Alternative History
Technate of Arcadia
Technaat Arkadien
Flag Coat of Arms
Flag Coat of Arms
Location of Arcadia
Location of Arcadia
Protect and take care, work and efficiency
Anthem "Heckerlied/Hymne der Republik"
Capital New Constantinople
Largest city New Constantinople
Other cities Neu Leipzig, Dwuamish
  others English, Sinkyone Mzerkan, Russian, Salish, Dietsch, Navajo, Comanche
Roman-Catholicism, Russian Orthodoxy
  others Mzerkan Mythology
Ethnic Group Russians, Germans, Salish, English and Déne
Demonym Arcadian
Government Technate
  Legislature General Directorate
Established 1641
Independence from Russia
  declared 1882
  recognized 1883
Currency Frank as of 1925
Driving Side Left
Calling Code 131

General Information[]

The Technate of Arcadia is a state that can been seen as the indirect successor of the Empire of California and the Kingdom of Mzerka, although it does not admire that memory, as it is seen as oppressive. This state sees monarchy as its biggest enemy since it saw the Royal House of Diltwa as those who ruined their union with the Mexicans and Panamanians.

The official name is Technate of Arcadia, but West-Pacifica is used with Germans, Mzerka with the native Déne, Arcadia with the English speaking population and Paktinoayan by the very small Nahuatl speaking community.


The economy is directed by Proffesionals with the largest entity being a Economic Directorate which is  the largest entity for economic redirection.

The economic redirection  is decided by actual profesionals where they discuss it for their respective state weekly and for the Technate's entire Economy Monthly.

History of Arcadia[]

Tribal era []

In the tribal era the country was know as Sinkyone where it was a minor state for a long while where nothing was written down. This made oral tradition and paintings the best form of information.

War of Brothers[]

After a strong chief know as Diltwa with the help of Mythological Chipmunks known to them as Sinkyone Chipmunks helped him discover agriculture that made him very strong and made the population boom. This happened for years in the country but then the Iberians came around and he and his brother came to a disagreement that first was just a minor argument about how they should interact with the Iberian Crown. This eventually became a real division in the country. This led to civil war with both brothers seeking support of the people and the army. Chief Diltwa was the conservative who wanted to preserve the Sinkyone way of life and the power of the medical elders and their aid. His brother Paulo was, on the other hand, quite progressive and pro-Iberian. He wanted to adopt Iberian ideals and government to help to stop feuds with other tribes. This war was more then a half-century long and was won by Paulo because the Iberian support he got from them.

Foundation of the Kingdom[]

Chief Paulo directly declared the Kingdom of Sinkyone on the Iberian model even if his country sounded like a European one it was quite tribal and more a kingdom in name then in practice. The king did in need of Vatican aid converted to Roman Catholicism but for him it was just known as Christianity.

Mzerka flag

Early Flag of Sinkyone and Wiyot

The Silent Age[]

Flag of Mzerka V1

Flag of Mzerka with squirrel looking at the people

This age was well written and documented but the nation mostly experienced a great technological leap with the Iberians providing guns to Mzerkans. While that happened, one of their kings married his sons to a daughter of a Sinkyone chief. This made his son both ruler of the Sinkyones and the Mzerkans after they died but this did not incorporate the two kingdoms but made them just in a personal union. Eventually, after years and two kings, they formally became one Kingdom under the name of The Kingdom of Mzerka and Wiyot or "Reino de Mzercia e Wiyoté". This was one of the most loyal nations to the Iberian crown with it allowing Iberian demands without any questioning.

Imperial Unification[]

The Unification With the Aztlán Federation Happened shortly after the treaty of San Diego when Californians Unhappy generals of its nation tried to overthrow the Emperor Philipe Augusthino Diltwa I. However, this failed while this did keep California from a civil war it did weaken it enough to have the Emperor ask to join the federation as in the treaty of Diltwa Wituye as the state of Grande Califórnia. After which many of the Former Californian institutions like the army model were taken over by the Aztlán federation since the Californians experienced their independence for a long 150 years. After this the nation really began a transitional Period with laws being established and states made this time was one where they prepared for democracy to be granted in a period of ten to 20 years after independence. The Alliance between California and the Salish nation was also renewed and edited to fit the Aztlán and Salish needs. During this period parties got also founded like the Mēxihcah Iluitsintli, a party of Aztec nationalists and imperialists, who wish to have Augusthino Diltwa return to the nation to bring the Aztec Empire back to its former glory.

The Overthrow of the Federation. []

In 1798 the first elections were held in the then Aztlán Federation and Mēxihcah iluitsintli Won the elections with 79% of the votes going to them and the other 21% to independent candidates who after their heavy defeat formed the Federalist Party. After the burning of churches and other administrative buildings in California happened the Aztec party had an emergency called and then quickly installed the son of the former Californian Emperor and they crowned him Tlahtoāni Moctezuma Raul Augusthino Diltwa I.He quickly there after proclaimed the Mēxihcatl Emperadoryōtl ,Raul quickly changed the flag and began preparing for the liberation of the rest of Cēmānāhuac (the word wasn't in use then yet but it refers to Arcadia and Laurentia).

The Age of War[]

The Influence started from early 1800's with it making deals with all organisations of Granada even if some were of questionable legitimacy. In 1801 the Mehicans - which includes California - attacked the new Granadians due to a deal that wasn't followed by one faction. The next year the Granadians dissolved a workers army but this action was not recognised. However, they did allow - for the moment - to have some soldiers in New Granada to protect the nation and the imperial court would also demand the recognition of their imperial puppet. In 1802 the Granadians would send a message not recognising this false puppet government. 1803 saw the Imperials demanding "1) the ending of any provocation to Mehican Empire. 2) Giving the Panama Isthmus to the State of Guatemala. 3) The recognition of "o governo provisório do grande Panamá para a liberdade e a causa da liberdade." as legitimate and as part of the the Novo Granadian republic. If these conditions are not met Our Great Imperial nation has to declare war in support of the "o governo provisório do grande Panamá para a liberdade e a causa da liberdade" This was clearly a violation of their sovereignty. 1804 saw war due to seeing no answer by the New Granadians as a Refusal even if possibly that the message was lost or damaged too much to have the need for the response. It caused a siege of their capital with many deaths. In 1805 the Granadians were forced to surrender their liberty and accept an imperial puppet. For a small moment there was peace but this would not last for long - only until 1810 but during this time the Imperial house tried to use propaganda telling about the so called Mehican Liberty. In 1810 the Panamanians refused to recognise the tyrant king of Mehico as their ruler. In 1813 the Mehicans began to ask for discussion to save face. The Mehican emperor began to demand the Panamanians to come to the discussion table. The Emperor, after a half-year, in early 1815, decided to ready his army and to arrest many Panamanians. In 1816 the Imperial army decimated the Panamanian rebels with many deaths on their side without need. Many were surrendering - men just wanting to go to their homes. Tlahtoāni Carlos de Mérida e Augusthino Diltwa I decided to replace the Panamanian government and at same time integrate and get it ruled from Guadalajara. After this, the Mehicans occupied Panama and started to set the army occupation ready for local puppet rule and of course, the Mehican writer Pino wrote about the defeat of these people acting like the Mehicans were great and Panamanians deserved it. Panama had 35,000 troops stationed to keep their people suppressed. The Mehicans even began to claim Godly right and might, which is a laughable joke. During the peace except for with the Panamanian's life was good and advances were made. When a Panamanian Loyalist tried to claim that his deed were ordered the Mehicans denied it and dismissed Duarte. Because of this, the Mehicans readied their army in 1821. Due to these actions against Panama and the Brits they declared war, which hopefully, would liberate Mehico from a Diltwa. Duarte tried to enforce his own rule which was surprisingly both against the wishes of the Panamanians and the Mehicans. On the 22th of January 1824 a coup d'etat happened. The House of Diltwa had to flee Mehico and go back to Mzerka/California to keep their dynasty alive and well.

Russian Occupation []

Nerian Era[]

The Nerian age is the time period when Vincent Neri was the main leader of the federated States in Arcadia. His Influence started in the empire of Providence where he was the main adviser of the Nation. until he had to flee due to the civil war - which was closing in on his residence and the capital. After fleeing his country and joining the Providence Legion Neri began to perfect his Standard Arcadian German and even some Mzerkan. His experience in the FSA did change him a lot since he could get this hands on banned or non-printed books about Providence and its government and mostly the Emperor. Some Generals and general staff of the Arcadian Republican Army who are members of the "Coalition against Syndicalism" begin to make him become the main figure and leader of their Plan to overthrow the Providence government due to the CAS fear of Syndicalism spreading in the wake of the providence instability. 

Providence Legion flag

Flag of the Providence Legion made after Neris victory

General of the Oriental Seryye, Vincent Neri, stormed the Royal Palace of Providence on the 13th of January 1906. This was done by the Providence Legion of the Oriental Seryye which numbers a total of 13,000 soldiers. After the storming of the royal palace and the personal surrender of the Providence emperor, many generals and politicians switched their alliance to general with a total of 53 of the 95 Ministers switching. They named Neri "Le premier consul de la providence et son peuple Libre". Neri officially adopted a flag that has a dark blue background with a white St George's cross on it. With the adoption of the new flag came the creation of a new and Republican constitution which is known as "Les article Libere" which defined the natural rights and duties of the people in Providence. The first Consul did suffer from some minor rebellions over Providence mostly from Anglo- and Germanophobes, who feared he will lead Providence into becoming a slave of the Federated States. After the strain of the Reforms on the economy and the Republic of Providence, Neri and His his cabinet voted for a union with greater autonomy with The Federated States of Arcadia. The ARA after this vote and hearing an invitation to aid in the integration goes over the Arcadian-Providence border. This was done by Generals of the ARA without presidential orders. Due to this, The president tried to recall this change of defence line. His presidency eventually accepts as he saw that this was the best option left and he even called on the CAS and telling that their actions have been just.

Technate constitution[]


Ulama is a ball game played in a few communities in the Arcadia and Aztlán.

Descended from the Azteco version of the Cēmānāhuac Ballgame the game is one of the oldest continuously played sports in the world and is notable for the fact that it is the oldest known game using a rubber ball.

The word ulama comes from the Nahuatl word ōllamaliztli a combination of ōllamas (playing a game with a ball) and ōllei (rubber). Ōllamaliztli was the Aztec name for the Cēmānāhuac ballgame, which has been played since 2000 BC and is played in the Aztlán Republic, Arcadia and Providence.

Even with the Iberian conquest of the Aztecs and big influence of Mzerka it did survive although less glorious and big due to the big Catholic influence in the region. After the Mzerkan royal house got power over Mehico, it would gain players due to Mzerkans playing the game more and more.

During the Russian occupation of The federated states Ulama almost died due the sport being Prosecuted by the Russians as they saw the sport part of pagan religion, Even when this sport was not native to the Culoden religion but came over from the Aztlán religion. 

After the Russian occupation was over and religious freedoms were established once more. With these rights came the first wave of Ulama Revivalism which was centred on making it more available but not change the Costumes or Rules, This made it so that this version of Ulama was Very harsh and painful to play as around 30 % of the players got heavy injuries per year. This version of Ulama Became Know as Old Ulama. The newer more modernised version is know as Revised ulama or Rulama.