Alternative History

Flag of Siberia

The POD[]

It's 1333, the Ming are pushing the Mongols back, but at a slow pace. A small 32 man group gets lost in west Siberia. They're mostly killed by a remote but skilled tribe of hunter gatherers. The three men that survive teach them how to make gunpowder, mathematics and Islam. In the Years to follow, Sibeland, soon renamed Siberia, will become an industrial and economic power, and form a strong alliance with China.                                                                                                     

with China's help[]

The tribe lets one of the men go to the Emperor. Men from China come to teach them religion, and help establish a government, hoping they would join the fight against the Mongols. Svial Vokinyomi, a man from the Guoi tribe, unites most of OTL South Siberian Federation of Russia. They develop a more accurate type of pole gin, with the very first scope, made by clear polished Obsidian from a nearby volcano. Siberia develops a money economy. They practically grow their military. By then the Ming and other countries had weakened the Mongols but Siberia still had fun finishing them off. Emperor Vokinyomi  and Emperor Hongwu sign an alliance On January 27 1346.

Siberian-Moscow war[]

On March 4 1440, just two months after Ivan III took power, Moscow invaded Siberia. Thinking that only small tribes splotched Siberia, he got land hungry. but the vast Siberian army made quick work of the small army unit he sent and on July 12 1440, Siberia started a counter offensive, and with a new weapon, the cannon, tore down the walls of Moscow in just 31 days. Moscow surrendered the day after, and was annexed by Siberia.

New land[]

Hearing of the New world, Siberia wanted a piece of it. On December 9 1502, They send explorers to this area. They land in an area they call Venuaneuland (OTL Anchorage). They soon take all of OTL Alaska. On January 19, 1503, another exploration group  gets caught in a storm, having to go south. They land in OTL Kyoto Japan. They take Hokkaido and Honshu islands, but don't cross the sea to the southern islands. By the end of the century, they also take OTL British Colombia and the Pacific Northwest, which would be near the end of their expansion.

Fur-Opium war[]

In 1671, the Qing takes power of China. Britain takes this as a trade opportunity. They trade them for Opium. As the addicts rise and the country's power falls. They demand the British leave their country or war will be imminent. at the start of the 18th century, Britain invades OTL Hong Kong. Siberia responds by banning all Fur trade to England. Since Fur is important, Britain declares war on Siberia. Seeing an opportunity, France declares war on England. France Invades Dublin, Ireland while Siberia and Qing China retake Hong Kong.  Siberia then sends Ships to Destroy all merchant ships going to the American Colonies. As Deaths go up and the Economy goes down, England surrenders on May 11 1719.

The Steam Era[]

After the war, Siberia became a place everybody wanted to trade with. On March 7 1740, a Siberian scientist/inventor invented something revolutionary... the steam boat. Within months they invented the steam train. This allowed them to have faster trade and transport. By 1772, steam powered horseless carriages appeared. This marks the Industrial eras beginning. roads crisscrossed the mainland. Bridges connected Siberia to Alaska and Japan. While more roads crisscrossed the colonies. On February 22, 1808, Siberia Conquered OTL Montana, Wyoming, Nevada and Southern California. Meanwhile, The British and Spanish Colonies Revolted and created the Northern United Mexico, and so-called the NUM. Siberia and NUM set a border along the OTL Mississippi River, while they also get Louisiana, Texas, New Mexico, and Mexico. They join in on the alliance with China and Siberia. They form the Tripartite Pact on August 1, 1818.

The War of Australia[]

On December 18 1881, Serbia lands on West Australia (OTL Perth). Not knowing Spain had occupied Central and East Australia and moving west fast. Siberia claims the area is theirs and start moving eastward. They encounter Spain at the start of the New Year, and engage in a year-long battle ends in an embarrassing defeat for Siberia. They give up the territory and flee back to Siberia. A year later, a trio in the NUM, named Maxwell Lee Harris, Diego De Sanchez and Oliver Wright, invent the airplane, they share there invention with Siberia and China (the rest of the Tripartite pact). Siberia quickly make a better version, with an Automatic turret, by 1890. Remembering Spain, The pact invades Australia, and conquer it after five years of bloody war. Spain invades Finland with help from Spain, causing Sweden to Join Siberia's war. Siberia and Sweden Fight a Ten year campaign in Finland, which Ends in a victory, while Siberia orders airstrikes on the French city of Monaco and the Spanish Canary Islands. Karl Marx's Communist theory causes uprisings in France, so they drop out of the war. Spain is eventually outnumbered and Surrenders on December 23 1921. France becomes the UFSS (United French Socialist states) .

20th century Achievements[]

Siberia will soon invent multiple items, including Fossil Fuel electricity on December 2 1929 (replacing steam), Landing a man on the moon on September 19 1969, Cloning a cow on March 5 1991 and building an International space station with NUM, Britain, Spain and China on an unknown date in the 2000's. Siberia is a military and economical superpower, but shares the title with UFSS. Yu V Makinwu became the first man to climb to the top of Mt Everest. As of now, Siberia, leading the path for many countries, is planning to land a man on Mars by the year 2015.