Alternative History

Soviets, Armenians, and Georgians[]

Elazig is rather far inland. The Soviets, Armenians, and Georgians couldn't and wouldn't reach that far. I might have made that mistake when I mentioned it initially in other articles, and if so I'm sorry. That's unrealistic though. There would be no Soviet, Georgian, or Armenian influences. The join Turko-Soviet states would be alone the Turkish-Soviet border. Caeruleus 01:37, September 2, 2010 (UTC)

Looks like this article is in for a removal of all Soviet influences. But, really, though. The Republic of Greater Patnos and New Erzurum seem initially too democratic and successful to be subject to instability brought by on a military regime, so I doubt they would be Soviet-Turkish states either, despite their borders with the Socialist republics. The only joint Soviet states would be ruled by military commanders, probably as in a dictatorship.--Emperor of Trebizond 02:02, September 2, 2010 (UTC)

New Erzurum isn't a democracy. It's essentially a popular dictatorship. Patnos is basically the only real(ish) democracy, however, it is fairly autocratic, but not severely so. They also weren't initially democratic. They transitioned to democracy over time. Most of the Turko-Soviet states are very small border states. None of the major nations have major Soviet influences. Caeruleus 02:07, September 2, 2010 (UTC)

I wrote a slow transition into democracy for Elazig. The aristocratic assembly panicked and agreed to put reforms into place due to rising dissatisfaction with the regime and instability. They also feared a loyalist revolt induced by the Sultanate. Consequently, this reform is set just a year before Elazig fell to the Sultanate.--Emperor of Trebizond 02:09, September 2, 2010 (UTC)

Sounds good. Caeruleus 03:16, September 2, 2010 (UTC)
