Alternative History

Finally, the RZA article and the Republic of the Cape have been combined in a sensible fashion.HAD 06:17, June 14, 2010 (UTC)

The combination of the two articles will not be complete until at least a synopsis of RZA is included in the "Occupation" section of this artlcle. A link to the RZA article for more information would complete the article. SouthWriter 14:26, June 14, 2010 (UTC)


The purpose of this review is to knock out some details that strike me as not plausible in this history. The main thrust of the history was that the Cape had to be run by an absolutely horrible regime to justify the ANZ-South American intervention of 2006. As I expressed elsewhere, I no longer think that this would motivate an intervention of this type. Two powers on opposite sides of the world, each crossing an ocean with a military force, the first time in decades that such an operation has taken place - all to topple one single dictator. I don't see it happening. On the other hand, if Cape Town were in a state of total anarchy, then it just might be worth their while to restore order. They definitely want to make sure that Cape Town stays a safe port, it's perhaps vital to both their interests in the long run.

Now to justify the intervention, Marais's government was made into something almost cartoonishly evil. With these changes, his rule can be scaled back a bit to something more realistic. Because really, he is an excellent choice to be the lead character in this story. He's opportunistic, rather macchiavellian, displays some cultural chauvinism when it comes to Cape Coloured identity. He even shows a hint of the would-be personality cultist: one interesting detail is that while mayor, he proposed placing loudspeakers all around Cape Town so that his speeches could be played in the streets. But all that doesn't translate into golden statues and bans on uttering the English language.

This way, the collapse of the Cape regime can be framed as Marais's machinations gone too far. Too many key groups felt betrayed, his White former allies turned on him, with support from the still-oppressed Black population. But he still was a populist and had the support of the Coloured majority. The army splits, the city erupts, the port stops functioning.

This I think will keep what really works about this history while changing the parts that don't. False Dmitri (talk) 20:40, 11 January 2022 (UTC)