Alternative History
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Here is a list of the military assets and order of battle for the Venezuelan Republic. When something is destroyed or sold it is deducted, when new stuff is made it is added and when it’s ‘mothballed’ and put in storage it is struck through.

Order of Battle[]

  1. 19 Infantry Divisions
  2. 3 Artillery regiments
  3. 1 Paratrooper Regiment
  4. 2 Mechanised Regiments
  5. 4 Armoured Companies
  6. 2 Transportation Regiments
  7. 2 Communications Companies
  8. 3 Enginearing Companies
  9. 5 Fighter Wings
  10. 3 Bomber Wings
  11. 1 Strategic Wing
  12. 1 Reconnaissance wing
  13. 1 Multi-Purpose Wing
  14. Missile command
  15. The V.O.I.A. secret service
  16. Customs service
  17. Coastal defence
  18. Anti-aircraft defence

Individual service statistics[]

Air force[]

5 Fighter Wings[]

  1. 6 Espionage derived copy Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-17
  2. 15 Rogožarski IK-3 fighters.
  3. 10 MiG 15 comparable fighters,
  4. 3 CR.32 comparable fighters.
  5. 7 Polish PZL P.11 fighter aircraft
  6. 6 Henkel He 162 Fighters
  7. 2 Polish PWS-10 fighter

3 Bomber Wings[]

  1. 11 'Pena de muerte concepción' (death penalty idea) class bombers.
  2. 2 Junkers Ju 388 bombers
  3. 10 Yak 1 fighter copies

1 Strategic Wing[]

  1. 6 Espionage derived copy Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-19
  2. 2 Espionage derived copy Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-21
  3. 5 Mil-2 comparable helicopters,
  4. An experimental Argentine XMF (X-15 equivalent) fighter.
  5. 2 Junkers Ju 88 Night fighters
  6. 2 Junkers Ju 88 tactical bombers
  7. 6 Junkers Ju 87 Stuka dive bombers
  8. 6 Junkers Ju 88 Night fighters
  9. 2 Junkers Ju 88 Dive bombers
  10. 2 Junkers Ju 388 reconnaissance aircraft
  11. 2 Junkers Ju 388 heavy fighters
  12. 10 F-6 Hinds

1 Multi-Purpose Wing[]

  1. 10 Stinson Reliant general utility plain
  2. 6 MiG 15 comparable fighters,
  3. 20 WW2 style Opel Blitz trucks
  4. 2 Mil Mi-1 equivalent helicopters
  5. 4 Sikorsky H-5 equivalent helicopters
  6. 2 Mil-2 comparable helicopters,
  7. 6 Avro Lancaster derived bombers
  8. 11 LWD Junak trainer equivalent aircraft
  9. 11 Yakovlev Yak-12 light multirole STOL equivalent aircraft

1 Reconisance wing[]

  1. 2 Dornier Do 24 comparable air-sea rescue flying boats
  2. 2 Dornier Do 24 comparable reconnaissance flying boats
  3. 10 Stinson Reliant photographic reconnaissance plain
  4. 50 M5 FALRV Pumas Comparable with Focke-Achgelis Fa 269
  5. Heinkel created the Tr 03 (OTL counter-part Bell X-22),

Ant-aircraft defence[]

  1. 3 90 mm Gun M1/M2/M3 anti-aircraft guns
  2. 10 WW2 style Opel Blitz trucks
  3. 4 PZL.56 Kania equivalent fighters


The high seas fleet[]

All Chávez class frigates were retrofitted with a rear facing (stern/aft) QF 4.7 inch Gun Mk I–IV Naval gun alongside the existing machine gun in 1957.

  1. 6 'Conquistador class' frigates (comparable to the USS Abilene (PF-58)).
  2. 2 Junkers Ju 88 Torpedo bombers
  3. 6 'Leticia class' support vessels akin to the USS Aquarius (AKA-16) Andromeda-class attack cargo ships.
  4. 5 Chávez class frigates.
  5. 6 ex-Yugoslav Dreadnought ship (comparable with Nevada-class Battleship).
  6. 5 'Bolivar class' (OTL Bogata) light gunboats
  7. 2 MAC ship that is a direct espionage gained copy of HMS Activity (D94)
  8. 14 Fairy Swordfish comparable aircraft
  9. 5 Dornier Do 24 comparable reconnaissance flying boats
  10. 3 Dornier Do 24 comparable air-sea rescue flying boat
  11. 3 Mil-2 comparable helicopters
  12. 1 HMAS Albatross equivalent seaplane tender
  13. 1 HMS Furious equivalent aircraft carrier
  14. 4 Sikorsky H-5 helicopters
  15. 4 Lublin R-XX torpedo bombers
  16. 2 PZL.56 Kania equivalent fighters
  17. 1 A ship comparable to the Japanese seaplane carrier Wakamiya + two Japanese mad Maurice Farman seaplanes of 1914
  18. 6 (in construction) 'Bolas' class tank landing ship comparable to the USS King County (LST-857)
  19. 1 HMS Furious equivalent aircraft carrier
  20. 1 A HMAS Albatross equivalent seaplane tender
  21. 20 WW2 style Opel Blitz trucks

River patrole[]

  1. Paraguay's 1920's gunboat Humaitá.
  2. 6 'Bolivar class' (OTL Bogata) light gunboats
  3. 1 Dornier Do 24 comparable reconnaissance flying boats

Coastal defence[]

  1. 212 QF 4.7 inch Gun Mk I–IV Coastal defence guns
  2. 6 'Bolivar class' (OTL Bogata) light gunboats
  3. 1 Dornier Do 24 comparable reconnaissance flying boats
  4. 4 Lublin R-XX torpedo bomber
  5. 22 Fairy Swordfish comparable aircraft
  6. 20 WW2 style Opel Blitz trucks


Transportation Regiment[]

  1. 50 WW2 style Opel Blitz trucks
  2. 20 GAZ-AA 1920’s Ford trucks
  3. 4 Sikorsky H-5 equivalent helicopters
  4. 1 Boeing 377 (with modifications for heavy ordnance payloads)
  5. 2 Junkers Ju-77

Infantry Divisions[]

  1. 20 GAZ-AA 1920’s Ford trucks
  2. 20 WW2 style Opel Blitz trucks

Artillery Regiment[]

  1. 40 WW2 style Opel Blitz trucks
  2. 50 QF 4.5 inch Howitzers
  3. 27 QF 4.7 inch Gun Mk I–IV Medium field guns
  4. 2 QF 3 pounder Hotchkiss adapted guns

Mechanised Regiments[]

  1. 1 British Mk1 Lozenge tank
  2. 30 WW2 style Opel Blitz trucks
  3. 1 British Mk4 Whippet tank
  4. 7 Vickers 6-tone tanks
  5. 5 Polish Ciągnik Siedmiotonowy Polski "7-tonnes Polish Tractor"
  6. 2 Czechoslovak heavy 220 mm wz.32 Škoda mortars,
  7. 14 Fiat M11/39 tanks

Armoured Companies[]

  1. 30 WW2 style Opel Blitz trucks
  2. 5 Panzer II tanks
  3. 16 Panzer III copped tanks
  4. 5 Polish 7TP tanks
  5. 6 M26 Pershing tanks
  6. 44 M1928 Christie prototype design tanks
  7. 5 Tiger I copied tank
  8. 4 KV-1 tank equivalents
  9. 1 PWS-21 passenger plane
  10. 10 Búrke mobile rocket launcher equivalent
  11. 6 Yugoslav Mammoth Super Heavy Tank
  12. 25 OTL Sherman equivalent tanks

Paratrooper Regiment[]

  1. Paratoopers carry a rifle, 4 Carumbe'i (Guaraní for "little turtle") Class grenades, binoculars, a combat knife, a med-kit and a WW2 Luger equivalent pistol.
  2. 10 WW2 style Opel Blitz trucks
  3. 2 Yak 1 fighter copies
  4. 1 Avro Lancaster derived bomber
  5. 1 LWD Junak trainer equivalent aircraft

Missile command[]

  1. 8 conventional high explosive V2 comparable rockets
  2. 6 high explosive carrying equivalents to the OTL MGR-1 Honest John rocket
  3. 2 high explosive carrying PGM-17 Thor copy missiles
  4. 6 high explosive carrying SSM-N-8 Regulus comparable missiles
  5. 5 high explosive/fragmentation carrying Nikie Zeus anti-ballistic missile type missiles
  6. 1 MiG 15 equivalent fighter
  7. 1 Polish PZL P.11 fighter aircraft
  8. 10 M1928 Christie prototype design tanks
  9. 10 WW2 style Opel Blitz trucks


The Venezuelan Overseas Intelligence Agency (V.O.I.A.) is formed in 1935 to do espionage and special ops work.

  1. 2 Polish PWS-10 fighters
  2. 1 PZL.23 Karaś light bomber
  3. 1 PWS-21 passenger plane
  4. 2 LWD Junak equivalent trainer aircraft
  5. 2 Sikorsky H-5 equivalent helicopters,
  6. 10 WW2 style Opel Blitz trucks
  7. CIA / FBI/ KGB / MI5 / OSS /SOE /SAS/Australian SIS/ Mossad/Le Securte/GFGS/ James Bond secret agent stuff, etc.

Customs service[]

  1. 1 'Bolivar class' (OTL Bogatar) light gunboat
  2. 4 Sikorsky H-5 equivalent helicopters
  3. 10 WW2 style Opel Blitz trucks