +5 (supportive + poorly-supplied)
    • Army morale and condition – +5 (above average morale, sufficiently supplied)

Northern Front[]

Battle of Korea Strait
  • China–Korea (attacking) – +489 (assumes 2/3s of Northern Fleet is engaged)
    • Battleships – +100 (4, Belkan-built)
    • Cruisers – +104 (8, domestically-built)
    • Destroyers – +135 (15, domestically-built)
    • Frigates – +150 (25, domestically-built)
  • Japan (defending) – +247 (assumes Western Fleet, or half of total IJN is engaged)
    • Battleships – +50 (2, Burgundian-built)
    • Cruisers – +65 (5, domestically-built)
    • Corvettes – +72 (8, domestically-built)
    • Gunboats (torpedo boats) – +60 (20, domestically-built)
  • Result: Sino–Korean Victory (>200%)
    • Korea Strait is decisively under Sino–Korean Control, Japanese regional fleet joins Eastern Fleet
Siege of Fukuoka (Part I)
  • China–Korea (attacking) – +108
    • Morale – +7 (enforce political hegemony)
    • Quality – +20 (sub-top)
    • Quantity – +30 (huge)
    • Troops – +10 (100k)
    • Support – +45 (heavy cavalry, artillery, naval support)
    • Location – -4 (major city)
  • Japan (defending) – +67
    • Morale – +8 (defending heartland)
    • Quality – +20 (sub-top?)
    • Quantity – +20 (moderate)
    • Troops – +2 (20k)
    • Support – +16 (medium calvary + artillery)
    • Fortifications – +0 (N/A)
    • Location – +4 (major city)
  • Result: Sino–Korean Victory (154.3%)
Siege of Fukuoka (Part II)
  • China–Korea (attacking) – +118
    • Morale – +7 (enforce political hegemony)
    • Quality – +20 (sub-top)
    • Quantity – +30 (huge)
    • Troops – +20 (200k, reinforcements from Daemado)
    • Support – +45 (heavy cavalry, artillery, naval)
    • Location – -4 (major city)
  • Japan (defending) – +94.5
    • Morale – +8 (defending heartland)
    • Quality – +20 (sub-top?)
    • Quantity – +20 (moderate)
    • Troops – +12.5 (125k, half of max. force)
    • Support – +23 (heavy calvary, medium artillery)
    • Fortifications – +7 (light)
    • Location – +4 (major city)
  • Result: Sino–Korean Victory (154.3% + (124.8 - 100)% = 179.1%)
Siege of Fukuoka (Part III)
  • China–Korea (attacking) – +118
    • Morale – +7 (enforce political hegemony)
    • Quality – +20 (sub-top)
    • Quantity – +30 (huge)
    • Troops – +20 (200k, reinforcements from Daemado)
    • Support – +45 (heavy cavalry, artillery, naval)
    • Location – -4 (major city)
  • Japan (defending) – +94.5
    • Morale – +8 (defending heartland)
    • Quality – +20 (sub-top?)
    • Quantity – +20 (moderate)
    • Troops – +12.5 (125k, half of max. force)
    • Support – +23 (heavy calvary, medium artillery)
    • Fortifications – +7 (light)
    • Location – +4 (major city)
  • Result: Decisive Sino–Korean victory (179.1% + (124.9 - 100)% ≥ 200%)
    • Port of Fukuoka is occupied by China–Korea


War Effort Timer[]

  • China–Korea – +215 (8–10 years)
    • Initial positions and allied support – +20 (well-positioned and prepared)
    • Population – +65 (~360 million, max.)
    • Industry – +20 (medium)
    • National power – +30 (great power)
    • Government – +15 (democracy supported by people)
    • Military structure – +20 (large conscription pool + large professional army)
    • Naval power – +15 (large navy)
    • Blockade – +0 (N/A)
    • Fronts – +5 (winning on two fronts)
    • Public morale – +10 (support + well-supplied)
    • Army morale and condition – +15 (high morale, well-supplied)
  • Japan – +85 (2–4 years)
    • Initial positions and allied support – +5 (on defensive)
    • Population – +35 (40m)
    • Industry – +20 (medium)
    • National power – +15 (middle power)
    • Government – +10 (constitutional monarchy w/ limited democracy)
    • Military structure – +10 (small professional army + large conscription pool)
    • Naval power – +10 (medium-sized navy)
    • Blockade – +0 (N/A)
    • Fronts – -20 (losing on two fronts)
    • Public morale – +5 (supportive + poorly-supplied)
    • Army morale and condition – -5 (wavering morale)

Northern Front[]

Battle of Fukuoka
  • Japan (attacking) – +104
    • Morale – +10 (retaking territory part of the heartland)
    • Quality – +20 (sub-top?)
    • Quantity – +20 (moderate)
    • Troops – +20 (200k)
    • Support – +38 (heavy calvary and naval, medium artillery)
    • Location – -4 (major city)
  • China–Korea (defending) – +138
    • Morale – +7 (enforcing political hegemony)
    • Quality – +20 (sub-top)
    • Quantity – +30 (huge)
    • Troops – +25 (250k, reinforcements from Daemado)
    • Support – +45 (heavy cavalry, artillery, naval)
    • Fortifications – +7 (light)
    • Location – +4 (major city)
  • Result: Japanese counteroffensive fails, China–Korea retains control over Fukuoka while Japanese forces retreat north to regroup (104/138 < 100%)
Conquest of Kyushu Island (Part I)
  • China–Korea (attacking) – +119
    • Morale – +7 (enforcing political hegemony)
    • Quality – +20 (sub-top?)
    • Quantity – +30 (huge)
    • Troops – +20 (200k)
    • Support – +45 (heavy cavalry, artillery, naval)
    • Location – -3 (coast w/ naval superiority)
  • Japan (defending) – +79
    • Morale – +10 (retaking territory part of the heartland)
    • Quality – +20 (sub-top?)
    • Quantity – +20 (moderate)
    • Troops – +5 (50k)
    • Support – +23 (heavy calvary, medium artillery)
    • Fortifications – -0 (N/A)
    • Location – +1 (populated coast)
  • Result: Sino–Korean Victory (150.6%)
Conquest of Kyushu Island (Part II)
  • China–Korea (attacking) – +119
    • Morale – +7 (enforcing political hegemony)
    • Quality – +20 (sub-top?)
    • Quantity – +30 (huge)
    • Troops – +20 (200k)
    • Support – +45 (heavy cavalry, artillery, naval)
    • Location – -3 (coast w/ naval superiority)
  • Japan (defending) – +79
    • Morale – +10 (retaking territory part of the heartland)
    • Quality – +20 (sub-top?)
    • Quantity – +20 (moderate)
    • Troops – +5 (50k)
    • Support – +23 (heavy calvary, medium artillery)
    • Fortifications – -0 (N/A)
    • Location – +1 (populated coast)
  • Result: Kyushu is occupied by China–Korea (150.6% + (150.6 - 100)% ≥ 200%)

Southern Front[]

Capture of Taiwan (Part I)
  • China–Korea (attacking) – +102
    • Morale – +6 (aiding ethnic Hakka)
    • Quality – +20 (sub-top)
    • Quantity – +30 (huge)
    • Troops – +5 (50k)
    • Support – +40 (heavy cavalry and artillery, medium naval)
    • Location – +1 (near populated coast)
  • Japan (defending) – +68
    • Morale – +4 (defending territory, not part of heartland)
    • Quality – +20 (sub-top)
    • Quantity – +20 (moderate)
    • Troops – +20 (20k)
    • Support – +23 (heavy calvary, medium artillery)
    • Fortifications – -0 (N/A)
    • Location – -1 (near populated coast)
  • Result: Sino–Korean victory (148.9%)
Capture of Taiwan (Part II)
  • China–Korea (attacking) – +102
    • Morale – +6 (aiding ethnic Hakka)
    • Quality – +20 (sub-top)
    • Quantity – +30 (huge)
    • Troops – +5 (50k)
    • Support – +40 (heavy cavalry and artillery, medium naval)
    • Location – +1 (near populated coast)
  • Japan (defending) – +68
    • Morale – +4 (defending territory, not part of heartland)
    • Quality – +20 (sub-top)
    • Quantity – +20 (moderate)
    • Troops – +2 (20k)
    • Support – +23 (heavy calvary, medium artillery)
    • Fortifications – -0 (N/A)
    • Location – -1 (near populated coast)
  • Result: Sino–Korean victory, Taiwan is occupied by China–Korea (150% + (150 - 100)% ≥ 200%) +118
    • Morale – +7 (enforce political hegemony)
    • Quality – +20 (sub-top)
    • Quantity – +30 (huge)
    • Troops – +20 (200k, reinforcements from Daemado)
    • Support – +45 (heavy cavalry, artillery, naval)
    • Location – -4 (major city)
  • Japan (defending) – +94.5
    • Morale – +8 (defending heartland)
    • Quality – +20 (sub-top?)
    • Quantity – +20 (moderate)
    • Troops – +12.5 (125k, half of max. force)
    • Support – +23 (heavy calvary, medium artillery)
    • Fortifications – +7 (light)
    • Location – +4 (major city)
  • Result: Decisive Sino–Korean victory (154.3% + 124.8% = 279.1%; which is >200%)
    • Island of Taiwan is occupied by China–Korea


National War Effort Timer[]

  • China–Korea – +215 (8–10 years)
    • Initial positions and allied support – +20 (well-positioned and prepared / allies sending support)
    • Population – +65 (~360 million, max.)
    • Industry – +20 (medium)
    • National power – +30 (great power)
    • Government – +15 (democracy supported by people)
    • Military structure – +20 (large conscription pool + large professional army)
    • Naval power – +15 (large navy)
    • Blockade – +0 (N/A)
    • Fronts – +5 (winning on two fronts)
    • Public morale – +10 (support + well-supplied)
    • Army morale and condition – +15 (high morale, well-supplied)
  • Japan – +95 (2–4 years)
    • Initial positions and allied support – +5 (on defensive)
    • Population – +35 (40m)
    • Industry – +20 (medium)
    • National power – +15 (middle power)
    • Government – +10 (constitutional monarchy w/ limited democracy)
    • Military structure – +10 (small professional army + large conscription pool)
    • Naval power – +10 (medium-sized navy)
    • Blockade – +0 (N/A)
    • Fronts – -20 (losing on two fronts)
    • Public morale – +5 (nationalistic but poorly-supplied)
    • Army morale and condition – +5 (high morale and sufficiently-supplied)
  • Japan's war effort will collapse next turn (3rd year)

First Front[]

Conquest of Shikoku Island (Part I)
  • China–Korea (attacking) – +119
    • Morale – +7 (pre-emptive strike)
    • Quality – +20 (sub-top)
    • Quantity – +30 (huge)
    • Troops – +20 (200k)
    • Support – +45 (heavy all)
    • Location – -3 (coast w/ naval superiority)
  • Japan (defending) – +99
    • Morale – +8 (defending territory, part of heartland)
    • Quality – +20 (sub-top)
    • Quantity – +20 (moderate)
    • Troops – +5 (50k)
    • Support – +38 (heavy cavalry + naval, medium artillery)
    • Fortifications – +7 (light)
    • Location – +1 (near coast)
  • Result: Slight Sino–Korean Victory (120%)
Conquest of Shikoku Island (Part II)
  • China–Korea (attacking) – +119
    • Morale – +7 (pre-emptive strike)
    • Quality – +20 (sub-top)
    • Quantity – +30 (huge)
    • Troops – +20 (200k)
    • Support – +45 (heavy all)
    • Location – -3 (coast w/ naval superiority)
  • Japan (defending) – +99
    • Morale – +8 (defending territory, part of heartland)
    • Quality – +20 (sub-top)
    • Quantity – +20 (moderate)
    • Troops – +5 (50k)
    • Support – +38 (heavy cavalry + naval, medium artillery)
    • Fortifications – +7 (light)
    • Location – +1 (near coast)
  • Result: Slight Sino–Korean Victory; 40% of Shikoku occupied (120 + [120 - 100])% = 140%
Conquest of Shikoku Island (Part III)
  • China–Korea (attacking) – +119
    • Morale – +7 (pre-emptive strike)
    • Quality – +20 (sub-top)
    • Quantity – +30 (huge)
    • Troops – +20 (200k)
    • Support – +45 (heavy all)
    • Location – -3 (coast w/ naval superiority)
  • Japan (defending) – +99
    • Morale – +8 (defending territory, part of heartland)
    • Quality – +20 (sub-top)
    • Quantity – +20 (moderate)
    • Troops – +5 (50k)
    • Support – +38 (heavy cavalry + naval, medium artillery)
    • Fortifications – +7 (light)
    • Location – +1 (near coast)
  • Result: Slight Sino–Korean Victory; 60% of Shikoku occupied (140 + [120 - 100])% = 160%

Second Front[]

Capture of Tōhoku Region (Part I)
  • China–Korea (attacking) – +129
    • Morale – +7 (pre-emptive strike)
    • Quality – +20 (sub-top)
    • Quantity – +30 (huge)
    • Troops – +30 (300k)
    • Support – +45 (heavy all)
    • Location – -3 (coast w/ naval superiority)
  • Japan (defending) – +81
    • Morale – +8 (defending territory, part of heartland)
    • Quality – +20 (sub-top)
    • Quantity – +20 (moderate)
    • Troops – +10 (100k)
    • Support – +23 (heavy calvary, medium artillery)
    • Fortifications – -0 (N/A)
    • Location – +1 (near coast)
  • Result: Sino–Korean Victory (159.25%)
Capture of Tōhoku Region (Part II)
  • China–Korea (attacking) – +129
    • Morale – +7 (pre-emptive strike)
    • Quality – +20 (sub-top)
    • Quantity – +30 (huge)
    • Troops – +30 (300k)
    • Support – +45 (heavy all)
    • Location – -3 (coast w/ naval superiority)
  • Japan (defending) – +88
    • Morale – +8 (defending territory, part of heartland)
    • Quality – +20 (sub-top)


National War Effort Timer[]

  • China–Korea – +215 (8–10 years)
    • Initial positions and allied support – +20 (well-positioned and prepared / allies sending support)
    • Population – +65 (~360 million, max.)
    • Industry – +20 (medium)
    • National power – +30 (great power)
    • Government – +15 (democracy supported by people)
    • Military structure – +20 (large conscription pool + large professional army)
    • Naval power – +15 (large navy)
    • Blockade – +0 (N/A)
    • Fronts – +5 (winning on two fronts)
    • Public morale – +10 (support + well-supplied)
    • Army morale and condition – +15 (high morale, well-supplied)
  • Japan – -10 (collapse)
    • Initial positions and allied support – -20 (against two enemies in a single front)
    • Population – +35 (40m)
    • Industry – +20 (medium)
    • National power – +15 (middle power)
    • Government – +10 (constitutional monarchy w/ limited democracy)
    • Military structure – +10 (small professional army + large conscription pool)
    • Naval power – +10 (medium-sized navy)
    • Blockade – +0 (N/A)
    • Fronts – -20 (losing on two fronts)
    • Public morale – -30 (population is suffering)
    • Army morale and condition – -50 (Kantō Region breached)
  • Japan's war effort collapses

First Front[]

Conquest of Shikoku Island (Part IV)
  • China–Korea (attacking) – +119
    • Morale – +7 (pre-emptive strike)
    • Quality – +20 (sub-top)
    • Quantity – +30 (huge)
    • Troops – +20 (200k)
    • Support – +45 (heavy all)
    • Location – -3 (coast w/ naval superiority)
  • Japan (defending) – +99
    • Morale – +8 (defending territory, part of heartland)
    • Quality – +20 (sub-top)
    • Quantity – +20 (moderate)
    • Troops – +5 (50k)
    • Support – +38 (heavy cavalry + naval, medium artillery)
    • Fortifications – +7 (light)
    • Location – +1 (near coast)
  • Result: Slight Sino–Korean Victory; 80% of Shikoku occupied (160 + [120 - 100])% = 180%
Conquest of Shikoku Island (Part V)
  • China–Korea (attacking) – +119
    • Morale – +7 (pre-emptive strike)
    • Quality – +20 (sub-top)
    • Quantity – +30 (huge)
    • Troops – +20 (200k)
    • Support – +45 (heavy all)
    • Location – -3 (coast w/ naval superiority)
  • Japan (defending) – +99
    • Morale – +8 (defending territory, part of heartland)
    • Quality – +20 (sub-top)
    • Quantity – +20 (moderate)
    • Troops – +5 (50k)
    • Support – +38 (heavy cavalry + naval, medium artillery)
    • Fortifications – +7 (light)
    • Location – +1 (near coast)
  • Result: All of Shikoku occupied (180 + [120 - 100])% ≥ 200%
Conquest of Chugoku Region
  • China–Korea (attacking) – +119
    • Morale – +7 (pre-emptive strike)
    • Quality – +20 (sub-top)
    • Quantity – +30 (huge)
    • Troops – +20 (200k)
    • Support – +45 (heavy all)
    • Location – -3 (mountains)
  • Japan (defending) – +74
    • Morale – +8 (defending territory, part of heartland)
    • Quality – +20 (sub-top)
    • Quantity – +20 (moderate)
    • Troops – +2 (20k)
    • Support – +15 (medium cavalry, light artillery)
    • Fortifications – -0 N/A
    • Location – +9 (coastal mountains)
  • Result: Moderate Sino–Korean Victory; 60.8% of region conquered (160.8%)

Second Front[]

Capture of Hokkaido and Cheondoryeol (Part II)
  • China–Korea (attacking) – +104
    • Morale – +7 (pre-emptive strike)
    • Quality – +20 (sub-top)
    • Quantity – +30 (huge)
    • Troops – +10 (100k)
    • Support – +40 (heavy calvary + artillery, medium naval)
    • Location – -3 (coast w/ naval superiority)
  • Japan (defending) – +67
    • Morale – +8 (defending territory, part of heartland)
    • Quality – +20 (sub-top)
    • Quantity – +20 (moderate)
    • Troops – +5 (50k)
    • Support – +13 (medium calvary, light artillery)
    • Fortifications – -0 (N/A)
    • Location – +1 (near coast)
  • Result: Moderate Sino–Korean Victory (155.2%); all of region conquered (155.2 + [155.2 - 100])% ≥ 200%
Conquest of Kantō Region (Part I)
  • China–Korea (attacking) – +139
    • Morale – +7 (pre-emptive strike)
    • Quality – +20 (sub-top)
    • Quantity – +30 (huge)
    • Troops – +40 (400k)
    • Support – +45 (heavy all)
    • Location – -3 (coast w/ naval superiority)
  • Japan (defending) – +114
    • Morale – +8 (defending territory, part of heartland)
    • Quality – +20 (sub-top)
    • Quantity – +20 (moderate)
    • Troops – +20 (200k)
    • Support – +38 (heavy calvary + naval, medium artillery)
    • Fortifications – +7 (light fortifications)
    • Location – +1 (near coast)
  • Result: Slight Sino–Korean Victory (121.9%); a fifth of the region conquered
Conquest of Kantō Region (Part I)
  • China–Korea (attacking) – +139
    • Morale – +7 (pre-emptive strike)
    • Quality – +20 (sub-top)
    • Quantity – +30 (huge)
    • Troops – +40 (400k)
    • Support – +45 (heavy all)
    • Location – -3 (coast w/ naval superiority)
  • Japan (defending) – +114
    • Morale – +8 (defending territory, part of heartland)
    • Quality – +20 (sub-top)
    • Quantity – +20 (moderate)
    • Troops – +20 (200k)
    • Support – +38 (heavy calvary + naval, medium artillery)
    • Fortifications – +7 (light fortifications)
    • Location – +1 (near coast)
  • Result: Slight Sino–Korean Victory (121.9%); 43.8% of region conquered (121.9 - [121.9 - 100])% = 143.8%
    • China–Korea inches nearer to Tokyō

French-Siamese War[]

Invasion of Dawei

  • France: 90.25
    • Troop Morale: 2
    • Military Quality: 30
    • Military Quantity: 25
    • Defensive Fortifications: N/A
    • Support: 45 (heavy artillery, heavy cavalry, heavy fleet)
    • Troops: 1.75
    • Location: -3.5
  • Siam: 58
    • Troop Morale: 6
    • Military Quality: 5
    • Military Quantity: 10
    • Defensive Fortifications: 7
    • Support: 10 (light artillery, light cavalry)
    • Troops: 10
    • Location: 10
  • Result: French victory.

Push to Sinbyudaing

  • France: 79.6
    • Troop Morale: 2
    • Military Quality: 30
    • Military Quantity: 25
    • Defensive Fortifications: N/A
    • Support: 30 (heavy artillery, heavy cavalry)
    • Troops: 1.6
    • Location: 0
  • Siam: 45
    • Troop Morale: 6
    • Military Quality: 5
    • Military Quantity: 10
    • Defensive Fortifications: 7
    • Support: 10 (light artillery, light cavalry)
    • Troops: 7
    • Location: 0
  • Result: French victory.

Siege of Bangkok

  • France: 71.3
    • Troop Morale: 2
    • Military Quality: 30
    • Military Quantity: 25
    • Defensive Fortifications: N/A
    • Support: 30 (heavy artillery, heavy cavalry)
    • Troops: 1.3
    • Location: -8
  • Siam: 54
    • Troop Morale: 6
    • Military Quality: 5
    • Military Quantity: 10
    • Defensive Fortifications: 7
    • Support: 10 (light artillery, light cavalry)
    • Troops: 4
    • Location: 12
  • Result: French victory. Siam is occupied.

National War Timer[]

  • France: 164
    • Position: 10
    • Population: 45
    • Industry: 35
    • National Power: 30
    • Government: 15
    • Military Structure: 20
    • Naval Power: 15
    • Fronts: 20
    • Regional Penalties: -20%
    • Population Morale: 5
    • Army Morale: 10
  • Siam: -35
    • Position: 5
    • Population: 15
    • Industry: -10
    • National Power: 5
    • Government: 5
    • Military Structure: 5
    • Naval Power: 5
    • Fronts: -40
    • Regional Penalties: 0
    • Population Morale: -15
    • Army Morale: -10

Russo–Chinese War[]


Capture of Amur Basin[]

  • China–Korea (attacking) – +172
    • Morale – +10 (regain former territory)
    • Quality – +20 (sub-top)
    • Quantity – +30 (huge)
    • Troops – +80 (800k)
    • Support – +30 (heavy calvary + artillery)
    • Location – +2 (populated border)
  • Russia (defending) – +132
    • Morale – +4 (defending non-core territory)
    • Quality – +30 (top)
    • Quantity – +30 (huge)
    • Troops – +25 (250k)
    • Support – +30 (heavy calvary + artillery)
    • Fortifications – +15 (trenches)
    • Location – -2 (populated border)
  • Sino–Korean Victory
    • Khabarovsk isolated

Siege of Okhokst[]

  • China–Korea (attacking) – +107
    • Morale – +7 (pre-emptive attack)
    • Quality – +20 (sub-top)
    • Quantity – +30 (huge)
    • Troops – +5 (50k)
    • Support – +45 (heavy all)
    • Location – +0 (far from centralized location)
  • Russia (defending) – +82
    • Morale – +4 (defending non-core territory)
    • Quality – +30 (top)
    • Quantity – +30 (huge)
    • Troops – +2 (20k)
    • Support – +16 (medium calvary + artillery)
    • Fortifications – -0 (N/A)
    • Location – +0 (far from centralized location)
  • Okhost occupied

Siege of Khabarovsk[]

  • China–Korea (attacking) – +151
    • Morale – +10 (taking former territory)
    • Quality – +20 (sub-top)
    • Quantity – +30 (huge)
    • Troops – +60 (600k)
    • Support – +35 (heavy calvary + artillery, light naval)
    • Location – -4 (major city)
  • Russia (defending) – +137
    • Morale – +4 (defending non-core territory)
    • Quality – +30 (top)
    • Quantity – +30 (huge)
    • Troops – +25 (250k)
    • Support – +30 (heavy calvary + artillery)
    • Fortifications – +15 (trenches)
    • Location – +4 (major city)
  • Slim Sino–Korean Victory in Khabarovsk, fighting continues but Russians left weakened due to isolation from supply lines


Russian counter-offensive on Amur Basin[]

  • China–Korea (defending) – +155
    • Morale – +3 (defending territory)
    • Quality – +20 (sub-top)
    • Quantity – +30 (huge)
    • Troops – +40 (400k)
    • Support – +30 (heavy calvary + artillery)
    • Fortifications – +20 (trenches + forts)
    • Location – +12 (defending mountains; standard fort)
  • Russia (attacking) – +109.5
    • Morale – +4 (regaining non-core territory)
    • Quality – +30 (top)
    • Quantity – +30 (huge)
    • Troops – +20 (200k?)
    • Support – +30 (heavy calvary + artillery)
    • Location – -4.5 (attacking mountains; standard fort)
  • Russian counter-offensive repelled

Siege of Khabarovsk (continued)[]

  • China–Korea (attacking) – +151
    • Morale – +10 (taking former territory)
    • Quality – +20 (sub-top)
    • Quantity – +30 (huge)
    • Troops – +60 (600k)
    • Support – +35 (heavy calvary + artillery, light naval)
    • Location – -4 (major city)
  • Russia (defending) – +133
    • Morale – +4 (defending non-core territory)
    • Quality – +30 (top)
    • Quantity – +30 (huge)
    • Troops – +20 (200k due to casualties)
    • Support – +30 (heavy calvary + artillery)
    • Fortifications – +15 (trenches)
    • Location – +4 (major city)
  • Sino-Korean Victory, local garrison runs out of supplies

Siege of Irkutsk[]

  • China–Korea (attacking) – +106
    • Morale – +10 (taking former territory)
    • Quality – +20 (sub-top)
    • Quantity – +30 (huge)
    • Troops – +15 (150k)
    • Support – +30 (heavy calvary + artillery)
    • Location – - +1 (near river)
  • Russia (defending) – +100
    • Morale – +4 (defending non-core territory)
    • Quality – +30 (top)
    • Quantity – +30 (huge)
    • Troops – +5 (50k?)
    • Support – +30 (heavy calvary + artillery)
    • Fortifications – -0 (N/A)
    • Location – +1 (near river)
  • Slight Sino–Korean Victory, stalemate

Russo-Arabian War[]

Anatolian Theatre[]

Artna Campaign (February - May 1911)[]

In late February the war begins with First Battle of Kayseri, which ends with the Arabians failing to push the Russians out of the region. The attacking nation of Arabia suffered 9,933 losses, and had 1,785 soldiers captured. While the defending nation of Russia suffered 6,615 losses, and had 800 soldiers captured. Additionally the attackers lost 1 armored car.

Over the course of another three engagements, and about three months of fighting, the Russians were eventually pushed back from Kayseri. In total the Kayseri Campaign resulted in 125,150 deaths and 3,285 captured men for Arabia, while the Russians suffered 107,188 casualties.

In early March Belkan-led Battle of Kaman ended with the Russians retreating. The attacking nation of Belka suffered 15,685 losses, and had 600 soldiers captured. While the defending nation of Russia suffered 26,710 losses, and had 400 soldiers captured.

Pontus Campaign (May 1911 - Present)[]

By early May the Russians began to withdraw north and east into the more defensible Pontus region. On their western flank they were attacked by a combined Belkan-Arabian force, in the First Battle of Amasya the Russians were force to give ground. The Belkan-Arabian army suffered 206,485 and had 1,000 men missing or captured, while the Russians lost 124,248 men. A second battle sought to capitalize on this victory, however, the Belkan-Arabian army was decisively beaten back. The Arabians suffered 23,947 losses and lost 29 artillery pieces, while the Russians suffered 15,060 losses.

By the end of 1911 the Russians had become firmly entrenched in Pontus, managing to repulse two major campaigns to dislodge them. In the First Battle of Tokat the Arabians suffered 29,322 losses, while the Russians suffered 6,376. A Russian counterattack was repulsed, resulting in 30,403 Arabian losses and 40,740 Russian losses. By the end of the year both sides had suffered another 30,000 losses.

In early 1913 the Arabians launched an amphibious assault near Trabzon in an attempt to break the stalemate and encircle the Russian defenders. An diversion attack was launched from the west and south, which would ultimately be repulsed. The amphibious landing would prove costly, but after securing a landing the Arabians also managed to defeat the Russians at Trabzon. In its entirety the Trabzon Campaign (January through May) resulted in another 103,598 Aragbian losses and 34,532 Russian losses.

East Pontus Campaign (February 1911 - August 1913)[]

The Battle of Erzurum ended with the Arabian army retreating. The attacking nation of Arabia suffered 28,231 losses, and had 3,978 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of Russia suffered 11,770 losses, and had 900 soldiers captured. The attackers also lost 73 artillery pieces.

The front in the east remained relatively static for the rest of the year. Over the course of several battles the Arabians suffered 40,511 losses, while the Russians suffered 27,087. Over the course of 1912 Arabia would lose 121,533 men, while Russia lost 108,348.

Following the successful capture of Trabzon in early 1913 the Arabians now surrounded the eastern Russian army on three sides, and launched a campaign known as the Battle of Kars. By August 1913 the Trabzon pocket had been connected to the rest of Arabia through Kars, forcing the Russians to retreat. In total the Arabians had suffered another 258,113 losses, while the Russians suffered 222631 losses.

Belkan Theatre[]

Moldavian Campaign (March 1911 - Present)[]

Belka launched a full scale invasion along the Russian front in the initial stages of the war. This campaign proved ineffective, with the Belkans suffering 285,864 casualties, and the Russians suffering 213,367 casualties, by the start of 1912.

In early 1912 the Belkans won a decisive victory at Chisinau, losing 141,198 men, while the Russians lost 294,132 men. The Belkans followed this victory with a successful push in the south, suffering another 32,801 casualties, while the Russians lost 79,194

Battle of Odessa (December 1911 - June 1912)[]

The city of Odessa was initially captured by Russia in late 1911, with some 50,000 Russian casualties and 40,000 Belkan casualties. What followed was a Belkan counterattack, which finally managed to dislodge the Russians by mid 1912. In total Belka suffered another 84,768 casualties, while Russia suffered 63,659 casualties.

Alaskan Theatre[]

The Borealian army successfully captures Danila, Novoarchengelsk, and Cinigrad with three amphibious landings. Borealia suffers 808 losses, While the defending nation of Russia suffers 965 losses, and has 2432 soldiers captured. A second battle is fought for the interior, during which Borealia suffers 865 losses, While the defending nation of Russia suffered 2,011 losses. This leaves the major settlements of Alaska proper occupied, although Russian resistance may continue to exist in the interior.

Great War (1913-1919)[]

Albion-Savannah War[]

Virginia Theatre[]

Invasion of North Carolina (June - December 1913)[]

The Battle for North Carolina has ended with the attackers retreating.

In the initial battle (June 1913) the attacking nation of New England suffered 16,890 losses, and had 400 soldiers captured. While the defending nation of Savannah suffered 7,828 losses, and had 900 soldiers captured.

In the fall the attacking nation of New England suffered 94,360 losses, and had 4,000 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of Savannah suffered 27,020 losses, and had 900 soldiers captured.

In the winter the attacking nation of New England suffered 40,064 losses, and had 6,688 soldiers captured. While the defending nation of Savannah suffered 18,000 losses, and had 600 soldiers captured.

Delmarva Campaign (June 1913)[]

The Battle of Middleton (a Borealian amphibious landing behind the King's Line) has ended in a Borealian victory. The attacking nation of Borealia suffered 1,266 losses, and had 800 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of New England suffered 2,463 losses, and had 3,525 soldiers captured. Once surrounded a second battle took place at the border (near Elkton, Delaware), which ended in the defenders retreating. The attacking nation of Borealia suffered 5,480 losses, and had 800 soldiers captured. While the defending nation of New England suffered 12,794 losses, and had 87,206 soldiers captured. The attackers lost 0 artillery pieces, while the defenders lost 12.

South Virginia Campaign (January 1914 - September 1914)[]

The armies of Savannah, Bresil, and Maryland launch an assault on the Virginia border. In this initial battle the New Englanders are defeated. The attacking nations suffered 10,115 losses, and had 400 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of New England suffered total 9,421 losses.

This force then attacked near Norfolk, and captured the city. In the ensuing battle the attackers 16,444 losses, and had 900 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of New England suffered 16,608 losses, and had 5,428 soldiers captured. Additionally 24 of the defender's artillery pieces were also lost.

The Battle of New Gwynedd has ended with the defenders retreating. The attacking nation of Borealia (and Savannah and allies) suffered 58,081 losses, and had 400 soldiers captured. While the defending nation of New England suffered 70,741 losses, and had 19,100 soldiers captured. The attackers lost 0 artillery pieces, while the defenders lost 270.

Virginia-Ohio Pocket (October 1914 - February 1915)[]

The Battle of West Virginia has ended in a Borealian victory. The attacking nation of Borealia suffered 192,524 losses, and had 1,800 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of New England suffered 253,658 losses, and had 402,892 soldiers captured. The attackers lost 51 armored cars, while the defenders lost 15 armored cars. The attackers lost 0 artillery pieces, while the defenders lost 290.

Northern Theatre[]

Avalon Campaign (June - December 1913)[]

The Battle of Kingston ends in a Borealian victory. The Borealians suffered 2,297 losses, and had 400 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of New England suffered 43,510 deaths/captured (most of the garrison there). 173 artillery pieces were also captured.

The Battle of Toronto, the attacking nation of Borealia suffered 27,143 losses, and had 800 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of New England suffered 60,000 deaths or captured. Additionally 282 artillery pieces were captured.

The Battle of Niagara has ended with the New Englanders retreating. The attacking nation of Borealia suffered 6,799 losses, and had 400 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of New England suffered 21,989 losses, and had 900 soldiers captured. Additionally 23 artillery pieces were captured.

The Battle for Western Avalon has ended. The attacking nation of Borealia suffered 17,001 losses, and had 400 soldiers captured. While the defending nation of Russia suffered 39,130 losses or captured.

Michigan Campaign (January 1914 - Present)[]

In the beginning of the year New England launched a 350,000-man counterattack on the Borealian positions in southern Ontario, by attempting to assault the positions on the peninsula from Pontiac. The counterattack ended with the New Englanders retreating. The attacking nation of New England suffered 24,707 losses, and had 8,518 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of Borealia suffered 10,149 losses, and had 900 soldiers captured.

The Battle of the Upper Peninsula has ended with New England retreating. The attacking nation of Borealia suffered 17,198 losses and had 400 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of New England suffered 14,297 losses and had 10,427 soldiers captured.

The Battle of the Twin Cities has ended with the defenders retreating. The attacking nation of Borealia suffered 1,296 losses, and had 800 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of New England suffered 3,416 losses, and had 6,551 soldiers captured.

The Battle of Pontiac/England City has ended with the defenders retreating. The attacking nation of Borealia suffered 7,561 losses, and had 800 soldiers captured. While the defending nation of New England suffered 54,421 losses, and had 36,400 soldiers captured. The attackers lost 0 artillery pieces, while the defenders lost 200.

In the middle of the year the Battle of Lakeview begins, as the culmination of the Michigan and Minnesota campaigns. In the ensuing battle the city is captured. The attacking nation of Borealia suffered 83,373 losses, and had 1,000 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of New England suffered 116,820 losses, and had 133,180 soldiers captured. The attackers lost 0 artillery pieces, while the defenders lost 300.

The Battle for Ohio has ended with the defenders retreating. The attacking nation of Borealia suffered 16,368 losses, and had 400 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of New England suffered 31,622 losses, and had 41,100 soldiers captured. The attackers lost 0 artillery pieces, while the defenders lost 147.

In October 1914 the New Englander attacker on Lakeview is launched. First the diversion attack in Minnesota is a New Englander victory, and results in New England suffering 81,713 losses, while the defending nation of Borealia suffers 56,474 losses, and has 2,100 soldiers captured. The attack on Lakeview proper is a Borealian victory. The attacking nation of New England suffers 500,000 total losses, while the defending nation of Borealia suffers 82,996 losses, and the nation of Savannah suffers 153,812 losses.

Texan Theatre[]

Invasion of Louisiana (September - December 1914)[]

The amphibious assault near New Orleans by New Granada caught was successful. The attacking nation of New Granada suffered 4,740 total losses, while the defending nation of Texas had 10,000 men killed or captured, and had 100 artillery pieces captured.

Half of the Texan army was diverted to Louisiana, and in the subsequent campaign New Granada was victorious. The attacking nation of New Granada suffered 4,659 losses, and had 900 soldiers captured. While the defending nation of Texas suffered 12,520 losses, and had 2,664 soldiers captured. 90 artillery pieces were also captured.

Meanwhile the Texan invasion of Savannah in the north resulted in defeat. In a combined campaign between New Granada in the south and Savannah in the east, Savannah and New Granada had 24,450 losses total losses, while Texas had 100,000 losses, and had 124 artillery pieces captured.

Arcadian Front (August 1914 - April 1915)[]

The initial push into Texas has ended with the Texans retreating. The attacking nation of Arcadia suffered 1,246 losses, and had 800 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of Texas suffered 2,197 losses, and had 2,725 soldiers captured. The attackers lost 0 artillery pieces, while the defenders lost 0.

The Battle of El Paso has ended with Texas retreating. The attacking nation of Arcadia suffered 5,264 losses, and had 400 soldiers captured. While the defending nation of Texas suffered 11,613 losses, and had 900 soldiers captured.

The Battle of Central Texas, in which 200,000 Arcadian soldiers generally advance east, against 20,000 Texan soldiers, has ended in an Arcadian victory. The attacking nation of Arcadia suffered 1,252 losses, and had 800 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of Texas suffered 3,197 losses, and had 6,725 soldiers captured. The attackers lost 0 artillery pieces, while the defenders lost 0.

The Arcadian Invasion of New England has ended with the attackers retreating. The attacking nation of Arcadia suffered 9,372 losses, and had 1,000 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of New England suffered 10,629 losses, and had 900 soldiers captured. The attackers lost 0 artillery pieces, while the defenders lost 41.

Southern Texas Front (August 1914)[]

The Battle of Southeast Texas saw 300,000 Aztlan soldiers attack 180,000 Texan soldiers, and resulted in the defenders retreating. The attacking nation of Aztlan suffered 17,012 losses, and had 900 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of Texas suffered 40,599 losses, and had 800 soldiers captured. The attackers lost 0 artillery pieces, while the defenders lost 230.

The Battle of Laredo saw 300,000 Aztlan soldiers attack 150,000 Texan soldiers, and resulted in the defenders retreating. The attacking nation of Aztlan suffered 18,704 losses, and had 400 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of Texas suffered 21,747 losses, and had 17,096 soldiers captured. The attackers lost 0 artillery pieces, while the defenders lost 190.

The Battle of San Antonio saw 550,000 Aztlan soldiers attack 270,000 Texan soldiers, has ended in the defenders retreating. The attacking nation of Aztlan suffered 28,175 losses, and had 400 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of Texas suffered 34,014 losses, and had 5,900 soldiers captured. The attackers lost 0 artillery pieces, while the defenders lost 170.

New Granadan Offensive in Savanna/Texas (March - May 1915)[]

At the time of the Treaty of Chapman's execution 100,000 New Granadan soldiers attempt to invade Maryland via their positions in Louisiana. The attacking nation of New Granada suffered 100,000 total losses, while the defending nation of Maryland/Borealia/Savanna suffered 70,876 losses, and had 900 soldiers captured. The attackers lost 300 artillery pieces.

The Battle for Louisiana, in which the surrounded New Granadan army of 200,000 is attacked by 500,000 soldiers from Maryland and Savanna, ends with the New Granadan army being captured. The attacking nation of Maryland/Savanna suffered 31,845 losses,while the defending nation of New Granada suffered 56,712 losses, and had 143,288 men captured. The attackers lost 0 artillery pieces, while the defenders lost 300.

Invasion of East Texas (May - July 1915)[]

The Battle of Dallas, in which 500,000 coalition soldiers attacked 200,000 Texan soldiers, has ended in a victory for Maryland/Savanna/Borealia. The attacking nations suffered 41,845 losses, and had 1,700 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of Texas suffered 200,000 total losses. The attackers lost 0 artillery pieces, while the defenders lost 400.

Battle of Galveston (June - October 1915)[]

The Battle of Galveston, in which 600,000 troops defend against 300,000 Borealians, 300,000 Marylanders, 300,000 Aztlani, and 500,000 Savannahian soldiers, has ended with Galveston being captured. The attacking nations suffered 161,350 losses. While the defending nation of Belka suffered 200,229 losses, and had 61,548 soldiers captured. The attackers lost 29 armored cars, while the defenders lost 0 armored cars. The attackers lost 0 artillery pieces, while the defenders lost 130.

Central Arcadia Front (March 1915 - Present)[]

The Battle of El Salvador has ended in the army of New Granada retreating. The attack from Hawaii is successful, but overall the army is pushed back. The attacking nation of New Granada suffered 53,784 losses, and had 400 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of Aztlan suffered 30,368 losses, and had 1,000 soldiers captured. The attackers lost 118 artillery pieces, while the defenders lost 16.

In May 350,000 Aztlan soldiers defend against 700,000 Belkan and New Granadan soldiers near the OTL Nicaraguan-Costa Rican border. The attack is successful, with the attacking nation of Belka/New Granada suffering 83,431 losses, while the defending nation of Aztlan suffers 55,310 losses. Aztlan retreats to around Managua.

In August 1915 the Battle of Monterrico occurs, in which 250,000 Belkan/Chinese/New Granadan soldiers attack 365,000 Aztlan/Borealian soldiers, and ends with the attackers retreating. The attacking nation of Belka suffered 10,697 losses, and had 400 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of Aztlan suffered 8,743 losses, and had 900 soldiers captured. The attackers lost 21 artillery pieces, while the defenders lost 0.

In August 1915 the Battle of Puerto Barrios occurs, in which 250,000 Belkan/Chinese/New Granadan soldiers attack 365,000 Aztlan/Borealian soldiers, and ends with the attackers retreating. The attacking nation of Belka suffered 13,588 losses, and had 1,400 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of Aztlan suffered 6,229 losses, and had 900 soldiers captured. The attackers lost 27 artillery pieces, while the defenders lost 0.

In November 1915 Aztlan launches an offensive and is forced to retreat. The attacking nation of Aztlan suffered 16,762 losses, and had 800 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of Belka suffered 14,012 losses, and had 600 soldiers captured.

In January 1916 a Borealian-led offensive against the Belkan position results in the Belkans/New Granadans retreating, The attacking nation of Borealia/Aztlan suffered 24,412 losses, and had 800 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of Belka suffered 17,338 losses, and had 5,600 soldiers captured. The attackers lost 0 artillery pieces, while the defenders lost 70.

The First Battle of Tegucigalpa, in which Borealia/Aztlan attacks the city of Tegucigalpa, has ended with the attackers retreating. The attacking nation of Borealia/Aztlan suffered 43,801 losses, and had 1,400 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of Belka suffered 36,200 losses, and had 900 soldiers captured.

The Second Battle of Tegucigalpa, in which Borealia/Aztlan attacks only the Belkans, has resulted in the attackers retreating. The attacking nation of Borealia/Aztlan suffered 21,006 losses, and had 800 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of Belka suffered 25,398 losses, and had 600 soldiers captured.

Third Bresilian-Argentine War[]

The first Battle of New Vichy resulted in Argentine repulsing Bresil. The attacking nation of Bresil suffered 33,741 losses, and had 400 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of Argentine suffered 23,984 losses, and had 300 soldiers captured. The defenders also lost 140 artillery pieces.

At the same time the Battle of Rosario occurred, which resulted in Bresil taking the city. The attacking nation of Bresil suffered 4,062 losses, and had 400 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of Argentine suffered 7,762 losses, and had 11,431 soldiers captured. The defenders also lost 17 artillery pieces.

The Second Battle of New Vichy resulted in Bresil taking the city. The attacking nation of Bresil suffered total 89,710 losses, while Argentine suffered 154,522 deaths and had 98,510 soldiers captured.

The Battle of Lima has ended in a Bresilian victory. The attacking nation of Bresil suffered 38,815 losses, and had 400 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of Argentine suffered 30,101 losses, and had 50,900 soldiers captured.

Franco-Burgundian Front[]

First Year Offensives (September 1914 - December 1914)[]

In September France launches three attacks. The Battle of Picardy has ended with the attackers retreating. The attacking nation of France suffered 20,950 losses, and had 800 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of Burgundy suffered 19,800 losses, and had 600 soldiers captured. The Battle of Boulogne has ended with the attackers retreating. The attacking nation of France suffered 19,650 losses, and had 800 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of Burgundy suffered 19,800 losses, and had 600 soldiers captured. The Battle of Champagne has ended with the attackers retreating. The attacking nation of France suffered 114,425 losses, and had 700 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of Burgundy suffered 77,958 losses, and had 200 soldiers captured.

Calais Campaign (January - December 1916)[]

The First Battle of Calais (only France and Burgundy), in which 800,000 men attack 800,000 men, has resulted in the attackers retreating. The attacking nation of France suffered 162,103 casualties, and had 5,800 men captured, while the defending nation of Burgundy suffered 164,005 losses, and had 400 soldiers captured.

The Second Battle of Calais (March - May), in which 3,300,000 French, Iberian, and Belkan soldiers attack 1,500,000 Burgundian soldiers, has ended with the attackers retreating. The attacking nation of France/Iberia/Belka suffered 87,367 losses, and had 5,800 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of Burgundy suffered 118,682 losses, and had 600 soldiers captured.

From June through August the attacking nation of France/Belka/Iberia suffered 85,186 losses, and had 2,800 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of Burgundy suffered 132,434 losses, and had 600 soldiers captured.

From September through December the attacking nation of France suffered 105,186 losses, and had 2,800 soldiers captured. While the defending nation of Burgundy suffered 112,434 losses, and had 600 soldiers captured.

Dijon Campaign (September 1916 - August 1918)[]

Battle of the Three Navies[]

First Stage:

  • Anglo-France: 821
    • Troop morale: +5
    • Military quality: +30
    • Military Quantity: +25
    • Location: 0
    • Ships: 761
      • 24 Battleships (18 British, 6 French)
        • 10 High-Quality (super-dreadnoughts) x 20
        • 14 sub-top (dreadnoughts) x 17
      • 7 battlecruisers
        • 2 High-Quality x 17
        • 5 sub-top x 15
      • 8 armored cruisers x 13 (sub top, obsolete due to battlecruisers)
      • 11 light cruisers x 10
  • Burgundy: 1,041
    • Troop morale: +8
    • Military quality: +30
    • Military quantity: +25
    • Location: 0
    • Ships: 978
      • 38 battleships
        • 12 Top-Quality (standard-type, all-or-nothing armor) x 25
        • 10 High-Quality (super-dreadnoughts) x 20
        • 16 sub-top (dreadnoughts) x 17
      • 12 battlecruisers
        • 4 Top-Quality x 20
        • 3 High-Quality x 17
        • 5 sub-top x 15
  • Result: 126% Burgundian victory

Second Stage:

  • Anglo-France: 821
    • Troop morale: +5
    • Military quality: +30
    • Military Quantity: +25
    • Location: 0
    • Ships: 761
      • 24 Battleships (18 British, 6 French)
        • 10 High-Quality (super-dreadnoughts) x 20
        • 14 sub-top (dreadnoughts) x 17
      • 7 battlecruisers
        • 2 High-Quality x 17
        • 5 sub-top x 15
      • 8 armored cruisers x 13 (sub top, obsolete due to battlecruisers)
      • 11 light cruisers x 10
  • Burgundy: 1,041
    • Troop morale: +8
    • Military quality: +30
    • Military quantity: +25
    • Location: 0
    • Ships: 978
      • 38 battleships
        • 12 Top-Quality (standard-type, all-or-nothing armor) x 25
        • 10 High-Quality (super-dreadnoughts) x 20
        • 16 sub-top (dreadnoughts) x 17
      • 12 battlecruisers
        • 4 Top-Quality x 20
        • 3 High-Quality x 17
        • 5 sub-top x 15
  • Result: 126% Burgundian victory

Third Stage:

  • Anglo-France: 821
    • Troop morale: +5
    • Military quality: +30
    • Military Quantity: +25
    • Location: 0
    • Ships: 761
      • 24 Battleships (18 British, 6 French)
        • 10 High-Quality (super-dreadnoughts) x 20
        • 14 sub-top (dreadnoughts) x 17
      • 7 battlecruisers
        • 2 High-Quality x 17
        • 5 sub-top x 15
      • 8 armored cruisers x 13 (sub top, obsolete due to battlecruisers)
      • 11 light cruisers x 10
  • Burgundy: 1,041
    • Troop morale: +8
    • Military quality: +30
    • Military quantity: +25
    • Location: 0
    • Ships: 978
      • 38 battleships
        • 12 Top-Quality (standard-type, all-or-nothing armor) x 25
        • 10 High-Quality (super-dreadnoughts) x 20
        • 16 sub-top (dreadnoughts) x 17
      • 12 battlecruisers
        • 4 Top-Quality x 20
        • 3 High-Quality x 17
        • 5 sub-top x 15
  • Result: 126% Burgundian victory

Final result: 380% Burgundian victory

  • Casualties
    • Burgundian: 6% (10 ships)
    • Anglo-France: 30% (33 ships)

So here’s my explanation of where what is where it is

  • The British Battleships number 4 x HMS Dreadnought/Bellerophon-type, 3 x St Vincent-type, 3 x Colossus/HMS Neptune-type, 4 x Orion-type, and 4 x King George V-type, for a total of ten dreadnoughts and eight super-dreadnoughts. This list was sent to Scraw and he approved it.
  • The British battlecruisers number 5 Invincible/Indefatigable-type, and two Lion-type.
  • For the French ships, Solace has made mention of six total modern battleships, which due to the years they were mentioned I interpreted as four dreadnoughts and two super-dreadnoughts, seeing as Solace wasn’t obliging enough to give any real details.
  • Battlecruiser tiers have the value of the battleship tier immediately down from their respective tier, this was run by Feud beforehand.
  • Due to battlecruisers rendering armored cruisers obsolete, I put the CAs as the next tier down from the lower tier battlecruisers.
  • Light cruisers were given the next cruiser value immediately below
  • Not shown due to 50-ship cap:
    • Anglo-France: est. 61 destroyers
    • Burgundy: 1 battlecruiser, 4 armored cruisers, 26 light cruisers, 88 destroyers
  • Now, why do I have 12 battleships set a tier above the other super-dreadnoughts? These are the standard-type battleships I’ve been building, they’re set a tier above due to their use of all-or-nothing armor schemes. As a result, none of them have armored belts less than 13.5” thick protecting their citadels, and with enough reserve buoyancy to keep the ships afloat with the bows and sterns flooded. This, in effect, makes these ships’ belts immune to British armor-piercing at ranges as close as 10,000 yards (source: 1 ).
  • The battlecruisers are a similar story, the four I have in top-tier, while they’re heavily based on the otl Mackensen design, also use all-or-nothing armor. This would allow the further thinning of the 4-5” stern and bow armor on the otl design to negligible levels, while thickening the main armored belt an extra inch to 13” (thicker than the armor on most pre-all-or-nothing battleships, hence why I’ve called them “fast battleships” in game). The tier below that is were I put my copies of the otl Derfflinger design and the British Lion-types, while below that are the battlecruisers that mounted their turrets en echelon (Invincible/Indefatigable designs for the Brits, Von der Tann/Moltke/SMS Seydlitz copies for me), due to the stressed that design puts on the shipframe.
  • Casualties were calculated including the ships left out due to the 50-ship cap.

I am that guy (talk) 21:52, October 2, 2018 (UTC)

Battle of Silverpit[]

First stage

  • Burgundy: 1,108
    • Troop morale: +8
    • Military quality: +30
    • Military quantity: +25
    • Location: 0
    • Ships: 1,045
      • 38 battleships
        • 13 Top-Quality (standard-type, all-or-nothing armor) x 25
        • 10 High-Quality (super-dreadnoughts) x 20
        • 15 sub-top (dreadnoughts) x 17
      • 5 Fast battleships
        • 5 top-quality (all-or-nothing armor) (Elba and Medway classes) x 25
      • 7 battlecruisers
        • 7 Top-Quality x 20
      • Unincluded ships:
        • 24 armored cruisers
        • 45 light cruisers
        • 125 destroyers
        • 70 submarines
  • Belka-Iberia: 881
    • Troop morale: +5
    • Military quality: +30
    • Military quantity: +30
    • Location: 0
    • Ships: 816
      • 33 Battleships
        • 6 High-Quality (super-dreadnoughts)
        • 27 sub-top (dreadnoughts)
      • 4 Battlecruisers
        • 4 High-quality x 17
      • 13 armored cruisers x 13 (sub-top)
      • Unincluded ships:
        • 17 armored cruisers
        • 35 light cruisers
        • 75 destroyers
        • ≤100 submarines
  • Result: 125% Burgundian victory

Second stage

  • Burgundy: 1,108
    • Troop morale: +8
    • Military quality: +30
    • Military quantity: +25
    • Location: 0
    • Ships: 1,045
      • 38 battleships
        • 13 Top-Quality (standard-type, all-or-nothing armor) x 25
        • 10 High-Quality (super-dreadnoughts) x 20
        • 15 sub-top (dreadnoughts) x 17
      • 5 Fast battleships
        • 5 top-quality (all-or-nothing armor) (Elba and Medway classes) x 25
      • 7 battlecruisers
        • 7 Top-Quality x 20
      • Unincluded ships:
        • 24 armored cruisers
        • 45 light cruisers
        • 125 destroyers
        • 70 submarines
  • Belka-Iberia: 881
    • Troop morale: +5
    • Military quality: +30
    • Military quantity: +30
    • Location: 0
    • Ships: 816
      • 33 Battleships
        • 6 High-Quality (super-dreadnoughts)
        • 27 sub-top (dreadnoughts)
      • 4 Battlecruisers
        • 4 High-quality x 17
      • 13 armored cruisers x 13 (sub-top)
      • Unincluded ships:
        • 17 armored cruisers
        • 35 light cruisers
        • 75 destroyers
        • ≤100 submarines
  • Result: 125% Burgundian victory

Third stage

  • Burgundy: 1,108
    • Troop morale: +8
    • Military quality: +30
    • Military quantity: +25
    • Location: 0
    • Ships: 1,045
      • 38 battleships
        • 13 Top-Quality (standard-type, all-or-nothing armor) x 25
        • 10 High-Quality (super-dreadnoughts) x 20
        • 15 sub-top (dreadnoughts) x 17
      • 5 Fast battleships
        • 5 top-quality (all-or-nothing armor) (Elba and Medway classes) x 25
      • 7 battlecruisers
        • 7 Top-Quality x 20
      • Unincluded ships:
        • 24 armored cruisers
        • 45 light cruisers
        • 125 destroyers
        • 70 submarines
  • Belka-Iberia: 881
    • Troop morale: +5
    • Military quality: +30
    • Military quantity: +30
    • Location: 0
    • Ships: 816
      • 33 Battleships
        • 6 High-Quality (super-dreadnoughts)
        • 27 sub-top (dreadnoughts)
      • 4 Battlecruisers
        • 4 High-quality x 17
      • 13 armored cruisers x 13 (sub-top)
      • Unincluded ships:
        • 17 armored cruisers
        • 35 light cruisers
        • 75 destroyers
        • ≤100 submarines
  • Result: 125% Burgundian victory

Final result: 375% Burgundian victory

  • Casualties (doesn’t include subs)
    • Burgundian: 6% (14 ships)
    • Belkan: 30% (53 ships)

Note: “unincluded ships” denotes the lower value ships left out of the main algos due to the 50-ship-per-algo cap. I am that guy (talk) 22:33, October 9, 2018 (UTC)

Southeast Asia Theatre[]

Siam Campaign (January - June 1915)[]

The Battle of Chantaburi has ended in a Burgundian victory. The attacking nation of Burgundy/Malayan suffered 6,907 losses, and had 400 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of France suffered 5,170 losses, and had 7,193 soldiers captured.

The First Battle of Tavoy in January has ended in a French victory. The attacking nation of Burgundy suffered 9,725 losses, and had 1,000 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of France suffered 7,812 losses, and had 200 soldiers captured.

The Second Battle of Tavoy in March has ended with the French retreating. The attacking nation of Burgundy suffered 4,918 losses, and had 400 soldiers captured, wile the defending nation of France suffered 9,146 losses, and had 2,900 soldiers captured. The attackers lost 0 artillery pieces, while the defenders lost 17.

The Battle of Bangkok has ended with the French retreating. The attacking nation of Burgundy suffered 43,721 losses, and had 1,400 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of France suffered 29,975 losses, and had 58,877 soldiers captured. The attackers lost 0 artillery pieces, while the defenders lost 200.

Invasion of Laos (April 1915 - Present)[]

The Invasion of Laos from April through June, in which 150,000 Belkan soldiers attacked in total 300,000 Burgundian soldiers, has ended with the attackers retreating. The attacking nation of Belka suffered 7,961 losses, and had 1,800 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of Burgundy suffered 2,631 losses, and had 600 soldiers captured. The attackers lost 44 artillery pieces, while the defenders lost 0.

The Invasion of Laos from July through September, in which 340,000 Belkan and Chinese forces attack 297,000 Burgundian soldiers, ends with the attackers being repulsed. The attacking nations of Belka/China suffered 67,049 losses, and had 6,014 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of Burgundy suffered 34,039 losses, and had 600 soldiers captured. The attackers lost 10 artillery pieces, while the defenders lost 0.

The Invasion of Laos (1918), in which 500,000 Chinese attack 366,000 Burgundian soldiers, has ended with the attackers retreating. The attacking nation of China suffered 28,665 losses, and had 900 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of Burgundy suffered 16,763 losses, and had 800 soldiers captured.

The Invasion of Laos (June 1918), in which 200,000 Chinese attack 366,000 Burgundian soldiers, has ended with the attackers retreating. The attacking nation of China suffered 31,298 losses, and had 9,900 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of Burgundy suffered 20,100 losses, and had 800 soldiers captured.

Vietnam Front (July 1915 - Present)[]

The amphibious landing at Da Nang has ended with the attackers retreating. The attacking nation of China suffered 7,508 losses, and had 6,529 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of Burgundy suffered 5,715 losses. The attackers lost 19 artillery pieces, while the defenders lost 0.

The combined attack on northern Champa, in which 700,000 Chinese soldiers attacked 250,000 Burgundian soldiers, has has ended in the attackers retreating. The attacking nation of China suffered 68,854 losses, and had 9,400 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of Burgundy suffered 31,880 losses, and had 2,900 soldiers captured.

The September through October offensive has ended in a stalemate. The attacking nation of China suffered 80,714 losses, and had 5,100 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of Burgundy suffered 61,014 losses, and had 3,600 soldiers captured.

The November through December offensive has ended in a stalemate. The attacking nation of China suffered 95,394 losses, and had 12,200 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of Burgundy suffered 66,014 losses, and had 200 soldiers captured.

From January through March of 1916, the attacking nation of China suffered 80,086 losses, and had 800 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of Burgundy suffered 30,876 losses, and had 600 soldiers captured.

From April through June of 1916, the attacking nation of China suffered 72,119 losses, and had 2,800 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of Burgundy suffered 40,100 losses, and had 200 soldiers captured.

From June through August the attacking nation of China suffered 80,786 losses, and had 800 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of Burgundy suffered 40,860 losses, and had 600 soldiers captured.

From August through December the attacking nation of China suffered 91,786 losses, and had 5,800 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of Burgundy suffered 58,160 losses, and had 600 soldiers captured.

From January through March the attacking nation of China suffered 94,186 losses, and had 1,800 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of Burgundy suffered 55,116 losses, and had 600 soldiers captured.

From April through June the attacking nation of China suffered 33,848 losses, and had 900 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of Burgundy suffered 16,205 losses, and had 800 soldiers captured.

From July through September the attacking nation of China suffered 39,662 losses, and had 1,000 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of Burgundy suffered 19,870 losses, and had 900 soldiers captured.

From September to the end of the year the attacking nation of China suffered 52,139 losses, and had 1,000 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of Burgundy suffered 30,121 losses, and had 900 soldiers captured.

From January through March 1918 the attacking nation of China suffered 30,759 losses, and had 900 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of Burgundy suffered 15,137 losses, and had 800 soldiers captured.

From April through June the attacking nation of China suffered 27,848 losses, and had 900 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of Burgundy suffered 13,918 losses, and had 800 soldiers captured.

From July through September the attacking nation of China suffered 25,174 losses, and had 900 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of Burgundy suffered 12,792 losses, and had 800 soldiers captured.

From August through the end of the year the attacking nation of China suffered 32,726 losses, and had 2,298 soldiers captured. While the defending nation of Burgundy suffered 19,753 losses, and had 800 soldiers captured.

In March 1918 the defenders retreated. The attacking nation of China suffered 49,087 losses, and had 900 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of Burgundy suffered 23,496 losses, and had 2,800 soldiers captured. The attackers lost 0 artillery pieces, while the defenders lost 60.

Capture of Bali (September 1914)[]

The Battle of Bali has ended in a Burgundian victory. The attacking nation of Burgundy suffered 696 losses, and had 400 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of France suffered 1,782 losses, and had 2,204 soldiers captured.

Recapture of Borneo (March 1916)[]

The Recapture of Borneo, in which 150,000 Burgundian soldiers attack 50,000 Belkan soldiers, has ended with the island being captured by Burgundy. The attacking nation of Burgundy suffered 4,410 losses, and had 400 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of Belka suffered 6,244 losses, and had 4,317 soldiers captured. The attackers lost 0 artillery pieces, while the defenders lost 51.

Operation Demak (January 1917)[]

The Invasion of the Iberian East Indies, in which 500,000 Burgundian soldiers attack 100,000 Iberian soldiers, has resulted in the capture of the Iberian East Indies. The attacking nation of Burgundy suffered 8,391 losses, and had 800 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of Iberia suffered 3,715 losses, and had 5,600 soldiers captured. The attackers lost 0 artillery pieces, while the defenders lost 50.

West Africa Theatre[]

Guinea Campaign (January 1915 - Present)[]

The initial Invasion of Maneland, in which 75,000 Iberian soldiers attacked 50,000 Burgundian soldiers, has ended with the attackers retreating. The attacking nation of Iberia suffered 29,200 losses, and had 4,604 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of Burgundy suffered 19,897 losses, and had 200 soldiers captured. The attackers lost 99 artillery pieces, while the defenders lost 0.

The invasion in March 1915 has ended with the defenders retreating. The attacking nation of Iberia suffered 6,675 losses, and had 400 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of Burgundy suffered 4,116 losses, and had 4,048 soldiers captured. The attackers lost 0 artillery pieces, while the defenders lost 50.

In April the Battle of South Maneland, in which 110,000 Iberian/French soldiers attack 170,000 Burgundian soldiers, has resulted in a Burgundian victory. The attacking nation of Iberia/France suffered 18,168 losses, and had 5,800 soldiers captured. while the defending nation of Burgundy suffered 23,141 losses, and had 200 soldiers captured. The attackers lost 59 artillery pieces, while the defenders lost 0.

Garnaalië Campaign (March 1915)[]

The Battle of Garoua, in which 50,000 French soldiers attack 175,000 Burgundian soldiers, has ended with the defenders retreating and France capturing northern Garnaalië. The attacking nation of France suffered 12,093 losses, and had 200 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of Burgundy suffered 17,150 losses, and had 1,800 soldiers captured. The attackers lost 0 artillery pieces, while the defenders lost 37.

1918 Invasion (April 1918)[]

The Bresilian Landing in Nieuw Friesland, in which 200,000 Bresilian soldiers attack 55,000 Iberian/French soldiers, has ended in a Bresilian victory. The attacking nation of Bresil suffered 4,281 losses, and had 1000 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of Iberia suffered 4,050 losses, and had 900 soldiers captured. The attackers lost 0 artillery pieces, while the defenders lost 56.

The Borealian/Burgundian Landing in north Maneland, in which 200,000 soldiers attack 55,000 Iberian/French soldiers, has ended in a Burgundian victory. The attacking nations suffered 3,918 losses, and had 1,000 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of Iberia suffered 2,010 losses, and had 1,900 soldiers captured. The attackers lost 0 artillery pieces, while the defenders lost 19.

The Battle for Maneland, in which the combined armies seek to surround and eliminate the remaining West African garrisons, has resulted in a Burgundian victory. The attacking nation of Burgundy suffered 11,321 losses, while the defending nation of Iberia/France suffered 90,000 killed or captured, and had 0 soldiers captured. The attackers lost 0 artillery pieces, while the defenders lost 200.

South Africa Theatre[]

French Invasion of Kap Karel (March 1915)[]

The Invasion of Kap Karel, in which 55,000 French soldiers attack 35,000 Burgundian soldiers, has resulted in the attackers retreating. The attacking nation of France suffered 1,350 losses, and had 800 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of Burgundy suffered 774 losses, and had 600 soldiers captured. The attackers lost 14 artillery pieces, while the defenders lost 0.

Swahili War of Liberation Against Britain[]

Battle off Kismayo (February 1915)[]

The first battle off Kismayo was a Swahili victory. The battle has ended with the British African Fleet retreating to Kismayo. The British lost a battleship, 2 heavy cruisers, 3 light cruisers, 6 destroyers. Swahili lost 2 heavy cruisers and 6 frigates. 2 Battleships are heavily damaged and are taken to Merca for repairs. Following two weeks of emergency repairs, the British African Fleet executes another breakout. Surrounded by the Swahili fleet, the British African Fleet is destroyed. HMS Repulse, HMS Leviathan, HMS Pelorus, HMS Pomone attempts to escape to India. HMS Leviathan and HMS Pelorus were later abandoned due to extensive damage to hull. One battleship and one light cruiser are the only remains of the British African Fleet. Swahili lost 1 heavy cruiser, 2 light cruisers and 2 frigates. A heavy cruiser and a light cruiser are heavily damaged.

Battle of Kismayo (February - May 1915)[]

The Battle of Kismayo, in which 180,000 Swahili attack 40,000 British soldiers, has ended with the attackers retreating. The attacking nation of Swahili suffered 2,529 losses, and had 400 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of Great Britain suffered 3,704 losses, and had 900 soldiers captured. The attackers lost 27 artillery pieces, while the defenders lost 0.

The Second Battle of Kismayo has ended in a Swahili victory. The attacking nation of Swahili suffered 6,075 losses, and had 1,400 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of Great Britain suffered 5,422 losses, and had 2,900 soldiers captured. The attackers lost 0 artillery pieces, while the defenders lost 50.

Northern Offensive (February - March 1915)[]

The Northern Offensive, in which 500,000 Swahili attack 206,000 British, has ended with the defenders retreating. The attacking nation of Swahili suffered 2,494 losses, and had 800 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of Great Britain suffered 2,837 losses, and had 7,394 soldiers captured. The attackers lost 0 artillery pieces, while the defenders lost 6.

Southern offensive (February - May 1915)[]

The Southern Offensive, in which 800,000 Swahili attack 420,000 British soldiers, ends in a Swahili victory. The attacking nation of Swahili suffered 41,300 losses, and had 1,200 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of Great Britain suffered 77,337 losses, and had 19,900 soldiers captured. The attackers lost 0 artillery pieces, while the defenders lost 130.

Invasion of Walvis Bay (March 1915)[]

The Invasion of Walvis Bay, in which 140,000 Swahili attack 64,000 British soldiers, has ended in a Swahili victory. The attacking nation of Swahili suffered 13,542 losses, and had 700 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of Great Britain had 64,000 deaths or captured. The attackers lost 0 artillery pieces, while the defenders lost 201.

North Laurentia Front[]

New Granadan Attack on Guyana (September 1915)[]

The Invasion of Guyana, in which 400,000 New Granadans attack 500,000 Guyanese, has ended with the attackers retreating. The attacking nation of New Granada suffered 5,677 losses, and had 6,812 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of Burgundy suffered 3,719 losses, and had 600 soldiers captured. The attackers lost 7 artillery pieces, while the defenders lost 0.

Bresilian-Guyanese Invasion (October 1915 - December 1916)[]

500,000 Bresilians from the west, 50,000 Bresilians from the south, and 500,000 Guyanese from the east invade New Granada specifically attempting to surround the 800,000 men near Amazonas. The battle ends with the defenders retreating. The attacking nations suffered 23,337 losses, and had 800 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of New Granada suffered 29,797 losses, and had 187,460 soldiers captured. The attackers lost 0 artillery pieces, while the defenders lost 190.

The Battle of Zulia (Maracaibo and surrounding state), which takes place between October and November, in which 500,000 Burgundian soldiers attack 400,000 New Granadan soldiers, has ended with the defenders retreating. The attacking nation of Burgundy suffered 8,453 losses, and had 400 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of New Granada suffered 6,963 losses, and had 900 soldiers captured. The attackers lost 0 artillery pieces, while the defenders lost 190.

The Battle for Ecuador in which 600,000 Guyanese and Bresilian soldiers attack 500,000 New Granadan soldiers, has ended with the defenders retreating. The attacking nation of Bresil suffered 91,980 losses, and had 400 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of New Granada suffered 68,022 losses, and had 900 soldiers captured. The attackers lost 0 artillery pieces, while the defenders lost 190.

Atlantico Campaign (January 1916 - Present)[]

The Battle of Cartegena has ended with the defenders retreating. The attacking nation of Guyana/Bresil suffered 55,781 losses, and had 1,000 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of New Granada suffered 42,507 losses, and had 5,900 soldiers captured.

Southern Campaign (February 1916 - Present)[]

The Battle of Yopal has ended with the defenders retreating. The attacking nation of Guyana/Bresil suffered 22,267 losses, and had 900 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of New Granada suffered 16,833 losses, and had 6,800 soldiers captured. The attackers lost 0 artillery pieces, while the defenders lost 35.

Caribbean Front (September 1914 - Present)[]

In September 1914 the 50,000 Kuban soldiers attack Haiti and 10,000 defenders, and capture Haiti. The attacking nation of Kuba suffered 2,453 losses, and had 800 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of Great Britain suffered 1,537 losses, and had 1,650 soldiers captured. The attackers lost 0 artillery pieces, while the defenders lost 50.

In the Invasion of Hispanola, in which 50,000 Kuban soldiers attack 20,000 British/Iberian soldiers, Kuba captures the island. The attacking nation of Kuba suffered 2,734 losses, and had 800 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of Iberia had 20,000 men killed or captured. The attackers lost 0 artillery pieces, while the defenders lost 50.

The Iberian Invasion of Hispanola in March 1915, in which 150,000 Iberian soldiers attack 50,000 Kuban soldiers, has ended in an Iberian victory. The attacking nation of Iberia suffered 17,720 losses, and had 1,686 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of Burgundy suffered 12,908 losses, and had 30,211 soldiers captured. The attackers lost 0 artillery pieces, while the defenders lost 200.

The Bresilian/Guyanese Invasion of Antillas, in which 200,000 Bresilian soldiers attack 125,000 Iberian soldiers, has ended with the attackers retreating. The attacking nation of Bresil suffered 2,212 losses, and had 1,794 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of Iberia suffered 3,243 losses, and had 600 soldiers captured. The attackers lost 7 artillery pieces, while the defenders lost 0.

The Burgundian Invasion of Antillas (March 1918), in which 200,000 Burgundian/Guyanese/Bresilian soldiers attack 100,000 Iberian soldiers, has ended with the islands captured. The attacking nation of Burgundy suffered 8,512 losses, and had 900 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of Iberia suffered 5,621 losses, and had 32,800 soldiers captured. The attackers lost 0 artillery pieces, while the defenders lost 30.

The Burgundian Invasion of Hispanola (the whole island) (March 1918), in which 200,000 Burgundian/Guyanese/Bresilian soldiers attack 120,000 Iberian soldiers, has ended with the island captured. The attacking nation of Burgundy suffered 12,910 losses, and had 900 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of Iberia suffered 6,102 losses, and had 5,100 soldiers captured. The attackers lost 0 artillery pieces, while the defenders lost 59.

The Burgundian Invasion of the Bahamas (March 1918), in which 200,000 Burgundian/Guyanese/Bresilian soldiers attack 50,000 Belkan soldiers, has ended with the island captured. The attacking nation of Burgundy suffered 9,181 losses, and had 400 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of Belka suffered 6,982 losses, and had 20,128 soldiers captured. The attackers lost 0 artillery pieces, while the defenders lost 83.

Battle of the Kuban Coast[]

First Stage:

  • Iberia: 694
    • Troop morale: +5
    • Military quality: +30
    • Military Quantity: +25
    • Location: 0
    • Ships: 634
      • 14 Battleships
        • 14 sub-top (dreadnoughts) x 17
      • 12 armored cruisers x 13 (sub top, obsolete due to battlecruisers)
      • 24 light cruisers x 10
    • Unincluded Ships
      • 24 Light cruisers
      • 26 Destroyers
      • 12 Submarines
  • Burgundy: 913
    • Troop morale: +8
    • Military quality: +30
    • Military quantity: +25
    • Location: 0
    • Ships: 850
      • 34 battleships
        • 8 Top-Quality (standard-type, all-or-nothing armor) x 25
        • 26 sub-top (dreadnoughts) x 17
      • 16 armored cruisers x 13 (sub top, obsolete due to battlecruisers)
    • Unincluded Ships
      • 36 armored cruisers
      • 50 Light cruisers
      • 120 Destroyers
      • 30 Submarines
  • Result: 132% Burgundian victory

Union Forces withdraw south under a screen of torpedoes to join the Belkan Fleet.

Second Stage:

  • Iberia: 694
    • Troop morale: +5
    • Military quality: +30
    • Military Quantity: +25
    • Location: 0
    • Ships: 634
      • 14 Battleships
        • 14 sub-top (dreadnoughts) x 17
      • 12 armored cruisers x 13 (sub top, obsolete due to battlecruisers)
      • 24 light cruisers x 10

  • Burgundy: 913
    • Troop morale: +8
    • Military quality: +30
    • Military quantity: +25
    • Location: 0
    • Ships: 850
      • 34 battleships
        • 8 Top-Quality (standard-type, all-or-nothing armor) x 25
        • 26 sub-top (dreadnoughts) x 17
      • 16 armored cruisers x 13 (sub top, obsolete due to battlecruisers)
  • Result: 132% Burgundian victory

Third Stage:

  • Iberia: 694
    • Troop morale: +5
    • Military quality: +30
    • Military Quantity: +25
    • Location: 0
    • Ships: 634
      • 14 Battleships
        • 14 sub-top (dreadnoughts) x 17
      • 12 armored cruisers x 13 (sub top, obsolete due to battlecruisers)
      • 24 light cruisers x 10
  • Burgundy: 913
    • Troop morale: +8
    • Military quality: +30
    • Military quantity: +25
    • Location: 0
    • Ships: 850
      • 34 battleships
        • 8 Top-Quality (standard-type, all-or-nothing armor) x 25
        • 26 sub-top (dreadnoughts) x 17
      • 16 armored cruisers x 13 (sub top, obsolete due to battlecruisers)
  • Result: 132% Burgundian victory

Final result: 429% Burgundian victory


Aight, so can I have a battle for every fleet that magically escaped port (Aztlani, Kuban, and Marylander) alone, before you suddently formed a "Grand Fleet," because ship movements on this scale are easy to spot (These fleets should be isolated and pretty easy to sink ouright). Stephanus rex (talk) 04:40, October 7, 2018 (UTC)

Battle of the South Caribbean[]

First Stage:

  • Belka: 765
    • Troop morale: +5
    • Military quality: +30
    • Military Quantity: +30
    • Location: 0
    • Ships: 700
      • 16 Battleships
        • 16 sub-top (dreadnoughts) x 17
      • 4 battlecruisers
        • 4 high quality x 17
      • 20 armored cruisers x 13 (sub top, obsolete due to battlecruisers)
      • 10 light cruisers x 10
    • Unincluded Ships
      • 19 Light cruisers
      • 140 Destroyers
  • Burgundy: 1013
    • Troop morale: +8
    • Military quality: +30
    • Military quantity: +25
    • Location: 0
    • Ships: 850
      • 38 battleships
        • 12 Top-Quality (standard-type, all-or-nothing armor) x 25
        • 26 sub-top (dreadnoughts) x 17
      • 16 armored cruisers x 13 (sub top, obsolete due to battlecruisers)
    • Unincluded Ships
      • 16 armored cruisers
      • 50 Light cruisers
      • 62 Destroyers
      • 30 Submarines
  • Result: 132% Burgundian victory

Second Stage: First Stage:

  • Belka: 765
    • Troop morale: +5
    • Military quality: +30
    • Military Quantity: +30
    • Location: 0
    • Ships: 700
      • 16 Battleships
        • 16 sub-top (dreadnoughts) x 17
      • 4 battlecruisers
        • 4 high quality x 17
      • 20 armored cruisers x 13 (sub top, obsolete due to battlecruisers)
      • 10 light cruisers x 10
    • Unincluded Ships
      • 19 Light cruisers
      • 140 Destroyers
  • Burgundy: 1013
    • Troop morale: +8
    • Military quality: +30
    • Military quantity: +25
    • Location: 0
    • Ships: 850
      • 38 battleships
        • 12 Top-Quality (standard-type, all-or-nothing armor) x 25
        • 26 sub-top (dreadnoughts) x 17
      • 16 armored cruisers x 13 (sub top, obsolete due to battlecruisers)
    • Unincluded Ships
      • 16 armored cruisers
      • 50 Light cruisers
      • 62 Destroyers
      • 30 Submarines
  • Result: 132% Burgundian victory

First Stage:

  • Belka: 765
    • Troop morale: +5
    • Military quality: +30
    • Military Quantity: +30
    • Location: 0
    • Ships: 700
      • 16 Battleships
        • 16 sub-top (dreadnoughts) x 17
      • 4 battlecruisers
        • 4 high quality x 17
      • 20 armored cruisers x 13 (sub top, obsolete due to battlecruisers)
      • 10 light cruisers x 10
    • Unincluded Ships
      • 19 Light cruisers
      • 140 Destroyers
  • Burgundy: 1013
    • Troop morale: +8
    • Military quality: +30
    • Military quantity: +25
    • Location: 0
    • Ships: 850
      • 38 battleships
        • 12 Top-Quality (standard-type, all-or-nothing armor) x 25
        • 26 sub-top (dreadnoughts) x 17
      • 16 armored cruisers x 13 (sub top, obsolete due to battlecruisers)
    • Unincluded Ships
      • 16 armored cruisers
      • 50 Light cruisers
      • 62 Destroyers
      • 30 Submarines
  • Result: 132% Burgundian victory

Final result: 429% Burgundian victory

Indian Revolt (January 1915 - Present)[]

The Arabian Invasion of Sindh, in which 800,000 Arabian soldiers attack 300,000 British soldiers, has ended in an Arabian victory. The attacking nation of Arabia suffered 61,200 losses, and had 400 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of Great Britain suffered 89,705 losses, and had 19,900 soldiers captured. The attackers lost 0 artillery pieces, while the defenders lost 106.

The Arabian Invasion of Gujarat, in which 400,000 Arabian soldiers attack 200,000 British soldiers, has ended in an Arabian victory. The attacking nation of Arabia suffered 42,394 losses, and had 200 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of Britain suffered 34,530 losses, and had 11,100 soldiers captured. The attackers lost 0 artillery pieces, while the defenders lost 16.

The Battle of Delhi, in which 800,000 Arabian soldiers attack 400,000 British soldiers, has ended in an Arabian victory. The attacking nation of Arabia suffered 44,120 losses, and had 0 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of Great Britain suffered 75,378 losses, and had 80,500 soldiers captured. The attackers lost 0 artillery pieces, while the defenders lost 160.

Chinese Invasion of Japan[]

Invasion of Shikoku (March 1917 - Present)[]

The Invasion of Shikoku, in which 250,000 Chinese attack 100,000 Japanese, has ended with the attackers retreating. The attacking nation of China suffered 3,067 losses, and had 800 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of Japan suffered 8,079 losses, and had 600 soldiers captured. The attackers lost 8 artillery pieces, while the defenders lost 0.

The Invasion of Shikoku (March 1918) has ended with the attackers retreating. The attacking nation of China suffered 24,571 losses, and had 5,092 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of Japan suffered 14,646 losses, and had 800 soldiers captured. The attackers lost 48 artillery pieces, while the defenders lost 0.

The Invasion of Shikoku (May 1918) has ended with the attackers retreating. The attacking nation of China suffered 21,930 losses, and had 3,102 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of Japan suffered 18,633 losses, and had 800 soldiers captured. The attackers lost 91 artillery pieces, while the defenders lost 0.

The Invasion of Shikoku (1919) has ended with the defenders retreating. The attacking nation of China suffered 59,000 losses, and had 800 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of Japan suffered 39,150 losses, and had 600 soldiers captured. The attackers lost 0 artillery pieces, while the defenders lost 11.

Invasion of Kyushu (March 1917)[]

The Invasion of Kyushu has ended with the attackers retreating. The attacking nation of China suffered 5150 losses, and had 800 soldiers captured. While the defending nation of Japan suffered 6,600 losses, and had 600 soldiers captured. The attackers lost 13 artillery pieces, while the defenders lost 0.

The Invasion of Kyushu (1918) has ended with the defenders retreating. The attacking nation of China suffered 28045 losses, and had 3,958 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of Japan suffered 16,949 losses, and had 1,800 soldiers captured. The attackers lost 0 artillery pieces, while the defenders lost 33.

The First Battle of Kyushu has ended with the defenders retreating. The attacking nation of China suffered 41,184 losses, and had 600 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of Japan suffered 24,939 losses, and had 5,900 soldiers captured. The attackers lost 0 artillery pieces, while the defenders lost 77.

Battle of Kanto (March 1918)[]

The Battle of Kanto has ended with the attackers retreating. The attacking nation of China suffered 14,845 losses, and had 400 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of Japan suffered 9,359 losses, and had 900 soldiers captured. The attackers lost 31 artillery pieces, while the defenders lost 0.

The Second Battle of Kanto has ended with the attackers retreating. The attacking nation of China suffered 29,251 losses, and had 600 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of Japan suffered 32,068 losses, and had 900 soldiers captured. The attackers lost 177 artillery pieces, while the defenders lost 0.

Battle of Hokkaido (May 1918 - May 1919)[]

The Battle of Hokkaido has ended with the attackers retreating. The attacking nation of China suffered 9,173 losses, and had 5,400 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of Japan suffered 8,127 losses, and had 900 soldiers captured. The attackers lost 131 artillery pieces, while the defenders lost 0.

The Battle of Hokkaido (1919) has ended with the attackers retreating. The attacking nation of China suffered 17,123 losses, and had 800 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of Japan suffered 11,027 losses, and had 600 soldiers captured. The attackers lost 14 artillery pieces, while the defenders lost 0.

Battle of Osaka (1919)[]

The Battle of Osaka has ended with the defenders retreating. The attacking nation of China suffered 68,910 losses, and had 800 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of Japan suffered 49,583 losses, and had 2,100 soldiers captured. The attackers lost 55 tanks, while the defenders lost 0 heavy tanks. The attackers lost 0 artillery pieces, while the defenders lost 84.

Uluru War of Independence[]

Tasmania Campaign[]

The Battle of Hobert has ended in a Uluru victory. The attacking nation of Uluru suffered 9,120 losses, and had 800 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of Great Britain suffered 5,300 losses, and had 3,600 soldiers captured. The attackers lost 0 artillery pieces, while the defenders lost 13.

The Battle of Launceston has ended in a Uluru victory. The attacking nation of Uluru suffered 2,386 losses, and had 400 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of Great Britain suffered 3,210 losses, and had 1,200 soldiers captured. The attackers lost 0 artillery pieces, while the defenders lost 5.

The Battle of Bicheno, in which 60,000 Uluru soldiers attack 50,000 British, has ended in a British victory. The attacking nation of Uluru suffered 6,180 losses, and had 3,400 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of Great Britain suffered 5,400 losses, and had 800 soldiers captured. The attackers lost 0 artillery pieces, while the defenders lost 0.

The Second Battle of Bicheno has ended in a Uluru victory. The attacking nation of Uluru suffered 4,830 losses, and had 400 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of Great Britain suffered 2,108 losses, and had 1,800 soldiers captured. The attackers lost 0 artillery pieces, while the defenders lost 50.

The Battle of Strahan has ended in a Uluru victory. The attacking nation of Uluru suffered 3,380 losses, and had 400 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of Great Britain suffered 1,910 losses, and had 2,800 soldiers captured. The attackers lost 0 artillery pieces, while the defenders lost 39.

The Battle of Central Tasmania has ended in a Uluru victory. The attacking nation of Uluru suffered 5,410 losses, and had 400 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of Great Britain suffered 4,850 losses, and had 20,800 soldiers captured. The attackers lost 0 artillery pieces, while the defenders lost 100.

Carpentaria Campaign[]

The Invasion of Carpentaria (Cloncurry, Pormpuraaw, and Ngukurr) has ended in a Uluru victory. The attacking nation of Uluru suffered 10,915 losses, and had 400 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of Great Britain suffered 6,100 losses, and had 15,103 soldiers captured. The attackers lost 0 artillery pieces, while the defenders lost 110.

The Battle of Numbulwar has ended in a Uluru victory. The attacking nation of Uluru suffered 3,100 losses, and had 400 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of Great Britain suffered 3,650 losses, and had 3,800 soldiers captured. The attackers lost 0 artillery pieces, while the defenders lost 34.

The Battles of Normanton, Nicholson, and Borroloola have ended in a Uluru victory. The attacking nation of Uluru suffered 14,200 losses, and had 400 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of Great Britain suffered 9,853 losses, and had 9,200 soldiers captured. The attackers lost 0 artillery pieces, while the defenders lost 140.

The Siege of Karumba has ended in an Uluru victory. The attacking nation of Uluru suffered 15,113 losses and 300 soldiers captured well the defending nation of Great Britain suffered 11,415 losses and 13,587 soldiers captured. The attackers lost 0 artillery pieces well the defenders lost 425.

New Granada-Belkan Conflict[]

The Capture of Panama has resulted in a New Granadan victory. The attacking nation of New Granada suffered 90,865 losses, and had 800 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of Belka suffered 51,670 losses, and had 107,308 soldiers captured. The attackers lost 0 artillery pieces, while the defenders lost 203.

The Events the last few years have been pretty clear you dont have the supply nor the centralization to launch any attack whatsover -Feud

Egyptian-Arabian War[]

Palestine Campaign ( -January 1915)[]

The First Battle of Ashqelon has ended with the attackers retreating. The attacking nation of Egypt suffered 2,862 losses, and had 6,749 soldiers captured. While the defending nation of Arabia suffered 2,950 losses, and had 600 soldiers captured.

The Second Battle of Ashqelon has ended in the defenders retreating. The attacking nation of Egypt suffered 54,924 losses, and had 400 soldiers captured. While the defending nation of Arabia suffered 27,816 losses, and had 11,766 soldiers captured. The attackers lost 20 armored cars, while the defenders lost 0 armored cars. The defenders also lost 6 artillery pieces.

The Negev Campaign (April-December 1914) ends in an Arabian victory. The attacking nation of Egypt suffers 48,700 total losses, while the defending nation of Arabia suffers 36,064.

The Arabian offense has ended with Egypt retreating. The attacking Arabia suffered 22,952 losses, and had 1,000 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of Egypt suffered 39,301 losses, and had 5,400 soldiers captured. The attackers lost 0 artillery pieces, while the defenders lost 153

Attack on Jeddah[]

The Attack on Jeddah has ended in defeat for the Egyptians. Although they successfully landed at Jeddah, the attacking nation of Egypt suffered 30,000 total losses, while the defending nation of Arabia suffered 2,811 losses.

Sinai Campaign (February 1915)[]

The Invasion of the Sinai Peninsula has ended with the Defenders retreating. The attacking nation of Arabia suffered 17,512 losses, and had 900 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of Egypt suffered 56,583 losses, and had 800 soldiers captured. The attackers lost 0 armored cars, while the defenders lost 51 armored cars. The attackers lost 0 artillery pieces, while the defenders lost 120.

Egyptian Invasion of Aremenia and Tekke[]

Sino-Burgundian Continuation War (1919-Present)[]

Invasion of South Vietnam (June 1919)[]

The Invasion of South Vietnam (June - August 1919) has ended with the attackers retreating. The attacking nation of China suffered 45,720 losses, and had 5,000 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of Burgundy suffered 35,676 losses, and had 900 soldiers captured. The attackers lost 91 tanks, while the defenders lost 0 tanks.

Invasion of Laos (June 1919)[]

The Invasion of Laos (June - August 1919) has ended with the attackers retreating. The attacking nation of China suffered 21,597 losses, and had 1,900 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of Burgundy suffered 10,586 losses, and had 800 soldiers captured. The attackers lost 60 tanks, while the defenders lost 0 tanks.

Egyptian Civil War[]

Battle of the Suez (1922)[]

The Battle of the Suez, in which 400,000 Arabian and Egyptian soldiers attack 100,000 Belkan defenders, has ended in an Egyptian victory. The attacking nations suffered 46,146 losses, and had 600 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of Belka suffered 64,493 losses, and had 22,400 soldiers captured. The attackers lost 0 artillery pieces, while the defenders lost 368.

Aztláni Civil War[]

Nothing here yet, but battles will soon occur in late 1925.

Russo-Polish War[]

The Initial Polish Invasion has ended with the attackers retreating. The attacking nation of Poland suffered 45,100 losses, and had 9,800 soldiers captured, while the defending nation of Russia suffered 17,150 losses, and had 600 soldiers captured. The attackers lost 0 heavy tanks, while the defenders lost 10 heavy tanks.

The German offensive of 400,000 into the region of (Western) Poland has ended with an overwhelming German victory (~308%). The defending nation of Poland of 300,000 suffered ~50,000 in losses (WIA, KIA, MIA) (mod), and 80,000 soldiers were captured. While Germans lost ~40,000 soldiers (WIA, KIA, MIA) (mod) and 800 German soldiers were captured.

The German siege of 300,000 men into Warsaw of 200,000 Polish troops has ended with a decisive German victory (151% with "mountain" terrain or 400% by default, depending on terrain because theres no city terrain). The Germans suffered 80,000 casualties with 5,000 Germans were captured while the Polish suffered 100,000 casualties with 30,000 poles captured.

Continuation of Sino–Japanese War[]


Battle of the Kantō Plain
  • China–Korea (attacking) – 5,846.82
    • Troops – +800 (800,000)
    • Infantry equipment – 1.70x (modern bolt-action rifle, lightly motorized, scarce radio)
    • Armored equipment – 1.1x (early light tank)
    • Support – 1,8x (Full RBL Field,Min RBL Heavy, Full RBL Nav, full aerial supremacy & minimal CAS)
    • Morale – 1.1x (volunteer-only army)
    • Experience – 1.7x (experienced officers, extensive training)
    • Terrain – 1.1x (plains)
  • Japan (defending) – 2,227.50
    • Troops – +1,000 (1,000,000; 40% of total since 60% of Japan is occupied)
    • Infantry equipment – 1.5x (modern bolt-action rifle, foot & horse, motorcycle)
    • Armored equipment – 1x (N/A)
    • Support – 1.5x (Full RBL Field,Mod RBL Heavy)
    • Morale – 0.55x (out of supply + limited conscription)
    • Experience – 1.5x (experienced officers, basic training)
    • Terrain – 1x (plains)
    • Defenses – 1.2x (heavy entrenchments?)
  • Result – Kantō plain falls, Japan is occupied (248.67%)

Bresilian-Guyana War[]


  • Bresil (w/ Guyana separatists)
    • Total: 2,455
    • Troops: +455 (455,000)
    • Infantry Equipment: 2.90x (Early Assault Rifles, Partially Motorized & Mechanized, Squad Level Radio)
    • Armor Equipment: 1.40x (WWII Era Medium Tanks, WWII Era Light Tanks)
    • Support: 1.35x (Moderate Infantry Mortars, Partial Aerial Supremacy)
    • Morale: 1.05x (Limited Conscription)
    • Experience: 1.25x (Veteran Officers, Green Non-Commissioned Officers, Extensive Training)
    • Terrain: 0.75x (Forrest)
    • Defensives: N/A
  • Guyana (w/ Burgundian Commonwealth)
    • Total: 6,432
    • Troops: +700 (700,000)
    • Infantry Equipment: 2.85x (Mix of Early & Late Semi-Automatic Rifles, Partially Motorized & Mechanized, Squad level radio)
    • Armor Equipment: 1.40x (WWII Era Medium Tanks, WWII Era Light Tanks)
    • Support: 1.45x (Minimal Field Artilley, Moderate Infantry Mortars, Partial Aerial Supremacy)
    • Morale: 1.05x (Limited Conscription)
    • Experience: 1.25x (Veteran Officers, Green Non-Commissioned Officers, Extensive Training)
    • Terrain: 1.10x (Forrest)
    • Defensives: 1.10x (Light Entrenchmant)
  • Result: Guyana victory 261% 

1945 []

  • Bresil (w/ Guyana separatists, Peru, Argentine)
    • Total: 5,395
    • Troops: +1,000 (1,000,000)
    • Infantry Equipment: 2.90x (Early Assault Rifles, Partially Motorized & Mechanized, Squad Level Radio)
    • Armor Equipment: 1.40x (WWII Era Medium Tanks, WWII Era Light Tanks)
    • Support: 1.35x (Moderate Infantry Mortars, Partial Aerial Supremacy)
    • Morale: 1.05x (Limited Conscription)
    • Experience: 1.25x (Veteran Officers, Green Non-Commissioned Officers, Extensive Training)
    • Terrain: 0.75x (Forrest)
    • Defensives: N/A
  • Guyana (w/ Burgundian Commonwealth)
    • Total: 7,810
    • Troops: +850 (850,000)
    • Infantry Equipment: 2.85x (Mix of Early & Late Semi-Automatic Rifles, Partially Motorized & Mechanized, Squad level radio)
    • Armor Equipment: 1.40x (WWII Era Medium Tanks, WWII Era Light Tanks)
    • Support: 1.45x (Minimal Field Artilley, Moderate Infantry Mortars, Partial Aerial Supremacy)
    • Morale: 1.05x (Limited Conscription)
    • Experience: 1.25x (Veteran Officers, Green Non-Commissioned Officers, Extensive Training)
    • Terrain: 1.10x (Forrest)
    • Defensives: 1.10x (Light Entrenchmant)
  • Result: Burgundian victory 144% 

1946 []

  • Western Campaign
    • Bresil (w/ Guyana separatists, Peru, Argentine)
      • Total: 904
      • Troops: +400 (400,000)
      • Infantry Equipment: 2.90x (Early Assault Rifles, Partially Motorized & Mechanized, Squad Level Radio)
      • Armor Equipment: 1.20x (WWII Era Light Tanks)
      • Support: 1.10x (Moderate Infantry Mortars)
      • Morale: 1.05x (Limited Conscription)
      • Experience: 1.25x (Veteran Officers, Green Non-Commissioned Officers, Extensive Training)
      • Terrain: 0.45x (Jungle)
      • Defensives: N/A
    • Guyana (w/ Burgundian Commonwealth)
      • Total: 611
      • Troops: +150 (150,000)
      • Infantry Equipment: 2.85x (Mix of Early & Late Semi-Automatic Rifles, Partially Motorized & Mechanized, Squad level radio)
      • Armor Equipment: 1.20x (WWII Era Light Tanks)
      • Support: 1.10x (Moderate Infantry Mortars)
      • Morale: 0.95x (Essentially Mandatory Service)
      • Experience: 0.95x (Veteran Officers, Green Non-Commissioned Officers, Minimal Training)
      • Terrain: 1.20x (Jungle)
      • Defensives: N/A
    • Result: Bresilian victory 148%
  • Central Campaign
    • Bresil (w/ Guyana separatists, Peru, Argentine)
      • Total: 904
      • Troops: +400 (400,000)
      • Infantry Equipment: 2.90x (Early Assault Rifles, Partially Motorized & Mechanized, Squad Level Radio)
      • Armor Equipment: 1.20x (WWII Era Light Tanks)
      • Support: 1.10x (Moderate Infantry Mortars)
      • Morale: 1.05x (Limited Conscription)
      • Experience: 1.25x (Veteran Officers, Green Non-Commissioned Officers, Extensive Training)
      • Terrain: 0.45x (Jungle)
      • Defensives: N/A
    • Guyana (w/ Burgundian Commonwealth)
      • Total: 611
      • Troops: +150 (150,000)
      • Infantry Equipment: 2.85x (Mix of Early & Late Semi-Automatic Rifles, Partially Motorized & Mechanized, Squad level radio)
      • Armor Equipment: 1.20x (WWII Era Light Tanks)
      • Support: 1.10x (Moderate Infantry Mortars)
      • Morale: 0.95x (Essentially Mandatory Service)
      • Experience: 0.95x (Veteran Officers, Green Non-Commissioned Officers, Minimal Training)
      • Terrain: 1.20x (Jungle)
      • Defensives: N/A
    • Result: Bresilian victory 148% 
  • Main Campaign (East)
    • Guyana (w/ Burgundian Commonwealth)
      • Total: 5,145
      • Troops: +560 (506,000)
      • Infantry Equipment: 2.85x (Mix of Early & Late Semi-Automatic Rifles, Partially Motorized & Mechanized, Squad level radio)
      • Armor Equipment: 1.40x (WWII Era Medium Tanks, WWII Era Light Tanks)
      • Support: 1.45x (Minimal Field Artilley, Moderate Infantry Mortars, Partial Aerial Supremacy)
      • Morale: 1.05x (Limited Conscription)
      • Experience: 1.25x (Veteran Officers, Green Non-Commissioned Officers, Extensive Training)
      • Terrain: 1.10x (Forrest)
      • Defensives: 1.10x (Light Entrenchmant)
    • Bresil (w/ Guyana separatists, Peru, Argentine)
      • Total: 3,726
      • Troops: +690.5 (690,500)
      • Infantry Equipment: 2.90x (Early Assault Rifles, Partially Motorized & Mechanized, Squad Level Radio)
      • Armor Equipment: 1.40x (WWII Era Medium Tanks, WWII Era Light Tanks)
      • Support: 1.35x (Moderate Infantry Mortars, Partial Aerial Supremacy)
      • Morale: 1.05x (Limited Conscription)
      • Experience: 1.25x (Veteran Officers, Green Non-Commissioned Officers, Extensive Training)
      • Terrain: 0.75x (Forrest)
      • Defensives: N/A
    • Results: Burgundian victory 138%
  • Please fix, Bresil is not anywhere that deep into its reserves. Also Reserves these days are not untrained idiots, most reserve forces have existing military training enough to be competent. This is not the USSR where he is drafting unsuspecting men into the army in the face of an overwhelming invasion. Also to compete you would in fact be in some sort of heavy conscription. -Feud
  • I never made the implication he was sending in untrained idiots. Also, I fail to see how I would be forced to resort to heavy conscription to compete when Burgundy, Borealia, and Guyana by themselves have enough of a population to outman Brésil at any conscription stage. I am that guy (talk) 03:13, April 2, 2019 (UTC)


  • Brésil
    • Total: 611
      • Ships: 425
        • Battleships: 80 (8x Scharnhorst class)
        • Battlecruisers: 90 (9x Kronstadt class)
        • Light cruisers: 225 (15x Dido class AA cruiser)
        • Submarines: 30 (30x Gato class)
      • Tech: 1.15
        • Naval comm.: 1.00
        • Officer: .20
        • Seamen: -.20 (Navy has not done anything since blockading Patagonië at start of the war, which gave no resistance)
        • Naval Tradition: .15
      • Location: 1.25
  • Burgundy
    • Total: 3,582 (including all ships), 1,850 (just carriers)
      • Ships: 1,791
        • Aircraft Carriers: 925 (4x 1936-41 flt carriers, 4x 1942-50 flt carriers, 5x 1942-50 light carriers)
        • Battleships: 95 (3x 1942-50, 3x 1936-41, 2x 1914-25 modernized)
        • Battlecruisers: 50 (3x 1936-41, 2x 1914-25 modernized)
        • Heavy cruisers: 50 (5x 1942-50)
        • Light cruisers: 210 (8x AA cruisers [3x 1936-41, 5x 1942-50, no difference in air score], 9x 1942-50)
        • Destroyers: 440 (44 destroyers of various classes)
        • Submarines: 21 (21 electroboat type subs)
      • Tech: 1.6
        • Naval Comm.: 1.00
        • Officer: .20
        • Seamen: .10 (Navy has bombarded and raided Brésilian coast unopposed by enemy navy since the first year of the war)
        • Naval tradition: .30
      • Location: 1.25
    • Resut: 303% Burgundian victory (from just carriers)
  • Main Campaign
    • Guyana (w/ Burgundian Commonwealth)

      • Total: too high

      • Troops: +2000 (2,000,000)

      • Infantry Equipment: 2.85x (Mix of Early & Late Semi-Automatic Rifles, Partially Motorized & Mechanized, Squad level radio)

      • Armor Equipment: 1.40x (WWII Era Medium Tanks, WWII Era Light Tanks)

      • Support: 1.45x (Minimal Field Artilley, Moderate Infantry Mortars, Partial Aerial Supremacy)

      • Morale: 1.05x (Limited Conscription)

      • Experience: 1.25x (Veteran Officers, Green Non-Commissioned Officers, Extensive Training)

      • Terrain: 1.10x (Forrest)

      • Defensives: 1.10x (Light Entrenchmant)

    • Bresil (w/ Guyana separatists, Peru, Argentine)

      • Total: too low

      • Troops: +750 (750,000)

      • Infantry Equipment: 2.90x (Early Assault Rifles, Partially Motorized & Mechanized, Squad Level Radio)

      • Armor Equipment: 1.40x (WWII Era Medium Tanks, WWII Era Light Tanks)

      • Support: 1.35x (Moderate Infantry Mortars, Partial Aerial Supremacy)

      • Morale: 1.05x (Limited Conscription)

      • Experience: 1.25x (Veteran Officers, Green Non-Commissioned Officers, Extensive Training)

      • Terrain: 0.75x (Forrest)

      • Defensives: N/A

    • Result: Burgundian victory lol

1948 []

  • 1948 aerial algo (Guyana front)
    • Brésil
      • Total: 8,500
        • Fighters: 6,000 (4,000 x WWII era)
        • Strat. Bombers: 2,500 (10,000 x WWII era)
    • Burgundian coalition
      • Total: 26,050
        • Fighters: 18,000 (12,500 x WWII era, 1,500 x 1st Gen)
        • Strat. Bombers: 2,925 (11,500 x WWII era, 500 x 1st Gen)
        • CAS: 625 (500 x 1st Gen)
        • Tac. Bombers: 750 (1,500 x WWII era)
    • Result:260% Burgundian victory, air superiority established.

Note: Brésils fighters are where they are because 1) Solace has dedicated 9,000 fighters to have “mandatory” attacks against the navy groups bombarding the coast, and 2) of the remaining 8,000 fighters I cut that in half due to Brésils natural need to keep fighters back deeper into its territory to act as interceptors to long range bombing missions that go beyond the range of fighter escorts, as well as the need to divert fighters to fight in the Peruvian front. -I am that guy (talk) 23:57, April 5, 2019 (UTC)

  • Aztlani Invaison of Peru 
    • Aztlan (w/ New Granada) 
      • Total: 9369.22760156
      • Troops : +2,100 (2,100,000 Men)
      • Infantry Equipment: 2.85x (Mix of Early & Late Semi-Automatic Rifles, Partially Motorized & Mechanized, Squad level radio)
      • Armor Equipement : 1.75 (WWII Era Medium Tanks , WWII Era Light Tanks , Inter-War Armored Cars) 
      • Support 1.55 (Moderate Field Artillery , Moderate Infantry Mortars , Partial Aerial Supremacy) 
      • Morale : 0.95 (Mandatory Service)
      • Experience : 1.35x (Experienced Officers , Green NCO's , Extensive Training) 
      • Terrain: 0.45x (Mountains)
    • Bresil (w/ Guyana separatists, Peru, Argentine)
      • Total: 15521.36985
      • Troops: +1,200 (1,200,000)
      • Infantry Equipment: 2.90x (Early Assault Rifles, Partially Motorized & Mechanized, Squad Level Radio)
      • Armor Equipment: 1.40x (WWII Era Medium Tanks, WWII Era Light Tanks)
      • Support: 1.55x (Moderate Field Artillery, Moderate Infantry Mortars, Partial Aerial Supremacy)
      • Morale: 1.05x (Limited Conscription)
      • Experience: 1.35x (Experienced Officers, Green Non-Commissioned Officers, Extensive Training)
      • Terrain: 1.45x (Mountains)
      • Defensives: N/A
    • Result : Bresil-Peruvian Victory (166%)**Guyana (w/ Burgundian Commonwealth)
      • Total: 47,953
      • Troops: +2500 (2,500,000)
      • Infantry Equipment: 3.05x (early assault Rifles, partially Motorized & Mechanized, Squad level radio)
      • Armor Equipment: 1.80x (1st generation MBT, 1st Gen Heavy Tanks)
      • Support: 2.2x (full Naval artillery, moderate heavy artillery (I’ve talked about my use of self-propelled heavy artillery guns), Minimal Field Artilley, Moderate Infantry Mortars, Full Aerial Supremacy)
      • Morale: 1.05x (Limited Conscription)
      • Experience: 1.25x (Veteran Officers, Green Non-Commissioned Officers, Extensive Training)
      • Terrain: 1.10x (Forrest)
      • Defensives: 1.10x (Light Entrenchmant)
  • Bresil (w/ Guyana separatists, Peru, Argentine)
    • Total: 15,107
    • Troops: +3600 (3,600,000)
    • Infantry Equipment: 2.90x (Early Assault Rifles, Partially Motorized & Mechanized, Squad Level Radio)
    • Armor Equipment: 1.4x (WWII Era Medium Tanks, WWII Era Light Tanks)
    • Support: 1.05 (Moderate Infantry Mortars)
    • Morale: 1.05 (limited conscription)
    • Experience: 1.25x (Veteran Officers, Green Non-Commissioned Officers, Extensive Training)
    • Terrain: 0.75x (Forrest)
    • Defensives: N/A
  • Results: Burgundian victory 317%

​​​​​​ Note to Solace: Steph cut your troop numbers because you were trying to cram into the front more men than were allotted for the otl allied invasion of Japan. I am that guy (talk) 23:57, April 5, 2019 (UTC) ​​​​​​


  • 1949 aerial algo (Guyana)
    • Brésil
      • Total: 14,000
        • Fighters: 13,500 (9,000 x WWII era)
        • Strat. Bombers: 500 (2,000 x WWII era)
    • Burgundian coalition
      • Total: 24,262
        • Fighters: 20,000 (10,000 x WWII era, 2,500 x 1st Gen)
        • Strat. Bombers: 2,575 (10,000 x WWII era, 750 x 1st Gen)
        • CAS: 937.5 (750 x 1st Gen)
        • Tac. Bombers: 750 (1,500 x WWII era)
    • Result:173% Burgundian victory, air superiority retained. Brésil unable to drop the nuclear bomb

1950 []

  • Operation Aztec (Northern Peru)
  • Operation Aztec (Southern Peru)

Operation Overlord/Angelica(Guyana)[]

  • Burgundian Commonwealth & Aztlan
    • Total: 34,969
      • Troops: +3500 (3,500,000)
      • Infantry Equipment: 2.9x (early assault Rifles, partially Motorized & Mechanized, Squad level radio)
      • Armor Equipment: 1.75x (1st generation MBT, 1st Gen Light Tanks)
      • Support: 2.0x (full Naval artillery, moderate heavy artillery (I’ve talked about my use of self-propelled heavy artillery guns), Moderate Infantry Mortars, Full Aerial Supremacy)
      • Morale: 1.05x (Limited Conscription)
      • Experience: 1.25x (Veteran Officers, Green Non-Commissioned Officers, Extensive Training)
      • Terrain: .75x (Forrest)
      • Defensives: N/A
  • Bresil (w/ Guyana separatists, Peru, Argentine)
    • Total: 16,925
      • Troops: +2500 (2,500,000)
      • Infantry Equipment: 2.90x (Early Assault Rifles, Partially Motorized & Mechanized, Squad Level Radio)
      • Armor Equipment: 1.4x (WWII Era Medium Tanks, WWII Era Light Tanks)
      • Support: 1.05 (Moderate Infantry Mortars)
      • Morale: 1.05 (limited conscription)
      • Experience: 1.25x (Veteran Officers, Green Non-Commissioned Officers, Extensive Training)
      • Terrain: 1.1x (Forrest)
      • Defensives: 1.1x
  • Results: Allied victory 206%


  • Operation Amazonia (OTL State of Amazonia) 

Algos Pending

Union Intervention in the British Civil War[]

Assault on the West MIdlands (1951.1)[]

  • British Republican Army:
    • Total: 8232.84
    • Troops: 500 (500,000)
    • Infantry Equipment: 2.40 (Late Semi-Auto, Partially Motorized, Company Radio)
    • Armor Equipment: 1.65 (Late Medium Tanks, WWII Heavy Tanks)
    • Support: 2.25 (Full Field Arty, Moderate Heavy Arty, Full Infantry Mortars, Full Aerial, Full AT (Acting as Moderate))
    • Morale: 1.20 (Defense of Homland, Volunteer Only)
    • Experience: 1.40 (Experienced Officers, Experienced NCOs, Minimal Training) 
    • Terrain: 1.10 (Grasslands)
    • Defensives: N/A
  • Union:
    • Total: 3997.07
    • Troops: 250 (250,000)
    • Infantry Equipment:3.15 (Early Assualt Rifles, Fully Mechanized and Motorized, Squad Radio)
    • Armor Equipment:1.7 (First Gen MBT, First Gen Modern Light Tanks) 
    • Support: 2.35 (Full Field Arty, Full Heavy Arty, Full Infantry Mortars, Full Aerial, Full Anti-Tank (Acting as Moderate Anti-Tank))
    • Morale: 1.10 (Volunteer)
    • Experience: 1.05 (Green Officers, Green NCOs, Extensive Training)
    • Terrain: 1.10 (Grasslands)
    • Defensives: N/A
  • Home Amry of the United Kingdom:
    • Total:8766.83
    • Troops: 600 (600,000)
    • Infantry Equipment: 2.55 (Late Semi-Auto, Lightly Motorized & Mechanized, Company Radio)
    • Armor Equipment: 1.65 (Late Medium Tanks, WWII Heavy Tanks)
    • Support: 2.05 (Full Field Arty, Full Heavy Arty, Full Infantry Mortars, Minimal Aerial, Moderate AT)
    • Morale: 1.10 (Defense of Homland, Mandatory Service) 
    • Experience: 1.40 (Experienced Officers, Experienced NCOs, Minimal Training)
    • Terrain: 1.00 (Grasslands)
    • Defensives: 1.10 (Light Entrenchments)
  • Result: (12,229.9124/8766.83)*100 = 139.50% The Republicans break through the Monarchist lines into the West Midlands. 
    • Casualties: 50,000 Republican, 25,000 Union, 100,000 Royalists

Encirclement Action against the Monarchist Army of the Midlands (1951.2)[]

  • British Republican Army:
    • Total: 7,409.56
    • Troops: 450 (450,000)
    • Infantry Equipment: 2.40 (Late Semi-Auto, Partially Motorized, Company Radio)
    • Armor Equipment: 1.65 (Late Medium Tanks, WWII Heavy Tanks)
    • Support: 2.25 (Full Field Arty, Moderate Heavy Arty, Full Infantry Mortars, Full Aerial, Full AT (Acting as Moderate))
    • Morale: 1.20 (Defense of Homland, Volunteer Only)
    • Experience: 1.40 (Experienced Officers, Experienced NCOs, Minimal Training) 
    • Terrain: 1.10 (Grasslands)
    • Defensives: N/A
  • Union:
    • Total: 5,139.09
    • Troops: 225 (225,000)
    • Infantry Equipment:3.15 (Early Assualt Rifles, Fully Mechanized and Motorized, Squad Radio)
    • Armor Equipment:1.7 (First Gen MBT, First Gen Modern Light Tanks) 
    • Support: 2.35 (Full Field Arty, Full Heavy Arty, Full Infantry Mortars, Full Aerial, Full Anti-Tank (Acting as Moderate Anti-Tank))
    • Morale: 1.10 (Volunteer)
    • Experience: 1.50 (Veteran Officers, Veteran NCOs, Extensive Training)
    • Terrain: 1.10 (Grasslands)
    • Defensives: N/A
  • Home Amry of the United Kingdom:
    • Total:7305.69
    • Troops: 500 (500,000)
    • Infantry Equipment: 2.55 (Late Semi-Auto, Lightly Motorized & Mechanized, Company Radio)
    • Armor Equipment: 1.65 (Late Medium Tanks, WWII Heavy Tanks)
    • Support: 2.05 (Full Field Arty, Full Heavy Arty, Full Infantry Mortars, Minimal Aerial, Moderate AT)
    • Morale: 1.10 (Defense of Homland, Mandatory Service) 
    • Experience: 1.40 (Experienced Officers, Experienced NCOs, Minimal Training)
    • Terrain: 1.00 (Grasslands)
    • Defensives: 1.10 (Light Entrenchments)
  • Result: (12548.65/7305.69)*100 = 171.18% The Republicans break through the Monarchist lines into the East Midlands but the Monarchist forces escape southward. 
    • Casualties: 45,000 Republican, 15,000 Union, 100,000 Monarchists

Complaints and Upgrades[]

Changes to Current Map[]

This is the section where you add expansion, complaints, or changes for the map in the PMIV Map Game. Please make it easy to understand for the mapmaker the expansion that you committed. This means including the name of your nation, and maybe an OTL location, and sometimes a reference map. Note, color requests will not be granted, as we already follow a color scheme.

Requested Changes/Errors for Next Version[]

Japan owns all of Papua New Guinea, including the French Ports, which we purchased from them along with Java and "the entirety of French Indonesia except the island of Denpassar".  Afghanistan controls the Balchuistan region of the Raj 

PMIV 1850 Indonesia

This is what it should look like

Issue with map?[]

I believe Providence is currently a protectorate of the FS of Arcadia, not a fully integrated area. Hdjensofjfnen (talk) 01:37, September 17, 2018 (UTC)


PMIV 1919 Kshmiri zone of anexation marked.

PMIV_1919 Kashmiri zone of annexation marked.

The Kashmiri zone of annexation marked as extra territory added to the south.--Katie P Perry (talk) (talk) 02:41, October 15, 2018 (UTC)


We have won our independence from Britain and thus should not be marked as under Britih control on the next map, and we also annexed Tasmania.

Mod Event Complaint[]

When complaining, please include the year of the event that you are complaining about.


The Concentration system is new to Pm4. In this system, nations will either pick a concentration between the Army or the Navy, as no nations, with some extreme exceptions, could afford both at this period in time. How it will work is this:

  1. Nations will pick a concentration, assuming they have a choice. Nations that are landlocked can only pick Army, while nations like Genoa or OTL Venice can only pick Navy. You will need to recive mod approval for which ever you pick
  2. Your concentration can be officially changed every 30 years, although the mods may change it via event depending on the actions of your nations or wars you get involved in. An example of this would be something along the lines of the Spanish Armada. After a destruction like that, Spain would have to switch from Naval to Army because its prized navy was destroyed. Events like that can and will force changes in your concentraction.
  3. Your concentration will give you a 10% boost in the respective algorithim as long as it is changed without mod event.
  4. Simply add it to the table below to declare it (Add more rows if needed)
  5. If the cell with your concentration is green, that means you are currently getting the bonus. If it is red it was forced to change by a mod event. If it is gray it was never approved in the first place.

EDIT:Since there was some confusion on chat, I will explain. In AP Euro one of the thigns we discussed was what led to the rise of France and England as two of the dominant powers in Europe, and what made the two nations different. One of the things brought up is how even France, which during the rise of nation states, was among the richest and most powerful nations in Europe and the world. However, even they could not afford a powerful army and navy, so they where forced to choose between the two. France picked their army, and England picked their navy. Both nations had capable Armies and Navies, but the French navy was noticably weaker than the English navy and the English army was noticably weaker than the French Army. This doesn't mean you can't develop both, but at this time, nations focused on one, often at expense of the other.

Explanations of lack of Approval[]

Feel free to dispute it in a civil manner, and if it gets out of hand you will get a three day game ban.


Nation Concentration Year Changed Can be changed normally in: Mod Approval
Castile Naval 1410 1440 ~Edge
Flag of the king of Joseon Korea Naval 1602 1632 ~Wolves
Cyprus   Naval   1410 1440 ~Edge
Gurkani Sultanate Army 1410 1440 ~Edge
Hungary  Army 1410 1440 ~Edge
Ottoman Empire Naval 1410 1440 ~Edge
Mayapan Army 1410 1440 ~Edge
Flag of the Benin Empire Benin Naval 1467 1507 ~Wolves
Epirus Army 1410 1440 ~Edge
Tondo Naval 1410 1440 ~Edge
Ancient Flag of Burgundy Burgundy Naval 1410 1440 ~Edge
Knights Hospitaller Naval 1410 1440 ~Edge
Sakha Army 1410 1440 ~Edge
Teutonic Order Army 1410 1440 ~Edge
Aragon Naval 1410 1440 ~Edge
Austria Army 1410 1440 ~Edge
Roman Empire Naval 1410 1440 ~Edge
Grand Boyardom of Russia Army 1410 1440 ~Edge
Kingdom of Scotland Naval 1410 1440 ~Edge

Khmer Empire

Naval 1480 1510 ~Wolves
Kingdom of Denmark Army 1440 1480 ~Wolves
Empire of Dravidia Army 1795 1835 ~Wolves
Kingdom of France Army 1410 1440 ~Edge
Bohemia Army 1411 1441 ~Edge
Ethiopia Army


1441 ~EDge
Japan Naval 1411 1441 ~Edge
Flag of the Papal States (pre 1808) Papal States Army


1441 ~MP with some other supporters
Norway Naval 1411 1411 ~Edge



1412 1442 ~Edge
Cologne Army 1412 1442 ~Edge
Sweden Army 1412 1442 ~Edge
Pomerania Navy 1412 1442 ~Nate
Flag of the Duchy of Milan (1450) Milan Army 1414 1444 ~Edge
Chimu Army 1415 1445


Mogadishu Mogadishu Navy 1416 1446 ~Nate
Ragusa Navy 1419 1449 -Rex
Tibet Army 1421 1451


Assam Army 1424 1454 -Rex
Totonacapan Army 1427 1457 -Rex
Chimu Empire Army 1435 1465 -Rex
Earldom of Desmond  Army 1440 1470 -Edge
Portugal Navy 1439 1469 -Skyboi

NaplesFlag Naples

Navy 1440 1470 -Joshboi
Kongo Army 1443 1473 ~Nate
Rwanda Army 1443 1473 ~Nate
Tarascan Empire Army 1441 1471 ~Nate
Croatia Army 1444 1474 ~Nate
Poland-Lithuania Army 1445 1475 ~Nate
Moldavia Army 1445 1475 ~Nate
Aztec Army 1455 1485 ~Nate
Iravati Navy 1457 1487 ~Nate
Aryavarta Army 1462 1492 ~Wolves
Belka Army 1641 1671 -
England Naval 1492 1522 -Rex
Veneto(Venice) Naval (locked) (locked) (locked into Naval as per Rules)
Serbia Army 1557 1587 ~Wolves
Oman Navy 1557 1587 ~Wolves
Prussia Army 1574 1604 ~Wolves
Pontus Navy 1574 1604
Kiev Army 1585 1615 ~Wolves


Army 1613 1577 ~Wolves

Colonization and Contact Confirmation[]

In order for you to colonize or explore another region of the world, you must be confirmed through this process.

  1. You must follow all rules laid out in the rules page.
  2.  You must show two things to colonize: Capability and Motivation. If you lack one, you can not colonize
  3.  Your reasons must be confirmed by 3 mods. Even if you have waited 15 turns for an answer, it does not matter. Pester a mod into giving you a yes or no.
    1. Mods can say no. If one of them says no don't try and pretend they ignored it.
  4. You can only seek to confirm the nation you play as and nothing more.
  5. When seeking confirmation, you want to include the date you would begin colonizing. If you want to do it right away, put the turn of your request.
    1. If a mod finds this date to be too early or too late even, they should inform the player as such. Not every nation colonized at once so if you decide to try in jump in right away, even if you have the means and the motive to do so, you may be rejected because of the date.

Message me with any questions or concerns. Add more rows as needed.


Nation Date Start Confirmation
Iberia 1500 Auto-confirmed
Burgundy 1500 Auto Confirmed
England Early 1500s Confirmed by mods
France 1530s and 1540s Confirmed by mods
Norway 1530s and 1550s-60s Confirmed by mods
Sweden 1600s to 1610s Confirmed by mods
Russia 1730s and mid to late 18th century Confirmed by mods
Nation Target area Target time Purpose Mod 1 Mod 2 Mod 3 Notes
Japan Northern CA-Southern Oregon 1796-1800 To faciliate trade with the new born Atzlan nation and state and secure the Arcadian west coast for the Japanese people before total Russian and Atzlan colonization 
Venice 1648 Engaging in profitable colonial ventures, spreading the word of our lord, Jesus Christ to the heathens
Africa (Morocco) Scraw Wolves Cal
Two Sicilies Puerto Rico 1565

Boost of National Pride/

Lands for Brother of Prince General

Do it later and I will vote. ~Wolves
Hospitaller Caribbean, Florida 1568-1570 Converting the heathens, Land, restoring the order to former glory Scraw Cal ~Wolves
Crete West, Southern Africa, possibly Laurentia and Arcadia. 1700-1710 Establish dominance in a part of the world, spread Greek Orthodoxy and/or Hellenism, find profitable locations, create new opportunities for our people, Seek Trade throughout the world.
Russia Alaska/ West Coast in general 1680-84 Take more land for Russia, show Russian naval prestige in the Pacific, more fur, convert people to something other than Catholicism, actually settle the West Coast, counter-balancing Iberians power on the west coast Nate scraw ~Wolves
Swahili Small trade ports in East Coast and West Coast 1690-1700 Faciliate commercial activity between Swahili, Arcadia and Laurentia. 
Bengal Islands across the indian Ocean and Africa 1690-1694 To gain more influence in the Indian Ocean and also to have trading post and stops and also to spread Islam and gain more goods to sell to trade partners besides the cash crops that occur naturally in the territory that I own.

Access for Landlocked polities[]

Requiring 2/3 approval of mods, which currently means 3 mods.

Tier Upgrade[]

When requesting an upgrade, use the following format:

*Nation (player)
**Current tier and tier you would like to be upgraded to
**Provide reasoning
**Mod response here

Economic Tier Upgrade[]

  • Britain (Person)
    • Tier 4 to Tier 5
    • I now have an intergrated country free of internal trade barriers, I have been out of war for some time and I haven't had any fighting in my own land in longer, I have a developed taxation and borrowing system, my population has gorwn, I have some colonies which produce cash crops and furs, the canals and roads allow internal trade and I gaining an agricultral surplus. Privateering brings some money in and France, Iberia, Burgundy all have been at war recently or currently.
    • Mod response here
    • OOC: Just my 2¢ worth, but I think this is slightly outdated, as Britain has lost most of its colonies...
  • Swahili Fallacyman (talk)
    • Tier 3 to Tier 4
    • Swahili is one of the dominant trade powers in the Indian Ocean. From the Arab-Indian Company, Swahili and Caliphate has dominated trade in the Indian Ocean, particularly in the West Indian Ocean. Swahili dominance on commerce had led to the develop of several banks in major cities of Swahili, as well as the formation of the World's first stock exchange, which trades shares on voyages. Introduction of Arcadian crops by Akida has led to increased variety and output of agricultural good in Swahili, and also made Swahili one of the largest cash crop and food crop supplier in the Indian Ocean. Supply of contracted servants from the interior of Africa and also hydraulic engineering funded by banks had led to mass scale plantation farming in Swahili, further increasing output. This has further benefitted trade, as increased demand for these Arcadian foods and spices made Swahili merchants one of the largest merchant force in the Indian Ocean. Technological cooperation with the Caliphate and England had led to more productive production methods, helping Swahili transition towards processed goods too. The develop of processed goods, coupled with the high supply of raw materials, meant that Swahili gained respectable textile, ceramics, sugar refining, papermaking and glass industries. Due to the high demand of merchants, Swahili shipbuilding is one of the most developed shipbuilding industry in the world, producing a merchant fleet of more than 2,000 ships. The conquest of Zimbabwe and colonial expansion also brought to Swahili multiple minerals, which further builds onto the Swahili economy.
    • Mod Response:

Tech Tier Upgrade[]


What’s Argentine’s Economic Tier? And what does this mean for my very slow industrialization process that belka is helping me with? ~~The History Nerd


Do not industrialise without moderator permission, industrialising counts as building railways, factories, mass shipbuilding or anything the mods deem to be industrialising. You will receive a strike. To industrialise you must receive permission from 2 mods and you should fit these requirements: Industralising takes time, the date you are approved for is only the begining, it is a decades long proccess of buildup.

  1. Have a region or your whole country being densely populated.
  2. Have an agricultural surplus in both yield and efficiency with explanations as to why your agriculture is good.
  3. Have deposits of natural resources such as coal, iron and wood with rivers also being useful.
  4. Extended technological contact with Europe. (not just any contact, technological contact there is a difference in that you basically need Europeans helping you)
  5. Law and order with no civil wars or anarchy. 
  6. Preferably being a small nation in size and population in comparison to your neighbours. 

Britain, Burgundy, Belka, Rhineland, Prussia and any colonies they may hold can industrialise already. Everyone else:

  •  Nation name:
    • What year you think you should start industralising:
    • Why you fit the requirements:
    • Signature of 2 moderators:
  • Nation: Arabia
    • Year: 1880s (more towards the end of the decade)
    • Reasons:
      1. Mesopotamia and Palestine are very densely populated, more so than OTL
      2. The fertile crescent in the heart of the Middle East is the original homeland of farming and a huge source of agricultural civilizations for thousands of years. The Rashidun Caliphate began heavily investing in agricultural science in the 17th century, and is responsible for most of the agricultural practices and technology used by Swahili, Egypt, and a number of other Arab nations.
      3. Wood is very plentiful across mesopotamia as the cedars of Lebanon. Iron mining in Iran produces 33 million tons of iron ore per year, and 35 million tons of procured iron. Roughly 10 million tons of steel are produced per year, as well as roughly 3 million tons of coal (with a total reserve of roughly 2 billion tons of coal). Other resources ammount to a total of 68 types of minerals and over 30 billion tons of reachable reserves (unreachable reserves for this time period are much greater). 
      4. The Middle East from the Abbasid Caliphate onward is very much tied to the cultural and technological trends of Europe, albeit slightly delayed. Damascus was among the most modern cities in the western world in the 1610s. There is direct support from France for industrialization. Support was given from Belka directly while they were in Civil War, and indirectly now through Egypt, which it is tied closely with. Burgundy and Brazil also support our technology in smaller ways.
      5. But of course, Islam is a religion of peace! The nation is almost a single unit in its political identity under not only the House of Jaffar, but the parliamentary entity known as the Shay Al-Nass. All forms of sectarianism and radical religion have long since been extinct. 
      6. Well, southern parts of the nation (Oman, Yemen, and Hejaz) are more light population densities, espically compared to nations in East Africa and India, so there is that.
    • Note 1, resources: The mods already agreed with me that Arabia would have been attempting industrialization during the time it was NPC. Well, Arabia and Persia used to be one and the same during most of the period the NPC Arabia would have been going through its proto-industrialization phase. After Persia's independence, the lack of resources placed industrialization on hiatus. But now, the latest war with Persia placed them back into a Union with Arabia, and thus the proto-industrial phase can be completed. In other words, proto-industrializaiton has been going on for a long time, roughly since the 1810s, placed on hiatus from Persia's indepenedence, and now can be completed. 
    • Note 2, motivation: The population of Arabia is rather large, like China, but by this point it is determined (as described in my posts) that added labor has reached its peak performance, and thus proven to be insufficent, especially now in competition with European companies in the same region. Furthermore, the limited coal in Lebanon established a single coal factory in Beirut, which demonstrated to the rest of the companies how much more perforcmance can be gained by industrialization.
    • Signatures (mods):
  •  Nation name: Iberia
    • What year you think you should start industralising:1845-6 (Same as OTL)
    • Why you fit the requirements:
      • 1. Iberia has severaly moderately dense regions, notably: the Mediteranean Coast, the South of Iberia, and the Galacian and Asturian Regions
      • 2. Iberia has a large ammount of arable land with modern-european agricultural technology
      • 3. Iberia has several deposites of minerals including: Iron, Tin, Lead, Mercury, and many others. The region around Toledo in central Iberia has historically (Since the ~100BCEs) been a major iron producing region. There are also coal deposites in the region South of Toledo and also in Asturias/Northern Castile. 
      • 4.... Iberia is in Europe
      • 5. By 1845, Iberia will have had 5 years of peace under a new pro-professional class government, barring Mod intervention of course. 
      • 6. Definitely smaller and less powerful than France in population and military might.
    • Signature of 2 moderators: 
    • Person67 (talk) 18:00, February 19, 2018 (UTC)
    • Solace
  • Nation name: Swiss Confederation
    • 1847 (First Swiss Railroad OTL)
      • Densely populated and economically powerful cities
      • I'll admit arable land is sort of limited, but agricultural tech is European
      • A tiny bit of iron, some wood, but strong rivers counterbalance lack of some resources
      • in Europe
      • no civil war or anarchy
      • small compared to all its neighbors lol
      • had proto-factories at this point (OTL)
      • industrialization would mainly occur in cities
      • good banking and credit industry for capital, industry is subsidized, low regulation
    • User:Person67
    • Solace
  •  Nation name: Argentine (This is why I was doing slow industrializing, but now, if I have to modernize, I’ll have to make this request that I know won’t pass)
    • Year: 1857 (this is when Argentina OTL built their first railway)
    • I am a very stable country
    • It wasn’t to long ago that argentine was a colony of Europeans (1780), so obviously most of mine agriculture tools are European/based on European tools.
    • I’ll admit, I’m not THAT rich with natural resources, but I do have plenty of rivers, and, judging by my research, yes, Argentina does have a huge amount of coal (752 million tonnes).
    • I am releativly small compared to Brésil, and my capital is densely Pact, Along with the northern region of my Country, as cities like New Vichy and Paton are Pact with People and are the main economic centers of Argentine.
    • Like I said, my country used to be Europe when the French owned it, so of course most of my imports and exports are going to be European related, plus, belka is sending support to me, so yeah.
    • My agriculture is great! My farms feed the nation, many families in the south own farms and contribute to the economy this way! I have European tools, French foods we like to raise, and we mostly adopt French style of agriculture.
    • Mod Signature 1:
    • Mod Signature 2:
    • I am inclined to rule against so early on. Lack of population density and cities. Person67 (talk) 16:57, February 21, 2018 (UTC)
  •  Nation name: Ethiopian Empire 
    • 1855-1860
    • Active trips of government officals to Europe.
    • A lot trade up the Nile
    • Unifed country
    • Best colleges in perhaps all of Africa
    • A quiet a few workshops, and above average urban population (For Africa)
    • Centralised Bank
    • Agriculture is vast
    • (Not sure if this really matters but back in the 1820's I very agressviely researched steam power)
    • Signature of 2 moderators: 
    • Signature of 2 moderators: 
  • Nation name: French Republic
    • 1843
    • European Power
    • Large coal deposits
    • Seine, Loire, Bordeaux, Lyon Rivers
    • Already slightly industrialized
    • Densily populated; Largest to Second Largest population in Western Europe
      • Signatures:
        • Person67 (talk) 18:00, February 19, 2018 (UTC)
        • Scraw 22:49, March 20, 2018 (UTC)
  • Nation Name: Japan
    • 1860 (1868 was OTL, but in OTL Japan was completely isolated and feudal before that and my Japan has been colonizing things and a trade empire for quite some time)
    • Why I fit the Requirements:
      • My country's population has been booming and, due to it being a small island, it is densely populated.
      • Massive colonial plantations provide excess grain and spices along with trade with other nations. Also, fisheries provide a large amount of food.
      • Tin, Copper, and Gold in the Japanese East Indies.
      • Rubber in Japanese East Indies as well.
      • Extended technological contact with Europe.
      • Law and order with no civil wars or anarchy. 
      • A small nation in size and population in comparison to my neighbours (China and Russia).
    • Signatures of 2 Mods:
      • Not sure where your getting European tech from, other than that 1860 is fine oncer you find some help. Person67 (talk) 16:57, February 21, 2018 (UTC)
      • Solace what he said ^
        • I now have European technology from Burgundy.
  •  Russia
    • 1850-1865 (the time Russia got its first major railroads up)
    • I have large concentration of people around Tsaritsyn and the Novgorod-St.Petersberg area. Large rivers connected by canals link the country along with the Trans-Siberian Road. Ukraine is the breadbasket of Russia with large amounts of crop yields. Technological contact with Europe is sufficient with mainly weapon and naval developments coming from Burgundy and Belka. And Russia is of coarse bountiful in resources. And has a heavy arms industry.
    • Signature of 2 moderators: 
  • China-Korea
    • 1862-onwards (structural reforms initially, intensifying by the 1880s, completed by the 1920s/1930s)
    • Yangtze River valley (which historically was the most industrialized region in the world until the mid-18th century), Yellow river valley, Korean peninsula, Pearl River delta
    • China has an agricultural surplus (though admittedly, must be maintained through industrialization), due to the large input of labor and utilization of all idle land, with lands unsuitable for rice or wheat being grown with root crops such as sweet potatoes. As a result, in wetter regions, there may be two or three harvests annually. Furthermore, guano imported overseas is used to improve soil fertility and stimulate growth in wheat, millet, and non-rice grains.
    • Coal in Manchuria and Inner Mongolia, gold in Korea, large reserves of iron and timber
    • China has extensive trading relations w/ Europe (mainly France, Britain, Russia), with France having a port (Macau) and Britain until recently having a port (Hong Kong)
    • by 1860s, the current civil conflict will cease
    • China irl pursued a semi-successful industrialization campaign in 1862, despite its large size. Also, until the 1920s/1930s, industrialization will be limited to cities and will be applied mainly to the military (not commercial)
    • Signatures:
  • Swahili
    • 1870-Onwards
    • I have Somalia, the Swahili Heartland, Ibo region, and Aliwa-Rowzi being densely populated.
    • I have massive farmland, a developed irrigation system and one of the forefronts in agricultural technology due to Swahili's focus upon it.
    • There are many jungles in the Swahili Heartland, water power in Somalia and much coal in the Aliwa-Rowzi region.
    • Due to the incursion of European colonization, Swahili currently faces competition with European and also Regional powers.  
    • Being under the protection of two European powers and the hiring of European scientists and engineers during the European economic downturn has given us much knowledge of the West.
    • Law and Order for more than 40 years since the Swahili Civil War
    • Special: Swahili has a thriving financial industry based on trans-Indian Ocean trade and the establishment of multiple banks dating from the 17th century. There are also multiple madrassahs, forming a powerful university system that had led to the independent development of calculus and multiple other advancements.
    • It will happen but I don't think your going to be doing that early due to limited competition and I am unsure on what minerals you have plus no help. Person. 
    • Signatories:  

  • Bresil: 
    • OTL Rio De Jenero (idk how to spell) is densly populated, as well as the Ugaray basin. 
    • I plan to industrialized by 1856
    • Bresil would have modern farming technology
    • Bresil has deposits of coal, iron, copper, etc
    • The Ugaray river is navigatable 
    • Maybe not smaller than neighbors, but still not stronger than Europe

Mod response:

  • Scandinavia: 
    • Large populated area in southern Sweden and Denmark between Riksdale and Copenhagen, as well as Jutland. 
    • Agricultural surplus in the south, around Jutland and in southern Sweden. 
    • Large resources of iron in Sweden. 
    • Smaller population than most neighbours. 
    • No civil war
    • In Europe
    • Plan from 1855 - 1870. 
    • Signatories: 
      • Person67 (talk) 23:00, March 24, 2018 (UTC)
      • Scraw 23:17, March 24, 2018 (UTC)
  •  Nation name: Kingdom of Egypt
    • What year you think you should start industralising: 1900s
    • Why you fit the requirements: Egypt is in a way better state to industrialie then OTL, and has had a lot of foreign aid. Egypt is fairly stable after their war of succession, and has been fairly successful in rebuilding itself. Europe has a lot of european aid, especially from belka, with belka promising to help Egypt in industrializing. Most of Egypt’s population is centered in it’s major settlements, Giza, Alexandria, and Alia City. Egyptian infrastructure is very strong, and very modern as we have been developing it for quite sometime. Egypt is a fairly developed nation. We have 50 million tons of coal in Egypt. The Suez Canal also gives me a lot of money.
    • Signature of 2 moderators:



  • Burgundy: 1 building
  • Iberia: 2 building (laid-down)
  • Borealia: 1 building


  • Britain: 3 building
  • France: 2 building
  • Belka: 5 Commissioned. 4 Building
  • Burgundy: 1 commissioned, 3 building
  • Prussia: 1 building
  • Rhineland: 1 building
  • Borealia: 1 commissioned, 2 building
  • Iberia:
    • Total in Service: 0
    • 1 commissioned, 3 building (1 launched, 2 laid down)


  • Iberia:
    • Total in Service: 1
    • 1 commissioned, 4 building (2 launched, 2 laid down)
  • Burgundy: 7 building
  • Borealia: 2 commissioned, 3 building
  • China–Korea: 2 commisioned
  • Prussia: 
    • 4 commissioned, 1 building
  • United Kingdom: 3 commissioned and 4 building


  • Iberia:
    • Total in Service: 2
    • 2 commissioned, 2 building (2 launched)
  • Burgundy: 3 commissioned, 6 building
  • Borealia: 3 commissioned, 3 building
  • Prussia: 
    • Total in Service: 1
    • 2 commissioned, 2 building
  • Belka: 4 Commissioned, 4 building
  • China–Korea
    • Total in Service: 2
    • 2 commisioned, 2 building


  • Federated states, 1 building
  • Burgundy: 11 building
  • Iberia: 2 laid-down
  • Prussia: 
    • Total in Service: 1
    • 2 commissioned, 2 building


  • Burgundy: 5 commissioned, 8 building
  • Iberia: 2 laid down, 2 launched
  • Prussia: 
    • Total in Service: 3
    • 1 commissioned, 2 building


  • Germany: 
    • Total in Service: 4
    • 1 commissioned, 1 building


  • Germany: 
    • Total in Service: 5
    • 1 commissioned, 1 building
  • Swahili
    • 2 commissioned


  • Germany: 
    • Total in Service: 6
    • 1 commissioned, 1 building
  • Swahili:
    • 0 in service, 2 building


  • Germany: 
    • Total in Service: 7
    • 1 commissioned, 1 building
  • Egypt:
    • Total in Service: 2
    • 2 building
  • Swahili:
    • 1 in service, 1 building


  • Swahili
    • 2 in service, 3 building 


  • Swahili
    • 2 in service, 1 commissioned, 2 building 


  • Swahili
    • 3 in service, 1 commissioned, 2 building 

Information and Resources[]


Current Map[]

PMIV 1830

Reference Maps[]

Map and List of Regions[]

PMIV Regions Identified
#Arcadia Pacific North (APN)#Arcadia North Arctic (ANA)#Arcadia Pacific South (APS)#Arcadia Central Rockies (ACR)#Arcadia Central Mississippi (ACM)#Arcadia Great Lakes (AGL)#Arcadia Northeastern (ANE)#Arcadia Southeastern Atlantic (ASA)#Arcadia Gulf of Mexico (AGM)#Arcadia Mexico Central (AMC)#South Arcadia Pacific (SAP)#South Arcadia Caribbean (SAC)#Laurentia Atlantic Northeast (LAN)#Laurentia Central Amazon (LCA)#Laurentia Pacific North (LPN)#Laurentia Central North (LCN)#Laurentia Atlantic Central (LAC)#Laurentia Central South (LCS)#Laurentia Pacific South (LPS)#Laurentia Atlantic South (LAS)#Arctic Greenland Iceland (AGI) 22. Europe North Sea (ENS)
23. Europe Atlantic North (EAN)
24. Europe Atlantic South (EAS)
25. Europe Arctic (EA)
26. Europe Central Baltic (ECB)
27. Europe Central (EC)
28. Europe Eastern (EE)
29. Europe Mediterranean West (EMW)
30. Europe Mediterranean East (EMA)
31. Europe Black Sea (EBS)
32. Africa North West (ANW)
33. Africa Sahara West (ASW)
34. Africa Sahara East (ASE)
35. Africa Red Sea (ARS)
36. Arabia Central Desert (ACD)
37. Africa West Atlantic (AWA)
38. Africa West Guinea (AWG)
39. Africa Central (AC)
40. Africa East Horn (AEH)
41. Africa West Central (AWC)
42. Africa East Central (AEC)
43. Africa West South (AWS)
44. Africa East South (AES)
45. Asia North and Siberia (ANS)
46. Asia Caspian Sea (ACS)
47. Asia Central Turkestan (ACT)
48. Asia India North (AIN)
49. Asia Arabian Sea (AAS)
50. Asia India South (AIS)
51. Asia Bay of Bengal (ABB)
52. Asia Central Himalayas (ACH)
53. Asia Central China (ACC)
54. Asia Far East (AFE)
55. Asia South China (ASC)
56. Asia South Pacific (ASP)
57. South China Sea (SCS)
58. Asia Indonesia Pacific (AIP)
59. Asia Java Sea (AJS)
60. Australia West (AW)
61. Australia South (AS)
62. Australia East (AE)
63. Asia Persian Gulf (APG)
colspan="4" Water
A, B, C, D, E
G, H, J, K, P, Q, R
F, L
M, N, O


For the algo please see the Rules and Algorithm page for everything you need. Rules and Algo page

General Discussion[]

Leaves of Absence[]


Jin dynasty split into China proper + Korea (1848). Under personal union.


Second Argentine War[]

Battle of the Salado River (1858)[]

      • Argentine (attacking) National War Effort Timer
        • Result: 95
          • Initial position/allied support: rushed to front/limited aid: +15
          • Population: 6 million+ (Argentine) + 15 
          • Small industry: +10
          • Regional power:: +5 (French protectorate)
          • Supported democracy: +15
          • Small professional army= +5
          • Population morale:+10
          • Army morale:+20 (Lost a major war against three Laurentian powers 10 years ago and is now finally regaining the land lost)
          • Front: War just begun: =+0
          • Argentine War Effort can last 4 years
      • Bresil (defending) War Effort Timer
        • Result: 50
        • Initial position:+5 (on defensive; ongoing civil war meant troops were far away)
          • Population: 17 million+ (Bresil)= +25
          • Small Industry:  +10
          • Middle Power: +15
          • Democracy/constitutional monarchy not supported (In the middle of civil war): -5
          • Small professional army: +5 (In civil war, not stable enough to yield a large conscription pool)
          • Population nationalistic but ill-supplied (per civil war) = +5
          • Army morale: strong morale, ill supplied = 0 (In the middle of civil war).
          • Front: War just began= +0
          • Bresil War Effort can last 2 years
    • Battle Stage
      • Crossing of the Salado River
        • Argentine
          • Result: +72
            • Troop morale: +10 (Taking back territory recently lost)
            • Quality: medium +15 (French protectorate) 
            • Quantity: Modest +15
            • Fortification: N/A offensive
            • Support: light artillery w/ light cavalry = +5 +5= +10
            • Troops: +20 (200k)
            • Chance:1272= 2/3.14= 0.63694267515 x 2= 1.27388535032= +1
            • Casualties:200,000 x .05= 10,000. 200,000-10,000= 190,000
            • Location: Near river: +1
        • Bresil
          • Result: 46
            • Troop morale: +3 (territory owned less than 20 yrs)
            • Quality: medium +15
            • Quantity: modest +15 (Laurentia standard per the algo)
            • Fortification: none
            • Support: light artillery + cavalry + +10
            • Troops: +2 (20k;Bresil in the middle of a massive civil war, standard border troops, troops caught off guard).
            • Chance:150= 0/3.14= 0 x 2= 0= +0
            • Casualties:20,000 -1,000 =19.000
            • Location: Near river +1 
          • Final result: 72/46= 1.5652173913= 156.5217%, Stalemate in favor of Argentine, both forces incur 5% casulties, Argentine requires another victory to cross the Salado River

Second Battle of the Salado River [1][]

      • Argentine (attacking) National War Effort Timer
        • Result: 105
          • Initial position/allied support: rushed to front/limited aid: +15
          • Population: 6 million+ (Argentine) + 15 
          • Small industry: +10
          • Regional power:: +5 (French protectorate)
          • Supported democracy: +15
          • Small professional army= +5
          • Population morale:+10
          • Army morale:+20 (Lost a major war against three Laurentian powers 10 years ago and is now finally regaining the land lost)
          • Argentine War Effort can last 5 years
          • Front: +10 (winning front)
      • Bresil (defending) War Effort Timer
        • Result: +25
        • Initial position: -10
          • Population: 17 million+ (Bresil)= +25 
          • Small Industry:  +10
          • Middle Power: +15 (Bresil) 
          • Democracy/constitutional monarchy not supported (In the middle of civil war): -5
          • Small professional army: +5 (In civil war, not stable enough to yield a large conscription pool)
          • Population nationalistic but ill-supplied (per civil war) = +5
          • Army morale: strong morale, ill supplied = 0 (In the middle of civil war).
          • Bresil War Effort can last 1 year
          • Front: -15 (Losing front) 
    • Battle Stage
      • 2nd Crossing of the Salado River (1858)
        • Argentine
          • Result: +71
            • Troop morale: +10 (Taking back territory recently lost)
            • Quality: medium +15 (French protectorate) 
            • Quantity: Modest +15
            • Fortification: N/A offensive
            • Support: light artillery w/ light cavalry = +5 +5= +10
            • Troops: +19 (190k)
            • Chance:1272= 2/3.14= 1.27388535032= +1
            • Casualties: 190,000 x .06= 11,400. 190,000 -11,400= 178,600
            • Location: Near river: +1
        • Bresil
          • Result: 45.9
            • Troop morale: +3 (territory owned less than 20 yrs)
            • Quality: medium +15
            • Quantity: modest +15 (Laurentia standard per the algo)
            • Fortification: none
            • Support: light artillery + cavalry + +10
            • Troops: +1.9 (19k;Bresil in the middle of a massive civil war, standard border troops, troops caught off guard).
            • Chance:150= 0/3.14= 0 x 2= 0= +0
            • Casualties: 19,000 x .3 = 5,400. 19,000 - 5,700= 13,300
            • Location: Near river +1 
        • Final result: 71/45.9= 1.54684095861 +  1.5652173913= 3.11205834991= 311% Battle Tier II, Argentine has successfully crossed the Salado in a decisive battle, Argentine loses 6% of forces while Bresil loses 30% of forces  
    • ===Campagne des Trois-Rivières (Campaign of Three Rivers) ===
        • Argentine (attacking) National War Effort Timer
          • Result: 105
            • Initial position/allied support: rushed to front/limited aid: +15
            • Population: 6 million+ (Argentine) + 15 
            • Small industry: +10
            • Regional power:: +5 (French protectorate)
            • Supported democracy: +15
            • Small professional army= +5
            • Population morale:+10
            • Army morale:+20 (Lost a major war against three Laurentian powers 10 years ago and is now finally regaining the land lost)
            • Argentine War Effort can last 5 years
            • Front: +10 (winning front)
        • Bresil + Mapuache (defending) War Effort Timer
          • Result: +62.5
          • Initial position: -10 Losing Front
            • Population: 17 million+ (Bresil)= +25 + 15 (Mapuche: 5 million) = +40 
            • Small Industry:  +10
            • Middle Power: +15 (Bresil) +5 (Regional power Mapuche) = +20
            • Democracy/constitutional monarchy not supported (In the middle of civil war): -5
            • Small professional army: +5 (In civil war, not stable enough to yield a large conscription pool)
            • Population nationalistic but ill-supplied (per civil war) = +7.5 (Average for ill supplied Bresil (+5) and Mapuche standing behind the war effort +10) )
            • Army morale: strong morale,  +10 (Average between Bresil ill supply from being in the middle of civil war and zealous Mapuche).
            • Mapuchean intervention save Bresil, allowing the Bresilian War Effort to last 2 years once again
            • Front: -15 (Losing front) 
      • Battle Stage
        • Campagne des Trois-Rivières: Salado Front (Third Battle of Salado)  
          • Argentine
            • Result: +70.86
              • Troop morale: +10 (Taking back territory recently lost)
              • Quality: medium +15 (French protectorate) 
              • Quantity: Modest +15
              • Fortification: N/A offensive
              • Support: light artillery w/ light cavalry = +5 +5= +10
              • Troops: +17.86 (178,600)
              • Chance:1274= 4/3.14= 1.27388535032 x 2 = +2.54777070064 = +2 
              • Casualties:178,600 x .06= 10,716. 178,600 - 10,716= 167,884
              • Location: Near river: +1
          • Bresil
            • Result: +52
              • Troop morale: +3 (territory owned less than 20 yrs)
              • Quality: medium +15
              • Quantity: modest +15 (Laurentia standard per the algo)
              • Fortification: none
              • Support: light artillery + cavalry + +10
              • Troops: +8 (80k;Extensive territory, expected to be circa this number).
              • Chance:150= 0/3.14= 0 x 2= 0= +0
              • Casualties:80,000 x .3 = 24,000. 80,000 -24,000= 56,000
              • Location: Near river +1 
            • Final outcome: 1.30357142857 + 3.11205834991= 4.4747506576= 447.475% Decisive Argentine victory, the entirety of the Salado is secured. Argentines are successful but have to stop their 1858 offensive and go on the defensive for 1859 due to high casulties, defensive fortifications are being built. Argentines lose 6% while Bresil loses 30%

Defense/Siege of Rosario []

The Battle of Parané []

    • Argentine (Defending) National War Effort Timer
      • Result: 110
        • Initial position/allied support: rushed to front/limited aid: +20
        • Population: 6 million+ (Argentine) + 15 
        • Small industry: +10
        • Regional power:: +5 (French protectorate)
        • Supported democracy: +15
        • Small professional army= +5
        • Population morale:+10
        • Army morale:+20 (Lost a major war against three Laurentian powers 10 years ago and is now finally regaining the land lost)
        • Argentine War Effort can last 5 years - 2 years (1858 start) = 3 years left 
        • Front: +10 (winning front)
    • Bresil + Mapuache (Attacking) War Effort Timer
      • Result: +57.5
      • Initial position: -10 Losing Front
        • Population: 17 million+ (Bresil)= +25 + 15 (Mapuche: 5 million) = +40 
        • Small Industry:  +10
        • Middle Power: +15 (Bresil) +5 (Regional power Mapuche) = +20
        • Limited Constitutional monarchy not supported (Just finished civil war 1 year ago): -10
        • Small professional army: +5 (In civil war, not stable enough to yield a large conscription pool)
        • Population nationalistic but ill-supplied (per recent civil war) = +7.5 (Average for ill supplied Bresil (+5) and Mapuche standing behind the war effort +10) )
        • Army morale: strong morale,  +10 (Average between Bresil ill supply from just being out of civil war and zealous Mapuche)
        • Front: -15 (Losing front) 
        • Mapuchean intervention save Bresil, allowing the Bresilian War Effort to last 2 years once again - 2 (1858 start) = 0 years, final year Bresil and Mapuche can fight the war
  • Battle Stage
    • Battle of the Outskirts  
      • Argentine 
        • Result: +86
          • Troop morale: +8 (Defending heartland from possibly fatal attack)
          • Quality: medium +15 (French protectorate) 
          • Quantity: Modest +15
          • Fortification: +20 (heavy entrenchment) 
          • Support: Light artillery w/ Medium cavalry = +5 +8= +13
          • Troops: +5 (50,000)
          • Chance:1282= 2/3.14= .6269 x 2 = +1.273888 = +1 
          • Casualties:50,000 x .05= 50,000 -2,500 = 47,500
          • Location:  +9  (Near Heavily Fortified city)
      • Bresil
        • Result: +51.5
          • Troop morale: +7 (enforcing hegemony)
          • Quality: medium +15
          • Quantity: modest +15 (Laurentia standard per the algo)
          • Fortification: none
          • Support: light artillery + cavalry + +10
          • Troops: +7 (70k).
          • Chance:152= 2/3.14= .6269 x 2= 1.273888= +1
          • Casualties:70,000 x .05 = 70,000 -3,500= 66,500
          • Location: Near city -3.5 
        • Final outcome: 86/51.5=  1.66990291262= 166.99=167% stalemate in favor of Argentine, no Bresilian advancements made, more Bresilian troops are needed to conquer the outskirts (I'm allowing for Falcon to redo his initial invading troop numbers in a higher quantity so this battle will have less algos if the muds allow it)

2nd Battle of the Outskirts  

  • Argentine 
    • Result: +86.75
      • Troop morale: +8 (Defending heartland from possibly fatal attack)
      • Quality: medium +15 (French protectorate) 
      • Quantity: Modest +15
      • Fortification: +20 (heavy fortifications) 
      • Support: Light artillery w/ Medium cavalry = +5 +8= +13
      • Troops: +4.75 (47,500)
      • Chance:1284= 4/3.14= 1.273885 x 2 = 2.54777 = +2
      • Casualties: 47,500 x .06= 47,500 - 2,850= 44,650
      • Location:  +9  (Near Heavily Fortified city)
  • Bresil
    • Result: +59.5
      • Troop morale: +7 (enforcing hegemony)
      • Quality: medium +15
      • Quantity: modest +15 (Laurentia standard per the algo)
      • Fortification: none
      • Support: (medium artillery) +8 + 5 (light cavalry) = +13
      • Troops: +12 (120k).
      • Chance:152= 2/3.14= .6269 x 2= 1.273888= +1
      • Casualties:120,000 x .30 = 120,000 -36,000= 84,000
      • Location: Near city -3.5 
    • Final outcome: 1.45798319328= 1457.98% + 166.99% = 312.788% Battle Tier 2 casulties (Argentine Victory) 
  • 3rd Battle of the Outskirts  
  • Argentine 
    • Result: +87.465
      • Troop morale: +8 (Defending heartland from possibly fatal attack)
      • Quality: medium +15 (French protectorate) 
      • Quantity: Modest +15
      • Fortification: +20 (heavy fortifications) 
      • Support: Light artillery w/ Medium cavalry = +5 +8= +13
      • Troops: +4.4650 (44,650)
      • Chance:1286= 6/3.14= 1.9108 x 2 = 3.821656 = +3
      • Casualties:  44,650 x .06 = 44.650 - 2,679= 41,971
      • Location:  +9  (Near Heavily Fortified city)
  • Bresil
    • Result: +77.5
      • Troop morale: +7 (enforcing hegemony)
      • Quality: medium +15
      • Quantity: modest +15 (Laurentia standard per the algo)
      • Fortification: none
      • Support: (medium artillery) +8 + 5 (light cavalry) = +13
      • Troops: +30 (300k).
      • Chance:152= 2/3.14= .6269 x 2= 1.273889= +1
      • Casualties:300,000 x .30 = 300,000 -90,000 = 210,000
      • Location: Near city -3.5 
    • Final outcome:   +1.12858064516= 112.858%+ 1457.98% + 166.99% = 425.738% Battle Tier 2 casulties (Argentine Victory) Bresilians lose 30% of their Invading Force (90,000 troops), Argentine defends the outskirts at the loss of 6% of their troops

Bresilian liberation of Mzerka[]

Prewar stage Defender: Novorossiya Democracy supported by the people: +15 Weak Army: -5 Strong morale but lack of decent supplies: 0 Population is nationalistic, supports the war but is ill supplied: +5 Population: 7 million= +15 Pre-industrial Society: -10 Regional Power:+5 Novorossiya total: 25 Attacker: Bresil CM Supported by the people: +10 Your Forces were rushed to the front in a surprise engagement : +10 Small Professional Army with large conscription pool (only attainable if you have a stable and prosperous country): +10 Above average morale and sufficiently supplied: +5 Population is neutral towards the war but is well supplied: 0 Population: 17 million+ (Bresil)= +25 Small Industry: +10 Middle Power: +15 Bresil Total: 85 Aiding an Ally: +5 Battle of Lucentium Battle of New Constantinople/Lucentium Attacker: Bresil Attacking to enforce political hegemony: +7 Medium Quality: +15 Modest Quantity: +15 Medium Artillery Support: +8 Light Cavalry Support: +5 Troops: 20,000= +2 Besieging a major city: -4 Total: 48 Defender: Novorossyia Defending territory not owned by nation more than 20 years: +3 Small Quality: +10 Small Quantity: +10 Light defensive fortifications: +7 Light Artillery Support: +5 Light Cavalry Support: +5 Troops: 5,000= +0 Besieged a major city: +4 Total: 44 Result: Land up to the city is taken with minimal resistance, but city still holds out.


It's 30 years out of date.Didcot1 (talk) 01:02, July 21, 2018 (UTC)


You need to update Great War (Principia Moderni IV Map Game). --Katie P Perry (talk) (talk) 00:25, October 13, 2018 (UTC)--Katie P Perry (talk) (talk) 00:25, October 13, 2018 (UTC)


What happened to this game? How come there haven't been any turns since May? 77topaz (talk) 01:21, September 28, 2019 (UTC)

IDK. Aluminium bronze hair time? (talk).