Alternative History

That was the Spanish goal for moving into Mauritania, true, but not the goal for actions against the SADR. Moreover, the territory in brown has been Spanish for longer than that.

And, they don't control anything in Mali. Nor could they possibly have done anything there. Lordganon 00:04, March 28, 2012 (UTC)


does this map look ok?


  • SADR in yellow
  • Western Sahara in red
  • Morroco in green
  • Nouakchott in blue.

Is that extent ok or can I take more of northern Mauritania? i was thinking of the region of Tiris Zemmour. --Smoggy80 15:34, March 28, 2012 (UTC)

Smog, they don't control remotely even the extent you have them on this map right now. The extent on the Western Sahara map is correct.

Don't forget what I said about the Spanish above this, either.

Lordganon 19:05, March 28, 2012 (UTC)

The area in northern Mauritania is uncontrolled by any nation currently, it would make sense for the SADR to control that area, for no other reason than from stopping the Spanish having it. But it also gives access to the few oasis towns in northern Mauritania which would make sense if the Spanish were driving them back from the coastline, seeing as the Spanish are far more populus and militarily advanced than the SADR--Smoggy80 16:48, March 29, 2012 (UTC)

I don't consider that as making sense. Moreover, the Spanish have no reason or desire for the area. Nor would they let these guys do it. That's ignoring that in this area, virtually all the towns are already, on the Western Sahara map, under one or the other.

In all regards, this map is wrong. Heck, the areas that are part of Spain are even far smaller than they actually are.

Lordganon 00:57, March 30, 2012 (UTC)

In that case do you have any objections to making this a former nation and have the Spanish conquer all SADR lands, whilst Algeria clears the SADR from its borders. Either I could backdate the conquering or I could talk to the Spain editor and write something to happen over this summer --Smoggy80 13:24, March 30, 2012 (UTC)
