The Mexican-American War |
The War of Secession |
The Spanish-Americas War |
The Great War |
The Texan-American War |
The World War |
The Cold War |
The Spasm |
Post-Apocalypse Brush Wars |
With the death of Franz-Ferdinand of Austria, the complex web of alliances of Europe began unraveling into factions that quickly polarized into two world alliances pitted against one another.
Siding with Austro-Hungary were Germany, Bulgaria and the Ottoman Empire. After the infamous Zimmerman Telegram, the United States of America joined the war effort firmly on the side of Germany against the Entente powers.
The Entente grew gradually to encompass France, Portugal, Great Britain, and by extension the Kingdom of Canada and the Confederate States of America. Italy eventually joined on the side of the Entente, notwithstanding its treaties with Germany and Austria-Hungary.
As the fighting began in earnest on the American continent, the United States quickly overpowered British power in the Kingdom of Canada, and with a promise of Sovereignty to Quebec, secured a strong ally against the British with the creation of the Republic of New France.
Although the war dragged on for nearly 5 years, the official peace treaty, the Treaty of the Saarland was signed in June of 1919, marking the official end to hostilities.
The European War[]
On the 28 June 1914, Gavrilo Princip, a Bosnian Serb student, killed Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, in Sarajevo. Princip was a member of Young Bosnia, a group whose aims included the unification of the South Slavs and independence from Austria-Hungary. The assassination in Sarajevo set into motion a series of fast-moving events that eventually escalated into full-scale war. Austria-Hungary demanded action by Serbia to punish those responsible, and when Austria-Hungary deemed Serbia had not complied, declared war. Major European powers were at war within weeks because of overlapping agreements for collective defense and the complex nature of international alliances. The USA and CSA became embroiled on the American continent and were not able to contribute in the first years of the war. The Arrival of US forces following the peace treaty with the United Kingdom in 1917 tipped the final balance of the war in favor of the Alliance.
The American War[]
While the United States of America was focused on the occupation of the Kingdom of Canada, the Confederate States of America and Republic of Texas saw the relatively undefended borders with Territory ripe for the taking. With the United States pushing north into the frigid Canadian plains, the Confederate States quickly advanced to the Mason-Dixon Line, occupying Delaware, Maryland and Virginia, and the whole of Kentucky. As in Europe, the winter of 1915 brought a hunkering-down, and trench warfare began in earnest.
Advancing as far north as Philadelphia in the east and Champaign-Urbana in the west, the South settled in, expecting the full support and strength of the British Empire. This was proven to be false as the US-German blockade of Britain stymied the British war effort.
Texas remained unaligned in the early years of the war in the face of European interests, but did not hesitate in declaring war on Mexico and later the USA as Texan troops moved into eastern Louisiana and southern Sequoia in the end of 1916. In the Jeff Davis III letter, the CSA and Texas agreed to shut off the USA's traffic through the Mississippi mouth and in a lightning war together invaded the whole of Kentucky, Louisiana, half of Arkansas and half of West Virginia.
With this distraction the US eagerly accepted the pleas of the United Kingdom for peace, including the ceding of Canada to the United States of America as spoils of war. The Yanks redeployed after securing Canada, although this was to prove later a difficult statement, as most of the non-French Canadians were decidedly united with Britain and did not welcome their Yankee invaders in the slightest.
The End of European War and the Aftermath[]
With the Yankee arrival in support of Kaiser Wilhelm II the war came to a quick and decisive end against the British, French, Confederates and their allies. As the war progressed, Great Britain was quickly forced to their knees with the embargo of food and supplies because of the German/US blockade. With their exit from the war, France quickly submitted to the demands of Germany to recind all claims to the Alsace-Lorraine region and to demilitarize within 100 miles of the border of Germany. Germany claimed dominion of Holland and Belgium which were incorporated into the German Empire. Punitive damages were exacted of the Entente Powers, leading to a terrible downfall in their economies.
With the loss of France and the United Kingdom, Italy soon folded, as did Russia with the Communist revolution. As a result of German success in the war, Norway-Sweden, heretofore unified only by personal union, which nearly sundered in the 1905 Swedish Civil War strengthened their ties. Following the war Denmark refused to join the Skandinaviska Kungariket despite offers.
The Austro-Hungarian Empire self-destructed, and a great number of Eastern European states were created. Many of these squabbled in border disputes throughout the interbellum. The Ottomans likewise met their decline and Germany took Regency of their liberated territories as spoils of war.
For its non-interference Germany and the United States gave Spain protectorship of Morocco, Al-Jazarya and Tunisia. Germany took protectorship of Tripolitania, Cyrenika, Egypt, Palestina, Trans-Jordan, Cyprus and Arabia. For backing out graciously, Russia was granted Turkey, Syria-Lebanon and Iraaq.
As the victor Germany dictated that the Balkans and Eastern Europe would be divided into smaller countries, creating a veritable patchwork of countries. As part of the initial treaty of Brest-Litovsk, Russia surrendered former Polish territory for the creation of White Poland, and Austrian Galicia became Poland. Ireland was liberated as an independent country, and Istanbul was awarded to the Greeks as Constantinople.
The End of North American War and the Aftermath[]
The United States quickly beat the Confederates back with their technology, as they used tanks, mustard gas and other agents against their Southern Cousins. The south quickly sued for peace at the end of 1918. This had repercussions against their British and French allies, who were still embroiled in the battles of the Great War in continental Europe, and hurt the diplomatic standing of the CSA in their eyes. They felt that it was the responsibility of the CSA to keep Yankee forces pre-occupied so they could not be redeployed in Europe.
The Texans agreed to peace and the ceding by the US of the states Texas had invaded. This peace treaty did not stop the Texan War Machine, which redirected its advance southwesterly, against the fledgling People's Republic of Mexico. The fledgling Communist nation was supported in word by Russia under the rule of Lenin, but no financial or military support was forthcoming.
As far as historical documents show the war of Texas and Mexico ended out of boredom on the parts of Texan aristocrats who tired of massacring Mexican peasants. A peace treaty was signed, ceding Chihuahua, Sonora and part of Sineloa. Present research suggests that the Texans could have taken Mexico in complete conquest, had they wished. Historians are quick to point out the significant refugee state that would have ensued had Texas completely conquered Mexico.
Birth of the Allianz der Staaten[]
Following Immanuel Kant's treatise titled "Perpetual Peace," the Germans initiated the Allianz der Staaten in December of 1919 with a conference held in Dubhlinn, Ireland. An initial draft was drawn up at the Dubhlinn conference and on April 12, 1920, the draft was ratified.
Transfer of Colonies[]
As penalty of the war, France, the Confederate States of America and the United Kingdom were stripped of their former colonies. Due to the large nature of the colonies and the difficulties of managing their own colonial empires, the USA and Germany shared the spoils with their allies, Russia, and New France. The USA, currying favor with the Scandinavian Union and Spain offered them colonies in India and the west coast of Africa, respectively, which were accepted.
Given that Congo and Madagascar were French speaking colonies, the US offered them to ally New France to control. In the end, the following nations were created as protectorates:
Spanish Colonies
- Spanish Africa
German Colonies
- German Africa
- Arabia
- German Guinea
- Sindistan (Afghanistan and Pakistan)
Scandinavian Colonies
- Bombai
- Gangistan
American Colonies
- Australnesia
- Australasia
- New Zealand
- Bengalia
- Caribbea
- Guyana and Guinea
- Indochina
- Malaya
- Myanma
- Suidafrike
- West Africa
New French Colonies
- Congo
- Madagascar
- Indian Ocean Dependencies