Alternative History
The Kingdom of Pelee
The Kingdom of Pelee Flag
7 kingdoms of Boriken
7 kingdom of Boriken which includes The Kingdom of Pelee in the bottom right of the map
(and largest city)
Official languages Taino
Recognised regional languages Arawakan-Caribian
Ethnic groups  Tainan and Caribian
Demonym Peleean
Government Monarchy
 -  Emperor Pelee The Great
Establishment 492 BC
 -  Arrival of Taino Slave Escapees 487 BC 
 -  Establishment of Peleia 483 BC 
 -  Beginning of the Peliea City-State 480 BC 
 -  Expansion and the Neo-Zemiyism Diaspora 470 BC 
 -  The Beginning of the Kingdom  
 -  Total 932 km2 
360 sq mi 
 -  390 BC estimate 300,000 
Currency Cassavana (no standard)

The Kingdom of Pelee was one of the 7 kingdoms of Boriken. This state existed from 480 BC to 230 BC after being succeeded by the Boriken Empire in 229 BC. This Kingdom began as a City-State after 8,500 slaves escaped from the Caribs in 500 BC leading to the Great Escape led by Prophet Pelee of Dominika who began his own religion based off the now labeled Old Zemiyism and claimed that there were truly only 2 divine beings that took the shape of multiple forms. After the grand escape to The Motherland of Boriken, a society began to form and an established city was created named Peliea. This city became the center of the empire to worship the Gods, Solos and Lunas and with the blessings of the gods, this became the most successful Pre-Jaraguan State starting the Bronze Age in the Americas. 



It is believed by The Book of Yuga that the Kingdom began from the Prophet Pelee who helped free over 8,000 Taino Slaves in 500 BCAt this time, the land was undeveloped and only had around 400 or so Native inhabitence at the landing site now called Pelee's Point on the southern coast of Boriken and just to the south of the Ruins of Peliea. Although the origins still remain to be controversial, the book has been proven to be factually correct compared to other cultures and religious story archives and literature.  

Following the landing of the ships and slave escapees, a place of worship is established named the Neo-Zemiyist Rebulca where worship of both God's Solos and Lunas were conducted every 3rd day of the calendar. Following this establishment, the huts would continue to grow in size as the population increased. By 483 arrived, the provincial state of Peliea was established in honor of the prophet, Pelee. This state soon began to modernize huts and start up forms of irrigation and successful crop growth. Huts began to turn into more better designed homes and trade began to be conducted while new pathways were built from 475 BC to 470 BC.

Neo-Zemiyism Diaspora

It is thought after the establishment of Peliea, that the Taino's began to spread the word of Solos and Lunas across the island. The start of this spread of the religion in Boriken is thought to have happened between 475 BC and 465 BC as the story describes the adventures of the prophet Julanga Byera as she travelled across Boriken. This leads to a revolution in the whole belief of Zemiyism with Old Zemiyism becoming more scare. Archeologist and Historians have speculated when this downfall of Old Zemiyism began but an exact date was never pinpointed putting the time period from around 450 BC and 420 BC. As the spread of this religion is pushed forward, a connected and united Rebulca is established with Pelee being the leader of the united Rebulca. The cause of this leads to the establishment of the second Provincial state named Bugrana to the north of Peliea and another state protected by Peliea named Gargura established by several dozen citizens and religious representatives of the united Rebulca between 410 BC and 380 BC. As this continues to develop, The United Rebulca increasingly grows with now the head of government also the head of religion, things seem to be favorable for smooth sailing until around 350 BC when a small uprising breaks out in support of a new category of Neo-Zemiyism.
