Alternative History

Current politics[]

Hello, there.

As I am a German myself and also extremely politically interested, I'd like to ask some things about the choice of these fictional chancellors and election results.

The vote against Kohl in 1990 (OTL Kohl victory was based on reunificational success) is known to be secure in a divided world. And facing the economic problems in Germany even in OTL, a big coalition is the best way to solve these problems.

But the thing I do not understand is the caesure between Lafontaine and Scharping amid the period of legistature. Which are the reasons for Lafontaine's retreat in ATL? As he was 53 years old only, calling age as a reason were silly. Budget problems as Lafontaine is considered left-wing?

The rise of the DKP seems somehow weird to me. In the 1980s the Green Party was a party demanding the abolition of the Federal Armed Forces and the withdrawal from NATO as well as the nationalisation of key industries, meaning a deeply left-wing party then. Today's OTL Greens only became pragmatic with the end of the Cold War and the Kosovo war setting up an assassination on the Green ideals not have come in ATL because of missing Gorbachev. Why should the Greens not have taken a profit of anti-moderate moods on the left side? Another question is why the Free Democrats got that week in ATL.

Right-wingers becoming strong in ATL is something well within possibility, but these 27 % of the "National Alliance" as the right-wing rat catcher seem to consider a parallel to the NDSAP results in the early 1930s. Furthermore regarding the results of the DKP, the left rat catcher and daughter of old KPD, seems to consider a similar parallel. The proposed rise of the extremes in ATL seems like a repetition of the Weimar downfall. Weimar downfall was caused by the non-acceptance of democracy in broad social classes then. Bonn was much more stable and the Germans knew that they were nothing without the NATO. Even an OTL Le Pen didn't get more than 18 % in France, a country without a tyrann like Hitler in history and with a traditionally higher national pride than the Germans.

Quite curious. Dr. Nodelescu 19:38, 14 May 2005 (UTC)
