Alternative History

(POD) An error is made in a steel mill, two steam boiler orders are mixed up, one for the engineer Hiram Maxim, and the other for the ship wright Anthony Duram. Maxim recieves a faulty boiler which explodes killing him and destroying his workshop in 1865. The ship wright Anthony Duram is not killed and becomes amazed at the strength of the steel boiler, inspiring him to design a steel warship for the Royal Navy. In 1872 the Monroe Doctrine was overturned by President Ulyssess S. Grant, due to threats from European powers about trade.

Note (The Maxim)

Impact Pre-19th century

Colonial Wars (The Maxim)

Weapon development 18th century (The Maxim)

20th Century

European Tensions (The Maxim)

The Grand War (The Maxim)

Aftermath (The Maxim)

Nominated for Deletion

This page has been nominated for deletion, for the following reason: --Karsten vK (talk) 09:42, 22 September 2007 (UTC). Please correct the issue or this page may be deleted.

Regards, hardly any actual content

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